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John Carter of Mars Launches

John Carter of Mars, Modiphius' 2d20-powered pulp-action sci-fi RPG, is now available in PDF format! "Edgar Rice Burrough’s John Carter of Mars: Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoom transports you to the Red Planet of Barsoom, an arid, dying land of ancient civilizations and fearsome creatures. Begin your adventures of romance and heroism using a pulp-action inspired variant of the 2d20 System. Take on the role of heroes as you travel, battle, and romance your way across the wondrous and dangerous world of Barsoom. Play as John Carter, Princess Dejah Thoris, the fearsome Thark warrior Tars Tarkas – or create your own heroes from an exciting variety of options. "

John Carter of Mars, Modiphius' 2d20-powered pulp-action sci-fi RPG, is now available in PDF format! "Edgar Rice Burrough’s John Carter of Mars: Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoom transports you to the Red Planet of Barsoom, an arid, dying land of ancient civilizations and fearsome creatures. Begin your adventures of romance and heroism using a pulp-action inspired variant of the 2d20 System. Take on the role of heroes as you travel, battle, and romance your way across the wondrous and dangerous world of Barsoom. Play as John Carter, Princess Dejah Thoris, the fearsome Thark warrior Tars Tarkas – or create your own heroes from an exciting variety of options. "


  • An overview of Barsoom and its peoples, perfect to introduce new players to the wondrous world of John Carter of Mars.
  • Detailed chapters on Barsoomian technology, creatures and cultures.
  • A new talent focused, narrative variation of the 2d20 System including a step-by-step character generation system designed to create heroes from a variety of backgrounds and concepts.
  • Create a wide variety of characters such as a Dashing Red Martian Duelist, a Brilliant First Born Scientist, a Savage Beastmaster, a Courageous Airship Officer, even Earthborn characters, so players can follow in the bounding footsteps of John Carter himself!
  • A detailed narrator's section filled with information on how to run genre-and-setting appropriate campaigns, including information about the great and terrible secrets of Barsoom.
  • Three eras of play based on the adventures of John Carter himself. Adventure during the Dotar Sojat era, or adventure during the time where Carter became a Prince of Helium and in the years after when he was believed dead, or fight alongside Carter and his allies during the later Jeddak of Jeddaks era.
  • An introductory adventure, the Mind Merchants of Mars, to get players and narrators started on their adventures and immersed in the world of Barsoom
This game was - somewhat ironically - the 7th most anticipated game of 2019. But here it is, in 2018!

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Modiphius Entertainment is known for missing Kickstarter deadlines, and even this one got delayed significantly, but, hurray, we have PDFs with printed edition hopefully in January 2019.


Also, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (the #1 most anticipated on the same list) is available at DriveThru as of today. Glorious day for RPG releases!

Stacie GmrGrl

If the #1 and #7 most anticipated games of 2019 we're released in 2018, does this mean the #2 voted game rises to be the #1 most anticipated game of 2019???


Stacie - I guess Pathfinder 2E is the new most anticipated! Changeling the Lost 2E gets bumped to...er... #6, right?

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
Cool. I've played STA and run Conan. I like the fact that they made it a more rules light version. Conan is cool but I could actually do without the level of complexity to keep the action level high.

I'm looking forward to several Modiphius releases which should be due out in the FLGS in January.

Edgar Rice Burrogh died in 1950 and this means his characters will be public domain in 2025 and then we will can find it in other RPGs systems, at least some homebred version. Maybe in some Paizo's bestiary or alien compendium for Pathfinder, Starfinder or Aetherfinder (steampunk-raypunk).


Edgar Rice Burrogh died in 1950 and this means his characters will be public domain in 2025 and then we will can find it in other RPGs systems, at least some homebred version. Maybe in some Paizo's bestiary or alien compendium for Pathfinder, Starfinder or Aetherfinder (steampunk-raypunk).
"Aetherfinder" when did Paizo announce that one? I am very interested to hear more. Sounds superb.

I was kidding, but if there is a new spin-off of Pathinfer, I guess the name would be Aetherfinder. Playing RPGs isn't only with you are in the board with the dices and pencils, but when you are creating new stories and worlds with your imagination.

The action is in a demiplane, the efialtisphere or land of nightmares, created to be a prison ruled by the lictors, fat lord fays with spines on the skin and metalic tentacles on the shoulders. Time ago the fays allied with the titans against the gods in the titanomachy, and they lost. Now they have reincarnated losing all memories from previous lifes, living like ordinary mortals and ignoring their within spark.... but the illusion of the prison has started to break and... wait, what if the prisoners are the true prisons what the prison was created? what was the role by the genies in the titanomachy, were they allied with?

This is a land with XX century technology but where machine guns aren't used because they are blocked by divine magic in the cities and they are too easy to be sabotaged by cantrips and low-level magic and light bullteproof defenses aren't too expensive. A land where you could drive a truck to run over a horde of zombies, but you can't be sure about after your motor vehicle being possesed and controlled by an arcanepunk nanoswarn or a hostile supernatural creatures, most of time undead ghosts or infernal outsiders, where nuclear weapons could be created, but nobody will use them because divine magic protect cities, or worse, because a hell mouth would be opened. Where the walking dead apocalipse ended when they were eaten by the werebeasts, where vampires can walk by day because they are like mind-controller parasites within bowels by giants humanoids and other kaijus, where tribal bersekers mutants (suvivors after epidemic plague) with a totem shaman and her primal spells don't need gunpowder to face and defeat that squad of robots who rebelled against their gnome creators, where bullets are useless agains incorporeal ghosts and some fay spiritis, where the restless ghosts fight against the fays for the control of the somnisphere, the dreamlands, but sometimes they have to ally against the common menace of aberration intruders from the planar gates toward the lovecraftian far realm, where Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Mad Max, John Carter, Red Sonja, Arya Stark, Buffy the vampire slayer and Ash Williams meet other and they go together to help the giantshifters from "Attacks of the Titans". A mixture of gothic-horror and raypunk where anytimes the undeads aren't the worst menace and fays may be more dangerous and terrorific you could guess in the begining.

Have you enjoyed imagining the scene? Welcome.
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