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D&D General JMISBEST's questions. Most of them about campaign ideas that either he or A GM he knows has and wants to know what people think


I thought I've give you a look at the most powerful Dnd Character I've ever made

Here's the most powerful of the 308 Dnd characters I've made over the years, but only 32 of them were ever used, the other 276 or roughly just 90% of them never got used due to them either being made for use in a campaign that got cancelled or were created to when I was bored as a way of passing some time


Str 17, Con 16, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 10 and Ch 12

Shame his INT isn’t 2 points higher, otherwise I could have and would have made him A Cavalier and he’d have been A Powerful 1 at that

150 Initial Gold Coins

Belongings wise he gets 12 Iron Spikes, 6 torch’s, 3 weeks worth of preserved food and bottled water, 1 Sword, 1 Hand Axe, 1 Dagger, 1 Suit of Chainmail, 1 Shield, 1 Light Pack Horse with saddlebags and harness, 1 Wineskin, 1 Quartz of Wine, 1 Backpack, 1 Large Sack, 1 Small Hammer and 1 Tinderbox

That cost’s a total of 148 Gold Coins and leaves me with 2 Gold Coins

The 1D8+2 roll for his Hp came up as A 7+2Hp or 9Hp

His combination of +2 Dex DM, Chainmail Armour and Shield give him A Armour Class of 2, throw in his 9Hp and The +2 damage from his Str of 17 and he’s going to be a power house in close combat

His 4 initial Weapon Proficiencies are Axes, Crossbows, Longswords and Swords

I justified my characters Intelligence and Wisdom both being average despite both his parents being nobles, see the bit on his family, as being because he has 3 older siblings that would have gotten a better education then him whilst he got whatever his parents could afford with what they had left

Because both of his parents were very minor petty nobles that ruled no lands and held no titles what they had left to spend on his education after paying for the educations of his 3 older siblings was almost nothing?

His initial age is the minimum of 16

His Alignment is Lawful-Neutral

Languages wise he gets The Common Tongue, The Lawful-Neutral Alignment Tongue and as this was A Hybrid of 1st edition DnD and 1st edition ADnD he gets a extra language of my choice and I choose The Goblin Language

Family stuff

The social-class of him and his entire family is Upper-Middle

He’s the youngest of 4 kids

All 3 of his older siblings are boys

At the time of his birth his parents were married

Both of his parents were very minor petty nobles that ruled no lands and held no titles


At the time he became a adventurer both of his parents are still alive and 3 of his older siblings are also all still alive

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What’s his personality? What does he do? And are we free to use him as an NPC or is he yours only?
Course you are free to use him as A Npc, do you want to see the domain he got as a reward for finishing off The Young Marsh Dragon Hanyka when he was only 3rd level?

Also that's not A lie he really did finish off The Young Marsh Dragon Hanyka when he was only 3rd level, saying that though Marsh Dragons are famous for being the weakest of all Dragon Breeds, meaning A Group of 5 3rd level Pcs would have a good chance to defeating A Young Marsh Dragon

If your going to say that the rules said A Fighter can't have A Domain before 9th level they actually say A Fighter can't found A Domain before 9th level, they don't say that A Fighter can't earn A Domain before 9th level and The GM decided that that mean that Fighters can earn A domain before 9th level

Course you are free to use him as A Npc, do you want to see the domain he got as a reward for finishing off The Young Marsh Dragon Hanyka when he was only 3rd level?
Also that's not A lie he really did finish off The Young Marsh Dragon Hanyka when he was only 3rd level, saying that though Marsh Dragons are famous for being the weakest of all Dragon Breeds, meaning A Group of 5 3rd level Pcs would have a good chance to defeating A Young Marsh Dragon

If your going to say that the rules said A Fighter can't have A Domain before 9th level they actually say A Fighter can't found A Domain before 9th level, they don't say that A Fighter can't earn A Domain before 9th level and The GM decided that that mean that Fighters can earn A domain before 9th level
I don’t question that at all.



I don’t question that at all.
Question it all you like but its true, my GM at the time thought it would be a good idea to create a breed of Dragon known as Marsh Dragons and have Marsh Dragons be famous throughout the world the campaign was set in for the fact that they are so weak that a group of 5 3rd level Characters can defeat A Young Marsh Dragon


Here's the domain he earned, not bad is it and this is how it was when he 1st got it

It’s a Tiny Barony that comes with the title of very Senior Landed Knight


It is as follows

In it is A Small Manor House, 3 fairly large villages that all have 119 people in them, 7 fairly large farming communities that all have 40 people in them and 19 fairly large farms that all have 10 people on them

That gives it a civilian population of 827 civilians in the form of 503 Adults and 324 Children

5% of the adult civilians among the population of the domain serve as unskilled servants in my Small Manor House

That means that my Manor House has 25.15 unskilled servants that are rounded up to 26 unskilled servants

It has 2 vegetable and 1 mineral Resource

All in all I get 747x17 or 14,059 Gold Coins per month +10% or 15,465 Gold Coins per month


Take away costs of 14,189 Gold Coins per year and it makes me 1,276 Gold Coins per month

Money in the domains treasury

30,009 Gold Coins


Rolls on tables The GM made show that the domain has 92 Clerics that consist of 51 1st level, 23 2nd level, 11 3rd level, 5 4th level, 1 5th level and 1 6th level Clerics

Rolls on tables The GM made show that the domain has 76 Men At Arms that consist of 42 1st level, 19 2nd level, 11 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Men At Arms


It has a 66 Strong garrison of 30 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 30 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons and 6 Medium Cavalry that all have both a Ranged Weapon and A Melee Weapon


4 Rural Wardens/1st level Str 14 Men At Arms

2 Magistrates/1st level Str 16 Fighters

1 Bailiff/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

1 Chaplain whose A 5th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric

1 Equerry/the guy that handles the horse’s

1 chamberlain/the guy that’s in charge of the servants

1 Steward


1 Sherrif/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

Confidence Level


150 +80 because of A 1D100 roll of A 80 +80 for the combined value of his 6 stats

That means The Confidence Level is Prosperous 310


That means that the domains income goes up by +10% and at the start of every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents operating within my lands have A 10% chance of being caught


Prosperous 306


That means that the domains income goes up by +10% and at the start of every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents operating within my lands have A 10% chance of being caught

Voidrunner's Codex

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