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WotC Is Mike Mearls Happy Hour still a thing?

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What are you referring to? Mike Mearls has not been accused of criminal behaviour, or been criminally punished in any way. To my knowledge nobody has been fined or imprisoned. Why would you apply criminal proceedings to (apparent) social consequences?
Thats kind of my point.

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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Sorry mate, I feel like this isn't good faith on your part so I won't be interacting with it. If it is good faith you have my apologies but it's not worth it because 95 people out of 100 saying stuff like this are bad faith actors. Also the dude is in self-imposed Twitter exile, not the subject of death threats or something.

A friend of mine got multiple threats of murder and rape for protesting Chick-fil-a (or whatever it's called) when they came to the UK, and appearing in one interview, and so it's incredibly hard to take you people seriously about this.

How is my question not good faith? I asked a serious question. I'm not asking you to "engage". I'm asking you a question to answer. "Engage" seems like such a loaded word here, like I'm trying to trick or trap you in some nefarious way. I'm not that clever.

All I see online are people repeating this accusation that Mearls passed on a list of people's names to this person, and I've seen zero proof that he did anything of the sort.

I asked you, since you seem so sure in your convictions, for what makes you so sure? That isn't bad faith.

Look up the thread, I literally just posted that I'd missed this entire situation flaring up. Then when I post after having looked and read more asking for some actual proof of the things that people toss around, you accuse me of being a bad faith actor? Come on.

If you're sure, tell me why, in detail. Take it into a private conversation if you want to not have the public back and forth with others chiming in.

I've seen those pictures you posted above a few times, and while it looks bad, from what I understand he has made personal apologies to those named in that screen shot.

The real bad thing he is accused of, of passing names/lists so that the harasser could more effectively harass... no one seems to be able to back that one up?

Anyway... his social media "exile", self or WotC imposed is one that I would take too if it looked like there was any sort of groundswell online against me as a semi-public figure.

Your friend's horrible situation is exactly WHY, I would do the same as Mearls and ghost the social media platforms if any whiff of something like this stirred up for me. I wouldn't want it to GET to the level of receiving death threats. Leave when it's just starting to brew.


This is a pretty silly comparison dude. Mearls lied about something serious and his "punishment" was self-imposed Twitter exile.

That sounds exactly like he got off lightly if anything.

The sheer amount of complaining you're doing about a guy who is in self-imposed Twitter exile (OH NO!!!) is absolutely bloody staggering. You're basically claiming the downfall of Western civilization because a dude lied about a serious matter, then decided to hide out from social media. It's pretty lame.

Sorry mate, I feel like this isn't good faith on your part so I won't be interacting with it. If it is good faith you have my apologies but it's not worth it because 95 people out of 100 saying stuff like this are bad faith actors. Also the dude is in self-imposed Twitter exile, not the subject of death threats or something.

A friend of mine got multiple threats of murder and rape for protesting Chick-fil-a (or whatever it's called) when they came to the UK, and appearing in one interview, and so it's incredibly hard to take you people seriously about this.

If it makes you feel any better once I learned that Chick-fil-a funds lobbyists trying to pass a death sentenced for gay people Uganda, I will never give them my business, so the Toronto Franchise that just opened up with get no business from me and they should be banned from Canada as far as I'm concerned.

Then when I post after having looked and read more asking for some actual proof of the things that people toss around, you accuse me of being a bad faith actor? Come on.

I'm saying nine times in ten, when someone says what you said, in a thread like this (not out of the blue), about stuff that's pretty easy to find if you just Google, they're doing to either waste the time of the other person, or to try and argue minutiae. You see it all the time in transgender stuff, where some dude is like "I'm open-minded but you need to convince me transgender is real and also tell me all the juicy deets!". It's like, no, sod off. Do your own research you so and so! The other one time in ten, you're the dude in the office I have to literally explain how to Google things to (no reflection on intelligence or seniority, I've had to help twenty-something Oxbridge grads and sixty-something senior partners!). I was going to say you were bad at Google but I just realized I may be the odd one out as I often find things other people can't and/or get asked for help with this. I've worked in knowledge & research though and I'm not really interested in doing a report/dossier outside a professional context because it takes a while and people love to argue minutiae. Like, with people online, you post six good sources, and one okay one, and they don't want to talk about the six good ones, only the other one. It's very demoralizing in regards to doing research for people.

Anyway if you need clarity - I'm not calling you a bad faith actor. I'm saying you walked in wearing the same hat they usually wear! I hope you feel better! If not let me know! :)

I ended up putting one of the more damning tweets in a post anyway (which also links to another pretty bad one), you can see it right there. Dude was explicitly dismissing the victims and giving them the full "emotional women!" dismissal, like this was the 1990s, or something, back in 2014. Whether Mearls actually passed on the actual information of the accusers to Zak S (probably like a dope, rather than an malicious dude), or just spoke to Zak S about it remains a question only they will ever know the answer to, but it was certainly one or the other and neither is a great look. He shouldn't even have been in contact with him (it's literally not his job and they supposedly aren't friends). Legal messed up too because they should have cut Mearls out here, as soon as accusations came out, rather than letting him do damage. I guess they were on holiday?

I should also be clear that design-wise, and in a lot of other ways, Mearls was my favourite D&D guy (behind Zeb Cook but he's been away for decades) so it pains me to see this. I've long-hoped he'd just make a proper apology (not that weird non-apology about WotC's position) and come back. I'm not someone who wants to see him condemned to the outer darkness forever, but I do think unless he does a mea culpa and apologises, he's probably going to just keep hiding out, which is lame.


has not been accused of criminal behaviour

Same can be said of Zak Smith. It is something to dismiss if a crime occurs and someone goes online to report it. You want to be taken seriously go to the police. Reporting it to a silly audience is a reason to ignore it all by itself.

As far as I am aware. the only person charged in a court case over the matter isn't Zak but his X-Girlfriend and that isn't even a criminal case.

Edited- see below for why.

So the funny thing is. Mike Mearls did nothing wrong but is so leftist in his beliefs he let it cancel himself anyway.

I like Mike, wish him all the best.
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Staff member

First things first: if you think the left is the only political orientation that uses “cancel culture” as you call it, you might want to talk to the Dixie Chicks, people in the LGBTQ community, and those targeted by the Satanic Panic for starters. See also how Rock & Roll was initially received in America. Or book bans/burnings.

For good or ill, boycotting & protesting, etc. have been around a long time, and people of all political valences use it.

Second, politics in general- especially political rock throwing, mud-slinging and name-calling- is not allowed here. Don’t do it again.
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