(IRR) The Rokugan Industrial Revolution (Thread II)

Black Omega

First Post
creamsteak said:
I guess I'll just count the Hare Clan as having the same advantage as the fox... since you already have some Nezumi, and the whole fox clan special abilities.
Hare Clan. +20% for the purposes of spying. But a 10% chance spying reports relate to some matter other than intended.

"Yes, Tono. Our spy reports production of carrots has doubled in the Lion lands. He could have found out more but he was distracted by the attempts of an Akodo Fudd to track him down."

The Hare Clan also has a -40 % spying for the purposes of dealing with the Naga., those 30 foot long, huge serpent creatures.

"And we finally got a report back in from our spies in the Naga sector. Only one out of twenty survived. He indicates they seem well fed.":)

Hmm..actually that last one might apply better for the Nezumi.:)

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First Post
creamsteak said:
Depending on what you propose, I guess we can see.

However, don't put down on artifacts... A +1 is a 100% improvement over a normal attack. A +2 is a 50% improvement on a +1. A +3 is a 33% improvement on a +2.

And with a -25% to cost, you can afford to get a +3 army bonus for over 800 PL less than anyone else. Hell you can get a +1 army bonus for about 650 PL less than anyone else.

But I'll wait and see what you propose.

Oh I know Artifacts are buff. It's just it doesn't really fit what I was planning to do, and from what I know the Dragon Clan aren't very much into forging artifacts. Here are my proposals, based on what I know of the Dragon Clan:

+1/+1 when fighting mountain battles.

+2 to attack for all Monk NPCs and units.

+1/+1 to any battle if the Dragon Clan has observed their opponents for at least one turn. In other words, if I send a group of spies to watch a certain military encampment or army for one turn, if I attack that army on the next turn, I get a +1/+1 bonus when fighting them.

This only works if the spies are not detected and the army I'm observing goes through no major changes.

I'm working on a few more, if you don't like any of those. :)


+1/+1 when fighting mountain battles.

I'm not throwing this one out, because you can argue that the naval advantage of the mantis is similar... however... I am not accepting this one yet, because I can argue that mountains are one hell of a lot more common for fighting than the sea.

+2 to attack for all Monk NPCs and units.
I'm throwing this one out, because monks are good fighters, but they aren't any better than anyone else.

+1/+1 to any battle if the Dragon Clan has observed their opponents for at least one turn. In other words, if I send a group of spies to watch a certain military encampment or army for one turn, if I attack that army on the next turn, I get a +1/+1 bonus when fighting them.

I'm throwing this one out because it is too easy with enough planning. If you are considering spying before attacking, try and make a sneak attack.

Go ahead and try some more on me, I'm not trying to shoot them down. I just have to see something that I like...


First Post
No problem. I'm just coming up with random stuff here, based on what I know of the Dragon Clan, which is they live in the mountains, they have Tattooed Monks, and they prefer to observe things rather than actively interfere. They're also supposed to be one of the more mysterious Clans of Rokugan.

Most of the following are based on my PCs own skills, not the Dragon Clans, by the way:

The Dragon Clan now has learned, from Lord Kaltaron, how to track down even the most elusive prey and find even the most secret of items.

Bonus: +25% bonus to finding hidden armies, artifacts, passageways, and so on.

The Dragon Clan, thanks to Lord Kaltarons training, is now able to find their way through the most hostile terrain, and find backpaths even the rulers of an area do not know of.

Bonus: The Dragon Clan may freely move through 10 territories per turn minus every PL above 1, even if it is owned by an enemy, per turn. In other words, a PL 1 NPC could freely move through 10 territories. But a 9 PL army could only move through 2. I'd be willing to reduce this bonus if you think it's too powerful.

The Dragon Clan has long been mysterious, and it is said not even the greatest spies or Shugenja can find out their secrets.

Bonus: The Dragon Clan has a +25% bonus to prevent spying, scrying and any other sort of information gathering about their Clan.

I've got four or five more, but I need to decide what IR bonuses they would have. Just tell me what you think of the current ones thus far. I might want to change them out for something else, depending, though. :)


I would be willing to give you like a 40% resist scrying/spying bonus. It's not that unreasonable considering the only thing it accomplishes is fouling up other players plans to find out what you are up to...

Of course Sollir's artifact could still scry you if he wanted to, but basically you would be pretty resistant to average players spies.

That doesn't sound unreasonable. However, the hidden path thing I'm simply not fond of...


First Post
Here are the next four:

Masters Of The Two Weapon Style:

The Dragon Clan has long been recognized as the supreme fighters in the Empire when it comes to wielding two weapons at once, and it is said they are a match even for the Crane when it comes to dueling. Because of this mastery, the Dragon Clan is skilled at fighting more than one opponent at once.

Whenever a Dragon Clan Army, NPC or PC is attacked by more than one opponent/army, they gain a +1 or +2 defense (your call Creamsteak) bonus. This bonus ceases if they are not facing more than one opponent.

Masters Of Observation:

The Dragon Clan prefers to observe rather than actively interfere in the matters of the Empire many times, and because of this they have become adept at noticing major events and happenings, often knowing of them years before the other Clans receive the information.

Because of this, the Dragon Clan has a percentage chance (determined by Creamsteak) to gain information on any major happening in the IR that would otherwise be secret. So if, say, Daigotsu destroyed a certain province, for an unknown reason, and kept it mostly secret, the Dragon Clan would have a percentage chance to learn of the event.

Masters Of The Hunt:

Thanks to Lord Kaltarons training, many in the Dragon Clan have become masters at hunting, and tracking down their prey with persistence and purpose unparalleled.

With this bonus, the Dragon Clan gains a +1 to attack if they force an enemy to flee, and then catch up to them. Conversely, the Dragon Clan could gain a bonus to simply catching up to any retreating foe with this bonus.

Bane Of Enemies:

Lord Kaltaron holds a particular dislike for wicked Outsiders, evil priests and evil Wizards. He has taught the Dragon Clan the weakness of all of these enemies, and they are now much more efficient when facing them.

The Dragon Clan gains a +1 to either attack or defense, (DMs Call) when facing any of those enemies.


First Post
I'll consider it. I would prefer an offensive bonus if possible, though, since defensive bonuses are too reliant on other players actions, in my opinion. Still, if nothing else works, I'll take it, as it fits the Dragon Clan.


Sure, the Hare seem to be candidates for a similar ability anyway judging by their write up.


Fastclaw, Male Kitsune Ranger 14 (Chaotic Good)
Iniji , Female Bakeneko Wu-jen 14 (Chaotic Good)
Inaja ,Male Bakeneko Rogue 6/Sorceror 8 (Chaotic Good)
Thresl Male Tanuki Fighter 4/Sorceror 10 (Chaotic Good)
Trals Female Tanuki Fighter 4/Barbarian 2/Frenzied Berzerker 8 (Chaotic Good)

Usagi Jin,Male Hare Daimyo, Samurai 3/Rogue 11 (Lawful Evil)
Kitsune Imagi Female Fox Shugenja 14 (Chaotic Good)
Kitsune Wilja Female Fox Ranger 5/Foxlord 9 (Neutral Good)
Ujina Usaka Female Hare Ninja 14 (Chaotic Neutral)

Izi, Male Third Whisker Nezumi Sorceror 6/Ratling Shaman 8 (Chaotic Good)


AvarielAvenger said:
Here are the next four:

Masters Of The Two Weapon Style:

The Dragon Clan has long been recognized as the supreme fighters in the Empire when it comes to wielding two weapons at once, and it is said they are a match even for the Crane when it comes to dueling. Because of this mastery, the Dragon Clan is skilled at fighting more than one opponent at once.

Whenever a Dragon Clan Army, NPC or PC is attacked by more than one opponent/army, they gain a +1 or +2 defense (your call Creamsteak) bonus. This bonus ceases if they are not facing more than one opponent.

Masters Of Observation:

The Dragon Clan prefers to observe rather than actively interfere in the matters of the Empire many times, and because of this they have become adept at noticing major events and happenings, often knowing of them years before the other Clans receive the information.

Because of this, the Dragon Clan has a percentage chance (determined by Creamsteak) to gain information on any major happening in the IR that would otherwise be secret. So if, say, Daigotsu destroyed a certain province, for an unknown reason, and kept it mostly secret, the Dragon Clan would have a percentage chance to learn of the event.

Masters Of The Hunt:

Thanks to Lord Kaltarons training, many in the Dragon Clan have become masters at hunting, and tracking down their prey with persistence and purpose unparalleled.

With this bonus, the Dragon Clan gains a +1 to attack if they force an enemy to flee, and then catch up to them. Conversely, the Dragon Clan could gain a bonus to simply catching up to any retreating foe with this bonus.

Bane Of Enemies:

Lord Kaltaron holds a particular dislike for wicked Outsiders, evil priests and evil Wizards. He has taught the Dragon Clan the weakness of all of these enemies, and they are now much more efficient when facing them.

The Dragon Clan gains a +1 to either attack or defense, (DMs Call) when facing any of those enemies.

Two-Weapon Fighting Style is an interesting call... but I wouldn't make it a + anything... I'd make it a cute little minus: You can attack twice with every PL, but you have to take a -2 to both attacks.

Meaning that at first only NPCs and your PC can effectively use it. However, as you increase in power you might be able to do it with the whole army. I might recall this as acceptable if I play-test it and find it screwed up.

I don't think that they "know" any more than anyone else. I think that the Dragon clan prevers to sit back and watch to maintain nuetrality. They are not a war clan like the Lion or Crab.

The masters of the hunt doesn't sound very IR ish... most of the time, like in a real fight, if the other guy runs off you take whatever you were fighting over and end it. Also, I really don't want to deal with the whole traveling element in the game too directly. Unless something actually impedes your progress, you can travel somewhere.

About the Outsiders and stuff one: The Dragon Clan doesn't have many experts in killing spirits or Oni... save a few of their leaders.
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