(IRR) 1st Rokugan IR: Where should it start?

Where should the Rokugan IR start?

  • Crab Clan

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Mantis Clan

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Ox Clan

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Unicorn Clan

    Votes: 1 9.1%


There are a few spots the IR could start. With the Ox Clan, secretly the last bastion of the Kolat and a minor clan. The Kolat are working to overthrown the celetrial order and anything that puts commoners on a level with Shugenja and Samurai would appeal to them. The Kaiu family of the Crab. They are the master engineers, smiths and architects. And the IR would suit the Crab, it favors numbers over quality. And the big edge the shadowlands have is no numbers, it is the mega powerful oni, and masses of samurai with muskets using jade inlayed bullets would be a nice edge.

Either the Unicorn or Mantis could be involved, they are both more outsiders and have contacts with the world outside the empire.

From Black Omega
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Knight Otu

First Post
Just a personal opinion, but I think using the Mantis to introduce the IR would be best, as they not only have contacts overseas, but also the appropriate mindset to introduce technology into Rokugan society.

I don't see the Crab clan as an appropriate source - They are propably too traditional to accept those technologies. This is the same reason that caused Edena to use the gnomes rather than the dwarves for his "innocent question" (;) )that started the first IR

The Unicorns would be a distant possibility, but I think that their relations to outsiders of Rokugan society is limited to barbarian tribes and the other cultures of the Burning Sands (I could be mistaken, though). They might also have some reservations about this kind of technology, but not as much as the Crab.

The Ox/Kolat would likely introduce the IR if they had the ressources to do so, but I doubt that they have.


First Post
The Mantis sounds like a cool place to start any place that spawned a cool cold blooded individual like Gusai rocks... I say the Mantis...


First Post
What I'm kind of wondering is this - How fast will this IR be progressing, in terms of development of new tech and new magic? In the actual IR, the game shifted terms fast - And it was a hoot, I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
Basically: Are you going to go out on a limb and try and duplicate the freewheeling-yet-controlled atmosphere of the Faerunian Apotheosis IR's, or are you going to go for more of a wargame atmosphere?

Black Omega

First Post
Heck, I'd have fun running the Mantis. The least of the great clans, really only holding that status because it was given to them officially. They lack the power of a major clan. Upstarts are fun.

The Kolat are a large and ancient conspiracy, I suspect they have resources. But they might also be too secretive about it for the purposes of the game.

The Crab do resort to non traditional weapons when fighting the Shadowlands, so I can see them being involved.

Unicorn are the longest shot probably.

I've been wondering the same thing Ana has. Pace. What's the intended tone? the power levels of the IR were staggering. PC's with 150 levels, etc etc. And what point does it start at?


Well, I'll try and answer questions.

First, I think I tweaked edena's pace enough to slow down the progression to a stable rate. Remember how the Union was able to go from 200 PL to 300 to 500 by turn 3? And by turn 4 they were in the 1000's? Well I think the deminishing returns thing should fix that. It balances the basis at least.

Second, I shortened the rules list (still need to add the 11th/12th level magic duel... but maybe it won't even come up).

As far as freedom to do what you want with your armies and such, its the DM. Tokiwong has enough experience to moderate this. He should be pretty good at declaring what goes and what does not.

Thirdly, Magic progression has been devastatingly slowed. I set the start for 10th level magic at 500 points in the arms race. Square that and divide it by 100. Thats what you need for 11th. Now square that twice and divide by 100. Thats what you need for 12th. Basically... its hard to get. Maybe if three or four powers worked together they could get 11th... otherwise you are basically limited to 10th.

Fourthly, Black Omega - I am upgrading the IR of the Mantis clan. I will post it in our thread. They will "begin" the IR. They will start with a Tech rating in all schools. What that means (when I finish the rules post) is that you start with 25 points in all six types of tech. That gives you a +2/+2 modifier to Attack/Defense among other things. I would like it if you played the Mantis, as you are the one with the overwhelming knowledge of what "should" go on.


Important Characters of Rokugan
NPCs (Optional Player Characters)
Crab Clan Champion: Hida Kuroda (Male Sam 10) PL 1
Crane Clan Champion: Doji Kurohito (Male Sam 6/Iaijutsu 5) PL 1
Dragon Clan Champion: Togashi Hoshi (Male Unique Half-Dragon Sam 5/Swordmaster 10/Monk 5) PL 3
Lion Clan Champion: Matsu Nimuro (Male Sam 15) PL 2
Mantis Clan Champion: Yoritomo Kitao (Female Ftr 6/Rog 8) PL 1
Phoenix Clan Champion: Shiba Tsukune (Female Sam 17) PL 2
Scorpion Clan Champion: Bayushi Yojiro (Male Sam 5/Court5/EmMag 9) PL 2
Unicorn Clan Champion: Moto Gaheris (Male Sam 5/Moto Avenge 10) PL 2
Daigotsu (Male Evil Outsider Maho-tsukai 20) Leader of the Maho-tsukai PL 3
Tsuburu no Oni (Powerful Oni Lord) One of two Oni lords sworn to Daigotsu PL 2
Kyoso no Oni (Powerful Oni Lord) Exiled to Jigoku, Rokugani Hell, by Daigotsu. PL 2
Lead by Shahai (Female Shu 7/Maho-tsukai 11) Leader of the Blood Speakers PL 2

Clan Families and Shadowlands Groups
Title of Territory/School/Family
Crab Clan
Hida (Samurai/Hida Defender/Honor 2) Daimyo: Hida Kuroda (Male Sam 10) PL 1 : IR 1
Hiruma (Ranger/Shadow Scout/Honor 2) Daimyo: Hiruma Masagaro (Male Rng 5, Sam 2, Shadowlands Vet 5) PL 2 : IR 2
Kaiu (Samurai/Siegemaster/Honor 2) Daimyo: Kaiu Umasu (Male Sam 5, Siege 10) PL 5 : IR 8
Kuni (Shugenja/Witch Hunter/Honor 1) Daimyo: Kuni Tansho (Female Shu 18) PL 8 : IR 18
Toritaka (Fighter/Honor 2) Daimyo: Toritaka Tatsune (Male Ftr 4/Sam 2/Rng 1/Shadowlands Vet 7) PL 4 : IR 5

Crane Clan
Doji (Courtier/Honor 3) Daimyo Doji Kurohito (Male Sam 6/Iaijutsu 5) PL 1 : IR 1
Asahina (Shugenja/Honor 3) Daimyo: Kimita (Female Shu 12) PL 2 : IR 2
Daidoji (Fighter/Daidoji Bodyguard/Honor 2) Daimyo: Daidoji Rekai (Female Sam 10/Ftr 10) PL 10 : IR 28
Kakita (Samurai or Courtier/Iaijutsu Master/Honor 3) Daimyo: Kakita Kaiten (Male Sam 15) PL 5 : IR 8
Yasuki (Fighter/Honor 2) Daimyo Yasuki Hachi (Male Sam 5/Ftr 4) PL 1 : IR 1

Dragon Clan
Togashi (Inkyo/'Tattooed Monk-ise zumi'/Honor 2) Daimyo: Togashi Hoshi (Male Unique Half-Dragon Sam 5/Swordmaster 10/Monk 5) PL 10 : IR 28
Hitomi (Monk/'Tattooed Monk-kikage zumi'/Honor 1) Daimyo: Hitomi Kagetora (Male Sam 9/Monk 10) PL 9 : IR 23
Kitsuki (Samurai/Honor 3) Daimyo: Kitsuki Mizuochi (Male Sam 13) PL 3 : IR 3
Mirumoto (Samurai/Dragon Swordmaster/Honor 2) Daimyo: Miromoto Uso (Male Sam 9/Swordmaster 8) PL 7 : IR 14
Tamori (Shugenja/Honor 2) Daimyo: Tamori Shaitung (Female Shu 16) PL 6 : IR 11

Lion Clan
Akodo (Samurai/Akodo Champion/Honor 3) Daimyo: Akodo Ginawa (Male Sam 15/Ftr 3) PL 8 : IR 18
Ikoma (Courtier/Honor 3) Daimyo: Ikoma Sume (Male Court 7/Sam 9) PL 6 : IR 21
Kitsu (Shugenja/Honor 2) Daimyo: Kitsu Juri (Male Shu 16) PL 6 : IR 21
Matsu School (Berzerker/Matsu Rager or Lion's Pride/Honor 2) Daimyo: Matsu Ketsui (Female Sam 7/LionPride 8) PL 5 : IR 15

Mantis Clan
Yoritomo (Fighter/Storm Legion/Honor 2) Daimyo: Yoritomo Kitao (Female Ftr 6/Rog 8) PL 25 : IR 50
Moshi (Shugenja/Honor 3) Daimyo: Moshi Juiko (Female Shu 17) PL 25 : IR 50
Tsuruchi (Fighter/Wasp Bountyhunter/Honor 2) Daimyo: Tsuruchi Ichiro (Male Ftr 6/Wasp BH 5) PL 25 : IR 50

Phoenix Clan
Shiba (Samurai/Shiba Protector/Honor 3) Daimyo: Shiba Tsukune (Female Sam 17) PL 7 : IR 14
Agasha (Shugenja/Honor 3) Daimyo: Agasha Hamanari (Male Shu 10) PL 1 : IR 1
Asako (Inkyo/Henshin Mystic/Honor 3) Daimyo: Asako Toshi (Male Inkyo 12) PL 2 : IR 2
Isawa (Shugenja/Void Disciple/Honor 2) Daimyo: ruled by the Council of Elemental Masters. This council also rules the Phoenix. PL 10 : IR 28

Scorpion Clan
Bayushi (Rogue/Bayushi Deciever/Honor 1) Daimyo: Bayushi Yojiro (Male Sam 5/Court5/EmMag 9) PL 9 : IR 23
Shosoro (Ninja/Honor 1) Daimyo: Shosuro Yudoka (Male Ftr 6/Nin 12) PL 8 : IR 18
Soshi (Shugenja/Honor 1) Daimyo: Soshi Uidori (Female Shu 8/Nin 4) PL 2 : IR 2
Yogo (Shugenja/Honor 0) Daimyo: Yogo Koji (Male Shu 13) PL 2 : IR 2

Unicorn Clan
Moto (Berzerker/Moto Avenger/Honor 1) Daimyo: Moto Gaheris (Male Sam 5/Moto Avenge 10) PL 5 : IR 8
Iuchi (Shugenja/Honor 2) Daimyo: Iuchi Yue (Female Shu 14) PL 4 : IR 5
Shinjo (Ranger/Shinjo Explorer & Kishi Charger/Honor 2) Daimyo: Shinjo Shono (Male Rng 2/Sam 3/EXplorer 3) PL 1 : IR 1
Utaku (Samurai/Battle Maiden/Honor 3) Daimyo: Utaku Xieng Chi (Female Samurai 7/BattleMaiden 8) PL 5 : IR 8

Shadowlands Oni and the Blood Speakers
Shadowlands Horde (Ruled by A variety of Bakemono, Oni and other tainted creatures based in the Shadowlands.) PL 50 : IR 0
Blood Speakers (A secret cult of Maho-tsukai working for evil and chaos through the Emerald Empire…) PL 30 : IR 5

Territories in the Far South West of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Aiso ni Ryokosha (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Bells of the Dead (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Festering Pit of Fu Leng (Sinkhole) PL 24 : IR 8
Forgotten Tomb of Fu Leng (Maho Site) PL 12 : IR 4
Haikyo Sano Kappa (Ruins) PL 3 : IR 1
Heiwa na Kaze Heigen (Quiet Wind Plane) :
Jukami (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kabe ue no ho ni sa Umi (Wall above the Ocean) :
Kaiu Kabe (Carpenter Wall) :
Kaiu Toge (Carpernter Pass) :
Kawa Kurai Tsuki (River of the Dark Moon) :
Kawa Sano Saigo No Kamae (River of the Last Stand) :
Kenkai Hanto (Lookout Peninsula) :
Kishi no Mizu-umi (Forbidden Lake) :
Koten (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kuroi Yubi Kawa (Black Finger River) :
Kuni Areno (Kuni Wastes) :
Kyuden Hida (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Nishiyama (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Saigo no Kamae Heigen (Last Stand Plain) :
Shinden Asahina (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shio Senyo no Riku (Tidal Landbridge) :
Shiro Hiruma (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Kuni (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Sunda Mizu (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Watchtower of the East (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Yasuki Yashiki (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Yugure Yama (Twilight Mountains) :

Territories in the South West of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family :
Aka Mizu-umi (Red Lake) :
Beiden (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Dangai (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Ginasutra (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Hotei Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Iyotishi (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Kagoki (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kaia Osho (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kaiu Shiro (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kakita Bogu (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kamisori sano Yoake Shiro (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kitsune Mori (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Koeru (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kuda (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kyuden Ashinagabachi (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Kyuden Bayushi (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Kyuden Miya (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Maemikake (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Meidochi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Midaki (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Mizu-umi no :):):)o (Lake of Sorrows) :
Mizu-umi no Sakura Yuki (Lake of Cherry Blossom Snow) :
Nirukti (Ruins) PL 3 : IR 1
Ronin Chiiki (Ronin Plains) :
Shiden Osano-Wo (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Shimomura (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Shinomen Mori (Hidden Forest) :
Shiro Heichi (Ruins) PL 3 : IR 1
Shiro Kaotsuki no Higashi (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Siksa (Town) PL 1 : IR 1
Taki sano Okami Jikan (Hour of the Wolf Falls) :
Tomb of Iuchiban (Maho Site) PL 12 : IR 4
Vyakarana (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Watchtower of the West (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Zakyo (City) PL 3 : IR 4

Territories in the Far South East of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Bunyo sana Asahina (Fields of the Morning Sun) :
Daidoji Training Grounds (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Higashiyama (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Inazuma (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Kaimentsu-uo Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Koutetsukan (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Maigosera Seido (Lighthouse) :
Mura Sabishi (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Okami (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Oni Mura (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Tokigogachu (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Umoeru (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Yama ue na ho ni Umi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Yasuki Hanko (Village) PL 1 : IR 1

Territories in the South East of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Aketsu (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Daidoji Yukan-se (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Hanto no Yoake (Peninsula of Dawn) :
Heigen no Doji (Doji Family Plains) :
Higashi Chushin (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kawa na Zatu Shudoshi (River of the Blind Monk) :
Kyuden Doji (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Kyuden Gotei (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Maigo no Musume Wan (Lost Daughter Bay) :
Minawa Chushin (village) PL 1 : IR 1
Mizen (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Musume (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Nichibotsu Fushere (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Nishi Chushin (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Otosan Uchi (Capital) PL 4 : IR 5
Samui Kaze (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Shima No Kinu (Island of Silk) :
Shima No Koshinryo (Island of Spice) :
Umi Yakamo (Sea of the Sun God) :
Wan no Asaguroi Mizu (Bay of Dark Water) :
Wan Sana Kin Taiyo (Bay of the Golden Sun) :
Yu:):):)u Na Heigen (City) PL 3 : IR 4

Territories in the West of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Bishamon Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Daikoku Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Duzaki (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Hae Moete (Firefly River) :
Heigen Yuki (Snow Plain) :
Hisatu-Kesu (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kakusu Keikei Torid-e (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kawa Mitsu Kishi (Three Sides River) :
Kawa Sano Fui no Dansei wo Sasu (River of the Unexpected Hero) :
Kenson Gakka (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kita Toge (Northern Pass) :
Kudo (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kyodai Na Ana (The Great Crater) :
Kyuden Ikoma (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Meiyo Gisei (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Minami Toke (Southern Pass) :
Mizu (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Mizu-Umi Kiku Hanabira (Chrysanthemum Petal Lake) :
Naga Doro Heigen (Naga Road Plain) :
Nihai Tower (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Pokau (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Ryoko Owari (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Seikitsu San Tama no Oi (Spine of the World Mountains) :
Shinomen Tower (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Shiranai (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Shiro Ide (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Iuchi (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiroi Kishi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Shiroi Kishi Heigen (White Shore Plain) :
Shiroi Kishi Mizu-umi (White Shore Lake) :
Shiro Shosuro (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Soshi (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Usagi (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Toge Puramu Hana (Plum Blossom Pass) :
Turo Kojiri (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Utaku Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Watchtower (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
Yama sano Kaminari (Mountain of the Seven Thunders) :
Yogo Shiro (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5

Territories in the East of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Castle of the Emerald Champion (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Eiyu ni Suru (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Foshi (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Heigen No Hayai Mondai (Plain of Fast Troubles) :
Heigen Osari (Plains of the Crane Clan) :
Kaeru (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Ken Hayai (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kiken No Toge (Treacherous Pass) :
Kita Chushin (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kosaten Shiro (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Kyuden Seppun (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Kyuden Tonba (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Mamoru Kyotei (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Morikage (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Moshi Shiro (Ruins) PL 3 : IR 1
Nanashi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Nikesake (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Ninkatoshi (City) :
Obobeshinu Boekisho Kawa (Drowned Merchant River) :
Oiku (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Omoidoso (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Ranbo (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Renga (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Rugashi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Ryu Bannin (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Shiro Akodo (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Daidoji (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Matsu (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro no Yojin (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro sano Kakita (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Shiba (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Toi Koku (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Tonfajutsen (Town) PL 2 : IR 3
Ukabu (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Yama no Kuyami (Mountains of Regret) :

Territories in the North West of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Akami (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Bikami (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Bugaisha (Fort) PL 10 : IR 10
Egami (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Exile's Road Watchtower (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
:):):)urokujin Seido (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Kamashimino Komichi (Sorrow's Path) :
Kawa Nemui (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kawa Neui (Sleeping River) :
Kibukito (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kurayami-ha (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Kyodai na Kabe sano Kita (Great Wall of the North/West) :
Kyodaina Josho Suru (The Great Climb) :
Kyuden Togashi (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Maigo no Samurai (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Mizu umi Ryo (Dragon Lake) :
Oshindoka (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Reihado Bomeidoro (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Shiro Shinjo (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Utaku Shojo (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Takaikabe (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Yamasura (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Yashigi (Village) PL 1 : IR 1

Territories in the North East of Rokugan
Title of Territory/School/Family
Duro Owari (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Heibeisu (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Heigen Ryo Kokoro (Dragon Heart Plain) :
Hinanbasho sano Mitsu Shimai (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Kanawa Taki (Iron Ring Cascade) :
Kyodai na Kabe sano Kita (Great Wall of the North/East) :
Kyodai na Taiyo (The Great Fall) :
Kyuden Isawa (Palace) PL 6 : IR 4
Nemui Kaminari Yama (Sleeping Thunder Mountain) :
Michita Yasumi (City) PL 3 : IR 4
Mori Isawa (Phoenix Woodlands) :
Reihado sano Ki-Rin (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Reihado Uikku (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Seido Jurojin (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
Shinsei na Sumai (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Shiro Agasha (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Asako (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Chuda (Ruins) PL 3 : IR 1
Shiro Kitsuki (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Mirumoto (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro sano Chujitsuna Shinpo (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Shiro Tamori (Castle) PL 7 : IR 5
Tani Giza (Jagged Valley) :
Yabanjin Mura (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
Yoshosha (Village) PL 1 : IR 1


Note: The rules for NPC's and PC's is this: A Level 10 character has a PL of 1. For Every 5 additional Levels a character gains a +1 PL. So a 20th level character has a PL of 3. Don't apply these rules to your army, just think of it as applying to PCs and NPCs.

I would recommend a cap at 30th level. 20th even, unless someone honestly wants 30th level. At least to start the IR.

Black Omega

First Post
creamsteak said:
I would recommend a cap at 30th level. 20th even, unless someone honestly wants 30th level. At least to start the IR.
I'd strongly suggest 20th level as the max, since the best swordsman in the land is 20th. And the best shugenja on both sides are 20th. The 3rd IR had massive power levels, which was cool, but we don't need to go that same route.

That said, another thing. Do we need 10th and 11th level magic? There's no arcane magic in Rokugan really, so it's not like they can research it. All magic is drawn from the spirits, who are also limited to 9th level effects. The Fortunes, The Elemental Dragons, Lady Moon and Lord Sun can go higher because they are drawing on their own power. But they are basically the dieties and rarely get involved. The cloest thing to the Dragons doing anything if through the oracles that represent them.

High level magic also sort of takes away from the Industrial/technology side of things. As we did see in the 3rd IR, past a point no one cared what level their tech was, the important thing was what their magic level was.

Another thought. Depending on starting point the Four Winds should be represented somehow, even if only by associating them with the clan they are closest with.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I agree with Black Omega. If stop was put to 20th level, we would not need to bother to judge how level abilites proceed after that, and it would make campaing-npc easier to use.

Also, high magic became more powerful than high tech in prior IR:s, so whole idea of Industreal Revolution, became more like Magical Revolution.

It would be interesting to see actual tecnological advance in more important role.

Not to say magic couldn't be important as well.

But magic's importance might come out of fact, how many people in said army are able to cast spells. Currenly they are quite rare, compared to 'common masses', yes?

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