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(IR) To my friends in the IR


I should've read this sooner...

Another IR? My first question is: are you up to it, Edena? Like Darkness said, the 3rd seemed to be pretty taxing on you.

My seond is: when do we start? :D

Nobody weaves a story like you, Edena... there was some great stuff in the 3rd IR, and I doubt that anyone other than you could recreate it. I would greatly look forward to anything you started - IR or not.

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William Ronald

Hi, Edena.

I like your idea about the Alternate Oerth, Toril, and other published setting worlds. It makes sense, and also allows fresh ideas.

I don't know how much time I would have to play in another IR. However, I do share the concern Darkness and creamsteak expressed about your health. Trust me, you don't have to prove yourself to anyone. So, I think you could run something while not taxing yourself. (Your efforts to run the 3rd IR can aptly be described as herculean -- and I have seldom seen their like in gaming. To those who did not play in the IR, I would add that few people I know have Edena's passion or work ethic. The preparations he took for the major battles in the 3rd IR were impressive, based on what he has told me.)

Maybe a more free form style -- somewhere between the chaos of the first IR and the rules of the third IR -- might be a good approach. Or, if you want, make it free form.

If there is any way I can be of help, just ask. Thanks again for running the 3rd IR.

(By the way, if any of those alternate worlds have gates to alternate worlds, we could have a situation much like the TV show Sliders: infinite alternate worlds. Or to quote the late John Pertwee (Dr. Who): Infinite worlds, therefore infinite possibilities.)

Darkness, I hope you are doing better as I know you have been through a lot of late.

Creamsteak, I have just gotten back to following the Emerald Contest. Good role playing (kudos to Lichtenhart and Knight Otu in particular who are fairly new to me.)
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William Ronald

I just had an idea. (Anyone who read the 3rd IR knows how dangerous that can be.:D )

Darkness, if there is another IR, maybe there could be a recruitment thread in the General RPG forum. There was one before the 3rd IR, and I recall that we got a few good players from it.

Also, if anyone can find web-based sources for maps of the Forgotten Realms and any other published settings, it might be useful if Edena or anyone else runs an IR. (Hmm, considering that many of the games on these boards are run in existing setting, it might be good to have a list of such resources for everyone on the boards. I can check my own resources and start a list. If so, where would be the best place to post such a list?)


First Post
hmm another IR...

well zouron the dark is out for sure LOL not gonna use him again.. but could be fun with another character... however unlike serpenteye the rules were not in my taste I found the first IR to be vastly superior to anything else... rules for me takes awya some of the wonder and randomness... anyway each to their own :p

and the 3rd IR was fun in it's own way (me and william talk about it a lot LOL), anyway each of us probably have our own favorite IR (and I happened to like on board everything open discussion and the game of others being able to see what you do, cause doing soemthing only you and the dm sees is boring hehe).

anyway enough rambling!


First Post
Hey there, GnomeWorks. Nice to see you again!
You too, Venus. Nice to hear from you again!
And thanks for the warm welcome back and support, Knight Otu, Lichtenhart. Nice to meet you.


- - -

Uh, what is GD? General Discussion? (Darkness refers to a GD forum.)

My situation (and my health) is not stable.
I have returned after a 40 day absense in which I had to live out in motels in the dead of winter.
I have returned after the folks decided to get a divorce, proceeded with that divorce, then halted it - but, the divorce is only on hold. It is not ended yet.

If I were to start another IR, would you'all want to begin in the Alternate Forgotten Realms?
We began the first IR in the Forgotten Realms. That was freeform. A 4th IR of mine would have rules, people taking powers before the start, and the like.
Is that where you would like to start?

That assumes I could run a 4th IR. I cannot until my health and my situation stabilizes.
I might run one ... I need more time to consider things. Thus, my question above.

I appreciate the compliments on my IRs, but the Rokugan IR is a really good game. I do not have a monopoly on good IRs!
It sounds like the Hivemind Threads are pretty neat, too.

You know what I cherish most about the IRs?
That it enabled me to have you as friends. THAT is a legacy of the IR that is really memorable, that I have you as friends.

- - -

Darkness, thanks for the support. After what I did, I thought I had lost you. Thanks for supporting me here. (solemn look) Thanks a lot.
I wish I could have heard from Maudlin again. I never heard from him again after my breakdown on Turn 5 of the 3rd IR. But I really did, and do, appreciate his beautiful maps. I wish he were here so I could tell him so. (I kept a nice copy of his map, and framed it.)

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Edena_of_Neith said:
Uh, what is GD? General Discussion? (Darkness refers to a GD forum.)

Yep, General Discussion. Acronyms... never do really know for sure till your told, that's the problem with Acronyms. I had no idea what GIRA was for the longest time, I thought it had nothing to do with the IR till Bugbear told me so.

My situation (and my health) is not stable.
I have returned after a 40 day absense in which I had to live out in motels in the dead of winter.
I have returned after the folks decided to get a divorce, proceeded with that divorce, then halted it - but, the divorce is only on hold. It is not ended yet.
And that's the crux of the matter. Your a worthy human being. Not everyone has the ability to bring about entertainment and creativity the way you did. Very few do, as a matter of fact. And, if it's any example, it shows that you understand purpose. Not everybody does. Well, not everybody my age-that's for sure-as I've found my purposes, but many of my friends and family have not. You say cheers. I don't. I salut the people I respect (in an ex-cadet way), and I respect you. I salut your abilities Edena, and matters like the above are often misdirected by the faint. You might think you lack the toughness or the strength, but you'd be surprised how much toughness and strength everyone around here sees in you.

If I were to start another IR, would you'all want to begin in the Alternate Forgotten Realms?
This is acceptable to me. I am not familiar with FR, but I'm sure there is something suitable to my role-playing abilities.

A 4th IR of mine would have rules, people taking powers before the start, and the like.Is that where you would like to start?
I fall somewhere between serpenteyes and Zouron. I like claiming my power, and knowing 'Open ended interpretive statistics' like PL (the definition of the preceding statement would be something along the lines of: A statistic that can be interpreted in virtually any way, and compared to virtually any figure with the same statistic). I believe that the rules used by you in the 3rd IR are nearly perfect, with the exception of cumulative power levels. I'll have fun, if you decide to run a 4th IR, and I'll try and make it the same kinda fun we had in the 3rd IR to the best of my ability.

That assumes I could run a 4th IR. I cannot until my health and my situation stabilizes.
I might run one ... I need more time to consider things. Thus, my question above.
Of course. I'd rather know your doing well than have a 4th IR. I'd rather you say, "well, as long as I don't run the 4th IR, everything in my world will be the way I want it," but I don't have that power. Trust me, if I did, I would be very generous with it.

I appreciate the compliments on my IRs, but the Rokugan IR is a really good game. I do not have a monopoly on good IRs!
You'd be surprised. From a reading stand-point, the IRR (Industrial Revolution of Rokugan) is great, but from a playing standpoint it's horrible. The role-playing is excellent, especially since we have players like Knight-Otu and Lichtenhart added to the mix. These are people who take matters through the minds of their PC and not themselves. However, the matter is dampened by my constantly shifting workload, and the 'build yourself up in preparation for war' mentality (I do believe it's one word, Militarism, correct?) And because of the Militarism the players seem to all be indowed with in this particular game, Wars require a match. There hasn't been a big enough match just yet, but eventually there will be, but in the meantime many players have left.

I'd like to see the game pick up speed, and I'd like to see the militaristic clans that many players seem to founder be bring their might down, but it's not happening. That, and I don't think I handle everyone's plans with that personality you did. I'd send you an email, and you'd tell me 'it would happen unless someone stops me', however, I as a DM am more in the belief to say, 'this won't happen unless you succeed here'. This is why your by far the better DM for the IR games, you have a better scope on perspective, whereas I'm more worried about things being blown out of my personal scope.
It sounds like the Hivemind Threads are pretty neat, too.
Uh oh... they got to you, didn't they? The hivemind infection continues...

You know what I cherish most about the IRs?
That it enabled me to have you as friends. THAT is a legacy of the IR that is really memorable, that I have you as friends.
The steps in my evolution as a role-player and DM were really founded upon the IR, Edena. That's another thing you can know. Because of Sanctus, and watching the many other PCs, I can undoubtedly say I've improved my abilities as a Player. I've often been told "your the best DM I've ever had" by veterans of 6 and 8 years of gaming. That's a compliment that you can take for yourself, as everything they say of me, can, in some way, be brought back to the IR.


First Post
Hey all,

I'd have to agree with zouron in my advocation for a more free-form method of playing this theoretical 4th IR. I have one simple reason for this. To me, the first IR was much more about the value of the ideals presented in relation to what the Industrial Revolution brought in terms of good and bad things. This inherent subjectivity gave rise to conflict, but not necessarily uneven conflict. Adding a system of rules to such an endeavour would shift the focus of the game away from the quality of the ideals to the quality of your ability to win the game.

To me, there's a fundamental difference in comparing the two.

It's part of the reason I wasn't as ... enthusiastic in relation to IR3 because it felt more akin to accounting than it did to the more idea-centric IR1.

This is not to say that I was somehow angry at Edena for adopting the ruleset, but I was disheartened at my disability as a player in that game to adequately do my faction justice. I didn't want to play in IR3 because I felt that I couldn't do the United Commonwealth of Toril justice in terms of building up that nation-state's statistics. I'm a far better Voice than I am a General, so to speak.

My inability to play the game took something away from the attachment I had to the experience of my character and "my country."

It's like trying to play a Fighter, when you know little about the little tricks veterans do to make their Fighter all the better... My skill has generally been one of diplomacy, and it seemed that IR3 was more geared to the Generals building up power for an inevitable war. A war that I felt I could not win with words...

Still, you have my support in whatever you choose to do, Edena. Like I said, I'd love to run an IR, but I think that some might not be that interested in the direction that I would take it (away from the accounting and toward the discourse between faction heads).

In any event, my offer to run an IR game still stands. At the same time, however, if you were inclined to run a game, I would not attempt to stand in your way.

I would offer to help you run it, of course, though I wouldn't know where to start or even where to apply what little adjudicating ability that I have...

Just a thought, :cool:

- Rep.


First Post
I second what Reprisal said all the way, to me the rules heavy version the 3rd IR made peace and negotiations seem less useful (also the fact much of it was moved off board was sorta sad... these are the fun parts to read!). Sure we all knew the Humanoids were overwhelming powerful, and zouron the dark's army rather pathetic and so on, but we knew that even without the numbers and they still played their importance all of us, for example I worked hard with my middle way things to keep things less bloody etc, in the 3rd IR I felt it was very much you have X and I have Y, Y is a whee bit bigger then X thus I crush you, and so on. The 3rd IR wasn't a failure in anyway, but it was more focused on war and strength of nations then charismatic leaders, ideals, scheming. even dramatic effects (with the exception of the mountain tacticle missile attack hehe). Under all circumstances I personally felt very bound by the rules when I played, and I surely missed the talks of peace and such from the second IR (or kidnapping the peace deligations of the first hehehe).

As for place, forgotten realm is fine, I love laying it in ruins once more :D that is not to say we should be limited to that world or anything, heck if you came up with your completely own idea I would be happy with that too! (most annoying for me with the GH was I am clueless and the strategic map represented gave no meaning to me hehe), heck even if we used the earth map as a base it would be neat.

Time and place? whenever you get well my friend, and only then, if you get sick that would be the first sign for me to stop posting, I like to see you whole and happy (or at least type as if you are whole and happy), there can always be enough suffering and sickness when the day in the far future comes when you go visit hel ;).

While I wouldn't offer to help you run the IR, if you need help preparing don't fear to call out.

BTW if the 4th IR takes place on the FR world I vote we call it "IR Take 2" :D

hmm who to play...
Kithra the defiler?
Necroll, Lord of the land of Death?
Lord Lowrick Edighburg the undying?
The Merciless?
Treiss Tatonia, warrior of RiKhan?

so many options hmm.... ;-)

Yeah, I emailed Darkness and he replied in like 4 seconds, and posted here within 30. It was impressive to say the least. Not that I couldn't do it

I know someone else who does that :p

Btw Edena, O'Creamy one there makes a mean map! He's good at it so if improvising is needed... he's great at it. I got a FR map somewhere on my computer. I'll post it if someone wanted to take a look at it (if it isn't to big which I'm afraid of)

I'd be in for damned sure! You can bet on that. Call it nostalgia :p FR sounds fine to me... plans growing in my mind. I'm baaddd hehe.

I'd wait forever for another IR and I'll be here waiting:D

And Zouron... No Larloch? No Thayans?:p

And Edena, get well :) I think that if we wanted to start this we'd get it on like we used to! Some bad ass posting and playing, and you know we love it :p You're the best!

So be well and don't start or even think about starting this unless you are ready, in mind and body since health > all.

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