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D&D 5E Intrepid Adventures of Legend or Hobo Murderers on the Loose (a pogre storyhour)(11/3/15)


Intrepid Adventures of Legend or Hobo Murderers on the Loose (a pogre storyhour)

Episode 06
Standing Peck Toss

The fight with the troglodytes was indeed brutal. The dwarf, Brodek, suffered the brunt of the attack, but nearly the entire party was wounded. They rested and attended to their wounds.

“Puzzling,” Brodek mused aloud as he bound another wound on his arm.

“What is?” Osbourne asked.

“Troglodytes here. Not a usual place for those type critters. They usually prefer the deeper caverns and we have yet to run into any food sources.”

“Maybe they already ate everything,” Cabo postulated.

“Likely,” Brodek agreed. “Still, there should be some source of food if this was a permanent lair for them. They will eat almost anything, but we have not even seen a sign of fungi or large insects.”

“There were the goblins,” Osbourne said. “Maybe the troglodytes ate them and then they escaped through that concealed door.”

“Maybe, I’d like to see some scat and check,” Brodek replied.

“Scat?” Cabo queried.

“Trog poop,” Osbourne answered.

“You want to inspect what comes out the back end of those god-awful, smelly things!” Cabo exclaimed.

“It would tell me a lot,” Brodek replied casually.

“It tells me you are not right, not right at all,” Cabo said shaking his head slowly.


Mostly, healed the group found some old cells long ago abandoned and what appeared to be an old wine cellar. There was another set of stairs leading up to daylight, although Brodek adjudged these stairs to be more sturdy than the last set they found. They decided to push on to see what else they could find.

They stumbled into an old temple venerating a common local deity and four more troglodytes.


This time the adventurers were luckier and these trogs were dispatched with relative ease. The room also contained a set of stairs going down. The decision was made to return to the wine cellar and check out the stairs going up to see what was above them.

The trouble immediately facing the vertically challenged adventurers was the trapdoor was six-feet above the top landing. Brodek scaled to the top of the stairs and called for one of the halflings to come help. Gideon volunteered.

“Get atop my shoulders,” Brodek said. Gideon quickly scrambled to a perch on top of the dwarf’s shoulders.

“I don’t know if I can push it up from here,” Gideon called down to Brodek. “Maybe if you…”

Brodek let out enormous grunt and with a mighty upthrust of his arms launched Gideon upwards. Gideon crashed through the fragile trapdoor and with a half roll landed outside the trapdoor in the open air.

“What do you see?” Brodek asked. The dwarf has been temporarily blinded by the sudden burst of sunlight now streaming through the Gideon-sized hole in the trapdoor.

“There are some sort of ruins up here. Looks like the remnant of a keep and courtyard maybe. Mostly just overgrown stone,” Gideon managed to reply. The halfling monk dusted himself off. He reflected that if the trapdoor had been solid he would have been an unconscious heap presently.

“Much as we suspected,” Cabo mused. “Come on back down.”

Gideon took in one more full lungful of the fresh outdoor air and proceeded to swing back down to the top landing.

“Down the stairs then?” Osbourne asked.

“Aye, spellcaster, down the stairs,” Brodek replied.


The square chamber had two exits - one was a broken down door and the other was a very solid-looking carved stone door.


“This place has the stink of trogs,” Brodek declared.

“Let’s stay sharp then,” Cabo noted. “That stone door gives me the creeps, let’s head through the busted door.” After a short discussion the rest of the group agreed.

Through the broken door the adventurers could see a long hallway with numerous niches lining both sides. “Everyone stay close and be careful. Except the dwarf, you can lead,” Cabo stated.

“Follow on then pecks!” Brodek said in a far too loud voice and stomped through the broken door.


The group carefully checked each niche and found a few trinkets, including an old silver holy symbol. It was clear the niches once served as burial resting places, and each had already been thoroughly trashed.

Past the final pair of niches the group found a larger chamber. A sarcophagi once rested there, but it had been overturned and shattered in the process. There were a pair of troglodytes staring down a long, deep tunnel descending from one corner of the room. The group leapt to the attack and quickly had the stinky humanoids cut down.


The tunnel down was rough-cut, in contrast to the finished stone the adventurers had seen on this level and the one above. “What made this Brodek?” Osbourne asked.

“Hard to say,” Brodek replied. The dwarf began running his calloused hands along the walls of the tunnel. “Part of it’s a natural crack or fault, but it certainly has been enlarged by primitive tools or claws.”

“Claws?” Cabo asked in alarm. “Like troglodyte claws?”

“Perhaps,” Brodek replied. “Maybe something bigger coming after the troglodytes.”

“We should head back to that carved stone door,” Osbourne suggested.

“No way. Even the troglodytes avoided going through there,” Cabo replied.

“Yeah, and they were running from whatever was down there,” Gideon countered.

“I’m telling you, I don’t like the looks of that door!” Cabo complained.

“Well Brodek said something even bigger than the trogs might have carved this tunnel,” Osbourne stated. “Right Brodek? Brodek?”

The halflings turned in unison to see the dim outline of the dwarf heading down the tunnel.

“Come along if ye like pecks,” Brodek called back to them.

The halflings scrambled to catch up to the dwarf.

to be continued...

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Intrepid Adventures of Legend or Hobo Murderers on the Loose (a pogre storyhour)

Episode 07
What Are Those Things?

The chamber the adventurers emerged in had an ungodly odor that was nearly unbearable. The source of the odor was readily apparent as there was a pile of dead troglodytes in one corner of the cavern.


“What could have slain all of those things?” Gideon asked.

“It certainly solves the mystery of why the trogs were running around in the level above, they were fleeing someone,” Osbourne stated.

“Or some thing,” Brodek added gravely.

Giving the pile of bodies a wide berth, the adventurers moved on to the next chamber and were immediately confronted by three humanoids and a pair of huge canines.


“By the nine hells, what are those things!” Osbourne exclaimed.

“Dogs,” Brodek grunted.

“I mean the other things?” Osbourne asked.

“Don’t know,” Brodek admitted, “but let’s see if they bleed.”

Brodek charged one of the canines and quickly smashed the dog’s skull. Meanwhile, Cabo slinked around the edge of the cavern and stabbed one of the humanoids. Cabo’s strike was effective in wounding the humanoid, but quickly found himself in trouble. The other two humanoids quickly came to their brethren’s aid and with a unified attack the monsters nearly had Cabo knocked unconscious.

The other two halflings rushed to Cabo’s aid. Helped by his furry-footed companions, Cabo managed to make a fighting withdrawal.While the pair of halflings struggled against the humanoids and even managed to slay one, Brodek finished off the other dog.

Another attack led to the death of one of the humanoids.With the tide turning against it, the remaining humanoid attempted a fighting retreat, but was smashed down by the dwarf’s maul.

Cabo was nearly dead and Gideon was heavily wounded. The group decided they needed to retreat from the caverns and find a safe place to rest.


The adventurers continued their journey after a decent rest and found a chamber with a large, bubbling pool.


Following a thorough investigation the adventurers determined the pool was safe and the bubbles were the result of an underground stream feed.


The next cavern the group entered was occupied.


There were three more of the nasty humanoids and behind the group was a Dark Elf. The enemy appeared ready, but the Dark Elf barked some sort of order to the humanoids and they backed off, but staying in readied combat stances. Osbourne and Gideon recognizing the elf wanted to talk began to ask the elf different things in various languages to see if there was a common language.

Finally, the elf started to say something in response and an arrow shot through the air plunking right through the elf’s eye and embedding itself deeply into his skull. Cabo gave a victory whoop and Brodek charged the bewildered humanoids.

>D.M. Note:< Once again, here endeth the parley…

The humanoids seemed to lose their morale with the sudden loss of the dark elf and the ensuing melee was a one-sided slaughter.

“Well shot peck!” Brodek boomed.

“You know we might have gotten some information from him,: Osbourne complained.

“We did. These nasty things are working for the dark elves,” Cabo retorted.

“Yes, but what else is down here?” Osbourne asked.

“One less dark elf!” Cabo said. “You know it’s been my experience there are few problems that cannot be solved by an arrow shot through an eye.”

to be continued...


>D.M. Notes<
Re: Miniatures
Player Characters
When the players created their characters one of the hurdles we immediately faced is that I do not have that many painted adventuring halflings. I have a scad of old Empire Imperial halflings, but the players were not fond of these overall. The result is we have one decent Reaper halfling to represent Cabo and two halfling hotpot crew members (guys in chef clothes) to represent the other two. We probably will replace those miniatures in the future as the players find minis more suitable and I get them painted. I just never expected a party with THREE halflings (pecks)! The dwarf is represented by an old Marauder Chaos Dwarf - the figure is probably older than the player!

A couple of substitutions already:
Troglodytes - These are actually Reaper lizardmen that I have been using in this role for years.
Humanoids - You may have noticed I have not identified the goat-headed miniatures by anything other than 'humanoid'. Really, this was a happy accident. I actually could not find the minis I wanted to use, so I plunked these down instead. The players' response of "What the hell are those?" was so gratifying I decided I had just instantly re-skinned the monsters into something new and mysterious. Perhaps someday in the future I will reveal the base creatures for these goatmen. I'm actually going to do this more, because I really enjoyed the PCs not knowing EXACTLY what they are facing.

I have a lot of master maze and other terrain. Many of the caverns you see are a combination of newer and older Dwarven Pieces with some custom pieces done by me with Hirst Arts molds. Aside from the futuristic/space line I own all of the Dwarven Forge sets and almost every Hirst Arts mold made. You can tell I have been collecting for a long time, because many of my pieces have the indentions for the old bow-tie connectors, which Dwarven Forge no longer uses. I have filled and repainted a few of these, but my collection is so vast it would be a Herculean task to do them all.

I'm really enjoying the campaign and I hope you are enjoying the pictures and campaign log.
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Intrepid Adventures of Legend or Hobo Murderers on the Loose (a pogre storyhour)

Episode 08
What's In Box Number One?

The adventurers, revived by their rest, continued to explore the caverns. They came upon a large cavern being mined by some humanoids.


The group charged and caught the humanoids by surprise. The creatures were cut down quickly and they discovered a way down and deeper. After a vigorous debate, the group decided to go back up and go behind the ornate stone door.


Brodek pushed the ornate, carved, stone door open to reveal a chamber with numerous desecrated graves and the ruins of a mausoleum.


The adventurers moved forward into the huge tomb room. As they moved to inspect one of the four doors leading out of the large room a half dozen skeletons emerged from the debris and attacked.


The two sides came together in a desperate battle of steel versus bone!


Brodek with his maul and Gideon with his fists were particularly effective smashing skeletons right and left. In the span of a few seconds the horrible undead were reduced to fragments and shards of bones and dust.

The first of the four tomb doors opened with a poof of dust.

"This has been closed a long, long time," Cabo said. The short passage ahead opened to a square chamber with an ornate mosaic depicting a woman in armor above a sarcophagus. As the group moved into the chamber they could see the mosaic was deteriorating before their eyes.


"Who's going to help me move the lid off this thing?" Brodek asked.

"Should we be disturbing a grave?" Gideon asked.

"Yes," Cabo replied. "I promise the owner won't mind."

Gideon shrugged nonchalantly as Cabo and Osbourne moved to help Brodek.

The trio strained mightily until the granite began to move with a low scraping sound. All three jumped back as a dark presence entered the chamber.


to be continued....


Intrepid Adventures of Legend or Hobo Murderers on the Loose (a pogre storyhour)

Episode 09
Give Me a Hand

The dark creature possessed an unnatural, cold aura that chilled the adventurers to the bone. The group recovered quickly though and began attacking the creature in earnest. Brodek struck the unnatural creature with a mighty blow that it seemed to shrink from. Osbourne followed with an array of magic missile that did a minimum of damage. Gideon jumped into the fray with flailing fists. The monk could feel the unearthly coldness of the creature and it sent a shiver down his spine.

The creature lashed out at Gideon and one of its dark, shadowy claws struck home. A deep wound of the claw's slash seemed to form out of nothingness on his arm. The wound was accompanied by a wave of shocking cold that seemed to pull the warmth out of the marrow of his very bones. Gideon staggered as he felt some of his strength leave his body.

Cabo delivered a brutal attack to the creature and it dissipated before the group's eyes.

"I feel weak. That thing did something to me," Gideon said.

"A shadow. A foul beast of unlife. You will recover with rest," Brodek reassured the monk.

A thorough search of the tomb yielded little but dust and bones.

Following a short rest, the adventurers opened the next tomb door and found a similar tomb room to the first.


“Given our tremendous luck with grave robbing perhaps we could leave this one alone, eh?” Osbourne asked.

“I, for one, am not anxious to tangle with another of those shadows,” Gideon quipped.

“Alright, step down pecks. There’s plenty to check before prying open another grave,” Brodek replied.

A quick search of the second tomb revealed little of value and the group moved onto the third. The third tomb was much like the first two. This time the group was mightily tempted to remove the sarcophagus lid again until Cabo stepped forward and put his ear to the stone box.

“By the gods, there is something clawing to get out!” Cabo exclaimed.

“More undead. Foul, silent beasts not an enjoyable fight at all,” Brodek complained.

“Right, we’ll leave this for later too then,” Gideon announced.

“Agreed, later,” Brodek said.

The last tomb door led to a much more impressive tomb room. Numerous niches lined the wall. An ornate sarcophagus was set before a dais. Resting on the dais was a full suit of field plate armor.


“I like the looks of that armor,” Brodek said.

“I do not like the looks of that armor,” Osbourne countered.

As the group carefully approached the sarcophagus the armor animated and came towards them.

“Naturally,” Osbourne sighed.

The armor flailed at the adventurers ineffectively until it was pulverized into dust by their combined efforts.

“That’s a real shame. That looked like decent armor,” Brodek complained.

“Except for the whole coming to life part,” Osbourne retorted.

“Aye peck, there’s the rub,” Brodek replied.

“Any scratching noises,” Gideon asked Cabo as the thief inspected the sarcophagus.

“No,” Cabo replied, “but there is something odd here. Look, do you see those shallow grooves in the floor?”

“Aye,” Brodek replied. The other two halflings just nodded. They could not really see anything, but felt it would be rude to disagree with Brodek.

“I have a theory,” Cabo stated. “I need your help. Come to this side away from the grooves and help me push this sarcophagus.” The trio obeyed and the four adventurers began pushing on the sarcophagus. Soon they were rewarded with the Sarcophagus shifting, revealing a niche below.

Secreted in the niche was a beautiful longsword. The hilt was inscribed with the name Steel Will.

“Now, this is why you rob graves pecks!” Brodek declared triumphantly as he held the sword aloft.


Following a vigorous debate the group decided to return to the two remaining unopened sarcophagi. The first they opened revealed another Shadow!


This shadow proved less of a challenge and was vanquished quickly by the group.

That left only the sarcophagus with the scratching sound. It was decided an approach needed to be planned this time. The group dragged in the remnants of one of the other sarcophagus lids and set up a barrier near the hall. Then the monk approached the ancient coffin and pushed the lid off.

A bluish-gray hand began to inch over the side of the sarcophagus. While the group anticipated what horrible creature could be attached to the hand they watched as the disembodied hand flopped on the floor and began crawling towards them.

“You have to be jesting,” Cabo said and non-chalantly shot an arrow at the hand pinning it to the floor. The strange undead body part twitched a few times and then quit moving.

The rest of the group approached the sarcophagus and found a few valuables. Brodek paused from his looting to look back at Cabo. The thief was pulling his arrow out of the hand and placing the hand in one of his carrying sacks.

“Hey peck! What gives?” Brodek asked.

“Just a little trophy,” Cabo replied.

“Why?” Osbourne asked. “What possible use could a hand have?”

“It gets a little lonely out in these wilds and an extra hand might be nice,” Cabo decided.

“Now you listen to me you disgusting little peck, you throw that hand down right now!” Brodek demanded.

“Nope,” Cabo replied and quickly stuffed the hand in the travelling bag.

“You are not right Cabo,” Gideon complained.

“And you, my friend, have no imagination,” Cabo retorted.


The adventurers had descended for quite some time and emerged in a good-sized cavern with a stream rushing through one end. Most notable, however, was the cavern was covered in all manners of fungi.


“What are you doing?” Brodek bellowed at Gideon.

Gideon was down on all fours and was cutting some of the fungi and putting it in his travel bag. “Collecting samples,” Gideon replied.

“What for?” Brodek asked.

“Not sure,” Gideon replied honestly and looked up with a huge grin.

“What is it with you pecks and your collecting habits?” Brodek grumped.

to be continued...


I, for one, was totally shocked that there were undead in the crypt area of that ruined keep's dungeon....

Alright smart guy, you just earned another level or two of this dungeon delve. As a matter of fact I think that comment calls for extensive mazes, sprinkled with riddles!

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