Interest Check, TSR Marvel Super Heroes!


The thing about the characters in all the versions is they do to some extent bend the rules, but they are also modeling what is in the comics. There’s no chargen document as to how the Hulk was built and he was given body armor and resistances.

At the end of the day the body armor requirement isn’t that much of a limitation. And things like costume changing is really more of an in game fiction sort of thing.

Plus in the advanced rules one individual could not combine body armor and force field. If a hero’s force field failed he took full damage. I don’t believe there was a agility penalty with BA but that combination was specifically ruled out. Only if a third party gave benefit of their force field would you get benefit of both.

At the end of the day no system is perfect. You may lose a bit of agility and health in this basic system, but there’s nothing in the basic rules that doesn’t allow using both forms of protection. Like most basic systems you lose some granularity but gain other things in simplicity. So I’d like to adhere to the mechanics as written as much as possible.

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I was kind of thinking of going with a character concept I’d made a while back, like ten years ago. I called him Specter. He had three powers, invisibility, flight and phase shifting. The perfect assassin. He can get anywhere, take out anyone, and nobody would ever know he was there. I could do a version of that, here. Make him an inhuman or mutant. Probably inhuman. As a limitation, I’d thought about him having a spectral form he can shift to, and he doesn’t have his powers unless he’s shifted. And when he’s shifted, he can’t interact with the world, as he just moves through it. Almost like moving over to the Etherial plane in DND.

I’d have him have some advanced technology that he utilizes for combat and whatnot. Martial arts, guns, something.


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OK that’s intriguing but I have a few questions. First what do you mean when you say spectral? Secondly what do you mean by interact? Does it mean you can’t talk to people ? You can’t touch people or things? Can things touch you? You can’t carry things?

Wrong system, tg. MSH doesn't have desolidification, only phasing. And phasing rank determines what you can phase through. MSH also doesn't have affects desolid or affects real world, which allow desolids to get hit or to be able to hit. IOW, easy in HERO, easy in M&M, out right impossible in basic MSH.

My only other comment is such a "natural assassin" character is not really conducive to being a team player. Why would such a character join a NY based super group? I'm not saying its impossible. But it seems a lot more like The Punisher than Kitty Pride. Unless I'm misreading the intent.

The Hulk does not have Body Armor. He has Dense Flesh that gives him Amazing Resistance to physical attacks and Incredible Resistance to energy attacks. There's no cost description for it. It's made up since it isn't BA and it's a resistance that doesn't exist in the power list. We can buy individual energy resistances but not "all energy" and not "physical".

I'm not looking to combine BA and FF, that's Fulcrum. I only want BA that can turn off and on. There is no such power unless BA can turn off. Her skin turns black (and starry) when in hero id. I made that a function of BA. Otherwise, it's just a freebie "skin color control" power and using her ability without the skin color is just all in her head. I'll live with that I suppose.


OK that’s intriguing but I have a few questions. First what do you mean when you say spectral? Secondly what do you mean by interact? Does it mean you can’t talk to people ? You can’t touch people or things? Can things touch you? You can’t carry things?

It would depend on how I linked the powers. If they are separate, it’s not an issue. If they’re linked, where he has to activate his power and he becomes invisible, insubstantial and begins flying, then I’d say he can take whatever he is wearing, but he has to reappear to affect anything. He’s almost phasing into a dimension just beside ours, where he can see and hear everything, but can’t touch or interact. That includes breathing, I think. He’d have studied his power, or had someone study it, so he has technology to help him, such as wearing a suit that provided oxygen while phased, a communications device to talk to allies or project his voice normally. But in my original concept, he is very limited in what he can interact with while phased. He uses training and weapons in combat, and uses his powers to appear to teleport around the battlefield.

Wrong system, tg. MSH doesn't have desolidification, only phasing. And phasing rank determines what you can phase through. MSH also doesn't have affects desolid or affects real world, which allow desolids to get hit or to be able to hit. IOW, easy in HERO, easy in M&M, out right impossible in basic MSH.

My only other comment is such a "natural assassin" character is not really conducive to being a team player. Why would such a character join a NY based super group? I'm not saying its impossible. But it seems a lot more like The Punisher than Kitty Pride. Unless I'm misreading the intent.

This was just his original concept. I’d need input on how to make this work for this system.

The other concept I have in mind is a typical indestructible strong guy. Cause that’s awesome. Perhaps another Inhuman, who’s body became enhanced after TerraGenesis. I’d go with gravity powers, but that’s taken. Same with TK. I thought about making him metallic, similar to colossus, but with more T1000 Abilities. But in the end, just a normal looking dude who is indestructible and freakishly strong is awesome, too. And every team needs a brick.

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First Post
To be honest The only reason I took FF and BA was because both powers have -some- things I want and neither is -exactly- what I want. And I'm fine with that. I just don't want it to be thought that it's some kind of central conceptual thing. It's a kludge; a workaround. An attempt to imperfectly model what I'm looking for. :)

It's close enough, I think. Ain't gonna complain.

This was just his original concept. I’d need input on how to make this work for this system.
My point was that I don't think it is possible in this system unless the GM allows powers to not be by the book. Which he's already ruled he wasn't interested in doing much of.

The other concept I have in mind is a typical indestructible strong guy. Cause that’s awesome. Perhaps another Inhuman, who’s body became enhanced after TerraGenesis. I’d go with gravity powers, but that’s taken. Same with TK. I thought about making him metallic, similar to colossus, but with more T1000 Abilities. But in the end, just a normal looking dude who is indestructible and freakishly strong is awesome, too. And every team needs a brick.
Yes, at the moment, Moon Sapphire's Remarkable Fighting and Remarkable Strength are as close as we have to a traditional Brick.

Welcome, h4h. Though, I don't know if there's still room or not, you are still welcome to the thread. :)

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