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(IC) We be Jammin' (5e PBP)

"You don't see that very often," Delphne said, staring at the remains of the only world she's ever known. There are far too few jammer ships in the sky around the destruction.

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Possibly a Idiot.
Glau is lost for a moment in the beautifully macabre explosion left by the new flower, mesmerized by the beams of light refracting through their shiny membrane. This moment, however, is short lived. A gnome comes up the the plasmoid, assailing with questions, and shaking with sorrows. Glau has no answers for the who, or why, or even if it will happen again. Glau only knows their duties, and maybe a distraction or two.

"Listen, friend." Glau says somberly. "We need someone to go around the ship, write down all the names of the, refugees, who came aboard. We need to know their names, their jobs, their stories, and anything they may have left. It's not much information, compared to what was just lost, but maybe, just maybe, there is something we can learn."

The plasmoid digs out some partchment and a pen, handing them over to Nic, before pulling a out a whistle-pipe for themselves.

After a short blast of whistles, loud enough for the ship to hear, they shout. "All hands muster on deck! We need to figure out which of the crew is missing!"

Delphne says to Glau, "I'm Delphne Brookesbed. I work in acquisitions. Now, while you are doing your muster, I'm going to search the lower decks for stragglers who decided not to muster. I'm sure some of my fellow civilians will not think they are not part of all hands."

She heads below deck to explore.


The muster-call was a good idea, and Captain Sartell nodded her approval to Glau, whose call it was to make. Delphine went below, familiarizing herself with the ship's layout. She shooed many distraught townsfolk up the ladders before discovering three stowaways in the form of rat-folk who had been known to live in Kingsport's sewers and attics. Normally, they were perceived as vermin by those living in the city. Now they were just more survivors of the world now gone.

On the main deck, everyone were being organized into three groups; 1) Aft: The ship's existing crew; 2) Midships: The group that had defended and ushered everyone to the docks as well as sailors, dockworkers, tailors, carpenters, and others that would be (gently) pressed into service; and 3) Fore: Refugees (those who wouldn't be useful to the ship's company, but were aboard nonetheless.

It wasn't always clear who should belong where, but Glau, Charlie, and Nic sorted them as best they could. In the end, there was:

Group 1) 11 crew; including Captain Sartell, Flapjack*, Glau, Gordo, & Monty.
Group 2) 12 competents; including Brother Phlox, Charlie, Gunthar, Nic, Sanderson, Sweet William, & Selma the net-mender.
Group 3) 44 refugees; including Devin Mayhew (William's childhood 'friend'), Tanner (Gunthar's assistant), & the three ratfolk.

In all, there were 67 people aboard. Captain Sartell was confident that her crew could manage the ship with the help of the others (though 23 crew seemed very slight for a ship of this size to Charlie and the other sailors, but having seen the sails fill themselves they understood the ship to be somewhat animated).

Their introduction to Flapjack was a point of interest. As the folk mustered and the ship had arrived at what was determined to be a safe distance, the ship came to a stop, the sails furled, and a strange sight rose out of one of the hatches:



Captain Sartell headed off the confused expressions on a few of the faces by saying, "This is Flapjack, our Spelljammer Helmsman. They are a Flumph, and a particularly friendly one. They are responsible for saving all of our lives, and they deserve the utmost respect from all aboard."

Flapjack floated around, slightly changing colour depending on the mood of those they floated nearby (various shades of sorrow and confusion, determination and anger). As they came up to anyone, they telepathically sent a message of friendly greeting followed by sorrowful consolation.

Delphne watched the tentacled creature disengaged from the helm at first in horror as the memory of fighting tentacled monsters was extremely fresh in her mind. She hid from it immediately. As it moved toward the ladder she heard the captain talking about Flapjack. When there was no commotion as the flumph(?) was introduced above she turned her attention to spot the friendly tentacled monster had vacated. Making sure not to touch anything, she examined the vital ships controls.


Steve Gorak

Nic gladly goes about tallying the names of the refugees. He offers succinct words of comfort as he goes about his new duty. Then he sees Flapjack, and his jaw drops. He stares back and forth from Glau to Flapjack, and then moves closer to the Flumph, examining it in a friendly way, hoping to get its attention.


Flapjack turned a friendly-looking shade of green as Nic approached him, and sent the feeling of warm greeting to him. There were no words, but Nic had the immediate impression that Flapjack recognized something in him that made them like-minded. After a moment, Nic understood that Flapjack was inviting him to come and see the helm.

"Our good fellow Flapjack will be needing a new mate." said Monty, seeing them 'speaking' to each other. He saw a quick look of confusion on the gnome's face and corrected himself, "Er, helmsman's mate, I mean. An assistant, like! Haw! That may have sounded wrong to a landsman's ears!"

* * *

Delphine had quickly returned below after being 'counted' in the muster. She was interested in the helm, which was situated safely below-decks in its own room, with reinforced walls against enemy fire. It consisted of a magnificent throne. Egg-shaped, with an intricate lattice-work made of bent iron with runes embossed in precious metals. It must have been very valuable, and clearly magical in its nature.

The rest of the room must have been Flapjack's quarters - a hammock hung in one corner with a round cushion.

Steve Gorak

His sorrow temporarily forgotten, Nic responds to the offer enthusiastically "Ohmyohmyohmy, wow, I'm sure happy to be your helman's mate Flapjack! Now you have to teach me how you speak, I really like it! Words without words! I could use that! I could talk even faster, and say everything I want to say!!!!" Nick almost runs to the helm, his speed adjusting to that of the Flumph.

Charlie marvels at the vessel as they flee. He stares in awe as they sail out into the black of the heavens. He looks back at the planet that was his home and gaps at the beauty and horror as the world opened like a flower. As Glau calls all hands Charlie's fell back on his training, mustering to the main deck.

"Charlie Cook, sailor and quartermaster, currently seeking a new ship."

Charlie gives his info to whomever approaches to ask. He turns as the captain introduces the helmsman. As Flapjack appears from below deck Charlie is dumbfounded. So much has happened that he doesn't have the capacity to be surprised again. He nods as the flumph introduces itself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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