• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Li Shenron

"What a lovely welcome party for four guests summoned among such amenities and decor, and yet no host of sort around to be seen..."

Grim moves towards the heavy wooden door to take a closer look, a bit annoyed by the dust and stench in the air she pulls up her neck scarf a little over her mouth and nose.

"But are we really guests after all, or perhaps prisoners?"

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Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

"I don't make a habit of having-" he waves his left hand to indicate the area around them "-this happen to me. I'd imagine it would be the same for the rest of us. Unless any of you have more information then maybe we should search the most obvious building here?"

He points at the large razorvine-covered structure with his right hand.

"Seeing as we're currently lacking food and water we can't exactly camp out here. 'Necessities of life' and all that."
Orris slipped his pants on, one leg at a time as he leaned against the dusty, cracking wall.

"I avoid camping whenever I can and I have enough bad habits that I don't want to add this to the list."

"What a lovely welcome party for four guests summoned among such amenities and decor, and yet no host of sort around to be seen..."
"Nobody is home - nobody here to tell us who lives in yonder castle. There are people, I think. I heard a scream just now - which means someone is having fun, at least." He sighs.
"But are we really guests after all, or perhaps prisoners?"
He put both boots on and slipped a finely tailored shirt over his head,

"Either way, guest or prisoner, whomever brought us here: did research, made deals and spent resources to make it happen This isn't random. You are each important because of what you are capable of or because of how you can be made to influence whatever organization or Master you belong to. You have value. Which means you have leverage..."

He puts an expensive-looking gambeson on and begins tying his sword belt around his waist,

Unless, I suppose, someone was trying to get rid of you...

Orris winked at his own joke, then inhaled deeply, taking in the surrounding air*. After a dramatic exhale, he added,

I'm Orris.

*I'll use Divine Sense:
The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.
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Trust the Fungus
"I am having my share of enemies, yes, but none who are going to this much of trouble to be taking me alive. Prisoners, yes, maybe we are. Prisoners or guests, our hosts are wanting something from us, and wanting it badly to have us summoned. If they are pretending to offering us a choice, we should assume we are only free to choosing what they want."

She pauses.

"Perhaps we should establishing shared for theories on our benevolent and wholly trustworthy hosts' purposes for this summoning. Moving, all of us, like dangerous cutters, yes? Watching the horizon, sniffing the breeze. Cagey, we are, even though we are fairly certain being to have common cause. This is good. Our chances, this is improving.

"I am being named Kachilk'cha. It is meaning 'seeks the medicine'; I am being the best apothecary and chirurgeon in the Lower Ward, though for a larger purse, my medical ethics are being negotiable."
There's a unmistakably mirthful lilt in her telepathic voice. "Do not worrying. World is being made of one's clients and one's pack, one's patients and marks. Profit is being never in getting them confused."

Li Shenron

"Grim's the name, if you need to know..." says the half-orc with a condescending smirk and a hint of a nod. "As for moving together until we know anything useful, that sounds reasonable to me. Now the question is, where to?"


"Either way, guest or prisoner, whomever brought us here: did research, made deals and spent resources to make it happen This isn't random. You are each important because of what you are capable of or because of how you can be made to influence whatever organization or Master you belong to. You have value. Which means you have leverage..."
"I am having my share of enemies, yes, but none who are going to this much of trouble to be taking me alive. Prisoners, yes, maybe we are. Prisoners or guests, our hosts are wanting something from us, and wanting it badly to have us summoned. If they are pretending to offering us a choice, we should assume we are only free to choosing what they want."

An incredulous grin splits Izek's face and he starts giggling.

After getting his laughter under control he holds his hands up in a conciliatory gesture.

"I'm sorry-it's just that I've dealt with demons and slaad before so the claim that there's no possibility for something to just be the whim of a powerful being or random chance is funny. There's a good chance you're right, but don't rule out that something might be meaninglessness."

"Perhaps we should establishing shared for theories on our benevolent and wholly trustworthy hosts' purposes for this summoning. Moving, all of us, like dangerous cutters, yes? Watching the horizon, sniffing the breeze. Cagey, we are, even though we are fairly certain being to have common cause. This is good. Our chances, this is improving.
Izek considers the question.

"The name's Izek and my spells are for hire."

"Grim's the name, if you need to know..." says the half-orc with a condescending smirk and a hint of a nod. "As for moving together until we know anything useful, that sounds reasonable to me. Now the question is, where to?"
Izek points to the largest building, the one covered in razervine.

"Well if what happened to us was purposeful I'd say that checking the best building's a good way to find whoever summoned us here."

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine senses: 4/5
Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

"I'm sorry-it's just that I've dealt with demons and slaad before so the claim that there's no possibility for something to just be the whim of a powerful being or random chance is funny. There's a good chance you're right, but don't rule out that something might be meaninglessness."
Pondering Izek's words, Orris strokes his chin in thought, almost incredulous that someone might not find him invaluable,

"I'll temper my optimism and, given your experience, will also take your wisdom to heart."

As if to accent his words, Orris slips his breast plate over his shoulders before he grabs the rest of his belongings.

"I agree with the consensus: the mansion is the only sensible place for us to go."

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In a heart-stopping moment, a thunderous crash shattered the eerie silence that had enveloped the narrow horseshoe-shaped alcove. The ground trembled beneath their feet as a fiery trebuchet stone hurtled through the air, its descent marked by a deafening impact that sent shockwaves through the surroundings. With uncanny precision, the projectile landed opposite the opening where Orris, Izek, Grim, and Kachil'kcha stood, their senses reeling from the intensity of the moment.

Flaming debris erupted from the impact, scorching through the air with a deadly dance of fire. The blazing fragments, like fiery spirits unleashed, hurtled towards the group, threatening to engulf them in their destructive path. Grim, with her keen instincts, managed to evade the fiery onslaught just in the nick of time. Instead, the remnants of destruction settled into the fetid puddle that Orris had been recently acquainted with, causing the murky waters to sizzle and churn with an unsettling hiss.The oppressive smell of smoke immediately filled the air, its aroma mingling with an odd stench of decay. The flames seemed to dance with malevolent glee, their origins mysterious—whether they were conjured by magic or merely the result of the razorvine's flammability, none could say for sure.

As the fire spread with alarming speed on both sides, consuming the tenements in its ravenous hunger, sparks and embers rebounded with an almost sentient fury, casting an ethereal rain of danger upon the hapless surroundings. Beyond the alcove, the screams of terror erupted, carried by the wind that now carried the scent of smoke and burning far and wide. "Burn these down, they're diseased!" The cries echoed through the haze, mingling with panic and determination that hung like a dark cloud.

Then they saw him.

A hooded figure appeared at a cracked window of one of the tenement buildings. The apparently hapless soul pounding on the glass - a middle-aged human man eyes wide with fear and desperation, frantically seeking a means of escape from the consuming flames. The distant sound of his anguished pleas screeched in the wake of the receding impact of the trebuchet stone. The group could either flee immediately towards the alcove opening, seeking safety from the fiery maw, or they could attempt to help the desperate soul trapped in the tenement.

A quick assessment of the situation would reveal a possibility to try and help him-

The Unscathed Ladder: Just a few strides away, a sturdy ladder leaned against the adjacent wall, its wooden frame untouched by the fire thus far. It stood as a lifeline, a chance to ascend to the trapped man window and offer him a path to safety. It was a precarious option, as the ladder could become compromised by the heat at any moment, but for now, it remained a potential way to reach the desperate soul and bring them to safety. Razorvine nipped at the base of the ladder, but the rungs were largely untouched.

There were other possibilities based on the expertise of those gathered, but this one was the one that any of them could attempt.
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Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine senses: 4/5
Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

Orris seemed slightly alarmed at the sudden change in the situation but he recovered quickly, seemingly accustomed to events changing quickly to violence.

Seeing the man in the window, he responds,

“How fortuitous, I was looking for someone to question and fate delivered them.”

He strode to the window,

“Ho, there, Sir! Don’t panic, we’ll get you down safely.”

His manner had lost all of its previous swagger and was, instead, calming and full of concern. With a word, he began to float up to the window. Standing on a cushion of air at the base of the window, he said,

Don’t worry, things are under control. Take my hand and we will float down to ground.

He reached out, offering a hand to help the man step off the ledge.

Orris probably isn’t strong enough to carry the guy down safely so I’ll just cast feather fall when he inevitably falls.
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"Burn these down, they're diseased!"

A flash-flood of expletives explouds from Izek's mouth in Abyssal (Demons have the best swear words) as he realizes that wherever they are is likely a plague district. There's no way he's sticking around to perish in the flames or risk getting infected.

"We need to leave immediately!"

Izek makes good his own escape by fleeing for the alcove that seems to offer safety.

Voidrunner's Codex

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