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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

Tifi is by the water's edge. The river is wide and slow here. To anyone who will listen she complains that the water is too cold for swimming. (The air is barely 60 F (15 C) so getting out of the water wouldn't be great either.) She starts picking up little sticks and twigs and dropping them in the water. Then she runs down the shore to see which of them "wins".

Anna, as you cross the garden bridge, you can see the tower clearly several hundred yards to the south. To the north, you can see several groups of people sitting along the river enjoying a picnic.

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"If we do this, we could well stir up a storm of trouble. It might pay to let the army know first. It might also pay to get a couple of the local lizard folk as guides ..."

Winter looks as if she is going to say more, but stops. She pushes herself to her feet and heads over to where Tifi is playing by the water to keep an eye on the girl.

Old Widow Willow knows if the girl can even swim ...


Surina, who had been growing anxious as she watched Tifi play along the riverbank relaxed a bit as Winter walked toward the girl. “I don’t credit the rumors that Ariamhodry is dead. I am troubled the the religious fervor of his followers that we encountered. I think he will continue to pursue his evil schemes unless we put a stop to him.” I’ve heard rumors of late of missing people—seemingly isolated incidents, this time. They may be unrelated, but I wonder about them.”

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Klebba had been quiet, listening to each new comrade in turn.

"I cannot turn my heels to this menace," the halfling says. "If you need me, I am at your service."
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Swithun was happy that everyone seemed interested. There were some good ideas that he would not have thought of on his own.

"I will speak with Army command so that we do not - how is the words - 'step on anyone's toes'." suggested Swithun while making a stomping motion with one of his front hooves.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
"I will speak with Army command so that we do not - how is the words - 'step on anyone's toes'." suggested Swithun while making a stomping motion with one of his front hooves.

Klebba tucks his toes, and says, "I'd like to go with you, Swithun. I don't what -- if any -- influence my military rank might have, but I doubt it would hurt."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon does not go after Tifi when she ventures so close to the water’s edge, although he does keep an eye on her. When Winter moves up to the girl, the monk lets his attention wander for a moment.

”Good idea on the lizard people guides. We can bring some of their drink, too. Good stuff!” he says with a grin, looking for no particular reason at the shortest adult person around - the halfling Klebba.

”So when are we leaving? And which of you is gonna look after Tifi?” he asks the others with an exaggerated wink.

GM: Factoid: Talking to Army command means going to the Tillerson estate and talking to Everett's father. Swithun and Surina should have sufficient pull to get in to see him.


"Hmmm." Anna thinks for a minute, and decides her quest can wait for a small while; she decides to sit nearby where the picnics are, and people-watch for a bit, eating her cooling lizard-on-a-stick.

Should enough time pass that she feels it's time to resume her personal quest, she'll get back up and move towards the keep.


... And which of you is gonna look after Tifi?” he asks the others with an exaggerated wink.

"Oh for the love of root and branch, she has a family," mutters Winter under her breath. Doesn't she? Winter realises that she does not know. I should find out.

"Hmmm." Anna thinks for a minute, and decides her quest can wait for a small while; she decides to sit nearby where the picnics are, and people-watch for a bit, eating her cooling lizard-on-a-stick.

The solid tome welded to the young woman's non-greasy hand is a dead giveaway, Winter concludes. Wizard. The Iolanthe have their wielders of arcane magic, but none of them are wizards. None that Winter can recall, anyways.

Never trust a wizard, Tree Father Ulmus used to say. Probably still does. But Ulmus is a crotchety old Tree Father at the best of times. And besides, he just plain does not like outsiders.

Winter doesn't recall seeing the wizard ... assuming that she is a wizard ... around town previously.

"Hello." says Winter as Tifi's wandering takes them past the young woman. "I'm Snow. Join us if you wish," indicating the others with a sweep of the arm. "We are mostly new to town, and to each other."

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