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IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part V


Erdolliel deftly swims through the dangerous waters, reaches the stable floor along the south wall, and pulls herself up.

Eskard flies into a fury and swing madly at his unseen foe. Unfortunately, the warrior hits nothing but air.

Kushnak moves forward and waits for an opportunity.

Bazrim lets loose a bolt of fire, but, like Eskard, the mage fails to connect.

Nethezar curses, "I have nothing to counter this." The scholar moves forward and utters a blessing, which will hopefully be enough to help.

The two invisible beings each lash at Eskard. The warrior feels two swipes pass by him, but feels two others slam into him. The others again see the half-orc almost flip in the air from the blows.

[sblock=OOC]Erdolliel: swim check 13+, success; subjected to 1 weapon "attack", 6+ miss; climb check to get onto "land", 16+ success
Eskard: rages; full attacks 2, 18+, 27% miss; 4+ miss;
Kushnak: moves; readies
Bazrim: Scorching ray 2; 7+, 49% miss (so close...)
Nethezar: moves; prayer
1: full attack S, 4+ miss, 9+ miss
2: full attack S, 11+ hit, 15+ hit, 17 damage

I don't know whether Eskard still wanted to take his 5-foot step; both baddies were next to him anyway, so they either did or did not take 5-foot steps, too.

Status & Init
Eskard: 29 damage; rage

Prayer: allies +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks; foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls; 7 rounds[/sblock]

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[sblock=oc]Third try's the charm.[/sblock]

Eskard lashes out at the space the attacks came from, before retreating to the group.

[sblock=oc] Spring attack something, 5' step, PA 3 +13 2d6+18 (w/bless) then retreat to 5' above and 5' N of Kushnak.[/sblock]

Kushnak, shouts "YES!" and rummages through his scroll case.

[sblock=oc]Apparently he has a scroll case, with invisibility purge in it. Retrieve the scroll and cast.(unless that's to much, then just retrieve)[/sblock]
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Erdolliel springs into action before returning to Kushnak's side.[sblock=oc]alright, so I'm confused as all hell about the lack of pinpointing... Did Eskard take a 5' step? if not Erdolliel will Spring Attack the one that attacked her since it didn't move. If Eskard did take a step, Erdolliel will SA the same square that Eskrad last attacked. Either way, I'm pretty sure that I can do the attack and get back to 5'N of Kushnak.

Dodge on the one that attacked me, Mobility on any AoO from the one I'm not attacking, +8 1d8+3

If it works out that there is no way that I can get to Kushnak, I'll shoot for getting within 10' of him. My movement is currently 40'.[/sblock]


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Bazrim draws a dagger from his side and throws it at the unseen foe. "If this sticks, we'll be able to know where the target is."
[sblock=ooc]will target whatever is still invisible. if both are still invisible, throw at one Erdolliel attacked. +6 1d4. Does the -1 from str count on thrown weapons?[/sblock]


Erdolliel deftly darts out onto the plank and swings where she thinks one of the foes must be. Unfortunately, she hits only air.

Eskard lashes out, hits only air, and flies above Erdolliel. As the half-orc flies away, one of the invisible things smacks him again.

Kushnak, thinking he has an ace up his sleeve, uses his scroll of invisibility purge. Unfortunately, nothing happens.
[sblock=worthley]Bazrim is quite confident they are invisible stalkers now, since he knew the purge couldn't work on them.[/sblock]
Bazrim whips his dagger, which flies at the opposing wall.

Nethezar utters a prayer, and some of Eskard's wounds heal.

Unfortunately, the warrior quickly has new wounds, as he feels invisible blows crash into him yet again.

[sblock=OOC]I talked to Ti about this. I completely failed to mention that it requires balance checks to move on the planks. Ti told me he would risk it.

Erdolliel: balance check, 15+ success; SA 12+, 14% miss
Eskard: SA 2, 6+, 43% miss (good god)
1: AoO (while S can't provoke from 2, he can from 1), 19+ hit, 10 damage
Kushnak: gets scroll; casts
Bazrim: throws dagger, 10+ miss
Nethezar: CSW on S, 23 hps
1: 5-foot step; full attack S, 17+ hit, 2+ miss, 12 damage
2: 5-foot step; full attack S, 15+ hit, 3+ miss, 15 damage

Eskard knows that both of the attacks MUST have reach, and neither are right next to him (though he knows the general direction).

Status & Init
Eskard: 43 damage; rage

Prayer: allies +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks; foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls; 6 rounds[/sblock]


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"Maybe living is the better part of valor? The elf questions while waiting for Eskard to reveal the position of the enemies to her. "Eskard and I might be able to use the doors to the rest of your advantage."[sblock=oc]delay until after Kushnak[/sblock]


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Frustrated, Eskard swings wildly before retreating again.

[sblock=oc]SA some square. 5' toward the general direction of the attacks. PA 3 +13 2d6+18 (w/bless) retreat next to Bazrim. Dodge on 1. And remember the mobility.[/sblock]

"A DAGGER! That's the best you can do dwarf? Get back, all of you.

[sblock=oc]Seriously? Ready to attack if something becomes visible. +11 2d6+6 (w/bless)[/sblock]


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Bazrim, frustrated with his attempt to mark the attacker yells out, "I'm waiting for the room to be cleared, and wanted to track them." He then waits for the room to be cleard and burns everything that might be left in there.
[sblock=ooc]delay until everyone is out and fireball the room 7d6[/sblock]


While Erdolliel waits to make her next move, Eskard takes a wild swing, hoping to hit something. While the warrior hits only air, he, fortunately, feels another swing harmlessly fly near him, as he retreats back.

Kushnak prepares to hopefully hit something.
[sblock=OOC]I hate enworld so much. I do NOT want to know that someone posted or last checked the boards "1 day ago." I want to know the friggin' date and time. I don't know whether Ti has checked since o3 posted. So, I'm doing a sorta mini-round.

Erdolliel: delays
Eskard: SA, 3+ miss; moves back by Bazrim
AoO from one of the baddies: 5+ miss
Kushnak: readies

Up to Erdolliel's delayed action.[/sblock]

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