• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

HQ: The 'Ready Lounge'

Hand of Vecna

First Post
Salix said:
OOC: Notice we're both using blue. I can switch out if need be once we get in the mission.
OOC: Nah, I can switch -- you've got seniority!

"Vhy, hello zhere!" Archeville says upon noticing Sierra. "I do not believe ve haff been introduced. I am Herr Doktor Viktor Archeville," he bows with a slight flourish, "of Germany. Und you are?"
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Rystil Arden

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[SBLOCK=German]"I am Sierra Perseis, the actress. You might recognise me from television and movies?" Sierra replies in perfect fluent German.[/SBLOCK]

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"<<Ah, yes, Ms Perseis!>>" he replies in German, "<<Though I was unaware you were in the Resolutes. Are you researching for a film role, or looking to do some PR work?>>"*

* No background info on Circe's char sheet makes it somewhat difficult to interact ;) If it is widely known she's got powers and is a Resolute, I'll edit my post accordingly.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: It isn't really widely known, so I just don't include it because I figure people who want to interact with her might read the sheet looking for it ;)--though I should add the new actress stuff because that's the only part that actually is known. Although she only recently became an actress, after the Iridium Con adventure failed, actually--she went to the Con anyway and met some people in the biz.)

"<<Ah, I was a Resolute before I was an actress, though not a famous Resolute I'm afraid, not nearly so famous as I am an actress now, as it's three missions out of three that have been cancelled at the last minute or partway through--well okay, the third one wasn't cancelled, but it isn't safe for the Resolutes on the mission if I'm there with them. Fourth time's a charm, though, right, Herr Doctor?>>"

Hand of Vecna

First Post
OOC: Gotcha ;)

"<<Oh, well, as the saying goes, 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try a- wait.... what? It's not safe for us if you're on a field mission with us?!>>"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"<<Oh, I never failed the missions. The missions just sputtered and died away, as if some capricious god watching over us from another world simply lost interest in us and wanted no more to do with us,>>" Sierra replies wryly, "<<Oh that, the safety thing. You don't have to worry. It's just this one mission in Turkey--there's a gal there who would have been able to sense me if I stuck around, and that might have gotten hairy for them there. Anywhere else should be fine.>>"

(OOC: This is my in-game reason for having Sierra not go on the adventure I'm running ;))

Hand of Vecna

First Post
OOC: Heh, cool.

"<<Ah, I see, I see... well, in that case, maybe I won't feel so bad if we're assigned on a missing together.>>" he adds with a smirk. "<<So, there's a girl in Turkey who can sense metahumans? How fascinating... oh, speaking of, just what is it you can do? I mean, powers-wise? I've always felt it best for teammates to share such info, if nothing else so we can better plan out individual and group tactics for use in the field.>>"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"<<No, she can just sense me. Otherwise, they'd be in danger regardless. She's my niece, you see.">> Sierra replies, "<<What do I do? Well, what would you like me to do? Since last I was called upon for a mission, I have increased my mastery over my powers. I can control chaos and deflect all attacks made against my allies back at their orginator, or connect to the strength of the earth and become incredibly mighty as long as I don't touch the ground. Well, that's some of the new stuff anyway. Mostly I just like to talk to people. They tend to listen to me. Or to change the world to suit my tastes. For instance, wouldn't it be great if we were in a nice German beer hall?>>"

*The room shifts and changes, and suddenly, they are instead in a nice German beer hall. An attractive waitress offers the Doctor a cold beer.*

"<<And if all else fails, well, I don't enjoy resorting to violence, but I will do so if necessary.>>"

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"<<Ah, yes, detection of closely-related metahumans...>>" he mutter, "<<such an ability would be an easier one to 'evolve'.... I->>"

Archeville does a double-take at the waitress, then slowly stands and looks around the hall. <<"Fascinating... 'chaos manipulation,' eh? Most fascinating....>>" He soon sits back down and takes a sip of the beer, but suddenly spits it out. "<<Augh! This is far too cold! Beer should be chilled, not frozen!>>"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"<<Oh no, this isn't chaos manipulation--that's one of my other powers--I can't use them all at once or my head would explode or something! This is just what I do in my spare time,>>" Sierra crinkles her nose, "<<I wouldn't say it was frozen. Allow me to peruse your tastes?>>"

*If he agrees, she closes her eyes for a moment and then asks the girl to bring a new beer for the Doctor.*

"<<Try this one.>>"

*This time, it is the absolute perfect beer, perhaps the ultimate beer, exactly the temperature the Doctor prefers, with all the right blend of flavours in just the right amount.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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