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D&D 4E How To Clone 4E Using 5E Rules


Arcadian Knight
In a system where +1 is as big a jump as it is in 5e? It should be plenty to have +3. That’s Legendary magic weapon territory.

Though that isnt where I am thinking about too much... i am concerned how much is +3 added to non-proficient activity Intimidate or Deception use for my Chosen one I have using in my example. I guess it does make her as able as someone with basic proficiency in say Heroic from the default rules. Which hmmmm .

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Arcadian Knight
So in 4e we have an Inherent Bonuses rule 5e has since the beginning talked the talk of magic item bonuses being "not needed" is that actually true and How?


Lets think carefully about bounded accuracy.

At level 1, it is possible to have a total of +0 (average score, nonproficient) or worse.

At level 1, the highest bonus is +7 (+5 score, +2 proficiency).

Im less fond of the Expertise ‘doubling’ proficiency, because I like bounded accuracy for skills too, and I like to use skills in combat, so like combat and skills to have the same math.

The maximum score is 20, until Epic tier. What about regulating scores at lower tiers?

Novice: max score 16
Hero: max score 18
Paragon: max score 20

Because the ‘4Ever’ system will probably use point-buy, it is easy to regulate Novice ability scores.

I also suggest no ability improvements from races. Make races have score prerequisites, rather than improvements. This resolves a number of problems, especially making any race useful for any class since theres no dependence on the highest bonus. Also, the absence of additional bonuses helps control bounded accuracy. For example, rather than the Mountain Dwarf granting +2 Strength score and +2 Constitution, it instead requires a minimum of 13 Strength and 13 Constitution in order to choose this race. Prereqs tend to be 11, 13, or 15 (such as extreme Dex of a Drow, or extreme Str of an Orc).

Novice tier maximum bonus +6
+0 tier
+3 score
+2 proficiency
+0,+1 magic

Heroic tier maximum bonus +11
+1 tier
+4 score
+3,+4 proficiency
+1,+2 magic

Paragon tier maximum bonus +16
+2 tier
+5 score
+5,+6 proficiency
+2,+3 magic

Epic tier maximum bonus +19 or higher
+3 tier
+6 or higher score
+7 or higher proficiency
+3 magic

Note, even with the very modest availability of bonuses, above, the bounded accuracy still gets blown out of the water.


So in 4e we have an Inherent Bonuses rule 5e has since the beginning talked the talk of magic item bonuses being "not needed" is that actually true and How?

Maybe the magic bonus and the tier bonus are the same thing? If using magic bonuses, then treadmill the tier bonus. If without magic bonuses just add the tier bonus directly?

Novice: +0 magic or tier
Hero: +1 magic or tier
Paragon: +2 magic or tier
Epic: +3 magic or tier


At this point I believe many here believe it is doable in principle. We just disagree on how. How about we make it a challenge? NaNoWriMo Style? (Ok, not exactly that). We establish an start point and an end point (could be two weeks, could be a month). The challenge, to write a clone using OGC, four races, four classes, combat rules, skill rules, ten levels of feats and support, and a sample bestiary with ten monsters (1 per level). Then we share back and have the community vote on a poll?

I don't get why you guys just don't hew as closely as possible to 4e to begin with, just to get it all in order and in place, and then fork from there to meet personal preferences.... I mean, it makes sense to have OSRic in place before you start working on Adventures Dark & Deep.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I don't get why you guys just don't hew as closely as possible to 4e to begin with, just to get it all in order and in place, and then fork from there to meet personal preferences.... I mean, it makes sense to have OSRic in place before you start working on Adventures Dark & Deep.
This makes a lot of sense. A document parsing each of the 4e PHB classes and races, and the general rules, plus enough monsters to run a quick level of a dungeon with a boss fight, using the 5e OGL, would be a basis from which every other 5.4e variant could diverge, while having some common ground for discussions. I do think even THAT conversion should tighten up the numbers treadmill dramatically, but I'd be willing to compromise on that.

Though that isnt where I am thinking about too much... i am concerned how much is +3 added to non-proficient activity Intimidate or Deception use for my Chosen one I have using in my example. I guess it does make her as able as someone with basic proficiency in say Heroic from the default rules. Which hmmmm .
Seems about right to me. If she has decent Cha (and any 4e retro-remix will have ASIs separate from Feats, I imagine), she should be pretty good at those skills. An epic Bard will have full training in every skill in the final tier of play, which feels right to me.

If you feel like a Chosen should have exceptional force of personality, that can be part of the Chosen Epic Destiny. Those will need a different name, obviously, but there's no reason that a 5e chassis can't handle having the Theme/Paragon Path/Epic Destiny layer added to it.

So in 4e we have an Inherent Bonuses rule 5e has since the beginning talked the talk of magic item bonuses being "not needed" is that actually true and How?

It's definitely true that you don't need magic item bonuses in 5e. I have one campaign where no +x items have ever shown up, and it runs just as well as the campaign that has several, and the campaign that has a few. How noticeable the difference is tends to be dependent on how finely tuned the optimization of the PC group is.

Now, for a 5.4e, I'd consider simply making the Tier Bonus not stack with +x magic items? So, you might get ahead of the curve, but there is no need really to have an item that is JUST +x. Instead, we can gather a wishlist of the more interesting magic items of 4e, pair it down to a list of about 100 items at most, and convert them without any +. We can work out a system for determining +/level once we have solid items that should scale well in a simple or at least rational manner.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Question for anyone intersted.

How do you feel about the expanded weapon properties of 4e? I rather liked all of them, especially Brutal and High Crit. A scimitar, rapier, longsword, etc all really felt different in 4e, both on paper and in play.

How do we feel about how crits should work? I rather like "max damage +1d" but others swear by 5e double dice, while other pine for the days of doubling the whole result.


Prefer 5E crits. Some form of 4E weapon properties should make it in but not gonna bother with the plus 2 and plus 3 parts though.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Prefer 5E crits. Some form of 4E weapon properties should make it in but not gonna bother with the plus 2 and plus 3 parts though.

I wouldn’t call the differing proficiency bonuses a weapon property, and I agree that having different accuracies between weapons is a bad way to go.

One thing that a 4e remix of any kind needs, IMO, not matter how far toward “clone” you wanna go, is fewer sources of stacking static modifiers.


So, not that it is going to make much difference, but I am currently working on a 4e clone with the OGL. After working on it with the original OGL versions...I've come to the conclusion it would be a LOT EASIER simply to use 5e rules (SRD) and create some classes that play in the "STYLE" of 4e.

What I mean is that they use the powers system, or a simulacrum of it, while utilizing the 5e rules. This would be a LOT easier for me to do than from the OGL that I'm using currently.

Thus, I've decided after I've finished with the OGL version which I am creating a clone of 4e, that I will convert some of it to a 5e version and post it up for those who wish to play 5e but with a 4e style of play.

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