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"How do I beat the Matt Mercer effect?"

On Reddit, a user named Mister-builder asked Matthew Mercer how to deal with folks who unfavourably compare their home game to that of Critical Role's videos. Matt took to Reddit to pen a reply.

On Reddit, a user named Mister-builder asked Matthew Mercer how to deal with folks who unfavourably compare their home game to that of Critical Role's videos. Matt took to Reddit to pen a reply.

"I'm running a campaign for a lot of first-timers, and I'm dealing with a lot of first-timer problems (the one who never speaks up, the one who needs to be railroaded, the NG character being played CN and the CN character being played CE). Lately, however, there's a new situation I'm dealing with. A third of my group first got interested in D&D because of Critical Role. I like Matt Mercer as much as the next guy, but these guys watched 30+ hours of the show before they ever picked up a D20. The Dwarf thinks that all Dwarves have Irish accents, and the Dragonborn sounds exactly like the one from the show (which is fine, until they meet NPCs that are played differently from how it's done on the show). I've been approached by half the group and asked how I planned to handle resurrection. When I told them I'd decide when we got there, they told me how Matt does it. Our WhatsApp is filled with Geek and Sundry videos about how to play RPG's better. There's nothing wrong with how they do it on the show, but I'm not Matt Mercer and they're not Vox Machina. At some point, the unrealistic expectations are going to clash with reality. How do you guys deal with players who've had past DM's they swear by?

TL;DR Critical Role has become the prototype for how my players think D&D works. How do I push my own way of doing things without letting them down?"


Here was the reply from Matthew Mercer:

"Seeing stuff like this kinda breaks my heart. Regardless, the fact of the matter is our style of play is just that...our style of play. Every table is different, and should be! If they just want to “copy” what we do, that’s not very creative nor what makes the game magic at the table.

I DO believe that it’s important for any gaming group to discuss expectations early into a campaign so everyone can get on the same page and avoid dissonance. However, it’s EVERYONE’S responsibility at the table to provide and add to the experience for everyone to enjoy themselves and the story, not just the DM. As I saw some comments below mention, you want a particular style of game? That level of commitments rests on YOUR shoulders. Consolidate your style and wishes with those of the other players and DM, and somewhere in that unique mix you will find your table’s special style of storytelling.

Need I also remind your players that we are a table of professional actors, and I have been DMing for well over 20 years. We have spent our lives training in particular skills that allow us to get as immersed in the characters as we enjoy doing. Anyone can jump in as deeply, should they wish to, but EXPECTING that immediate level of comfort and interest is unfair and absurd. Do they want a deep, convoluted emotional journey like Scanlan? They better be able to bring it like Sam did. No? Then sit down and just have fun finding your own path. ;)

PLUS, our style isn’t for everyone! Hell, just scan the comments below to see how many folks don’t like us, haha. I’ve played with many different players, ran games of many different styles and focuses, and I can tell you... there is so much fun variety to how a TTRPG can be played, they’re limiting their chances to enjoy it by trying to “play it just like us”.

Anyway, I say the best course is have a very frank conversation with them about these things. Clearly say that your game will feel like YOUR game (meaning you and the players together), and it’s THEIR responsibility to bring to the table what facet they want to see in it. Show them this post, if it helps. In fact, show them this message:

“Guys. Relax. Your DM is kicking ass, and is doing this for YOUR enjoyment and journey. Appreciate that, listen, build with them, and make this something UNIQUE. Abandon expectations and just have fun together as friends.”

Anyway, so sorry. Things like this are never my intent. It’s a weird, wild west these days. Your gonna be great, friend.

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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Really, people? Matt Mercer is making DMs look and feel bad because players expect the same experience from something they saw on the internet? But everything would be better if Matt looks into the camera mid-show to explain that the show is NOT an instructional video on how to play the game, but for entertainment purposes only (and maybe inspiration)? If that's all it takes to make somebody feel better about it, I don't think it's as big as problem as people like to think it is. Just something else to complain and whine about.

But let's not overlook the statement Mercer JUST made in direct response to the reddit. There's your disclaimer. Kudos for him. We should all be so lucky to find more people in the gaming community who cares more about strangers in an online community than his own ego. Suck it up already. Pass it on.
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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Really, people? Matt Mercer is making DMs look and feel bad because players expect the same experience from something they saw on the internet? But everything would be better if Matt looks into the camera mid-show to explain that the show is NOT an instructional video on how to play the game, but for entertainment purposes only (and maybe inspiration)? If that's all it takes to make somebody feel better about it, I don't think it's as big as problem as people like to think it is. Just something else to complain and whine about.

But let's not overlook the statement Mercer JUST made in direct response to the reddit. There's your disclaimer. Kudos for him. We should all be so lucky to find more people in the gaming community who cares more about strangers in an online community than his own ego. Suck it up already. Pass it on.

I agree. Having disclaimer and official countermeasures would be weird. If people have a problem with how people react to CR, they should address it personally at their table, no need to blow it out of proportion. Its still just a game and CR is an overall positive element for the good of said game. Mercer is still very nice to address this subject as nothing was forcing him to do so.


As long as i get to be the frog
Really, people? Matt Mercer is making DMs look and feel bad because players expect the same experience from something they saw on the internet? But everything would be better if Matt looks into the camera mid-show to explain that the show is NOT an instructional video on how to play the game, but for entertainment purposes only (and maybe inspiration)? If that's all it takes to make somebody feel better about it, I don't think it's as big as problem as people like to think it is. Just something else to complain and whine about.

But let's not overlook the statement Mercer JUST made in direct response to the reddit. There's your disclaimer. Kudos for him. We should all be so lucky to find more people in the gaming community who cares more about strangers in an online community than his own ego. Suck it up already. Pass it on.

This post seems overly defensive


I wonder how much the camera makes people act more to impress the audience. A bit like at conventions where it seems people act up more since there are strangers about and not your normal group.

It seemed to have helped my son the time we went to the convention and he got to see more DMs and play styles than the normal group we play with.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
This post seems overly defensive
Overly annoyed, maybe. Tired of seeing so much over reaction for every little thing. And then every annoyed reaction gets more attention than the first over reactions... oh, hey! Remember how Matt Mercer did something neat to respond to somebody's concerns and then people started complaining that he should add disclaimers for the show in the first place for these poor people who over react?

Yeah, I should go chill somewhere else today. This is just going to implode no matter what. I need to find real people to talk with again.

Wraith Form

Maybe grow thicker skin, and be open to improving.

Really? That's a crap response.

Whether the poster should be more self-confident or not, it's still impolite for players to verbally complain about DMing style. If they think can do the job better, let them step up and try. Or they can leave the game and find someone that can emulate Mercer (good luck with that).

But to suggest a DM grow a thicker skin for player douche-iness? Jerk move.


To me, this is not really any different from any player/new-player who get excited by a movie, series, book or other fiction source and then thinks their in game experience will be closer than it turns out to be.

Is your traveller game just like Firefly enough for your Browncoat? Have you ran Trek and had a die-hard-4-canon type before? Run a supers game in the DCEU for a super-fan who really just wants cameos by the "real heroes"? Or that Tolkeinista we all know? Or pixk-an-mmo...

I think Mercer did handle it well and I think fans of any media coming to the hobby is z great thing... except... maybe... not from BeyBlades cuz I heard that damn song twenty times a day when my nephew went thru that phase.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Overly annoyed, maybe. Tired of seeing so much over reaction for every little thing. And then every annoyed reaction gets more attention than the first over reactions... oh, hey! Remember how Matt Mercer did something neat to respond to somebody's concerns and then people started complaining that he should add disclaimers for the show in the first place for these poor people who over react?

Yeah, I should go chill somewhere else today. This is just going to implode no matter what. I need to find real people to talk with again.

I think you’re blowing the reaction out of proportion. The vibe I’m getting from this thread is more mild annoyance than indignant nerdrage. I’m certainly not upset over the way Critical Role is run, or over the fact that players who got into the game through Critical Role are looking for a Critical Role-like experience. I do find it a little annoying, however, when their Handbooker Helper series does a video on character creation that presents rolling stats as the default and doesn’t even mention that array or point buy are options that exist. Or when he has a guest’s character rescue her husband and son from a group of slavers, she breaks down to tears on stream, and there is absolutely no discussion of “Hey, folks, we’re professional actors, but in your own games it’s a good idea to have a discussion about what kinds of heavy material your fellow gamers are or aren’t comfortable with.” It’s not the end of the world, but it would go such a long way for so little effort on their part to just mention that every campaign has different needs and expects, and one of theirs is to be performance art as well as a game.

Of course, in the unlikely event that I have a new player join my group who expects the experience to look just like CR, I’ll deal with it. No skin off my nose. But the point of forums is to discuss, and the topic of discussion in this thread is the “Critical Role Effect,” so people saying “It sure would be nice if the CR crew did more to head stuff like this off at the pass” is to be expected.
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