• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Houston we have Achieved Orbit around NWN!


CRGreathouse said:

You do mean GHz, right? :eek:

Uh, oops, I better have a talk with the fellow I bought this from! Now that I think about it, it was suspicious that he was selling PCs from the back of a rusty van.

Oh, btw, I have NWN installed RIGHT NOW and am going to go play RIGHT NOW. :)

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Hand of Evil said:

Is the last we will hear from Leopold or will he resist the will-o'-wisp silent call from his Neverwinter Nights game and post tibits from the manual? :)

ARRRRR not getting mine until after work!

manual..the cover..glossy..matte black..with purple letters..the eye staring at me..wanting me to open the covers....Oh I must! Here is what it has:

216 pages of goodness..

(examples of what's in the book)

The game: What is NWN

In-game screens: what do the icons mean

Multiplayer: Server pc's and local pc's. No more carting your pc to the dm's house, just build it and leave it on the server!

Places and People: Blah blah blah about NeverWinter.

PHB: Build your PC and what all the stats and abilities do AS well as the classes that have been discussed.

Combat: How to kill things with the sharp pointy stick (The pointy end goes into the enemy).

Movement: How fast you can go

Spells: Tactics, description, casting time, etc.

Exp: What to do when you have enough to gain a level

Build your own adventure: How to use the toolset.

Notes for DM: How to turn a module and do the things a DM does.

Appendixes, Spells, and Notes take up another 30 pages..


Now I must return to this thing they call work..I had to put the cd's back in the car, under things to remain cool. Somehow I turned away for a second and when i turned back the pop up for NWN had appeard and was going to install...the picture haunts my vision as I click CANCEL to not install it all the while it torments me telling me to install it, that all i have to do is hit next 4 times...such evil this game is...i can't wait for it to consume me when i get home....


EricNoah said:

Uh, oops, I better have a talk with the fellow I bought this from! Now that I think about it, it was suspicious that he was selling PCs from the back of a rusty van.

Oh, btw, I have NWN installed RIGHT NOW and am going to go play RIGHT NOW. :)

curse you eric noah...may your PC's be plagued with stumpy limbs and your toes be covered in tree fungus!


Default Name Player said:
Just wondering, but are there others out there more interested in making adventures that playing the game? During my lunch break, I went out and picked up NW, NW Adventure Guide, and NW Worldbuilder Guide. First, I gotta say that I know SQUAT about programming, and the C scripting described in the Worldbuilder guide kinda scares me.

However, my first urge is to install the game and start playing around with scripts! :)

it so damn easy you will just laugh..it's about as difficult as saying:

Indoors or outdoors?
What tiles you want the groud to be?
What items you want to place where?
What Monsters you want to put down?
What do you want NPCs to say?

all done for you in a GUI and THEN!!!! you can just walk through the game like you were a pc..a mini tour..all done in the tool set itself...oh how awesome...

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Default Name Player said:
Just wondering, but are there others out there more interested in making adventures that playing the game? During my lunch break, I went out and picked up NW, NW Adventure Guide, and NW Worldbuilder Guide. First, I gotta say that I know SQUAT about programming, and the C scripting described in the Worldbuilder guide kinda scares me.

However, my first urge is to install the game and start playing around with scripts! :)

That's my reaction exactly. I've never been too fond of the Baldur's Gate/Planescape: Torment kind of game, but making a dungeon of my own, that's massively cool!

4 CD's
1 Cloth Map
1 Huge manual.

I didn't preorder NW, so I'm not sure if that's what the fourth disc is for, but I opened my box and got 3 discs:

Installation Disc 1
Installation Disc 2
Play Disc

Just wanted to confirm, but is it "normal" to have 3 CD-ROMs with the game? I've been surfing the web for info, but couldn't find any.

Thanks for any clarification :)


Got mine on my lunch break just now... boy, this afternoon's going to be a crawler at work. It wasn't until I signed the CC receipt that I realized I'd forgotten to ask how much the game cost...

For those interested in learning NWN Script, there's some cool tutorials at NW Vault that I've been studying (well, I gotta do SOMETHING at work while I'm waiting ;)). I suspect I'll be there all afternoon while pretending to work.

As for the ring debate, such a thing is worth every penny, IMO. I got my fiance a fairly expensive sparklie (significantly more than the motorcycle I'd been thinking about buying before I met her), but it was well worth it. We call it the One Ring and nearly a year later she's still raving about it and showing it to people.

Just got mine, too... my days of bachelorhood are numbered!

Simon Magalis

First Post
Well, I too picked up the game which I have been reading about with baited breath for three years.... and my computer won't run it. My computer, which meets all the specs and runs Dungeon Siege pretty well, won't run it. Needless to say, I am disappointed.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Wolfen Priest said:
All you people who can't afford the game:

At least you have the hardware you play it!!!

My machine is 3 years old, 400 mHz and I need to buy a whole new fricken computer! The saddest part is, I've actually got the money, but can't spend it if I want to buy a wedding ring for my fiancee... how pathetic is that?

While Ashtal's is one perspective (and a highly commendable one, I might add), I do want to point out that the wedding ring is supposed to cost more than $59.95. Just so you know.


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