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HM's Rise of the Runelords - RG


Thy wounds are healed!
First post = treasure and links

none yet


Heroes Reward
- 3 potions of cure light wounds
- potion shield of faith +2
- wand cure light wounds (16 charges)
- scroll bless
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[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Quickblade (Gestalt Knife Master Rogue/Mobile Fighter)
Level: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common (Taldane), Shoanti, Varisian
Deity: Cayden Cailean[/sblock]
STR: 13
DEX: 18
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 12[/sblock]
HP: 16 = [1d10+1d8/2=14] + 1 (CON) + 0 (misc) + 1 (favored class)
AC: 17 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 4 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Touch: 14 = 10 + 4 (DEX) + (misc)
AC Flatfooted: 13 = 13 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (fighter)
CMB: +2 = +1 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = 10 + 1 (STR) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +2 (base) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +6 = +2 (base) + 4 (DEX)
Will: +0 = +0 (base) + 0 (WILL)
Speed: 30 ft.
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Daggers (melee, TWF) +4/+4 = + 1 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (feat) - 2 (TWF)/ DMG = 1d4+1/1d4 (P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger (melee): +6 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (feat)/ DMG = 1d4+1 (P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger (ranged): +6 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (feat)/ DMG = 1d4+1 (P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Dex, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill Point/Level[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Proficiency w/ All Simple and Martial Weapons, Armour, and Shields
Hidden Blade, Sneak Stab[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Bonus DM- Alertness
Bonus Human- Weapon Finesse
1st lvl- Two-Weapon Fighting
Bonus Fighter- Weapon Focus (Dagger)

a) Fencer
b) Favoured Son (Tavern Keeper)
c) Suspicious[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 10 = [8 (class) + 01 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 01 (misc) + 00 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 01
ACP: -0

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
+08 =  Acrobatics          +04    +01   +3  +00   -0   DEX
+01 =  Appraise            +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+05 =  Bluff               +01    +01   +3  +00        CHA
+01 =  Climb               +01    +00   +0  +00   -0   STR
+01 =  Craft:_____         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+05 =  Diplomacy           +01    +01   +3  +00        CHA
+na =  Disable Device^     +04    +00   +0  +00   -0   DEX
+01 =  Disguise            +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+04 =  Escape Artist       +04    +00   +0  +00   -0   DEX
+04 =  Fly                 +04    +00   +0  +00   -0   DEX
+na =  Handle Animal^      +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Heal                +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+01 =  Intimidate          +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Know:Arcana^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Dungeoneering^ +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Engineering^   +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Geography^     +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:History^       +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+06 =  Know:Local^         +01    +01   +3  +01        INT
+na =  Know:Nature^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nobility^      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Planes^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Religion^      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Linguistics^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+06 =  Perception          +00    +01   +3  +02        WIS
+05 =  Perform:Dance       +01    +01   +3  +00        CHA
+na =  Profession^:_____   +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+04 =  Ride                +04    +00   +0  +00   -0   DEX
+07 =  Sense Motive        +00    +01   +3  +03        WIS
+08 =  Sleight of Hand^    +04    +01   +3  +00   -0   DEX
+na =  Spellcraft^         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+08 =  Stealth             +04    +01   +3  +00   -0   DEX
+00 =  Survival            +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+01 =  Swim                +01    +00   +0  +00   -0   STR
+05 =  Use Magic Device^   +01    +01   +3  +00        CHA
Equipment                    Cost  Weight
Traveller's Outfit
Masterwork Studded Leather 175 gp  20 lbs.
8 Cold Iron Daggers	    32 gp   8 lbs.	        		
Masterwork Backpack	    50 gp   4 lbs.
- Bedroll		     1 sp   5 lbs.
- Clay Tankard		     2 cp   1 lb.
- 2 Rations		    10 sp   2 lb.
- Whetstone		     2 cp   1 lb.
- Alchemist's Kindness	     1 gp
- 2 Potions of CLW         100 gp
Belt Pouch		     1 gp  .5 lbs.
- Flint & Steel		     1 gp
- Earplugs		     3 cp
- Potion of CLW		       --
Waterskin		     1 gp   4 lbs.
Wooden Holy Symbol           1 gp
2 Alchemist's Fire   	    40 gp   2 lbs.
Ioun Torch		    75 gp

Total weight carried: 47.5 lbs.
Treasure: 61 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
light- 58
medium- 116
heavy- 175[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Auburn
Skin Color: Light
Appearance: <See Picture>
Demeanor: Haughty[/sblock]
[sblock=Background](See recruitment thread.)[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Jeyanah Asasehn - Haunted Wind Oracle//Mobile Fighter

"The giants took my family . . . not my life, though I thought it at the time.

"I was born into the Otòn tribe of the Tamiir-Quah Shaonti 17 summers past. My life in the mountains of northern Varisia was good; I had the love and respect of my family, and I excelled in the games and contests my people use for preparing their youth to enter the world as adults.

"But I never reached my passage. On the eve of my name-day and marking ceremony - the 14th anniversary of my birth - the giants attacked my tribe and slaughtered all of my kin. I was 'spared' only because I had retreated to our sacred cave to prepare myself for my naming. Lost in the trance my people use for ground and center, I did not even hear the sounds of the ending of my world.

"When I 'awoke' and went to join my people, my ground was shattered, my center blown away by the storm of slaughter revealed to my eyes.

"The tempest of my grief was almost my destruction, but I lived through the body of the storm and eventually found it's eye. A . . . presence . . . called to me, caught me up and anchored me in calm. I know not the length of time I spent within the eye of my grief-storm, listening to the council of winds all around me, but when the eye released me from its calm I found that I had passed through the other edge of my sorrow. The winds that once howled of the passing of my tribe now sing to me of purpose, though I know not what it is.

"Bereft of kith and kin, past the age of my youth but unable to live amongst the Shaonti as an adult because I had not completed my naming, I left the mountains of Varisia. For the past three years I have traveled the land, doing what I can to preserve my honor and hone my skills as I seek the purpose to which the wind calls me. I have met many people, made many friends; I have learned much of the calling of the wind and improved my martial skills.

"I know that the Otòn continue - they whisper to me when the winds are quiet, they play their mischievous tricks upon me to remind me of their presence. It is not much, but it suffices. I am at peace.

Except for the giants."

[sblock=Character Pic]

[sblock=Jeyanah Asasehn]
[sblock=Game Info]
     Race: Human
    Class: Mystic Skirmisher [Wind Oracle//Mobile Fighter]
    Level: 01
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common (Taldane), Shoanti, Varisian
    Deity: Vanan (The Wind)
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 16 (+3)
     HP: [B]14[/B] = [1d10 + (1d8/2) = 14] + 0 (CON) + 0 (Misc) + 0 (FC)
AC (--): [B]17[/B] = 10 + 4 (A) + 0 (S) + 3 (DEX) + 0 (Misc)
AC ( T): [B]13[/B] = 10 + 3 (DEX) + 0 (Misc)
AC (FF): [B]14[/B] = 10 + 4 (A) + 0 (A) + 0 (Misc)
   INIT: [B]+3[/B] = +3 (DEX) + 0 (Misc)
    BAB: [B]+1[/B] = +1 (Mystic Skirmisher)
    CMB: [B]+3[/B] = +1 (STR) + 1 (BAB) + 1 (size)
    CMD: [B]15[/B] = 10 + 1 (STR) + 3 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
   Fort: [B]+2[/B] = +2 (Mystic Skirmisher) + 0 (CON)
 Reflex: [B]+3[/B] = +0 (Mystic Skirmisher) + 3 (DEX)
   Will: [B]+2[/B] = +2 (Mystic Skirmisher) + 0 (WIS)
  Speed: 35'
     DR: None
     SR: None
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Curve Blade (M): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d10+1(S  ), CRIT 18/x2
     Cestus (M): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d04+1(B/P), CRIT 19/x2
     Dagger (M): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d04+1(S/P), CRIT 19/x2,  Rng: 10'
      Hanbo (M): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/DMG=1d06+1(B  ), CRIT 20/x2, Spec: Trip
[sblock=Racial Traits]
      Size: Medium
     Speed: 30'
Bonus Feat: Extra feat at 1st level
   Skilled: +1 skill rank/level
[sblock=Class Features]
Proficiencies: All Armor & Shields, All Simple & Marital Weapons
  Bonus Feats: Bonus Combat Feat at 1st and all Even Levels

Spellcasting: Divine, Spontaneous, Orisons
     Mystery: Wind
Oracle Curse: Haunted

  1st level: Touch of Electricity
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
     DM Bonus: Persuasive
  Human Bonus: Totem Spirit - Tamir-Quah (Wind Clan)
     Level 01: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Curved Blade)
Fighter Bonus: Weapon Finesse

  Social: Fast-Talker
  Racial: Bred for War (Shoanti)
Campaign: Giant Slayer
Ranks: 06 = [04 (Class) + 01 (INT) + 01 (Race)] x 01 (LvL) + 00 (FC)

Total                        Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
  +08 =  Acrobatics            +03    +01   +3  +02   -1   DEX
  +01 =  Appraise              +01    +00   --  +00        INT
  +08 =  Bluff                 +03    +01   +3  +01        CHA
  +00 =  Climb                 +01    +00   +0  +00   -1   STR
  +01 =  Craft                 +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
  +09 =  Diplomacy             +03    +01   +3  +02        CHA
      =  Disable Device        +03    +00   --  +00   -1   DEX
  +03 =  Disguise              +03    +00   --  +00        CHA
  +02 =  Escape Artist         +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
  +02 =  Fly                   +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
      =  Handle Animal         +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
  +04 =  Heal                  +00    +01   +3  +00        WIS
  +10 =  Intimidate            +03    +01   +3  +03        CHA
      =  Know:Arcana           +01    +00   --  +00        INT
      =  Know:Dungeoneering    +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
      =  Know:Engineering      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
      =  Know:Geography        +01    +00   --  +00        INT
      =  Know:History          +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
      =  Know:Local            +01    +00   --  +00        INT
      =  Know:Nature           +01    +00   --  +00        INT
      =  Know:Nobility         +01    +00   --  +00        INT
      =  Know:Planes           +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
      =  Know:Religion         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
      =  Linguistics           +01    +00   --  +00        INT
  +01 =  Perception            +00    +00   --  +01        WIS
  +03 =  Perform               +03    +00   +0  +00        CHA
      =  Profession            +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
  +02 =  Ride                  +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
  +05 =  Sense Motive          +00    +01   +3  +01        WIS
      =  Sleight of Hand       +03    +00   --  +00   -1   DEX
      =  Spellcraft            +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
  +02 =  Stealth               +03    +00   +0  +00   -1   DEX
  +00 =  Survival              +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
  +00 =  Swim                  +01    +00   +0  +00   -1   STR
      =  Use Magic Device      +03    +00   --  +00        CHA
Divine, Spontaneous, Charisma based

 Caster Level:  01
Concentration: +04

Orisons: Unlimited
1st lvl: 4

[B]Spells Known:[/B]
Orisons:                 1st Level:
  Enhanced Diplomacy       Shield of Faith
  Ghost Sound              Burning Disarm
  Light                    Cure Light Wounds
  Mage Hand
  Sotto Voce
Equipment                       Cost    Weight
Explorer's Outfit              -- gp     0  lb
Chain Shirt (MW)              250 gp    25  lb                
Elven Curve Blade              80 gp     7  lb
Cestus                          5 gp     1  lb
Handbo                          1 gp     2  lb
Daggers (03)                    6 gp     3  lb
Wrist Sheath (SL)               5 gp     1  lb
 Dagger                         2 gp     1  lb
Backpack (MW)                  50 gp     4  lb
 Bedroll                        1 sp     5  lb
 Flint & Steel                  1 gp     0  lb
 Lantern (Hooded)               7 gp     2  lb
 Rations (04)                   2 gp     4  lb
 Whetstone                      2 cp     1  lb
 Potion (CLW)                  50 gp     0  lb
 Waterproof Bag                 5 sp      ½ lb
  Soap                          1 cp      ½ lb
  Charcoal (01 Stick)           5 sp     0  lb
  Ink (1 Vial)                  8 gp     0  lb
  Inkpen                        1 sp     0  lb
  Journal                      10 gp     1  lb

                 Total Weight Carried:  58  lbs

Carrying Capacity: Light     Medium       Heavy
                   00 - 58   59 - 116     117 - 175

  Gold: 01
Silver: 07
Copper: 07
      Size: Medium
    Gender: Female
       Age: 17
    Height: 6'-2"
    Weight: 175lbs.
      Hair: Black
      Eyes: Gray
      Skin: Tanned
Appearance: (See Picture)
  Demeanor: Though young, Jenayah's experiences with the slaughter of her tribe
            and her subsequent calling by Vanan have left her with a calm,
            steady approach to life unusual in one her age.
FC Bonuses:
  Level 01: Extra Orison
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level: 02
        BAB: +0 to +0
       Fort: +0 to +0
        Ref: +0 to +0
       Will: +0 to +0
         HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
   FC Bonus:

Class Features:

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Disposable Hero

First Post
[sblock=Characters Name]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Skirmisher Ranger/Inquisitor of Abadar
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common
Deity: Erastil[/sblock]
STR: 18 (10 PB, +2 Racial)
DEX: 12 (2 PB)
CON: 13 (3 PB)
INT: 10 (0 PB)
WIS: 14 (5 PB)
CHA: 10 (0 PB)[/sblock]
HP: 17 = [1d10+4=15] + 1 (CON) + 1 (Skirmisher Ranger/Inquisitor of Abadar)
AC: 16 = 10 + 6 (Breastplate) + 1 (DEX)
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 6 (Breastplate)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Ranger/Rogue Scout)
CMB: +5 = +4 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = 10 + 4 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +2 (Skirmisher Ranger/Inquisitor of Abadar) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +3 = +2 (Skirmisher Ranger/Inquisitor of Abadar) + 1 (DEX)
Will: +4 = +2 (Skirmisher Ranger/Inquisitor of Abadar) + 2 (WILL)
Speed: 30'/40'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Battleaxe(melee): +5 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR)/ DMG = 1d8+4(S), CRIT x3
Handaxe(melee): +5 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR)/ DMG = 1d6+4(S), CRIT x3
Throwing Axe(melee): +5 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR)/DMG = 1d6+4(S), CRIT x2, Range: 10', Ammunition: 3
Throwing Axe(ranged): +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/DMG = 1d6+4(S), CRIT x2, Range: 10', Ammunition: 3[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
Ability Score Racial Trait: Humans get a +2 on one ability score of their choice.

Bonus Feat: Humans select one additional bonus feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank at each level gained.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
1st lvl-

a) Giant Slayer (Campaign): +1 on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, attack, and damage rolls vs. giant subtype.
b) Highlander (Regional): +1 on Stealth skill checks and +2 in hilly or rocky areas.
c) [/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 00 = [0 (class) + 00 (INT)] x 00 (LvL) + 00 (misc) + 00 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 00
ACP: -4

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+00 = Acrobatics +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+00 = Appraise +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+00 = Bluff +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+00 = Climb +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 STR
+00 = Craft:_____ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+00 = Diplomacy +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+na = Disable Device^ +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+00 = Disguise +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+00 = Escape Artist +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+00 = Fly +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+na = Handle Animal^ +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+00 = Heal +00 +00 +0 +00 WIS
+00 = Intimidate +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+na = Know:Arcana^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Dungeoneering^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Engineering^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Geography^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:History^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Local^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Nature^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Nobility^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Planes^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Know:Religion^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+na = Linguistics^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+00 = Perception +00 +00 +0 +00 WIS
+00 = Perform:_____ +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
+na = Profession^:_____ +00 +00 +0 +00 WIS
+00 = Ride +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+00 = Sense Motive +00 +00 +0 +00 WIS
+na = Sleight of Hand^ +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+na = Spellcraft^ +00 +00 +0 +00 INT
+00 = Stealth +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 DEX
+00 = Survival +00 +00 +0 +00 WIS
+00 = Swim +00 +00 +0 +00 -0 STR
+na = Use Magic Device^ +00 +00 +0 +00 CHA
[B]Equipment Cost Weight[/B]
[B]Total weight carried:[/B]
Treasure: gp, sp, cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
Heavy- [/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 187
Hair Color: Black (Bald)
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Dark
Demeanor: [/sblock]
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus: [/sblock] [/sblock]
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First Post
I know, it's not in the right format. Just getting it up for reference so I can finish it easily no matter where I am. :)

Human Empyreal Sorceror/Monk 1

Str 10
Dex 14 5
Con 12 2
Int 10
Wis 18 10 +2 racial
Cha 13 3

BAB +0
HP: 12/12
AC: 17
Ref +4, Fort +3, Will +6

Race Abilities
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill point
Favored Class: Sorceror (+1 skill point)

Class Abilities
Eschew Materials
Empyreal Bloodline
- Arcana: Use Wisdom instead of Cha for spellcasting, +2 Religion and Heal
- Spells:
- Feats:
- Powers:
* - Heavenly Fire, +4 rng tch, 1d4+1dmg/heal, 30', 7/day

Bonus Feats
- Dodge
Flurry of Blows
Stunning Fist
Unarmed Strike

Scholar of Ancients (+1 Arcana/History, speak/read/write Thassalonian)
Focused Mind (+2 concentration)
Scholar of Ruins (+1 geography/dungeoneering, dungeoneering class skill)

b Scholar (+2 Arcana/History)
h Point Blank Shot
1 Skill Focus: Arcana

Skills 6
Knowledge: Arcana +10 (1 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3)
Knowledge: History +7 (1 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 2)
Linguistics +1 (1 + 0)
Perception +8 (1 + 4 + 3)
Sense Motive +8 (1 + 4 + 3)
Spellcraft +4 (1 + 0 + 3)

Osisrion (native)
Varisian (Linguistics)
Thasslonian (Trait)

Spellcasting (Sorceror CL 1, DC 14+lvl)
0 Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Jolt
1 Shield, Magic Missile

Money: 60+120


First Post
Chase Lockwood

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Woodsman (Gestalt Cleric (Erastil) // Ranger: Trapper)
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Erastil[/sblock]

STR: 13 (+1) (3 points)
DEX: 14 (+2) (5 points)
CON: 10 (+0) (0 points)
INT: 10 (+0) (0 points)
WIS: 18 (+4) (10 points, +2 racial)
CHA: 12 (+1) (2 points)[/sblock]

HP: 14 = [10+4] + 0 (CON) + 0 (misc) + 0 (favored class)
AC: 16 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + (misc)
AC Flatfooted: 14 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Ranger)
CMB: +2 = +1 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 14 = 10 + 1 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +2 [+4] = +2 (base) + 0 (CON) [+2 vrs Poison/Disease (trait)]
Reflex: +4 = +2 (base) + 2 (DEX)
Will: +6 = +2 (base) + 4 (WIS)
Speed: 30 ft.
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]

[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Longsword: +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (STR) // 1d8+1 (S), CRIT 19-20x2
Longbow: +5 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (feat) + 1 mw // 1d8+1 (P), CRIT 20x3[/sblock]

[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Wis
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill Point/Level[/sblock]

[sblock=Class Features]
- Proficiency w/ all simple and martial Weapons, and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except

tower shields)
- Aura (Faint Good)
- Spells
- Channel Energy (1d6, Will Save DC12, 6/day)
- Domains
- Orisons
- Spontaneous Casting
- Favored Enemy: Undead (+2)
- Track (+1)
- Wild Empathy (+2)
- Trapfinding (+1)[/sblock]

[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Bonus DM - Alertness
Bonus Human - Improved Channel
1st lvl- Weapon Focus (Longbow)

a) Birthmark
b) Hagfish Hopeful (+2 to Fort saves vrs Poison & Disease)
c) Rich Parents[/sblock]

Skill Ranks: 08 = [6 (class) + 0 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 01 (misc) + 01 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 01
ACP: -1

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
+00 =  Acrobatics          +02    +00    Y  +00   -2   DEX
+00 =  Appraise            +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+01 =  Bluff               +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-01 =  Climb               +01    +00    Y  +00   -2   STR
+00 =  Craft:_____         +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+01 =  Diplomacy           +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA
+03 =  Disable Device^     +02    +01   +0  +02   -2   DEX
+01 =  Disguise            +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Escape Artist       +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+00 =  Fly                 +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+na =  Handle Animal^      +01    +00   +3  +00        CHA
+04 =  Heal                +04    +00    Y  +00        WIS
+01 =  Intimidate          +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA
+na =  Know:Arcana^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Dungeoneering^ +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Engineering^   +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Geography^     +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Know:History^       +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Local^         +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Nature^        +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nobility^      +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Planes^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+04 =  Know:Religion^      +00    +01   +3  +00        INT
+na =  Linguistics^        +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+10 =  Perception          +04    +01   +3  +02        WIS
+na =  Perform	           +01    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Profession^:_____   +04    +00   +3  +00        WIS
+00 =  Ride                +02    +00    Y  +00   -2   DEX
+10 =  Sense Motive        +04    +01   +3  +02        WIS
+na =  Sleight of Hand^    +02    +00   +0  +00   -2   DEX
+na =  Spellcraft^         +00    +00    Y  +00        INT
+06 =  Stealth             +02    +01   +3  +02   -2   DEX
+08 =  Survival            +04    +01   +3  +00        WIS
-01 =  Swim                +01    +00    Y  +00   -2   STR
+na =  Use Magic Device^   +01    +00    Y  +00        CHA

Languages: Common, Varisian[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells & Domains]
Concentration Checks: +5

- Good: Touch of Good (+1), 7/day
- Community: Calming Touch, 7/day

Spells Per Day
- Level 0 (DC14): 3
- Level 1 (DC15): 2 + 1

Spells Prepared
- Level 0 (DC14): Detect Magic, Light, Create Water
- Level 1 (DC15): Command, Obscuring Mist + Protection from Evil[/sblock]

Explorer's Outfit (n/a, n/a)
Chain Shirt (100gp, 25lb)
Composite Longbow, masterwork/+1STR (500gp, 3lb)
Arrows (durable), 40 (40gp, 6lb)
Longsword (15gp, 4lb)
Dagger (2gp, 1lb)
Boarding Axe (6gp, 3lb)
Backpack, masterwork (50gp, 4lb)
- Blanket (1sp, 1lb)
- Wandermeal Rations, 2 days (2cp, 1lb)
- Flint & Steel (1gp, 0lb)
- Fishhook & Line (2sp, 0lb)
- Flask [water] (3cp, 1lb)
- Thieves' tools, masterwork (100gp, 2lb)
Hunter's Cloak & Boots, masterwork tool: stealth (50gp, 1lb)

Total weight carried: 53.0 lb (LIGHT)

Starting Wealth: 900gp (Rich Parents trait)
Current Wealth: 35gp, 6sp, 5cp

Carrying Capacity:
Light: 1-58
Medium: 59-116
Heavy: 117-175[/sblock]

Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Tanned
Nationality: Varisian
Appearance: <See Picture> Chase is a ruggedly handsome man in his late twenties, with dark brown hair and
eyes. He wears his hair short, with well-trimmed beard and mustache. His well-tanned skin is evidence of
much time spent outdoors, and he has a leanly muscled physique. He generally dresses in well-worn and
oft-patched clothing of leather and roughspun, dyed in the greens and browns of the woodlands that he
favors. He bears a bow-shaped birthmark on the back of his hand, and he considers it to be the mark of Erastil.
Demeanor: Calm, casual.


[sblock=Background](In progress) Chase originally hails from a wealthy family, and at an early age took an interest in hunting and archery. His parents were more than willing to provide him with the best equipment for what they called "his hobby." Chase came to love the woodlands and wilderness, though, and began to spend more and more time in the wilds. This infuriated his parents, who did not believe that such behavior was fitting for one of his station. The dispute devolved into a feud, and Chase took his leave of his family and the city, to dwell in the wilderness which he loved.

It was in the woodlands that Chase came to know Erastil, and began to follow the path of Old Deadeye.

Chase is an explorer and hunter, taken to wandering the wilderness, and bringing the word of Erastil to
those that would hear it. He is something of a loner; while he can certainly enjoy the company of others,
he spends most of his time wandering the forests and hills of the world, away from civilization. Chase is used to having little in the way of money and belongings, but is fully capable of living off of the land.[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]None yet[/sblock]

[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock]​


Thy wounds are healed!
Well finally got Zahur off paper and on to Notepad...

[sblock=Zahhur, Axeman of the West]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human (Garundi)
Class: Far Tracker [gestalt:Rogue(scout;survivalist)/Ranger(skirmisher)]
Level: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common, Osiriani, Giant
Deity: Desna[/sblock]
STR: 18 +4 (10 pts); +2 racial adjustment
DEX: 15 +1 (07 pts)
CON: 10 +0 (00 pts)
INT: 13 +1 (03 pts)
WIS: 10 +0 (00 pts)
CHA: 10 +0 (00 pts)[/sblock]
HP: 15 = [1d10+(1d8/2)=14] + 00 (CON) + 01 (favored class)
AC: 17 = 10 + 5 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
AC Flatfooted: 15 = 10 + 5 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (MISC)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Far Tracker)
CMB: +5 = +4 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 17 = 10 + 4 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +2 (Far Tracker) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +4 = +2 (Far Tracker) + 2 (DEX)
Will: +0 = +0 (Far Tracker) + 0 (WIS)
Speed: 20'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: n/a[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
dwarven waraxe(melee):
Attack: +6 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (weapon focus)
Damage: 1d10+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x3

Two-Weapon Fighting
Attack: +0 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (weapon focus) - 6 (two-weapon fighting)
Damage: 1d10+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x3

Off hand:
Attack: -4 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (weapon focus) - 10 (two-weapon fighting)
Damage: 1d10+2(S) = +2 (1/2 STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x3

Attack: +5 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 0 (MISC)
Damage: 1d4+4(PorS) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 19-20x2

Attack: +4 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR) - 1 (item)
Damage: 1d8+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x2
Special: DC 15 Reflex or cut yourself; take 1/2 1d8 damage (no STR modifier)

Attack: +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d4+4(P) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 10 ft.

Attack: +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d8+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x2, Range: 30 ft.

hand crossbow(ranged):
Attack: +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d4+0(P) = +0 (MISC); CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 30 ft.[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

  • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.

  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

  • Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces skilled.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). As a rogue he adds hand crossbow to the list.

Favored Enemy (Ex) At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table below. (Note that there are other types of humanoid to choose from—those called out specifically on the table below are merely the most common.) If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

1st favored enemy: aberration (+2)

Track (Ex) A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Wild Empathy (Ex) A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Sneak Attack: (1d6) If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The rogue's attack deals extra damage (called "precision damage") anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment

Hardy (Ex) At 1st level, a survivalist is already prepared to endure extreme hardships and environmental conditions. He can go twice the normal number of days without water and triple the normal number of days without food before feeling the effects of either thirst or starvation.

This ability replaces trapfinding.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
DM Bonus: Self-Sufficient
Human: Exotic Weapon Proficiency; Dwarven Waraxe
1st Level: Weapon Focus(dwarven waraxe)

a) Favored Son(campaign): Belor Hemlock
b) Starchild(religion)
c) Dirty Fighter(combat)[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 09 = [8 (Class) + 01 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 00 (favored class bonus)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -0

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                         Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+03 = Acrobatics()            +02  +01  +3 +00  -3 DEX
+01 = Appraise()              +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+04 = Bluff()                 +00  +01  +3 +00     CHA
+05 = Climb()                 +04  +01  +3 +00  -3 STR
+01 = Craft():                +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+00 = Diplomacy()             +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Disable Device()        +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Disguise()              +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
-01 = Escape Artist()         +02  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
-01 = Fly                     +02  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
+na = Handle Animal()^        +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+06 = Heal()                  +00  +01  +3 +02     WIS
+00 = Intimidate()            +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Know:Arcana^            +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Duneroneering()^   +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Engineering^       +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Geography()^       +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:History^           +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+06 = Know:Local()^           +01  +01  +3 +01     INT
+na = Know:Nature()^          +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Nobility^          +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Planes^            +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Religion^          +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Linguistics()^          +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+04 = Perception()            +00  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+00 = Perform():              +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Profession()^:          +00  +00  +0 +00     WIS
-01 = Ride()                  +02  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
+00 = Sense Motive()          +00  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+na = Spellcraft()^           +01  +00  +0 +00     INT
+03 = Stealth()               +02  +01  +3 +00  -3 DEX
+06 = Survival()              +00  +01  +3 +02     WIS
+05 = Swim()                  +04  +01  +3 +00  -3 STR
+na = Use Magic Device()^     +00  +00  +0 +00     CHA
[U]Equipment                         Cost     Weight[/U]
Scale mail,masterwork            200gp      30lbs
Dwarven waraxes,cold iron(2)     120gp      16lbs
Dagger                             2gp       1lb
Chakram                            1gp       1lb
Hand crossbow                    100gp       2lbs
Bolts(10,silvered)                21gp       1lb
Backpack                           2gp       2lbs
-rations,trail(4days)              2gp       4lbs
-waterskin                         1gp       4lbs
-torches(3)                      .03gp       3lbs
-sack(empty)                     .01gp      .5lb
-tent                             10gp      20lbs    
Belt Pouch                         1gp      .5lb
-flint and steel                   1gp       -lb
-whetstone                       .02gp       1lb
-potion,cure light                50gp       -lb
Bedroll                           .1gp       5lb
Rope,hemp(50ft.)                   1gp      10lbs
Traveler's Outfit                  0gp       -lb
                    Total weight carried:  101lbs
GP: 28
SP: 8
CP: 4
Gems: none

Carrying Capacity:

light: 000-100 lbs
medium: 101-200 lbs
heavy: 201-300 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'-10"
Weight: 285lbs
Hair Color: bald
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: light brown
Appearance: Zahur is overly tall and well muscled. The first thing people think is he is some sort of adolescent giant. He keeps his gear in good repair and his axes sharp. Wearing clothes fitting for traveling and hiding outdorrs he tends towards drab greens and browns.

Background: Work in progress and will help as we RP. So far his father was a half-ogre and his mother fled with him to a dwarven community. [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level ??
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock]
Feat Build-
Human- exotic WP: dwarven waraxe
Lvl 1- weapon focus: dwarven waraxe
Lvl 2- combat style: double slice
Lvl 2- rogue talent: two-weapon fighting
Lvl 3- combat expertise
Lvl 4- rogue talent: trap spotter or two-weapon feint
Lvl 5- two-weapon feint or skill focus(bluff)
Lvl 6- combat style: improved two-weapon fighting
Lvl 6- rogue talent: improved two-weapon feint

Level 4 Two-weapon Fighting
Attack: +6 = +4 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (weapon focus) + 1 (item) - 4 (two-weapon fighting)
Damage: 1d10+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x3

Off hand:

Attack: +6 = +4 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (weapon focus) + 1 (item) - 4 (two-weapon fighting)
Damage: 1d10+4(S) = +4 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT x3

possible +2d6 sneak attack dmg (Note: dirty fighter applies when your flanking and when you hit so possible +2 dmg as well)

Maximum: 2d10+8 + 2d6 + 2
Average?? around 20pts dmg[/sblock][/sblock]
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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