D&D 5E Heroes of Hydellor

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Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1755
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

The door Coriana opened led down into deep darkness. Stairs descended down into the familiar dungeon of the tower.

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene


Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+9 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Lord Twig

Mindra will join Coriana at the door and peer down into the darkness. If it seems clear she will start down staying on alert.

OOC: It seems the sounds of battle are coming from inside the room, but there is no actual source correct? It is like ghostly sounds from another time or another plan that we are hearing at the present time, right? Or something like that? So we would not be able to locate an actual source of the sound.


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1800
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 0

OOC: Correct. You will recall that there was a great battle occurring at the tower on the Material Plane when everyone disappeared, and by now you know they were shifted here to the Shadowfell.

Coriana could see nothing down the stairs except darkness.

Mindra saw the stairs descend and headed slowly down. The stairs ended in the guard room. It was empty, of course, the door to the dungeon not completely closed, standing slightly ajar. Mindra could hear a slight shuffling noise in the cell room beyond.

@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene


Combat Map:
Player Overview Map:

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+9 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Lord Twig

Mindra continued down into the darkness, staying as quite as possible. Easing up to the slightly open door she peered into the room beyond.

OOC: Stealth: 1D20+11 = [2]+11 = 13
Perception with disadvantage: 2D20.LOW(1)+10 = [19, 14]+10 = 24
Well I didn't get a 1 on the stealth check. Hopefully a 13 beats their passive perception anyway. I rolled pretty good for the perception at least. I assumed disadvantage on that because Darkvision treats complete darkness as dim light.


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1805
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 1

Mindra peered through the door from the guard room into the cells. A dark form was hunched in the blackness, hooded and cloaked. It turned and baleful eyeless sockets locked directly with hers, a long, distended mouth opening in its withered face.


Make a DC 13 Con save. If you fail, take 15 psychic damage. If you fail by 5 or more, go to 0 hp.

Combat Map:
@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Initiative: Enemy beats the player average and so goes first.
Enemy 19

Mindra 21
Theremin 13
Coriana 10
Sayine 7

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+9 thp/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Enemy (+3) AC 15 (natural armor) 58/58 PP 14

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Lord Twig

Mindra gasps and chokes, unable to even get a scream out of her mouth. A horrible sensation passes through her, but she managed to shake it off. She raised her bow, forcing herself to try to get a shot off.

OOC: Con save using an Inspiration point.: 1D20+3 = [17]+3 = 20
1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4
Mindra has an inspiration point listed on her sheet. The standard rule is that you have to declare you are using it before you roll so if that is how you are running it it is used up. If you let us use it after the first roll then she will still have it. Let me know and I will up date my character sheet as needed. At least she succeeded in the roll!

Sorry to leave everyone on a cliffhanger. My kids are starting school again and hopefully I can get back into a routine that includes checking for updates on this game. Sorry again.
Last edited:


Shadowfell/Eobald’s Tower
Moonday, Emperorweek, 6 Moon, 897 AF/Time 1805
Weather: Chilly, no wind, no rain
Lighting: Dim
Round 1

The strange creature in the dark took a step forward and leveled its withering gaze on Mindra again as the only creature it could see through the door.

Make another DC 13 Con save. If you fail, take 23 necrotic damage/11 necrotic on a save. Mindra, right now, only you know that even just looking at this creature is dangerous. You can choose to turn your gaze away (disadvantage on your attack) or you have to make another Con save DC 13 or take 18 psychic damage. If you fail the save by 5, you go to 0 hp. Up to you if you warn the others.


Combat Map:
@Lord Twig
@Steve Gorak
@Charwoman Gene

Initiative: Enemy beats the player average and so goes first.
Enemy 19

Mindra 21
Theremin 13
Coriana 10
Sayine 7

Coriana (+2) AC 16 38+9 thp/38 PP 15
Mindra (+4) AC 15 35+9/35 PP 18 Darkvision
Theremin (+5) AC 15 27+9 thp/27 PP 14 Darkvision

Sayine (+5) AC 15 14+9 thp/14 HD 4/4d4 PP 13 Darkvision, Breath, Spells (Yellow, 1/d): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion, color spray, mirror image

Enemy (+3) AC 15 (natural armor) 58/58 PP 14

Marching Order:
Travel Pace:
Travel activity:

Find a way home from the Shadowfell
Find Mached Pakelan

300 gp
Magic spear (unidentified)

Lord Twig

With a scream Mindra turns her head and fires blind at the creature. "There is something in here! Don't look at it! There is something wrong with it! It hurts just looking at it!"

OOC: After her attack Mindra will move to her right (south) 10' and get in the corner to get out of the line of sight of the beastie.

Con Save: 1D20+3 = [20]+3 = 23
Bow attack with Disadvantage: 2D20.LOW(1)+8 = [15, 8]+8 = 16
Bow attack damage: 1D6+5 = [3]+5 = 8
Lucky roll with the Con save! But I'm not going to risk another, so rolled for her attack with Disadvantage. Looks like I still took 11 damage. Ouch.

Steve Gorak

Theremin’s face turns white with dread after swing what happened to Mindra. he whispers to Sayine: “stay close my dear, I don’t want you to get hurt”.

to the rest of his companions he says, hesitantly. “This…this may be more that we can deal with. The only way I think we can survive this. I have a spell that will protect us against this strong magic, but it will take a minute to cast. Can you hold the door shut for that long?

OOC: the idea is to cast tiny hut (1 minute casting time) and the gaze effect would be canceled for all in the hut. Then we could send projectiles from the hut. I’m open to ideas but I don’t see how else we can deal with this one

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