Help reign in a player who refuses to play his role

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Basic Action Games
If his character is a valid concept character, cool beens, but this guy does sound like he's being a bit of a jerk.

Of course, you all should have seen it coming and not relied on him to fulfill a party role and instead, made sure it was taken care of, letting him be the useless fifth wheel he wants to be.

'I wanna be useless!' is usually a good sign for someone else to step up and take his role over.

You know, our strategy has been "just asssume we have no defender"-- the problem with that being that usually no defender = people die. However we are having a new player tonight-- when he asks what he should play, I'll tell him we really need a REAL paladin!


First Post
I didn't actually take this thread seriously. The OP asks for help, then rejects every suggestion claiming that it won't/hasn't worked. Once the thread is rolling strong the deed is done.

On the off chance this isn't a thread intended to generate spam, kick the guy out of the group. You already said that he ruins the fun for everyone, and you talked to him, so give him the boot, if it's a real person. If you don't, you deserve it at this point.


Yikes, I agree with many here. The guy sounds disruptive for the sake of being disruptive and attention seeking. There's very little rationality there, so rational attempts at talking to the player will likely fail. Not that the DM should'nt try, he definitely should have by now, but I've seen this type of player before and they seem to feed off the negative emotions they create. The best thing I've seen work is putting some hard ultimatums on them: stop being difficult or you'll be uninvited.

If they are a friend they will understand and try to work with the rest of the group. Otherwise they're not worth your time and are just dragging down everyone else's good time. Yes, not many are up for this kind of confrontation, but just letting his behaviors continue and the hard feelings fester is far worse in the long run.

maybe i'm getting old, but my tolerance for these kinds of games has diminished to near nothing. I'd have talked to him a long time ago, and asked him to leave . . . or have left myself if the DM and/ or host refused to deal with it.

No gaming is preferable to bad gaming IMHO.


Basic Action Games
I asked a recent new-to-4e player what he wanted his character to do, and he described how he wanted to run in to battle, and through the sheer grace and power of his attacks, rally his allies. I pointed him at the Warlord. Disgusted with the name and role of "leader", he dismissed it - saying it was just someone who ordered others around. I tried to convince him otherwise, and he just wasn't having it.
So I told him I'd write his own class for him and asked for suitable names for the class and role ("Knight" and "Inspirer"). I went away and came back 45 minutes later with the "Knight" (a level 1 warlord, with all the power names changed).

He loved it and has been happily playing since. Whenever he levels up, I transcribe any new warlord powers, give them flashier names and he picks out what he wants :D

That said, the game is up if he ever studies a PHB too closely. At some point I'll have to come clean :D

Actually my Warlord in the game calls himself a Centurion for the same reasons-- the name warlord reminds me of those militia leaders in Africa who make little kids join their army after killing the parents... I don't mind the name "leader" for the role, but prefer being called something besides warlord.



You need to re-read VIII of your own charter and enforce it, assuming all members have signed and agreed to it. If so, then I'll quote item VIII of the charter highlighting the important points ...

VIII. A Company member shall give his or her best effort in all tasks for the company, above all, defending the lives and property of fellow members. A member ill-suited to a task shall nevertheless aid those who are. One found by majority to be willfully harming, or allowing the Company or its members to come to harm, shall be expelled from the Company, forfeit all reward, & possibly be surrendered to authorities if applicable.

Again, only if all members have signed it can you enforce this charter. And from the sounds of it, this player's character should be expelled from the Company.

If he rolls up a new character that does not live up to this charter, expel that character too. Pretty soon, he'll get the message and so will your DM.

Good luck,



Basic Action Games
Griefers are griefers regardless of edition.

Role-playing a character is awesome. Making sub-optimal characters can be a hoot, too, so long as the DM is aware of the situation and takes all of that into account.

Making an intentionally disruptive character with the intention of "breaking" the system is childish. Making the game less fun for everyone else around the table is inexcusable.

I'm kind of appalled your DM hasn't handled the matter, to be honest.


Well the situation is that was a one-shot session that is now turning into a campaign with rotating GMs. This week we have a completely new person GMing who did not even play in the one-shot last week.

Carpe DM

First Post
This is not about D&D. This is about a person who is a jerk.

I understand that we, as nerds, are conflicted about jerks. Many of us, many of our friends have problems with social skills. (And most, by the way, are high-functioning, high-earning movers and shakers in society--the stereotype is wrong more than it is right).

But if you're a D&D player, you at least have some sympathy for social misfits. And I understand why that sympathy would cause a group to put up with someone who is a jerk. For a while.

But this guy needs to go. He's sabotaging a game because he doesn't want to play it. Even if you design your party to ignore him, he's still a drag on the action economy--he is claiming 20% of your time at the table, and contributing zilch to the story.

This is *not* about playing offbeat characters. Many people do, and they are the best and most memorable characters out there.

This is also *not* about playing sub-optimal characters. Many people do, and they are the best and most memorable characters out there.

This guy, however, is hiding behind the substantial sympathy of gamers for fellow misfits, and is hiding behind the considerable leeway in character builds that these games provide.

DTMFA. (Grandma warning: link is mildly NSFW).


My understanding is the following according to your posts.

1) This guy has been playing in all adventures and campaigns with the same group, i assume he's your friend in real life and simply kicking him out is not an alternative you want to consider.

2) All players are annoyed by his playstyle, not only in 4E but in other games as well.

3) Even after talking to him about it, he refuses to change.

I'd like to make you reconsider your decision of continuing to game with him then :) Remember that not playing D&D with someone doesn't mean that you can't be friends with him. I have a very good friend who'd like to play D&D with me but i find his playstyle to be incompatible with mine (he does not roleplay, ever). I simply orgnize games without him in them. He tells me he'd like to play, and i essentially tell him that the group is full for the time being. If he insists on discussing the matter, i'll give him the bottom line. In the meantime, he doesn't appear too pissed and i continue seeing him on a regular basis.

Good luck,


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