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Hell's Invasion Prologue (Evan Tyler) [IC]


[section]Evan gingerly puts the shotgun down, his hands shaking so much he never even fired. He leans back against the police car for a moment as the adrenaline drains from his body for the first time since this all started. Free to think about it for a moment, the day's events quickly pile up on him. Trying to avoid looking at the bloody aftermath of the creature's assault, he stares carefully at nothing in particular.

"What ... How? I don't even know what to ask. This day was gonna be good. We were going to put a few hours in on the set, and I was gonna grab some burgers from In-and-Out and go home and crash out. And then all this happened and all the running for our lives and ... GODDAMMIT."

He springs to his feet and spins around to face back towards the movie set as if he had forgotten something.

"... and I never asked Debbie out."

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The police officer Manny appeared to mostly be scratched and cut, nothing broken. His uniform trousers were shredded, but nothing vital had been cut open. He rasped, “It hurts bad, but… I think I can move so nothing is broken.”

The unwounded officer, his name tag said Hitchens, put a hand on Manny’s chest. “Okay, don’t move.”

Still kneeling next to Manny, Hitchens looked up at Michael. “There is a first aid kit in the trunk of the cruisers. Get one!”

Evan could see others from the studio standing on the sidewalk outside the gate. They had witnessed the carnage of the demon with the police. Some had scattered in all directions, but at least a score were milling there in a huddle and looked shell-shocked.

The next responders going from the opposite direction was an ambulance, a fire truck and two more police cruisers. The warble of dispatch chatter was heard over the parked cruisers’ radio. The gist of the talk was coordinating more emergency services throughout the city. It sounded like hell had broken loose.



Michael obeyed the request by the officer, running around to the boot of the car. He grabbed the first aid kit out without stopping to think. Coming back around to the officers he kneeled down and opened up the kit. "So I'm hoping you guys haven't had calls all over at the moment about these things being EVERYWHERE right? Because that would make this the er... Apocalypse..." The last word exited his mouth weakly... Somewhat surprised by what he had said, he tried to remove the sudden feeling of dread that entered his mind by focusing on the task at hand. He followed the officers instruction as he waited for a reply.


[section]Evan frowns at Michael's comment.

"The Apocalypse? Don't be absurd. Obviously this is some kind of new terrorist attack. Genetically modified animals or something."

He looks around at the gathering crowd and sighs. That's California for you.


The police officer Hitchens took some gauze out of the first aid kit and started staunching the wounds in Manny's legs. He grumbled, "Don't talk crazy, pal. People might think you are a nut job. I don't know what the hell that was that did this, but the last think I need is to be quoted about the end of days like some doomsday kook holding a damned cardboard sign about the end is here."

"Do me a favor and tell the EMTs to come here first. You are going to be alright, Manny." He told the wounded man as there did not appear to be an artery severed in the man's mangled legs.

Police dispatch was still chattering in codes and unit numbers as the police were having a busy day.

The ambulance parked in close to the two cruisers were; the paramedics unloaded in a hurry. The other cruisers brought four more officers and they split up on checking the carnage and starting to corral the crowd of shocked onlookers that did not know what to do.

[sblock=OOC]It is kind of on you guys on where you want to go from here.[/sblock]



Michael didn't look up at Evans comment. He felt his insides awkwardly twist on the inside. Pausing just for a moment, he spoke aloud to the driver, "Who's Debbie? Er, do you want to go and check on her? Make sure she's alright I mean?"

He looks over to the cops and smiles at them weakly, "I guess whatever those things are, from this point on you guys won't be yelling at them to freeze huh? Those things are fast, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but I sure hope that if there are more of those things about, that all other officers know to shoot at them straight away... The whole thing's crazy..."

Shaking his head, Michael stood up and turned to Evan. "I'm sorry, when I introduced myself before, you MAY have been a little too busy to respond. Round 2 I guess huhuh, I'm Michael, I was meant to be an extra. You've GOTTA be a professional driver I assume?" He extended his hand to shake Evans, a weak smile on his face.
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[section]Evan stares blankly back at the studio for a moment before Michael's words penetrate his mind.

"Debbie? She works in craft services. But no, hopefully she got out okay. When I saw what was happening, I had my buddy Mike spread the word to get out. I can only hope it worked."

Still, the discussion seems to have refocused Evan and he shakes Michael's hand warmly.

"Evan Tyler, I do stunts. Driving, falling out of buildings, that kind of thing."



Given the carnage, Officer Hitchens was not real keen on advice from civilians off the street. But Michael and Evan had stood by him to help save Manny’s life. He did spare a reply, “Yeah, this whole this just…” he shook his head, knowing better that to voice his real thoughts were anyone could quote him.

More police and another ambulance arrived. There were extra paramedics and they came to inspect and inquire about injuries.

Another police officer was wondering what to do about the beat-up Charger in the middle of the street. There was a debate going on whether they should move the vehicle or leave it in place for a forensics team.



Michael shook Evans hand in turn, smiling. "Er, your friend Mike? Can you call him? See if he's okay? I don't really want to fight that thing again any time soon, but if it's been injured and it ran away, it might be trying to-" Michael caught himself, stopping from saying anything that might make him sound crazy again. His last word was going to be 'heal', like he seemed to think the creature may have some sort of supernatural fast healing ability. He then thought of better words to use "-patch itself up", he finished.

"What I mean is, the longer we leave that thing alive, the more danger there is for everyone else. He takes his passport and drivers licence out of his pocket to show the officer, "Here's my I.D. Sir. No doubt you guys will need to interview us later, I want to co-operate, but, well-". He looks at Evan and shrugs, then looks back at the cop. "Maybe Evan and I should-" He looks back at Evan "Go and put this 'ANIMAL' down? You know it's going to be another 10 or 20 minutes of briefing the guys on scene and getting them to believe such absurd description of a creature before they bundle together and very cautiously move over to where it last flew off to." He looks at Evan again "Maybe we can help some of your friends or. Heck if anyone needs first aide?"



The police officer beside the Charger was more interested in stopping amateur hour than accepting assistance.

“Sir, please let the professionals handle this.” He had not seen what had happened earlier and was unaware of what really transpired before his arrival.

“We have medics and officers to take things from here. You and your companion should stay with the rest of the civilians,” he gestured towards the milling around people that had recently exited from the studio’s grounds. Another patrolman was starting to herd them away from the studio’s gate and out of the way.

Evan and Michael heard them call in air support and two more cruisers arrived to discharge police officers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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