WotC Hasbro Earnings Call: WotC/BG3 carrying Hasbro


I crit!
Was it a financial disaster? Looks like it wasn’t. I bet it could have done better.

Still I do think it was a disaster in a different level, unfortunately. I really love the adventure. I’ve run it several times now and seeing players go at it differently has been fun.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Was it a financial disaster? Looks like it wasn’t. I bet it could have done better.

Still I do think it was a disaster in a different level, unfortunately. I really love the adventure. I’ve run it several times now and seeing players go at it differently has been fun.
Creatively, it was definitely less Tham it could have been, which is super frustrating. And it has super offensive material that could.have been avoided with a small editorial pass. That is infuriating.

The same material that we got after errata, with 32 or 64 more pages, would have been awesome and wholesome. The shortfall is heartbreaking.

Disaster is still too strong a word, even if it broke my heart.


Morkus from Orkus
I'm surprised as seeing that Marvel just published the own RPG this year. But I suppose it's probably easier and more profitable to license their IP to WotC/MtG instead of trying to create a new card game they will probably never be competitive with those already out there.
Recent history is littered with the bones of card games that tried to compete with Magic. Not many have risen to be competitors.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I get it, some people just look for things to be outraged about, and if you try hard enough, you will find some…

Mod Note:
And some will try to dismiss the heartfelt concerns of others without addressing them.

If all you are going to add to this discussion is dismissiveness, please take your leave of it. Thanks.


D&D is a weird brand. It has enormous name recognition, far more than, say, Magic the Gathering, which despite much higher sales remains very much a niche hobby (ask most folks about D&D and they'll have an opinion or at least know vaguely what it is, ask them about MtG and you will likely get a blank stare). I can totally see why Hasbro think that it is under-monetized, especially when they see the sales for BG3.

The good news is I don't think D&D is in any danger, regardless of what happens to Hasbro. It remains a strong and coveted brand, and even if Hasbro went under, WotC/D&D would be immediately snatched up by someone else.
One needs to remember though that Magic is a far, FAR more international thing than D&D which still is mostly an English language, and largely American phenomenon.

When I can see MtG cards in a convenience store in Japan, I'd say that it has a far larger international presence.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Well, I mean, it is the number three game on the market, not even 2nd in market share last I looked.

The difference in scale is not even funny. Mtg is a niche game in comparison. Stores selling yugioh outnumber those selling Mtg like 10-20 to one. While you can get Pokemon cards almost everywhere. And every place that sells Mtg also sells Yugioh and Pokemon. Let's not forget Hasbro bought Wizards because of the Pokemon license, not because of Magic, which was spare change in comparison even back then and with half a decade headstart.

Even in the worst case where Hasbro went bankrupt D&D could survive because now it is a brand with a too great potential value. Some very important group would buy all those IPs at least to avoid these to be acquired by foreign companies. It is not only because economic reasons but strategic importance in the cultural war. I could joke about D&D being bought by Elon Musk.

I would like to speculate but I suspect the next year will have got a lot of surprises in the global economy.

Maybe Embracer Group could talk with Hasbro for some partnership or other type of deals.


I wouldn't call him stupid. He is just an overtly enthusiastic fan whit deep pockets.
I get it. Sometimes I say things without thinking them through. I immediately thought of all the celebrities who have mismanaged their money to the point where they no longer have any.

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