[Hanged Man Sidebar]: Rhagast's Row (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Judge! Quick! A judge!)

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GM: Rewards Submitted for Approval:

I told you this would be short.

XP: If it's OK with [MENTION=46559]covaithe[/MENTION], I'm going to award partial XP for bloodying Rhagast to the tune of 3500XP X2.

Thus each participant gets 1400XP. Thanks for ponying up the courage to take on a brute of substantial advantage.

OOC: Of course it's fine with me. Approved. And I hereby pre-emptively retroactively approve this for Graven, whenever he gets around to being properly approved, so we can avoid the stupid rigmarole of withholding xp until he's approved.


"Where did he go? Tell me! I've chased him too long for him to get away now!....He was wearing one of these too, wherever you just were, he's there now! Tell me!"
"What the h-", the tiefling shakes his head as if trying to clear his thoughts, "Who's 'he'? Look lady. I'm sorry you lost your boyfirend, but I'm a little confused myself." he pauses as he tries to remember the angry tiefling's question, "Woah!" Comrehension dawns as the thri-kreen realizes where he is, "This is the Hanged Man? Uh, that can't be good," turning back to Phoenix, he continues, "Again, If your boyfriend is where I was, then he's on a rock in the middle ocean somewhere. Not sure how to get there from here, but I imagine if this ring works one way, it might work the other way too." he produces an odd expression which amounts to a thi-kreen version of a smile, "'Course if you can't get him back, I could fill in for him until you find h...oh never mind." the thri-kreen suddenly remembers his manners and extends one of his clawed appendages in freindship, "Name's Tik-Chik."


First Post
As his cloud dissipates, it takes Gil some time to recover. Then approaches Blagarm, Sorry about the damages, I won't be needing my last two weeks of the room upstairs, moving into a... um... a new place on the edge of town. Please, keep my advance and rent out the room to recover any damages. Gil waves his hands, chasing away the last of the fumes.

Artemis, I'm serious, we need a paying job. This close quarters, long odds... "stuff", is getting really old. Last time I got a tent, this time I lost two weeks of rent, this isn't how I expected our time and money spent. Gil shakes his head, At least I didn't run off crying this time, managed to hero-up a tidbit. Gil smiles at Artemis, then looks back over toward Lerrick Thanks again for the help back there, you get hit?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Phoenix grits her teeth, but lets go of the 'kreen. "Call him my boyfriend one more time and I'll be scraping that ring off your charred corpse."

She takes a deep breath. "I don't mean to come across the wrong way, but if you don't start telling me everything you know about where he is or might be then I'm going to see if pain is what caused the ring to activate in the first place..."


As his cloud dissipates, it takes Gil some time to recover. Then approaches Blagarm, Sorry about the damages, I won't be needing my last two weeks of the room upstairs, moving into a... um... a new place on the edge of town. Please, keep my advance and rent out the room to recover any damages. Gil waves his hands, chasing away the last of the fumes.
Blagarm nods, still cowering in the cupboards below the bar.
Phoenix grits her teeth, but lets go of the 'kreen. "Call him my boyfriend one more time and I'll be scraping that ring off your charred corpse."

She takes a deep breath. "I don't mean to come across the wrong way, but if you don't start telling me everything you know about where he is or might be then I'm going to see if pain is what caused the ring to activate in the first place..."
Now the thri-kreen is getting angry, "Listen darling. I don't mean to sound rude,...wait, no I don't care how this sounds. Look! I have no idea where I was, and even less, how to get there. I didn't activate the ring, so maybe this boyfr-acquaintence of yours did the activating. All I did was find the thing at the bottom of a well. It's at least 3 weeks' dragon flight from here to where he is now, so I suggest you get this," he removes the ring and forces it into Phoenix's palm, "thing to work yourself."

He begins to walk away, but turns a final time to face her, "As for details, it's an island in the ocean, just outside a river-mouth." he scratchs his head with one of his three claws as if trying to remember, "It's got an old dwarven fortress on it with some kind of lighthouse attached. A bunch of skeletons are guarding the place. These three guys busted us out of a dungeon on the mainland along with a dwarf who happens to be some kind of exiled king. We were trying to get him his throne back. He said if we lit the lighthouse, more dwarves would show up." Tik-Chik shrugs, "I guess that's their problem now." He looks at Phoenix in mock apology, "Honest. That's all I know."

Tik-Chik walks over the bar where Blagarm has just surfaced from the cubboards below, "Gimmie a pint, and you'd better make this one as stiff as you can get it."

Blagarm pour's the ranger a full pint of Wayne's Ale, being careful not to spill any on the counter. I muses about the poisonous gas that was released in this area earlier, Nah. Nothin' c'n make 'is stoff anih wahrse 'an i' alreddih is. He looks up at Tik-Chik and winks, "Yah two 'ra righ' mahrried copple." he chortles.

Tik-Chik, unimpressed by the joke, mumbles a kurt "Shut up."

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Phoenix stares intently at the ring, trying to learn what she can about it.

[sblock=Arcana 19]1d20+17=19[/sblock]

Afterwards, she thinks about the description the thri-kreen gave, seeing if she can remember hearing anything about it.

[sblock=History 27]1d20+15=27[/sblock]


The ring is crowned with an emerald-green, stone cut with a single, smooth hexagonal facet. It appears that the stone can be turned much like the dial on a compass. An aura of powerful, interplanar magic surrounds the ring, hinting that the distance between this point in space and another far off, actually touch in some way within the confines of this piece of jewelry.[sblock=The Ring]

Her memory is not triggered by anthing particular ot Tik-Chik's story, but it seems that Rhagast used the ring to get here from wherever he was. In addition to this, Blagarm and Brastrix seemed to recognize Rhagast, mentioning places like 'Rioc Alair' and 'Milibri'.

These areas are unknown to Phoenix, but they must be locations relatively close to Rhagast's current location.

It seems that the slow way to find Rhagast would be to charter a vessel and sail to either of these locations.

The quick way, however, would simply be to put the ring on and give it a turn. Musing about this, Phoenix supposes that doing so would also bring Rhagast back here, only to have her taking his place in a foreign land.

Suddenly a scheme comes to mind. Perhaps she could use the ring, and immediately take it off, or better yet, place it in some terribly uncomfortable place, so that when Rhagast attempts to return, he will find himself trapped, and at her mercy.


First Post
Artemis hooks his heavy iron mace-like rod back at his belt.

"If you don't mind me saying, Lady of the Flame, will you be content with it? I see the fiend damaged you severely. Caused scars deeper than physical. But vengeance that burns that hot will eventually consume your soul. Is anything worth that?"

Leaving her to ponder the words and the ring, Artemis rejoins Gil and Lerrick at the table.

OOC: Thanks for the rumble HMG! Very much enjoyed it.

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