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Gwendolynn Von Holden's Diary: Can't a girl get some sleep around here?


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On the Road to Hoch Hoch

Finished helping Orlane rebuild. There is no one here to help train the rest of the group, so it has been decided that we'll go back to Hoch Hoch and do some training before tackling the task of taking out the snake cult. I'm lucky in that regard. Although Jalik couldn't teach me more powers, he did teach me how to meditate, which seems to be the key for me
to grow in strength.

Ah, Jalik. It seems like a long time since I've thought of him. At the beginning of my time in Orlane, I wanted to be noticed by all the boys, but at the end ,with making Krystal and discovering two new powers, I haven't thought about boys and men so much. Maybe I'm just not meant to be with them. Krystal says I'm foolish to think that, but it's just never worked out so well. I'm pretty much clumsy in a dangerous way when I'm around them, so it would probably be best for everyone if I stopped thinking of them all together.

Falon's after Chani again over her sword. I tried to introduce him to Krystal. I thought he, being a magical type like me, would understand better than Ternell, but he gave me a strange look too. At least I figured out I didn't need to use my voice when talking to her. It's really just a brain connection that I do with other people. Figuring out how to carry her was perplexing. We finally decided a black velvet bag would be best since she doesn't actually see things the way I do, but rather senses them.

Korliss, Aaron, Ardel, and Ternell don't have much in the way of excitement going on right now. I think everyone is ready to increase their skills. I hope they get considerably better since a killer vine nearly wiped us out the other day.

Yes, a killer vine. I've never known plants to move on their own, but we were riding through the forest on our horses when a few party members felt something slithering along them like a snake. Before they could cry out, Falon, Ternell and Ardel were swinging in the tree with a vine wrapped around them. There was no mind for me to connect too, and firing crossbow bolts at a vine is about as helpful as trying to thread string through a pine needle. It was finally slashed to death, but Falon, Ternell and Ardel had some pretty nasty bruises across their middle.

Of course, now that I can heal myself (I think) I was not hurt. When will I be able to show off new power prowess??

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Hochoch Day 2

Arrived in Hochoch yesterday. Falon's mother was glad to see me, but I'm wiser this time not to think that means Falon is interested in me romantically. She really is a lovely woman, and it was enjoyable to pass some time with her. I found out that while we were gone, two people had died of snake bites. One was an old wizard. The bites were unusual because Hochoch is not prone to snake infestations. Both times the people were found dead next to opened chests. I think it definitely sounds like the snake cult is trying to spread into more towns. We must take them out before they take over.

I would like to hurry on our way, but Ardel left with some big burly man, Korliss left with some shady characters, Chani is singing in the pubs, and Aaron and Ternell are having devoted sessions to Pter. I wonder if Aaron ever asks Pter what took him so long in granting him his powers. I would. If I were to worship a god, I'd want to know all sorts of things like why they aren't helping us out by being on this world. It seems here is where all the trouble is, so why aren't they here? I just don't get the gods.


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One of the things that was really enjoyable about BSF's game was he would do cut scenes now and then. Cut scenes were descriptions of events going on that we got to know about as players, but our characters didn't know about. The information about the snake bites was given to us first in a cut scene. We didn't know where it had happened until we arrived in Hochoch. It was pretty cool. He always dimmed the lights and made everything nice and sinister when he did a cut scene :)


As I recall, Chani was singing on street corners, without a license. Didn't she end up in the local lockup for a bit? Wait, maybe that was the first visit. In any event, it does bear mentioning. She performs well, but at some point she ends up in trouble because she is an unlicensed performer. ;)


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
As I recall, Chani was singing on street corners, without a license. Didn't she end up in the local lockup for a bit? Wait, maybe that was the first visit. In any event, it does bear mentioning. She performs well, but at some point she ends up in trouble because she is an unlicensed performer. ;)

@#$%^&*()_+~ Bureaucrats!

We had a campaign, once, where "Adventurers" was a licensed profession, and the first order of business was going through all the GARBAGE of obtaining the license! It's gettin' so an honest adventurer has to spend a level or three as a Mercenary, or a Thief, in order to make a living! :p

@#$%^&*()_+~ Bureaucrats!


First Post
I know Chani was punished for singing on street corners at Ft. Greerson, but that was when I was playing Crill. I had forgotten she hadn't learned her lesson and did it again in Hochoch. I wonder if her player will ever stop by and read this :p


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Impassable Forest (again) end of week one

Powers used: As many as possible, Ogre Brains exploded: 3
Ogres Dead: Lost count

We began this week with clean clothes, high spirits and new skills. I was becoming used to a much less array for my wardrobe having left my donkey and chest behind in Orlane to a girl who looked like she would enjoy it. I'm traveling much lighter now, and it's a relief to me and the rest of the party. I had settled into the groups odd ways, knowing Aaron and Ternell would only talk to each other, Korliss would try and succeed in annoying Chani, Falon would try to talk about Chani's sword and Ardel would talk to no one except in the most dire of moments or when a problem needed a straight forward answer that no one else could come up with. I had Krystal now, and although she states her opinions so forcefully, she is still a relief to me.

Our first day in the forest we really didn't come across much as far as monsters go. The dark green of the trees covers up the sky so that there is almost the feeling of being inside a shelter with a thatched roof. Our horses cantered forward full of vim and the sound of their hooves scuffing the ground made a pleasant counterpoint to the singing of the birds.

We set watches that night as we usually do, but they were not able to wake up the party before three ogres were in the midst of us. At least we're guessing they're ogres from stories we've heard. We've never actually run into one before. These monsters were tall with long arms that could reach over one person and swipe someone behind him. I think they were constantly drooling, and if I hadn't been worried about being hit in the head by a club, I would've vomitted at the feeling of monster spit sliding down my neck and under my shirt. Swords, axes and clubs were swinging wildly. Falon was burning their flesh whenever possible and I woke up enough to realize now was my chance to try my new power. Trying to ignore the drool and club, I stared at the ogre before me and felt a power in the back of my mind grow and connect with his mind. A low hum vibrated through me and a charge went from my brain to his. I heard him scream and swing wildly at me, but he missed. I managed to keep the link together and send another charge. The low hum became louder but didn't drown out the ogres scream. Silence swept in as he fell to the ground.

The other two ogres had just been slain by swords, and the group stood staring at me.

"How did you kill that thing?" asked Ternell.

"With my mind," I said.

It didn't have the effect I thought it would. I was waiting for, "Wow! What a great new power! When did you learn to do that?" But they all just kept staring and Ternell finally said, "That's good to know."

"Good to know? Good to know?!" That's all I get? Didn't even bother to show them that I could heal myself now. Went and sat in my bedroll for the rest of the night. Didn't even want to talk to Krystal.

Would still be sulking about it except just glad to be alive. Everyday we have run into groups of three and four ogres three or four times a day. Can't seem to regenerate all my powers if I don't get enough rest. Everyone is wounded. I've healed myself some, but am no good at healing others. I told Aaron I could heal myself now and he seemed more relieved than impressed. Not sure it's such a good idea to continue on, but Krystal keeps encouraging me. She's very helpful that way. Keeps my goal of wiping out the snake cult in my mind.

Very tired now. I wonder if we'll be able to get any sleep tonight.


Steverooo said:
@#$%^&*()_+~ Bureaucrats!

We had a campaign, once, where "Adventurers" was a licensed profession, and the first order of business was going through all the GARBAGE of obtaining the license! It's gettin' so an honest adventurer has to spend a level or three as a Mercenary, or a Thief, in order to make a living! :p

@#$%^&*()_+~ Bureaucrats!

Heh - That can be kinda fun. Greerson's Glory opted for the Royal Charter as their adventuring Charter. This dropped them into the lowest tax bracket, but put them at the disposal of Lord Greerson if he ever needed them. It also placed higher expectations on behavior. There was one other adventuring group that had a Royal Charter in the kingdom.


Here is a slight bit of trivia that the group didn't ever figure out.

At one point, the ogres in that area of the forest were serving a Hag. The group actually stopped to check out where the hag was left hanging, skinned, from a tree. Upon seeing the skinless corpse hanging in the trees a ways off from the trail, they decided they didn't want to see any more.

I had been hoping they would wonder what had killed a hag in the middle of her forest and left her there. I don't think they ever gave it more thought. I think I distracted them too much with the relentless encounters. I don't think they ever even knew it was a hag, much less that she was once controlling many of the ogres. In retrospect, they could probably figure out what killed her though.


First Post
Impassable Forest End of Week 2

Horses dead: 3 Ogres dead: too many to count and they are still coming

When I close my eyes I see ogres. When I try to fall asleep, I feel ogres breathing down my neck. When I eat my meager meals I taste ogre blood. If we could just fight something different, I think I would almost be relieved.

We have continued running into ogres constantly. One night this week, a couple of ogres decided to start eating some of our horses while some other ogres were attacking us. When the battle was over, I fell to my knees and wept for the dead horses. My horse was still alive, and I tried to offer her what comfort I could. I wished I had a sugar cube for her, but she settled down with an extra brushing and I was able to ride her the next day.

This morning we passed a skinned corpse hanging in the trees. I could not bear to look at it, and the rest of the party decided it might be some sort of trap if we went to investigate it. I was glad we stayed on the path, although it just meant running into more ogres. Don't think snake cult will have an easy time of getting rid of these monsters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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