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Guacamole's relentless crusade against sorcerors and bad poetry!


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Nicely put, Echoes, well said. Now perhaps we have piqued the interest of some people to look into poetry a little more...

Echoes said:

P.S. Guac, are you going to school in Chicago? I'm just up the road, so to speak, at Northwestern. At any rate, just curious.

No, went to School in chicago, UIC-- English and Classical Studies, Now I live in the 'burbs, while I teach (I didn't have enough forsight to take education classes so I had to go back for an MA) and contemplate going back for grad. study in english. Who knows! I always envied you guys at NU for your beautiful campus. Have you ever seen UIC, it looks like a military/idustrial factory!

Perhaps we ought to have a ENWorld Poetry slam... How 'bout it people? All fantasy poetry? Anyone write any cool poems that they have used in a game, or that just sits in your journal?

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Once A Fool
Re: Touche!

Guacamole said:
Perhaps we ought to have a ENWorld Poetry slam... How 'bout it people? All fantasy poetry? Anyone write any cool poems that they have used in a game, or that just sits in your journal?

I love this idea!


First Post
Hot-Salsa!!!! Bring it onnn!!!

Actually... the sour cream mephits and the avacado-pit fiends have been mucking it up in Guacamole's bowl, adding too much sour cream! Guacamole needs a fresh infusion of peppers and tomato!

nadir said:
Once upon a workday dreary
While I desk-grazed borded and fatty
Overy many a bad emoted socerous spore
While I ploded, almost working, suddenly there came lurking
An ominous shadow over my work-place floor:
Who is this, I shuddered, shadowing my cubicle floor?
'Tis my boss, and nothing more!

Bravo! Nadir, Bravo!....

Hey! are you able to see a picture of me! LOL! Too accurate, Nadir! Too accurate!

I look forward to your critique of my fix for sorcerers, which is coming shortly!

Man, I was rollin' on the floor a second ago! I have to tell you, at one time my unspoken rule for DnD games was "No Chicks, No Hobbits!"... Seriously! Although you may not believe it, I am far more mature and have grown considerably!:D

I'm sorry if I'm isulting, I'm just trying to have a little fun! Don't take me too seriously!

take care,


Sorcerers are the Mozarts and Einsteins of the SPellcasting world?

Nah, Sorcerers are the Michael Jordans. Yes, the man practices, and yes, he learns from others, but how do you get that good?

It's through practice, AND talent.

As far as Sorcerers being too "munchkiny" (shudder), I have to say that the character is as "munchkiny" as you make them. This goes with everything from Bards with Spell Focus on enchantments and CHA-boosting magics, and nothing but charm spells and hold persons/monsters, to The fighter who takes the feat chain to turn himself into a focused, specialized, cleaving, whirlwinding death machine, and who owns nothing but a Vorpal sword and a smile. :)

I like the poetry idea. I couldn't write a poetic verse in order to save my soul, but I would enjoy seeing the efforts of others.


serves Gnome Master
Re: Poetry and stuff

tsadkiel said:
The English Romantics would tend to disagree with you on this point - "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion," and all that.*

Preface to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth... nice. I think you might have misquoted though... I am not entirely sure.

To sum up: Few poems are written without even a single revision. Hence, the sorcerer's analogy is incorrect. There. Guacamole, I fully agree with you.


English Lit. Student

(edit: Misspelled Guacamole)
Last edited:


First Post
Re: Touche!

Guacamole said:
Nicely put, Echoes, well said. Now perhaps we have piqued the interest of some people to look into poetry a little more...

No, went to School in chicago, UIC-- English and Classical Studies, Now I live in the 'burbs, while I teach (I didn't have enough forsight to take education classes so I had to go back for an MA) and contemplate going back for grad. study in english. Who knows! I always envied you guys at NU for your beautiful campus. Have you ever seen UIC, it looks like a military/idustrial factory!

Perhaps we ought to have a ENWorld Poetry slam... How 'bout it people? All fantasy poetry? Anyone write any cool poems that they have used in a game, or that just sits in your journal?

Ah...yeah, NU looks pretty good, but recently they've been filling up a lot of space here with pointless buildings. Thankfully I live on the South side of campus where the grass is green and the buildings are old. UIC is a bit heavy on the buildings, but at least it's got something over Loyola, which is more like a complex of concrete than any other university I've ever seen.

I'd love to have a poetry slam...as a matter of fact I just wrote a semi-fantasy one about Eurydice/Orpheus (it was for a class assignment, we had to take a well known story and change it's viewpoint) that would probably interest people on the board. Just let me know when and where and I'll be posting!


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