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Greyhawk: The Golden Era CY 963: EPIC CAMPAIGN - Campaign Logs + RESTORED CAMPAIGN THREAD

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"Woah, there, old friend. I'm not going to stand by and watch you be the only volunteer. Set it up so I can activate it, and I volunteer to "pull the lever" as it were." Jynx states abruptly. "It's not like I can't activate a spell or magic item, I've the know-how."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
As the time is passing, Sphynx is already reading the book, giving it the majority of his concentration. He will still be able to travel and engage in conversation without hindrance or loss of concentration to his reading. Only spell casting or combat should cause him to stop reading.

As it becomes evident, he is quite a voracious reader even without the aid of enhancement like Podren's potion. He is not even sitting still while he reads but walking about while the others discuss and plan, taking in what he hears as well as what he reads.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Pondren (To Jynx): "I've met your kind before, those born with the natural talent to connect to the weave, and to activate and make use of magical items without formal training. Even for people such as yourself, born with a natural connection to the weave, it takes years of practice to turn that talent into an effective ability. Of course, I have no doubt that you've done just that, judging by the looks of those wands that are tucked into your belt. But you'll need EXCEPTIONALLY HONED skills to do something like achieving the completion of a True Spell."

The DC for emulating an Epic Spellcaster via the Use Magical Device skill, to achieve the completion of an Epic Spell would be the Spellcraft DC +20.
In Fandekar's case, that would be DC 128 + 20 = DC 148.

The implosion or reset of the plane via simple re-casting or reverse casting of the spell (if you're going that route) will be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to escape. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
It's probably better to study the spell, and research a way to modify it as Sphynx suggested, i.e., adding in a delay to the spell completion.
If you're on that plane when it resets, or implodes, you're talking about a permanent death that is beyond the reach of even a Miracle.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: I hate to make trivial posts, but it is important for timing at this point, because I need my character knowledge to catch up with my player knowledge.

While the party is still thinking and discussing, Sphynx is continually reading, very quickly. He seems to be speeding up, as if he is looking for something specific in the book.

Jynx said:
"Could the Arch aide our efforts in some way?"

Not pausing from his reading, Sphynx replies.

Not directly, but it is a stable and permanent portal well hidden from accidental discovery. Hmm... that gives me an idea, but I need to hold off on that thought for a bit."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Quick Note on Jynx's Idea:

It is possible to modify the Epic Spell for re-casting, and set the conditions for traveling to and from Fandekar's plane to the use of the Arch of Ages, exclusively.

You would still, however, need to re-cast the spell, and "reset" the plane, as above.

If you made it only accessible by the Arch, then only those persons knowledgeable about the Arch would be able to travel there. This would effectively limit travel to those who are of epic level. The requirement would be 20 BASE Ranks in Spellcraft, and the ability to cast Epic Spells. Thus, it would require a caster of at least 21st level.

If this were done, the spell could also be set to where entrance to the plane would always be at the same arrival point, i.e., you could set the arrival point to a particular room or area, where a guard could be set to meet visitors. You could also construct a special, warded or keyed room for arrival, which requires some sort of command word or spell to bypass, lest the visitor become trapped in the room.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: With all the ambling delay, Sphynx has continued to read voraciously. He suddenly closes the book before addressing the group.

"The spell is not here but it gives a hint at its location, hidden behind a wall. We need to return to Fendekar's lab."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Moving The Story Along...

Pondren nods in agreement with Sphynx. "Yes, the spell must be of incredible power to defy being recorded in a book. Researching a way to change it could end up taking several days, and cost a small fortune in rare spell components. Luckily, the lab in which the secret wall is hidden is also filled with tomes that will facilitate said research, and possibly even speed up the time-frame, depending on what their contents are. There are also many components on that table, if my memory serves. Fandekar's Lab is definitely where we all need to be. Since we've already rested for almost six hours, let's go ahead and pray for our spells, or prepare them, as the case may be, while we are on this plane. We're only talking about another hour or so... and if my calculations are correct, having spent 7 hours here, only 7 minutes will have passed when we return to Fandekar's plane."

DM FIAT: The party sees the wisdom in Pondren's suggestion, and everyone agrees. The party spends 1 more hour of downtime preparing spells. Everyone should select their spells and submit those lists to me either via Facebook, or via email. As an afterthought, Delbin uses Prestidigitation to put all of the coins back into Fandekar's robes, for easy transport. The party can worry about dividing it up later.

Pondren extends his hand, and whispers, "Dear lady, grant us passage once more..." and as soon as he speaks the words, the mirror portal opens once more, displaying the image of Fandekar's Lab.

DM FIAT: The party, having done this several times, has no qualms about stepping through the portal. Everyone steps through, and once all are on the other side, Pondren closes the portal with a snap of his fingers.

The party is now fully rested, and standing back in Fandekar's lab. Pondren seems to be correct; everything is exactly as you left it. Fandekar's hour candle is still burning on the lab table, and it is still at the same mark that it was when you all left.

[Everyone: What do you do?]


First Post
Jynx scouts around the tower looking for any occupants that may have decided to move in during the time the party was gone.

"I'll have a quick look around, make sure we're the only ones here."

OOC: By quick, I mean thorough.
Spot- take 20 (if not threatened) = 81; rolled- 68
Listen- take 20 (if not threatened) = 86; rolled- 81
Search- take 20 (if not threatened) = 53; rolled- 35
Senses: true seeing, scent special ability
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Sphynx, using truesight begins to search for the hidden text of the spell.

Sphynx -

"Once I find this spell, it will take me some time to learn it, then I may have to scour the area or pop in and out for components. My plan is to correct it rather than reset it, limiting access by means of the Arch, only. This will take me out of play for quite some time. We need to make sure there are no open portal and close any found; and also, any roving zombie-things will need to be eliminated."

"Once I begin casting, I will also be vulnerable and will need to be protected."
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