Wofano Wotanto
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere outside the GTG forums and the RPG Kickstarter, and perhaps the people who are most concerned already know, but for fans of GTG in general and the Sentinels card game and RPG in particular, designer Christopher Badell is having some serious health issues at the moment and is headed for spinal surgery to replace some of his cervical vertebrae. He's been in a lot of pain for several weeks now and would undoubtedly appreciate any good wishes people care to offer him. You can find more info on the evolving situation in the last couple of episodes of the Letters Page podcast (which are much shorter than usual, just health updates), the most recent of which is linked here and on the RPG Kickstarter update from two days ago.
If there's already a thread discussing this it's eluded me, so any mod who's aware of one can just delete this if they want.
If there's already a thread discussing this it's eluded me, so any mod who's aware of one can just delete this if they want.