Ginny Di interviews WotC's Kyle Brink

Continuing the D&D executive producer's interview tour, gaming influencer Ginny Di asks a WotC's Kyle Brink about the OGL and other things.

Continuing the D&D executive producer's interview tour, gaming influencer Ginny Di asks a WotC's Kyle Brink about the OGL and other things.


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He basically confirms what I suspected in that other thread. It's not so much "how many existing OGL products are toxic" but more of "It's future protection against it being used that way in the future." Which makes sense when you look at the current culture war going on in general, and people like Justin, Dave, et. al are becoming more frequent.

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that policing content is a nightmare on several other levels, but it's nice to see him confirm it's not about giving a list of existing products. We can finally put the whole "show me racist OGL material now, or it's not a problem" comments to rest.


That seems optimistic.
Perhaps. But it's moot. It wasn't a factor so there's no point in asking for or producing existing content. Hasbro saw a risk and reacted to that risk. That's all.

It might have been a dumb and impossible to enforce proposal they first had, but you (general you) can't deny the culture war that's been going on and getting worse over the past decade (since 2008 actually), so you have to figure Hasbro knows this as well.


Let's look at where WotC landed currently on this OGL/SRD thing. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if they just started with this (Hey, we're putting the SRD into CC so it's out of our control) and that was it. I suspect the community would love them for that. But alas, they had to step all over themselves first before finally landing there. Lessons learned here.

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