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Ghourmand Vale (3.5 campaign)



PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 7​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 7​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 7​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 7​

Game Session Date: 22 March 2023

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The four Trained Professional Adventures rode their mounts south through the Phostwood on their way back to Greyhawk City. They approached the village of Luminaxa close to dusk, when most of the shopkeepers were closing up their places of business and ensuring the shutters were closed nice and tight against their windows. But there was a tavern still open, the Aca Balaur, with lanterns visible through the windows and a hearty fire in the fireplace. The heroes dismounted from their steeds, tied them by their reins to the hitching posts outside, and headed for the door. Alistair bid his grackle familiar to keep an eye on the horses and call out if anyone tried to bother them.

Inside, the tavern was warm and toasty compared with the bitter air outside, and the place was filled almost to capacity. There was a table free over in the corner and the four headed that way, Chaevaris getting there first and choosing a seat that allowed her to face the building's only door. The others took their places and waited for the barmaid to approach to take their orders.

In the meantime, they listened to what the locals all had to say. Talk had stopped momentarily at the presence of strangers, but once the locals got a good look at the four and decided they weren't bandits or troublemakers - the holy symbol of Pelor emblazoned upon Harlan's armor no doubt helped a great deal on that front - they resumed their conversations where they'd left off. But more than a few of the tavern customers were commenting amongst themselves about Harlan's holy symbol of Pelor being so prominently displayed. Finally, an older tavern wench came by to take their drink orders, saw Harlan's armor, and asked, "Hey, are you here about the children?"

"I'm sorry?" Harlan asked, puzzled but with a look of concern on his face. "We're travelers, unfamiliar with this region. Is there a problem with children in the village?"

"There's been seven kids gone missing in the past two months," the barmaid replied. "Three of their mothers, too."

"What can you tell us about them?" the paladin asked.

The barmaid told them all she knew, and then the others at nearby tables, their own conversations having broken off again, filled in the gaps. It seemed in the last two months, seven of the village children had gone missing, often disappearing right from their own yards while their parents were just inside the house, and had heard nothing. Sometimes, a mother and her child were returning from the village store back to their own homes and were never seen again. But the disappearances happened about once a week or so, always at or just after dusk.

"How long ago was the last disappearance?" asked Ageratum.

"Been six days now," came the reply from an old farmer, whose wrinkled face told of many years spent out under the sun. "Y'ask me, it were prolly goblins. Got us lotsa goblins in the Phostwood, that's for dang sure."

"But why all of a sudden would they start attackin' kids right here in the village?" demanded another of the servers. "I could see them snatchin' kids what wandered into the forest all alone, but that's not what's been happenin'. No, I think it's undead, comin' outta Knight's Hall."

"Bloodhand Hall, you mean," corrected the elderly farmer.

"Please explain," replied Harlan, and the villagers informed him there was a ruined keep outside the village in the Phostwood forest, that used to be called Knight's Keep or Goldenbeams, back when a rich servant of Pelor named Balaur Luminaductor was alive and dwelt there. But then the knight turned to evil - stories varied on the details of exactly how - and he became known as Balaur Bloodhand, and the keep was then referred to as Black Hollow or Bloodhand Hall. Balaur had a wife, but nobody had seen her since he turned to evil, so it was generally believed that he'd killed her. In any case, Black Hallow was said to be haunted by undead, and the area was generally shunned by the villagers.

"Couldn't pay to get me out that way," professed a village farmer. He was about to elaborate when the door to the tavern opened and a young woman burst in, out of breath and with a panicked look in her eyes. "My daughter--" she gasped, "--she's missing! Valeria is missing!" And she collapsed into a chair, sobbing violently.

Harlan was at her side in a shot. "We will look for your daughter," he promised, kneeling before her and looking her in the eyes. "Tell me her age, and describe her for me." Wiping back her tears, Valeria's mother provided the paladin with the information he requested. Once he had a good description of the missing girl, he turned to the crowd of customers. "Tell me how to get to this Black Hollow," he said. "We will look there first."

The villagers said the ruins were about a 30-minute walk out of town, to the east, and there was a forest path that practically led the way there, although the end of the path had become somewhat overgrown over the years since the place fell to ruin. Harlan nodded to the other adventurers and they rose from the table, heading out the door. "We will do our best to return with your daughter," he promised Valeria's mother. "And we will put an end to whatever monster is behind these abductions." He didn't voice his main concern: that while it might not be too late for Valeria, the other seven children and the three mothers had likely been slain shortly after their own abductions.

A half-hour's walk through a forest path took considerably less time on horseback; Harlan, riding his white horse Law, took the lead. They were deep into the forest when the various animal sounds around them - the hooting of owls, the scrambling of squirrels in the branches overhead - suddenly ceased, as if none of the forest creatures wanted to draw any attention to themselves. Chaevaris, riding her gray horse Talkacha just behind Harlan, heard a crashing in the trees off to her right and readied an arrow into her composite longbow, calling a warning to the others. But they had also heard the commotion ahead, and before long a massive creature emerged onto the moon-lit path: a monster as big as a full-grown brown bear, but an oddly-shaped bear indeed, for it had the head of an owl, with feathers along its front legs. It rose up on its hind legs and Harlan and Chaevaris, the two adventurers with elven eyesight that allowed them to see better than the halfling and human members of their adventuring team, saw another such creature, slightly smaller than the first, exit through the clearing the first one had made through the underbrush.

Harlan leaped out of the saddle and drew his flaming burst longsword, the fire-tinged blade aiding Alistair and Ageratum in seeing what they were up against. Then, as fearless as only a paladin can be, he charged the mother owlbear, swinging his blade across her chest and belly and eliciting a cry of pain. Alistair, further back and still in Zephyr's saddle, whipped out his magic missile wand and fired off a blast, hitting the same creature as it dropped back onto all fours and swiped a paw filled with sharp claws at Harlan. The other owlbear, nearly an adult, came shambling over to Harlan's side and made an awkward attempt at biting his sword arm, but the half-elf dodged by moving further into the middle of the forest path.

Chaevaris, astride her horse's saddle, took careful aim at the mother owlbear and sent her arrow burying itself in the beast's shoulder. And Ageratum remained in the saddle as well, using the greater height sitting astride Munson provided her to shoot a shrunken "pebble-boulder" at the hybrid monster with her sling. Upon impact, the stone returned to its original size before Alistair had reduced it to one-sixteenth scale with a shrink item spell. As it squawked in outrage at the unusual attack, Harlan stabbed his flaming blade deep into the beast's chest, piercing her heart and bringing her rampage to a sudden end. But just that quickly, he yanked the blade out of the fallen owlbear's body and swung it in a flaming arc to come cleaving down at the younger menace, cutting deep into the beast's shoulder.

Alistair aimed his wand at the remaining owlbear and fired off a second barrage, five magic missiles streaking across the path to hit the creature unerringly in the top of its feathered head. But as Harlan was right there at hand, it devoted its retaliatory attacks upon the paladin, rearing up to bring both sets of front claws swinging at him while snapping his beak at him as well. Fortunately, Harlan was able to either avoid the attacks or get his shield up in time to deflect them away. Ageratum used her sling to send another "pebble-boulder" crashing into an owlbear's head, and then Chaevaris shot another arrow into it, dropping it as well. Once both owlbears were lying unmoving on the forest path, Harlan approached each beast in turn and slit their throats to ensure their deaths, preventing the Blood Mirror from stabilizing them at the last moment, as was its wont. Then the heroes mounted back up and returned down the path towards the Black Hollow.

The ruins stood at the top of a hill, appearing initially as a black silhouette against the star-lit sky. As the heroes approached, they could make out more details: the "ruins" were actually in better condition than they'd been led to believe, with no visible gaps in the stone walls. A pair of solid-looking wooden doors looked to be the only way in, and while the wiry scrub-brush and ivy growing up around the building gave silent testimony to the fact there had been nobody tending to it in a long time, the place looked perfectly defensible. If this were indeed the place where the kidnapped children and mothers had been taken, it didn't look to be a place offering any easy escape-ways.

The heroes tied the reins of their respective mounts to nearby trees, Alistair casting a quick mage armor upon himself and telling Ambrose to once again look after the horses and give a warning if anyone - or anything - approached. Ageratum approached the doors, giving them a good look-over before announcing they looked to be in normal working order, did not seem to be trapped, and had likely seen recent use lately. Then, reaching up on her tippy-toes, she pushed them open to reveal the keep's interior.

The interior, from what they could see, was all one big room, with what looked to be a set of stairs leading down to a lower level off to the left, at the far end of the keep where it was harder to see in the gloomy darkness. Up towards the front were four large tables, each with a set of wooden benches providing seating. One of these tables was empty; the other three had various warriors seated and slumped over in death, each reduced to little more than a skeleton in rusting armor. A cold fire pit sat on the floor in the middle of the tables, the ashes looking to be ancient. At the far end of the hall was a longer table, with some sort of statues on either end, covered in so much shadow it was impossible even for those with elven blood to make out any details. Chaevaris took care of their lighting problem by taking the one arrow from her quiver that had the clothlike results of a shrink item spell cast upon a blazing bonfire; aiming the arrow at the center of the firepit, she released the arrow and returned the bonfire to its full size and effectiveness as a light source.

In the glow of the bonfire's flames, more details could be made out. There were five tapestries hanging on the walls, one in the far back behind the banquet table, and two others on the walls to the side. There was another door on the right-hand wall, but it was boarded up and the detailed carving of Pelor's holy symbol inscribed upon its upper half had been covered in scratches and deep cuts, likely made by an axe. The skeletons were covered in a layer of dust, indicating they'd not risen from their current positions despite the tales of undead haunting Black Hollow. But more importantly, there was the body of a little girl fitting Valeria's description laying upon the banquet table, which was flanked by the two statues of what were now recognizable as gargoyles. Before each statue stood a pile of smashed and broken bones of various sizes.

Harlan cast a bless spell upon the group as they advanced towards the back of the keep. Ageratum felt for a pulse on the girl, but her skin was already cold - she'd been dead, it seemed, for some while. Harlan was able to determine there was no evil aura emanating from the girl's body - a definite concern given the two puncture marks on her neck - but in checking out her aura he was able to pick up a definite evil emanation coming from the gargoyle statues. "These are real gargoyles!" he warned the others. He could also sense evil from the stairs heading down to a lower level.

Alistair had been thoughtfully examining the tapestries and discovered they told a tale: in the first, an armored knight (presumably Balaur Luminaductor) being consecrated by an elder cleric with a sword; in the second, the Pelorian knight at his wedding; the third showed the Pelorian knight fighting a demon while his wife was being seduced by another knight in dark armor; the fourth depicted the wife embracing her husband while a squire kneeled before them; and in the fifth, the Pelorian knight now wore black armor and stood over his squire, who was horrendously wounded, while corpses bowed down before the black knight - or possibly to the glowing ruby he held in his right hand. However, the young sorcerer looked up at Harlan's cry and fired a scorching ray spell at the leftmost gargoyle, causing it to flinch in pain and reveal its living nature. Alistair had no compunctions about attacking gargoyles, knowing they were wholly evil - at least according to the acclaimed children's book, Elfy's Exploits in Castle Perilous, which he had enjoyed reading (or having read to him) as a kid.

Chaevaris nocked another arrow to her bow and took careful aim at the second gargoyle, which had yet to move. Ageratum flicked a third "pebble-boulder" from her small pouch onto the head of the first gargoyle, causing it to restore to full size and roll off the creature's head to crash to the floor at its feet. It launched itself at Harlan with its head lowered, trying to skewer the paladin on its horns as it reached out at him with its clawed hands. Harlan accepted the damage from a set of claws as he brought his flaming sword to bear, catching the winged creature in the side of its rocky torso, before another scorching ray spell from Alistair brought the creature crashing down to lay prostrate before the half-elf paladin. Ageratum scrambled over to ensure its demise - she didn't want the Blood Mirror, which was occasionally (she thought) more trouble than it was worth, stabilizing the unconscious gargoyle and allowing it to return to unholy life.

At about the same time the second gargoyle launched itself from the plinth upon which it had been standing, but Chaevaris was ready for it and released her arrow, sending it directly into the creature's neck. It made it as far as the closest table before the elven archer had released another arrow at it, this one piercing its eye and sending it crashing into the pile of warrior skeletons collapsed upon the table; the impact splintered the rotting wood and sent armored bones flying about in all directions.

This close to the banquet table upon which the dead body of poor Valeria lay, Harlan saw silver tableware laid out as if for a feast, but covered in dust - indicating the kinds of feasts now performed in the keep needed no such accoutrements. He laid on hands, channeling Pelor's holy energy into his torn and battered body and healed up some of the wounds he'd taken in battle, before giving the entirety of the upper floor of the keep a sweep with his senses. Having found no further sources of evil, he recommended the group head downstairs.

Alistair concentrated for a moment and cast a flame arrow spell upon Chaevaris's quiver of Ehlonna. "Sorry, Elfy," he apologized. "I had meant to do that earlier, but I forgot." He then cast another spell, bringing forth Ogilvy, his unseen servant, and handed him a small sack containing four "pebble-boulders." He also gave another such bag of magic pebbles to Ageratum, who was down to one stone left in her original sack of ammunition. She took the proffered sack without comment and then went to ensure the second gargoyle was truly dead (helping it out with the blade of her magic short sword).

Chaevaris nocked an arrow at the ready and headed over to the top of the stairs. They led down into darkness, but the elf's keen vision picked out what looked to be a coffin on an upraised plinth in the middle of the chamber below. But then a figure stepped into view, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He wore heavy armor, with a shield and longsword, but his face - about all the elf could see of his actual body - was taught against its skull, desiccated like a mummy. This, at last, gave credence to the view held by the villagers that the keep was haunted by undead creatures, for there was no way the armored warrior below her could still be counted among the living, in the archer's estimation. Still, it called out, in a dry, whispery voice, "Come down to your doom, interlopers!"

Harlan stepped in front of Chaevaris with his own shield and weapon in hand, ready to strike if the armored mummy tried climbing the stairs. Then Alistair stepped behind the paladin, and whereas Harlan and Chaevaris had been able to face the undead monstrosity without incident, the sorcerer felt a chill of dread go up his spine and he froze in horror at the very sight of the deathless mummy. He'd planned on hurling a scorching ray spell down at it, but his mind was frozen; he couldn't think of the proper incantations that had normally just rolled off his tongue when in combat earlier. Ogilvy stepped next to his master, awaiting orders, but Alistair was speechless in his paralyzation and the unseen servant merely stood there until ordered to do something.

Chaevaris sent two arrows in rapid succession down over Harlan's shoulders to strike at the mummy, but he caught them on his shield instead. Ageratum ran in front of the archer, looked down at the mummy and felt a moment of fear (which, unlike Alistair, passed briefly without incident) and tossed a pebble-boulder at him, catching him unawares with the unusual attack.

Then another foe entered the combat. Dropping down from the wall, upon which he'd been spider climbing, Magda - a young woman looking very much like the wife depicted in the tapestries above - stood there among a host of mirror images, for there were a total of five copies of her shifting around and making it impossible to determine which was the true foe and which were mere illusions. But then the mummy, apparently not liking standing there and getting magical boulders tossed down on his head, stepped up the stairs to engage with Harlan, who stood ready for the undead thing's attack. The paladin's flaming burst longsword struck the mummy, and the flames covering the blade seemed to give an extra whoosh of blazing fire upon impact. The mummy brought his own weapon slamming towards Harlan, but the half-elf deflected the blow with his shield.

Harlan channeled Pelor's smiting energy into his blade and hit the mummy again, cutting through its armor and striking the withered body within with its flame-covered blade. The undead thing staggered under the blow, nearly losing its footing on the steep steps. Chaevaris managed to pop two arrows into the mummy as it was teetering, dealing it additional damage as it struggled to remain upright. Ageratum tossed another pebble at it but the stone went wide, striking the stone floor beside the shifting mirror images and restoring itself to boulder form, harming absolutely nobody.

Magda - all five of them, actually - raised a hand and pointed a pale finger at Harlan, and five beams of energy came blasting his way; only one of them was the true ray of enfeeblement, but whichever one it was it did its job, stealing a portion of the half-elf's strength, which Harlan could feel taking effect in the way in which his sword suddenly seemed heavier in his hands. The mummy then lashed out at Harlan and the paladin was too slow to dodge the blow, but although a puff of rancid dust accompanied the impact, the power of the paladin's deity which coursed through his body prevented the mummy rot from having any effect. But then, gritting his teeth at the extra effort it cost him in his weakened state, he brought his flaming blade down twice at the mummy, finally taking him out; the armored undead form collapsed backwards and rattled down to the bottom of the stairs.

Seeing the mummy's demise had an invigorating effect upon Alistair's paralyzed mind, but seeing the mummy had already been slain, he switched tactics and instead of casting a scorching ray spell as intended (for he knew mummies were particularly susceptible to flames, as per Elfy Fights the Mummy Lord), he brought up his magic missile wand and fired off a burst, sending an individual missile streaking towards each of the five potential Magdas. Four of them, upon being struck, popped like bubbles, while the other seemed unfazed at all by the attack - she no doubt had a shield spell active! Well, drat and bother!

Chaevaris shot two more arrows at Magda, but the pale woman was much quicker than she looked and dodged them both. Ageratum tossed her first sack of pebbles away (as it was empty) and threw the first pebble from her restock down at the vampire. It conked her on the head as it reformed to full size, causing her to hiss in surprise and reveal her prominent fangs, as if anyone had been in doubt about her true nature. But it appeared as if she had managed to ignore any potential damage from the boulder as easily as she had the magic missile, and belatedly Ageratum recalled how Carly had been able to shrug off many physical attacks as well - and she had just been a vampire spawn! This woman seemed, if anything, even tougher than Carly had been!

The four heroes were all standing in the stairwell, making the vampire wizard wish she had a lightning bolt spell prepared, but she made do with a slow spell instead; the two women were able to shrug off the intended effects while the two men were not. Harlan took a moment to cast a cure light wounds spell upon himself, healing up more of the damage he'd taken at the hands of the mummy, while Alistair slowly made his way down the stairs, his unseen servant following obediently at his side. "Go check out the coffin!" Alistair commanded, and Ogilvy moved to comply.

Chaevaris climbed down the steps, fitting a silver-tipped arrow to her bow as she did so, and she fired it at the vampire upon entering the lower chamber. Unfortunately, Magda managed to dodge that one as well and it crashed against the side wall, the shaft snapping. But Magda kept going, sunning straight up the wall at the side of the opening for the stairs, until she stood at the very top of the 30-foot wall, near the ceiling.

Ageratum entered the chamber next, unstoppering a potion of spider climbing and scampering right up the wall after the surprised vampire, who hadn't expected any of her mortal foes to be able to reproduce her maneuver. But she concentrated not upon the little halfling but rather the elf archer below, staring at Chaevaris and sending forth the power of her will. Chaevaris's eyes widened in shock as she heard the vampire command, "Shoot the halfling!" and the archer, as if in some sort of remote control, fitted an arrow to her longbow and took aim at Ageratum.

"I say!" cried Alistair at this sudden but unwilling betrayal, as Harlan moved past the sorcerer out of the staircase and into the chamber below. Poking his head around the corner from the stairwell, Alistair sent a scorching ray spell up at the vampire, hitting her with his single blast of flame. There was a creaking noise as Ogilvy lifted the lid of the "coffin" (it was actually a sarcophagus, but none of the heroes had determined this yet at the time) and found a longbow laying there at the bottom. But, having performed the task commanded of it, the unseen servant left the bow where it was and awaited its next instructions.

Chaevaris shot an arrow at Ageratum but it missed; Alistair let out a sigh of relief until the archer placed another arrow into place, took careful aim, and hit the archer on her second attempt. "Hey!" cried Ageratum as the arrow pierced the top of her shoulder. But, not being able to do anything to stop her adventuring companion from shooting at her directly, Ageratum decided the best course of action was to try to take out the vampire herself. She stabbed the tip of her silver short sword at Magda, catching the undead wizard in the gut. No blood spilled from the wound, but the halfling could tell by Magda's pained expression that she had hurt the undead thing - good! Magda stepped back and retaliated at Ageratum with a scorching ray spell of her own, but the nimble halfling dodged the spell with ease, even while standing sideways on a wall, and then stabbed forth again with her blade and caught Magda once more in the belly.

Harlan, unable to reach the vampire up by the ceiling, thrust forward his holy symbol of Pelor up at her and channeled positive energy of the Sun God through it. However, vampires are notoriously difficult to turn and this proved to be the case this time. But Alistair cast another scorching ray up at her, striking her and causing her undead body to lose its full cohesiveness - it burst into a cloud of misty particles, which flowed down the wall and started floating over towards the back wall. Ageratum kept pace with it, running down the wall but taking another two hits from Chaevaris as she continued obeying her most recent order, to "shoot the halfling." "Elfy, no!" cried Alistair, but Ageratum tried taking things into her own hands; since the vampiric mist was traveling fairly slowly, she took the opportunity to run in close to Chaevaris and tried cutting her bowstring with her short sword. It was a good attempt, but the archer pivoted her bow away at the last moment.

Misty Magda hit the back wall and started seeping through a crack in it, more or less announcing the presence of a secret door in doing so. Harlan used his wand of cure light wounds on Ageratum, closing up the arrow wounds after the halfling plucked the offending shafts from her body and tossed them aside. Alistair prepared a shrink item spell, ready to try to shrink Chaevaris's bow to a size too small for practical use, but he was still slowed and couldn't make his way over to the archer with any kind of speed. But then Chaevaris pointed her bow down at the halfling and tried shooting her from a position so close at hand that Ageratum was successful in slitting the bowstring in twain with her blade; the readied arrow spilled to the stone floor at the archer's feet. But Ageratum was still in motion, breezing past Chaevaris to position herself beside the last of the mist squeezing through the crack in the hidden door, so she'd be in place to figure out the mechanism to open the door. By the time the vampire's misty form had passed fully through the wall, Ageratum had gotten the door open and kept pace as the mist flowed into one of two coffins positioned side by side in the chamber hidden behind the one holding the mummy's sarcophagus.

Once inside her coffin, Magda resumed her solid form, but she was the undead equivalent of unconscious: unable to move, unaware of her surroundings, having flowed over to her coffin as an automatic, unpiloted action. When the halfling raised the coffin lid and brought her silver short sword down upon the helpless vampire's neck, severing Magda's head from her shoulders, there was only a brief moment of awareness when the vampire's closed eyelids raised in surprise and pain, and then the woman once known as Magda Luminaductor was no more.

Chaevaris shook her head like a dog coming in from the rain, trying to clear it. She looked over at Ageratum and said, "I am so sorry...." Alistair imagined he knew just how the archer felt, for he was himself ashamed of having frozen up at the sight of an undead mummy when the others hadn't been affected in the least...although his extended inaction was probably preferable to actively trying to do one of his friends harm. "Not your fault, Elfy," he told Chaevaris. "These blasted undead are all sorts of unpleasant."

The team opened the second coffin, hoping to find a vampire in dark armor waiting to be staked or decapitated, but it was empty. There was, however, a ruby embedded onto the coffin's lid, which Ageratum appraised at around 200 pieces of gold as she pried it loose with her dagger. They also found a hidden stash of coins, and Magda had worn a valuable diamond necklace and a ruby ring, which Ageratum dumped into the chest of coins to lug back with them. But then Alistair had Ogilvy start bringing down the bones from the piles before the two gargoyle statues on the level above - bones he now knew to be those of the missing children and the three mothers - and placed them into the vampire's coffin; Harlan gently placed the body of Valeria inside as well, before Alistair cast a shrink item spell upon it and the chest of treasure for easy transport. "Other than Valeria, they probably won't be able to determine which bones are which," Chaevaris said sadly, "but at least they'll have some sense of closure."

"I'll recommend they take the coffin somewhere in the middle of the town, out in the open, away from the trees," Alistair said. "They can drop it down, restore it to its full size, and then set guards over it until daylight. That way, when that Bloodhand chap shows up looking to rest in his coffin, they'll have him - they can just wait for full daylight and then pop open the lid."

"Vampires often have multiple coffins, for just this very reason," pointed out Harlan Starblade.

"Yes, well, fine, but at least it's a chance," pressed Alistair. There was no arguing about that.

"Who's gonna tell the villagers their missing people are all dead?" asked Ageratum, placing the shrunken chest of treasure into one of Munson's saddlebags.

"That task will fall to me," Harlan admitted with a stoic sigh. Alistair just swallowed hard, glad for once that the intrepid half-elf paladin wore the mantle of leadership of their little band so well - that was not a task he envied him!

It was a quiet and introspective group of heroes who rode their mounts back to the village of Luminaxa.

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This adventure was not Alistair's finest hour - not only did I get frozen in paralytic fear at the mere sight of an animated mummy (while the other three PCs shrugged it off like champs), but I then almost immediately fell victim to a slow spell. I think undead are rapidly becoming my sorcerer's least favorite type of enemy.

We took the longbow from the mummy's sarcophagus - I think we're going to talk Harry into having Harlan carry it as a backup weapon, as fighting Magda while she was 30 feet up a wall just brought home the fact that he's a melee combat machine but fairly useless if the enemy isn't right there on the ground with him. Plus, that way I can use a flame arrow spell at the beginning of each adventure (if I remember - sorry, Logan!) to allow him to deal +1d6 fire damage with each arrow that successfully strikes a foe.
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 7​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 7​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 7​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 7​

Game Session Date: 12 April 2023

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The adventurers were traveling by horseback, returning to Ghourmand Vale. The eight-day trek was at about the halfway mark, with the group having already passed by the Gnarley Forest and making their way north of the Welkwood. They had all spent quite a bit of coin before departing Greyhawk City; Chaevaris had picked up a pair of gloves of Dexterity, an amulet of health, and a Heward's handy haversack, providing enough extradimensional storage that Alistair begged the elven archer to allow him to swing by his family home and collect his entire "Elfy Danger Silverleaf" series of children's books to store in her new haversack until they got back to Ghourmand Vale. (Knowing she'd probably regret it, she begrudgingly agreed, feeling the 19-year-old sorcerer was in any case just a child, after all.) Alistair had used all of his collected cash from his adventuring career to upgrade his ring of protection, increasing the level of deflection it provided him against incoming attacks. (He actually found himself just short of the total cost, so he sold his masterwork rapier to make up the difference, feeling his magical rapier was weapon enough for him.) Harlan purchased a cloak of Charisma which enhanced the amount of healing energy he could provide each day with his laying on of hands. And Ageratum made two purchases: the first bothered Alistair more than he cared to admit, for she added a human bane dweomer to her magic short sword (he vowed not to get on her bad side any time soon); the second was a cloak of arachnida, which granted her the ability to spider climb, gave her limited resistance against spider venom, and not only allowed her to pass through spider webs but also cast a web spell once per day. All in all, the four were pleased with their purchases and were also looking forward to getting back to Ghourmand Vale and seeing what had transpired there in their absence. (Besides that, Alistair would be glad to meet up with the bard Holyrood Carp, a potential source of additional cash if the sorcerer could come up with any new songs in the meantime.)

But as they rode across the plains, they saw a trio of mounted riders heading their way - quite deliberately, for they altered course slightly to intercept the four heroes. "Elves," announced Harlan, squinting at the newcomers from his customary position in the front of the heroes' formation. Chaevaris gave a brief curse in her native tongue, forgetting each of the others in her group also spoke Elven.

"Problem?" Ageratum asked from the back of her pony, Munson. She dropped her hand to the short sword belted at her hip, wondering if these elves meant them ill will.

"Possibly," replied Chaevaris. "It's my parents, and my older sister." Sure enough, as the trio approached, the family resemblance was quite evident, although Chaevaris's older sister had quite a few more feminine curves than her tomboy sibling. "Hopefully this isn't about the arranged marriage they cooked up with Captain Oakcrown, because that is not going to happen."

Introductions were made as the Noarunal family got within range; Chaevaris's father was Waesven, her mother was Venvyre, and her quite lovely sister was Ennala. They smiled and nodded politely as Chaevaris introduced her three adventuring partners, although they no doubt were a bit puzzled about what their daughter could possibly have in common with these strange people. But Waesven Noarunal got straight to the point. "We have just had a rather interesting proposal, which we were forced to turn down. But it is one that might be of interest to you and your...compatriots."

"Oh?" Chaevaris asked, clearly wondering where this was going.

"There are a pair of married druids living just south of here. They craft bespoke armor, woven from leaves, vines, and grasses and then magically treated to become as hard a metal. They have been there for many decades, but recently a chimera has moved into the area and has been causing quite a disturbance, killing off much of the game and digging countless holes in the forest floor, for some reason. They wished us to hunt it down for them."

"And you turned them down?" asked Chaevaris.

Waesven tilted his head in puzzlement, as if unsure why his youngest daughter wouldn't have instantly realized why this wouldn't be a hunt in which they'd have been interested. "You know our ways," he declared. "We use every piece of the creatures we slay. We have no desire for chimera meat, nor can we use the mismatched hide of such a creature. However, knowing your views on our ways, and our traditions" - and here Chaevaris noted a potential dig about her rejecting the arranged marriage her parents had set up for her - "we thought it worth mentioning to you and your friends, once we recognized you riding by."

"I say!" piped up Alistair. "That's quite a coincidence, running into you all the way out here from Greyhawk City!"

Now it was Chaevaris's mother's turn to look puzzled. "Why ever would you think so?" asked Venvyre. "This is the area in which we live. We are not from Greyhawk City." That only made Alistair look puzzled, as they had first met up with the elven archer in Greyhawk City and he'd thus assumed she was a local. "Ah, uh," he stuttered, before finding a reasonable topic over which to turn the conversation. "Would you happen to know what color dragon the chimera's body contained?"

"You would have to ask the druids; they shared no such information with us."

"We will do just that," said Harlan, looking back towards his friends, his demeanor stating quite perfectly clearly that he had no intentions of allowing an evil chimera to run rampant through the forest if he was there to put a stop to its rampages. "Thank you for the information, and it was nice to meet Chaevaris's family." Then, kicking Law into action, he turned his white horse and headed south. The other three heroes followed on their own mounts, and the Noarunal family went their own way, bows over their shoulders until they caught sight of game they were willing to slay for food.

It wasn't difficult finding the home of the druids they sought, for a large structure rose up from the ground in a forest clearing, the walls clearly having been grown together rather than assembled from chopped-down trees. Chaevaris considered the dwelling to look rather like wall of thorn spells had been used in its construction, although the leafy walls seemed to have more vines than thorns among them, and the wooden front door was traditional in build. The single word "Haven" was carved in the top of the door, apparently the name the druids chose for their home and place of business. But standing just outside their tall home - for the walls rose up to a full 25 feet or so - were an elven couple wearing the traditional druidic robes over what looked to be a suit of well-fitted leaves and vines. They were tending to a bunch of local plants just outside their home, alongside an oak tree that towered some 60 feet in height.

The pair looked up at the approach of the four strangers. "May we help you?" asked the male.

"It is possible we might be able to help you," Harlan replied. "We have come to hear details of this chimera menacing the area." At that, both druids smiled warmly. "It showed up fairly recently, and it has been quite the menace, slaying wildlife not just for food but also, seemingly, just for the fun of it. And it's been digging holes in the area for some reason."

"That's weird," Ageratum agreed. "Chimeras don't normally dig holes, do they?"

"Not that I'm aware of," admitted Chaevaris.

"We would gladly provide each of you a suit of bespoke armor if you were able to slay this foul beast," the male druid declared.

Alistair frowned in irritation. "You mean those...leaf things you're wearing?"

"It provides the comforts and flexibility of clothing, while likewise being magically treated to be as hard as iron." Seeing the human sorcerer didn't seem to be impressed, he added, "The flexibility ensures it will not hamper your ability to cast spells. Imagine: it would be like being able to wear a suit of full plate mail, like your paladin friend here, and still cast your spells as freely as you do now!"

While looking like I'm wearing a bush, Alistair thought to himself with distaste. As far as he was concerned, wearing bespoke armor was a mere step up from wearing a barrel; surely only the poor would stoop to wearing leaves and grasses as clothing! He changed the subject slightly, asking, "If someone were to purchase a suit of this armor, would they pay you in coins and gems?"

"Often, yes," agreed the female druid. "We occasionally take payment in barter, as well."

"Ah, well then!" exclaimed Alistair. "When we slay this chimera for you, I will take my payment in coins and gems, then, if you please!" Harlan voiced his own preference to be paid in the same manner, not wanting to replace his trusted full plate armor with the shining sun holy symbol of Pelor engraved upon it, for a suit of grasses, leaves, and vines, which would make him look like a worshiper of Ehlonna or Obad-hai. The two women, however, seemed to like the concept, Ageratum because of the extra protection it would provide her while still allowing her to move silently, and Chaevaris because it would help her blend into a forest environment, hiding her from view of those she targeted with her bow.

That settled, Alistair had two final questions for the druidic couple: what color the dragon part of the chimera might be, and where it was last seen. To the first, its mismatched body was partially composed of a white dragon's head, wings, and tail; to the second, it had last been sighted some three miles or so to the east. Harlan thanked the pair and promised to see what they could do about slaying the chimera. "Shall we bring you back its heads?"

"No need for proof," scoffed the male druid. "I will gladly take the word of a paladin that the deed was done. We will see you when you return here for your payments, and for us to take the measurements of the two of you willing to be fitted for bespoke armor." He went on to explain that unlike normal magical armor, bespoke armor had to be fitted to size for the wearer; it did not magically alter its dimensions to each new wearer. Much like regular armor, bespoke armor had to be tailor-made to each user. As if to reinforce this point, as the four heroes remounted their horses, a lone elven woman approached the dwelling, for a fitting of her own. She smiled at the heroes as they passed, then went to talk to the druids.

Alistair gathered Chaevaris and Harlan together, and they each held out their quiver of arrows so the sorcerer could cast a flame arrow spell upon them. Then, heading east, the heroes soon found themselves in a large clearing between clumps of trees, and it was there that the chimera they were hunting found them. It dropped from the skies and landed at one end of the clearing, just as Harlan was entering from the other side, with the other three mounted heroes just behind him. Chaevaris immediately brought up her bow, arrow already placed for firing, and got a bead on her prey. She took a few moments to focus her aim, so she could place her arrow just where she wanted it to go.

But before she could fire, Ageratum rode her pony Munson off to the side of Harlan and fired off a web spell, using the power of her new magic cloak for the first time. A mass of sticky webs went flying from her outstretched hand, to completely encompass the chimera, with strands reaching out to anchor themselves between the ground and the overhanging limbs of the trees alongside the chimera. It roared its displeasure with three different throats, but the jaws of each head's mouth were webbed up so the vocalizations were not as loud as they might have normally been. It struggled to free itself, to no avail - the most it could manage was to move a few feet closer to the group it had planned to attack, entangled as it was in the thick webbing.

Alistair cast a magic missile spell at the beast, sending four blasts from his fingertips to strike unerringly at the creature's chest. Harlan cast a bless spell over the group, while Ambrose flew from Alistair's shoulder over to perch in a tree some distance away, well out of the range of a breath weapon should the dragon's head of the chimera somehow get free. Chaevaris released her arrow and it caught fire during its brief journey into the chimera's breast, while Ageratum sent Munson on a wide arc through the trees, angling to sneak up behind the wounded beast.

The chimera continued trying to wriggle free from the webs, but once again only managed to take a few hobbled steps closer to Harlan, still astride his white horse Law. While Alistair cast another magic missile spell at the three-headed creature, his familiar turned his head sideways, for off in the distance he heard something large crashing its way through the trees - whatever it was, it seemed the chimera was not the only monster about in this area! The grackle took wing once again, flying to his master's shoulder, to inform him of what he'd heard.

"Something big's headed this way!" Alistair called out to the others, pointing in the direction from which Ambrose had heard the noisy approach. "Here's hoping this chimera isn't just a baby, and its mother's on the way to come deal with us!" That was certainly an unpleasant thought!

Harlan wasn't planning on having to deal with two threats at once; leaping from Law's saddle, he charged the entangled chimera, bringing his flaming burst longsword coming in an overhead arc to slice deep down between two of the creature's heads, causing a spurt of blood to spray up from the wound. Chaevaris shot another arrow over the paladin's head to strike the lion's head right between the eyes, and just like that the chimera was down - at least unconscious and stabilized, thanks to the presence of the Blood Mirror Harlan kept upon his person at all times. But the archer sent another arrow striking deep into the creature's body, right between the area where the dragon-wings attached to the leonine body. Seeing the creature down, Ageratum altered Munson's course immediately, riding the pony up to the fallen chimera so she could leap down from the saddle and slit the thing's throats, letting the pools of blood accumulate upon the ground and ensure the beast's demise. The little halfling was sure the Blood Mirror wouldn't be able to stabilize that much of her handiwork!

By now, the heroes could hear the approach of the oncoming second monster on their own. Alistair cast an unseen servant spell and passed over two of his pouches of magically-shrunken boulders, now all the size of a pebble - or a sling stone. Ageratum had two such pouches herself, for each night, in camp, Alistair reapplied the shrink item spells to the pouch of "pebboulders" whose magic was about to run out. Harlan stood in a readied stance, shield held out before him and flaming blade ready to strike at whatever monster might approach within range. Chaevaris readied another arrow to her bow and sighted down the length of the shaft, seeking to find whatever it was that was crashing its way through the forest. Ageratum, her bloody work with the chimera finished, remounted Munson's saddle and backed away from the bleeding corpse before her, back towards the relative safety of Alistair and Zephyr's side. Alistair sent Ambrose to the air, to circle the clearing and try to get a good look at what might be approaching. He cast a shield spell upon himself while they waited.

And then, all at once, the group got a look at the approaching beast. It was armored, like a turtle, but with a sleeker build; its head came to a point, and it had a rather sharklike fin rising up from the back of its dorsal plates. "A bulette," Chaevaris announced, focusing her arrow to try to strike one of its eyes. Ageratum reached down and fetched one of the kobold shortspears she had strapped to the side of her saddle, readying it to throw once it came within range. Harlan, seeing how far away the bulette still was, jumped back up into his saddle to close the distance between them, but Alistair was able to target it with a magic missile spell just fine - all he needed was a good look at the beast for his four missiles to find their way unerringly to its body, where they exploded in a burst of energy.

Chaevaris released her flaming arrow as the bulette continued its charge through the forest, knocking over saplings in its way. Her arrow struck true, right through one of the creature's eyes, and it roared in pain as it seemed to cry tears of blood from that eye. But just that quickly, the elven archer had another arrow in place and was focusing her aim to best advantage.

Alistair cast a scorching ray spell, and by this time in his adventuring career he'd advanced enough to send two separate blasts of flame roaring at the oncoming beast. Both blasts struck true, burning the bulette's right side. It staggered and seemed ready to fall, and Chaevaris's second flaming arrow took it completely out of the fight, the landshark collapsing in a heap where it had stood. Smiling, Ageratum rode Munson over to this second corpse and slew it where it lay, bleeding but stable - until the halfling's blade made it stable no more.

"Alistair, you feel like shrinking the two corpses, so we can show them to the druids?" Chaevaris asked. "I know they said they'd just take Harlan's word for it, but I wouldn't mind having proof of our deeds." Alistair dismounted from Zephyr and hurried to comply, using the variant of the shrink item spell that not only shrunk the corpses to one-sixteenth their original size, but also gave them the consistency of a piece of cloth. Alistair rolled up the two silken corpses and slid them into a scroll tube for easy storage.

Returning to Haven, Chaevaris's keen elven hearing picked up somebody saying, "That's too tight!" in a deep, masculine - almost guttural - voice. Recalling the young female elf who had gone into the building with the druids and realizing the voice could not possibly have come from her, the archer signaled to her friends for silence as they dismounted from their horses and crept quietly towards the door. Harlan cast forth with his paladin senses, and sure enough, there was the presence of evil on the other side of the wooden door. He indicated as much to his friends, and Chaevaris moved off to the side of the building to climb her way up the 60-foot oak tree, high enough for her to peer over the 25-foot hedge wall and see who it was the druids were measuring for a suit of bespoke armor. Alistair sent Ambrose flying above Haven to do the same, reporting back to his master that the two elves were measuring a blue-skinned ogre with ivory horns rising up from his brow. "An ogre mage!" whispered Harlan, although the term meant nothing to either Ageratum or Alistair.

Still, certain that the ogre mage had somehow charmed the druids into serving him, Harlan pointed to the door and Ageratum silently checked it out for traps. Seeing none, she motioned to the paladin, he nodded in return, and she pulled the door open wide and stepped aside. Harlan went through the open doorway, to be faced with the back of an ogre mage wearing nothing but a breechcloth, his chain armor and greatsword laying upon the floor beside him. Alistair fired off a magic missile spell at the ogre mage's broad back, but while it struck the horned giant his innate resistance to spells allowed the spell to fizzle out upon impact. But that was all right, for by then the blade of Harlan's flaming burst longsword came stabbing into his lower back, while from above a flaming arrow came shooting down from the depths of the oak tree. The ogre mage collapsed where he stood, while the druids scattered to either side of him.

The giant wasn't out for long, though, for as Harlan watched his wounds healed over, the ogre mage's regenerative powers kicking in immediately. But as the paladin was standing over the ogre mage, it was simplicity itself to bring another couple of sword-strikes crashing down upon the nearly-naked foe, driving him deep into unconsciousness from which it would take a few moments to regenerate. And those were moments Ageratum - and the gleaming blade of her short sword - were determined the ogre mage would not have.

The battle done - the third one this morning without any blood spilled on the part of any of the heroes - Alistair unrolled his shrunken corpses of the chimera and bulette and showed them to the druids, who confirmed the "elf girl" who had shown up as the heroes were departing was in fact an ogre mage, magically transformed into a less frightful form so he could get the jump on the druids. They thanked the heroes profusely, offering them the ogre mage's gear - the armor and greatsword, plus a leather sack containing a pair of onyxes - as well as the payment to which they'd already agreed. Chaevaris stuffed the items into her new haversack, figuring they might be able to sell them once they got back to Ghourmand Vale, while the druid woman went in the back to fetch the payment for Harlan and Alistair - gemstones valued at 500 pieces of gold each, the sorcerer noted with approval. Then he and Harlan stepped outside with the horses while Ageratum and Chaevaris removed their current armor so they could be measured for bespoke armor.

Nearly an hour later, the two women stepped back outside, back in their original garb. "What happened?" Alistair asked them. "I thought you had decided to wear leaves and vines and such."

"It'll take weeks to craft," Ageratum answered him. "Once they're ready, the druids will send them to us in Ghourmand Vale."

"And you believed them?" the young sorcerer scoffed. "Elfy, really? You're very likely getting ripped off!"

"These are elves," Chaevaris informed him, as if this made all the difference in the world. "I trust them to keep their word."

"And if they don't," replied Ageratum, "we know where they live." And she patted the hilt of the sword with which she'd cut five throats that very morning. Giving Alistair a wide grin, she climbed back into the saddle on Munson's back. "Coming?" she asked sweetly.

"Indeed," replied Alistair, once again realizing what a bad idea it was to get on the little halfling's bad side.

- - -

This was an odd little adventure, in that none of the PCs took so much as a single point of damage. Of course, when designing it, Dan had had no idea his wife was going to purchase a cloak of arachnida for her halfling PC, nor that the chimera would roll so poorly when trying to break free of the web spell she used upon first seeing it. But that's the way it goes, sometimes; the DM just sets up the encounter and then the dice do what dice do best: cause all kinds of chaos when least expected!
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 7​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 7​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 7​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 7​

Game Session Date: 20 April 2023

- - -

The four heroes dismounted from their steeds and led them into the Stouts' barn, each horse - or pony, in the case of Ageratum's - being stripped of its saddle and saddlebags, rubbed down, and left in its customary stable with a sufficient supply of hay before the adventurers made their way into the farmhouse to say hello to the farmers who allowed them to stay there when they weren't out of town away on adventuring business as they'd just been for the past month or more. "It'll be nice to have a home-cooked meal!" enthused the little halfling, and she was quite right, for Mrs. Stout was an excellent cook, although Alistair occasionally missed some of the fancier repasts to which he'd been accustomed as a nobleman's son.

"Well, you're back!" greeted the farmer's wife as they entered the dwelling, tired from so many days on the road - it had been over a week ago they'd left Greyhawk City behind. "Have yourselves a seat and I'll whip you up some vittles!" Alistair didn't even wince any more at the thought of his cultured palate scarfing down "vittles" - he'd been an adventurer, among these common people, long enough now to appreciate a good, hearty meal despite the simplicity of the fare. "Oh, and this came for you while you were gone," said Mrs. Stout, dropping a folded and sealed sheet of parchment in Alistair's hands.

The sorcerer took a look at the seal, recognized it as the bard Holyrood Carp's emblem (a fish, naturally), and hurriedly opened it. "He's recently arrived back in town after weeks of travel himself," Alistair told the others after scanning the contents of the letter, "and invites us to the Dark and Light Club when we get back to hear him sing - and he has some interesting tidbits of information about the Blood Mirror!" At that, Harlan looked up with interest; the half-elf paladin was always curious to learn more about the magic ruby gemstone he carried, which helped stabilize the wounds of the dying around him.

"We should go catch up with him," suggested Chaevaris. "But tomorrow - I think we've all earned a good night's sleep in an actual bed with a straw mattress!" Thus it was the following evening, just as dusk gave way to full night, that the four adventurers entered the Dark and Light Club and found the bard waiting to go onto the stage for his night's performance. He greeted them and passed over a small pouch of platinum coins to Alistair. "Your payment for your last batch of songs," he explained, and the sorcerer took a moment to peek into the pouch to try to see how many coins might be in there before tying it to his belt.

"You have some information about the Blood Mirror?" pressed Harlan.

"Well, kind of," replied Carp. "I have information about where to find information about the Blood Mirror." He went on to explain that the gemstone had once been in the possession of a holy man named Balaur the Lightbringer, but it was rumored the Blood Mirror somehow turned him to evil. At that, the heroes looked worriedly at Harlan, the "holy man" now currently possessing the gemstone, but he had shown no tendencies to turn to evil himself - and besides, they were pretty sure "Balaur" was the name of the missing vampire whose empty coffin they'd dragged into the town square after slaying his wife Magda and their mummified servant. If this was the same person, they were confident his fall from grace had not been caused by the Blood Mirror, but rather by the fact his wife turned him into a vampire after having succumbed herself.

"There's a journal, written in the hand of the servant of this Balaur," Carp explained, and the heroes assumed that would be the one who had later been transformed into an undead mummy, "which details all he had learned about the Blood Mirror. And that journal recently came into the possession of a wizard in our own small boomtown here - although it was apparently just stolen from him."

"Who might this be?" demanded Chaevaris.

"That sad sack at the end of the bar, crying into his drink," replied the bard, pointing at a robed individual with a sour expression sitting by himself. Alistair recognized him immediately: it was Blorkane, an elderly wizard to whom the young sorcerer had often gone to have some particular bit of arcane esoterica explained to him when he found himself first walking the path of an adventuring sorcerer. Heading over to say hello, Alistair soon had Blorkane's story out of him: his place had been robbed while he'd been out, no doubt by the local thieves' guild, who were keeping extra busy with all of the visitors in town.

"Yeah, I thought this place was a bit more crowded than I remembered," Ageratum piped up. "What's going on?"

"There are delegations from both Celene and Veluna, come to determine once and for all which country owns Ghourmand Vale," Blorkane replied. "The thieves are out in full numbers, picking pockets and robbing the houses of even the most respected of scholarly wizards!"

"What all did they take?" asked Harlan, so far only aware of the mummy's journal having been stolen.

"Just about everything of arcane import!" complained Blorkane. "My books on aboleths, my potions of water breathing, my wand of dispel magic, my maps of the underground river systems in the area..."

"Aboleths?" Harlan interrupted. "Are you doing research on aboleths?"

"You're not still thinking about crossing them with pigs, are you?" demanded Alistair.

"No, no, nothing like that," Blorkane replied. "It's just that my sister, Porcelene, has likely run afoul of an aboleth, and I had been hoping to hire a group of adventurers to rescue her. But those thieves took the reward money I was going to use to pay them as well...."

"These thieves," Ageratum interjected. "They wouldn't be the Wild Guys, would they?"

"The very same," Blorkane answered, returning his attention to his mug of ale. "I've barely enough for the occasional drink now, and there's not much I can do about it, either, what with our illustrious head of security turning a blind eye to their depredations."

"The Wild Guys is the local thieves' guild around here," Ageratum explained. "They're headquartered in the Wild Coast Social Club, just a few blocks away from here, near the stream."

"I think we should pay these Wild Guys a visit," suggested Harlan.

"Hang on - I'm due on stage," said Holyrood. "At least wait to hear my first song - it's my first performance of 'Jasgund Singh' at this location." And he grabbed up his lute and made his way to the front stage, cheered on by the tables of people who had come to hear him perform, many of them several drinks into their night's allotment and already feeling no pain. The song went over well, although Alistair wondered if any of the people in the audience knew just who this Singh fellow truly was, before deciding they didn't really care; they just liked the fact the lyrics were taking down someone in some sort of authority. The sorcerer made a mental note of that, wondering if he should write any songs about the movers and shakers in Ghourmand Vale: Kasselban Picksmart, the mouthy dwarf in charge of the Slippery Shaft Mines came immediately to mind.

Harlan led the four heroes outside and allowed Ageratum to lead them to the Wild Coast Social Club, which turned out to be a single-story building made of sturdy stone, squeezed in between a couple of other shops. It had several latticed windows, with dirty amber glass that was translucent, not transparent - you could make out shapes and shadows inside, but that was about it. "So, how do we want to approach this?" the halfling asked the others.

"We're recruits?" suggested Alistair. Turning to the little halfling, he said, "You're the leader of our little group of would-be thieves, eager to prove our worth."

"Harlan hardly looks the part," Chaevaris explained patiently - and indeed, the paladin's gleaming full-plate armor, emblazoned as it was with the shining sun holy symbol of Pelor, made the half-elf a very unlikely-looking thief.

But Alistair had that figured out as well. Turning to Harlan, he suggested, "All you need to do is to keep quiet - you can't actually lie if you don't say anything. We'll just insinuate that the original wearer of the armor...doesn't need it anymore. Because we killed him. Because we're evil thieves and murderers."

"You don't really come across as a low-born thief, either," Chaevaris pointed out. "You look more like a foppish, spoiled-brat baby nobleman, who's more comfortable in a--"

"Why, whatcha mean, Elfy?" replied Alistair, cutting her off with a truly horrible attempt at talking like a stereotypical commoner - while visibly scratching himself, just for good measure. "I'm just a flea-bitten common man, same as any. I drinks me my beer and eats me down my vittles." Poised on his master's left shoulder, Ambrose took a step to the side as if wishing to distance himself from this performance.

Harlan put a hand on the sorcerer's other shoulder to get him to stop. "I will agree to the charade," he offered, "if you promise not to talk, either. We'll let Ageratum take the lead and do our talking for us."

"Fair enough," agreed Alistair, although he couldn't for the life of him figure out what had been so bad about his plan. "Before we go in, though, I want to cast a few spells." He placed a mage armor and shield enhancement upon himself, then cast a flame arrow spell upon both Chaevaris and Harlan's arrows. Finally, with the words, "Ogilvy, if you please!" he cast an unseen servant spell. "I don't dare have him carry any sacks of 'pebble-boulders,' but it might help having someone along that nobody else can see." And then he passed two sacks of "pebble-boulders" to Ageratum. For her part, the little halfling passed over her potion of misdirection to Harlan and had him drink it down, thinking it might be helpful if anyone tried checking up on the paladin's story using magical means.

Ageratum pushed open the door to the Wild Coast Social Club like she owned the place and the three men followed her inside. It was a fairly typical layout, with chairs pushed up around round tables and an open doorway to the kitchen visible at the back of the room; the only people there at the moment were a pair of men at a table in the back and another in the kitchen. One of the men at the table, a young fellow wearing wizard's robes, called out, "Hey, halfling! This isn't open the public - it's members only!"

Wracking her brain at top speed, Ageratum pulled up the name of the seedy man who had hired them to steal the "statues" of the petrified barbarians from a cargo ship some months back. "Boris sent us," she replied. "He said you might be looking to expand your ranks."

"You know Boris?" asked the wizard, clearly impressed, then frowned at Harlan's paladin accoutrements. Ageratum quickly went with Alistair's cover story, that they had rolled a paladin earlier and stole all of his stuff. "Figure having one of us look like a paladin might get us into some places that'd be otherwise harder to get into, and of the four of us, he fit in the armor the best," she explained.

"I like your moxie," Harold Hecuba replied, nodding to himself. "Okay, we can't let you into the rest of this establishment until you're officially voted in, an' that ain't gonna happen tonight because most everyone's out takin' advantage of all the visitors we got in town, but you're welcome to start making your trade pickin' pockets if you want to. Standard rates apply, though: we get 40% of everything you bring in."

"Thirty," Ageratum countered.

That got Harold laughing out loud. "I like your moxie -- but not that much! This ain't a negotiation, darlin', I'm just tellin' you how it's gonna be: 40% of everything you take within the confines of the Vale. You wanna go on up into the mountains and try your hand against the trolls and ogres, you go right on ahead and feel free to keep the full 100% of your take - I hear there's even more of 'em around than usual, for whatever reason - but you work in town, you pay your dues. Got it?"

"Got it," Ageratum replied, not wanting to cause any animosity against the wizard, although she did want to check out the rest of the place, for she could see a set of stairs leading down to a lower level over by the kitchen, and another door behind the wizard and his fighter pal. But it was the fighter, a dumb-looking thug who went by T-Two, who inadvertently caused a reason for the heroes to end up fighting their way deeper into the "social club," for he was staring at Chaevaris with a suspicious eye. "Hey!" he suddenly called out, causing Harold to look over at him questioningly. "Ain't you Chaevaris? The hero archer from that song?"

The archer took a moment to glare over at Alistair, his stupid song about her having blown their cover, all while simultaneously standing up from her chair, whipping a sleep arrow from her quiver of Ehlonna, drawing it to her bow, and firing it into Harold's chest in a few seconds' time. When that failed to knock him out, she followed up with a regular arrow that hit him in a spot a mere few inches from the first, and that had the wizard falling backwards from his chair to land in a heap on the floor, all before he'd had a chance to cast a single spell.

Quick as a wink, Ageratum followed suit, stabbing T-Two in the side with her human bane short sword without even getting up from her chair. He grunted in pain while trying to rise himself, his hand still fumbling at the hilt of his own weapon. Seeing the sudden battle, the thief in the kitchen, Tongo, ran out the door, turned the corner, and headed down the wide stairs to the lower level. There was a pair of double doors at the bottom of the stairs, which he slammed shut behind him.

Harlan, having already determined through the reading of their auras that both Harold and T-Two were of an evil nature, unsheathed his flaming burst longsword and brought it slicing down at the burly fighter, cutting deep into his flesh and causing him to spill off his chair onto the floor beside his wizardly partner. Knowing the Blood Mirror would likely ensure neither of the two would die of their wounds (and forgetting, in the heat of battle, Ageratum's penchant for frequent follow-up visits to those he rendered unconscious to ensure a more permanent disablement), Harlan went to follow Tongo down the stairs.

But Alistair, who had been seated on that side of the table, got there first. Passing over a sack of pebble-boulders to Ogilvy, he instructed his unseen servant to toss one at the doors at the bottom of the stairs. The pebble returned to its normal size upon impact, smashing open the doors so that by the time the sorcerer reached the bottom of the stairs, he had a good shot at Tongo when he fired off a magic missile spell. The missiles struck the fleeing rogue in the back, almost causing him to lose his footing and fall face-first onto the stone floor in a tangle of limbs; only a brief bit of floundering allowed him to keep his footing.

But then Chaevaris was standing beside the sorcerer, releasing an arrow that flew into the small of the thief's back and burst out of the front of his chest, leaving him to fall lifelessly to the stone floor. There was no doubt about it: the Blood Mirror would not be stabilizing this particular thief's wounds any time soon, nor would Ageratum's blade be needed to ensure his death. (Which was all for the best, as she was currently slitting the throats of Harold and T-Two, now that Harlan's back was turned.) Harlan joined the pair in time to see the evil fade from Tongo's aura, for dead bodies are inherently neither good nor evil.

The hallway in which the three heroes now found themselves went straight ahead for some distance before turning to the right; there was also a doorway about halfway down its length, also on the right. Alistair sent Ambrose flying down to the end of the hallway to check it out, and the grackle found it to be an area overlooking a combat arena some ten feet below. As there was nobody down there - nor in the "gladiator prep room" on the far side of the arena, blocked off by a lowered iron portcullis - Ambrose flew down to the arena floor and had a look. There was another lowered portcullis off to the right, through which the bird could see a rectangular room with several passageways leading off from it - and another human figure rising up from a set of stairs leading into the room. Ambrose flapped his wings and returned to his master to report back what he'd seen.

Chaevaris and Harlan had moved up to the closed door in the side of the wide corridor, but they preferred to wait for Ageratum to get there, as she was the one with the skills needed to determine if there were any traps waiting for intruders - a not unreasonable fear in a guild devoted to thievery. Once the halfling arrived and gave it a look-over (during which time Harlan cast a bless spell upon the group), she announced it to be safe and pulled the door open, revealing a short flight of stairs leading down into the rectangular chamber Ambrose had seen through the portcullis. Harlan and Chaevaris went down immediately, while Ageratum activated her cloak of arachnida and scampered up the wall, moving over to the ceiling once she hit the room below. She'd tucked the bottom of her cloak into her belt so it wouldn't dangle below her as she traversed the ceiling. Shrugging at the little halfling's antics, Alistair went down the stairs in the normal fashion, his familiar once again perched upon his left shoulder.

Roy, the rogue coming up from the guild's lowest level, saw the group of strangers advancing upon him with weapons drawn and spun about to flee back the way he'd come. Harlan was in fast pursuit, but then Roy entered a lower chamber where he had two companions there providing additional combat support. "Intruders!" he gasped as he burst into the room, and a fighter, Jonas, stepped up to block the doorway and prevent Harlan from entering - not without first dealing with him, in any case. He swung his longsword at the paladin, catching him with a nick in the side before he could get his shield up to deflect the blow. Behind him, off to the side, the cleric Father Gilligan started casting some sort of spell.

But Harlan was well up to the challenge Jonas provided. He brought his flaming burst longsword crashing against the fighter's own blade, but it took several thrusts before he was able to get past the fighter's defenses and penetrate his armor. But then Ageratum struck down from just above the doorway, standing inverted above Harlan's head, and Jonas couldn't block the halfling's blade in time, not having expected an attack coming from that direction. Ageratum's human bane short sword split open the top of Jonas's head, causing blood to flow into his eyes - at which time he was taken out when Alistair tossed a "pebble-boulder" over Harlan's shoulder to crash into the temple of the guild warrior, spilling him backwards onto the floor, unconscious, only now with a full-sized boulder perched upon his chest. The doorway was now clear of any resistance and Harlan stepped into the room, but not before Roy decided that fleeing was what he did best, and proceeded to do just that, running down a short corridor off to his right. Ageratum followed along the ceiling, cutting off his escape with a web spell that blocked off the far end of the passageway; Roy barely had enough time to prevent himself from running head-first into the sticky strands.

Still at the top of the stairs leading down into the room with the others, Alistair cast a touch of idiocy spell upon his familiar and instructed Ambrose to go employ it against the spellcaster below. With a flap of his wings the grackle was off, flying into the room and heading straight for the robed cleric, who had stepped even further back when Harlan had entered the room. There was a moment of hesitancy when the grackle tried getting closer to the cleric - almost as if some unknown force were trying to keep him away - but then Ambrose shrugged off the effects and flew right over the cleric's head, casually tapping him on his bald pate with a clawed foot in passing. The touch of idiocy spell, thus triggered, reduced Father Gilligan's mental faculties to such an extent he found himself not able to cast any but his most basic of spells. Ambrose, his job completed, flew to the far side of the room - well out of immediate combat range - and alit upon the rung of a wooden ladder leading up to a hidden door in the ceiling.

Chaevaris had activated her boots of speed to enter the room in time to prevent Roy from escaping and seeking additional help from any guild members still in the area. She shot the rogue in the back with a sleep arrow as he stood helplessly before the webbing that blocked off his escape, but that failed to bring him down.

Harlan spun to face Father Gilligan and found himself up against the same force trying to prevent him from attacking the cleric, but he forced himself to ignore the sanctuary spell and attacked him with his flaming blade while the cleric was casting some other unknown spell. The paladin, after determining Father Gilligan was as evil as they came, channeled Pelor's holy energy through his blade and brought it down upon the cleric in a smiting attack which caused him to stagger backwards, barely keeping on his feet. Alistair, finally entering the lower room, tried finishing him off with a magic missile spell but found himself unable to attack for some reason, the sorcerer having a more difficult time in ignoring the cleric's previously-cast sanctuary spell. With nothing better to do, he ordered Ogilvy to block the passageway in which Roy was trapped; although the unseen servant couldn't out-and-out grapple with the thief if he tried rushing past, he at least was a perfectly invisible form the size and shape of a man that might hamper Roy's efforts to escape.

Chaevaris turned in place and sent an arrow into Father Gilligan, hesitating for the merely briefest of seconds as she overcame the effects of the sanctuary spell. Her arrow pierced all the way through the evil cleric's neck, and then he was dead, far beyond the Blood Mirror's ability to do anything about it. At the same time, Ageratum went creeping down the corridor ceiling and unleashed her sword's human bane blade upon Roy, cutting him down to pieces. Then, once he was dead, she removed the webbing from her spell so the heroes could exit through the open doorway she'd blocked Roy from using.

The group looted a potion of cure moderate wounds from Father Gilligan's belt and Harlan helped himself to the cleric's masterwork heavy mace (after determining the weapon itself was not of an evil nature); Ageratum found a small pouch filled with black pearls upon the cleric's belt and freed it. Jonas had another healing potion and one of undetectable alignment, which the heroes pocketed as well, before moving on and searching the guild for Blorkane's stolen goods. "They'll likely have it stashed where they keep the rest of their treasure," Ageratum explained, "which works to our advantage because I intend to loot this place down to the last copper coin!"

Fanning out, Alistair explored a room holding four upright human dummies, puzzling at their possible use until he realized they were a means by which the thieves could practice their pickpocketing skills; Ambrose, in the meantime, flew on ahead and found an empty barracks. Ageratum followed the grackle, opening a door at the far end of the bunkroom which turned out to be an empty office; a quick perusal found nothing of note. Chaevaris, however, had found an underground dock with nearly a dozen two-person rowboats, with water-filled tunnel exits to a stream to the north and a smaller passageway leading back to the south. She chose this smaller passageway, finding the water in this area to be ankle deep before leading to a side passageway back on solid ground with a pair of impressive-looking doors, one of them looking rather like a vault door. "Guys!" she called out to her friends. "I think I found the treasury!"

While the others converged upon the underground dock (and Ageratum followed the archer's path but on the ceiling, avoiding the muddy waters below), Chaevaris decided to give the non-vault door a try - it was, she figured, the least likely to be trapped. The small room beyond contained only a chamber pot, a small washtable, and a full-length mirror - nothing of real interest. But by then Ageratum had caught up to her, and the halfling applied her attention to opening the vault door.

The door had a lever which apparently served as a doorknob, and the greedy halfling, eager to get to the riches no doubt held within, gave only a cursory glance at the handle before trying to open it - thereby directly touching the contact poison that had been smeared on the handle's surface. Fortunately, while she cursed herself for not having noticed such a simple trap, the guild members had apparently not been very attentive in keeping the poison refreshed at a regular rate, for most of it had dried up and become ineffective; Ageratum felt none the worse for wear for having blundered into such an obvious trap. Wiping her hands upon her pants, she used the end of her cloak as a barrier to prevent skin contact with what was left of the poison, and determined the entire lever system itself was a ruse; the lever didn't actually move at all! Looking desperately for a hidden lever or something, she was dismayed when she came up empty on that front as well. Ageratum gritted her teeth, trying not to scream in frustration: to be this close the treasure and not be able to get inside!

"Wait a minute," murmured Chaevaris, recalling the mirror inside the other room. "I'll bet the mirror is the real way in!" She called for Alistair to come cast a detect magic spell on the mirror, and while the fussy sorcerer insisted on wasting time with a prestidigitation spell to clear his shoes and stockings of mud after wading through the ankle-deep waters, the elven archer examined the mirror herself - while being careful not to look directly at her own reflection, in case this was some sort of a magical trap. There were markings on the top and bottom of the mirror's frame, which - if you squinted just the right way - looked like the word "KNOCK" appeared once in each location. On a hunch, Chaevaris said "Knock knock" aloud and found herself pulled into the mirror's interior, only to be cast out again through another mirror, this one inside the vault they'd been trying to enter. Grinning at her success, and then even more so when she saw all of the sacks of coins and other valuables stored on shelves along one wall, she also spotted the vault door and noted it had a much simpler handle from this side. Wary of possible contact poison, the archer opened the door with her sleeve, revealing Ageratum and a grumbling Alistair. "I say, Elfy," he complained, "are you going to tell me I waded through that muck for nothing?"

"I found the treasure," Chaevaris replied, lessening the severity of Alistair's mood. She pointed to a large sack of Blorkane's pilfered goods, including the journal written by the mummy servitor to the vampire pair before he had been slain and reanimated in the undead form in which the heroes had met - and killed - him. But there was also a carrying case of some sort and 17 assorted bags of coins and such, all of which (after Ageratum had examined them for potential traps) Chaevaris stashed in her extradimensional haversack for easy transport.

"It's a shame, but we'll have to leave the magic mirrors behind," the archer said. "They won't fit into the haversack."

"Then by all means, let's smash this mirror and then close up the vault door," suggested Ageratum. "We'll leave the mirror in the other room intact, but with the one in the vault smashed they won't know why it isn't working - that ought to eat up some time before the theft is confirmed." She did the honors herself, smashing the glass in the vault with the hilt of her short sword. "Okay, let's go."

"One moment," pressed Chaevaris, reaching into her own coin purse. "I want to add a little salt to their wounds." And then, fishing out a single copper piece from her pouch, she flipped it to the floor in the place where there had once stood 17 bags of coins valuing a total of 3,500 pieces of gold. Ageratum frowned, recalling her desire to rob the guild of every last copper coin, but then she saw how much better this would be. "Okay," she agreed, "let's go!"

The trio returned to Harlan's side and the paladin reported there had been no further encounters during their excursion to the vault. "We can exit using a couple of these boats," he suggested. "That way, we won't run the risk of bumping into the rest of the guild, should they return early from their pickpocketing exploits." That said, he helped Ageratum into a boat while Alistair and Chaevaris took their places in a second small craft. Then they paddled their way down the tunnel to the north, which Harlan figured would take them to the stream that meandered along that side of Ghourmand Vale.

Right as they were entering the tunnel, another pair came running down the dock to stop them: a rogue in leather armor and another cleric. They got to the edge of the dock and the cleric swore, enraged that the heroes had gotten away - and ignoring the numerous other rowboats with which he might have tried to follow them. "Oh well," sighed Father Bouchard Coletrane, the vampire from Mitrek who had been responsible for the creation of the vampire spawn Carly who had given the heroes so much trouble before they were finally able to see to her permanent demise. "I suppose you're not much use to me now, are you?" And with that, he pulled the dominated thief's head to the side and plunged his fangs into the man's neck, draining him dry as the heroes rowed to safety.

At the very least, he knew who now had the journal with the notes about the Blood Mirror. And while he wasn't able to cross the running water to get to them at the moment, it would only be a matter of time....

- - -

Besides the 3,500 gp and Blorkane's items, the carrying case contained a stone with a permanent light spell cast upon it, a wand of knock, a wand of arcane lock, a scroll of rope trick, a potion of gaseous form, a potion of spider climb, and a small bag of holding: the perfect kit for a thief up to no good. We've decided to keep it all on hand, as there's no telling when any of that might come in handy.

We've also decided it's time for our PCs to move out of the Stout farmhouse. As nice as they are (and despite Mrs. Stout's wonderfully filling meals), it's not right to continue to put them in danger, especially now that there's at least one vampire gunning for us. Instead, we plan to move into the Stone Keep, since the extra rooms are no longer being used by Alistair's sister-in-law, her twins, and his former nanny.

We've pretty much decided we need to go rescue Blorkane's sister from the aboleth next. Then we can focus our attention on the vampire(s) after the journal once she's been rescued and returned.
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 7​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 7​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 7​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 7​

Game Session Date: 10 May 2023

- - -

After returning Blorkane Trotter's stolen loot to the wizard - loot that had been taken by the local thieves guild, and which the Trained Professional Adventurers had stolen right back from them from their own Guild Headquarters - Harlan pressed him for details about his missing sister. After all, rescuing missing sisters was right up there on his list of heroic paladin exploits, the very type of thing to which a worthy paladin of Pelor should be applying himself and his talents.

"She's been missing for some time now," Blorkane informed the group. "Taken by an aboleth. But I've got a book of maps here" - and here he took one of the tomes which the heroes had recovered for him and flipped through its pages until he found the one he wanted - "showing a series of underground rivers and streams connecting to larger subterranean bodies of water." He laid a greasy finger upon a particular spot. "This, I believe, is the summer lair of the aboleth who has kidnapped my sister, Porceline." Harlan looked at the location with interest. Chaevaris and Alistair glanced over at it in curiosity, expecting this was where they'd next be headed. Ageratum furrowed her brow and wonder to herself what kind of parents would name their daughter "Porceline Trotter."

"If you're willing to go rescue her, I'll donate these items for your use," Blorkane said, placing a number of recovered items onto the table into a small pile. There was a potion of water breathing, a wand of dispel magic that he said had 13 more uses available, an arcane scroll containing the spell protection from evil, a tome of aboleth lore entitled Lords of the Dark Water, and the aforementioned subterranean waterway map book.

"If I'm reading this correctly," Harlan observed, "this summer lair is about half a day's travel from here by horseback."

"We'll want to bring someone along to watch over our horses," pointed out Chaevaris. "Especially if we're going to be traveling underwater once we get to the lair."

"Well, one of us will be able to breathe underwater," Ageratum added. "There's only one potion - we'll need to pick up three more if we're all going to be underwater for any length of time."

"We could ask Holyrood Carp to accompany us," Alistair suggested, answering the first of their concerns. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind staying with our mounts."

"And we can pick up three more potions in the morning, before we head out," said Chaevaris.

"In the morning?" spluttered Blorkane. "But my sister--"

"Your sister has been missing for some time now," Harlan interrupted the heavyset mage. "It's the middle of the night, we don't have all of the potions we'll need, we'll need to talk to Carp before we head out to see if he'll accompany us, and - most importantly - we will make a poor showing of any attempted rescue if we don't get some sleep beforehand. Besides," he reasoned, "if the aboleth hasn't already turned her into one of its skum servitors by now, it's unlikely he'll do so in the time it will take us to get to his lair. And if he already has, then there's no further harm in waiting until morning to head out. We'll leave as soon as possible in the morning; you have my word on that."

Blorkane sighed and nodded his understanding. "Very well," he agreed. "It's just that my sister and I are very close. I'm sure you understand." Harlan acknowledged that he understood completely and the band of four heroes took their leave of the worrying wizard.

The next morning, after a sufficient amount of sleep (for those who slept; Chaevaris underwent her nightly elven reverie instead), the heroes were a bustle of activity. Ageratum figured out the cost of three potions of water breathing, divided the figure by four, and got that much money from each of the heroes, then went to go see to their purchase. Alistair went to hit up Holyrood Carp, who agreed wholeheartedly to accompany the Trained Professional Adventurers on their latest mission - in fact, he was ecstatic about the possibility of being able to craft a song about their exploits from a first-hand vantage. Harlan continued poring over the maps while Chaevaris examined the tome of aboleth lore. But once everything was in readiness, five figures rode their mounts southeast out of Ghourmand Vale, heading to the location where Blorkane's maps said the aboleth kept his summer lair.

The lair was easy enough to find, once their half-day trek was at its end - the entrance was an open cave, right where they had expected to find it, at the start of hill country at the edge of a wooded forest. They found a forest glade not too far away, where the horses could drink their fill at a brook and Carp had a fallen log to serve as a seat while he watched over the mounts. "Best of luck to you, gentlemen, ladies!" the bard exclaimed. "I shall look forward to hearing the tale of your latest exploits!"

Harlan led the group back towards the cave, where they decided to load themselves up with their pre-combat spells before even entering. Harlan cast a protection from evil spell upon himself and another upon Alistair. (The young sorcerer's chest filled with pride at the thought it was because the paladin deemed him the most valuable member of the team; in reality, the half-elf had recognized that of the four of them, Alistair was the one with the weakest mental strength and thus the most likely to be enslaved by an aboleth's mighty willpower.) Alistair cast both a mage armor and a shield spell upon himself, then cast a flame arrow spell upon the group's assembled ammunition. He also summoned his unseen servant Ogilvy, passing on a small sack of shrunken boulders to his loyal manservant and two others to Ageratum. The halfling pulled out the stone with the permanent light spell cast upon it from her box of thievery, and Chaevaris placed it inside her bullseye lantern, then handed it to Ogilvy - once again, the unseen servant would be providing the light by which they would see. Upon Harlan's suggestion, they opted not to drink down their potions of water breathing until right before they encountered the underground stream they'd be entering; the potions would only last for so long and it would be foolish to use up any time before it was actually needed. Then, signaling the others to follow, the half-elf paladin entered the blackness of the cave.

They didn't get too far into the initial tunnel before they could make out the sounds of voices and the unmistakable clamor of weapons striking armor and shields. The voices sounded dwarven, although none of the heroes spoke that tongue - still, it was a distinctive enough language that they were certain that was what was being spoken even without understanding any of the individual words. The tunnel opened up into a wider cavern, and as the light from Chaevaris's lantern spilled into the chamber, the group could see before them five gray-skinned dwarves - duergar - sparring among themselves and drinking heavily at the same time. It was easy to see this was no life-and-death struggle but a playful practice session, with duergar hammers striking duergar chainmail, but usually with not enough force for either combatant to spill their tankard of ale.

Still, Harlan's paladin senses informed him the auras of the five playful figures before him all reeked of evil, and he was well aware of the duergar reputation as slavers; aboleths were noted slavers as well, so it was entirely possible these duergar were in league with the aboleth said to lair here. Without any hesitation, Harlan charged into the chamber before the duergar had even, in their drunken state, noted the presence of the top-siders' sudden illumination in their makeshift arena. The paladin's blade, breaking into flames as he swung it into the closest duergar's side, cut down his foe and had him bleeding out on the cavern floor with one strike - although the presence of the Blood Mirror meant the gray dwarf's wounds would quickly heal over and he would be stabilized before bleeding out completely.

Ageratum rushed into the chamber next, stabbing a startled duergar in the lower back before he even had a chance to register her presence. Then he too was on the stone cavern floor, unconscious but stabilized due to the presence of the Blood Mirror. Still, the crafty smile on the little halfling's lips told she knew the Blood Mirror was only granting them a few seconds of extra life - she'd be sure their throats were slit once all of them had been dealt with.

Alistair stepped forward and cast a magic missile spell at a duergar farther back, sending all four missiles into the drunken gray dwarf's face. The surprise attack caused him to spray out his mouthful of ale - for which the sorcerer was particularly glad he had stayed far enough out of weapons range that he was also out of ale-spew range - before falling to the ground as well, all but dead. Ogilvy stepped up beside his master, shining his lantern light into the cavern and catching the two remaining gray dwarves in its beam.

That was enough for Chaevaris to step up beside Alistair and send an arrow straight through the throat of one of the duergar. He fell over, dead in a heartbeat, the damage too much for even the Blood Mirror to stabilize.

Just that quickly, the duergar's amiable combat-and-ale session had ended in a bloody scrum, and the realization shook all of the drunken haze out of the last gray dwarf's body. Faced with four potential enemies (for he could see the lantern was just floating there in midair by itself, not being held by a fifth foe), he made an instant decision and made a bee-line for the stream of water flowing along the far side of the combat arena cavern. He waded into the water, trying to escape...only to find he'd been trailed by Harlan Starblade, who slipped his flaming burst longsword between his ribs until the tip of the blade stuck out from his stomach. Choking blood, the duergar's life flashed before his eyes as he collapsed into blessed unconsciousness. He didn't feel it as Harlan dragged him out of the water, not wanting a floating corpse to warn anyone downstream that there was danger about. He also was spared the sight of Ageratum Purslane doggedly moving from duergar to duergar, slitting throats as needed to ensure the Blood Mirror wouldn't save the lives of those not worth saving. And, perhaps most mercifully of all, he was unaware when the halfling's blade sliced his own throat into two, allowing his life's blood to spill down his neck as he died a final death.

Chaevaris removed what jewelry looked to be valuable from the duergar corpses: a few nice rings, mostly, none of which Alistair's detect magic spell registered as magic. They also each had a few small jars of an odd ointment on their person, which the sorcerer deemed intriguing enough to examine; the substance smelled rather strongly of fish, although the paste had a violet color quite out of place for anything derived from a fish, as far as Alistair was aware. Ageratum noted the same smell coming from the mouths of the duergar whose throats she'd been cutting, so apparently whatever the paste was, it was meant to be taken orally. Still, none of the heroes wanted to experiment with an unknown substance in the middle of a rescue mission, so the vials all went inside Ageratum's bag of holding for later perusal.

With Ogilvy shining the bullseye lantern about the cavern, the group saw some movement over in the corner and discovered it to be a few growths of violet fungus. Harlan kept them at bay by dragging a duergar corpse over by them and blocking the way to the rest of the cavern with his body. The paladin reasoned the slow-moving fungus wouldn't be able to climb over the gray dwarf's body, and they'd likely be more interested in absorbing what nutrients they could from it while it decayed in any case. Regardless, they could expect the violet fungus would not be bothering them as they explored down the stream.

"I suppose it's time for our potions," suggested Alistair, opening his potion of water breathing and drinking it down. The others followed suit, and then Harlen led them wading into the stream. He could see it flowed into a cavern wall ahead, no doubt filling a narrow tunnel. As they approached, the slope of the floor increased and the flow of the water increased as well. Not wanting to be helpless passengers down a fast-flowing stream with no means of steering - especially since Chaevaris's keen elven ears picked up what she thought was the roar of a waterfall ahead - the group stood their ground for a moment and thought up alternatives. Ageratum finally came up with a solution to their dilemma, by activating her cloak of arachnida and climbing up to the ceiling of the tunnel, with one end of a a 50-foot length of rope tied around her narrow waist. The water pulled the rope out ahead of the inverted halfling, allowing purchase for the other three heroes as they traversed the stream ahead of her. With any luck, despite the water's tug it wouldn't dislodge the halfling from the ceiling and her three companions could prevent themselves from falling over any waterfalls by hanging onto the rope. As Ageratum advanced along the ceiling - and breathing was no longer a problem if the passageway became totally submerged - the other three could ensure they advanced no faster than she did.

Sixty feet further down the subterranean stream, they encountered the waterfall, which spilled into a larger cavern, easily three or four times as big as the duergar combat cavern had been. The beam of light from Ogilvy's held lantern showed the group there were three rock "islands" poking up from the body of water before them (for the entire cavern was flooded, with a pocket of air along the top 40 feet or so to the cavern's ceiling) and two other waterfalls spilling water into the cavern's pool of water. There were apparently some other passageways or a stream or streams exiting the pool from below the waterline, for the surface level of the pool was not rising in any noticeable way. And fortunately, the opening where the waterfall rushed into the pool below - a drop of some 15 feet to the waterline - was tall enough for Ageratum to breathe air while she stood on the tunnel ceiling; the potion allowed her to breathe the water just fine, but she found breathing water to just be weird.

Harlan had been in the lead along the rope, and thus he was the first to climb down the rope into the pool, which he found was less than five feet deep at the bottom of the cascading water. He detected for evil as he approached the pool, and sure enough, there were several distinct emanations approaching his way: as they surfaced, he could see it was six skum coming from all directions and a chuul off to his left. The paladin waded east and attacked the closest skum - a slime-covered humanoid whose once-human features were now closer to that of a fish - with his flaming longsword, glad to see that the magical flames springing from his blade were not hampered by all the water flowing around and spraying over him. The skum fell over with one strike from the paladin's blade, falling unconscious and becoming stable from the nearness of the Blood Mirror.

Ageratum, still perched upon the tunnel ceiling, pulled out one of Alistair's shrunken boulders and tossed it at another approaching skum, but her throw was way off - it was difficult throwing while upside-down! The pebble hit the surface of the water, enlarged to its full size, and sank to the bottom of the pool.

Alistair, second behind Harlan on the rope, cast a magic missile spell that took out the skum Ageratum had missed with her magic pebble. Ogilvy moved up beside his master, keeping the lantern's beam above water. Chaevaris was right behind Alistair, but she decided not to join him and Harlan in the pool below - up here at the top of the waterfall was just fine. Pulling out her immovable rod and activating it at belt height, she used it to lean against so she'd have a steady perch for shooting her bow despite the water cascading behind her legs, trying to push her into the cavern. She shot an arrow at the chuul, deeming it to be the greatest threat, but her arrow glanced off its hardened carapace.

Another skum swam up to Harlan, biting and clawing with the sharp nails on each of its four appendages. The half-elf managed to fend off most of the attacks, but one set of claws managed to get past his defenses. Two more swam up to attack Alistair, but none of their attacks managed to pierce the sorcerer's magical protection. Another skum swam up to join the melee but was similarly unsuccessful. Despite not wearing a scrap of armor, between Alistair's mage armor and shield spells, it was as if the sorcerer wore armor as heavy (and effective) as Harlan's.

The chuul moved up, snapping its lobsterlike pincers around Harlan's waist and pulling him in towards its chitinous body. Eight waving tentacles dangled from its mouthparts, ready to try to paralyze its half-elven prey. Chaevaris recalled reading in Lords of the Dark Water that chuuls often worked with aboleths, but just as she was aiming an arrow at the lobster-thing a flash of movement caught her eye and she spotted an aboleth rising up to the surface from between the two rightmost rock islands. Then movement back over by the chuul turned her attention that way, only to see Harlan had channeled holy energy through his blade and smote the chuul, cracking its carapace where the blade struck. Ageratum ran along the side wall and dropped behind the chuul, slamming her blades into its back on the way down and sinking them all the way to the hilt. Alistair also sent a magic missile spell at the chuul, wishing to free Harlan before he could be paralyzed and taken out of this fight - a fight the Trained Professional Adventurers all realized could use the power of his flaming blade. However, by casting the spell the sorcerer left himself open to attack and one of the skum made full use of his inattentiveness, ripping a series of parallel scars across his chest with a pair of foreclaws. Ogilvy tried dropping a shrunken boulder upon the offending skum, but it missed.

Fortunately, Chaevaris activated her boots of speed and fired off a series of arrows down at the chuul, peppering it until it sank beneath the water, unconscious and stabilized. She even had time to fire off another arrow at a skum, killing it outright with a well-placed blow to the head.

Three more skum ganged up on Alistair, who recalled why he did not like front-line fighting: there were too many foes to deal with! He dodged the attacks of two of the fish-people, only to have the third bite down on his shoulder with a set of teeth that would not have been out of place in the mouth of a piranha. Another skum went for Harlan but was much less successful, the paladin easily pushing it away with his shield.

The aboleth, in the meantime, had made a lazy U-turn in the water and, in a burst of speed, catapulted itself up onto the leftmost rock island. Then it did something completed unexpected: it pulled back its head and its body vanished, revealing a woman fitting the description of Porceline Trotter, wearing what was apparently an aboleth version of a cloak of the manta. She busied herself casting some sort of spell, although which particular one none of the heroes was able to determine. However, a second aboleth swam up onto the middle rock island, this one much bigger than Porceline's illusory version.

Harlan swung his flaming blade at the skum attacking him, while Ageratum, not at all trusting that Porceline wasn't in league with the aboleth (why else would she be swimming freely and using a magic cloak that gave her the appearance of an aboleth herself?), used her own magic cloak to cast a web spell at Blorkane's sister. The strands were anchored along the front and back walls of the cavern, and the halfling's targeting had been spot on, catching her in the middle of the webs. Try as she might, Porceline couldn't move from the spot at which she stood, nor could she move her hands for any further spellcasting. Ageratum smiled quietly to herself and congratulated herself for a job well done - they could afford to ignore the female wizard for now and concentrate on the aboleth and its remaining skum allies.

Alistair cast a scorching ray at the aboleth, and then noticed it was a bit slow to react to the flames burning its body. He focused his attention on the tentacled fish and realized it wasn't really there at all - the thing was an illusion! He called out his findings to his friends, knowing full well that knowing it was a fake would aid them in seeing it as a fake themselves. Ogilvy raised another pebble over the head of a skum and let go, but the fast-moving fish-man had darted out of the way by the time the stone hit the water's surface and the boulder resumed its full size.

Chaevaris's next arrow caught a skum in the chest and staggered him; the one after that knocked another skum into unconsciousness; and her third shot missed entirely. The staggered skum sank beneath the water's surface, pulling at the arrow in its chest. Another resumed its attacks upon Harlan, but couldn't get past the paladin's shield to put its teeth and claws to use. And up on the leftmost island, Porceline continued to struggle ineffectively against her sticky bonds.

History seemed to repeat itself when another aboleth leaped up onto the middle rock and resumed the position the first, illusory, one had taken. Alistair assumed this was the real one that had cast some sort of illusory double to draw off a few spells before joining combat itself. It focused its impressive intellect upon Harlan, trying to dominate the paladin into doing its bidding. It was surprised when the half-elf made no effort to resist, yet seemed unaffected - and then the tentacled fish-thing realized he must be shielded from such effects by a protection from evil spell (as indeed he was). But Harlan must have at least been aware of the attempt, for his retaliation was sudden and decisive: rushing past the skum he'd been fighting (and easily bypassing its clumsy attacks as he raced by), he dodged a tentacle strike by the aboleth as he leaped up onto the rock and swung his flaming blade at the fish-thing trying to compel him to obey its mental commands. The aboleth turned its glistening body at the last possible moment and Harlan's blade missed its mark.

Ageratum ran across the webs she'd brought into being - her magic cloak allowing her to avoid getting stuck or tangled in them herself - and used the higher perch to stab down at one of the remaining skum. Unfortunately for the little halfling, it managed to duck down below the water's surface before her blade could strike true.

Alistair moved a bit to the side to get out of clawing range of the nearest skum and fired off another scorching ray spell, this one striking true and giving off a sizzling, fishy smell the sorcerer was fairly sure no illusion spell could duplicate so accurately. Nearby, Ogilvy missed with another pebble-boulder being dropped onto a skum - but he was littering the pool floor nicely with boulders. The skum made a rush for Alistair, but the sorcerer handily dodged out of the way in time.

Chaevaris pumped three more arrows at the aboleth in rapid-fire sequence, hitting her target with two of them. In retaliation, the aboleth reached out at the elf with its impressive mind and the archer felt her own will giving way to that of her new master. <Kill the armed paladin!> it demanded directly into Chaevaris's mind, and the archer notched a new arrow into her bow and moved to obey. But by then Harlan had stabbed the aboleth in between two of its three eyes with his flaming burst longsword, knocking it instantly unconscious. Just like that, Chaevaris felt the alien compulsion fade away before she had had time to act on it. And then Ageratum had leapt from the web to the middle rock and was stabbing the thing in its narrow eyes, making sure it was dead and no longer a threat.

Alistair cast a magic missile spell at a fleeing skum, and by now it was just a clean-up action; the skum knew their master had been slain and that they were outmatched without him. Chaevaris looked over at Porceline, still trying to escape from the webs and giving a cry of horror when she saw the aboleth had been slain. Fitting another arrow into place, Chaevaris took careful aim and sent the shaft flying straight at the female wizard. "Elfy!" Alistair cried out in horror. "We're supposed to be rescuing her, not killing her! What are we going to tell Blorkane?"

"Relax," the archer chided the upset sorcerer. "I used a sleep arrow. She's out cold, not dead."

"But that could be easily fixed," offered Ageratum, holding a wicked-looking blade in each hand. Alistair knew full well one of them had an enchantment making it particularly dangerous to human foes.

"Miss Purslane!" Alistair cried out. "Not you too!" But Ageratum merely deactivated her web spell and let Porceline fall to the rock island where she stood. A quick detect magic spell allowed Alistair to determine what items the wizard had were of a magical nature (the cloak of the masters she wore, a ring of protection, and an amulet from around her neck); Ageratum removed each item as Alistair identified them as magic, and then Harlan bound her tightly with the length of rope Ageratum had worn around her waist. Then, with their potions still active, the heroes dove down to explore the underwater cave from which the aboleth had exited, but they were surprised to see while it opened up into a cave - the back half of which was on dry land - there was no treasure there to be found.

"That's not right," Chaevaris said with a frown. "Aboleths are notorious for collecting large amounts of treasure, at least according to that book of Blorkane's!" Then, on a hunch, she turned to Ageratum and said, "Let me see that necklace." Flipping it around, she saw the word "brother" had been engraved on the back. Slipping the chain around her neck, Chaevaris called out "Brother!" - to have a door suddenly appear along the back wall of the cave.

The four heroes explored the interior of the dwelling on the other side of the door. It was, Alistair realized, very similar to a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion spell, although he'd only heard tales of such things. There were four separate bedrooms, each with its own bathing chamber (and the two in the front also had separate dressing rooms; the women immediately decided those were their rooms, and Harlan and Alistair could have the two rooms in the back). There was also a small library, a lounge area, a full dining hall, a kitchen, and a larder and separate storage room for herbs. The aboleth's treasure was stored in chests in the lounge area, consisting of 8,200 pieces of gold and several arcane sticks of incense of meditation. One of the books in the library area caught Harlan's attention: it was a libram of gainful exercise. But Alistair was more interested in the empty bookshelves. "Look, Elfy!" he called to Chaevaris. "There's enough room for the entire Elfy Danger Silverleaf collection!"

Harlan revived Porceline, who was surprised to find herself bound tightly. She cursed the heroes for having slain the aboleth, Karagath, which she claimed had been an excellent arcane tutor. When Alistair made the mistake of asking why she didn't simply have her own brother, a renowned wizard himself, tutor her in the wizardly arts, she cursed even louder. "That fat pig!" she spat. "He has a bloated opinion of his own spellcraft mastery, and an outdated view on a woman's place in the home! He expected me to do all of the housework, cooking and cleaning for him while he spent his time on his own wizardly studies! I hate him!"

"What are we going to do with her?" Alistair asked. "We can't very well just turn her over to Blorkane."

"We could kill her," Ageratum suggested. Then, seeing the astonished looks she was getting from her comment, she added, "What? She was willingly in league with an aboleth, who not only kidnaps people, but turns them into fish-men, and dominates others into doing its business!"

"He did try to have me kill you, Harlan," Chaevaris admitted.

"We'll bring her to the Stone Keep," Harlan decided. "The clerics there can determine her guilt, and deal out any punishments deemed appropriate." That seemed fair, although Ageratum seemed a bit dejected that nobody seemed to like her "Let's just kill her and be done with it" plan.

"Fine," the halfling sighed, putting away her short swords. "Let's get back to Carp, then, so we can dump her on the clerics."

- - -

So the Trained Professional Adventurers now have a mobile headquarters they can take with them when they travel - that will no doubt come in handy! And we all made it to 8th level at the end of this adventure.

As for the jars of ointment, that was something Dan had created for this adventure. Crafted from violet fungus extract (I'm not sure why), they allowed anyone who ate a dose to hold their breath for twice as long as normal. I suppose that was for in case we had forgotten to purchase additional potions of water breathing.
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 8​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 8​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 8​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 8​

NPC Roster:
Orchid, elf druid 8​

Game Session Date: 31 May 2023

- - -

"There's some elf chick looking for you," said one of the bartenders of the Dark and Light Club.

"I say! An elven woman? Looking for me?" repeated Alistair with surprise.

"Yeah, a good-lookin' one, too. But she was specifically looking for Ageratum and Chaevaris."

Alistair's look of excitement and surprise turned to one of disappointment and puzzlement. "Oh. I wonder what--Ah! It's probably the delivery of their armor made out of plants! How long ago was this? Do you know where she went?" Alistair realized the elf would have a difficult time finding the women, given the Trained Professional Adventurers had taken to living inside the extradimensional space linked to Chaevaris's magic amulet - the entrance to which was a removable door only the four of them could see. The bartender gave Alistair a quick description of the elf and told him where she was last seen, and the young nobleman high-tailed it from the nightclub as quickly as he could.

Eventually their paths crossed, and Alistair came up short when he saw she had a full-grown timber wolf trotting at her side - the bartender hadn't mentioned anything about a wolf! Since the last "wolf" the sorcerer had encountered had turned out to be a barghest intent upon his death, Alistair brought the words to a magic missile spell to the tip of his tongue before the young elven woman called out his name.

"Ah! You must be Alistair!" she said. "You look just like the description I was given. My name is Orchid. I have the armor from the druids of Haven for Ageratum and Chaevaris. Are they nearby?"

"They are indeed," Alistair replied, looking nervously down at the wolf.

"Oh, don't worry about Shushitan," scoffed Orchid. "He won't attack anyone unless I tell him to, or if they're trying to hurt me." Shushitan let his tongue loll out of one side of his mouth, and Alistair had to agree it made him look more like a friendly dog than a vicious predator. "Very well, then, this way, if you please," he said to Orchid, leading her down to the end of an alleyway in one of the rougher parts of Ghourmand Vale. Seeing it was a dead end, Orchid started to become a little suspicious of the sorcerer's intentions, but upon reaching the end of the alley he reached out and opened a door that hadn't been there a moment before and ushered Orchid and her wolf inside.

Ageratum and Chaevaris were excited at the arrival of their new bespoke armor and excused themselves, rushing off into their respective bedrooms to change. Harlan approached while they were changing, and Alistair made the introductions. Orchid offered up that she was a druid herself, a friend to the druids responsible for the crafting of the bespoke armor. "But you choose not to wear such armor yourself?" Harlan asked.

"I've never really seen the need," Orchid replied. "I'm pretty much just a traveler, not really an adventurer - although I certainly would be willing to give the adventuring lifestyle a chance, given the opportunity."

"You know, we could use a full-time healer on the team," suggested Alistair. "Someone to tend to our wounds during battle, instead of having to rely upon you or a couple of potions."

"I do have a staff of healing, fully charged," pointed out Orchid, causing Harlan to smirk out of the side of his mouth.

"You volunteered to deliver the armor for the druids of Haven specifically for an opportunity to join a band of adventurers, didn't you?" he accused with a smile.

"Well..." Orchid stalled for time. Fortunately, Ageratum and Chaevaris returned from their rooms wearing their new armor and asked the men what they thought. Harlan expressed the view that the armor looked to be comfortable and agreed with Chaevaris's assertion that the armor would make it easier for her to blend into the background in a forest environment. Alistair thought they looked like a couple of deranged tree-huggers, but recalling the human bane enchantment on one of Ageratum's blades and the little halfling's dislike for being mocked, he wisely chose to hide his views. However, his mind started putting together a few lyrics to a potential new song about their plant-based armor....

"So, what's on the agenda today, Harlan?" Chaevaris asked. The paladin had spent the last week poring over the pages of the manual of gainful exercise they'd unearthed among the aboleth's treasures - which had included this very dwelling.

"Ageratum's been scouring the town, seeing what's been going on. Ageratum? Anything to report?"

"Yeah, Funk's men have continued dumping bodies over at the Mistbrenner Farm. The Wild Coast Club has been on lockdown since we broke in and recovered Blorkane's stuff - they only go out at least in pairs now, armed, and always with a cleric on hand. Seems they're aware there's a vampire in town, and that he's been inside their little clubhouse. The Cuthbertians, including Father Kilkenny himself, went up to Mitrek to consult with the Archcleric up there. They left a skeleton crew at the Stone Fort, but Porceline's still in custody there until they decide her permanent punishment for her trafficking in slaves with that aboleth we killed. And speaking of pigs..." - here Ageratum smirked at her own little joke, for it was no secret she had no love for Blorkane's sister Porceline Trotter - "...the merchants are complaining about the ongoing pork shortage. With almost all of the local cows relegated to dairy, they've been eating mainly goat and an owlbear some of the hunters managed to bring down."

"Any leads on the whereabouts of the vampire?" Harlan asked.


"What's with the pork shortage?" asked Chaevaris.

"No idea. Apparently the Mistbrenners haven't been sending any of their pigs down for slaughter."

"Let's go talk to Karl Armbust," decided Harlan. "He's the merchant leader and head of the farmer's guild." The paladin turned to Orchid. "You and your wolf are welcome to accompany us if you wish."

"Sure!" agreed Orchid, and Shushitan picked up on her mood and began wagging his tail.

Karl gave the heroes directions to the Mistbrenner Farm so they could speak to the husband and wife who ran the farm - where they raised pigs, goats, and chickens - and see for themselves what the problem might be. The farm ended up being a mere fifteen minutes or so past the Stone Keep, by horseback. As Orion had traveled on foot to Ghourmand Vale with her wolf, Harlan offered her the use of his horse, Law. "Thank you, but what will you ride?" asked the elven druid.

In response, Harlan raised his hands out above him and called down a celestial pegasus from the heavens above. "This," he replied, climbing up onto the winged horse's back. "It's a shame his first task will be to remain earthbound as we all ride to the farm, but so be it - I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to ride through the skies with him in the future."

"Oh, by all means - go ahead and take him for a spin," suggested Alistair, and with a grin, Harlan did just that. Upon doing a couple of overhead passes, the pegasus returned to the ground and led the procession to the Mistbrenner farm. "I've decided to call him Nova," Harlan told the group.

Upon arriving at the farm, the first thing everyone noticed was the complete lack of people and the sound of hungry pigs calling out from their pen at the back. Alistair send Ambrose out for a quick scout around the buildings - there was a farmhouse, chicken coop, barn, and goat enclosure, along with a well - and the grackle returned with reports of not having seen any farm workers. Orchid volunteered to go see what was going on and cast a speak with animals spell as she approached the pen on the far side of the barn, where dozens of rather large pigs were stomping around, noses buried in the mud, looking for food. Leaving Nova to watch over the mounts, the others headed over by their new druid companion to see what they could learn.

"They're hungry - they haven't been fed in days," Orchid reported. "The farmers who work here have been ignoring them. They were last seen going into their farmhouse, several days ago." Upon hearing a question from Harlan and asking the hogs, the druid said the meat normally fed to the pigs had usually been already dead when plopped into their pen for consumption - usually, but not always. Harlan detected evil on the hogs, just to be sure, but they were just normal animals - very hungry animals, about to eat some of their own if they didn't get some food soon. Orchid promised they'd go look for the farmers and get the pigs some food if they'd just be patient for a little longer.

With her spell still active, Orchid led the group to go see what the goats had to say. They were doing much better, for they had bales of hay in their pen which they had yet to finish. But they reinforced that they'd not seen the farmers for several days. The chickens in the coop complained their eggs had not been taken for several days; as a stopgap measure, the heroes gathered up the eggs that had been laid thus far and took them over to the pigs, promising there would be more food soon. But when asked if anything ever came out of the well - for Harlan had wondered if some creature had arisen from there who had slain the farmers - the goats responded with, "The farmer, sometimes."

That bore investigation. Activating her cloak of arachnida, Ageratum climbed over the top of the well and walked down its interior. It went down for 10 or 12 feet and was bone dry, but she noted there was a passageway at the bottom leading south, towards the henhouse. She shone Chaevaris's bullseye lantern - into which the stone with the permanent light spell had been placed - but the tunnel extended past the range of her illumination, the passageway sinking lower into the ground as it went. She returned to the surface and explained what she had seen to the others.

"Shall we check out the farmhouse first or the dry well?" asked Harlan.

"I vote the well," replied Alistair. "It seems suspicious." The others concurred, and they started getting ready for potential battle with whatever evil forces were interfering with the normal operation of the farm. Alistair cast his traditional flame arrow spell upon the group's combined ammunition (now including the arrows in Orchid's quiver) and both a mage armor and shield spell upon himself, before summoning Ogilvy with an unseen servant spell. Ogilvy accepted the two things he was usually asked to carry: the bullseye lantern and a pouch containing four shrunken boulders, now each the size of a small sling stone. Harlan cast protection from evil and bull's strength spells upon himself and a bless spell upon the group, while Orchid cast a barkskin spell on Harlan, a goodberry spell upon a handful of berries she brought forth from a belt pouch, and a greater magic fang spell upon Shushitan. Alistair decided he didn't want Ambrose hampered in a subterranean environment and sent him over to watch over the mounts with Nova.

Then it was a matter of getting down the well. Fortunately, there was a study rope attached to a bucket at one end and a wooden support beam overhead, so climbing down wasn't too difficult. Ageratum went first, then Harlan, then Orchid. The druid then called up for her wolf to leap down at her and Shushitan willing obliged, getting caught by his mistress with an assist by Harlan. Chaevaris climbed down next, followed by Alistair and Ogilvy, who clung to the sorcerer's back on the way down.

Heading down the sloping passageway, with Harlan and Ogilvy - holder of the group's two light sources, the lantern and the paladin's flaming burst longsword. held at the ready with fire sputtering along the blade - in the front, the group found a ladder leading up after about 50 feet. They took a brief moment while Ageratum scampered up it, found it led to a trap door, took a peek around in the room above, and returned to report that it appeared to be a secret entrance to a bedroom with a rather rich carpet on the floor beside the bed; the trap door was apparently underneath said bed. She had scooted forward just enough to see four windows along the front half of the room, and this was enough to identify it as the easternmost part of the farmhouse, for they'd seen the same four windows from the outside when they were over by the chicken coop. They group pressed on, going further down the sloping tunnel past the ladder.

Harlan's ability to detect evil at a range suddenly alerted him to the presence of evil beings ahead: at least three of them. The tunnel ahead was blocked by a hanging curtain of pig-hide, right where it narrowed to the point they'd have to traverse it single file. Waving the others to silence, Harlan crept up upon the pig-hide curtain, ready to brush it to the side and charge into the room. But as he swept the curtain aside with his shield arm, he found himself staring into the face of an armed and armored man, with two animated zombie corpses standing just behind him. The fighter caught the paladin's initial sword-strike on his own weapon and slid it aside, then counterattacked with his own blade, only to have Harlan catch it on his shield. Neither was able to make much progress in overcoming his foe, until Harlan managed to get in a lucky strike that passed by the fighter's defenses, catching him in the side of his belly. But still he stood fighting, blood now flowing freely down the left side of his torso.

Ageratum activated her magic cloak again and ran up the side of the wall. The ceiling was 20 feet up, so she was able to run along it without the combatants beneath her getting in her way. But once into the large cavern beyond the pig-hide curtain, her mind found itself under immediate attack. <That's right,> said a telepathic voice in her head, <continue approaching me along the ceiling.> Looking down from her upside-down perch, Ageratum could see the telepathic summons came from a man standing in the middle of the cavern, near a small pile of bones upon which something black sat.

Orchid cast a spike stones spell, causing sharp shards of stone to burrow up from the ground in the cavern beyond. It did nothing to those already on the cavern, but it would prevent them from moving around without harm. Behind the druid, Chaevaris leaped up and activated the immovable rod strapped to her belt, allowing her to hang in midair so she could target the wounded fighter currently in battle with Harlan. The archer sent an arrow whizzing past Harlan, grazing the side of the head of the man he was fighting - Lurgen Mistbrenner, as it turned out. But that was enough to send him falling over backwards, where he was impaled upon a bunch of the stone spikes rising up from the cavern's floor.

Alistair sent a magic missile spell blasting past Harlan to strike one of the zombies behind where Lurgen had stood. Then he got a shock, for in the light of Ogilvy's held lantern, the sorcerer recognized the man he had shot: surely that was none other than Shambles McGuffin, a man they'd killed weeks ago in the market district of Ghourmand Vale. The shambling corpse grunted as the missiles struck, but he remained standing afterward. Alistair sent Ogilvy forward into the cavern, certain that as a magical collection of force energy in the rough shape of a man, he would not be impeded by the spike stones spell. The zombies ignored the floating lantern and pouch of pebbles as they floated right past them.

Shambles shambled forward, getting caught up in the spikes and pitching forward, impaling himself and remaining motionless thereafter, apparently having done himself in just by trying to move forward. The other one shuffled over, blocking the doorway where Lurgen had once stood, and where he now faced Harlan Starblade with his flaming burst longsword out and ready. Just past them, up on the ceiling, Ageratum reached the point just above her roguish master and, telepathic command fulfilled, stood awaiting further orders. She looked down at Lurgen and found an ever-increasing pool of blood seeping out from his prone body, which was unusual: was there something impeding the Blood Mirror's normal powers? Usually its presence healed up the wounds of the unconscious in the vicinity, and with Harlan standing right there he was certainly close enough to be within the radius of its effect.

But Harlan noticed no such thing - he was busy cutting down the zombie with his flaming blade. After attacking, he took a step back, knowing the slow-moving undead thing would allow him to get in several strikes before it could get close enough to try to attack the paladin itself. But then Orchid cast a produce flame spell and tossed a ball of fire at the zombie's face, and Chaevaris fired a pair of arrows through its head in rapid succession. It toppled over, the filthy turban now planted firmly on its head by the protruding arrow shafts. Harlan looked into the cavern and saw the other zombie had also been wearing a turban - were these Jasgund Singh's men?

Alistair stepped up to the cavern entrance but feared to enter it while the stone spikes spell was still in effect. However, he could see the dark figure standing directly below a strangely quiescent Ageratum Purslane, and he cast a scorching ray spell his way, causing the man's entire body and clothes to immolate, right as he was giving the halfling a further set of orders. And then, strangely, the man's body discorporated, the flames going out as he drifted further back into the cavern as a vaguely man-shaped cloud of mist. "I say!" cried out Alistair in surprise. "He's a vampire!" Ageratum ignored the sorcerer, walking along the ceiling (as instructed) to the back of the cavern, where she was to alert the master that there were intruders needing to be dealt with.

Ogilvy turned his lantern to keep illuminated the floating mist of what had once been Roy Hinkley, the thief the heroes had seen get attacked by the vampire as they rowed out of the Wild Coast Club thieves guild - he'd been turned into an undead minion by the master vampire, none other than Father Coltrane, the cleric from Mitrek who had earlier sired Carly as his previous vampire spawn. With no more visible foes in the cavern, Orchid dismissed her spike stones spell, the shards sinking back into the cavern floor.

Harlan immediately charged into the room, for he had sensed the darkskull sitting on the pile of bones was radiating a particularly strong aura of evil. But as he got close to the skull he was overcome by a powerful stench that almost made him miss with his sword-strike. Fortunately, it didn't come to that and the flaming blade of his longsword sundered the darkskull in twain, shutting off the necromantic effects it had been providing to those within the cavern - like suppressing the effects of the Blood Mirror. Unseen by the others, Lurgen stabilized immediately, his wounds sealing up although his unconsciousness state remained.

But then the cause of the horrid stench revealed themselves: a pair of ghasts rose up from the ground, a thin covering of dirt spiling from them as they stood and exited the twin depressions in which their bodies had been stored. Harlan recognized the bodies as they attacked, despite the alterations to their faces caused by the transformation into ghastdom: these were Gurdeep and Gurpeet, the two weretigers they'd killed at the same time Shambles met his own demise. They were in their human forms rather than the hybrid forms in which they'd been when Harlan last fought them, but that made sense, for they'd resumed human form upon death and undeath had apparently stripped them of their animalistic forms. Harlan brought his flaming blade crashing down upon Gurpeet as she scrambled to her feet; she lashed out at him with her claws but was unable to connect. Gurleen approached, snarling and slashing with her own ragged claws, but Harlan brushed her attacks away with his shield.

Orchid entered the cavern, tossing another ball of fire from her palm at one of the ghasts. Shushitan was at her side but was quickly overcome by the overpowering ghast stench; he snapped at Gurpeet but was unable to connect. Then Chaevaris sent an arrow directly into the middle of Gurpeet's forehead, dropping her instantly. The elven archer spun in place and sent another arrow into Gurleen's chest, piercing her heart but failing to drop the undead monstrosity.

Past the cavern in which the fights were currently occurring, Ageratum reached a dead end on the ceiling where she'd been told to stay. A set of double doors stood on the wall below her, but the 20-foot ceiling, her short stature, and her dominated orders to stay on the ceiling prevented her from opening the doors and alerting "the master" - whoever he might be. So, no longer under her own will, she stood in place on the ceiling and awaited further instructions. Behind her, the gaseous form of Roy Hinkley continued its slow passage through the air towards her - for the vampire spawn's coffin was on the other side of the double doors, beside his master's.

Back in the cavern, Alistair cast a scorching ray spell that engulfed Gurleen's undead form, causing her to fall in place upon the stone floor, her undead flesh burning. Then, combat currently curtailed, Harlan, Orchid, and Shushitan headed over towards the back of the cavern, entering a diagonal tunnel which ended in a pair of double doors. Chaevaris deactivated her immovable rod and activated her boots of speed, using her faster movement to catch up to the others. With Ageratum away, Alistair took it upon himself to first slit Lurgen's throat before moving to catch up with the others, doing so with the very tip of his rapier's blade so as to ensure he didn't get any blood on his clothes or boots. Ogilvy silently followed, bringing up the rear.

Arriving at the wooden doors, Harlan cast his senses forward and detected two distinct auras of evil behind them. Pulling the left door with his shield hand, he found an empty room just beyond, with enough ritual runes inscribed on the floor to convince him this is where the corpses had been restored to an unholy semblance of life. But there was another door on the far wall, and the paladin stormed towards it, pushing it open as well. The room beyond held a coffin in the middle of the room, and mist was spilling across the floor from an open doorway in which another coffin could be seen. He sensed an invisible enemy behind the door and swung his blade at where he thought it might be, but failed to connect with anything solid. Orchid came up to the door behind the paladin and saw him attacking an unseen enemy, so she flung another ball of flame in that direction, but she also failed to connect.

Then Shushitan entered the room beside his mistress, and his lupine senses allowed him to detect precisely where the invisible foe stood. He clamped his teeth along an invisible shin and tripped the unseen foe, dropping her to the floor. Chaevaris took a shot at the unseen foe but missed, while Alistair and Ogilvy took the opportunity to enter the zombie preparation room behind the others.

Suddenly the foe on the floor became fully visible as she cast an inflict light wounds spell at the wolf chewing on her leg, revealing herself to be a human woman wearing the robes of a cleric of Iuz - Bea Mistbrenner, in fact. And two sets of mist continued rolling toward each other, one - Roy - heading for the first coffin while the other - Father Coltrane - sought to escape from the area before these heroes could slay him; Ageratum had failed to warn him of the intruders but the sudden "death" of the link between him and his vampire spawn Roy informed him all the same.

Harlan, sensing Bea's aura of evil, hit her prone form twice in rapid succession with his flaming blade, the flames flaring up with his second strike and slaying her instantly. Orchid moved through the open doorway to the second coffin and dropped another ball of fire onto it, setting the wood ablaze. Grinning in admiration at the ploy, Chaevaris did the same to the first coffin with a flaming arrow, and soon both wooden coffins were burning rather nicely. This was particularly bad news for Roy, for he, having been rendered unconscious by having his physical form overcome by damage, was now "auto-piloting" his way back to his coffin to recover. When he reformed inside his burning coffin, his once-again physical form started burning, destroying the spawn irrevocably.

Father Coltrane resumed physical form, realizing he needed to slay these intruders so he could put out the flames burning his own coffin before it was too late. But Harlan was there in a flash, swinging his flaming blade into the vampire's side with his full strength behind the blow. Orchid threw another ball of flame at the vampire, catching his sleeve on fire. Chaevaris shot a silver arrow at Father Coltrane, the shaft catching him in the chest and apparently causing him excruciating pain. Alistair tried another scorching ray spell but the gouts of fire went by either side of the vampire's head without hitting him, causing the sorcerer to cry out "Bugger!" in disgust. Father Coltrane took a step away from his enemies and healed himself up a bit with an inflict spell, but it only prolonged his eventual death, for Harlan hit him twice again with his flaming burst longsword (with one attack infused with Pelor's smiting energy for good measure), and then Chaevaris pumped three more arrows into him in rapid succession, her speed powered by her magic boots. That was enough to cause him to burst into mist, which moved involuntarily to his blazing coffin. His screams of torment when he remanifested into solid form in a wooden coffin already engulfed in flames were quickly cut off when his solid form was burned alive.

A quick search of the two coffin rooms unearthed a bit of treasure, and a full exploration of the farmhouse revealed a bit more. (Ageratum, her mind her own after the final slaying of the vampire spawn responsible for her domination, was particularly helpful in that regard.) Orchid took one of the suits of magic studded leather armor form one of the ghasts for herself, and then the heroes took a bit of time to drag the corpses they'd slain (several of them for the second time) up to feed to the starving pigs.

"I'm not sure I'd wish to eat a pig that has feasted upon undead flesh," observed Alistair, blanching slightly at the thought.

"You're welcome to dine upon owlbear," Chaevaris pointed out.

"Or take up a vegetarian lifestyle," suggested Orchid.

Alistair thought over both options. "I think I'll take my chances on the pork," he decided.

- - -

Dan rolled up a druid NPC as an addition to the party, after deciding we needed a permanent healer. It was scheduled to work out rather well, for my granddaughter Samantha was in town on the day we were originally to play through this adventure, but then a sudden business trip emerged that I had to go on, and the adventure session got bumped by a week - at which point Sami had already flown back to Pennsylvania. But now she has an NPC that can be swapped over to PC status any time she's in town. (She chose her druid's name, the image on her initiative card, and chose and named a wolf as her animal companion. Her only requirement to Dan was she wanted Orchid to have a longbow.) But Logan ran her at the beginning this first outing, since his own PC is also a female elf. (We've decided that orchid will be sharing Chaevaris's room in the extradimensional house connected to the magic amulet the elven archer wears - after all, neither one sleeps, so they can share elven reverie together.) However, once Ageratum was dominated and pretty much taken out of the game, Vicki ran Orchid for the rest of the session.
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And for the record, here's the image Sami chose to represent Orchid for her initiative card:





To the Esteemed Bard, Holyrood Carp,

I have penned another song for your consideration. It involves bespoke armor, a type of natural armor grown from plants by a strange pair of elven druids we encountered not long ago. We performed a quest for them and the two female members of the Trained Professional Adventurers opted to take their payment in the form of a suit of bespoke armor made specifically to their exact measurements. (Harlan and I wisely opted to be paid in coins and gems.) In any case, I hope it meets your favor.

The lyrics follow:

Harlan wears his plate mail 'cause it offers protection​
And on it's the holy symbol of Pelor's shining sun​
Alistair wears noble's clothes, but when it's time to fight​
His mage armor and shield spells keep him protected all right​
Ageratum and Chaevaris once wore armor, too​
But recently they changed their minds, as women often do​
A somewhat crazy notion entered each one's silly head​
And they decided that they would wear shrubbery instead​
Bespoke armor, bespoke armor, it's the latest fad​
'Cause wearing plants and vines and twigs will make you look all rad​
Put away your chain mail suits, I'm sure you will agree​
That things are so much better when you look just like a tree!​
When your armor's made of plants, there are things you should know​
Like, if you're stuck out in the rain, will it begin to grow?​
Donning it and doffing it might be quick as you please​
But suddenly you need to worry 'bout attracting bees!​
The armor's of elven design - what else would you expect?​
They coax the plants to intertwine, to weave, and to connect​
The elven druids who tailor-make it call it, "bespoke"​
But hopefully when crafting it, they skipped the poison oak​
Bespoke armor, bespoke armor, folks will be impressed​
When in the middle of your suit there is a robin's nest​
Wearing it into battle, I hope you're not a prude​
For with a single blight spell you'll be fighting in the nude​
Chaevaris will argue that it offers camouflage​
And that may well be true when her armor's a big corsage​
But for an elven archer once known for her sexy tush​
She's now the only elf around who proudly shows her bush​
And as for Ageratum, well, this might be just a phase​
'Cause it won't help disguise her in the streets and alleyways​
The best that she can hope for, as I'm sure you will concede​
Is someone might mistake her for a tumbling tumbleweed​
Bespoke armor, bespoke armor, fire's a concern​
Especially in autumn, when dry leaves are prone to burn​
And in the winter season, when the trees have all gone bare​
Let's hope the wearers of bespoke armor wore underwear!​

Wishing you continued success with your enjoyable performances.

With Fond Regards,

Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 8​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 8​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 8​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 8​

NPC Roster:
Orchid, elf druid 8​

Game Session Date: 21 June 2023

- - -

It had been a week since the Trained Professional Adventurers had taken down the evil forces at the Mistbrenner farm. During that time, they had come to an arrangement with the owner of the Dark and Light Club and had made the upper floor their semi-permanent headquarters - that is, that's where Chaevaris "parked" the door to the extradimensional space leading into the Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion-like spell effect. The elven archer had designated the owner and a few selected individuals who worked at the club as "door-worthy" - she allowed the door to be visible to those people in addition to the adventurers who lived inside the extradimensional space - that way, anyone seeking the TPA could inquire at the Dark and Light Club and those members could see where the door was, unobtrusively positioned along the back wall, out of the way, to knock upon it and summon the adventurers.

Alistair sat at a table on the upper floor of the club, struggling with ink and parchment with the lyrics to his next song. It seemed only fair that Orchid should be the focus of his next tune, but he didn't really know her all that well yet and was having difficulty coming up with anything beyond the first four lines. Fortunately, a pair of visitors gave him a good reason to put it away and worry about it later.

"'Scuse me," said Brother Scrimshaw, "but if ye've a mind to it, Karl Armbust here's got a bit o' trouble he'd like ye and yer friends t' look into fer him," the cleric of Cuthbert said. Karl, Alistair knew, was Ghourmand Vale's head of the Farmers Guild, and he looked to be nearly in tears. "One minute, please," requested the young sorcerer, as he gathered up his writing implements and scurried off to the extradimensional door. "I shall fetch the team." To the confused farm leader, it appeared as if the young aristocrat simply stepped through the wall and disappeared. But he took it as a good sign that the man he was hoping could put an end to his guild's problems was so obviously powerful he could simply disappear at will.

Alistair returned a few moments later with the rest of the team, including their new addition Orchid and her wolf Shushitan, who gave Karl a bit of a start when he first saw him exit from the wall. Alistair waved the two to the table at which he'd been sitting moments ago and said, "Perhaps you'd like to start at the beginning."

"Yes, well," stammered Karl, "there have been attacks on a number of farmhouses in the past week or so - five, to be exact. In each case, the raiders killed everyone on the farm, and then stripped the flesh of all but one of them, which they used to leave a message, carved into his belly or across his chest."

Harlan frowned at the barbarity of the attacks, but he steeled himself to hear more. "What were the messages?" he asked.

"The first one, from an attack six days ago, was simply 'MEDDLERS.' On the second raid, five days ago, they left 'COME OUT OF YOUR LAIR' carved on the dead victim's stomach. Four days ago, it was 'HUNT OR BE HUNTED.' Naturally, once the guild found out what was going on, we warned the other farmers in the area and sent out a party of men to try to hunt down the raiders. They never came back - we're not sure what happened to them, but we fear the worst. Three days ago there was another raid, and the message sent was 'SLAVES OF THE TWISTED CAT.'" That got the team's attention, for they immediately realized the "twisted cat" could be a reference to a rakshasa - likely Jasgund Singh, who was one faction they knew of seeking to gain control of the Blood Mirror Harlan kept with him at all times. Karl continued with his tale. "The fifth raid occurred just yesterday, and was intercepted by a team of Cuthbertians from the Stone Keep we'd asked to look into the situation - only they didn't fare too well; of the team, only one of them made it back, and he says he's not sure what happened to the rest of his team, but he was lucky to get out alive."

"Did he see the bandits?" asked Chaevaris.

"Aye, an' 'e says they was hobgoblins," replied Brother Scrimshaw.

"Was there a message from that last raid?" asked Ageratum.

"Sure enough: 'GIVE ME MY STONE' was carved onto a dead man's forehead."

"Jasgund Singh!" swore Alistair.

"Unlikely," corrected Harlan. "Remember the quip about the 'twisted cat' - it's likely this is another faction seeking the Blood Mirror, in opposition to Singh."

"Ah, quite, yes," agreed Alistair, feeling stupid that he'd already forgotten that clue.

"So that vampire guy, from north of Greyhawk," surmised Ageratum. "The one whose vampire wife and mummy servant we killed."

"That would be my guess," agreed Harlan. He pulled out a hand-drawn map of the local area from a pouch at his belt. "Can you show me where these attacks occurred?" Karl pointed out the general vicinity of each farmhouse that had been attacked; they were all about four to eight hours west of Ghourmand Vale and, more importantly, were each less than two hours from an old, abandoned watch station perched more or less in the middle of the five farmhouses. "I'd recommend we check this place out first," the half-elf paladin suggested. "It's the obvious place for the bandits' lair."

"Isn't that a bit too obvious?" Alistair asked.

"They're leaving messages, most likely intended for us," Harlan reasoned. "I'd imagine they want us to be able to find them without too much trouble, if they're looking at getting hold of the Blood Mirror."

"Perhaps we should leave it behind when we go," offered up Orchid. "Not that I don't think we can handle the bandits ourselves, but if they're allied with a vampire, well...we don't want him to get it in his possession, do we?" Harlan thought it over, then decided it was worth the risk bringing it along, for its healing properties had proven to be too useful in the past for him to want to leave it behind.

"It's about one in the afternoon," the half-elf announced. "If we head out immediately, we can make it there with still an hour or more left of sunlight." The group went to fetch their mounts - although Harlan merely had to step outside and summon Nova from the celestial planes - and then they were off, headed west. The paladin had once again offered to let Orchid ride Law, his more terrestrial mount, but she demurred, opting instead to wildshape into an eagle and fly off ahead, scouting the area. Suitably impressed, Alistair made a mental note to add that ability to the song he was working on in the back of his mind.

Once they got to the abandoned watch station, Orchid and Ambrose flew over and around it, looking to see if anybody was there. The grackle dropped to the ground and listened at each of the doors, straining to pick up sounds of inhabitation. When he returned to his perch on his master's shoulders, he was able to report he'd heard the sounds of a single person in a room at the middle of the south part of the building, and two or more in the next room over to the west, all speaking some sort of guttural language.

The group had been tying up their mounts to trees as close as they dared approach the watch tower; a good 50 yards of open clearing stood between them and the two-story, stone building. There was nothing to do but make a dash for it, and when they hit the main gate - the only way in at ground level, according to Ambrose, Orchid was there, back in her elven form, opening it just enough for them to sneak in one by one.

The center part of the watchtower was a courtyard open to the air, with an enclosed stables in the northeastern corner. But as Ambrose had heard voices from the south, that's the way the group went. Alistair cloaked himself in mage armor and shield spells and then cast another spell to bring Ogilvy into being; the unseen servant was handed the traditional bullseye lantern into which had been placed a stone with a permanent light spell cast upon it. Then, gathering up the group's assembled ammunition, the sorcerer cast a flame arrow spell upon the whole lot. Ageratum received her daily pouch of four stones, each of which was a boulder upon which a shrink item spell had been previously cast. Orchid cast a barkskin spell upon Harlan, a magic fang spell upon Shushitan, and then bull's strength and greater magic fang spells upon herself, thinking they could come in handy if she wildshaped into a more fearsome creature to fight it out with these hobgoblins. Finally, Harlan cast a bless spell upon the entire group, then led them to a door to the south.

The room beyond was filled with dusty, unused bunks, but there was a set of stairs leading up to the barbican along the top of the southern wall, which led to the room in which Ambrose had heard a single individual stretching and yawning. Another set of stairs to the north led across the barbican over the gate and to a door into the stables; Ageratum checked it out to make sure there was nobody there to sneak up on them while they went south and, seeing the stables were empty, the halfling retraced her steps and followed the others.

Orchid was the first to reach the door leading into the room they sought, but rather than open it she wildshaped again, this time into a three-foot-long viper. Shushitan loped right behind her, apparently unfazed by the sudden change in form of his mistress. Harlan stepped over the viper and cast his senses toward the door; sure enough, he got a distinct sense of evil from the other side. Ageratum then approached by having walked straight up the side wall and onto the barbican, courtesy of her cloak of arachnida. She readied her short swords and nodded at Harlan to open it. Chaevaris stood behind Harlan, bow readied to send an arrow into whoever might be on the other side of the door, and Alistair ambled up behind the archer, not wanting to get in the way of her aiming.

After a moment's concentration told Harlan there was but a single source of evil behind the door, he swung it open and bumped into something almost immediately. That turned out to be a hobgoblin, who had been about to open the door from the other side, but who instead was bumped down over the edge of the raised platform to land on a table in the room below. He started bellowing at once in his guttural language, and was answered by similar voices from the room beyond. Without a moment's hesitation, Harlan made the leap onto the table behind the hobgoblin, swinging with his flaming burst longsword. His single sword-stroke brought the raider to unconsciousness, although the Blood Mirror prevented him from bleeding out. Up on the ledge from which Harlan had just leaped, Ageratum made a sly smile to herself - she'd be undoing the Blood Mirror's work soon enough.

Orchid slithered off the edge of the platform, landing on the floor below and raising her head to strike at any foe who might come in through one of the doors to the west. Shushitan leaped down beside his mistress, growling at the doors for good measure. Ageratum leaped down onto the table since Harlan had by that time vacated it, and she slid the blade of her sword along the hobgoblin's neck, nearly severing it. He died, drowning in his own blood, and the halfling took a moment to wipe her sword on his armor before hopping down off the table beside Harlan.

Chaevaris went down the steps and opened a door over at the northeast corner and found a small gallery, empty of foes. The statues and paintings stored here were covered in dust, so she closed the door and returned to the banquet room. Alistair stood at the top of hall, up on the platform with the stairs leading down, where he figured he'd have a good shot at any hobgoblins charging into the banquet room. At his master's direction, Ogilvy shone the lantern onto a door to the west, from where the hobgoblin shouts seemed to be emanating. The sorcerer also sent Ambrose back outside, to patrol the area and report back if anyone started advancing upon the guard station.

Harlan was concentrating on separating the overlapping auras of evil he sensed from the other side of the wooden door - there seemed to be six in all. Pulling open the door, he saw a large, mostly empty room with a raised platform supporting a long table along the south wall. He ran up the short flight of steps to get over by the table, where he figured he'd have a height advantage over the approaching hobgoblin raiders. Shushitan leaped up onto the platform as well, as Orchid slithered over into the back corner of the room and cast a spike stones spell across the floor of the entire chamber. The hobgoblins all yelled in pain as their momentum brought their feet down upon numerous spikes and their mad rush across the room suddenly came to an abrupt halt, as the druid had been sure it would.

Ageratum entered the chamber, avoiding the spike stones by climbing up the wall and across the ceiling, courtesy of her magic cloak. She stood directly above a hobgoblin and dropped a pebble onto his head, the small stone reverting to boulder size upon impact. The raider cried out in pain but feared to step away, not being able to see where the magic spikes covering the floor were actually located. But each hobgoblin carried a javelin, and they all realized at about the same time that they could throw them without moving from their individual spots. Three went flying at Harlan, who ducked behind his shield in time and was unscathed by the attack, while the other three were thrown up at Ageratum. Of these, one pierced the little halfling in the top of her shoulder, upside-down as she was.

By then, Chaevaris had maneuvered over to another door and opened it, finding herself behind the hobgoblins who were all facing Harlan at the front of the chamber. She silently placed an arrow into her longbow and lined up her shot. In the meantime, Alistair came down the stairs to stand in the doorway Harlan had used to enter the chamber, and he cast a magic missile spell at one of the hobgoblin raiders, knocking him out and causing him to fall forward, where he impaled himself on a cluster of spikes stones which penetrated his skull and killed him outright.

With a snarl (and a Halfling curse), Ageratum plucked the javelin from her shoulder and threw it back at one of the hobgoblins below her, following it up with one of the kobold shortspears she carried with her. She had the grim satisfaction of watching both thrown weapons hit for full impact, slaying the raider outright.

Having thrown their only ranged weapons, the hobgoblins started tentatively trying to move forward, but found the spikes everywhere they tried to step. Chaevaris released her arrow and brought down another hobgoblin with a well-placed arrow through the skull, while Alistair's second magic missile spell killed another after he fell over unconscious, face-first into the spikes. Knowing the hobgoblins, who couldn't see the magic spikes in any case, likewise wouldn't know they were no longer there, Orchid dismissed her spike stones spell and slithered forward to bite one of the two remaining hobgoblins on the thigh, dropping him with a combination of the successful bite and the virulent venom she pumped into his system immediately thereafter. Ageratum killed the remaining raider with two more kobold shortspears, and the group suddenly found themselves without any enemies to fight.

But that didn't last long, for a door across the way from where Chaevaris stood suddenly opened, and while the archer readied another arrow to shoot at whoever might enter the room, nobody seemed to do so. That wasn't actually the case, though, for two hobgoblin sergeants and a barghest, the latter of which had just cast an invisibility sphere spell on the trio, had just silently entered the room and were sizing up the heroes. The barghest started off combat by using a crushing despair spell-like ability, affecting everyone who stood in the front of the chamber but Alistair. Of course, this magical attack rendered the three visible; to the heroes, it was as if they had suddenly just materialized in the room with them. But Chaevaris shot her readied arrow, reloaded with a silver arrow from the quiver on her back, pulled back the string, and sent it arrow streaking towards the barghest, an oversized wolf with a goblin's face, all in the matter of a second or two. The arrows struck true, striking the foul creature's left shoulder. It howled in pain and surprise.

Alistair cast an ice storm spell into the back half of the chamber, knocking both hobgoblins to the floor, unconscious. The barghest was also struck but managed to stay on its legs in an upright position, at least until Harlan came charging across the room, slicing into the goblin-faced fiend across its broad, lupine chest with his flaming burst longsword. Then it, too, lay unconscious on the floor, until Ageratum advanced and brought all three lives to a final close with her own blade. She tut-tutted to herself when she found nothing worth looting upon their bodies.

There was a set of stairs leading down to a lower level and, after a quick perusal around the other rooms on the ground floor, the group headed down. Harlan led the way, with Ogilvy just behind him shining the way with Chaevaris's borrowed bullseye lantern.

At the bottom of the stairs was a large, open room filled with cobwebs and dust - and a conference room table and chairs in the middle of the room, all of which had seen better days. There were two passageways leading off from the chamber, one heading north and one off to the east. There were small prison cells interspersed along the corridor to the east, which is where Harlan led the others. But Alistair, not wanting anything to come sneaking up behind them, went peeking down the north passageway before Ogilvy's light got too far away and while he couldn't see anything, he could distinctly hear the sounds of footsteps approaching from the darkness. Hissing quietly to the others, he moved to just around the corner from the northern passageway, the words to a magic missile spell ready at the tip of his tongue. Harlan redirected the group that way and Ogilvy's lantern beam shone down the corridor, revealing an armored figure turning a corner from the east. Pierced in the light, the figure found himself the recipient of Alistair's released spell and an arrow through the throat courtesy of Chaevaris. His eyes flashed in anger and pain and he thrust out a hand, attempting to dominate Chaevaris into submission, but the stubborn archer's willpower was too strong. Her eyesight much better than that of a human in low-light conditions, she recognized the figure as Father Brewster, one of the Cuthbertian clerics from the Stone Keep who had been sent out as part of the group seeking to put an end to the farmhouse raids - he'd apparently been taken down by the vampire and turned into one of his undead minions in the meantime.

Alistair cast a scorching ray spell at Father Brewster's undead corpse and set it ablaze for a brief moment before it collapsed into a column of mist that went slowly wafting back down the side corridor from which it had come. Keeping pace - for they knew it would be heading straight for its coffin - the group followed. Ageratum pulled out a vial of silversheen as they did so and passed it over to Harlan, who applied the magic substance to the blade of his flaming longsword. Orchid resumed her elven form, realizing snake venom would be useless against a vampire, and they were hoping to find the vampire who had brought Father Brewster to his undead state, for he was the likely leader of this gang of farmhouse raiders.

The side corridor led to a large, open chamber. By the lantern light, they could see a coffin on a raised platform in the back of the room, and the fact that Brewster's gaseous mist-form was headed straight for it led them to believe it was his. Harlan searched for evil emanations in the room (specifically the back half, where the coffin stood) and found nothing. Casting a produce flame spell that caused a ball of flame to appear in her palm, Orchid stepped up to the wooden coffin and set it ablaze. In doing so, she saw a line of several iron maidens standing along the north wall of the chamber, and a human-sized figure in the southwestern corner. Alistair approached the supine figure (bringing Ogilvy along with the light source), and recognized it as Brother Caspian, another Stone Keep Cuthbertian. He, too, had been slain and was now awaiting the full conversion to a vampire spawn. But Harlan prevented that from happening by severing the slain cleric's head from his body with one slash of his flaming blade. Then, as the paladin went over to detect evil emanations he was picking up from the first iron maiden, Alistair pocketed a holy symbol of Saint Cuthbert that had been lying upon the ground beside Caspian's now-headless body.

As Orchid supervised the burning of Father Brewster's coffin - ensuring a permanent end to the vampire spawn when his misty form re-entered it and reverted to solid form, which blazed brightly as it caught flame and then burned to a crisp - Harlan directed Ageratum's attentions to the first iron maiden. It took her only a moment to uncover a hidden latch that allowed the entire torture device to swing forward like a door - but then, to her great surprise, she saw a pack of wolves lined up on the other side of the secret door. She tried slamming it closed, but a wolf on the other side was pushing it towards her, preventing her from relatching it into place. Harlan helped her slam it shut and heard it click into place. "Good luck opening that back up without any thumbs!" he scoffed - and was thereby quite surprised when he could hear the wolves attempting to do just that. Chaevaris came over and readied an arrow to shoot into the pack of wolves if they made it through the secret door, while Alistair prepared to cast a scorching ray spell in the same direction if they made it through. Through the closed iron maiden, Harlan could sense a strong source of evil on the other side - but just the one.

The iron maiden suddenly burst forward, as the wolves not only managed to unlatch the secret door mechanism but push it back open despite the best efforts of Ageratum and Harlan to keep it closed. The first wolf bounded into the room, dodging past Harlan's swinging sword blade but not Chaevaris's arrow, which struck him along the side of his neck. Alistair caught the wolf with both blasts of his scorching ray spell, although when Orchid tossed a ball of flame at it she missed.

The wolf loped further into the room and Ageratum swung at him with her silver short sword, catching him in the left shoulder. He howled in pain and bounded past the halfling, reverting to his once-human form as he approached Chaevaris. By his black armor, the elven archer recognized this must be Balaur, who had been depicted in a series of tapestries back at his own ruined keep, many days north of Greyhawk City, where they'd slain his vampiric wife and his mummified servant. Behind him, eight other wolves loped into the room, tongues lolling in hunger for a potential meal.

Orchid threw another ball of fire Balaur's way, this one striking true. Beside her, Shushitan bit at an approaching wolf, catching it on the leg and pulling it down to the ground, where it quickly exposed its neck in an "I surrender" motion - these wolves weren't inherently evil, merely summoned by the vampire who until recently had been wearing the form of a wolf himself. But Ageratum swung her silver blade at another wolf approaching her with a hungry look on its face; she had no intention of becoming his snack!

Chaevaris took a rapid step away from Balaur and raised her bow at him, shooting him at almost point-blank range with a pair of silver arrows shot in rapid sequence due to her boots of speed. Alistair sent another scorching ray spell Balaur's way, hitting with only one but that one causing enough damage to - judging by the look of pain on the vampire's face - nearly cause him to release his own solid form into mindless mist. Hissing in pain and fury, Balaur brought a dark sword of his own swinging at the young sorcerer while his other hand, balled into a fist, struck at Alistair from the opposite direction. The sorcerer dodged the undead fist but the black-bladed sword cut into his side, draining a portion of his vitality in the process.

Harlan found himself under attack from a wolf, while two more ganged up on Ageratum and another three went for Chaevaris. None did any significant damage, nor did the two going after Alistair. Harlan accepted a pair of snapping jaws as he raced past two wolves to bring his flaming blade down upon their undead master, Pelor's smiting energy coursing through the weapon. The cut caused Balaur to burst into mist, just as his minion Father Brewster had done earlier. And, just like his vampire spawn, once in mist form Balaur had no choice but to make a bee-line for his closest coffin, in this case passing back through the still-open iron maiden secret door.

Balaur's sudden death had an immediate effect upon the wolves; shaking their heads in irritation as if coming out of a fugue, they one by one retreated back the way they'd come, no longer interested in trying to take down a group of well-armed and well-armored adventurers. The heroes followed the mist's slow drift through the secret door, and fortunately for them his coffin was hidden just around the corner. After removing what they could from his now-solid-but-unmoving body (it would take him hours to regenerate enough to bring him to full wakefulness), Orchid set the coffin ablaze with a few flame-balls from her still-active spell, and then the vampire Balaur was no more. Harlan decided he'd wear the vampire's magic full-plate armor, which offered better protection than his own, while Ageratum took custody of the ring of force shield he wore. As for his blade, the group decided to turn it over to the clerics of the Stone Keep, as they'd be heading that way after leaving the watch tower; Alistair wanted to cast some shrink item spells on the bodies of the slain Cuthbertian cleric and paladin for proper burial. After all, it wasn't their fault they'd been turned - or were in the process of being turned - into undead monstrosities.

Once Alistair had converted the dead bodies into small pieces of cloth (which he then rolled up and stashed in a pouch at his belt), Harlan announced it was time to saddle up. "We'll spend the night at Stone Keep and then report back to the Vale in the morning," he decided. It sounded like a good plan to the others.

- - -

This "short" adventure went much longer than Dan had planned - we normally try to end up around 9:00 PM, but this one went past 10:00 PM and Vicki was really feeling it towards the end. Dan used both sides of a Paizo Flip-Map he'd purchased for this adventure ("Watch Station"), and it was a pretty cool set of maps.
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 8​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 8​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 8​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 8​

NPC Roster:
Orchid, elf druid 8​
Skree Mauldrive, stone giant​
Talus Legturner, stone giant​

Game Session Date: 28 June 2023

- - -

The five heroes had returned to Ghourmand Vale to report back the slaying of the raiders who had been attacking farmhouses in the general vicinity, much to Karl Armbust's relief. Then they returned back to the Stone Keep the following day to observe the internment of the bodies of Father Brewster and Brother Caspian, two Cuthbertians who had been slain and turned into undead minions by the vampire blackguard Balaur. The adventurers were surprised to see the return of Father Kilkenny and his entourage, who had spent the past few weeks up in Mitrek. They had some interesting news, too, upon their return: Veluna and Celene had come to an agreement; Ghourmand Vale was to be a Free City, officially under the suzerainty of the Archclericy of Veluna but allowed to govern itself. As part of this agreement, the Stone Keep was to be expanded upon, to accommodate a full temple and training compound as part of their increased mission.

"It's that last bit we wish t' talk t' ye about," said Father Kilkenny after giving the adventurers the news. "Our numbers've been depleted by the past actions and the increase in duties here in the Vale. I ask ye t' carry a written contract an' a partial payment into th' Lortmil Mountains, t' th' Karkaletch Stone Giant Clan and return wit' their reply. This clan provided the original stone for the Keep an' we 'ope this contract'll expand our relationship an' enrich th' clan. Whaddaya say, then? Will ye do it?"

Harlan looked to the others for confirmation before replying, "Of course. We can leave as soon as we have the items in question." The Cuthbertian cleric motioned for a few of his underlings to approach; one handed over a sealed parchment envelope and another a small iron chest. "Last I heard tell," Kilkenny offered, "th' stone giants're workin' deeper than ever, an' they been hittin' pockets o' magma an' such. Inside th' chest's a medallion o' fire resistance fer their boss, Krag Splitshriek, an' five scrolls o' fire resistance; that oughta be enough fer his spellcasters t' figure out how t' cast th' spell themselves!"

Harlan accepted the offerings and passed them over to Chaevaris, who activated the door to their extradimensional dwelling just long enough for her to drop them off inside and return back to the Stone Keep courtyard. "Ready as ever," she advised the half-elf paladin.

"Then we will be off!" remarked Harlan, summoning forth Nova from the heavenly realms. The celestial pegasus manifested before his master and allowed Harlan to climb up into the saddle. Orchid climbed up into the saddle of Law, Harlan's original warhorse, and the other adventurers each climbed up upon their respective mounts. Then they were off on their two-day trek southwest to the Lortmil mountain range.

The first day of travel was uneventful and Chaevaris, after ensuring the mounts and Shushitan had everything they needed, activated the door to their extradimensional dwelling upon the ground. When so configured, the door opened to a set of stairs leading down to the interior; when activated upright, the door opened directly inside. It was one of the oddities they'd discovered since gaining possession of the magic amulet linked to the extradimensional living area. But they spent a peaceful night resting up, resuming their trek in the morning.

It was during their second day of travel that events came to them. They were heading west down a road, with open meadow on either side. Harlan figured they still had about an hour's ride ahead of them before they got to the quarry at the base of the Lortmil Mountains - quite visible in the distance ahead - when cresting a hill before them staggered four stone giants, one supporting another who could barely walk. All four wore charred, tattered clothing and had no weapons. Upon seeing the approaching heroes, they cried out (some in Common, some in Giant), "Run! He's hunting!"

Chaevaris leaped off her horse Talkacha and readied an arrow into her bow as Alistair sent Ambrose flying up to the top of the hill to see what was hunting the stone giant quartet. The grackle returned and reported back, "Big, red sky-lizard!" Blanching at the thought of a sudden combat with such a powerful foe, Alistair yelled out to the others, "We have a red dragon approaching!"

The elven archer swatted Talkacha's rump and the mount understood that as a signal to "get to safety." There was no cover anywhere about, but the horse trotted off perpendicularly from the road. Ageratum dropped from Munson's saddle and likewise sent her pony off to safety. She placed one of her "pebboulders" into her sling and got it ready to fling at the dragon once it showed. The giants hobbled on down the hill, making their best time given one of them was limping as if it hurt to put weight on one leg. "It's Akai Uzumaku Shi!" one of the giants called out, as if that meant anything to the heroes - it was apparently the red dragon's name.

Harlan took a moment to cast a bless spell on the group - including the four stone giants - then sent his celestial pegasus winging into the air to get a better look at the incoming dragon. Akai Uzumaku Shi was flying about 20 feet above the surface of the road, keeping low, hidden from view by the others by the intervening hill. The paladin judged he was still a good 600 feet or so away, but his powerful wings were eating up the distance quickly. It was difficult to tell by the distance involved, but Harlan estimated the dragon's body was as least the size of his pegasus, and that wasn't counting its lengthy neck or tail. So at least it was a relatively younger one; he realized dragons could end up taller than a house and there was no way they'd be able to take on a creature of that size!

Orchid dismounted from Law and cast a speak with animals spell, specifically so she could talk to Shushitan, her trusted timber wolf companion. "Look after the horses," she instructed. "Keep them safe, and keep them together." Shushitan, pleased as he always was when his mistress figured out how to talk (he was still a bit puzzled as to why she couldn't do it all the time), trotted over by Munson and Talkacha to do her bidding to the best of his ability. "Stay together!" Orchid called to the horses. "Shushitan will protect you!" Fortunately, frequent time spent with the wolf during travel had gotten the mounts over their instinctive fear of this particular wolf, and they had already accepted him as a part of their group, not a predator out to eat them.

Chaevaris switched from a normal arrow to a sleep arrow, having forgotten the dragon immunity to sleep magic, when Alistair called over to her. "Elfy! Can we let the giants in the door?" The one helping the wounded stone giant looked an awful like the description of Krag Splitshriek, the leader they were to have sign the contract with Ghourmand Vale, and it wouldn't do to allow him to be slain by this red dragon. Chaevaris lowered her bow and touched the amulet around her neck, softly calling out, "Brother." A door materialized in the middle of the road, and she pulled it open, indicating for the stone giants to squeeze inside. Krag helped his wounded companion inside and then turned to the other two stone giants before he entered himself. "Stay to help fight the dragon," he commanded, and Skree Mauldrive and Talus Legturner each thumped a fist to their chest, a sign of obeisance. Then Krag ducked through the doorway and closed the door behind him.

Ageratum looked around for some cover, realized there was none at hand, and then realized that she had the means to create some herself. Fishing out another "pebboulder" from her pouch, she dropped it onto the road before her and it resumed its full size, a boulder perfectly sized for a small halfling to crouch behind. She still had another of the magically-shrunken boulders in her sling, but at least now she felt like she had some protection, for her bespoke armor, while perfectly suited to help her blend in with surrounding vegetation, made her look like a shrub incongruously growing in the middle of the road.

Alistair finally realized the wisdom of allowing his horse Zephyr to seek the relative safety of "not right here in the middle of the upcoming fight with a dragon" and sent him off to join the others. He took a moment to cast a mage armor spell on himself and then said to Ambrose, "You'd better stay back as well." Ambrose didn't need any further prompting; he was off like a shot flying in the vicinity of the horses and wolf.

Harlan had Nova fly even higher, and the dragon locked eyes with the paladin, seeing him as a potential threat to his game with his four released stone giant captives. Akai Uzumaku Shi opted to deal with this new threat first, for he could see the paladin's gleaming armor and flaming sword - not that he had anything to fear from the blade's flames, but where there was one adventurer there were usually others. He began to rise above the hill, making a bee-line for Harlan and Nova. The other adventurers had yet to get their first sight of him, as the hill was still in their way, but that wouldn't hold true for too much longer.

Orchid wildshaped into an eagle and took wing, speeding as quickly as she could towards Harlan, praying she could get to him in time. Chaevaris backed away from the now-closed door in the road, giving herself plenty of room before the dragon would be able to reach her with its flaming breath. But she lined up an arrow shot, ready to track the dragon's movement through the sky once it came into view. Alistair cast a shield spell upon himself, as was standard practice for the sorcerer, when he recalled he knew the resist energy spell as well. He hadn't had much reason to cast it before during his adventures, but if ever there was a time to protect oneself from flames, this was it!

Nova dropped altitude as Harlan cast a bull's strength spell upon both himself and his aerial steed. The dragon veered to match course. And then Orchid, in eagle form, dropped briefly upon Harlan's shoulder - just long enough for her to cast a resist energy spell upon the paladin, helping to protect him from the fiery breath weapon she knew red dragons could bring to bear in a fight. Then she was off again, flying back towards the others on the ground: Alistair and Chaevaris standing their ground where they stood, Ageratum crouched behind a boulder with her sling at the ready.

Alistair cast a resist energy spell upon himself, granting himself (he hoped) the ability to withstand the red dragon's horrid breath. He looked behind him at Ageratum and Chaevaris; they were too far away for him to reach easily and provide them the same protection before the dragon would likely be in range. He swore quietly at himself for his lack of preparation and forethought. This was hardly the best footing of a Trained Professional Adventurer!

The dragon suddenly rose up over the hill that had been blocking sight of him, and the heroes on the ground got their first look at the first red dragon they'd ever encountered. It was impressive in size, but had fortunately not yet reached the size by which mere sight of it turned a foe's limbs to jelly and shattered his resolve against daring to combat so majestic a creature. Skree, however, wasn't looking skyward at the moment; the two unarmed giants were frantically looking about for any kind of weapon and Skree had noticed Ageratum's boulder. He snatched it up, despite an aggrieved "Hey!" of complaint from the halfling, and hefted it to throw at Akai Uzumaku Shi when he came within range.

At Harlan's direction, Nova quickly landed and the paladin leaped off his aerial steed, telling Nova to keep the other mounts safe. Then he swung about in place, flaming sword held high, and confirmed what he pretty much already knew: that the red dragon was evil in nature. Orchid dropped low to the ground, casting a resist energy spell on herself while she did so. Chaevaris sent her sleep arrow flying at the red dragon, but it bounced off the great beast's scales and fell harmlessly to the side. Still, the red dragon was seemingly surprised at the sudden attack, for he was well out of the range of most bows. That green-leafed elf (what was she wearing?) was a greater threat than he'd first assumed. The archer quickly fitted another arrow to her bow and lined up her shot, but its erratic movement as it flew made it difficult for her to lock on a shot.

Ageratum, feeling exposed without her boulder to hide behind, sprinted towards the door in the road and pulled it open. She scrambled inside, telling herself she wouldn't have been able to deal much damage to a dragon of that size with her little sling in any case, pebboulder or no. She checked to see how the wounded stone giant, Hauler Bagfull, was doing, trying to tell herself she came into the safety of the extradimensional dwelling to see to the giants they had rescued. She pulled a pair of healing potions from her belt, handing them over to the two wounded guests.

Alistair cast the spell he'd been waiting to cast, and an ice storm suddenly dropped pieces of hail onto the red dragon, buffeting its body and causing it to wobble a bit in midair under the onslaught. Then the sorcerer moved laterally across the road, away from the stone giants (in case the dragon was still focused on taking them out first). It was definitely headed their way, about 50 feet away now and back to around 20 feet above the surface of the road. Skree yelled and threw his stolen boulder with all of his might. It hit the dragon in the side but bounced off without having dealt much damage at all. Harlan began charging the dragon, intending to meet him when he landed, but the flying beast soared over his head, still maintaining its elevation above the road, and the paladin had to spin in place and run back the way he had come, now chasing the dragon from behind (and still well below).

Orchid flew behind the dragon as well, casting a greater magic fang spell upon herself as she did so; the ability to cast spells while in the form of an animal was one of her greatest combat strengths. She did a full arc and was now behind the dragon, struggling to catch up.

At this distance, Chaevaris had no trouble getting a strong bead on the dragon with her aimed arrow; now it was a matter of just fine-tuning the shot until it went exactly where she wanted it: right at the base of the throat. Alistair cast one more ice storm spell up at the dragon, before he got too close to the sorcerer's allies and the spell would no longer be prudent. Once again, he could tell its effects were felt - and felt hard - by the flame-breathing lizard; cold-based spells were often the best to use against those with an innate affinity to fire. Chaevaris let loose with her arrow, but the shot went wide; whether it was true or not, the archer was willing to blame it on having been deflected by a hailstone from Alistair's spell. But then the dragon breathed out a gout of flame encompassing both stone giants and Alistair (who hadn't skedaddled far enough away, it seemed), before passing over them and ending up directly before Chaevaris, who was scrambling to get another arrow into place at her bow. The giants howled in pain, taking the full brunt of the fiery attack; Alistair's resist fire spell lessened the effect drastically, but he was still singed rather badly.

Unarmed but thirsting for vengeance, the stone giants leaped up at their tormentor. Skree got hold of the dragon's tail and tightened his grip, while Talus was kicked away when he tried getting a grasp upon the dragon's back right leg. But Skree's extra weight was not only slowing the dragon's flight speed, it was dragging him down to the ground. Harlan increased his speed towards the dragon, seeing his chance to deal it some damage with his sword.

Orchid was still pretty far back from the dragon, so she cast a summon nature's ally spell, calling forth a pair of giant eagles, which manifested on either side of Akai Uzumaku Shi's head. They shrieked in rage as they scratched at the reptile with their curved talons, to no great effect. Chaevaris activated her boots of speed and sent three arrows racing toward the dragon in rapid succession, one of them burying itself deep into the beast's rugged hide.

Ageratum, feeling a tad guilty at having hidden inside in safety, opened the door again and peered outside. To her surprise, the dragon was now down at ground level, with one of the stone giants hanging almost prone with a death-grip on the reptile's tail. Well, that certainly changed things! Slamming the door shut behind her, the little halfling unsheathed her silver short sword and readied it for bloodshed.

Alistair cast a magic missile spell at the dragon and was surprised to see it absorbed harmlessly by a shield spell; what on earth had ever possessed a dragon of that size to cast a shield spell upon itself when hunting down four wounded stone giants with no spellcasting abilities among them? He was almost certain it hadn't cast the spell since the sorcerer had seen the dragon - and by logic, since the dragon had first spotted the sorcerer among the foes it was now up against. Strange, indeed!

Akai Uzumaku Shi shrugged and twisted, trying to get rid of Skree Mauldrive's unwanted extra weight so he could regain the freedom and safety of the skies, but to no avail; the stubborn stone giant was hanging on for dear life - a quite apt phrase, for it was completely true. Talus stepped up to the dragon and pounded at it with his fists, but was unable to connect as it thrashed about, seeking its freedom. The giant eagles fared a little better, one of them managing to slash its talons along the dragon's face, drawing blood as red as the reptile's scales.

Then Harlan charged in at full speed, his flaming burst longsword sliding in deep between the dragon's scales - and while the flames along his blade did no extra damage to the great reptile, the additional smiting energy he had channeled through it from the God of the Sun certainly did. Coming up behind Harlan, Orchid dropped to the ground and wildshaped again, this time to a small viper. Chaevaris pumped another three arrows at the dragon, two of them finding their marks and the other being deflected off a hardened scale. Then Ageratum got within striking range, sliding her small blade between a pair of scales along the dragon's spine, near the base of the tail.

Alistair advanced towards the dragon rather slowly, grumbling to himself. There was no way he could cast another ice storm spell without similarly blasting most of his friends; the reptile's shield spell made magic missiles pointless; scorching ray was a non-starter against a creature that spewed raw flames from its mouth. He could try touch of idiocy spells, but he feared it would take quite a lot of them before they had any noticeable effects. Stab it with his rapier or pull out his crossbow? He didn't like the apparent thickness of the creature's scales. Oh, bugger all - he finally cast an acid splash spell at the irritating beast and watched as one of its scales started bubbling. Alistair had no doubt he'd barely even damaged the dragon, but he held out hope that maybe the simple spell had at least hurt a bit.

Unable to dislodge Skree, Akai Uzumaku Shi did the next best thing: he craned his pliant neck around and belched another gout of flame at the offending stone giant. Of course, Alistair, Harlan, and Ageratum were all within the blast area as well. Alistair survived - just barely - by the protection of his resist fire spell, although he was woozy on his feet and he felt as if his entire face and hair were covered in soot, a most uncomfortable feeling indeed. Ageratum had seen the blast coming and dived to the side at the last moment, taking a smaller blast than normal. Harlan was also protected by a resist fire spell, and this was his first blast of fire-breath - he was fine, although a lesser man might have fallen under the attack. But poor Skree, wounded as he'd been from the get-go, succumbed to the full fury of the blast, and his lifeless limbs released the dragon's tail, freeing it to make for the skies again where it could fight off these foes in its own element.

Talus wasn't about to let that happen. He lunged forward, attempting to replace Skree in pinning the dragon down with the weight of his own body. But the dragon's wounds actually helped him out here, for the giant couldn't get a good grip on the reptile's blood-smeared scales. Harlan performed another smiting attack with his longsword, hoping to slay the beast before it could take flight. His blade struck true and struck deep, but the dragon still lived. Orchid's viper fangs slid past the creature's scales, but the venom she pumped into him had no apparent effect, for dragons were sturdy creatures with hearty constitutions. The giant eagles attacked in a frenzy, but they couldn't seem to pierce the dragon's scales with their talons and beaks. Chaevaris shot another three arrows into the beast, and these at last made the red dragon stagger a bit on his feet and nearly stumble. Finally, it was the group's smallest hero, Ageratum Purslane, who got in the final blow that took down Akai Uzumaku Shi: crawling underneath the frantic reptile, she stabbed upwards with all of her might and cut right through his belly scales (then had to scramble to safety before the collapsing dragon's body crushed her beneath it!).

Due to the presence of the Blood Mirror, Akai Uzumaku Shi wasn't dead, merely unconscious, his bleeding wounds already sealing up to prevent him from dying while lying there.

Due to the presence of Ageratum, the dragon's throat was slit within a minute of it having been downed, and there wasn't a whole lot the Blood Mirror could do about that.

Harlan went immediately to the body of Skree, feeling for a pulse. No such luck - the final blast of fiery breath had pushed the wounded stone giant well over the threshold of the Blood Mirror's ability to keep him alive and breathing. "Somebody go tell the other stone giants it's safe to come out," the paladin said sadly, feeling bad that this giant, a stranger to him mere minutes before, had fallen so the rest of them could live. Orchid resumed her elven form and went over to comply with the half-elf's wishes.

Once everyone was back outside, Krag was able to fill the heroes in on what had transpired. "The red dragon attacked us three days ago," he said, spitting to the side of the road in disgust. "He came in with a bunch of hill giant minions, taking us by surprise and overwhelming us with sheer numbers. We'd have been able to fight off the hill giants ourselves, but against a red dragon? We were outclassed, sure and simple. Our women and children were separated from us and locked away, while the damned dragon had sport with the rest of us. In groups of four, he released us, with the following options: fight him, or try to flee. If they could remain safe from him for a full day, he'd let them live, and if they could manage to kill him, he had orders for the hill giants to let everyone go. The first two groups tried to fight him, and they were taken down rather quickly. We tried to flee, thinking we could get word out to someone capable of helping free the rest of us." He smiled down at Harlan and the others. "It's a good thing we happened to meet up with you lot on the road."

"It wasn't entirely happenstance," replied the half-elf paladin, gesturing for Orchid to bring him the chest and sealed parchment. "We were sent here by the clerics of the Stone Keep, over by Ghourmand Vale...." And Harlan filled them in on Father Kilkenny's proposal.

"Well and good!" agreed Krag. "But before we can get Kilkenny his stone, we'll need to free my tribe!"

"And we'll all be there at your side," promised Harlan. He looked towards the others for confirmation, but Alistair had just summoned Ogilvy with an unseen servant spell and was having him comb out the sorcerer's hair and retie the ribbon that held it on place (with a new hair ribbon, as the first had been burned too much to be salvaged); Ageratum was watching the fussy sorcerer with amusement as she cleaned dragon blood from her sword with a rag; Chaevaris was picking through the arrows she'd shot at the dragon, seeing if any of them could be salvaged; and Orchid was heading over to Shushitan to thank him for watching over the mounts and keeping them safe during the dragon attack.

"They all agree," Harlan assured Krag with a smile.

- - -

There was a little disgruntlement at the set-up of the dragon fight, because in Dan's mind the dragon had always been hidden behind the hill, 750 feet away, but in his description to us it seemed as if the dragon was high in the sky, looking down for the prey to which it had given a head start. Once he said it was 750 feet away, I looked up the range of an ice storm and voiced aloud I could cast it from 720 feet away, and Logan was commenting how his archer PC's sniper skills could (finally!) be used in the way in which he'd always intended, to shoot at enemies from a great distance. Then, when Dan said, "No, no, you can't even see the dragon yet, he's flying down low and there's a hill in the way." it sounded to all of us as if he'd suddenly changed the parameters of the fight once he realized we'd be able to get in four rounds of attacking it before it could attack us in turn. Then, the fact that it had a shield spell already active when we fought it seemed like an additional way to make sure we didn't kill his precious dragon too soon. (Dan claimed after the fact the dragon only cast shield on himself when he spotted Harlan and Nova.) In any case, it was a difficult fight, and we confounded Dan by not using the resist energy scrolls (and medallion) he thought he'd cleverly seeded into the adventure. (I informed him the next day at work we all considered using those as a non-starter, for to use them for our own protection we'd be breaking the contract with Krag before he even got a chance to sign it.) I guess we'll have to chock it up to different views and poor communication, but the encounter almost killed two of us. (Alistair was down to 3 hp and Ageratum almost didn't survive the blast of its fiery breath weapon at the end of the fight.)
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PC Roster:
Ageratum Purslane, halfling rogue 8​
Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, human sorcerer 8​
Chaevaris Noarunal, elf archer 8​
Harlan Starblade, half-elf paladin 8​

NPC Roster:
Blue Lichen, stone giantess​
Hauler Bagfull, stone giant​
Krag Splitshriek, stone giant​
Orchid, elf druid 8​
Talus Legturner, stone giant​

Game Session Date: 5 July 2023

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Alistair cast a shrink item spell upon the corpse of the red dragon Akai Uzumaku Shi and transformed it to a piece of cloth he could roll up and pass over to Harlan. "I imagine you might make a fairly good impression on those hill giants if you plop this down at their feet and it restores to its full size," the sorcerer declared. "Then you can say something like, 'Who wants to be next?' - and they might well just surrender right there and then."

"It's...definitely a possibility," agreed the paladin, taking the proffered cloth and storing it in a pouch at his belt. Personally, he doubted a force of hill giants was going to just give up that easily, but he didn't want to dampen the sorcerer's enthusiasm. Alistair then cast the spell again, this time on the corpse of Skree Mauldrive. This piece of cloth he rolled up and placed in a vest pocket. "Once we've driven out the hill giants, the stone giants might wish to give him a proper burial," he explained.

Chaevaris approached, asking, "Do we head to the stone giant lair now and try to rescue them, or rest up overnight and take the hill giants tomorrow when we're at our full fighting strength?" The question was directed at Harlan, but it was the stone giant leader who answered. "Tomorrow is time enough," Krag declared. "The hill giants will not suspect anything if the dragon spends a full 24 hours hunting us down - those were the conditions of the challenge. Best we strike tomorrow at full strength." Harlan said nothing, as that was what he had decided as well.

The group - all five heroes, the three remaining stone giants, and Shushitan the wolf - slept inside the extradimensional dwelling attuned to Chaevaris's magic amulet. The healers among them, Orchid and to a lesser extent Harlan, did what they could to heal up the worst of the stone giants' wounds (as well as those taken by the heroes, primarily among them Alistair and Ageratum), but a good night's rest added quite a lot to their healing efforts. Harlan apologized for the lack of giant-sized accommodations, but Krag waved them away, stating he and his two remaining men were fine on the floor with a few pillows.

And thus it was the next day saw the assembled group refreshed and ready to take back the stone giant lair from the hill giants who had conquered it with the aid of the red dragon the heroes had slain the day before. Krag told them what they could expect to find at the quarry: six women and 11 children (the three stone giants with the heroes were all of the adult males remaining from his tribe, the others having been slain in the dragon's "games"), captured and guarded by an unknown number of hill giants, ogres, orcs, and dire wolves. They were only about an hour away from the stone quarry where the Karkaletch Stone Giant Clan laired.

Harlan, as usual, rode in the front mounted upon Nova, his celestial pegasus. The other heroes trailed on their own mounts, Shushitan trotting happily alongside his mistress Orchid, who rode Harlan's warhorse law. The three stone giants strode beside the heroes, pointing out the way ahead.

They entered a small grove of trees and Chaevaris's keen eyes spotted a set of drag-marks in the path ahead. Someone - a giant, by the looks of the size of the footprints - was dragging along something heavy, accompanied by a quartet of human-sized companions. Holding up a hand for silence, the archer gestured there were enemies ahead and the group surged forward quietly. Soon, they could hear a gruff voice calling out something in the Giant tongue; Krag translated the phrase as, "Pull harder, bitch!"

Rounding a corner along the path, the group could finally see who it was they faced: a female stone giant was pulling a makeshift sledge, upon which were lashed several barrels, and sitting upon the top barrel was an ogre. A pair of well-armed and armored orcs kept pace on either side of the stone giant, ensuring she didn't drop her burden and try to flee.

Harlan urged Nova into action, and the pegasus dashed forward, rearing up to kick the ogre in the back of the head with a sharpened hoof. Harlan swung his flaming burst longsword from the back of the pegasus, bringing the blade slicing along the ogre's broad back with one strike and then reversing course and catching it again from the other side. The ogre cried out in pain, toppled off the side of the barrel, and landed in a heap face-down in the dirt of the forest path, unconscious from his wounds but stabilized by the power of Harlan's Blood Mirror gemstone.

Ageratum urged her pony Munson forward, leaping over the downed ogre to lash out at the nearest orc with a hoof, while the mounted halfling stabbed her silver short sword into the orc's back. Together, the attacks of the little rogue and her pony mount brought the orc down, not only unconscious but already well and truly dead, far beyond Harlan's magic gem's ability to stabilize. Behind her, the stone giants all rushed forward, eager to join in the fray but not as swift as the heroes' mounts.

Orchid sent Law rushing forward, and the druid cast a produce flame spell in her hand as they advanced. She threw her first ball of flame at the orc on the other side of the sledge from the one Ageratum had just slain, but the flames missed. Then Alistair brought down not only that one but the orc beside him with a simple magic missile spell, splitting the number of missiles between the two foes. Neither was dead, thanks to the Blood Mirror, but the sorcerer well knew that was only temporary, for their bloodthirsty halfling companion didn't like leaving enemies still breathing behind her.

Chaevaris shot an arrow into the back of the last orc's head, killing him instantly. With the foes all brought down, the stone giantess stopped and set down her burden. The three stone giants recognized her at once, calling out "Blue Lichen!" It turned out she was the wife of Skree Mauldrive, the giant who had died yesterday taking down the red dragon. "What's all this?" Krag demanded, indicating the barrels lashed to the sledge.

"Some sort of stinky hill giant liquor," Blue Lichen replied. "They sent us out to the old hill giant lair to fetch the booze for some sort of celebration they're planning back at the quarry."

"Well, that's where we're headed," Krag explained. "Only they won't find they have too much to celebrate once we get there - these heroes here are going to help us liberate our people."

"Hang about," interrupted Alistair. "If these barrels are filled with liquor...." He explained he wanted to shrink down four of them after first having set them on fire. That way, Chaevaris could attach them - in harmless cloth form - to four of her arrows, and when they struck their targets, the flaming barrels would return to full size, where they'd then explode, splashing burning alcohol in all directions. Orchid helped him in his task by setting four of the barrels on fire with her still-active produce flame spell. "You know," Ageratum remarked, "when you first started using that spell, I kind of wondered why you wasted your time on it instead of something flashier, like fireball or lightning bolt. But it's been a really useful spell."

"Ah, yes, which reminds me..." replied Alistair, his face burning red in embarrassment. He reached inside his vest and pulled out a bit of rolled-up cloth. Handing it over to Blue Lichen, he said, "I'm rather afraid this is your husband's body. You'll want to hang onto it, I'm sure, until this business with the hill giants is over." Blue Lichen's stony face looked about ready to burst into tears, and for an awful moment Alistair feared she would use her husband's cloth-form corpse as a handkerchief and blow her nose into it, but she regained her composure at the last moment. "Thank you," she said, stuffing the cloth into her top.

"We're about ten minutes out," reminded Harlan. "Now's as good a time as any for any long-term spellcasting any of you want to do." Alistair gathered up everyone's ammunition and cast a flame arrow spell upon it, but the others opted to wait until they were closer to the quarry to do their preparing-for-combat spellcasting. Abandoning the corpses behind them (after Ageratum had ensured they were in fact all corpses), the group pressed on towards the quarry.

Once the quarry was within view - and the group was still amply hidden by trees, so they could remain unseen by their foes - the spellcasting began in earnest. Harlan boosted his combat prowess with a bull's strength spell, while Orchid cast the barkskin spell three times: on herself, Harlan, and Ageratum. Alistair cast mage armor and shield spells upon himself, then sent his grackle familiar Ambrose forward to scout the terrain ahead. The black bird flew over the open quarry, spun about, and returned to tell his master what he had seen.

The hill giants had made a few modifications to the quarry since Krag and his three companions had been sent out to try to avoid the dragon for 24 hours the previous day. There was now a 10-foot-deep pit in the middle of the quarry, around which the entire hill giant contingent was ringed, looking on at the activities below. Inside this new pit were three stone giant women, each wearing a set of manacles, and seven of the stone giant children, the children all lying in a pile, looking to have been drugged. And snapping at the giantesses were three dire wolves, trying to get past them to eat the unmoving children while the hill giants cheered them on from above.

The quarry itself was about 40 feet deep on three sides, with the south side - the direction from which the heroes were arriving - bearing the opening to the quarry at ground level. The ground rose up on either side of the entrance, and there were two cave openings at the back end of the quarry. One of these was at ground level and led down to the lower mines where the stone giants had recently unearthed a series of magma tunnels and veins of rich obsidian; the other was about 20 feet up the north wall of the quarry (and reachable by an inclined walkway paralleling the northern quarry wall) that led to the stone giant habitations. But of immediate notice to Chaevaris was the tall tree at the southeastern corner of the quarry, from which she felt confident she could use her sniper skills to best advantage. Dropping down from her horse Talkacha, she scurried over to the tree, confident that the hill giants were too engrossed in their blood sport to notice her approach.

Once at the tree, the nimble archer scurried up it, careful to keep the broad trunk between her and the giants, before climbing over to a thick branch and making herself comfortable - with any luck, she'd spend the entire combat right here. She pulled out an arrow and attached the first of the four shrunken "flaming barrels of alcohol" cloths to its tip, such that when the arrow hit its target (or anything, really) the shrink item spell would be negated and the flaming barrel would return to its full size - and continue its interrupted burn. Lining up her first target, a hill giant facing her way at the far western side of the combat pit, she let fly. The arrow missed, hitting the ground at the giant's feet instead of his chest, but the explosion occurred regardless, splashing the giant's neighbors on either side with burning alcohol. The response of the giants hit was predictable (shock, surprise, and pain) while those of the rest of the hill giants was not what Chaevaris would have expected, for they merely laughed and pointed at their burning fellows, not stopping to wonder where the sudden gout of flames had come from.

But the fiery explosion also served as a "combat has begun" signal for the rest of the attacking group. Seeing the flames, the three stone giant males were off like a shot, each gripping the new wooden greatclub they'd scored for themselves by grabbing living branches off of trees back in the forest and stripping them down as they traveled to the quarry. Blue Lichen ran after them, although she hadn't bothered crafting a makeshift greatclub for herself.

In the combat pit, one of the stone giant women opted to take matters into her own hands, by going on the offensive. Her rock-hard fist went crashing into the side of a dire wolf's head, staggering it for a moment and at least slowing down its attack for a bit. Seeing her success, another giantess approached and hit the woozy dire wolf on the other side of his head, causing him to regret his current role as a punching bag. The third giantess punched at another wolf whose darting approaches were getting too close to the drugged children for her liking.

The hill giants who'd been splattered with the flaming alcohol managed to pat down the fires burning on their hide clothes, while the others enjoyed the spectacle. Only one of the audience of 12 kept his eyes focused on the blood games down below; he punished one of the stone giantesses for fighting back at the dire wolves by throwing a fist-sized boulder at the back of her head.

As for the heroes, they too were advancing upon the quarry. Ageratum, wearing her bespoke armor made entirely of magically-hardened plants, ran erratically towards the quarry entrance, dashing and then stopping, trying to take on the appearance of a harmless bush should anyone be looking her way. Harlan had leapt from Nova's back and was charging towards the quarry entrance, casting a bless spell on their four stone giant allies and the rest of his band (except for Chaevaris, who was already out of the spell's range) as he went. Nova, knowing his role, retreated back to the other horses to keep them safe.

But of the other mounts, Zephyr was not in hiding, for Alistair had decided he might want the added speed and mobility as he cast his combat spells at the hill giants. His first such spell was an ice storm cast up at the northeastern corner of blood sport spectators, catching a full five hill giants in his blast of falling hailstones. As for Ambrose, though, Alistair sent him back out of harm's way to stay by the other mounts, for he didn't want the little grackle getting hit by any of the hill giant's nasty clubs or thrown rocks, any one of which could easily squash a bird his size in one fell swoop. Ambrose, for his part, did not bother to argue against the idea.

Law also broke forth from the other mounts, Orchid urging him forward. Once she had gotten a good look at the hill giants ringing their new combat pit, she was able to cast a spike stones spell directly underneath each of the giants' feet and spreading out away from the pit for a good 20 feet or so. The nearly invisible spikes couldn't be used to actively attack the bottoms of the giants where they stood, but as soon as any of them tried moving they'd be in for a world of hurt. But the druid had similar feelings about Shushitan's survival likelihood in a battle against hill giants and sent him back to help guard the other horses.

The dire wolves snapped at the stone giantesses, two of them missing but the third grabbing hold of a tough-skinned wrist wearing a manacle. He tried pulling her prone, but the stone giantess was too large a foe for that to be an easy task and she retained her footing. Up in her tree, Chaevaris took aim at another hill giant and let loose with another barrel-tipped arrow, this one striking the target right in the chest as intended and exploding into a ball of flames which engulfed several of his neighbors. Roars of surprise and pain erupted from the burned hill giants, who were just now coming to realize they were under attack.

And now the stone giants had reached the quarry. Hauler slammed his greatclub into the head of the closest hill giant on the west side of the pit, while Talus leaped down into the pit and brought his weapon crashing down upon the skull of one of the dire wolves, knocking him into immediate unconsciousness. Krag remained at the pit's edge but reached down and struck another dire wolf with his own greatclub. One of the manacled giantesses lashed out at the same dire wolf, and between the two of them they managed to kill it for good. Blue Lichen and one of the other manacled stone giantesses managed to bludgeon another of their lupine foes into unconsciousness, this time undisturbed by the hill giants above who were looking about for attackers.

The hill giant under attack by Hauler swung his own greatclub at the stone giant, and the one behind him moved to aid his companion but in so doing tread upon the stone spikes and howled in pain, the sudden attack upon the bottoms of his feet ruining his swing at Hauler. Several other hill giants opted to toss rocks at their attackers - or at the stone giantesses in the pit below, just for good measure - but they missed more times than they hit. Krag took a lucky hit to the side of his head but shrugged it off.

Ageratum had, by this time, maneuvered herself into throwing range and tossed a kobold shortspear at the wounded giant who had tried flanking Hauler. Her weapon bounced off his thick hide armor so she threw another, with no better luck. Alistair sent Zephyr forward towards the entry to the quarry, casting a scorching ray spell up at the hill giant closest to Chaevaris's perch, and thus the one most likely to be in a position to try to yank her down from her sniper-spot should he catch sight of her. But now the giant had other things to worry about, as he was encompassed by the spell's blasts of fire.

Orchid cast a call lightning spell and brought a bolt of flashing electricity arcing down from the skies above. It hit the same giant Alistair had just targeted, but the ferocious foe still refused to fall. Up in the tree, Chaevaris shot the third of her "exploding barrel special" arrows into the broad chest of another hill giant, splashing those around him with flames. Several of the hill giants found themselves on fire as a result, their ragged hides catching aflame.

Hauler slammed his club into the hill giant he'd been fighting, as Talus did likewise from below in the pit, striking at the hill giant's knees. Krag went rushing uphill to the east, slamming the wounded and roaring hill giant who'd just been targeted by spells from both Alistair and Orchid. And with all of this going on, the manacled stone giantesses saw an opportunity and started grabbing up their unconscious children, scooping them up in their arms to deposit them upon the south side of the combat pit, the one side not covered by hill giant spectators (and thus likewise not covered by the spike stones spell effect). Some of them took hits from hill giant clubs from above as they did so, but Blue Lichen joined them in their efforts.

The hill giant being pounded by Hauler and Talus opted to make discretion the better part of valor, but in his attempts to flee he tore up the bottoms of his feet something fierce on the stone spikes and ended up collapsing forward into unconsciousness, which only managed to impale his face and prodigious belly upon the hard-to-see spikes. The other hill giant nearby focused his attention on hitting Hauler with his greatclub, taking special care not to move from the spot he was on so he didn't tread on any more of those treacherous spikes. Another nearby giant found out about the stone spikes the hard way when he tried advancing to aid in the attack upon Hauler, who had figured out by now not to do any advancing himself, but to let the hill giants come to him.

Two other hill giants stepped on the hidden spikes and stopped right where they were, fearful now of moving in any direction. That at least kept them occupied for a bit and out of the present rumble. Another couple of hill giants figured out it seemed safe inside the pit and leaped down into it, to attack the unarmed stone giantesses. They seemed to have no compunctions about attacking unarmed, manacled women with weapons of their own. One of the giantesses fell down under a flurry of such attacks, but she did so knowing they'd at least already gotten the kids to relative safety.

One of the hill giants wearing smoldering hides threw a rock at Krag, but the stone giant merely caught the hurled missile and threw it right back at his attacker. Another giant tried the same tactic but his rock missed, sailing harmlessly by the stone giant leader's head. Two other hill giants nearby took a moment to pat out the fires on their worn hides, while another was close enough to whack his club at Krag while he was dealing with the rock-throwers.

Ageratum threw another pair of kobold shortspears at the hill giant fighting Hauler, and this time she hit with both, each weapon striking deep. Harlan raced up past the halfling and brought his flaming burst longsword into the side of the same giant, nearly causing the foe to drop right then and there. Alistair cast another ice storm spell at a clump of five hill giants, buffeting them with hailstones from above. This was enough to knock one of the giants out, who them further damaged himself by falling into the spike stones spell effect. Orchid then cast a flame strike spell onto three of the same hill giants, knocking out another.

Activating her boots of speed to allow her to get in additional shots over the same span of time, Chaevaris sent a flurry of arrows at a range of targets. Her first shot brought down her first target, dropping him face-first into the spike stones and instant unconsciousness; her second shot hit the targeted giant but failed to bring him down; and her third shot had the last of her "exploding barrel" cloths attached to it, and it knocked out its initial target while simultaneously splashing flaming liquid onto those nearby.

Hauler swung his greatclub in rapid succession at the two nearest enemies, killing the first one outright. Talus moved along the edge of the pit, swinging up at a hill giant who hadn't been expecting attacks from this direction. dropping him backwards to be impaled onto the spike stones and into unconsciousness. Krag continued his attacks upon the hill giant closest to Chaevaris's sniper perch, slamming him with his new greatclub. Down in the pit, Blue Lichen helped the other two conscious stone giantesses - each still bound by manacles on each wrist - up and out of the pit, so they could carry the drugged children away to safety. The one who had been knocked out earlier they had to leave there, but she was likely safe from the hill giants with so many other more pressing foes to worry about.

Several of the hill giants tossed rocks at their enemies, one going for Krag and another aiming at Talus. One leaped down at Talus, opting to fight him in the pit where it was likely somewhat safer. Another forced himself to ignore the pain from the stone spikes as he moved up to engage Krag in battle. Another managed to get in a swing at Krag before passing out from the blood loss from his own sliced-up feet; he fell sideways into the pit to lie in a heap.

Ageratum advanced as close as the pit's edge and threw the last of her kobold spears at a hill giant too afraid to move and be stabbed on the bottoms of his bare feet. It pierced him in his ample belly. Harlan leaped into the pit to help Talus fight off one of his attackers, the paladin's flaming sword-blade cutting through thick hide and prodigious belly fat with equal ease. Alistair targeted one of the healthier-looking hill giants with a scorching ray spell, searing him with the rays of his spell. Orchid brought down another bolt of lightning from the sky and then silently dismissed the stone spikes spell, realizing the hill giants wouldn't know she had done so and also aware that many of the heroes were now right up at the edge of the spell's area of effect in any case and otherwise might accidentally stray onto a few spikes themselves.

Another flurry of three arrows came flying down out of the tree, each aimed at the same target, and the hill giant fell over backwards with three arrows sticking out of his chest and a dumbfounded expression on his face. Hauler leaped into the pit and started wailing on one of the hill giants down there, slamming him with his greatclub. Talus did likewise, and between the two of them the hill giant was soon dead beyond recovery. By then, the stone giantesses had gathered up the seven children and were running off with them out of the quarry, over by the edge of the forest where Nova and Shushitan guarded the heroes' mounts.

While one lone hill giant stood frozen in fear to the north of the combat pit, unaware that there were no longer any spikes surrounding him, another managed to hit Krag with his own greatclub. Krag had by this time taken quite a lot of damage, but he was still very much in the fight to free his diminished tribe. Ageratum, seeing the fight was all but over at this time, decided to get a head start on the aftermath and drew her silver short sword, ready to start slitting the throats of the hill giants who were merely unconscious, not dead - and heck, even the dead ones, just to be sure. In the pit, Harlan brought down one of the surviving hill giants with his flaming sword, while Alistair, still astride Zephyr to the south of the quarry, cast another scorching ray spell that took out one of the remaining hill giants going after Krag. And soon thereafter, after a few more bolts of lightning from the skies and swinging clubs by vengeance-seeking stone giants, the hill giants had all been taken care of, with nothing left but to ensure the death of those brought into mere unconsciousness. Despite Ageratum's preferred method of overcoming the Blood Mirror's life-saving properties - a slit across the throat with a well-sharpened blade - the stone giants seemed to prefer to bash in the skulls of their foes with their greatclubs. A shattered head was as good an indicator of a permanent death, in any case.

The stone giantesses warned the heroes there were two more hill giants inside the stone giant lair, guarding the rest of their captives, but Harlan assured her they'd go take care of them next. And the two hill giants were no match for the five heroes, falling without much fuss at all. Once they were slain, the giantesses said there were still others of the invading force, but none of them were here at the quarry at the moment; like the team that had been sent ahead to fetch a sledge's worth of hill giant brew, others had been sent back to the hill giants' former lair to fetch their belongings in preparation of moving into the stone giant lair on a permanent basis.

"You need have no fears about them," promised Harlan. "Blue Lichen knows where their old lair is located - we'll make that next on our list, to go take them out." Then, turning to Krag, he said, "But I believe the red dragon laired nearby, in the obsidian tunnels you unearthed? I'd like to go check that out first, while we're here." Krag agreed at once, leading the group down into the recently unearthed tunnels, where the red dragon's lair was soon discovered - and plundered, the numerous coins and gems being brought into the extradimensional dwelling tied to Chaevaris's amulet.

"And then I believe we have only one more bit of business before we go take out the rest of your invaders on their own home turf," declared Alistair, removing the contract from a vest pocket. He proffered it to Krag to sign, and the stone giant leader did so carefully, holding the undersize pen in his overlarge fingers and dipping the quill into the bottle of ink the young sorcerer offered up before signing the contract with the clerics of Stone Keep for an order of more blocks of stone for their additions. "With our decreased numbers, it'll take a bit longer than normal to get them their stone," Krag admitted, "but we'll see to it that they get what they need!"

"Most excellent!" agreed the sorcerer.

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This adventure brought us right to the cusp of 9th level - we each only need a few scant hundred XP to level up. Naturally, our next adventure will be tracking down the remaining hill giants (plus any ogre, orc, and dire wolf allies, in addition to anything else Dan might choose to pile on), so we can see to the continuing safety of the Karkaletch Stone Giant Clan. But due to some scheduling issues (a vacation and a business trip), we won't be playing through that adventure until 27 July 2023.
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