General DCC RPG thread

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
With the Goodman Games forums closing soon, I thought it would be a good idea to bring this thread back to the front for people to see.
They had an excellent stickied thread back in the day on how to convert TSR D&D to 3E. While that's less useful now, I used that a ton back in the day, until I was able to do so on the fly. Amazing that they were still running such an old (and security nightmare) message board after all this time.

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This is not intended as a dig at Goodman specifically, but, man, have I seen this insincere spin before, where the company is trying to pretend it isn't about abandoning the good traditional forum model.

What I mean is that whatever direction they're moving in you can be sure there's no discussion forum there, even though Xenforo offers perfectly modern software compatible with all kinds of web sites.

At least they're not pretending Discord and Facebook offer even remotely the same kind of overview and convenience as discussion forums such as these...

Agreed. Switching from a dedicated discussion tool to applications that do a bunch of things means a lesser experience, generally.

So how's everyone's DCC games going?

I finally got to play for only the second time last night. It was great. Sailors on the Starless Sea. Utterly chaotic group of players. It's was fantastic.

@not-so-newguy , how's your DCC game going? I haven't seen your thread in a while.

I signed up for some DCC games at Origins that I'm quite excited about. After my Dragonlance campaign finishes, I plan on doing my first playtest of the module I'm writing for (self-)publication.

After that, I might be running either a DCC Dying Earth or regular DCC campaign. There are a couple options I've thrown out to my gaming group.


B/X Known World
Is DCC a game that would get a 2nd edition one day or have they sworn off edition updates?
I don't know that they've said one way or the other. It was first published in 2012. They're up to the 10th printing now and have only made error fixes and clarity updates as far as I know. Other than incorporating a few of the Lankhmar rules I'm not sure what they'd really need to update or "fix" for a 2E.


I don't know that they've said one way or the other. It was first published in 2012. They're up to the 10th printing now and have only made error fixes and clarity updates as far as I know. Other than incorporating a few of the Lankhmar rules I'm not sure what they'd really need to update or "fix" for a 2E.
OK, thanks. Also, how far off is Dungeon Denizens (I missed out on the Kickstarter)? And what have folks been using since 2012 for monsters? Are the base monsters in the core book plenty to get you by on?


B/X Known World
OK, thanks. Also, how far off is Dungeon Denizens (I missed out on the Kickstarter)? And what have folks been using since 2012 for monsters? Are the base monsters in the core book plenty to get you by on?
The May 1st update said the books were sent to the printer. No idea what that means in regards to general release/availability.

There are quite a few monsters in the core book but it also includes rules and random charts to customize and build-your-own for several categories of monsters, like humanoids, demons, and dragons.

DCC RPG sort of is and sort of isn't part of the OSR, but the fan community around it very much does have the DIY spirit of the OSR. So fans make a lot of homebrew and post it for in various places, like Reddit and the Discord channels (post #3 in this thread), or sell it through Goodman Games or places like DriveThruRPG.

There's also a lot of monsters tucked away in the DCC modules, which a lot of fans swear by.

DCC is also fairly close to standard D&D, so conversion is fairly simple. Bloggers like RavenCrowKing have converted a lot of AD&D material and he shows his work so you can do it yourself. There's also sites like DCCMonsters which has a database of converted monsters.

So between all those, you should be set until Dungeon Denizens drops.
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Agreed. Switching from a dedicated discussion tool to applications that do a bunch of things means a lesser experience, generally.
Not to mention switching to a decidedly crappier tool.

The discussion forum is far superior to any form of social media when it comes to detailed intricate discussions of several different topics at once.

I detest the trend towards discussing RPGs on Reddit or Discord.

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