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Gencon OZ... anyone going?


Hey I was just wondering if anyone was heading to Gencon Oz in Brisbane next week?

Edit: I'm going along for all 4 days, as are some of my mates.

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Just the two of us it looks like.

Got to admit, I wasn't impressed by the amount of marketing the Gencon Oz people have done.

Still this is it's first year, here's hoping it goes well enough that they continue with it for a few more years, give it time to build up a market presence.


First Post
I'll be there (living in Brissie I have no excuse!). I'm running an OD&D game Saturday arvo.

I agree that I've been a bit ... concerned about the organisation of GenCon Oz but it is the very first one so they need to be cut a fair bit of slack.

Really looking forward to it. :D


First Post
I'd like to've gone. :( Never been to a gaming convention, so far. But it's a long haul, and I just won't have the time. Ah well, maybe next time.

You'll post your experiences though, for the unfortunates who can't make it? :)


Ant wrote:
I'll be there (living in Brissie I have no excuse!). I'm running an OD&D game Saturday arvo.

I missed the OD&D in the line up. I wonder if there's still time to change my rego?

Aus_Snow wrote:
You'll post your experiences though, for the unfortunates who can't make it? :)

I certainly will!

Monkey Boy

First Post
I can't afford the trip to Brisbane :(

Why did they decide to hold it in Brisbane and is there a chance it will move next year?

I'd imagine they would get bigger numbers if they held it in Melbourne or Sydney as there is a bigger roleplaying community in these states to support it.

I can't afford the trip to Brisbane :(

Why did they decide to hold it in Brisbane and is there a chance it will move next year?

I'd imagine they would get bigger numbers if they held it in Melbourne or Sydney as there is a bigger roleplaying community in these states to support it.

Speaking from the US perspective, usually it has to do with logistics as to where they hold a national style convention. Many people have wanted GenCon Indy moved to somewhere else, but frankly, there is no place else because of all the convenient features that Indy has, numerous hotels, dining and the convention center all within walking distance, a business district that fully supports the con and a business community that is appreciative of the inflow of cash. Indy is fairly centrally located so it helps, but all the other factors take precedence.

I can only imagine that GenCon OZ has similar benefits from Brisbane. Let me ask, having never had the pleasure of making it there, is Brisbane a fully functioning and developed business city or is it more on the touristy side of things. As Indy is a business city, and not much for tourists, that is one reason they so fully support GenCon, maybe Brisbane is in the same boat, so to speak. More known for business and therefore better prepared to house a large group of people for a small amount of time, without having to compete with a drove of tourists. All conjecture, but something to ponder.


First Post
Well, uh, it's warmer. . . :)

Nah, no idea, quite honestly. But I'm sure (? - OK, no I'm not) they had their reasons. . . :-S Ah well, as long as it all goes well, which it should.

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