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Dog Moon

55 hp remaining

Only update is adding hp, of which my total is 82.

Name: Riliyana
Class: Cleric 3/Fighter 3/Stoneblessed 3/Hammer of Moradin 1
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Alignment: LG
Deity: Moradin

Str: 19 +4 (8p.)	Level: 10	XP: -
Dex: 10 +0 (0p.)	BAB: +8		HP: 6d8+4d10+30 [82]
Con: 16 +3 (6p.)	Grapple: +12
Int: 12 +1 (4p.)	Speed: 20'
Wis: 12 +1 (4p.)	Init: +0
Cha: 8  -1 (0p.)	ACP: -5

               Base  Armor  Sheild  Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:         10    9      3       +0   +0     +1   +1    24
Touch: 11               Flatfooted: 23
Armor: Full Plate, Lg. Stl. Shield

	Cl.	Figh.	Stone.	HoM.	Abil.	Misc	Total
Fort	3	3	3	2	3	3	17
Ref	1	1	1	0	0	1	4
Will	3	1	1	2	1	3	11

Weapon		Attack	Damage	Critical
Warhammer	+13/+8	1d8+5	19-20/x3


+2 Appraise and Craft Related to Stone or Metal
+4 AC v. Giants
+1 on attack rolls v. orcs/goblinoids
Considered a Dwarf
Aura of Courage
Hammer Throw

Spells: 3+1/1+1		Domains: Craft, Dwarf
1st- Bless, Comprehend Languages, Shield of Faith	D: Animate Rope
2nd- Resist Energy					D: Bear's Endurance

Bonus (Craft: Weaponsmithing)
Bonus (Great Fortitude)
Iron Will
Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
Improved Critical (warhammer)
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Brutal Throw
Practiced Spellcaster

Skill Points: 20 Max Ranks: 4/2.0
Skills			Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
Appraise		3  	1		4
Concentration		6  	3		9
Craft (Stoneworking)	5  	1		6
Craft (Weaponsmithing)	13 	1	3	17
Intimidate		3  	-1		2
Search			7  	1		8
Spellcraft		8  	1		9

Equipment:					Cost    	Weight  Armor/Shield Bonus
Dwarvencraft Adamantine Warhammer +1 Holy	21,612gp.	5 lb.
Dwarvencraft Full Plate	+1			3,100gp.	50 lb.
Dwarvencraft Hvy. Stl. Shield +1		1,320gp.	15 lb.
Armbands of Might				4,100gp.	-
Handy Haversack					2,000gp.	5 lb.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2			4,000gp.	-
Cloak of Resistance +1				1,000gp.	-
Armor of Natural Armor +1			2,000gp.	-
Ring of Protection +1				2,000gp.	-
Wand of Cure Mod (50 charges)			4,500gp		-

Bedroll			2gp	2 lb.
Caltrops (2)		2gp	4 lb.
Flint and Steel		1gp	-
Belt Pouch (2)		2gp	1 lb.
Rope, Silk		10gp	5 lb.
Sack			1sp	1/2 lb.
Waterskin (4)		4gp	16 lb.
Trail Rations (10 days)	5gp	10 lb.
Grappling Hook		1gp	4 lb.

Total Weight: 76 lb. lb      Money: 3,300gp.  9sp.
Weight in HH: 41.5 lb.

		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push
Max Weight:	116	233	350	350	1750	

Age: 32
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 146lb
Eyes: Tan
Hair: Brown
Skin: White

Born in the northern regions of Faerun, she was found by a Dwarven scouting party lead by a Cleric of Moradin at the age of 3 after an attack by Giants on her village. She doesn't know anything about the village or her parents, though to her, the Dwarves have always been considered her family. An oddity, she learned the ways of the Dwarves and accepted their practices with great. Riliyana always felt touched by the Dwarven Deity Moradin over those of the Human Pantheon and she has taken this belief to a level unheard of by any but devout Dwarves. His teachings are her teachings.

Riliyana grew up fighting alongside the Dwarves against their enemies, the Goblinoids, Drow, and Giants and hates them just as much as if she was a Dwarf. By those in her clan, she is no longer Human, though the lack of beard on her is mentioned in jest. She is a Dwarf to them and in her mind she is as much a Dwarf as any real Dwarf. To hear otherwise would surprise her, though a part of her knows deep down that those words are the truth, but only in physical appearance.

She gained became a well-seasoned warrior in the Dwarven Ranks and when offered membership into the privaleged Hammers of Moradin, she could not deny them. Feeling honored, she accepted and now fights for their cause.

However, shortly after joining the Hammers of Moradin, she has been sent on a mission to help others who are in need of help. As always, she is supposed to uphold the standards of the Hammers of Moradin, but she goes to investigate rumors [and determine whether true or not] about a rising Drow army in the south. In the south, she has not yet heard any signs of Drow, but she has joined a group for increased strength and believes that by fighting at their side, she can gain knowledge and experience to help her further the goals of the Dwarves in the north and Moradin.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Appearance] Riliyana is a seasoned warrior, her body muscular and covered with scars of numerous battles. Each tells a tale she knows by heart. Her hair is dark brown and tied into a warrior's knot behind her head. Her eyes speak of a hardness gleaned only from so much killing, yet there's a softness that speaks of the goodness in her heart.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Personality] Riliyana attempts to enjoy life, but she isn't accustomed to spending time outside of battling and being with the Dwarves. She is rough but tends to be open and honest. Her voice is deep and throaty for a female Human, but almost fitting for a female Dwarf.
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[sblock=character sheet: ]
Name: Boombamela
Class: Fey 1 / Rogue 2 / Sorcerer 3
Race: Pixie
Size: Small
Gender: Female
Alignment: neutral good


Str:  4 -3     Level: 6               Speed: 20' , Fly 60 feet (good)    
Dex: 26 +8     BAB: +2                HP: 27
Con: 12 +1     Grapple: -5            Dmg Red: 10/cold iron
Int: 18 +4     Init: +11              Spell Res: 21
Wis: 20 +5     ACP: -0                Spell Save: ?
Cha: 16 +3     XP:                    Spell Fail: n/a

               Base  Armor  Sheild  Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:         10     0        0     +8   +1     +1   +2     22
Touch: 18               Flatfooted: 12

                     Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                3      +1   +2       6
Ref:                 6      +8   +2      16
Will:                5      +5   +2       12

Weapon:    Attack   Damage   Critical
MW Long Bow +2 of Frost and Flame   +13/+15 vs. Giants   1d6+2,1d6(cold),1d6(fire)   X3

Common Draconic Elven Gnome Halfling Sylvan 

Improved Initiative  
Brew Potion
Evasion (level 2 rouge)

Skill Points: 66 Max Ranks: 9/4.5
Skills                      Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Appraise                    1      4       0      5
Balance                     0      8       2      10 
Bluff                       2      3       0      5
Climb                       0      -3      0     -3
Concentration               9      1       0     10
Craft                       0      4       0      4
Diplomacy                   0      3       0      3
Disguise                    0      3       0      3
Escape Artist               3      8       0     11
Forgery                     1      4       0      5
Gather Information          0      3       0      3
Heal                        1      5       0      6
Hide                        0      8       6     14
Intimidate                  0      3       0      3
Knowledge (arcana)          6      4       0      10
Listen                      4      5       2      11
Move Silently               8      8       2      18
Open Locks                  5      8       0      16
Search                      3      4       2       9
Sense Motive                1      5       0      6
Spot                        5      4       2      11
Survival                    0      5       0       5
Swim                        0     -3       0      -3
Tumble                      5      8      0      13
Use Rope                    0      8       0       8

                       Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:             10    20    30    60   150

Height: 2'11"
Weight: 23lb
Eyes: blue
Hair: white
Skin: silver
[sblock=Spells: ]
Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 6 per day
Resistance, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Read Magic.
First-level Sorcerer spells: 6 (5+1) per day
Reduce Person, Grease, Color Spray.
[sblock=Class and racial abilities: ]
-4 strength, +8 dexterity, +6 intelligence, +4 wisdom, +6 charisma (already included)
Fly 60 feet (god)
Low-light vision
Free "dodge" feat
Level adjustment +4
Damage reduction 10/cold iron
Greater invisibility
Spell resistance 15+class level
Sneak Attack +1d6
Evasion (level 2)
Familiar / Alertness, etc.
Can know only limited numbers of spells
High charisma gains bonus spells daily
[sblock=Equipment: ]
bright clothing (a cap and shoes with curled and pointed toes)
Spell component pouch
MW Long Bow +2 of Frost and Flame, +4 Vs. Giants (1d6 fire damage, 1d6 cold damage)
Ring of Protection +2
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Cloak of resistance +2
Hand of the mage
Slippers of spider climbing(enable movement on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings,10 minutes per day)
Wand of Cure moderate wounds 50 charges
Wand of Daylight 50 charges
Bag of holding type I
[sblock=background: ]
Boombamela was an old wizard's familiar a lot of years, now that her master passed away from old age, she is free to travel back to her kind, but life in the human world seems to be too excited for her to return to the boring forest, luckily for her she obtained new friends in town, the wizard's friends.
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First Post
Oma the Shifter!

[sblock=Oma]Name: Oma (Omagua Finntoozler)
Race: Gnome
Class/Level: Druid 5, Master of Many Forms 5
Gender: Male
Deity: Selune

Desc: There is little to distinguish Oma's natural form from any other gnome. Short stature, round face, bulbous nose, cheery smile, and dapper clothes...he doesn't stand out in a crowd. At least not a crowd of gnomes. However, he rarely uses this form unless for some reason he has no choice. He much prefers to walk as a dwarf, elf, or human, or occasionally even a more exotic shape...though he knows better than to walk through cities in the form of a monster.

Strength (STR) 8
Dexterity (DEX) 10
Constitution (CON) 20
Intelligence (INT) 12
Wisdom (WIS) 14
Charisma (CHA) 12

Alignment: Neutral Good
AC: 11
Hit Points: 98/98
Movement: 20'

Init: +0
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Melee Attack: +6/+1
Ranged Attack: +6/+1
Fort: +8 (base)
Reflex: +5 (base)
Will: +7

Race Abilities
+2 Constitution, –2 Strength.
Small size
Low-Light Vision
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type.
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
+2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute).
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + gnome’s

Cha modifier + spell level.

Class Abilities:
- Druid
Animal Companion
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Wildshape 8/day, 5 hour duration
- Master of Many Forms
Shifter Speech
Fast Wildshape
Improved Wild Shape (Tiny-Large, Animal, Humanoid, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, Vermin)

Skills: 40 + 25
Concentration (Con) +14 (10 ranks + 4 Con)
Heal (Wis) +7 (5 ranks + 2 Wis)
Listen (Wis) +16 (10 ranks + 2 Wis +2 feat + 2 racial)
Spot (Wis) +14 (10 ranks + 2 Wis + 2 feat)
Survival (Wis) +7 (5 ranks + 2 Wis)
Swim (Str) +4 (5 ranks - 1 Str)

Disguise +11 (10 ranks + 1 Cha) +10 when wildshaping
Hide +14 (10 ranks + 0 Dex + 4 size)

1 Alertness
3 Endurance
6 Natural Spell
9 Extra Wildshape

Languages - Common, Gnomish, Druidic, Giant

0st level - 5
Create Water
Cure Minor Woundsx2
Detect Magic

1st level - 4
Cure Light Wounds
Faerie Fire
Produce Flame

2nd level - 3
Bull Strength
Cat's Grace

3rd level - 1
Protection from Energy

Money - 714gp 4sp

Weapons -
Club of Sizing +2, 18300

Armour -
Bracers of Armor +4, 16000
Darkwood Buckler +2 , 4205

Gear -
- In Haversack
Bedroll, 1sp, 5lbs
Blanket, 5sp, 3lbs
50' silk rope, 10gp, 5lbs
Tent, 10gp, 20lbs
Waterskin, 1gp, 4lbs
10 days trail rations, 5gp, 10lbs

- On person
2 scroll cases, 2gp, 1lb
2 belt pouches, 2gp, 1lb

Magic -
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, 6000
Handy Haversack, 2000
1st level Pearl of Power, 1000
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 750

Although the happy-go-lucky Oma was initially drawn to the arcane arts of illusions and tricks, he was disappointed to find that he had little talent, or patience for the lengthy pursuit. He had much better luck when his interest in the link between gnomes and burrowing animals brought him in contact with druids. During a routine assignment to investigate reports of livestock and animal slaughters near the outskirts of the woods, Oma spotted a pair of wolves and a large man through the brush. Rather than turn about and report, as he was supposed to, he decided to try to capture them himself.

The two wolves were entangled and helpless almost before they knew what was happening, but the man...the man started to -change-. Oma quickly found himself in over his head, fighting a foe he could barely hurt. When he was wounded, he withdrew, managing to outmaneuver the pursuing werewolf and get away. He healed his wound before getting back, and informed the druids that he'd seen a werewolf out there...almost assuredly the source of the trouble. He didn't mention that he'd fought it. Since he showed no visible wounds, no one asked.

It was a matter of luck that, when the full moon came and Oma changed for the first time, someone saw him and warned the others not to kill him. He came to, tightly bound and facing down a circle of angry druids. It was, they said, too late for them to heal this curse. Had he said something before, they could have. Now his only hope was to the north, in the woods near Silverymoon, where a druid shrine to Selune was located. It was said the followers of Selune had some power over lycanthropy, and might be able to help.

It was a race against the full moon, but Oma found the shrine, and the druidess that tended it. She told him that she could not cure his condition...but that through old teachings, some of which predated even druidry, he could take control of his shifting, and make it a curse no longer. It would mean departing from his druid training, for the trick of wildshaping was but a pale echo of the techniques that Oma would have to learn. And first, he would have to steal a scroll of rituals from a nearby sect of Malarites, who used the power to assume beast shapes and terrorize the countryside.

Cleverly, Oma timed his arrival at the Malarite camp to coincide with the full moon. Once again he blacked out...only to awaken surrounded by carnage. The plan had worked. His rampaging wolf self had slaughtered the unsuspecting camp. He had a few slashes...wounds made from silver weapons, he supposed. Nothing serious. With searching, he found the scrolls of lore and brought them back. The Selunite Druid began his new training, where he reached into the very instability that the curse had wrought on him, and embraced it. Oma was werewolf no longer, but something more. No longer limited to wolf shapes, or even animal shapes, the heady freedom of nearly unlimited shapeshifting awakened his carefree trickster's nature...and he copied the scrolls and set out from the shrine in search of new forms to take, even as he continued his own training from the scrolls.[/sblock]


Fash Falath

Name: Fash Falath
Class: Lurk 10
Race: Whisper Gnome
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: N

Str: 8 -1 (2p.) Level: 10 XP: 45,001
Dex: 22 +6 (8p.) BAB: +6 HP: 48 (10d6+10)
Con: 12 +1 (2p.) Grapple: -1 Dmg Red: 0/-
Int: 16 +3 (6p.) Speed: 50' Spell Res: 0
Wis: 13 +1 (5p.) Init: +9 Spell Save: N/A
Cha: 11 +1 (5p.) ACP: 0 Spell Fail: 10%

Base Armor Shield Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor: 23 10 +4(+2 M) 0 +6 +1 +0 +0 23
Touch: 17 Flatfooted: 17

Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: 3 +1 +3 +7
Ref: 8 +6 +3 +17
Will: 6 +1 +3 +10

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range
+1 Kukri +14/+9 1d3 18-20/x2

Masterwork Dagger - Melee +14/+9 1d3-1 19-20/x2

Masterwork Dagger - Ranged +14/+9 1d3-1 19-20/x2 10'

Sling +13/+8 1d3-1 x2 50'


Psionic Powers (See below)
Lurk Augments (see below)
Psionic Sneak Attack +2d6 (see below)

Extra Lurk Augments* (+3 Lurk augments per day)
Weapon Finesse
Lurk Master* (Add +2 to Lurk level to determine what Augments you get access to)
Speed of Thought

New Feats from Complete Psionic

Skill Points: 78 Max Ranks: 13/6.5
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
Appraise 0 x 0 -1
Autohypnosis 1 +1 +2 +4
Balance 0 6 +2 +8
Bluff 5 +1 0 +6
Climb 0 -1 0 -1
Concentration 5 +1 0 +6
Craft (Poison) 3 +3 0 +6
Diplomacy 0 +1 0 +1
Disable Device 0 +3 0 +4
Disguise 5 +1 +2* +6
Escape Artist 2 +6 0 +8
Forgery 0 +3 0 +3
Gather Information 0 +1 0 +1
Heal 0 +1 0 +1
Hide 13 +6 +8 +27
Intimidate 0 +1 0 +1
Jump 0 -1 +7 +6
Knowledge (Psionics) 1 +3 0 +4
Listen 5 +1 +2 +8
Move Silently 13 +6 +4 +23
Open Lock 1 +6 0 +7
Piscraft 1 +3 0 +4
Ride 0 +6 0 +6
Search 0 +3 0 +3
Sense Motive 2 +1 0 +3
Sleight of Hand 5 +6 +2 +11
Spot 5 +1 +2 +8
Survival 0 +1 0 +1
Swim 0 -1 0 -1
Tumble 10 +6 + +16
Use Rope 0 +6 0 +6

Equipment: Cost Weight Armor/Shield Bonus
Traveler's Outfit N/A 1.25
Boots Striding & Springing 5500gp 0.25
Cloak of Resistance +3 9000gp 0.25
Gloves of Dexterity +4 16000gp N/A
Headband of Intelect +2 4000gp N/A
Heward's Handy Haversack 2000gp 5
Small MIthral Chain Shirt +2 5100gp 6.25 +4AC +2 Magic
Small +1 Kukri 2308gp 1
Masterwork Daggers x 2 604gp 1
Elixer - Sneaking 500gp *
Crystalline Spider Bead 1400gp *
P - Cure Light Wounds X 7 350gp *
Sling Bulets x 20** 2sp 5* (only 4 in belt pouch = 1.0)
Bedroll 1sp *
Candle x 4** 4cp - (Only 1)
Scroll Case** 1gp 0.5
Chalk x 2** 2cp - (only 1 piece)
Crowbar 5gp *
Flint & Steel 1gp *
Hammer 5sp *
Mirror - Steel Small** 10gp 0.5
Piton x 4 4sp *
Belt Pouch 1gp 0.125
Rations Trail x 4 2gp *
Rope Silk 50' 10gp *
vials x 5 5gp *
Waterskin x 2 2gp *
Whetstone 2cp *
Acid Flask x 3 30gp *
Alchemist's Fire x 3 60gp *
Antitoxin x 2 100gp *
Sunrod x 4 8gp *
Masterwork Thieve's Tools 100gp *

Items Marked with * in weight are in Haversack
Items marked with ** are in belt pouch

Total Weight:19.125lb Money: 2cp / 8sp / 74gp

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight:60lb 19.5 39.75 60 120 300

Age: 65
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 36lb
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black
Skin: Light Green

DC's - 1st: 14 / 2nd: 15 / 3rd: 16

Power Points

Dimensional Pocket*

Cloud Mind
Concealing Amorpha

Ubiquitous Vision
Keen Edge

*New Power
Dimension Pocket
Level: 1st
Display: Visual
Manifesting TIme: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 unattended object weighing up to 1/lb
Duration: 1 hour/Level
Saving Throw: None
PowerResistance: No
Power Points: 1

Your touch transfers an unattended object to an extradimensional Pocket hidden in the palm of your hand. The dimensional pocket is invisible and weightless, regardless of its contents.
When the power ends or is dismissed, the object returns to your hand.
You can manifest this power again before its duration elapses, in which case the stored object remains stored and the duration resets to 1 hour/level.
For every additional power point you spend, you can store an additional pound per level.
If you spend 2 additional power points , you gain the ability to dismiss this power as a swift action.

Racial features:
+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Str, -2 Cha

Size: Small: +1 size bonus to AC and attacks, +4 on Hide checks; Use smaller weapons and lifting capacity and carrying limits are 3/4 of medium creatures

Land Base Speed: 30'

Vision: Low Light & Darkvision 60'

Weapon Familiarity: gnome hooked hammers are martial weapons

+1 racial bonus to attacks vs kolbolds & goblinoids

+4 dodge bonus to AC vs creatures of the giant type

+4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks

+2 to Listen and Spot checks

Spell Like abilities: Silence(centered on character) - 1/day; Ghost Sound - 1/day; Mage Hand - 1/day; Message - 1/day

Favored Class: Rogue

Class features:
HD: 1d6

Weapon Prof: all Simple & Martial Weapons

Armor Prof: Light Armor & Shields(except Tower)

Psionic Powers (Sp): Lurks get a limited number of psionic powers they know, they get more at each level. The number of power points also go up on a per level basis. The Lurk gets bonus Power Points based on his Int score, DC's for powers are also based of Int.
Current Power Stats: Base PP: 23 / Bonus: 13; 36 TOTAL - Powers Known: 9; Maximum Power Level Known: 3rd

Lurk Augment (Ex): Lurks can augment the melee attacks with a varitey of abilitys a limited number of times per day. It is a swift action to activate an augment, these augments last 1 round or until the Lurks next attack unless the details specifiy otherwise. If the augmented attack misses the augment fades and that use is gone for the day. The power of most Augments can also be increased by spending power points to power it. No more than the Lurk's character level in point can be spent in a round powering Augments. Additional Augments are availble at different levels.
Lurk Augments per Day: Base 9; +3 Int Mod; +3 Extra Lurk Augment (Feat); 15 Total
Lurk Augments Available:
1st: Additional Sneak Attack: next attack deals an extra 1d6 sneak attack damage; Power Up: +1d6/2 Power Points Spent - Attack must be vaild Sneak attack to get damage
1st: Unfocusing Strike: creature hit makes Will Save DC 13 or lose psionic focus in addition to damage dealt; Power Up: +1 to DC/2 Power Points Spent
3rd: Solid Strike: attack deals 2 extra points of damage: Power Up: +1 point damage/1 Power Point Spent
3rd: Stunning Attack: creature hit makes Fort save DC 13 or be stunned for 1 round; Power Up: +1 to DC/2 Power Points Spent
5th: Ignore Concealment: next attack ignores the miss chance provided by concealment or total concealment
5th: Mental Assault: next attack can deal 2 points of Intelligence or Wisdom damage in additon to normal damage, must declare damage type before attack; Power Up: +1 point ability damage/2 Power Points Spent
8th: Deceptive Strike: the target of Lurks next attack doe not get Dex bonus to AC, can effect opponets with Uncanny Dodge if lurk level is 4 higher than targets effictive rogue level.
8th: Sneak Attack Undead: the Lurk's sneak attack can damage undead, assuming its otherwise a valid sneak attack.
*11th: Ghost Touch: next attack can strike incorporeal creatures, as if the weapon was a ghost touch weapon
*11th: Power Drain: next attack drains a number of power points from target equal to half the normal damage done. Drained power points are availble the next round, but expire at the end of that round.
*11th: Aligned Attack: the next attack is counted as evil-aligned for purpose of overcoming damage reduction. (This is based on characters alignment)

* I have access to these augments due to my Feat: Lurk Master

Psionic Sneak Attack (Ex): +2d6; while psionicly focused a Lurk can make a sneak attack like a rogue, making the attack does not expend the Lurks Psionic Focus

Initiative Boost (Ex): at 6th level a Lurk gets to add there Int Modifier to the InitIative checks

Evasion (Ex): At 9th level or higher if a Lurk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Lurk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless lurk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
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Dire Lemming

First Post
13 HP left

Looks like that's is everything. Are you going to make money have weight in your game cause with all the gold I wasn't able to spend it seems like that would matter, alot.[sblock=Shoon: ]
Name: Shoon
Class: Monk: Sun Soul 8/Cleric 2
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: LG
Deity: Lathander

Str: 12 +1		Level: 10		XP: -
Dex: 18 +4		BAB: +7/+2		HP: 58
Con: 12 +1		Grapple: +12
Int: 10 +0		Speed: 50 ft.
Wis: 14 +2		Init: +8
Cha: 10 +0		ACP: 0

	Base	Armor	Shield	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total
Armor:	10	+2	0	+4	0	0	+4	20/21
Touch: 18/19	Flatfooted: 16

	Monk	Cleric	Mod	Misc	Total
Fort:	+6	+3	+1	0	10
Ref:	+6	0	+4	0	10
Will:	+6	+3	+2	0	11

Weapon			Attack		Damage		Critical
Unarmed strike		+11/+6		2d6+1		x2
Merciful Nunchaku +1	+12/+7		2d6+2		x2


Slow fall (40 ft.)
Wholeness of body
Purity of body
Ki strike (magic)
Still mind
Unarmed Strike
Flurry of blows
Stunning Fist x9

Improved Unarmed Strike
Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Armor Proficiency (light)
Armor Proficiency (medium)
Shield Proficiency
Stunning Fist
Deflect Arrows
Improved Disarm
Weapon Finesse
Improved Initiative
Improved Grapple

Skills				Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
Balance				11	4	2	17
Climb				11	1	2	14
Concentration			0	2	0	2
Escape Artist			11	4	0	15
Heal				6	2	2	10
Hide				0	4	0	4
Jump				11	1	2	14
Listen				0	2	0	2
Move Silently			0	4	0	4
Ride				0	4	0	4
Sense Motive			0	2	0	2
Spot				0	2	0	2
Survival			0	2	0	2
Swim				0	1	0	1
Tumble				11	4	2	17
Use Rope			0	4	2	6

Equipment:				Cost		Weight	Armor Bonus
Monk’s Outfit				5 gp		2 lb.
Merciful Nunchaku +1			8302 gp		2 lb.
Monk’s Belt				13000 gp	1 lb.
Bracers of Armor +2			4000 gp		1 lb.	+2
Heward’s Handy Haversack		2000 gp		5 lb.
Silver Holy Symbol of Lathander		25 gp		1 lb.
Water Skin				1 gp		4 lb.
Total Weight: 16 lb.

Inside Heward’s Handy Haversack:
Main Pack:
Monk’s Outfit (spare)			5 gp	2 lb.
Cleric’s Vestments			5 gp	6 lb.
Bedroll					1 sp	5 lb.
Flint and steel				1 gp	-
Masterwork Manacles, good lock x4	520 gp	12 lb.
Holy Water x2				50 gp	2 lb.
Grappling Hook				1 gp	4 lb.
Rope, Silk				10 gp	5 lb.
Climber’s Kit				80 gp	5 lb.
Healer’s Kit				50 gp	5 lb.
Trail Rations x4			2 gp	4 lb.
Total Weight: 50 lb.
Left Pouch:
Tent					10 gp	20 lb.

Money: 20937 gp, 9 sp

		Light		Medium		Heavy		Lift		Drag
Weight Limit:	43 lb. or less	44-86 lb.	87-130 lb.	260 lb.		650 lb.
[sblock=Spells: ]Domains: Renewal, Strength
Spells Per Day:
0: 4, Detect Poison, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison
1: 3+1, Cause Fear, Command, Cure Light Wounds D: Charm
[sblock=Description: ]Age: 24
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 139
Eyes: greenish blue
Hair: Blond
Skin: White, tanned

Shoon’s hair is short though not short enough to make you think it would stick up in the way it does. He has a lean, athletic build. He seems cheery, but his eyes have the look of a man who has suffered indelible loss. He caries a symbol of Lathander on a simple cord around his neck.
[sblock=Background: ]This is what he's willing to share with people who ask.

Shoon never knew his original family. His earliest memories are of the Monastery of the Sun Soul in which he was raised. This particular one was dedicated to the god Lathander and so it was that he grew up with his teachings. He spent his early life learning from the monks there and training to become one of them, and at the age of seventeen was accepted as a full member of the order.

He decided then that the best way he could spread the teachings of Lathander as well as hone his skills was to follow the path of the warrior’s pilgrimage. He traveled the land, searching out evil and despair and putting it to right.

Shoon has apparently sworn an oath not to kill, and he seems to be trying to get others to do the same.
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Hedwan - The Androgynous Gnome

[B]Name:[/B] Hedwan
[B]Class:[/B] Illusionist 5/Shadow Adept 1/Shadowcrafter 1/Shadowcraft Mage 3
[B]Race:[/B] Rock Gnome
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Unknown
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] Shar

[B]Str:[/B]  6 -2 (0p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 10       [B]XP:[/B] 45000
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +5         [B]HP:[/B] 46 (10d4+20)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (4p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] -1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 24 +7 (16p.)    [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B]  8 -1 (0p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +2        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 -- (2p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Def  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +4    +0    +2    +1    +1    +0    18
[B]Touch:[/B] 14              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +2    +2    +7
[B]Ref:[/B]                       3    +2    +1    +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      13   -1    +2    +14

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
MW Light Crossbow         +9     1d6        19-20/x2
Cold Iron Dagger          +4     1d3-2      19-20/x2
Silvered Dagger           +4     1d3-2      19-20/x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnome, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Undercommon

[B]Abilities:[/B] Small, Low-light vision, +2 racial bonus vs. Illusions, +1 to DC of
Illusion spells, +1 to attack kobolds and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus against
Giants, +2 racial bonus on Listen & Craft (alchemy), Spell-like abilities
(1/day: [i]speak with animals (burrowing only), dancing lights, ghost sound,
prestidigitation[/i]; Gnome Illusion Spells, Chains of Disbelief, Illusion Mastery,
Banned schools: abjuration, evocation; Shadow feats (insidious, tenacious
and pernicious); Shadow Mein (+2 disguise & hide); Cloak of Shadow (30%
concealment), Silent illusion (no verbal component to illusions), Shadow
Illusion (figments gain shadow substance 10% per spell level).

[B]Feats:[/B] Strong Soul, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus: Illusion, Shadow Weave
Magic, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus: Illusion, Insidious Magic, Tenacious
Magic, Pernicious Magic, Spell Penetration

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 48+6+6+27       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 13/7.5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Hide                       12   +2    +6    +20
Spellcraft                 10   +7    +2    +19
Concentration              10   +2          +12
Knowledge (arcana)         10   +4          +14
Bluff                      12   +0          +12
Disguise                   10   +0    +14   +24
Move Silently              10   +2          +12

[B]Equipment:                         Cost  Weight[/B]
Blessed Book                    12500gp    1lb
Headband of Intelligence +4     16000gp    -lb
Member of the Lady’s College     5000gp    -lb
Spells                           7750gp    -lb
Vest of Resistance +1            1000gp    1lb
Ring of Protection +1            2000gp    -lb
Hat of Disguise                  1800gp    1lb
Handy Haversack                  2000gp    2lb
MW Light Crossbow                 335gp    2lb
Bolts (50)                          5gp    5lb
Wand of Silent Image               375gp   -lb
Cold Iron Dagger                     4gp  .5lb
Silvered Dagger                     22gp  .5lb
Trail Rations (20)                  10gp   5lb
Waterskins x2                        2gp   2lb
Spell Component Pouch x2            10gp   4lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb      [B]Money:[/B] 187gp XXsp XXcp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

[b](Illusionist) Spell DC:[/b] 10 + 7 + Spell Level
[b](Illusionist) Spells Per Day:[/b] 4/6/6/5/4/3/X/X/X/X
[b](Illusionist) Spells Prepared:[/b]
[i]0th level (DC 17):[/i] Read Magic, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Silent Image
[i]1st level (DC 18):[/i] Minor Image, Minor Image, Benign Transposition, Grease,
Lesser Orb of Sound, Enlarge Person
[i]2nd level (DC 19):[/i] Glitterdust, Major Image, Major Image, Phantasmal
Assailants, Scale Weakening, Extended Mage Armor
[i]3rd level (DC 20):[/i] Curse of the Putrid Husk, Fly, Acid Breath, Arcane
Sight, Slow
[i]4th level (DC 21):[/i] Greater Invisibility, Black Tentacles, Persistent Image,
Orb of Force
[i]5th level (DC 22):[/i] Draconic Polymorph, Cloudkill, Summon Monster V

[b](Gnome) Spell-like Abilities:[/b]
[i]1/day (DC 14):[/i] Speak with Animals, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound*,

[b](Illusionist) Spells Known:[/b]
[i]0th level (DC 17):[/i] All, Silent Image*, Ventriloquism*
[i]1st level (DC 18):[/i] Charm Person, Feather Fall, Enlarge Person, Ray of
Enfeeblement, Identify, Grease, Mage Armor, Minor Image*, Leomund’s
Trap*, Serene Visage*, Magic Aura*; Unseen Servant, Magic Weapon,
Benign Transposition, Lesser Orb of Acid, Lesser Orb of Sound, Shock
and Awe, Cheat, Nerveskitter, Seething Eyebane (9x25=225)

[i]2nd level (DC 19):[/i] Invisibility*, Shadow Spray*, Dark Way*, Phantasmal
Assailants*, Mirror Image*, Major Image*; Kelgore’s Grave Mist, Earthbind,
Scale Weakening, Acid Arrow, Glitterdust, Web, See Invisibility, Locate
Object, False Life, Command Undead, Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength,
Cat’s Grace, Fox’s Cunning, Owl’s Wisdom, Eagle’s Splendor, Knock,
Levitate, Red Fester, Sadism, Entice Gift, Addiction, Shriveling, Slow
Consumption, (24x50=1200)

[i]3rd level (DC 20):[/i] Haste, Fly, Reality Blind*, Curse of the Putrid Husk*,
Legion of Sentinels*, Illusory Wall*; Arcane Sight, Hold Person, Displacement,
Blink, Slow, Water Breathing, Acid Breath, Amorphous Form, Deeper
Darkvision, Primal Form, Spell Vulnerability, Dimension Step, Drown, (14x75=1050)

[i]4th level (DC 21):[/i] Polymorph, Shadow Conjuration*, Phantasmal Killer*,
Greater Invisibility*, Sensory Deprivation*, Persistent Image*; Black
Tentacles, Dimension Door, Locate Creature, Scrying, Charm Monster,
Crushing Despair, Bestow Curse, Enervation, Fear, Blast of Flame, Orb
of Force, Orb of Electricity, Know Vulnerabilities, Greater Rebuke, Burning
Blood, Corporeal Instability, Voice of the Dragon, Explose Rune Field, Call
of Stone, Celerity, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Deadly Chains, Grim Revenge,
Liquid Pain, (24x100=2400)

[i]5th level (DC 22):[/i] Teleport, Telekinesis, Shadow Evocation*, Friend to Foe*,
Shadow Form*, Programmed Image*; Forbidden Speech, Power Leech,
Cloudkill, Summon Monster V, Prying Eyes, Dominate Person, Hold Monster,
Feeblemind, Magic Jar, Baleful Polymorph, Phantasmal Thief, Summon
Undead V, Vitriolic Sphere, Shadowfade*, Night’s Caress, Wrack, Draconic
Polymorph, Earth Reaver, Fiendform, Nighstalker’s Transformation, Incite
Riot, Wall of Ooze, Stop Heart, (23x125=2875)

*Illusion spells (+4 to DC); +1 to caster level & DC of illusion, enchantment
and necromancy spells

[B]Age:[/B] 77
[B]Height:[/B] 3'6"
[B]Weight:[/B] 46lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Violet
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] Tanned

Appearance: Hedwan's appearance is constantly changing, although it seems always the case that the gnome's face is obscured or quite androgynous. Even the gnome's voice is assertive yet untainted by a specific colloquial gender pattern. Those who know Hedwan agree that whatever the case, the little gnome prefers this anonymity. Those have traveled with Hedwan recognize the arcane talents wielded, but Hedwan disdains of and silences talk of the gnome being a wizard of sorts.

Background: Much of Hedwan's past is unknown, specifically those who travel with the gnome now. Hedwan maintains this, either to reveal the past, or remove it from thought. The gnome joined the adventuring party without warning, they woke up on the road and Hedwan was there, stirring a fire.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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