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The show ended pretty much how I expected it to (I called Bran winning the throne 2 seasons ago). I do have some complaints about the continuity.

Last episode, especially...what was the point of Arya finding the white horse?

Did she become death? Was she dead and the horse was taking her home?

D&D: "Nah, my bad...forget that scene! Red herring and all. Oooo, look!! Shiney Dragon breathing fire!! Oooooo.....Ahhhhhh!"

Like I said...pacing, continuity were big blunders this season. That and the lack of a sense of time; throughout the series, this has been an issue, actually. The way the editing and scenes roll, it makes it seem like Westeros is the size of Delaware.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
While the writing dual of D&D were able to take the novels and create a script out of it, doing something 'original' those two failed badly.

It wasn't original. They were writing to GRRM's outline.

There is a petition to get season 8 remade with competent writes;

Each episode costs something like $10 million to produce.

To get it remade, you don't need a petition with 1 million signatures. You need $100 million.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Number of faces worn by Arya? Zero.

Number of political schemes enacted by Sansa: maaaybe one if "telling Tyrion the truth" counts as a scheme.

Number of useful things Bran learned with his visions: maaaybe one, if "the Night King wants to kill me, not that he doesn't want to kill everyone else too" counts as useful.

You seem to forget one of GRRM's stated purposes in writing the series - to teach genre fans lessons about how things don't work out the way they want them, to specifically defy your narrative expectations.


The one thing I can't really get over - how the heck is Jon Snow alive after what he did?

I get Drogon not killing him -though I wish Drogon had doused him in dragon fire - and it not work (except maybe to turn his hair platinum - that would have been cool) - and in the process melt the iron throne (it was right there).

But Grey Worm, the unsulied and a Dothraki horde were right there!

Grey worm was executing people who were even slightly loyal to Cercei (you took her orders - dead!), how would he react to the person who killed his queen? Left in a cell until the other nobles get there? That makes no sense for the point of view established for him!

The Dothraki would have trampled him down! I mean really, wait until another authority got there - no way.

I wish they'd at least have had a quick scene showing how the heck he survived - because it's just that unlikely.


Well, he survived because no one saw him kill Dany, so no one knew he did! I mean, it's not like her body was there, and only Drogon saw him enter.

.... so, wait, how did he get arrested?

He must have told Grey Worm! All guilty and stuff.

.... so, why didn't Grey Worm kill him?

.... because no one knew he did it! I mean ....

Eh, something something MAGIC!

John is so ludicrously " truth and honor above all else,"that frankly, I'd have been less surprised if he'd stabbed himself after the incident. That would have worked (at least on that front) for me.

And that's one of the main things I appreciate about the ending and this season - we didn't get entirely what we expected. I certainly would've lost the betting pool on Bran becoming king.

The ending worked for me. Bittersweet, sad, and hopeful at the same time. And really, it's probably the only ending we're going to get for the book series.

And I don’t think it’s as happy-ish as it might seem at first glance. Dorne has always chafed at being part of the Seven Kingdoms – seeing the North’s example, I think they’ll secede from the Six Kingdoms. I doubt the idea of an elected monarch will last – all it’ll take is someone with the power and clout to make their heir a ruler. As for Arya, in the history books GRRM wrote, other people have decided to go sailing to the west…it never goes well.

You seem to forget one of GRRM's stated purposes in writing the series - to teach genre fans lessons about how things don't work out the way they want them, to specifically defy your narrative expectations.

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