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[Game of Death] Therron's Challenge


This is an off-shoot from the Game of Death Tournament.

Participants will determine how they want to start (from Round 11, picking up where we were left off, or whether you want to start from the beginning).

Depending on how many players, we could use the Arena as it is, or we could just go at it quickly with no map required.

So far this Challenge is Therron vs. Maturak, with the victor claiming unofficial Game of Death champion status.

Anyone that would like to dispute that claim can join in and demonstrate how that is an incorrect conclusion.

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First Post
I think starting fresh would be a good idea. That way, annoying complications like Therron being stuck inside a 30 hour forcecage can be ignored. And the tree damage on Maturak.


If in arbiter you mean take secret emails of what the task is, rule in private, and post the results? Not a chance. :)

However, if you want a DM or a Fight Club Judge that won't be a problem. Just post your actions in order once you decide on a timeframe and if there is a problem that I or another sees, it can be pointed out. But if it can't be resolved in 2 or 3 posts, I'll rule on it to the best of my knowledge and we'll move on.

If you guys want to keep your moves or actions secret I'm sure there is someone willing to do it. But while it's great at making absolutely sure no one metagames..... It's not worth the extreme ramping up in effort and delays for an already meta game concept. :)


well, i'd hoped that jeremy would act as go-between to make the fight more strategic and "real" (as in players not being able to see the other player's movements before deciding his own), but Victim - if you're Game, I'd like to show an example of a combat of Gladiators.
Even if I have to post my action first, I could include spoiler space, and I trust you to not read it before you post yours, etc.
Just a gentlemanly combat between characters.

Did you say you want to start from scratch?
Round 0, so to speak?
If so, How far away from each other do we start?

I'm wanting to play, whatever the parameters might be -
I wanna see how Maturak can stop Therron.

If we run it out in the open, than we shouldn't need an arbitrator... Victim, we can just agree between ourselves what we think would happen, if there are questions that come up.

Jeremy, if you want, you could give us your opinion to break any possible tie, if we have differing opinions/thoughts on something that comes up?


First Post
I wouldn't mind just deciding things between ourselves when possible. Of course, alot of things relating to anti-magic fields are wide open to interpretation. During character creation, I came up with several tricks that aren't really covered. Some agreements and visits to the rules forum may be necessary.

Out of pure laziness, I suggest we use Map 2 with everything below the bridge removed, and our original starting positions. That should leave enough room to manuever, enough interesting terrain to sweeze an advantage, but keep things small enough that one probably can't retreat indefinitely.

Hmm. I'd rather have the fight be one on one, but including Jade's buffs. But if you rather keep Jade, I don't really mind. Then I just use cheaty tricks to even the odds. :)


:) I think your ideas sound great, and it promises to be fun.

I do need Jade included, since she's part of the build (Leadership, class selection, Advantage).

Oh! Maybe you meant that she wouldn't directly join tha fight, but could still buff.
Well, she's not going to wade into combat with Maturak, I can guarantee that - she'll just be hanging back and casting buffs and stuff when she can.

Oh- as a Monk2/Ftr2/Sorc1/DD10, Maturak's BAB should +10/+5.

BTW: I might be calculating it wrong, but doesn't a DD get +8 STR, +2 CON, +2 INT, +2 CHA?
I don't see where his stats add up:
STR 26 (originally 18 : 16 points)
DEX 16 (10 points)
CON 18 (originally 16 : 10 points)
INT 12 (originally 10 : 2 points)
WIS 12 (4 points)
CHA 12 (originally 10 : 2 points)

That's 44 - we had 36 if memory serves. It's only off by a bit, and that might indicate I missed something, but could you help me understand?

As far as cheaty tricks, I'd love it if we could have outlawed both the Horn of Blasting and the Dust of Sneezing & Choking - it would make for much better competition without them, since they both fly in the face of the rules (no save, stuns?)


First Post
I think my stats went as follows:

STR 16 -> 26 (+2 levels, +8 race)
DEX 15 -> 16 (+1 level)
CON 16 -> 18 (+2 race)
INT 10 -> 12 (+2 race)
WIS 12
CHA 10 -> 12 (+2 race)

Or something like that. It's been a while.

My base attack should have been corrected at some point. The round 6 version corrects my base attack problem. I originally used Barbarian levels instead of monk levels, but Maturak looked vulnerable to missile fire so I wanted Deflect Arrows. Of course, I made this change at the last minute and forgot to update everything.

What should the minimum duration for spells that we start with be? A relatively low minimum duration means that we can get into the action faster, but also means that an uber-buffed combatant may cause a premature victory.

It's amazing how much cheaty stuff is in the core rules that no one uses. Not only Horns of Blasting and dust of doom, but also think about a mirror of Opposition, or a Rod of Rulership (INT < 12 = no save).


Maturak Thundersworn

human male 1/2 dragon

Patron: Zeus

Ex Monk 2, Fighter 2, Sorcerer 1, Dragon Disciple (T&B) 10

STR 26 +8
DEX 16 +3
CON 18 +4 (22+6)
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 12 +1

Spd 30, fly 30 (good)
Initiative: +12 (+7 AMF)

Attack +10/+5 base
melee +17/+12
Spiked chain +22/+17 (+18/+13 AMF)
Adamatine Greatsword +19/+14 (both)

ranged (+12/+7 AMF)
"Thunderbolt" javelin +17 (?)

Dmg: chain 2d6+17 (+12 AMF)
javelin 1d8+13 +1d6 electrical, +1d6 sonic (+8 AMF)
Greatsword 2d6+10 (both)

AC 23(21) touch 13(13) flat footed 20(18) -1 size, +4 natural, +7/5 armor, +3 dex
HP 124+ [90 (+60 AMF)] (214 or 184)

F +13 (+19/+17)
R +6 (+11)
W +12 (+13)


Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon: spiked chain, Quickdraw,
Improved Initiative, Fly-by Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Large and in Charge (S&F)
Improved Flight (MotW)

Concentration 13 +19
Spellcraft 8 +9
Knowledge: aracana 8 +9
heroes and villains 2 +3
Listen 12 +13
Tumble 8 +10
Spot 8 +9
Speak Language: Draconic

Stunning attack
Imp. Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
Simple, Martial, all armor, and shield proficiency
Breath Weapon 1/day 6d6 lightning DC 18, 5x5x60 ft line

Special Perk: Gnome Artificer contact

Sorcerer Spells:
Per day
0: 5
1: 11

0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
1: Shield, True Strike


2k Heward's Handy Haversack
29.35k Mithral Breastplate +2 of Moderate Fort (75%)
.325k MW Huge Spiked chain
3.5k Dust of Disappearence
7.2k 3 uses of Dust of Sneezing and Choking
8k 2 rings of counterspells: Greater Dispelling, Dispel Magic
50k "Thunderbolt" +1 returning, distance, shocking, screaming javelin
4.4k Gloves of Storing (for each glove)
16k Amulet of Health +4
.9k 1 potions of heroism
9.3k Adamantine +2 Lg Greatsword
1.5k 2 potions of haste
36k 3 Vibrant purple ioun stones of spell storing (Antimagic Field x1, Heal, 1 empty)
2k? Skittish Boots +5 initiative - Kaupaer's Skittish Nerves (MaoF)
.5k 10 Tanglefoot bags
1k 20 healing salves (T&B)

22k Cyber-Dragon megahyperultimate pnuematic augmentation exoframe Mk VII
Bull's Str, 49 charges, level 3
Cat's Grace, 50 Charges, level 3
Expeditious Retreat, 49 charges, 1
Obscuring Mist, 50 charges, 1
Spaces used: Belt, Bracers, Cloak, Vest

NPC spellcasting fees:

1.98k = 3 x 10 x 11 x 6 for the Heal, and 2 AMFs in the ioun stones
1.6k = 2 x 10 x 20 x 4 for two level 20 good clerical Greater Magic Weapons placed on
the javelin and spiked chain - which were then placed in the gloves of storing to freeze the durations
.8k = 10 x 3 x 5 for dispel magic + 10 x 6 x 11 for the Greater Dispelling in the ring of counter spells
1k = 10 x 6 x 12 for Contingency + 10 x 4 x7 for Solid Contingency

145 GP for rope, rations, sacks, etc - standard gear
200 gp

Effects running:

Contingency that produces Solid Fog, "when I'm caught off guard in a dangerous battle.

Game updates:


Ah - level ups - that makes perfect sense now.

About durations - I was assuming that we would be having the same set-up that happened before, so the only effects that would be running at the beginning is exactly what we had going into clockwork's GoD.

And Maturak had better get that AMF up pretty quick, cause Therron's created with a fast-strike preference. :D

Your high initiative will help decrease that possibility.
I've been worried about those Kauper's Skittish Nerves boots - it's very similar to the classic "I make a Brooch with Shield spell and get +7 to AC for 2000 gp, right?"

AFAIK, those kind of items are not accepted, since the item creation rules were not made with them in mind.
If you agree, I'd appreciate it if you took them out of the build, or increase the cost of it to something appropriate for the benefit - what that cost would be, I have no clue. :(

I just realized : How do you want to handle dice rolls? :eek:


oh - what do we do about the map?
I could upload some pictures, if desired, if the original maps and our positions were included in the .zip file clockwork gave out.

Or we could just play it by us visualizing, and just calling out coordinates.


those kind of items are not accepted, since the item creation rules were not made with them in mind.

And am I to understand that the rules did have in mind paladin/ranger/shaman/sohei/singh ragers who dual wield twin shields that drain levels on each hit while using divine might, shield charge, etc. Yeah, right.

I mean, especially since according to the rules of the original GoD, OA was not allowed, IIRC.

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