• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Fleet Action! [Red Force Headquarters]


First Post
Red Team Only

Strategic Map and Movement:

Normally Ships have 2 movement points that they can expend during a turn. Fast Ships have 3 movement points.

The Black and Blue lines are Hyperspace Connections. It takes one movement point to travel from one system to another via a Hyperspace Connection. This is uncontested movement. If enemy ships are present in a system there is a chance of the moving ship to being noticed or intercepted. The Blue Lines denote a important trade/supply route for Blue.

To move one hex without use of a Hyperspace Connection, it takes all of a ships movement points. If the hex to be entered has Nebulae or Dust (the fuzzy stuff) it will require the ship to use two turns of movement points.

The Kalish Collective consists of about a dozen systems. About 60 years ago, the Kalish attacked the United Planets, a large mainly human controlled star nation. The Kalish are a proud and war-like race who had subjugated at least two other alien races. But the United Planets were different. They controlled more than 4 times as many systems as the Kalish, were industrially powerful, and just as skilled in warfare as the Kalish. After a short war the Kalish surrendered fearing an invasion of their home world. This was done not because of cowardice on part of the Kalish but to allow them to regroup and develop a new war plan. Limited trade is allowed with the United Planets but all ships must be carefully searched before they are allowed in UP space.

Kalish space is connected to the UP space via the Ares Cluster, a rich group of systems that the Kalish would love to get their hands on. But the border is heavily fortified.

The United Planets are currently at war with a large empire called the Ghoal. Kalish spies note that forces are being pulled from the Ares Cluster to aid the fight with the Ghoal. It is also believed that the Ghoal are winning the war!

Recently a new Hyperspace Connection was discovered leading to System A from Kalish controlled space. The system is lifeless with a brown dwarf for its star. But it allows access to the Haskins Corridor an important supply and trade route that connects the main body of the UA with the Ares Cluster.

If the Haskins Corridor can be closed off it would give the Kalish an opportunity to conquer the Ares Cluster and deal a severe blow to the United Planets war effort with the Ghoal. Unable to fight a two front war the United Planets would quickly sue for peace or at the best collapse under the strain.

Your forces will conduct a surprise attack into the Haskins Corridor. You will close the trade route through the Corridor and destroy any opposition. Once in control of the Sector you will prevent any relief of the Ares Cluster by the United Planets. A offensive will also begin by our forces to conquer the Ares Cluster. Destruction of the United Planet merchant shipping is a high priority.

Strategic Map Key

Red System A is controlled by the Kalish. It is from here that you will launch your attack on the Haskins Corridor!

Green Systems are UP controlled with some sort of UP presense in the system.

Grey Systems are basically empty systems. Though pirates are believed to operate from them.

Olive Systems have small human settlements in them that are not part of the United Planets. These systems are called the Backwater Worlds. These settlements are normally small fringe groups who want to run things their own way. There is some trading with UP but mainly they just want to be left alone. Some pirate activity is believed to also come from these systems.

The Brown System is the homeworld of the Krell, an xenophobic race which while not hostile is very reclusive. While they do trade with the UA they do not allow ships to land on their planets and any use of their Hyperspace Connections is heavily taxed

INTEL Report

1. Pirates Thought not powerful in themselves and not organized they do pose a threat to civilian UP commerce in the sector.

2. Ghoal There is no Ghoal presence within 30 Hyper Connection jumps of the Haskins Corridor (thats 10 turns of fast ship movement) and the systems between are heavily patrolled by UP forces. There is no Ghoal-Kalish contact.

3. Krell Though not overtly hostile to the UP, they are beligerant. Are know to have a good sized standing fleet. There is no Krell/Kalish diplomatic contact.

4. Ares Cluster There are at least two other star nations in contact with the Ares Cluster. But they would have to fight through any defenses in the Ares Cluster to reach the Haskins Corridor.

-The Vanti A Insect-like race of religious fanatics. The Vanti seem more concerned with putting down fringe groups within their own race than with dealing with aliens. The Kalish have limited contact with the Vanti. The Vanti have a nonagression treaty with the United Planets.

-Ji-Ku-Ve A race of 9 foot tall furry yeti like creatures. They reproduce quickly and have been know to move into contested systems with swarms of colony and warships. These Ji-Ku-Ve swarms are a danger to unprotected worlds. They are always looking to expand into habitable systems. The Kalish has fought off several Ji-Ku-Ve swarms in the past 100 years.

So far as your Intelligence is concerned the UP have know idea that the Kalish as access to the Haskins Corridor or about the location or existance of System A.

One thing about resources.

Several people have talked about gathering resources and such. With in the scope of the game, there will not be enough time during the game to put into production the gathering of new resources. Hench, no "I am building new iron mines on Proxima 7 and shipping the ore to the home worlds. Also I doubt you will have the time to build new starships from scratch. Though the taking of existing resource production for use is allowed.

That is what Victory Points are for. (thinking about changing that name to Influence Points) The High Command sends a request to the Core Worlds for more combat ships. He spends 4 Victory Points because you are in a jam. So you 'might' see some new ships in a few turns sent by the High Command to help you out.

Another example, you have two old battle cruisers in mothballs around Regel 5. You need ships, any ships! So the High Command spends 1 Victory Point and assign crews to bring the old battlewagons out of mothballs in a turn or two.

Victory Points can be giving to other players by High Commander. But they must be in contact with each other. The scope of use of Victory Points by a Battle Commander is limited compared to the High Commander. He/she could not request reinforcements for example. A Battle Command cannot have more than half the total number of Victory Points possessed by the High Commander at the time of transfer and after the transfer.

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First Post
They are empty space.
Normally you cannot detect ships in hyperspace. Though you can detect them when they come out of warp. Though that depends on who is listening for them. You cannot enter hyperspace or make jumps in a gravity well like those produced by solar systems.

Depends if they are listening and what they are expecting. Pirates sneak into systems all the time but they are very careful about it. You will know for sure if detect you if they hail you or start shooting!

I'm trying to recover most of our thread.


First Post
A. Warriors Gate - This system has a Class T (Brown Dwarf) Sun. No planetary bodies other than two bands of asteroids. There is a large Kalish Class 4 Star Fortress and two Class 2 Star Fortresses in this system protecting a large space station with Class A star port facilities.

B. Esperance  This system has a Class M (Yellow) Sun. It has 5 planetary bodies. Esperance 3 is a habitable world with a population of over 12,000,000. Thought to be well protected. There is also a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station in system.

C. Russells Star  This system has a Class G (Red Giant) Sun. It has 3 planetary bodies and 3 asteroid bands. Small human settlements are scattered on Russell 2 and there are several mining operations in the asteroid fields.

D. Mariner  This system has a Class M (Yellow) Sun. It has 7 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. A small agricultural colony of 1,200,000 people is on Mariner 4, an earth sized water planet. It has a Class C space port.

E. Venture  This is a Binary Star System with two Class A (White and Blue) suns. There are no planetary bodies but 4 large bands of asteroids. Five small human colonies dot the asteroid fields and they belong to groups of separatists who left UP controlled space many years ago. The live in domed cities and conduct sporadic trade with near by UP planets and are thought to also be sometime pirates. Fewer than 80,000 people live in this system.

F. Freedom  This system has a Class M (Yellow sun) and 9 planetary bodies. On Freedom 3 is a rugged frontier world of 200,000 people. It has an extensive black market and is noted as a smuggler haven. It has a Class D star port.

G. Beta Hydri  This system has a Class K (Orange) sun and 5 planetary bodies. There are large settlements on Beta Hydri 3 (2,000,000) and Beta Hydri 4 (1,200,000). A Class C star port orbits Beta Hydri 3 and it is know for as a entertainment world. The Military use it frequently as a R&R port. There is a Military star port on Beta Hydri 3 and a Civilian Star Port on Beta Hydri 4.

H. Margrave  This system possess a Class B (Blue) sun with 3 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. A domed research station is on Margrave 3. It has a crew of about 2000. Also a small space station orbits close to the systems sun.

I. Thule  This system has a Class O (Violet) sun with one very large asteroid field. While there are no settlements in the system. Mining ships to visit the asteroid field.

J. Galileo  This system has a Class M (Yellow) sun with 12 planetary bodies. Galileo 4 has a thriving colony of over 1,000,000. It has a Class B star port with several civilian star ship construction docks. A old Class 1 star fortress orbits this world. There is a UP army base on Galileo 6 that is used for training.

K. Sparta  This system has a K Class (Orange) sun with 4 planetary bodies. Sparta 2 has a UP naval base. There is also a civilian population of 400,000 in a large city next to the bases ground facilities. There are four Class 3 Orbital Fortresses protecting the base.

L. Paradise  This system has a K Class (Red Giant) sun with 5 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. Paradise 2 is a beautiful habitable world with a population of over 5,000,000. One of the older settlements in the Haskins Corridor. It has a aging Class C star port and two older Class 1 Star Fortresses.

O. Pan-Paris  This system has a Class A (Green) sun and one small lifeless rock of a planet and 3 asteroid belts. The Novartis Space Station which is the largest space station in the Haskins Corridor orbits the sun. It possesses a Class B star port and has a population of over 500,000. It is a popular stop along the Trade Route. There is also an extensive navigational buoy network in system that aids ships as they pass through.

P. Bryants Star  This system as a Class F (White) sun and 7 planetary bodies. Bryant 4 is currently being terraformed and has a small domed colony of 300,000 souls. It has a class D star port.

Q. Eldorado  This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun. No other data on this system is available.

R. Gehenna  This system has a Class M (Red Super giant) and one small asteroid field.

S. Fargone  This system has a Class K (Orange) sun with 12 planetary bodies and 2 asteroid fields. No settlements but mining ships sometimes visit and pirate ships have been known to use it as a jumping off point to attack shipping on the Trade Route.

T. Olympus  This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun with 6 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid field. Olympus 3 is the sector capital with a population of over 18,000,000. It has a Class A star port and 5 Class 3 Orbital Fortresses. There is also a domed city on Olympus 5 that (500,000 people) that services extensive mining of the asteroid belt. There is a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station in system.

U. Cyteen  This system is a Class T (Protostar) that is in the early stages of development. It surrounded with a large gaseous belt. Strange reports of a ghostly alien starship frequenting this system have been made by starship captains over the years. Though no proof has ever been provided of its existence.

V. Keid 3  This is a system with a Class A (Green) sun and 5 planetary bodies and 5 asteroid belts. It is very dangerous to navigate with the strong fluctuating gravitic fields that are produced by the sun. Some brave pirates and smugglers use this system as a home base.

W. Krell  This is a binary system with two Class G (Yellow) suns. There are 10 planetary bodies and 1 asteroid belt. Krell A-3 and Krell B-2 are heavily populated and industrialized. Several star fortresses are scattered through out the system.

X. Viking  This system has a Class B (Blue) sun with 6 planetary bodies. There is a small Krell Orbital outpost on Viking 5 but the Krell themselves do no claim ownership of the system. The outpost is believed to be some sort of research post. Pirates sometimes frequent the system.

Y. Glory  This system has a Class G (Yellow) sun with 5 planetary bodies and 2 asteroid fields. There is a settlement on Glory 4 with a population of 600,000. It has a Class C star port and a Hyperspace Communications Relay Station orbiting the planet.

Z. Istra  This system has a Class A (White) sun and 8 planetary systems. Istra 2 (1,200,000 population) and Istra 3 (1,00,000 pop.) are heavily industrialized with a majority of the planets output going towards the war effort. They each have Class B star ports and one Class 3 Star Fortresses orbiting them

I can't get the maps, unfortunately.

Star Port Ratings:

A - The best of the best. Large extensive starship berth, repair, cargo, and construction facilities.

B - Pretty Good. Can handle multiple starship landings and take offs. Good repair yards and some construction facilites.

C - Good for handling basic traffic and repair. Orbital Docks. Limited construction facilities.

D - Poor. A fair ground side landing pads and docks. Fair repair facilities.

F - Primative dirt landing pad with poor service facilities.

Star Fortress Ratings:

Class 1 - Cruiser sized.
Class 2 - Battleship sized.
Class 3 - Twice the size of a Battleship.
Class 4 - Four times the size of a Battleship.

They are more heavily armored that a same sized ship. Though they are immoble a space tug(s) could move them within a system if needed. At a tactical disadvantage against a moble force.

Starships of the Kalish Collective

Here is a list and discription of the ship types available to you. I will post a Order of Battle (what ships you have) soon.

Vengeance Class Battleship

The Vengeance class Battleship is the most powerful space ship in the Kalish Navy. Massing over 250,000 metric tonnes and possessing a special new armored hull. A Vengeance can take quite a beating and still be combat effective. Its weapons include long range anti-ship missile batteries, ten powerful Force 15 Shock Cannon, and multiple batteries of defense lasers. It also can carry two squadrons of Scorpion Fighters.

Warlock Class Cruiser

The backbone of the Kalish Navy, the Warlock Heavy Cruiser is a multi-task capable ship. From raids, interdiction, ship to ship combat, and ground attack; the Warlock can do it all.
She is armed with six Force 8 Shock Cannon, six Longlance Anti-ship torpedoes, and short range defense lasers. Her sensor system is one of the best the Kalish can produce.

Bladebearer Class Destroyer

Specializing is fleet defense, escort duties, and patrol, the Bladebearer Destroyer is a hard working ship. Fast and with a long range they are they eyes and ears of the fleet. Lightly armored they possess six Force 5 Shock Cannon, a battery of mid-ranged anti-ship missiles, and light defense lasers.

Wraith Class Stealth Frigate

The Wraith is new specialized warship which relies on cloaking, ECM, and special energy absorbent hull to become almost invisible to enemy sensors. Normally a Fast ship, once under cloak it's speed is reduced. It has little or no armor. They are armed with four Longlance torpedo launchers, two Force 5 Shock Cannon, one long range anti-ship missile launcher, and light defense lasers.

Deathcloud Class Minelayer

The Deathcloud Minelayer carries several thousand anti-shipping mines which it can lay over large areas of space in short order. With minimal defenses such as some defense lasers the Deathcloud is not made to face ship to ship combat. It's only real defense is a good sensor suite and electronic counter messures.

Tormentor Class Carrier

In response to the heavy losses by United Planets fighters during the First War of Shame some 60 years ago, the Kalish high command began to experiment and build carrier spacecraft and fighters. The Tormentor is the results of 60 years of this. Well armored, the Tormentor is a fighting carrier. They can carry 15 squadrons of fighters (180 craft) and are armed with six force 5 Shock Cannon and several batteries of anti-fighter/anti-missile lasers.

Scorpion Attack Fighter

A multi-role attack craft/fighter, the Scorpion can be used as a interceptor or attack craft. Its weapon loads vary from a Longlance torpedo, short ranged rocket packs, and mid-range anti-ship missiles. They also have 6 light lasers built into their design. The Scorpion is just as effective in atmosphere as it is in space.

Venom Heavy Strike Craft

The Venom is a heavy strike craft that carries a load of four long range missiles. They have good speed and manueverbility. It is protected by a pair of light defense laser turrets.

Ravager Assault Transport

This is a Fast troop transport ship that can carry up to 4 brigades of Troops. It possesses enough Chariot assault shuttles to land two brigades at a time. It is thickly armored and has six Force 5 Shock Cannon and two batteries of defense lasers.

Chariot Assault Shuttle

A space to atmosphere assault shuttle which is designed to land Kalish troops into combat situations. It is armed with two Hellfire rocket packs and 4 light defense lasers. One squadron of twelve shuttles can land one brigade of troops.

Kalish Ground Forces

Ground units are in Brigades which is equal to about 1000 troops. A Infantry Brigade have support vehicles and weaponry. Aircraft are in squadrons of 12. Seige Tank Brigades have about 10 vehicles. There are 100 War Walkers in a Brigade.

Shock Troopers

These are the backbone of the Kalish infantry. They are armed with pulse rifles, rocket launchers, photon mortars, and other support weaponry. They wear the new reflex armor which is an in closed power armor. It does not have the jump capability of the UP marine power armor.

War Walkers

A large two-person battle cyborg, the War Walker is a melding of flesh and machine. Heavily armored and has jump capability. Can be dropped from orbit. Armed with a mixture of heavy weaponry from linked heavy pulse rifles, missiles, and light Shock Cannon.

Mauler Planetary Siege Tank

A huge main battle tank the Mauler can lay waste to cities. It has the new improved vanadium armor plate and carries heavy Shock Cannon and missiles. Can be dropped from Orbit. Takes up the space of two Brigades in a transport.

Reaper Atmospheric Attack Craft

The Reaper is an attack aircraft. Can hover and is very maneuverable. Armed with a light laser and missile/rocket pods.

A Hyperspace Communicatinos Relay Stations allow for faster than light communication to another HCRS. Think big radio stations! There are three in the Haskins Corridor that link the Ares Cluster with the main body of the UP.

Do the Relays need to work in a chain?

Yes they do.

lots of direction signals, space radar, navigational aids, etc......

Kalish Collective Order of Battle

Vengeance Class Battleships
BB Vengeance, BB Rage of Heaven, BB Retribution, BB Destructor

Warlock Class Cruisers
CA Sorcerer, CA Warlock, CA Conjurer, CA Wizard, CA Witch, CA Magnus, CA Priest

Bladebearer Class Destroyers
DD Sword, DD Cleaver, DD Dagger, DD Dirk, DD Fang, DD Talon, DD Claw, DD Horn, DD Battleaxe, DD Hatchet

Wraith Class Stealth Frigates
FF-104, FF-105, FF-107, FF-109, FF-110, FF-143, FF-145, FF-152

Tormentor Class Carrier
CV Tormentor, CV Harrier, CV Torturer

Deathcloud Class Minelayer
ML Deathstorm, ML Deathcaller, ML Deathbringer

40 Squadrons Scorpion Attack Fighters
20 Squadrons Venom Strike Craft

10 Ravager Assault Transports

30 Shock Trooper Brigades
10 War Walker Brigades
5 Mauler Brigades
15 Reaper Attack Aircraft Squadrons

10 Fleet Tenders (repair and supply ships)
5 Fleet Transports (can carry up to 2 Brigades and/or Squadrons)


10 Covert Operations Squads (20 troops per Squad)

If you wish to spend Victroy Points to do so, you can possible have some Wraiths already operationing in the Haskins Corridor.

All other Kalish forces begin at Warriors Gate!

Yes the normal mode of communications without use of a relay station is by high speed couriers (4 movement points). You would need another Relay to Jam or fake a message. Plus such messages are coded.

SOG's are trained to be deployed from Wraiths! No problem with that.
Last edited:


First Post
Some of our strategies:

Victim said:
I think it'd be a good idea to have some kind of reserve force, though. It might be better to only attack 4 systems instead of 6 on the turn 4 attack, so we have some reserves available. It might be unnecessarily to take every system along the hyperspace connections; we can practice island hopping.

Stealth ships make me think of submarines. In addition to using them as recon, we may able to use them to harry shipping along their trade route. Then they have use a bunch of ships for convoy escort duty.

The blitz plan also gives away E and F as our launching points, which may lead them to A.

But does a potentially overwhelming assault. Going from dealing pirates to having invasion fleets in 6 systems is one heck of psychological blow. Since the overall objective is to take the Ares Cluster, the appearence of a massive force here might serve to draw off bluebies in that defensive zone.


If we can form an alliance with the pirates (turning them into privateers, I guess), then moving slowly in the beginning might pay off. Move the stealth ships into place in systems, and then they inform relay targets to the pirates and warn them of searchers, thus vastly improving their effectiveness. Also, any aggresive actions the stealth ships (finishing off stragglers or something) will be assumed to be pirate attacks. Then we can disrupt shipping without revealing our presence. Assuming the pirates and stealth ships can move about sneakily, they could get to T without being spotted. Pirate attacks in that area will most likely be assumed to based in S, V, or the dust clouds (although if the UP assumes that Krell might have a hand, that's a nice bonus). Misdirecting a decent chunk of their fleet to those areas would be a nice set up before our blitz attack.

Mimic said:
They will probably have more ships then we do so we are going to have to try and split them up as much as possible, although having a reserve force is always good.

I think the ideal thing to do is hit them as hard as possible when we do strike but if we could draw it out we could spread out and hit multiple systems, the best thing we have going is the element of surprise, if we lose that we are going to be boned.

I do like your idea about using the stealth ships as subs, like the wolf packs in ww2, they can do alot of damage to the trade ships and force the blues in wasting ships protecting the convoys.

If we can't form an alliance with the pirates we could always make it look like we are do a couple of quick raids here and there, leaving evidence of pirates could make the blues think twice about what is going on.

A thought just occured to me, since we don't have to actually take over the cluster just stop the trade route and destroy all UP stuff, we could always do the scorched earth policy. Move into a system loot it as much as possible and then destroy everything else, leave them with nothing, force them to rebuild it. Wash, rinse and repeat as needed.

Victim said:
Yeah, if we can't ally with pirates, we'll have to save the debris from their ruined ships and plant some around some of our attacks.

Scorched earth might damage the collective's future prospects too much. If we take over Ares, then we should be able to hold this part of the corridor at least. However, denial of the Hyperspace Connection would serve much the same purpose. Towing a big asteroid into a blocking position would be a good way to restrict traffic through a system.

We aren't necessarily screwed without surprise, but I agree that we have to make it count.

Some of our strategies will be mandated by victory point mechanics. If they get X number of points each turn they hold the lane, then we can't wait too long having our stealth ships harass them. On the other hand, if we can have the subs and pirates out earning VP while they don't get any, then we can build up a decent pool while they chase the pirates.

The stealth ships might also be good with special operations stuff, or other trickery. If we can hold O and they haven't caught on to the stealthers yet, then traffic will have to reroute along W+X+Y. Sneak some subs into W, blow their stuff up, and then hope the UP declares war on the Krell as well. Or that the Krell declare on them because of their accusations.

Mimic said:
The more I think about it the more I am fairly certain that the Blues are going to have us out gunned. If you look at the big pic the UP space is much larger than ours so that means we will not be able to go toe to toe with them, we are going to have to hit and run. Make them divide their forces, bring the fight to us on our terms.

Here is what I think we can assume the blues know about us and the area.

They probably know we are going to attack.
They probably know it is going to be in the area of the corridor but not sure which hex. (on the big map)
They probably don't know the size of our attacking force (they may know something about it)
They probably don't know about the stealth ships. (they may have heard rumors about them)

It's not our mission to hold on to the systems but to block the trade route and destroy all UP vessels encountered.

Although Land Outcast I really like your idea of taking a couple of "UP" ships and attacking the Krell

Victim said:
The Relay at Y looks the most vulnerable, if we want to disrupt communications.

J looks weak, with only an old Class I base for defense.

We should be able to defeat the static defenses at T with time. There's an asteroid belt in the system. If they count too much on the static defenses there, then we might be able to rock them with the 'roids.

Yeah, G, J and L did seem a bit weak. Depending on how well armed the station at O is, it might also be vulnerable. But we could also do a number there if we can rig our mines into their nav network.

Mimic said:
Actually I have to disagree with you on this, we have to take out T as soon as possible. Not only is it the only class A star port the blues have in the sector it has the relay station.

The 5 class 3 battle stations will be a huge advantage the blues can use if we let them set up a base of operations there. Besides if we take out T, it might increase the amount of pirate activity.

Sellis said:
That's a lot to process. Alright, it seems that the systems closest to Warrior's Gate are generally underdeveloped. I work better when everything organized, so here goes:

Hyperspace Communications Relay Station (HCRS) equipped systems:
B. Esperance
T. Olympus (Sector Capital)
Y. Glory

Separatist/Smuggler/Pirate presence (Potential allies):
E. Venture
F. Freedom
S. Fargone
V. Keid 3
X. Viking

B. Esperance ("Thought to be well protected")
Q. Eldorado
U. Cyteen (Space ghosts or something...)

Systems possibly worth taking for thier resources:
C. Russells Star
D. Mariner
I. Thule
T. Olympus (Sector Capital)

Systems with research stations:
H. Margrave
X. Viking

Systems by Starport rating and quantity:
T. Olympus (A 1) (Sector Capital)
Z. Istra (B 2)
J. Galileo (B 1)
O. Pan-Paris (B 1)
D. Mariner (C 1)
G. Beta Hydri (C 1, also a civilian starport)
L. Paradise (C 1, noted as an old starport)
Y. Glory (C 1)
F. Freedom (D 1)
P. Bryants Star (D 1)

Systems by Star Fortress class and quantity:
T. Olympus (Three 5) (Sector Capital)
K. Sparta (Three 4)
Z. Istra (Three 2)
L. Paradise (One 2, noted as old star fortresses)
J. Galileo (One 1, noted as an old star fortress)

Systems with Krell occupants:
W. Krell
X. Viking

Cautionary warning: Obviously this is not a complete intelligence report. Some systems defences are unknown and not listed in the Unknown category. Proceed with caution.

I'm with Mimic on this one, we have to neutralize the largest threats quickly, the little, farmer/miner-populated systems can wait. The blues will likely fortify T and begin searching the systems for Warrior's Gate unless we can break their grasp on the sector.

Victim said:
Any thoughts on the commander skills and how they fit into our plans? Diplomacy might be helpful if want to get the pirates on our side. Recon might maximize the intel we gain from our stealth ships, as might electronic warfare. Logistics, Manuever, and Gunnery all seem naturally important. Carrier/fighter stuff depends on how many of those we get; it doesn't sound like we get many carriers though. Some kind of ground or assault thing might help us nab spacestations without trashing the facilities. But depending on our strategies and attitudes toward human civilian deaths, ground combat may be of minimal import.

Taking out static defenses the easy way: stuff that doesn't move doesn't get out of the way. Take some asteroids in the system, slap some engines and rudimentry nav on them, and get them moving to ram the stations/planets. Or use tugs to push them up to a decent speed, then back off. Best case scenario: they can't shoot down or avoid the asteriods, and all the targets are destroyed. Worst case: they catch our fleet in the asteroid belt and blow up it. Middle ground: we can use the roids as cover/extra targets to help our normal attack succeed.

The Relay at Y is the weak link. Well, maybe. Do the Relays need to work in a chain? But it has no static defenses. Of course, that just means more ships may be assigned to guard it.

Victim said:
Regarding T, attempting an assualt operation on some of the battlestations might really pay off. If we sieze some of the defenses, then we have a much better chance of holding the system in the face of enemy attacks - it's no good to take T, but then lose it when the enemy counter attacks. Using a battleship, asteroid, or something to screen the assualt transports while they get close might improve their chances.

How do intersystem communications work without Relays? Do fleets and planets need to use couriers? Basically, how long will it take enemy to learn that they've lost a system? Can the transmitions from Relays be jammed or faked?

Given the time our main fleet would need to reach T, we could probably get some Wraiths where they need to be ahead of time. Although deploying a pair in advance for early shipping disruption might draw off some of their ships.

With 6 people, we can have 1/2 the skills on the list. Some of them seem rather related - eg, Carrier operations and fighter operations, or Ground War and Drop Assault. It might be worth only picking out of the two. For our purposes, the offensive versions seem better; our carriers seem pretty tough even without their fighters, and we want to win our ground battles in the initial overwhelming drop attack. Electronic warfare might help to further disrupt their communications and hide our ships. Logistics, Manuever, and Gunnery seem to have obvious utility, although we'll probably have to drop at least of those. Diplomacy and Recon are important to our plan. The skills I think we can safely pass up are: Ground Warfare, Carrier Operations, and Communications.


First Post
Crap, I can't get cached pages of 3 and 4. We had the very useful commander skill and force allocation summary (thanks) there.


Victim: Logistics. 1 battleship, 2 cruiser, 3 Destroyer, 10 Tenders, 2 fighter squads
Sellis: Diplomacy. 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Stealth, 2 SOG
Land Outcast: Ground Assault. 2 Destroyers. all remaining transports and ground forces
Sollir: Gunnery. 3 Battleships, 2 Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, 6 fighter squads
Mimic: Electronic Warfare. 7 Stealth, 7 SOG, 3 Minelayer
???: 3 Carrier, 2 Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, remaining Fighters and Bombers


First Post
This was handy too.

Sellis said:
We have:

Vengeance Class Battleships - 4
Warlock Class Cruisers - 7
Bladebearer Class Destroyers - 10
Wraith Class Stealth Frigates - 8
Tormentor Class Carrier - 3
Deathcloud Class Minelayer - 3

Scorpion Attack Fighters - 40 Squadrons - 480 Total
Venom Strike Craft - 20 Squadrons - 240 Total
Ravager Assault Transports - 10

Fleet Tenders - 10
Fleet Transports - 5

Covert Operations - 10 Squads - 200 Total

Shock Troopers - 30 Brigades - 30000 Total
War Walkers - 10 Brigades - 1000 Total
Maulers - 5 Brigades - 50 Total
Reaper Attack Aircraft - 15 Squadrons - 180 Total

Good ideas everyone, now lets get some roles assigned.

Our Battle Masters are KoboldArchmage, Mimic, Victim2, Sellis, Sollir Furryfoot, and/or Land Outcast. We need to select our War Master. I nominate Victim2.

I think if we choose these skills we will have a better chance of winning.

One of:
Escort Operations or Fighter Operations

One of:
Drop Assault Operations or Ground Warfare

Two of:
Fleet Maneuvers or Fleet Gunnery or Logistics

Recon Operations -> Essential
Diplomacy -> Essential

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