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EDIT: Given that Maximus almost got killed by a Yao Guai, eaten by a Gulper, devoured by Radroaches, attacked by Cannibal Fiends, and he survived Shady Sands by hiding in a milk dispenser. So, I think that "Food" as a name for him fits better than Maximus.

Surely, given he lives, Tantalus would be a better name? (I mean slightly inverting the meaning but...)

I actually think that the BoS was portrayed pretty well in FO4, all things considered. They were definitely the "good guys" of FO3 but in the Commonwealth they're pretty horrible, all things told.
That may be correct, I have to admit I'd kind of ceased paying good attention by the point in the game where they really appeared and just mentally importing how lionized they were from FO3.

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I mean, they might have but it's worth noting neither Nolan nor Joy is a showrunner or creator on this show, whereas on Westworld they were explicitly both. Also, and perhaps more importantly, Nolan and/or Joy are credited as writers on the majority of episodes of Westworld.

This is show is created and showrun by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner, who also both wrote all of the first three episodes. Nolan and Joy are executive producers, which is a position that can basically be anything from nearly honorary - i.e. you're not really contributing to the show/movie, your name is just on it (truly countless examples of this), to close to that of a showrunner - but usually if this is the case they'll have writing credits. And neither got any writing credits.

So I suspect it's more a similarity caused by them choosing to work with people with similar ideas to them than "learnings".
Huh. OK. I got the impression from an interview with Walton I read yesterday that Nolan and Joy were more directly involved. He talked about working with them on various scenes.

EDIT: Here's the interview [beware of spoilers within]: Fallout's Walton Goggins Had No Idea His Finale Line Was Such a Huge Deal

And so, after three days of asking Jonah [Nolan] after every take, “Are you understanding what's going on inside me?” Because I can't indicate… I don't know how to exaggerate with my facial features. He said, We see it all. It's in your eyes. Everything is there. Don't worry about it. Just do your thing. So that's what I did.


I didn't realise that the whole "War never changes" was a continuing line until I loaded up New Vegas again and it popped up, it's one of the opening lines in fo4, I think while you're making your character.


Question: Do the FO games set on the east coast still have the wild west / cowboy vibe like this show or is that just because the show is set in the southwest?

On a different note: I don't know if it's just me getting old, or if it's an issue with the way the modern movies/shows are filmed, but there are always some lines of dialogue that I find difficult to hear. In this case it was mostly Norm and Maximus (especially when he wasn't projecting in his deeper voice). I felt like their actors often didn't enunciate their lines very well. Anyone else feel the same way? (FWIW I watched the whole show on my iPad with my ear buds, so it wasn't an issue with my TV sound system, which occasionally as audio issues - most notably with Dune Part 1, where the dialogue is super quiet and everything else is super loud.)

I didn't realise that the whole "War never changes" was a continuing line until I loaded up New Vegas again and it popped up, it's one of the opening lines in fo4, I think while you're making your character.
It's an iconic line from the series as a whole, but yeah it appears in the intro for 4 Nate says it.
Question: Do the FO games set on the east coast still have the wild west / cowboy vibe like this show or is that just because the show is set in the southwest?

On a different note: I don't know if it's just me getting old, or if it's an issue with the way the modern movies/shows are filmed, but there are always some lines of dialogue that I find difficult to hear. In this case it was mostly Norm and Maximus (especially when he wasn't projecting in his deeper voice). I felt like their actors often didn't enunciate their lines very well. Anyone else feel the same way? (FWIW I watched the whole show on my iPad with my ear buds, so it wasn't an issue with my TV sound system, which occasionally as audio issues - most notably with Dune Part 1, where the dialogue is super quiet and everything else is super loud.)
Not with regards to 4, but i'm not sure about 3. I watch a lot of my media with subtitles on just in case I can't understand something spoken.


I watch a lot of my media with subtitles on just in case I can't understand something spoken.
I do too these days. I feel like I didn't used to have to do that, but I don't know if it's because of me getting older or because of a change in the way audio is recorded or because some actors aren't trained to enunciate anymore (or a combination of those!).


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Question: Do the FO games set on the east coast still have the wild west / cowboy vibe like this show or is that just because the show is set in the southwest?
Not really, no. FO4 is all about US History (revolutionary and a little bit civil wars). FO3 didn't really have any kind of unifying vision of any kind.

If the wild west/ cowboy vibe is what you're looking for, New Vegas absolutely has it in spades.


Not really, no. FO4 is all about US History (revolutionary and a little bit civil wars). FO3 didn't really have any kind of unifying vision of any kind.

If the wild west/ cowboy vibe is what you're looking for, New Vegas absolutely has it in spades.
Cool. I am happy for there to be different vibes depending on locale.

Was that horned skull shown in one of the later episodes a deathclaw skull?

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