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F. Wesley Schneider Is D&D's New Editor

Pathfinder designer F. Wesley Schneider has just started a new job as an editor for Dungeons & Dragons! He worked at Paizo from 2003, starting as assistant editor on Dragon magazine, became editor-in Chief, and left in 2017.

Pathfinder designer F. Wesley Schneider has just started a new job as an editor for Dungeons & Dragons! He worked at Paizo from 2003, starting as assistant editor on Dragon magazine, became editor-in Chief, and left in 2017.


Schneider announced his new position on Twitter, and lists "Editor for Dungeons & Dragons" in his Twitter bio.

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Sean Reynolds used to work on Pathfinder/D&D too. He was with with Wizards then Paizo then Wizards again. So...

Congrats to Wes Schneider


This is great news! I always liked FWS’s work with Pathfinder. As someone posted earlier, one of Paizo’s strengths is their narrative writing in their AP’s so I think having some of the old guard from Paizo is only a positive.

Is there anyone else who has come over to WotC from Paizo? Someone mentioned a slow migration?


Way to be completely dismissive of his accomplishments, background, and professional skills based on his appearance. Totally unnecessary. Were you trying to create drama or provoke negative reactions? If so, congrats I guess?

I think we all know that there is a real issue with lack of diversity in the RPG world in general. I think we also all know that WotC has done a pretty good job in making their company diverse with key jobs, so I agree with you, and the comment like his/hers above is unwarranted. I think it's a bit of a conundrum. Our hobby is overwhelmingly white male. Better in recent years, but historically very much white male dominant. So if you open a job opening that requires years of experience and accomplishment in this hobby, the candidates are going to be overwhelmingly white male. That doesn't mean there aren't non-white male candidates out there, but they are going to make up a very tiny % of applicants (and WoTC has hired non cis white male people in key areas). Because of this, if a company focuses on hiring non white male primarily, then other more qualified candidates may be passed over. It's a crappy situation all around. We want more diversity in key jobs, but should that be at the expense of more qualified people? I'm not going to say either way because I see both sides of that.

What I will say though, is that it's a clear reason why we need to support and encourage more diversity for those in the entry level jobs and indie companies. I.e., we need to give minorities that experience so when higher level key roles do open up, we have a much greater diverse and experienced applicant pool. Address the root issue, IMO.

Either way, I wish we could be at a point where when someone gets hired for a job, we can assess it by qualifications and race/gender never comes up. I wish people would stop making comments that the only reason person A got hired was because they were a minority, or that if they were a white man, it's the company being unfair to everyone else.

Dire Bare

No, because it's 100% accurate. Not just because of my own displeasure with the PF2 playtest, but the practically universal negative response to it.

Keep drinking that hyperbole kool-aid you got there!

I respect your opinion, your intense dislike of PF2. I fully believe you are not alone, that other fans also harbor some intense dislike for PF2. But your assertion that the vast majority of fans feel this way makes me chuckle and make snarky comments about hyperbole. There is so much of that in our fandom (probably all fandoms), that I it grates on me every time it pops up.

To express your dislike of something, there is no need for hyperbolic exaggeration and claims that something is completely worthless and/or universally disliked when this is demonstrably untrue. All you have to say is, "Hey, I don't care for that, I'm sticking with PF1!", although probably not on a thread about WotC's new hire as really, it's irrelevant to the thread topic.

To express your dislike of something, there is no need for hyperbolic exaggeration and claims that something is completely worthless and/or universally disliked when this is demonstrably untrue.
Well then "demonstrate" that what I said is untrue? Oh, wait, you can't. But I can point you in the direction of Paizo's own forum, where nearly every thread on PF2's playtest was negative. Or Reddit, where discussions on PF2 were again largely negative.

That I agree with nearly every complaint fielded is beside the point.

All you have to say is, "Hey, I don't care for that, I'm sticking with PF1!", although probably not on a thread about WotC's new hire as really, it's irrelevant to the thread topic.
It's quite relevant. F.W.S. left Paizo in 2017, which was most likely at the early stages of PF2 development at worst and maybe even before it entirely. That he wasn't greatly involved in what is shaping up to be a bad system over at Paizo, makes me relieved for the future of D&D now that he's at WOTC.

It's really not a hard concept.
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Dire Bare

Well then "demonstrate" that what I said is untrue? Oh, wait, you can't. But I can point you in the direction of Paizo's own forum, where nearly every thread on PF2's playtest was negative. Or Reddit, where discussions on PF2 were again largely negative.

Your anecdotes are not data. You can certainly produce proof that there are fans unhappy with the direction of PF2. There are also fans who are excited and positive for PF2, that's also easy to prove. The only way you can prove that the majority of fans agree with you, is to provide actual numbers, actual data. Which you cannot do. Not your fault, it would be difficult to find and gather those numbers. Paizo likely has a pretty good feel for the numbers, as that marketing data would be valuable to them and their development of the new ruleset.

You are engaging in hyperbolic behavior, you are ignoring evidence that goes against your viewpoint and only considering evidence that supports your worldview. You can find plenty of folks excited for PF2 here on ENWorld, on Paizo's forums, and probably on every RPG forum out there, just like you can find folks unhappy with it in the same places.

I'm probably wasting my time here, and I'm done. Continue looking at the industry through your tunnel-vision lenses.


I think we all know that there is a real issue with lack of diversity in the RPG world in general. I think we also all know that WotC has done a pretty good job in making their company diverse with key jobs, so I agree with you, and the comment like his/hers above is unwarranted. I think it's a bit of a conundrum. Our hobby is overwhelmingly white male. Better in recent years, but historically very much white male dominant. So if you open a job opening that requires years of experience and accomplishment in this hobby, the candidates are going to be overwhelmingly white male. That doesn't mean there aren't non-white male candidates out there, but they are going to make up a very tiny % of applicants (and WoTC has hired non cis white male people in key areas). Because of this, if a company focuses on hiring non white male primarily, then other more qualified candidates may be passed over. It's a crappy situation all around. We want more diversity in key jobs, but should that be at the expense of more qualified people? I'm not going to say either way because I see both sides of that.

What I will say though, is that it's a clear reason why we need to support and encourage more diversity for those in the entry level jobs and indie companies. I.e., we need to give minorities that experience so when higher level key roles do open up, we have a much greater diverse and experienced applicant pool. Address the root issue, IMO.

Either way, I wish we could be at a point where when someone gets hired for a job, we can assess it by qualifications and race/gender never comes up. I wish people would stop making comments that the only reason person A got hired was because they were a minority, or that if they were a white man, it's the company being unfair to everyone else.

Complete mystery why a game invented by a white male drawing heavily on European mythology, culture and fiction would appeal to white males. Complete mystery.

Paizo had quite a diverse hiring thing so if you need experienced designers, Paizo and ex Paizo staffers is an obvious place to look. Even if it was a 100% process you would still expect around 75% to be white just based on demographs. Some of the people still floating around have been in the industry for decades, Mearls late 90's IIRC, Wolfgang Bauer 80's or early 90's. There is a lack of entry level opportunities is a problem. Sure you can make decent product for the DMGuild but can you do it on a deadline, how would WoTC know (Dragon and Dungeon were good for that).

PF2 design would have started 2016, at least if you bleive Paizo saying the process took two years.


Sure you can make decent product for the DMGuild but can you do it on a deadline, how would WoTC know.

On the other hand the DM'sGuild is a great opportunity for those who don't have the necessary qualifications or the experience to build up a decent portfolio and name for themselves within the industry. WotC may also see from one's productivity levels on how fast one produces content on the platform.

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