D&D 4E Essential 4e: Heroes of the Forgotten Lands

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First Post
just to get this clear, does the "spellbook" let the mage prepare

encounter attack powers
daily attack powers
utility powers

and when? after an extended rest or...?

how many spell the mage learn of the 3 type?
does he lose the spell from the spellbook when at highter level get new spells?

as I understood from the Mage preview now the mage learn (write in the book) 2 spell of each kind every time he gains a new enc/daily/utility and they never go away from its book, she can prepare also encounter spell from all the spell in its book with the only limitation that he can prepare 1 spell of each level up to the max level usable and the number depend from the mage level... is this correct?

thanks again

Sorry, I've never played a 4E wizard so I've tended not to pay attention to spellbook stuff. Here you go:

Mage's Spellbook: At the end of each of your extended rests, you can prepare encounter attack powers, daily attack powers, and utility powers. If you do not prepare powers from your spellbook after an extended rest, you can use the same powers you prepared on the previous day. You cannot prepare more than one power of a given level on the same day.

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First Post
I don't understand one thing. The Knight, Slayer and Thief gain some features as they go up in level (in Paragon and Epic tiers), to account for the better encounter powers of the other classes, right? But they also gain Paragon Paths as an extension of their abilities?

To better explain myself: is the ''Paragon Knight'' a Paragon Path in itself, that you can change, for example, for the Kensei or Pit Fighter? Or ''Paragon Knight'' is a table of advancement that grants some features at determined levels, and a Knight ALSO gains a Paragon Path of its choice? I suspect the latter, but just want a confirmation, and I thank you in advance.

A lot of the confusion is my fault, not distinguishing between what the classes get just normally and what their Paragon Path gives them.

The Paragon Paths and Epic Destiny presented in this book are made up the exact same way as all others in 4E. The powers come in at the same levels, and any Essential class should be able to take any PP or ED that they meet the requirements for, and any non-Essential class should be able to take any of the Essential PP or ED.

Stalwart Knight is the knight's Paragon Path from this book. It gives:

Stalwart Assault, Stalwart Action and Improved Power Strike at 11th level, Greater Weapon Specialization at 12th level, Armor of Conviction at 16th level and Tactical Focus at 20th.


First Post
A lot of the confusion is my fault, not distinguishing between what the classes get just normally and what their Paragon Path gives them.

The Paragon Paths and Epic Destiny presented in this book are made up the exact same way as all others in 4E. The powers come in at the same levels, and any Essential class should be able to take any PP or ED that they meet the requirements for, and any non-Essential class should be able to take any of the Essential PP or ED.

Stalwart Knight is the knight's Paragon Path from this book. It gives:

Stalwart Assault, Stalwart Action and Improved Power Strike at 11th level, Greater Weapon Specialization at 12th level, Armor of Conviction at 16th level and Tactical Focus at 20th.

Ok, thanks for clearing it up! It is just as I expected.

But try to find a good samba school in North America...

Hehehe. If I teach you how to dance samba, would you give me your Heroes of the Fallen Lands? Sounds like a good trade to me! ;)

Sorry, I've never played a 4E wizard so I've tended not to pay attention to spellbook stuff. Here you go:

Mage's Spellbook: At the end of each of your extended rests, you can prepare encounter attack powers, daily attack powers, and utility powers. If you do not prepare powers from your spellbook after an extended rest, you can use the same powers you prepared on the previous day. You cannot prepare more than one power of a given level on the same day.

Does a mage retain all his lower level powers or does he need to unlearn them?

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