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Erkonin (Campaign #1) [Session 46: Making Deals with Devils is Stupid as well as Bad]


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 31: And Now We Can Move On...

Dramatis Personae:

Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

8 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 69) (immediately after)

While everyone was looking around at the aftermath of the battle, Barnett went into a corner between the disintegration chamber and the table with manacles and sat on the floor huddled into a ball. Orryk went to a different corner by the table (between the table and the Forge) and meditated and rested, gathering his chi and marshalling his strength.

Joybell, shaking with fury and emotion, and still completely unconvinced that we’d killed the real Steeltear and not a simulacrum or something, released the immovable rod and wrestled the steel plate from between the door and the iron boat. She manhandled the steel plate over to the door with the priest hole, which we still hadn’t opened, then used the immovable rod to hold it in place.

Taman: Can we at least peep through the peephole?
Joybell: No. We can’t deal with anything we’d see back there right now.
Mo: I’m fine. You’re fine.
Joybell: Orryk isn’t fine and I won’t go without him. And I want my dog.

Then she sat herself down on the floor in front of it with her sword in her lap.

Joybell, to Tulmor through the telepathic bond: Scooby is about to disappear.

She then dismissed Scooby from the material plane and immediately began casting find steed to bring him to the Forge.

With Joybell resolutely blocking the door, the others set about occupying themselves during a short rest.

Fiona and Mo examined the “setting” the crystal had come out of, looking to see if there were any working or functional looking parts that might be what did the work for the transformation. What they found were copper rods that connected the contraption to the table, transferring the energy from the crystal. They figured out that the crystal was simply a battery or power source and the rods were just connectors to transfer the power. The actual “doing” of the transformation involved a ritual of some sort.

Mo then turned to search the body of Steeltear, using a mage hand (in case he’d trapped himself). Steeltear, now a normal-sized dwarf with slightly greyish coloring, was wearing studded leather armor, nothing particularly special, and had on a leather cloak and a necklace with a pendant. Nothing on his armor or clothing indicated a house or organizational affiliation. In his pockets he had seven sending stones -- each one half of a different pair.

Fiona took out her spellbook and began casting detect magic.

Joybell, now with Scooby to hold onto, sat in the hallway with Scooby’s head in her lap, crying and telling him everything that had happened.

Thneed gave the Broom of Flying back to Mo and Orryk gave Mo the Wand of Web, somewhat over Mo’s objections.

Orryk: It has literally never worked for me. It’s not useful.

Thneed, after examining the table and finding nothing but manacles and the other ends of the power-transfer rods, went out into the larger chamber, to check the bodies of the dead Masks, making sure all of them were really dead. Also looking for any unusual marks or features on them. When she’d finished that, she just stood sentry at that hallway to the larger chamber.

When Fiona’s detect magic went off she found that the amulet and the cloak that Mo’s mage hand had removed from Steeltear’s body were magical (evocation and transmutation, respectively). The disintegration “pit” radiated some transmutation magic. She expected that the crystal would be very magical and found that it wasn’t, really -- there was definitely a glow there, essences of transmutation, abjuration and divination magic, but not the power source we expected.

Taman and Orryk, feeling more like himself after his meditation, went to examine the disintegration pit. They figured out that it goes off once a day at a fixed time -- there’s no switch or command word to set it off. It just goes at a certain time every day, regardless.

Mo suggested getting a bunch of raccoons or rats and releasing them down near the teleportation circle on the wall, in order to set off the Symbols of Badness. (Fortunately, Joybell couldn’t hear this suggestion or she would have been appalled.)

As Joybell heard the others moving around, and heard Orryk talking with Taman about the pit, she started pulling herself together. Wiping her nose and drying tears off her cheeks on Scooby’s fur. Scooby helped lick her cheeks clean. Then she put her happy face back on and was ready to go when the others were.

Barnett, sitting in the same place he’d retreated to as soon as the battle was over, was repeating over and over: It was me. It wasn’t me. It was me. It wasn’t really me.

Hulmon II, Tulmor’s little winged-squirrel homunculus, sat next to Barnett, gently shaking him, trying to shake him out of it.

Mo rolled a cigarette of his finest smoking weed, including some of what he got in Callallah and some of what he got in Pelsoreen, and gave it to Barnett.

Mo: Maybe it will calm you down. Maybe not. Don’t know how you’ll react. You can try it.

Joybell, with her normal mien pasted on, went to talk to Barnett while the others moved the steel plate away from the door and looked through the priesthole.

Barnett: Never cast that on me again.
Joybell, nodding: Okay. I did ask permission. But I won’t. Do you want Scooby to stay here with you? He’s very comforting.
Barnett: No, you may need the mobility.

Then she patted him on the shoulder and went to join the others ready to go through the door.

Looking through the peephole we saw a long room, much longer than it was wide, with a bed and a wardrobe against the far wall. There was an opening in the right hand wall, just a few feet from the door, that led to another room. There was no one moving or visible inside. So we went in. As we entered the room, we saw that there was another wardrobe on the same wall as the first one. Around the corner, not visible from the door was a long bookshelf, which Fiona and Orryk immediately gravitated to.

The bookshelves contained Steeltear’s spellbook (which Fiona set upon immediately), records of all the jobs done by the Masks for hire and records of Steeltear’s experiments with the Forge. Joybell started looking through the records of jobs done for hire, to see if she could find why hired them to take the children from the Wold, but there was no mention of that in the book.

From those books, we learned that there were still three squads of Masks active in the world -- one in New Arvai (working as enforcers for one of the underworld gangs), one in Lonoj (eliminating thieves on behalf of the goldsmith’s guild), and one in the vicinity of Auriqua (attempting to recover an item stolen by hobgoblins from one of the wealthy families).

We’re not sure what they’ll do when the current orders they’re under are no longer applicable. Will they return here and find the place empty and abandoned? Will they go out in the world on a rampage? We have no idea. But it’s not something we can deal with right now.

The books made it clear that Turnik Steeltear was the one totally in charge of the Masks -- he didn’t report to anyone else or take orders from anyone else. His records of experiments with the Forge end about 100 years ago. Fiona noticed something weird, or off, about the books, but couldn’t figure out what it was. They weren’t magical. Just off.

The wardrobes had clothes and basically bric-a-brac. Nothing terribly interesting.

Mo suggested that these might be Crazy Books, so Orryk pulled out the Orrery of Finding Outer Chaos Things. While it settled itself, we explained to Thneed about the crazy books and about the Orrery.

In the end, the Orrery didn’t settle on any direction, it continued spinning freely.

The room adjacent to the bedroom was a treasury -- with coins and things. Before we actually entered the room, Taman looked for secret doors in the bedroom. Thneed poked around with her rarely used sword, looking through the clothes. Taman found a secret door inside one of the wardrobes. He tried to figure out the mechanism, moving the bric-a-brac and shifting the clothing around but nothing worked. So he called the rest of us over to try. Fiona had to drag herself from the spellbook to give it a look, but her mind was not really in it because she found nothing. Orryk, still rattled from almost dying, didn’t find anything either.

With the secret door a bit of a conundrum, and the treasury right there, Taman checked for traps in the treasury room. Fiona took a few minutes to cast detect magic again and we went in and looked around.

We found (see the end of the notes for treasure breakdown and identification of the items found):

2 Potions
A Bead
A fan
A tan-colored cloth bag
A pair of boots


170 pp
4500 gp
2000 sp
4 50lb silver trade bars (each worth 2500 SP)
800 cp
2 25gp silver ewers
2 25 gp statuettes
1 25 gp gold bracelet (Joybell would like for part of her treasure to include this if no one minds)
1 25 gp velvet mask embroidered with silver thread.
14 50gp gems

The mask is such an outlier that we feel like maybe we should keep it. It might be important at some juncture.

The money was neatly organized, not just a random heap of coinage somewhere. The trade bars had been stamped with the seals of many cities -- which indicates that the bar itself had moved around a lot. The seals that had dates included were many decades old.

Taman looked for secret doors in the treasury room, and didn’t find any.

Back in the bedroom, Thneed and Joybell tried to move the wardrobe away from the secret door, but it wouldn’t move at first. Joybell, still a seething ball of emotion and anger, and with Mo’s inspiration, roared and ripped the wardrobe away from the wall (moving it five feet down toward the other wardrobe).

Mo, singing to inspire Joybell: We’re gonna tear this mother-fucker down…

With the wardrobe moved, the entrance to the next chamber was revealed.

The long, angled wall of the room was a long bookcase absolutely FULL of books. In the corner immediately ahead of the door was the dwarven crematorium/tomb/family shrine that the Tashin diplomats had told Mo about while he was swanning them around Embernook. (Reminder: The diplomats told Mo that Masks had stolen the shrine from a caravan while it was en route to New Arvai about four and a half months ago.) It was about the size of a modern grave liner, with a flue that can be opened and a chimney installed on top. Fiona, still detecting magic, saw some items pop up on the bookshelves, but the crematory/tomb was not magical.

Taman checked for traps and found none. The instant he gave the all clear, Orryk and Fiona went immediately to the books. Taman, Mo, and Joybell worked on getting into the crematory/tomb. With some assistance from them (the sides of the thing were 6 feet high, so it is possible that most of the assistance was in the form of Mo being on all fours with Joybell standing on his back so she could shift the lid off the crematory. She moved it off to the side, where it landed with a loud, ringing clang.

Looking in, the crematory appeared to be empty, except for two potion bottles. Taman stabbed in randomly (and blindly) with his rapier and didn’t hit anything. Mo shot a faerie fire into it and nothing began to sparkle. Joybell just glared at it, because she still didn’t believe that we’d gotten the real Steeltear, so the son of a bitch had to be somewhere. And we’d been told he could be invisible.

Over at the bookshelf, Orryk and Fiona found records of all of Steeltear’s experiments -- not just the older ones documented in the books out in the bedroom. While looking at these books, Fiona also figured out what was weird about the ones on the shelf in the bedroom -- those were all about the same age, even though they were recording transactions and experiments over a large period of time.

There were five magic items on the shelves, which got dropped into the bag of holding (identifications at end):

A deck of cards
A cloak
A set of shackles
A mace
A scimitar

During all of this, Thneed, getting bored, started wandering off and went back to the bedroom to look around in there again.

Back at the crypt, Mo pulled the bottles out of the crypt and found that they were empty. Taman inspected them and found that the potions had been drunk recently, very very recently. Like since we killed Steeltear in the Forge room.

Mo immediately started running to check on Barnett.

Taman, paying very close attention to listening and watching for the slightest disturbance, heard footsteps running toward the secret door and gave a yell to get everyone’s attention.

Fiona immediately cast see invisible and pointed to where he was -- along the wall between the crematory/crypt and the secret door. Joybell moved to where she should take a swing at the general area where Fiona was pointing. Then she cast branding smite and flailed at the space, hoping to get a hit. (Swing hard in case you hit it.) She did land a blow on the invisible Steeltear. Her sword flared and he was branded with a radiant light, rendering him visible and giving him a soft glow. Orryk, now able to see the target, hit him with fists of unbroken air. Then Joybell hit him again with her second attack.

Out in the Forge room, Mo got to Barnett, still sitting and rocking with Hulmon II by his side.

Mo, to Barnett: I assume you’re familiar with the Clone spell…
Barnett: naughty word!

Mo then turned and ran back into the bedroom and, unable to get to a position to attack, inspired Thneed.

Mo: You, kill the little one!

Taman moved to cover the secret door, to stop Steeltear from being able to get out of the room, then cast hunter’s mark and hit with his scimitar. Thneed cast her hunter’s mark and shot him soundly with an arrow, doing a lot of damage. Orryk attacked and attacked and punched and punched, landing both strikes from his flurry of blows. Unfortunately, the stunning strikes did not work.

Steeltear started casting something really quickly. Fiona tried to counter it, but was unable to do so, so Steeltear was able to get off his Far Step spell. He bamfed out of the room, past Mo, then took off running through the priesthole door, closing it behind him.

Fiona cast misty step to get herself into the bedroom, then opened the door. Joybell cast misty step as well, teleporting herself and Scooby into the bedroom just beyond Mo, then Scooby ran and dashed to get past Steeltear, so they could hopefully block him from getting to the teleportation circle. Joybell attacked him, hitting and doing a divine smite on him. Her second attack, in the whirlwind of adrenaline and Scooby skidding to a stop in front of Steeltear, missed.

Mo came out of the room and inspired Joybell. Taman missed with an attack. Thneed got into position to shoot, but was unable to attack him. Orryk ran out behind Steeltear, using his Step of the Wind, but then missed with both of his attacks.

Then Steeltear pulled a little dagger out of his pocket and waved it around with a flourish, casting a spell that attacked the entire party (because all of us were in range of it). Only Joybell wasn’t hit by it, though her paladin aura was able to give Orryk and Scooby resistance to the damage. Scooby was “killed” and disappeared out from under Joybell (back to wherever celestial wolf-mounts go), who dropped to the ground with a curse, but landed on her feet. Everyone else took quite a bit of damage from the spell, which is a nasty one, Steel Wind Strike.

As part of the Steel Wind Strike spell, Steeltear appeared on the other side of Joybell, closer to the teleportation circle. When he started to run away, Joybell took the opportunity to attack him again, and dropped him. She continued hitting him, just screaming and crying and hacking at his lifeless body, for about a minute, until Taman stopped her and led her away. Then he consoled her while she broke down and cried.

With Steeltear really dead, and even Joybell believing it to be so, we spent some time going through all of the barracks halls to make sure they were clear of anything either dangerous or useful.

When we’d gotten through all of those we considered how to deal with the teleportation circle.

Taman: Hey, Barnett!! Could you help us out with a non-combat related question?

Barnett emerged cautiously from the Forge room and asked what he could help with. We asked if he could help us disable the Symbol spells so we could get to the teleportation circle to destroy it. He suggested breaking the wall from this side. Which hadn’t occurred to any of us. So Mo cast a shatter spell on it, then Joybell pounded on the weakened rock with her flail until we’d broken through the wall where some of the runes were and the circle was destroyed.

Looking at the books as we were stacking things by where Barnett was going to cast teleportation to take us back to Embernoook, we found a notation where Steeltear described the Forge as equidistant from Embernook and New Arvai, under the Dunimar Mountains. Which narrows it down somewhat, but puts it squarely under the heart of the Green Quilt, with no cities or even notable roads anywhere nearby.

As we were clearing the place, we stacked the bodies of the Masks, and both Steeltears, into the disintegration chamber -- that would be as effective as cremation for preventing them from coming back as undead.

We also took a bit more time to clear out the secret room, finding a bunch more treasure:

2000 pp
4 50lb gold trade bars (2500gp each)
4000 gp
7 1000gp gems (2 black opals, 2 emeralds, a fire opal, a blue sapphire and a yellow sapphire)

We then teleported back to Embernook -- loading the Tenser’s Floating Disk, the bag of holding, and each of us (including Scooby, summoned once again), all to the breaking point to get the treasure, the library, and the crystal all out of there while the circle was open.

9 - 14 Rippenin 748 (Campaign days 70 - 75) (another downtime montage)

Back in Embernook, Fiona and Orryk read through the books. Fiona found the details of a high ritual called Your Time For Mine. As she read it, she cringed in horror and disgust -- the ritual involved killing a humanoid to add its remaining lifespan to that of the caster. She burned that, hoping that the knowledge of how to do that horrible thing would go up in smoke. That was what he wanted the children from the Wold, and elsewhere, for -- to provide extra years for his life. When she told the others, Joybell wanted to go back to the Forge so she could kill him again. He needed so many children because he wasn't particularly good at performing that ritual.

Fiona also got some details of his current research -- he was trying to work out how to tune the high ritual that turned human children into Masks so that it worked on other humanoids as well. That was why he had Masks kidnap the orc children -- he had paid Black Irnod’s apprentice, Tarly, to vivisect them and try to learn in what ways they were different from humans.

Steeltear’s books talked about the pattern of Symbol traps outside the teleportation circle -- they were programmed not to fire when touched on by Steeltear himself, humanoids in masks, and beasts when hitched to carts or wagons. Everyone else would set them off. So sending in Scooby with a Mask wouldn’t have told us anything -- because Scooby is a celestial, and celestials in Masks weren’t immune. And it would have just tortured him.

We also learned that he had a habit of using his Masks to attack trade caravans for their treasure. In one of those attacks, he found a scroll with the Clone spell on it. He traded it to a wizard in Pelsoreen named Altorian Galthoril, a high elf, in exchange for casting it on him. That was four months ago -- shortly after he stole crematory/tomb from the dwarven caravan to New Arvai.

We learned the locations and sigil patterns for the teleportation circles in Steeltear’s network -- the ones in the Forge and in the cave outside Callallah have both been destroyed. There are four still functional: one north of Auriqua, one outside Tash, one near Erlin, and one in New Arvai. Of those locations, New Arvai has an active squad of Masks working under the direction of one of the underworld bosses. And there is an active squad near Auriqua working to recover a stolen magic item.

Looking back through the records of jobs offered and accepted, we found that someone tried to hire the Masks to assassinate Administrator Alighieri. Steeltear refused the job. This was shortly after Alighieri became the Administrator of Embernook. We also learned that the biggest job he’d ever been paid for was sending two squads (which were up to 10 Masks) to a place called Kotima (which some of us had heard of as a continent a long way away) to take part in a succession war.

Fiona and Orryk talked with Tulmor and Barnett about the crystal. They confirmed that the crystal is just a battery -- it stores psychic power and then releases it. Steeltear’s method of charging it was torturing a humanoid to death. Horrible.

We wondered if perhaps exposure to happy emotions, like those at a concert or show, might be enough to power the crystal up. So Mo gave a performance at the Pewter Oar. The crystal was set on a floating disc in the center of the stage, spinning slowly, with a light spell over it so it glowed and sparkled like a disco dazzler ball. It looked really cool and Mo gave a hell of a performance, but the crystal didn’t pick up the slightest bit of charge.

In addition to reading the library from the Forge, we had a week or so of downtime (until Joybell’s bulette plate shield was finished) and accomplished other things.

Orryk, now learning some wizardry from Tulmor and Barnett, performed a high ritual to summon a small elemental friend as his familiar -- something that looks like a mephit but is not evil and is friendly to Orryk and his allies.

Mo ordered a netting chair made for his broom of flying - so he could start the broom going then ride underneath it in a hammock-chair, able to play his pipe and cast spells as he liked. Sort of a combat hammock.

Fiona used a sending spell to let Rask and the Cracked Shield orcs know that it was safe for them to return to Pelsoreen. The Masks would not be returning there. She also cast sending to Wilm Orter, the town elder of Callallah, to let him know that the Masks would not be returning and that they should enjoy their children and the bounty of their village.

Fiona spent most of the downtime transcribing spells from Steeltear’s spellbook to her own. That plus the rest of his library kept her plenty well occupied.

Barnett, during all of this, was slowly recovering and getting back to his own normal.

Mo, who had taken possession of the seven sending stones we found in First Turnik’s pocket, waited for anyone to call on them. We learned that Turnik had people in many cities, though not Embernook (because Embernook is nice) keeping an ear out for business opportunities for him. When one came up they could use the sending stones to let him know about them.

After several days without getting any message through the sending stones, and after an evening spent drinking heartilly, Mo picked one at random and drunk called.

Mo: Just so you know, your boss is dead and you’re next.
Voice at the other end, after a moment’s pause: Good luck.

After he told us about that, we went to ask Tulmor and Barnett if it was possible to learn the location of the other one of a pair of sending stones. (Note: GM said he would get back to us on that.)

Thneed spent much of her time walking around talking to the guard in town, thinking they were perhaps kin to soldiers (one of her favorite enemy humanoid subtypes) and trying to persuade them to do harmless but silly things. She realized after several days of this that it probably came off as flirting. Especially since she’s an adjunct guard herself.

Toward the end of the week, before Joybell’s shield was finished, she, Orryk and Taman went out to the Basalt Henge. Because Taman is all interested in nature and rangering and so on these days, Joybell spent the trip out talking to him about the plants and animals native to the Black Field. Taman mostly tuned her out. While we were walking, Orryk had his new elemental familiar as a mud mephit flying along with us. Orryk was working on using mold earth to raise up walls of earth around us.

We took a moment to have a conversation with all three of us talking to a somewhat confused marmot who just wanted the eagles to stop attacking. One had just killed his brother. Joybell promised to warn him if she saw one while they were still close by.

While we were taking a break on the road, Orryk asked Taman to hit him, really hit him. Taman, a bit confused, complied and attacked him. Orryk tried to raise a protective earthen shield around himself, but it didn’t raise in time and he took the damage. But he was almost cheerful about it. The next day, when we were at the Henge, Joybell took a turn taking a shot at him at his request. The protective shield almost deflected the damage, but it wasn’t quite fast enough. Orryk smiled even bigger.

When they got to the Henge, Joybell told Nailo, the head druid, and Green Hope, her fighting trainer, that we’d avenged the Wold. They seemed somewhat taken aback by that -- not upset, just surprised. Joybell agreed that it wasn’t entirely in keeping with her oath to seek vengeance but it needed to be done. Then she went off to the henge itself to pray and try and atone and to reaffirm her commitment to her oath of the ancients.

Orryk told them about going to the Primal Atoll and shared what Irlua had said about fire being out of balance. He then asked if they knew anything about the Umbral Circle. Nailo said that it had been a few years since they’d seen anyone from the Umbral Circle. He asked after the staff we were charged with recovering, Adnorga’s Staff. They had heard of the item but weren’t aware of it being missing.

We stayed at the Henge for a couple of days while Joybell atoned (including having a Ceremony: Atonement spell cast on her behalf). Toward the end of the time, Taman used his new ability to sense planar portals and found a dormant portal to elemental fire about a mile away out in the Black Field. We all took a walk out there, across the lava flow, and realized when we got to the location that the portal itself was under the lava field in the dormant volcano. Nothing to see.

The third day of our trip, Joybell attacked Orryk again, to test his new earthen shield and it rose up to protect him just as he wanted it to. Orryk was almost happy.

The next morning, we returned to Embernook.

14 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 75)

Joybell’s shield was ready and she picked it up from Brightforge.

(Note: The montage can continue from here as we buy a house and furnish it.)


The DM notes that Turnik had High Ritual gear in his bedroom. Blocky and square, not particularly attractive but well made, including ritual clothes sized for a dwarf. The party can sell the lot for 1200 gp.

PP: 2170
GP (including trade bars, art, and sold Mask gear): 19450
SP (including trade bars): 12000
CP: 800
Gems: 14 x 50 GP, 7 x 1000 GP

Per person:
PP: 361
GP: 3241
SP: 2000
CP: 133
Gems: 2 x 50 GP, 1 x 1000 GP

(Note: Joybell is going to take the Velvet Mask and the Gold Bracelet as 50 of her, erm, 3241 gp. Which is not going to make an appreciable difference to anything. Just we’ll have that mask and she wants the bracelet.)

PP: 4
GP: 4
CP: 2
Gems: 2 x 50 GP, 1 x 1000 GP

Which leads to a Party Kitty Update:

Party Kitty update:
8 pp, 7 gp, 10 sp, and 18 cp. Also 2 50gp gems and 1 1000 gp gem.

The kitty will go a long way toward buying us a house, I reckon.

Magic items:

+2 Scimitar [Martial Weapon limits to Joybell/Taman/Thneed]
Bag of Tricks, Tan
Bead of Force
Boots of Elvenkind
Cloak of Displacement [Attunement, Joybell]
Deck of Illusions
Dimensional Shackles
Mace of Smiting [STR/Monk Weapon limits to Joybell/Orryk]
Periapt of Wound Closure [Attunement]
Potion of Frost Giant Strength
Potion of Invulnerability
Wind Fan
Wings of Flying [Attunement]

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 32: The Perils of Traveling By Water; Also, We Own A Whole Town!!

Dramatis Personae:

Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

15 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 76)

We’d decided during the course of a week of downtime that we wanted a place of our own -- preferably one that was a bit outside of Embernook. So, after Joybell picked up her new shield, we all (except Fiona who spent a week and a half doing little but learning spells from Steeltear’s spell book and, when reminded, eating and sleeping) went to Tulmor and Barnett’s. We wanted to ask them if they knew who we should talk to about maybe buying Harl’s house up in Kalmarn (or maybe all of Kalmarn).

Barnett started laughing and said that he was the person we needed to talk to. He’d inherited Harl’s house and the entire village. He also said that he didn’t want any of it.

Mo: So, for this house you don’t want, how much?
Barnett: I can sell you the house and the town all the way to the pier on the river for 8000gp.
Joybell: Only 8000? For a whole town? Are you sure that’s enough?
Mo: Yes. He is.

Barnett said he’d get the papers drawn up -- we could close the sale the next day, on the 16th of Rippenin (campaign day 77).

We discussed various plans -- Joybell and Orryk didn’t want to spend a lot of time personally furnishing the house and finding villagers to live in Kalmarn. Mo and Taman had some ideas about what tradespeople we needed for the village. Also, they wanted to start an inn, which is a fine idea. But we decided to start from baby steps -- getting our house in order, without spending a lot of time in the weeds of that.

(Note: Also not spending a lot of time at the gaming table on recruiting blacksmiths and buying furniture.)

We decided that we needed a castellan. Joybell was pretty definite that’s what we need because we definitely didn’t want a vizier, they’re always evil, or a majordomo, they’re usually evil. Castellans are nice and honorable.

We figured that maybe we could get a recommendation for someone who would make a good castellan from Tillaron Zun. Taman had a question for him anyway, since our next adventure is going to be up to Auriqua to deal with the fey that killed his family.

At the Zun estate, we got taken directly to see Tillaron. Joybell asked if he could recommend someone very trustworthy to be our castellan.

Tillaron Zun: I hate to say this, but the best, most qualified and most honest person for the job is a halfling named Chulty. He’s Thalith’s nephew.
Joybell: Do you know how to get in touch with him?
Tillaron: No. You’ll have to ask Thalith. I’d appreciate it if you mentioned that I gave you the recommendation.

Joybell agreed that she would.

Taman: You’ve been to Auriqua. How do I get in touch with the Fey?
Tillaron: Any one in particular?
Taman: Yes. But the Fey will be best situated to help me find the one I’m looking for, Ildna.
Tillaron: Well, I can tell you that if you’re at the Blue Gate on the first night of the Festival Of Sky you can probably talk to the Tundra Queen.
Taman: In person?
Tillaron: Yes. She’s contractually obligated to be there, I believe.

We don’t want to wait that long to go to Auriqua and find Ildna (it’s currently about 2 weeks to the Autumnal Equinox festival, so a long way from the Feast of Sky, which is the Winter Solstice festival), so we’ll have to find another way to get in touch with they Fey up there.

We thanked Tillaron and left for Thalith’s office. Joybell put her name on the waiting list and waited patiently, while the others looked at her in something like disbelief.

After a few minutes, we got called in, ahead of our time in line.

Thalith: What is it with you?
Joybell: Everyone out there has business that’s important for their lives. Ours isn’t more so. Anyway, we’re buying Harl’s house and all of Kalmarn from Barnett.
Thalith: Oh!?
Joybell: Yep! And we need a castellan. Tillaron Zun recommended your nephew, Chulty, as the best and most honest choice.
Thalith: He’s right. Chulty is the best choice. And Tillaron clearly wants something.
Mo: That was subtle...
Joybell: He didn’t say to be subtle. He said to mention his name. If he wanted me to be subtle he needed to tell me that.

Thalith, after confirming that the best place to get in touch with us was still the Pewter Oar, said that Chulty would come by after dinner so we could talk to him and meet him.

Taman: How do I get in touch with the Fey in Auriqua?
Thalith: Do you want the Tundra Queen?
Taman: That’s months away and she’s not the best choice.
Thalith: You’re looking for the one who destroyed your family...After the Autumnal Equinox, some of the Fey with cold powers come out north of the city to play. You might be able to talk with one of them to find the one you’re seeking.

After dinner at the Pewter Oar, we saw a young, barely adult, hafling enter and look around the tavern. When he saw the party, he came over to us. We bought him a beer and began a sort of awkward interview. He was a robust looking halfling -- he clearly spent time outside doing things.

Orryk: What do you do now?
Chulty: I’ve been doing errands for my uncle around town.
Thneed: If you had your uncle’s job, would you enjoy it?
Chulty: I think having the Administrator looking over your shoulder constantly would be tiring.
Thneed: Have you been out of Embernook?
Chulty: I’ve been to Erlin and Lonoj. I walked most of the way, which was a good way to travel.

Someone asked if he’d be okay alone for extended periods of time, because we were probably not going to be consistently in residence.

We talked some about how much he expected to be paid (2gp/day) and agreed to his rates. We paid him three months in advance and told him that we’d be closing on the sale the next day.

The night then passed with those staying at the inn safely there and those at Queena’s lodging house safely there.

16 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 77)

At breakfast, we got a note from Chulty that he was going to be taking a trade boat up the river to Kalmarn to start taking a look at the house. We weren’t going to be getting there for a few days but he wanted to hit the ground running.

First thing after breakfast, Joybell and Thneed went to the guard house to see if they needed any help. Joybell was very disappointed that they said no. She and Thneed did however do some practice and training there -- Thneed with the archery targets and Joybell sparring with some of the guards and doing drills with dummies.

Fiona’s work learning spells from Steeltear’s spellbook continued -- some of it at the Pewter Oar, some of it at Tulmor and Barnett’s (for more privacy), and some of it outside the city walls (such as practicing making a wall of fire).

When she was at Tulmor and Barnett’s, around when we did the paperwork for the closing, Tulmor went to her with a stack of paper glued on three sides (so the pages stay together solidly but can still be readily separated). She explained that these are dragon pages -- magical paper. If you write a message on the page, fold it in half, and then write a name on the outside, the paper will magically fold itself into an origami dragon and fly to the person you’re writing to. (The paper becomes invisible after a few feet of flight.) The paper arrives at its destination within a day. If you fold a blank sheet inside the one addressed, it will provide a way for the recipient to respond.

Tulmor: There are 50 pages there. It’s a gift, but don’t tell Barnett. He doesn’t know I can make them.

Orryk also spent some time at their place learning Jump, Longstrider and Expeditious Retreat from their spellbooks. (There’s definitely a theme to his research there.)

While that was happening, Joybell and some other folks went to the docks to charter a boat to take us up to Auriqua, with stops as needed along the way, including one in Kalmarn. We found The Gellyan, captained by Tavin Lamerin, a human. He asked for 250 gp to take us there and wait for 6 days to bring us back. If we aren’t ready to leave at that time, he’ll just load cargo and come back without us. We agreed to those terms, and Taman paid for the entire group. Mo paid him an additional 50gp to load better food than would be their norm for us and the crew and everyone on board.

That evening, Fiona sent a message to Rask and the Cracked Shields about coming to Kalmarn. She told him that it’s an empty town about half a day from Embernook. We own the village. Rask said that sounded like a very tempting idea.

Joybell: Maybe they’ll adopt me after all!

The rest of the day and the evening passed without incident.

17 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 78)

Mo went and bought beer, distilled spirits (moonshine) and wine for the trip.

Joybell and Thneed went to see if the guard needed any help. Joybell was once again disappointed that they did not. They spent the day training and practicing.

At some point in the day, Joybell bought a bottle of really nice wine and put it in her pack.

The day and the night otherwise passed without incident.

18 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 79)

We went to the Gellyan bright and early first thing in the morning. We told Captain Lamerin that we needed to stop in Kalmarn for the rest of the day. The pier in Kalmarn was still there and in good shape. The signal flag, which indicates that someone in the town needs a ship to stop, was not out. As we walked through the town, we noticed that there weren’t any corpses still around -- we couldn’t remember if all of the corpses had been cleared away and burned before we went back to deal with the gribbly monster in Harl’s house or not.

Anyway, we walked through the town to get to Our House. Mo suggested renaming the town Mo City, or perhaps Mo Village. Someone else suggested Motown. The idea of renaming Kalmarn didn’t gain much traction. However, Joybell did enthusiastically back calling our house Stately Kang Manor.

When we got there, we found all the windows and doors thrown open and a tent pitched in the front yard. Chulty stepped out of the tent as we approached.

Chulty: Howdy!
Joybell: Why are you staying outside?
Chulty: The place has been closed up for a month and it’s stuffy.
Joybell: Fair enough. How much do you think you’re going to need to fix it up?
Chulty: For paint and furniture and so on, 3000 gp. Do I need to know anything -- like is anything on the walls?
Orryk: There’s a teleportation circle on the floor in the library, hidden with an illusion spell. We’d like to keep that.
Chulty: Good to know.

We gave him the pad of dragon pages so he could reach us, and the money he said he’d need. Mo gave him some extra money to stock booze so we wouldn’t come back to nothing to drink when we returned.

Mo then headed out to cast the 8-hour version of the Plant Growth spell -- to make the land around Stately Kang Manor very fertile and productive. While he was doing that Joybell talked with Chulty about maybe needing a gardener, so we don’t have fertile and productive weeds and stuff. She slipped him some extra money to hire a gardener or any other staff he might feel he needed.

Joybell: Are you going to be okay?
Chulty: I’ll be fine.

She told him about our invitation to the Cracked Shield to come and settle in Kalmarn.

Joybell: They’ll be a tribe of orcs and half-orcs, with some children as well as adults. They have cracks painted on their shields. They’re really awesome. I just don’t want you to be surprised or taken aback.
Chulty: Okay. I’m glad you told me.

After talking with Chulty, Joybell walked around the house and picked herself a room on the ground floor, because she wanted a window Scooby could jump in and out of. The others picked out rooms according to their preferences.

Ultimately though, because we had no furniture, and the house was kinda stuffy still...and maybe because we’re used to it, Fiona made a Tiny Hut in the garden for people to sleep in if they wanted. Orryk, Joybell and Chulty stayed in the hut with her. Taman slept outside the hut in the garden. Thneed found her way to the edge of some trees so she could sleep under those. Mo started the broom flying and spent the night sleeping strapped into his combat hammock a thousand or so feet in the air.

The night passed without incident.

19 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 80)

We headed to the river bright and early in the morning. In honor of our water voyage, Omnath (Orryk’s Awesome Mephit Friend) was in the form of a steam mephit.

Aboard the Gellyan, Joybell, Scooby, Thneed and Taman sat right up in the front of the boat looking at all the neat stuff going by and talking about it. (Well, Scooby didn’t do much talking, but they were able to sort of lean back on him and relax.) Fiona and Orryk were reading below. Mo was flying along above the boat, relaxing in his combat hammock -- where he mostly lives now.

The day and the night passed quietly.

20 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 81)

Most of the day passed in very similar fashion to the day before. Dinner was shortly before sunset. After dinner, Joybell, Thneed, Taman, and Scooby, went back to the bow of the ship to watch the sunset. Mo was getting ready to start the broom of flying again. Fiona and Orryk were once again reading below.

Our post-dinner reverie was interrupted by a huge surge in the water ahead of us, as a hydra with five heads rose up out of the river immediately in front of the boat.

Before the crew could even react, Thneed had drawn her bow, cast hunter’s mark on it, and shot it twice. Taman cast hunters’ mark as well and shot it as well.

Because there was no screaming or commotion yet, Orryk and Fiona just kept reading.

Mo puffed on his pipe to get some smoke going well, then blew out a cloud around the hydra and cast polymorph. Unfortunately, the hydra saved against that. He then inspired Joybell.

Joybell considered jumping from the boat to the hydra, but it looked like it was maybe a bit too far and she was afraid that it was a bad idea. So she fired magic missiles at it from the wand instead.

Joybell: Orryk and Fiona, we need you!

The hydra moved up to the side of the boat right near Thneed and attacked her with all five of its heads. Two missed, two hit (one critically), and Mo said some cutting words to cause the last one to miss.

Mo: Hey! You got too many heads!

Thneed disengaged and moved back from the railing of the ship to be near Scooby.

Taman did what Joybell had only thought of -- he took a running leap and jumped onto the back of the hydra and slashed at it with his new scimitar, getting a good hit.

Orryk trudged up on deck muttering about Joybell interrupting them for some damn thing or another. Then he saw the hydra.

Orryk: <<swearing in gnomish>> Fiona. Hydra.

He took a shot with his shortbow.

This wass about when the crew started screaming.

Mo: It’s not nice to waste someone’s high level spells.

Then he cast polymorph on the hydra again. It resisted again.

Fiona came up onto the deck.

Fiona: Huh!

She cast polymorph and turned the hydra into a trout. Taman fell into the water with a big splash. Joybell ran over to the side of the ship and threw him a rope and pulled him back on board.

Taman: That was really cool for about five seconds.
Joybell: It was awesome!
Mo, to Fiona: Polymorph was a great idea.

Captain Lamerin came out on deck to see why his crew were screaming and what the commotion was -- only to see absolutely nothing threatening the ship. Joybell explained to him that there was a hydra and that it had been turned into a fish, but only for an hour, so maybe we ought to get well away.

The captain agreed with that and we sailed away with alacrity.

Joybell sat back down in the bow of the ship, leaning against Scooby, to watch the sunset.

After the Hydra Incident, we decided to keep watches while aboard the Gellyan. Joybell took first watch and it was very quiet and peaceful. She woke Orryk up for second watch.

After an hour or two, Orryk heard a really bad impersonation of a red-tailed hawk, which he knew to be a daytime bird, not prone to calling in the middle of the night. It sounded to him like someone doing a signal call to someone else.

He sent Omnath, still a steam mephit, around to wake everyone up. Omnath was able to talk to Fiona, who was able to explain to us why we were being woken up. Thneed went to the captain’s quarters and banged on the door.

We stayed upstairs for a while, but no one saw or heard anything further, so Fiona and Taman went back to bed. Joybell curled up with Scooby on the deck and slept there. Thneed, having already gotten as much time for her trance as she needed, stayed on deck with Orryk, until he went back to sleep, then took over for third watch.

The rest of the night passed without any anomalous animal noises or other incident.

21 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 82)

The next afternoon, we sailed along with Joybell, Taman and Thneed in the front of the ship, with Scooby behind them where Joybell could lean on him, watching the banks go by and pointing interesting things out to each other. Orryk and Fiona were reading and Mo was a couple hundred feet up and about 10 feet behind the back of the ship lounging in his combat hammock.

We were snuck up on (sort of) by a troop of five hill giants about 40 feet away on the banks of the river. It was pretty clear that they could wade right up to the boat without much trouble because the river wasn’t all that deep.

One of them stepped forward as their leader.

Giant (in common): Pull boat to shore or we throw rocks.
Captain Lamerin (to us): I’m not going to let them hole the boat. I’m pulling over.
Mo (to the giants): What do you want?
Giant: We want treasure. Empty boat.
Mo: We don’t have any treasure.

It was clear that the giants did not believe that we had no treasure on board the boat.

Joybell moved to the deck railing where the giants would be reaching us and told them that we didn’t have anything for them and to let us be. Then she held an attack in case one of them made an aggressive move on us or the ship.

Taman tried to use the Eyes of Charming on the leader but the attempt failed because Giants are immune (the Eyes of Charming work on humanoids). The giant was clearly aware of the attempt though because he said something about human tricks. Then he moved aggressively toward the side of the ship.

Joybell decided that was enough of a threat for her and used her held action to attack, drawing down divine energy into the hit and striking a blow that the giant actually noticed.

Taman, did something really cool -- he traced the edge of his scimitar with his thumb, causing it to glow bright green, then did his attack. As the sword slashed across the giant’s chest, there was a shockwave that radiated out from the blow, rippling through the corpulent body and doing extra damage.

Orryk who had been alerted while we were moving to the shore came on deck and attacked the giant, getting lots of hits with the daggers. Mo blew a ring of smoke and cast hypnotic pattern over the three closest to us who were not the leader. Two of them appeared to stop moving much and just blinked slowly. Then he floated closer on his broom, but was still in the air.

Joybell attacked the giant leader twice, without smiting, and dropped him.

Joybell: Your leader is dead. We’re going to sail on.

Before they had much chance to respond to that, Fiona cast a fireball, centered right on them but shaped around the two that were hypnotized. It did a lot of damage to the two that had not been injured yet. Thneed took her two shots on the nearest one, with her hunters’ mark, hitting solidly.

One of the two singed ones went to their fallen leader and put her hand on his body. The other one backed away from the edge of the river.

We sailed away down the river staying alert for them to throw any rocks at us. They did not.

Captain Lamerin: There are weird things on the river, but this is new. I’ve never had a trip like this.

Because of course all the bad stuff was coming out while we were passing through.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 33: In Which We Break Rule #1

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

21 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 82)

After dinner, but before people retired for the night, Joybell broke out the bottle of good wine that she bought before we left and poured everyone a drink in honor of Thneed being with us for a month. With apologies for being one day late about it.

We all got a little bit of wine (some more than others) to celebrate Thneed and to celebrate all of us.

Then we went into watches and nightly activities. The night passed without incident.

22 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 83)

Mo had a brilliant idea in the night and tied a rope from the back of the Gellyan to his broom of flying, so he will be able to sleep in his combat hammock and get pulled along by the ship.

Shortly after lunch, Orryk and Fiona were reading on deck. Joybell, Taman, and Thneed riding in the bow talking about what they were seeing and passing through. Mo was riding on his combat hammock.

We spotted a dozen or so lizardfolk swimming out from the shore toward the boat. Mo cast a plant growth spell on the vegetation in the river, causing the river grasses and weeds to choke up the river bank and impede the progress of the lizardfolk. He left a strip of river wide enough for the boat to pass through unimpeded.

Then he asked the lizard folk what they were there for.

Lizardperson: We’re here to collect.
Joybell: What are you collecting?
Lizardperson: The passage your captain is going to pay at the wreck.
Captain Lamerin: We’re going to pay that at the wreck in a day and a half.
Joybell: We’ll pay then. Why are you asking now?
Lizardperson: Too many people are going by without paying.

During this conversation the ship was sailing on…

Mo: If you guys can catch us you’re welcome to try and kill us but otherwise…
Joybell (running to the back of the boat as we sailed away from them): Are you normally the ones who collect the money?
Lizardperson: We collect for the Green Lord, Tallyxtillon.
Joybell: Will Tallyxtillon be at the wreck? We can pay him then….

(We recognized Tallyxtillon as a draconic name.)

Joybell asked Captain Lamerin about the wreck. He told us that there’s a river ship, bigger than the Gellyan, that has been broken in two on a shoal in the middle of the river. The keel is broken and the ship set there as a warning. The Green Lord began collecting a toll to pass the wreck. There are often Lizardfolk there collecting the tolls and they say that the forest itself obeys the Green Lord, but Captain Lamerin has never actually seen him.

The captain said that he believes that the Green Lord broke the boat. The Lizardfolk are often on the wreck reminding people to pay.

Mo: Don’t pay the 100gp.
Thneed: I’ve never seen a dragon before.
Mo: That’s why I don’t want to pay.
Taman: We could not pay until the dragon shows up, then pay.
Fiona: I don’t want to meet a green dragon.
Joybell: I don’t think we’re up to fighting a dragon.
Orryk: We’re going to wind out fighting it, the way our luck runs.

We asked the captain if he knew what boat it was and he didn’t know. There were no reports of a boat going down or going missing and the nameplate on the stern is not visible the way the wreck is sitting on the sandbar.

Joybell: But what about all the people on board?

The captain hadn’t heard about sailors being missing either and had no idea what might have happened to the crew of the wrecked ship.

People just started paying when the wreck appeared and lizardfolk on and about the shoals demanded money. He said we’d get there the next day.

Thneed went off with Mo to teach him curse words in Draconic -- only she was teaching him innocuous words and telling him that they were curse words.

Orryk: Joybell, what if this is a druid, not a dragon?
Joybell, thinking: It could be.
Orryk: The lizardfolk say the forest obeys him. That’s not a dragon thing. It could be a druid thing.

We consulted with Fiona to draw on an additional brain with knowledge about dragons. Between Orryk and Fiona we knew that older, bigger and badder green dragons warp the forest around them. It’s not unheard of for them to get some spells, either innately or by learning some magic, which could be druidic magic.

Joybell agreed that it was a possibility. But an evil druid would still need to be stopped.

The rest of the day and the night passed without incident.

23 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 84)

Late the next day, we saw the wreck on a sandbar in the middle of the river. There were clear shipping lanes on either side of the sandbar, each wide enough for ships the size of the Gellyan or even larger to pass by. On the sandbar was a ship, a bit larger than the Gellyan, broken in half. The bow half was lying sort of on its side. The stern half was standing on the stern, mostly upright. The two halves were completely detached from one another.

Mo detached his broom from its tether to the ship and flew over to get a better look at things. He started out looking for markings or any indication as to what the name of the ship was. Unfortunately, all he could really tell was that it was a broken boat.

Orryk got the bag of 100gps that Captain Lamerin gave him and gave it to Omnath, his awesome mephit friend.

Joybell: I could go over, Mo could use...look, he’s landing…
Orryk: If he needs us, he’ll scream.

Mo threw his rope down into the broken stern and cast rope trick. Then he started climbing down the rope. Orryk sent Omnath over with the bag, looking through his eyes.

Orryk, through Omnath, could figure out that it was a weird ship -- or it was a weird thing shaped like a ship. But there’s no way to move around in it, because the decks don’t line up correctly between the two halves of the ship.

Mo looked around a little bit, but didn’t see anything of interest inside the wrecked ship, so he climbed up his rope trick to get out of the vertical belly of the epicenter of this outbreak.

Joybell tried to wave for him to come back to the Gellyan and land. Mo, totally missing the message, waved back.

Orryk had Omnath poke around a little bit on the two halves of the wreck after he left the bag of gold on the island. He determined that someone had taken parts of two ships that were being broken down in shipyard.

Mo, still over on the island, cast polymorph on himself and turned into a giant ape. Joybell, hoping to be there for Mo if something went pear-shaped on the island, asked the captain if we could borrow a dinghy to row over to the island. When he said we could, she asked him to please stop the ship when he got a bit beyond the sandbank, so we could look around a bit and not have too far to row to catch up.

Then she got in the dinghy with Taman and Thneed and began to row. As we rowed over, Giant Ape Mo began (Magilla Gorilla) breaking up the wrecked ship, violently, throwing the pieces to the side of the river. He roared and tackled the standing stern of the boat knocking it over and breaking it into pieces. When those were thrown to the shore he turned to the bow-end of the wreck smashing it with his giant ape fists.

Orryk and Fiona stayed on the Gellyan watching the antics on the sandbar.

Mo finished breaking up the wreck about when we arrived at the sandbar and polymorphed back into himself. He grabbed the bag of gold that Omnath had dropped onto the sand, then climbed back on the broom and deployed the combat hammock as we pulled onto the bank.

Before we even got out of the boat, Taman noticed movement on the far shore of the river -- some of the foliage was moving and he heard an elephant trumpeting. Or someone mimicking an elephant trumpeting.

Joybell (with a bit of assistance from Taman and Thneed) portaged the dinghy across the sandbank and then rowed to the other shore. We found a little beach where we could pull the dinghy out of the water and look around. Omnath flew along with us and was there on the island, but none of us there could speak any dialect of Primordial, so he didn’t really have any way to communicate with us.

We looked for tracks around the beach. Joybell and Thneed also looked for elephant tracks -- because although it would have been very unlikely to see an elephant, it would have been awesome as well.

Taman and Thneed saw prints from big, clawed feet with tail drag-marks between them. They identified those as lizardfolk tracks. This was about where Taman saw the movement on the shore.

Joybell: Should we follow them?
Taman: Orryk and Fiona are on the boat.

He waved at Omnath.

Taman: Hi, Orryk!

Thneed shouted out a demand to parlay in draconic, but there was no response.

Joybell, to Omnath: Please ask Orryk to ask the captain if these lizardfolk have hurt anyone.

After a few moments, Omnath shook his head no.

Mo reached into his new Bag of Tricks for the first time and pulled out a Giant Hyena.

Mo, to the Hyena: Go get ‘em! Just hassle the lizardfolk. Have fun!

It bounded off into the woods.

We went back to the Gellyan discussing the fact that there were clearly a passel of lizardfolk running some sort of scam. Though that doesn’t explain how they got the boat halves at all, let alone how they got them placed convincingly on the sandbank.

As we got back to the Gellyan, Joybell reminded Mo to give Captain Lamerin his money back. Mo, without telling anyone, gave the captain his money bag, lighter by 25 gp.

Once back on the ship, we continued on our way.

The rest of the day and the night passed without incident.

24 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 85)

The next day Joybell suddenly realized that we hadn’t seen a single other boat on the river the whole trip. Joybell asked about it and the captain said that it was the time of year when traffic on the river began to slow down because winter in Auriqua is unpleasant.

Mo asked the captain if he’d made a deal with the Tundra Queen.

Captain: I’ve overwintered in Auriqua and seen her there. I was not foolish enough to make a deal with her.
Taman: Administrator Alighieri tasked me with annoying her as much as possible.

Shortly after lunchtime, everyone topside on the boat (which was everyone) noticed a large group of lizardfolk (a dozen to eighteen) standing on the shore watching the Gellyan pass by. The shore was 60’ away and they made no attempt to contact us or to attack.

Thneed, to the lizardfolk (in draconic): Did you see those naughty words in that other boat tearing things up?

There was no response.

Mo, to the lizardfolk (in common): Did you come here to die?

Then he threw out a few of the choice swears that Thneed had taught him.

Mo (in draconic): Fishsticks! Mother fluffing!

The only response was perhaps a bit of stifled laughter.

The Gellyan sailed on by, moving at her usual speed (about walking speed). The lizardfolk did not move from their position on the shore.

Joybell, to Captain Lamerin: Is this normal?
Captain Lamerin: No. It’s really not.
Joybell, to the lizardfolk (in common): Your beef is with us, not the Gellyan or its crew. Don’t take it out on them…. That’s not quite totally true. Just talk to us.

We never stopped sailing by and they never responded at all.

Mo used the flute of scribing to write “Alighieri was here” on the bank. Once his back was turned, Fiona dispelled it.

Orryk: So the question is when we’re going to fight 30 of them.

That night, just before dawn, during third watch, Mo, Thneed & Taman noticed a green serpentine thing flying down the river. Mo used mage hand to wake everyone up.

As it flew over the Gellyan it waggled its wings in a mark of recognition, acknowledging us and our presence.

Mo, to dragon (in draconic): Fishsticks!

When we told the captain about it, he took the bag of gold that Mo had returned to him and put it next to the wheel on the top deck.

Captain: Next time anyone tries to collect passage, we pay.

Neither the boat nor the dragon ever stopped.

The rest of the night passed.

25 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 86)

We spent the day arguing political theory (is the dragon’s toll to pass along the river illegitimate, could it become legitimate simply by the fact of people paying it, is any toll really legitimate) in a non-heated way.

Around dinner time, we saw the first other ship we’d seen the whole trip. It was a merchant vessel sailing down the river toward Embernook. It was flying Auriquah’s flag. (When we noticed that we compared that to the colors the Gellyan was sailing under -- those of Embernook, the Zun family, and another merchant family we weren’t familiar with.)

The Gellyan’s crew furled the windsail and waited for the boat to draw alongside.

Captain of Other Ship: What’s on the way?
Captain Lamerin: There were hill giants, a hydra, and lizardfolk. The wreck got trashed.
Joybell: The wreck was fake. But there really was a dragon flying overhead.

Thneed taught the other captain how to greet the dragon in draconic (honestly and for real). Joybell taught him the dragon’s name: Tallyxtillon.

Then both ships unfurled their windsails and continued on their way.

Joybell: When we go back down this river, it’s going to be such a mess!

The rest of the day and the night passed.

26 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 87)

The next morning, early, we sailed past a town pier (like the one at our village, Kalmarn) that had a flag out. This is how villages indicate to passing ships that they want a boat to stop. Captain Lamerin said that the flag was looking for a boat heading downstream to stop, so we sailed on by.

(Mo's player: Pier-to-pier communication.) ( :D)

The rest of the day passed. So did most of the night. Just before dawn, Thneed, Taman and Mo were on deck on watch. Joybell was sleeping curled up with Scooby on the deck.

Thneed was teaching Mo a “bawdy drinking song” in draconic. (In reality it was something like “I’m A Little Pork Roast”.)

Another, smaller ship heading downstream passed the Gellyan shortly before dawn. Because of the darkness, neither of the Gellyan nor the other ship had much chance to slow down to communicate before it passed.

Thneed and Taman noticed that the ship was flying Auriqua's colors (so leaving that city, not returning to Embernook) and that there was no cargo on the deck. There were also no people on the deck who were obviously not crew. They suspected it might be a charter, much like our trip on the Gellyan.

Thneed tried to warn the other ship about the perils we’d encountered.

Thneed: Giant Dragon Hydra
Mo, in draconic: Fishsticks!

27 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 88)

The next day we traveled without much incident. Around noon, we had to slow down because of a ferry that crossed the river, connecting villages on either side of the river. We asked if they’d been having problems with lizardfolk and they said they had never been bothered by them.

After the ferry crossed the river, we sailed on.

Mo, singing: I’m sailing away….

That evening after dinner we saw a boat docked at a pier going up river, the same direction we were. The captain slowed to ask how their trip had been going. Theirs had been uneventful (of course). We asked if they had paid at the wreck and they said yes. When asked if the wreck had looked legit to them they said that it had looked a little weird, but even if it wasn’t a real wreck, something had taken those boat halves there. So they paid the toll.

We continued moving on and the rest of the day and the night passed without incident.

28 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 89)

As we got further into the plains, and the area of the Tundra Queen’s influence, the woods got looser and looser. Just after lunch, we noticed a circle of standing stones through the trees.

Joybell: Oooooh!

She asked the captain if we could stop the Gellyan and row the dingy over to look at the standing stones.

Taman did his special thing to check for planar portals nearby (within one mile). He detected one very near us and we guessed that it was most likely at the standing stones, though his ability doesn’t tell him where the portal goes.

We travelled over in two dinghies, except Mo who was on his broom of flying, to the shore and went to check things out. The stone circle was a few hundred yards from the edge of the river. The stones were something similar to bluestone (which is a form of sandstone, only blue).

As we got close, we could see that the circle hadn’t been used in months, but it was clear that it does get some use and it had been used some months ago. Some of the stones had carvings on them in Sylvan which indicated that this circle is a portal to the Feywild. The carvings go around all of the stones and said that the portal can be activated at any of the four festivals (for the solstices and equinoxes). The circle has to be decorated appropriately for the festival and then there is a call and response ritual to do in order to activate it. The ceremony is described in the carvings.

Joybell tried to talk with a little chipmunk to ask when people were last in the circle, but it wasn’t up for more conversation than just saying hi.

In the face of that lack of information, Joybell walked into the circle. The carvings continued onto the insides of the stones, but conveyed the same information about how to activate the portal to the Feywild.

She looked around at the space inside the circle and determined that it was set up for it to be possible to perform druidic rituals (like the ones she was familiar with from her youth) there, but that there was no sign that any had been performed there in at least the last several months.

Several of us marked the location of this circle on our maps of Urnod - then we returned to the Gellyan. It was going to be a couple of days before the circle could possibly be activated and we weren’t going to hang around waiting that long.

The rest of the day and night passed without incident.

29 Rippenin 748 (Campaign day 90)

First thing in the morning, Mo pulled an animal from his bag of tricks so he could have a little furry friend. He got a Giant Weasel and named it Checkers.

Joybell immediately set about making friends with Checkers, giving it treats of jerky and plenty of scritches. Someone teased her that she was ignoring Scooby.

Joybell: I’ve got two hands. I can scritch two critters.

In the early afternoon, we arrived at the docks in Auriqua. As we left the Gellyan, we confirmed with Captain Lamerin that he’d be leaving on 4 Harfastin (Campaign day 96) if we haven’t returned before then (or paid him money to stay).

Before we left, Thneed gave the captain a bag with 100 gold pieces and a note in draconic that said that the Gellyan and its crew were not responsible for anything we did. She told the captain to use it to pay the toll when they head back downriver if we weren’t aboard.

It was the day before the Festival of First Fruits and the town was busy. It was also thoroughly decorated with ribbons and decorations in reds, oranges and golds. There weren’t a lot of leaves, because the tundra had thinned the forest almost entirely away, but gourds and fruit (apples and pumpkins) and sheaves of grain were common.

Taman tried to sense his favored enemy, Fey, within five miles and found that there were a large number of them to the north, a few miles away. We figured that was the fey we’d been told would be gathering to the north of the city outside the gates.

When we got off the boat, Joybell asked the harbormaster for a recommendation for an inn. The harbormaster recommended two for us -- the Dancing Otter in the New Walk and the Platinum Arrow in the Old Walk. The Platinum Arrow was the nicer and more flashy choice. Joybell pointed out that the Dancing Otter had the better name.

Taman: Part of my plan is to be super ostentatious. Staying at the fancier inn will help that.
Joybell: Couldn’t we be ostentatious at the Dancing Otter?

We agreed that we’d head to the Platinum Arrow. As we passed through the gate between Oldest Town and the Throat parts of town we saw that the gate was painted a beautiful light blue. This was the Blue Gate -- the gate where we’d been told the Tundra Queen was contractually obligated to appear during the Feast of Stars.

Taman told a person on the street that if he knew someone named Ildna to let him know that someone named Taman was in town looking for them. Confused, the person said he would.

Once in Old Town we went to Platinum Arrow. Taman paid for us to stay for one night at the inn.

Taman, to innkeeper: This is the party of Taman. I’m looking for a man named Ildna.

It was apparent that the innkeeper knew of Ildna.

Innkeeper: You probably won’t find him here.
Taman: Where will I find him? We have important business with him.
Innkeeper: People who have met him and survived have done so nearer to the mountains.

Mo made arrangements with the innkeeper to perform around dinner time in their roomy dining room.

We went out to look around Old Town a bit. Orryk was looking for magic shops. Joybell and Fiona were looking for a place to buy some warm clothes. Joybell bought some really fuzzy, furry pieces and put them on under her armor so that the fur was poking out between the plates of the armor. Then she promptly overheated and took it all off again.

Joybell, who had been looking at the decorations and commenting on them as we travelled through the city saw that there were decorations that included artificial or preserved fruits, grains, and ribbons in a combination of the blue of the Tundra Queen’s Blue Gate and a reddish brown color. Joybell stopped in a shop and bought enough of the characteristic festival decorations to decorate the stone circle we’d seen -- including some of those blue and brown ribbons.

Shop clerk: Why are you getting those two colors? You’re not from around here.
Joybell: Nope. We’re from around Embernook. I’m just getting the decorations because they’re pretty and we might want to decorate our house. What do those ribbons mean?
Clerk, looking really uncomfortable: It’s local.

Joybell got the feeling that she was treading on a local taboo and figured out that the ribbons perhaps had something to do with the taking of children to make them into dilyarli.

Joybell: Okay, I’ll just take these other decorations and a bunch of ribbons in other colors.

After we left the shop, Joybell started watching more closely the houses decorated with those brown and blue ribbons. She saw one with the ribbons and some kids playing in the yard.

She realized with dawning horror that all those fey Taman had sensed outside of town were going to come into town the next day -- maybe at night -- and take children. Except...the people didn’t look really distressed. They didn’t look like people to whom something horrible was about to happen. Joybell pointed this out to the others.

Orryk: You have to enjoy the good times as much as you can, because the next day is going to suck.

We got back to the Inn before dinner.

Mo performed a pretty standard set and performed it well. Toward the end of his set, he said that he was going to perform a Draconic song he had newly learned, a bawdy drinking song. He then played the special song Thneed taught him, “I’m A Little Pork Roast”. By the end of his performance, everyone in the bar was doing the dance and singing along.

After Mo’s awesome performance, we headed to our rooms. The night passed without incident.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 34: In Which Taman Thinks About Doing Something Stupid...Mo, Too

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

Before we went to bed, or back to the inn for Mo’s awesome performance of “I’m A Little Pork Roast”, the bawdy Draconic drinking song, we had a bit of shopping to do.

Orryk found a shop selling some magic items in Oldwalk. The shopkeeper had a few things of interest.
  • Joybell bought a bag of holding which was offered at a deeply discounted price because it was frayed and stained around the opening. Before she bought it, she did some careful questioning of the shopkeeper, and asked Fiona to cast identify in the shop, to make sure it was really a bag of holding.
  • Thneed bought 5 “Designating” arrows, which put a Faerie Fire effect on a target on a hit.
  • Taman bought a Key of the Keepers, which will lock or unlock something once a day, with some other effects.
After that, Mo went off on a personal Mo-project. Joybell suspected he was buying pipe-stuff, but he never said.

Then we returned to the Inn, Mo did his awesome performance, and we went to bed. The night passed without incident.

Festival of Firstfruits (Campaign day 91)

We went downstairs for breakfast. People seemed generally festive and happy. Despite the dilyarli coming to take their babies. Joybell was confused. The tavern’s breakfast spread was lavish and had many baked goods, egg dishes, and fruit dishes.

Orryk: Good breakfast.

While we were eating, we discussed our plans for the day. Taman used his Ranger Senses to detect Fey -- as he had the day before, he picked up 40 or 50 of them right at the edge of his 5 mile range, outside the city to the north.

Mo: What’s our objective?
Taman: I’m just trying to find the one guy who killed my family.
Mo: So the genocide…?
Taman: The genocide can wait for later.

Joybell asked the barkeep if there was temple of the Lightbringers in town. She was told where to find one in New Walk. She had some questions about how the “giving over babies to become dilyarli” thing worked and figured the Lightbringers would be a good place to ask.

Thneed went to the bartender to ask about dangers in the area.

Thneed: I was supposed to meet someone outside of town to the north. Is there anything dangerous up there?
Bartender: Well, this is the time of year when the cold beings do a lot of non-violent harrassment.
Thneed: How non-violent?
Bartender: They don’t start actually interfering with or hurting people until after the Festival Of Stars, now it’s just taunting and pranks. Though some of them can get a little over-enthusiastic about it and get violent.
Thneed: What kind of cold beings are we talking about?
Bartender: Fey with cold powers. Some frost giants come down from the mountains to play in the cold with the fey as well.
Mo, sauntering over: Are there any people who are more vocally unhappy with the fey situation? Any who’ve lost their children, maybe?
Barkeep: There are some people who complain. There was one family who lost the lottery 3 years in a row….
Thneed: The lottery?
Barkeep: This is the day they have a lottery in the city square. Each family with a kid or kids of the right age, eight to ten, registers for it. They put one ball in a bag for each family. Three of the balls are blue, the rest are gold ore.

(Note: Gold ore is reddish brown. Hence the red-brown and blue colors of the ribbon decorations.)

The bartender told us that no child is at risk more than once and only one child from any family is at risk in any given year. Three children are chosen in the lottery but the Tundra Queen doesn’t always take all three of them. Sometimes she doesn’t take any. No one in Auriqua has ever been able to figure out a pattern or what her reasons might be.

The lottery is held just before sundown in the town square, which is just on the south side of the blue gate. The children are selected in the lottery at the Feast of Firstfruits. They don’t get taken away until the Feast of Stars, when the Tundra Queen comes to the city in person. The children are presented to her then and she takes the ones she wants.

Mo started talking to Thneed and Taman about possibly hooking up with the discontented contingent in town to derail the lottery and prevent any kids from being selected in it.

After breakfast we broke up into groups. With no library in town, we had Team Temple (Joybell, Orryk and Fiona) going to the Temple of the Lightbringers and Team Malcontents (Mo, Taman and Thneed) looking to find people unhappy with the situation in town and maybe stir up trouble.

We agreed to meet up again at the North Gate so we could head out to see if Taman could talk with some fey and maybe get a line on Ildna.

At the Temple of the Lightbringers, we found a water genasi cleric named Tolrin who was available to talk to us and answer our questions. Joybell hemmed and hawed and ummed a bit, trying to figure out how to talk about the city’s deal with the Tundra Queen. After a moment, Orryk jumped in to the rescue.

Orryk: What were people offered to give up their children to the Tundra Queen? Were they threatened?

Tolrin explained at some length. When the deal was originally made, 200 years ago, Auriqua was much smaller and under a lot of attack. In addition to the cold fey, there were frost giants, ogres, orcs, and goblinoids all besetting the city on a regular basis. Some people from the city set out to see what they could do to moderate it. They met the Tundra Queen and in speaking to her made a deal. Originally the deal was for one child every year to become a cherished and treasured servant of the Tundra Queen, a dilyarli. She’s obligated by the contract to neither harm the children she takes nor to cause them to come to harm.

Since the deal, Auriqua is no longer under attack by her forces and her forces appear to have stopped the other attacks.

Orryk: Can the city get out of the deal?
Tolrin: Yes -- they can theoretically walk away at any time, and have done so a couple of times, most recently 70 or so years ago. Every time, within a decade, the attacks on the city have gotten to a point where they renegotiated and reinstated the deal. That’s why she takes three children now.
Joybell: It sounds a little like extortion. You know -- That’s a nice city you have there, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to it.

Tolrin told us that the Tundra Queen, per the terms of the deal, takes human children between the ages of 8 and 10. The children of other races are entered into the lottery at an equivalent developmental stage. There’s a three year window of danger, but each child can only be in the lottery once.

Orryk: Who protects the city now? Does Auriqua have its own guard or army?
Tolrin: Auriqua has been growing so rapidly, because of the mines in the Ice Rasp, that the guard and the watch can’t keep up. They’re very overtaxed for the size of the city and we have crime problems as a result.

(Note: Think gold rush town...only 30 days away from the mines.)

Joybell: If the Tundra Queen was found to have harmed one of the children, what would that do to the deal?
Tolrin: I don’t know.
Joybell: Is there a written record available to the public?
Tolrin: I think there is a record in the city hall somewhere, but it’s not available to the public.
Orryk: We’re not the public.

Joybell thanked Tolrin and we left.

Meanwhile, Team Malcontents headed deeper into the city toward the Throat, looking for a seedy bar. Since that’s the seediest part of the city, finding an appropriate bar was not difficult. Once inside, Mo looked for someone who was angry drinking, or maybe an angry drunk. First thing in the morning. On a festival day.

He found someone right off. Mo ordered a drink for himself and sat down next to him.

Mo: It’s all naughty word.
Drunk: Yeah. It’s all naughty word!
Mo: Have you lost someone to the lottery?
Drunk: That’s not the naughty word I’m talking about. I’m talking about how we’re the ones who risk our lives. We go into the mines, travel the roads. The naughty word is that we have to fight the ogres and the fey out there as we go to and from. We bring back gold and get paid copper! That’s naughty word!
Mo: Yeah. That’s naughty word.

Mo then finished his drink and left, rejoining Taman and Thneed.

Mo: Well. That was the wrong guy.

They then figured that maybe they needed to go to a more family-friendly part of town and a more family-friendly bar. They went over to the Greenside part of town and found a middle class bar there. Mo went inside and looked for someone who appeared not to fit in.

He found a sullen looking dwarf.

Mo, in Dwarvish: Hi. You seem not to be enjoying the festival.
Dwarf: No. Not really.
Mo: Why?
Dwarf: Do you see any other dwarves around?
Mo, looking around the bar: No.
Dwarf, grumpily into his beer: Too much sky.
Mo: Why are you up here?
Dwarf: I heard there was gold mining going on and I thought I could help. Maybe get paid for my expertise. I’m good at mining. But it’s too easy up there in the mountains, they don’t need my help. The gold is practically lying on the ground -- you can just pick it up. It’s more like farming than mining.
Mo: Do you know anyone who does odd jobs?
Dwarf: Maybe me…
Mo: It might be considered unethical.
Dwarf: Whose ethics?
Mo: That’s the question, isn’t it? Mine…
Dwarf: Then if you think it’s okay, it’s not unethical.
Mo, appreciating that answer: We may be looking for a bit of a distraction at the lottery. What’s your name?
Dwarf: Tallok. What kind of distraction?
Mo: Just something loud and attention-grabbing on the other side of the square. We’re not sure we’ll need it.

Mo arranged to meet with Tallok just before the lottery outside the square to let him know if his services would be needed.

As Team Malcontents walked to the North Gate, Mo explained that he had an idea to use prestidigitation or other magic to change the colors of the balls and mess with the lottery, so that no family draws a blue ball.

Team Temple and Team Malcontents met up at the gate to head out of town.

Orryk: Why are we doing this?
Taman: We’re scouting.
Orryk: Okay. What about Joybell?
Joybell: Well, he wants to talk to the fey. They can’t talk to us if they don’t know we’re there. I don’t think we need to be sneaky about this.
Orryk: We have never had an ambush that you haven’t messed up by standing in the road.
Joybell: I didn’t know we were trying to ambush those times.

Orryk explained that ambushes don’t work when one person is standing in the road. Joybell nodded and took that in.

We headed out of town in the directions where Taman had earlier sensed a lot of fey. We were surrounded by low grass and scrub (the forests had been cleared in the early days of Auriqua as a city and never grown back) and there was a gentle roll to the land. We’d learned from research that the Tundra Queen was pushing the tundra further south and we could see the effects of that here.

After a couple of hours, we spotted two very large figures, frost giants, some distance away. They had clearly spotted at least some of the party members and were heading in our direction.

Orryk moved off the side of the road and hid in the scrubby bushes. Joybell, seeing that and having just been fussed at, moved off the road and hid (poorly) under Scooby’s belly. Mo also hid in the brush, with his giant weasel, Checkers. Taman, who wanted to talk to them, stayed in the road, as did Thneed.

The two giants approached Taman.

Giants (in broken Common): Hello, Small One.
Taman: Hello, Big Ones. I seek the servants of the Tundra Queen.
Giant: Why?
Taman: To parlay.

The giants had to think about that for a moment.

Giant: You mean, like, deal?
Taman: Sure…
Joybell (still hiding under Scooby): No…
Giant: Hmmm. Uh. We can maybe find someone. You and your friends in bushes wait here.
Taman: Okay.

Everyone but Orryk came out of hiding after they left.

They were gone for about an hour, during which time we took a short rest, relaxing and hanging out.

Mo spent 10 minutes of the time casting comprehend languages. He spread out a line of small whiskey glasses in front of himself on the ground and filled each one from his bottle of whiskey. Casting the spell involved drinking a shot and singing and drinking and singing until he got to a lovely stage of charismatic-tiddly drunkenness where he could understand everyone.

The giants came back with a beautiful young woman with stark white hair and skin the pale porcelain color of a frozen corpse. She was definitely not a dilyarli. At least some of the party thought she might be the Tundra Queen herself, but Taman knew that was almost certainly not the case.


Mo, sidling up to Taman as they approached: Do you know what you want to talk about?
Taman: No. I’m winging it.
Mo: You’re looking to find out about the people who killed your family. That’s your motivation in this scene.

Then he inspired Taman with some MOtivation (bardic inspiration).

Taman recognized the woman as one of the Tundra Queen’s Ice Maidens.

Taman: Word of me may have spread to you. I am Taman.
Ice Maiden: I am not aware…
Taman: Ah. Then I am not as important as I thought. I’m looking for one of your brothers. Ildna.
Ice Maiden: You’re looking because he killed someone who lived up to a deal, then.
Taman: I’ve no idea what deal my mother or father would have made. But yes.
Ice Maiden: I don’t have that information.
Taman: Where is he? How can I find him?
Ice Maiden: He’s usually up in the Ice Rasp. Usually.

She told us that Ildna is usually up in the mountains, though he does like to go after people who have completed deals with the Tundra Queen. The Queen herself is conflicted about him -- he’s one of her treasured servants and she can’t hurt him without violating the contract with Auriqua. But she has respect for the people who live up to the bargains she makes with them and doesn’t like that he’s killing them, and the deals she makes often include a promise of safety. When asked if the Tundra Queen would hold a grudge against us if we killed him, she said probably not. But we probably wouldn’t be rewarded or thanked either.

Joybell: Do you know how or why he went rogue?
Ice Maiden: Other dilyarli have interacted with him since he broke. They said he mostly wanted to talk to them. One mentioned that he said something about an epiphany. Another said he talked about a machine. Some of those he spoke to were able to walk away. Others of the Tundra Queen’s servants, including a sister-dilyarli named Allina, broke as well. It’s possible he’s broken a giant with his words of epiphany.

When the Ice Maiden mentioned that Ildna talked to people and broke them, Joybell immediately thought of the Servants of the Hunger.

Joybell: Maybe he ran into a crazy book.
Taman: Did he talk about books?
Ice Maiden: I’ve heard nothing about books. Just about him speaking many words.
Joybell: Words in many languages?
Ice Maiden: Yes.
Joybell: Oh, boy.

Orryk mentioned that though we hadn’t heard anything about a machine in connection to the Servants of the Hunger before, we did know a little bit about the machine in the Forge. That didn’t make Joybell feel much better.

Taman, to the Ice Maiden: Okay. So what’s a quick and dirty deal to make with you?
Joybell: Oh, not with her. With the Tundra Queen.
Ice Maiden: I do not make deals. But I can take you to my Queen.
Orryk: I’m not going to the Feywild and losing a thousand years.
Joybell: I’d love to go to the Feywild. I mean I don’t want to lose time there. But I’d love to see it.

We decided that we wanted to get back to Auriqua for the lottery and agreed to meet the Ice Maiden back at this spot the next day to go to the Tundra Queen to talk about a deal.

Mo, to Taman: Do you want to think about this plan?
Taman: No.
Fiona: You might want to think about the deal you want to offer?
Taman: That I am thinking about.

He was trying to think about a deal that could be completed quickly so that Ildna would possibly come find him. But Ildna doesn’t come after everyone who completes a deal with the Tundra Queen. And we don’t know the details of any of the deals involved to know if he has a pattern.

Orryk reiterated his stance that he wasn’t going to go into the Feywild and risk losing years of time there. We all agreed that we didn’t want that. However, we figured that if the Tundra Queen makes a deal that’s time sensitive, it’s in her interest for the people she’s dealing with to get out of the Feywild without losing that time. So maybe we’d be okay.

Orryk didn’t really seem persuaded.

We went back to talking about possible deals -- and whether we could set up a deal with her where we could force her to default on it and the consequences of her default would be that she no longer could take children from Auriqua but still had to protect the city.

This led to the observation that the frost giants we’d spoken to were working with the fey, possibly for them. And frost giants were among the attackers that fall upon Auriqua when it is not under the Tundra Queen’s protection (and she is not getting children from the city every year). It really does smack of extortion.

Someone said that we needed to talk to a 700 year old lawyer.

Joybell: Do we have any information we can trade to the Keeper of Secrets?

While we were still on the road walking back to the city, Orryk pulled out the Orrery. Slowly, very slowly, each spinning ring began to point north toward the Ice Rasp. Like there was a very distant signal in that direction. However, if we were getting a signal from that far away, it had to be a VERY strong one.

We decided that teleporting to the mountains might be the best approach after all. The orrery could then possibly guide us in the direction we needed to go. That meant returning to Embernook so Tulmor or Barnett could teleport us to the Masks’ Circle in the mountains.

We turned our attention back to the lottery in Auriqua. Mo tried to sound out whether the party was interested in disrupting the lottery. Joybell was very torn -- absolutely opposed to the children being taken away, so she wouldn’t stand in Mo’s way, but we don’t know what the consequences would be of the city breaking the deal with the Tundra Queen. At best they’d have to renegotiate it and would probably wind out having to give over four children a year instead of three. Orryk didn’t think it would lead to a good result. Fiona kept her counsel to herself, but didn’t seem enthusiastic about the idea. Taman and Thneed seemed like they’d back Mo’s play but weren’t totally on board either.

We got back to town without running into anything on the road. Once there, we headed toward the Town Square where the lottery would be held.

Mo, disappointed that no one was entirely with him on his plan to disrupt the lottery, went to the bar to tell Tallok, the shady dwarf, that his distraction would not be needed. And to pay him a couple of gold for his time and willingness.

Taman, to Tallok: We’re all agents of chaos. You could just do it…

In the square, we saw all kinds of families -- all races, all classes -- stepping up to put their names into the lottery. We learned from the crowd that even the richest families participate and even the richest families have had their children taken. We got the sense that everyone in the city was aware that it made for too much social unrest if the children of the wealthy and the ruling classes weren’t at as much risk as those of the working classes. Some of the wealthier families will take their children out of Auriqua “for the winter”, but it is frowned upon and socially stigmatized for them to do it more than once in the life of any child. A considerable amount of effort appeared to be put into keeping the lottery actually fair.

The Town Square is shaped on one side by the City Hall, which has a balcony about 15 feet up. The guard were keeping a clear perimeter around the entrance to the hall (under the balcony) so that people could leave and enter freely. And so that order was maintained among the crowd. The city’s leaders were on the balcony -- one with a list, one holding the bag of balls, one making a record. Each family’s name was called. Someone from that family would step out onto the balcony and draw a ball. There were only townsfolk present, no dilyarli or other fey. There were also no kids of the relevant ages in the square -- it was as though the families protected the children from the process.

Joybell realized that it would have been really hard to get Mo into a position to be able to mess with the lottery such that no kids got selected this year. They had good precautions against shenanigans in place. (At the very least, we would have needed to know more about what was going to happen -- we might be able to plan something for next year….)

Joybell watched carefully to see how the families who drew the blue balls reacted -- they looked sad, but not as gutted as she would have expected. The ones who drew brown balls showed relief, but there was no happy exultation either (because that would be pretty awful to the folks who’d just drawn blue ones).

Taman and Joybell took note of which families drew blue balls - a tiefling family, a half-orc family and a human family were the losers of the lottery.

After the draw, people dispersed to other neighborhoods to go home. Joybell followed the half-orc family, just sort of going along in the same direction, trying to be a bit deceptive about not really following them. She was not successful. When they noticed her behind them, she peeled off and spotted Taman, who’d been following her, curious about what she was up to. Joybell waved for him to continue following the family.

He followed them to their home and made note of where it was.

They met up again, with the rest of the party, at the Platinum Arrow. He told her that the family had gone straight home.

Joybell: Oh, man.
Taman: Come. Get drunk. It’ll make you feel better.
Joybell: No it won’t.
Taman: Always has for me.
Orryk: It makes you feel less…

Joybell waved the rest of the party off and left the inn. She found her way to the guard house.

Joybell, to guard: Do you go through this with the lottery every year?
Guard: Yeah.
Joybell: Does it make you sad?
Guard: A little.
Joybell: Is there anyone here I can spar with? I want to fight. Is there someone here?
Guard, looking sympathetic: Yeah.

Joybell worked out and sparred with members of the town guard until she was exhausted, then she returned to the inn, where people were engaged in their usual sorts of activities.

The rest of the evening and the night passed.

1 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 92)

The next morning we headed out to go talk to the Ice Maiden again. The decorations for the festival, including the blue and brown ribbons, were mostly already taken down. As we walked through the city toward the gate, Joybell took a little detour to go by the house of the half-orc family that had lost the lottery. Like everyone else, the decorations had been taken down. There was nothing to distinguish the house -- no obvious mark that they had lost the lottery.

As we walked along the road, we went back to talking about what kind of deal Taman should make.

Orryk: If you want to make a deal that gets attention, make it something where the town still gets protection but no longer has to give up children.
Taman: But she probably won’t take that deal. She’s like a thousand year old lawyer.

We decided along the way that there wasn’t any deal that Taman could make that would be likely to get Ildna’s attention and also be something we could do without danger.

However, we did have some information we could offer to Nicolana, the Keeper Of Secrets, in exchange for information that would help us find Ildna. And also that might help us get Auriqua out from under having to give children to the Tundra Queen, without losing her “protection” over the city.

The Ice Maiden met us again at the same place on the road we’d encountered her the day before. Once again, she was escorted by the two frost giants.

Taman: We have returned. The group has come to an agreement that making a deal isn’t in our best interest. But we thought to show up to tell you personally.
Ice Maiden: We appreciate the courtesy.
Orryk: Could the Tundra Queen guarantee that time passes there for us as it would here?
Ice Maiden, to Orryk: She can ensure that.
Ice Maiden, to Taman: You are under no obligation to make a deal.
Joybell, before she could leave: Ummm... I’ve heard that the Feywild...I used to have a friend, a pixie named Wren, you probably don’t know her. Anyway, she told me that the Feywild is beautiful. I’d love to see it, but we don’t want to lose lots of time. Can I just maybe peek through a portal and see it?
Ice Maiden: I could, but I probably shouldn’t.
Joybell: Is it as beautiful as I’ve heard?
Ice Maiden: More.
Joybell, shoulders slumping: Yeah, I thought so. Okay.

WIth that we headed back toward the city and arrived there without incident. Mo headed off to follow up with his personal mission from a couple of days ago.

We went to the boat to talk to Captain Lamerin about heading back to Embernook. He wanted to leave in the morning, rather than this close to sundown, which made sense. So we made plans to spend one more night in Auriqua.

Back at the Platinum Arrow, Thneed asked the innkeeper if the town somehow recompensed those who lost the lottery. Apparently they do not do anything for those who merely draw the blue balls. Those who actually lose children do get some support from the community.

Over dinner we talked about Fiona doing a sending spell to talk with Nicolana about whether we can make a deal for information about Taman’s parents deal with the Tundra Queen. Fiona couldn’t do that until the next morning though.

2 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 93)

The next morning, while we were at the inn eating breakfast, Fiona sent a message to Nicolana.

Fiona, through the spell: What information do you want in exchange for Taman’s family’s deal? We think we may know what happened to Ildna.
Nicolana, after a short pause: We’ll have to negotiate. I’ll be there.
Fiona, to the party: She’s apparently coming to negotiate.

Joybell, knowing that the Captain was expecting us to leave on the Gellyan first thing, ran to the docks to tell him that there would be a bit of a delay, but hopefully not too much. She got back to the inn about half an hour later -- just in time to see Nicolana, still appearing to be a human woman of about 25 years old, walk into the bar.

She sat down at the table with us.

Nicolana: What do you have?
Orryk: We have Turnik Steeltear’s information on how he made Masks. And his lists of jobs and contacts.
Nicolana: Do you have that information here?
Orryk: It’s in Embernook.
Nicolana: I can’t go to Embernook. When you get back there let me know and we can meet somewhere else.

We told her about buying Kalmarn and having a whole village outside of Embernook at our disposal. She appeared to be amused.

Orryk: What is this information worth? Is there anything else we can ask for?
Nicolana, dodging that question: What do you think happened to Ildna?

We told her what the Ice Maiden had told us about him speaking in many languages and his mention of having an epiphany and something about a machine.

Joybell: We think he may have gotten exposed to the Hunger Between Worlds, like with that book we gave you.
Nicolana: Do not under any circumstances go into the machine. The Epiphany Machine tells nothing but lies. It is a connection to the Hunger Between Worlds.
Joybell: We think we might be able to find it and destroy it.
Nicolana: It is probably not still where Ildna found it, if that is what happened. It doesn’t stay in one place for long but moves around on its own. It gives people epiphanies that change them, or reverse them, perhaps.


We agreed that we’d send to her from Kalmarn once we had the books there and she left out the door of the inn. We did not attempt to follow her.

We headed to the Gellyan, about an hour after our intended departure, to sail back toward Embernook.

Mo: This will certainly be a consequence-free boat ride!

As we boarded the boat, Joybell asked if we could please stop at the stone circle on the way to see if it was used during the festival. The others in the party, and the captain, agreed.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 35: What Have We Done?

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

2 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 93) (immediately after)

Before we got on the boat for our consequence-free boat ride, Taman stopped at a shop and bought a shield. Very good idea.

We got to the Gellyannn and boarded for our return to Embernook (and Kalmarn). We noticed that Captain Lamerin had done everything he could to change the appearance of his boat as much as possible -- repainting where possible, shifting things around on deck, and so on.

After we boarded, Mo gave Captain Lamerin the gold he’d taken from the bag of money recovered from the sandbar that the wreck had been on (the money given in response to the dragon’s extortion).

Joybell asked the captain and the other sailors about other boat traffic on the river and if there had been reports of what was going on. There had been a couple of other ships that had arrived from Embernook, and a few that had headed downriver, since we got to Auriqua. The arrivals reported that the wreck was entirely gone, the work of MOgilla Gorilla on the way up. All of the sailors reported a strong sense that they were being watched as they traveled up the river.

To support the captain’s attempt to make the ship look different, Mo tried to use prestidigitation to change the color of the sails. He managed to make a sort of patchy green shade. He also agreed to the captain’s request that he not ride in the battle hammock behind the ship, because that’s very distinctive and would undo all efforts to make the Gellyann look different.

Before we set sail we reviewed all we knew about dragons in general and green dragons in specific. Dragons are inherently magical -- they all have magical abilities innately. In addition, many if not most also get levels of one or another (or several) spellcasting classes.

Green dragons are lawful evil -- so they’re socially controlling. They can be negotiated with and are willing to do so.

(GM: If there’s anything else the party wants to know about dragons before heading out ...
Orryk: We know enough to make an ill-informed decision.)

Mo: There’s a dragon without income and a city that needs protection for less than three kids a year.

Mo had an idea that if we got the dragon to agree to be the protector of Auriqua instead of the Tundra Queen, the dragon would just want gold and not want children. He thought this should be our main play in negotiating with the dragon -- brokering this deal. Joybell objected that we didn’t have any right to negotiate for the city or offer the city to the dragon or anyone else. It’s not our place and we have no power over it.

Those of us who saw it agreed that the dragon didn’t look all that big when we saw it flying over. But it’s hard to gauge the size of something flying overhead because of a lack of reference points.

After about half a day of travel, we arrived at the stone circle and the Gellyann pulled over so that Joybell, Orryk, Taman and Thneed could go see if it looked like it had been used to make a portal to the Feywild during the festival.

When we got to the circle, it clearly had not been decorated for the festival at all and didn’t appear to have been used either for regular ritual purposes or for making a portal. Joybell pulled some of the Festival of Firstfruits decorations she’d bought out of her bag of holding and left some decorations on the altar.

Taman carved his name on a tree nearby.

Orryk: Let’s head toward the dragon…

We travelled the rest of the day without incident.

That night we could hear the sounds of movement and activity on the shore so Orryk brought Omnath out as a steam mephit and sent him flying around the riverbanks. Omnath saw some gnome-sized winged, reptilian humanoids (winged kobolds). One of the kobolds spotted Omnath, freaked out, and ran away. Omnath could still hear chattering and rustling in the underbrush.

Having seen one kobold there were undoubtedly lots of them as kobolds mainly come in groups.

Orryk reported Omnath’s kobold sighting to the group.

Orryk: Kobolds aren’t worth our time, unless they make themselves to be.

The rest of the night passed without incident.

3 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 94)

The next day, Mo spent the day changing the color of the sails every hour or so with the prestidigitation spell, so that if the dragon had multiple agents keeping an eye on us, they’d give confusing reports.

At various times during the day, the party, while watching the shore, spotted groups of lizard folk on the shore watching the ship. They weren’t doing anything other than watching. Joybell wanted to talk to them to try and find out what was going on with the dragon, but we didn’t stop.

Other than seeing the lizardfolk and not interacting with them, the day passed without incident.

During the night, while Thneed and Mo (and Checkers) were on watch, Checkers looked up at just the right time to spot something falling out of the dark night sky. It was about the size and roughly the shape of a cinderblock and it hit the deck with a thud. No one on the deck could see anything up in the sky -- it apparently had been dropped from higher than darkvision could see.

Everyone in the party, and in the crew, woke up at that because it was like something punching the ship.

On investigation, there was a piece of cloth wrapped around the dust and shattered chunks of a rock. Mo cast comprehend languages so he could read the message written on it in draconic.

You owe me a wreck.

Captain Lamerin: What was that?
Taman: Are you familiar with thugs throwing a rock through a window?
Thneed: It’s a message from the dragon.
Lamerin: What’s the message?
Mo: We owe him a wreck.
Lamerin: That’s it! Come morning, I’m putting you off the ship.

That lead to a bit of chaos that culminated in Fiona thwapping Mo for something he said.

Joybell, very earnest: I’m very concerned about your proceeding without us. If the dragon wants your ship, it will try to take it with or without us on board. And you won’t be able to fight it.

We asked him to keep us on until halfway through the day, just to get us closer to the wreck so we don’t have to walk as far to get there, which he agreed to. He also agreed to let us off and wait for a bit, though not forever, for us to return.

4 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 95)

As the ship pulled to shore and we prepared to debark, Mo threw a card from his deck of illusions onto the deck.

Mo: This might help you.

The illusion was of a lich.

The captain screamed until we reassured him that it was just an illusion and maybe having an illusory lich aboard would be helpful.

Before we got off, Joybell gave him 100 gold pieces and told him that she’s very concerned and hopes they stay for a day or two because she is worried about him being undefended.

As we walked away, Orryk sent Omnath flying back to the ship with a pouch with 25 gp. It also had a note that said “Sorry for Mo.”

Mo got in his battle-hammock and flew up high enough to get a bit of an overview as we proceeded down the road. He spotted some lizardfolk walking around out in the distance and we could see some lizardfolk tracks in the road.

As we walked, Mo was working on perfecting his performance of “I’m a Little Pork Roast”.

After a bit, we ran into a cluster of lizardfolk -- all of them armed with javelins and clubs and carrying shields. Except the one in the middle who had a staff. They seemed a bit puzzled that we were there in the road.

Mo: Hello. We’re looking for the Green Lord. Do you happen to know where he lives?
Lizardman with Staff: Why do you want to see him?
Mo: Joybell, earmuffs. We want to see if we can make arrangements.
Joybell: We don’t want him to attack the Gellyann when his beef is with us.
Lizard Shaman: We can take you to him.
Mo: Why don’t you tell us where he is and we can go talk to him ourselves.
Lizard Shaman: We can take you to him. Otherwise you’ll have to fight your way in.
Mo: How many are in your village? We don’t want to kill you.
Taman: He does not speak for us.
Mo, to the party: Huddle up. We could let them get us most of the way there...then kill them.

We ultimately agreed to let them lead us. There was a bit of shuffling and negotiation after that as we made it clear to them that we were not comfortable having any of them behind us. They weren’t really comfortable with having us behind them.

Joybell, to the Shaman: We will not attack you from behind, I give you my word. If any of my friends try to do so, I will defend you.

That calmed their concerns enough that we could proceed.

They led us off the road and through the forest. After an hour of traveling, Taman and Thneed were able to point out to the lizardfolk easier paths (doing their ranger naughty word) and we were not hampered by the difficult terrain in the forests. The lizardfolk took their advice without comment, but without acknowledging doing so.

After a while, two of the lizardfolk peeled off and left us with an escort of four, including the Shaman. Joybell chatted with them all day, trying to get a sense of what kind of people they were -- she found that they were okay people, the normal mix of good and bad, basically well intentioned, that sort of thing. The Shaman was a druid, so they talked about that and the forest and the natural beauties they’d seen.

Mo figured out which one was the most naive and talked to him.

Mo: How long have you been patrolling?
Lizardman: About a month. We eat well.
Mo: How long have you been living under the Green Lord?
Lizardman: As long as I can remember.
Mo: What do you do for fun?
Lizardman: We don’t have time.
Mo: That’s a shame.

Mo pulled out his pipe and smoked, blowing out smoke rings. He offered the pipe to the Lizardman.

Lizardman: It smells like someone killed a skunk and left it in a well and lit it on fire. No thanks.
Mo: That’s a good description.

When we made camp, Fiona cast a tiny hut for the party to sleep in, but the lizardfolk had to sleep outside. Which suited them fine.

During the night, some winged kobolds came to talk to the lizardfolk.

Kobolds: What are you doing with these?
Shaman: They want to talk to the Green Lord.
Kobold: What??

After that some of the winged kobolds flew away. After a while, the rest flew off in a slightly different direction.

5 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 96)

The next day, Mo talked with the lizard folk about Tallyxtillon, the Green Lord.

They told him that he’s big and old. He appears to them to have learned some druidic magic, but he also definitely has other magic as well. They said he’d been in his current lair for some time and has modified the populations of local kobolds somehow -- there are a lot more winged kobolds than would be normal and some other weirder kobolds as well.

Mo: So why was he doing the river scam?

The shaman said that he didn’t know what the dragon had in mind but he might have been trying to get some sort of control over the (largely) human societies in Embernook and Auriqua because he seems to like having control over the local societies.

Mo: Do you worship him?
Shaman: We try to avoid him. When we can’t, we try not to displease him.
Orryk: Do the kobolds worship him?
Shaman: The kobolds consider him to be a revered ancestor. He’s had some influence on their development and their form as a race. Lots of kobolds can do magic around here. The dragon uses them as his tools.
Joybell: So the lizardfolk doing the scam at the wreck were in his employ?
Shaman: The ones who live close to him can’t avoid him.
Thneed: How do your people get along with the kobolds?
Shaman: We don’t like them tons, but they’re closer to the dragon and we don’t want to anger him.
Mo: Is he bigger than a giant ape?

When the lizardfolk just looked confused at that, Mo cast polymorph and turned himself into a MOgilla Gorilla, size huge.

The lizardfolk, taken a bit aback, agreed that the Green Lord was about that same size, though he’s longer.

We took that information and figured that the Green Lord is an adult dragon, about 100 years old, perhaps. Could be worse.

Joybell, to the Shaman: What will happen to you when we get to the Green Lord? We don’t want to call you to his attention.
Shaman: We can pass you off to the kobolds.
Mo: Do you feel oppressed by the dragon?
Shaman: If he were gone we wouldn’t have to avoid him.
Mo: How many of you did you say there are?
Shaman: I didn’t.

We were not sure how to use the information that they don’t like the dragon.

Thneed: If we do fight the dragon in his cave…
Orryk: Does the dragon live in a cave?
Shaman: Of a sort. He lives in a cenote. There’s water at the bottom of a large hole. The main entrance to his cave is under the water. There are ways to get to him that don’t go through the water -- that’s how the kobolds get to his chamber.

As we had these conversations, we continued to proceed.

The day passed without incident. During the course of this day (and the previous) we saw parties of lizardfolk in the forest -- mostly just walking by or going off on their own business.

When we made camp, Fiona again cast a tiny hut for the party to sleep in with no objection from the lizardfolk.

6 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 97)

The next day, we resumed on our way. We didn’t see any more lizard folk around, as we had been the previous two. We also didn’t see any of the kobolds, but that was less surprising. When one of us commented on it the lizardfolk told us they don’t like day.

Toward the end of the day, the forest started becoming more thicket-y and underbrushy. The thickets and underbrush started form twisty and turny little mazes of brush.

The animals we saw were all watching us -- deer, squirrels. Expecting the usual level of conversation she got from squirrels (not a lot of depth or vocabulary), Joybell decided to talk to one.

Joybell, to a squirrel: Hello.
Squirrel: Good day.

This was a bit creepy and disconcerting.

Joybell: Is someone watching through your eyes?
Squirrel: Yes.
Joybell: Is it the Green Lord?
Squirrel: Yes.
Joybell: Tell him hi for us.
Squirrel: Good day.

During the course of the rest of the day, Joybell occasionally talked to the squirrels, as she had opportunities -- in the same vein as waving at security cameras.

Toward the end of the day, the Shaman leads us to a cave with kobolds. After some discussion in Draconic with the kobold who appeared to be in charge, the Shaman and the lizardfolk agreed to stay the night with us on the outskirts of the kobold village. The kobolds appeared to believe that we were there to kill the Green Lord and didn’t want to be responsible for taking us to him and getting killed themselves.

Ultimately, it was agreed that the kobolds would take us to Tallyxtillon in the morning. And they hoped we’d fit in their tunnels.

Joybell talked to the Shaman in Common and asked if they could wait for us, maybe half a day back, before where we talked to the squirrel, so they could lead us back to the road.

Joybell: We’ll know if we’re going to live or die in half a day or so, so you won’t have to wait long.
Shaman: We can wait.
Joybell: We’d hate to have to fight our way through all your people.

FIona cast a tiny hut and made a safe place for us to camp overnight.

During the night, we heard some argument between the kobolds and the lizardfolk. The kobolds were not thrilled that we’d been brought there and were not inclined to let the lizardfolk leave.

The folks who can understand draconic (and who translated for the rest of us) got the sense that the kobolds felt that if the lizardfolk brought us here to kill the Green Lord, they want the dragon to eat them when we fail.

In our hut we spoke quietly among ourselves, trying to get at least a sense of what our goals and aims were.

Mo: My nanny killed a dragon single-handedly. The way she told it it was a giant, ancient dragon.
Thneed: That’s the way I’d tell it too.

Joybell asked if she could start the conversation with the dragon, because she’s really not comfortable with offering Auriqua at all -- it’s not ours to offer and she wasn’t convinced that it would really be a trade up from the Tundra Queen, even with the price of up to three children per year.

7 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 98)

The next morning there were 3 kobolds ready to take us to the Green Lord. Three of the lizardfolk left the village, but the Shaman remained to go with us.

As with the lizardfolk, there was a bit of shuffling as we made it clear that we weren’t going to let any of the kobolds be behind us. Eventually we wound out with the Shaman leading the way with the three kobolds immediately behind him. They accepted that without too much argument.

We spent half the day proceeding single file through many narrow passages, taking various turns and with side passages coming in and out, heading generally down. In several places we had to squeeze through. At times, Mo was riding flat on top of the broom because that made it a bit easier for him to navigate the tight passages. Taman tried to keep a mental map of how to get back out as we were proceeding.

Around noon-ish we arrived at a sharp dip in the path, with water in it.

The water disappeared and we went down a steep incline and then back up it. After we got back up to the top of the incline the bottom of it re-filled with water (like the U-trap in a sewer line).

(Note: My notes about this entire conversation are terrible and very spotty. I’m not good at taking notes about conversations I’m involved in and then I was sort of being gobsmacked at what was going on.)

Joybell started with asking how we could turn his ire away from the Gellyann and turn his attention away from travel and trade on the river.

Tallyxtillon: I want to shape the decisions of the governments in Embernook and Auriqua.
Joybell: What decisions?
Tallyxtillon: Embernook’s people won’t turn on each other. And there are protections there.
Joybell: But what are the decisions?
Tallyxtillon: They’re all too connected to the Basalt Henge. Why should druids be interested in rock?
Joybell: As a member of the druidic faith and someone who trained at the Henge, I can talk to that. Rock, earth, is the foundation on which plants and ecosystems live. Without rocks, the other elements are out of balance and without support. The Basalt Henge strives to maintain balance and that provides a foundation on which forests like this one can live.
Tallyxtillon: The problem with Embernook is that I want to control the government.
Joybell: That won’t work there. The Administrator is powerful.
Tallyxtillon: My agents have been unsuccessful. I cannot get a toe-hold over the people or any power over the government in either city.
Joybell: You’ve chosen your territory poorly. Auriqua is under the protection of the Tundra Queen. Embernook is under the protection of a powerful entity as well.

Joybell got the sense that Tallyxtillon thought there was more than one entity protecting Embernook. Huh.

Joybell: Maybe you need to find a different territory….

As she said that, she realized that she was basically setting him to go be a problem for other cities and other people without such powerful protections and got very quiet.

So Mo stepped in.

Mo offered him a 1000gp gem, which he wasn’t overly interested in. He wasn’t disinterested, but it wasn’t going to be a big motivator either.

Mo: We’re working on a long-term plan to deal with the Tundra Queen.
Tallyxtillon: What’s your plan?
Taman, waving his rapier: Stab her with this.
Tallyxtillon, laughing: Not much of a plan.
Mo: We’re starting with her underlings and working our way up. But our interests may be somewhat aligned.
Thneed: If your agents have failed, you need better agents.
Tallyxtillon: Are you offering your services?
Joybell, immediately concerned: For what?
Mo: For a single, discrete service, maybe...
Thneed: Have you tried opening diplomatic relations?
Tallyxtillon: The problem with that is they then know you’re there and are coming from the outside.
Joybell: So you want to subvert them from within?
Mo: What do you want from us?
Tallyxtillon: If you can cause Auriqua to break its deal with the Tundra Queen that would be helpful to me.
Mo: They would be unprotected from the cold fey and giants and other dangers of the north.
Taman: If you would protect them from those dangers…
Tallyxtillon: I would prefer the town to break their deal without my mention….but as long as the city is undefended.
Joybell: If we leave the town undefended, how would you treat them? Would you treat them well?
Tallyxtillon: I would treat them the way I’d treat any other servants.
Joybell: Oh, dear.
Mo: I think we can get them to break their deal. We can give it a good shot.
Tallyxtillon: If that’s what you’re offering….
Mo: On one condition. That you not slaughter the citizens indiscriminately.
Tallyxtillon: Oh, I’m very discriminating.
Mo: There are great riches in the town, but the lives of the citizens are not part of the deal.
Tallyxtillon: Hmmm. Well. I think that if you want to make a deal where you cause the town to break their deal with the Tundra Queen and I don’t kill and eat you right now, I need collateral. Some reason for you to come back.
Mo: I’ll offer my broom of flying with the battle hammock. Also all the money I have available.
Tallyxtillon: Money works less well as collateral than one would expect. Especially with adventurers.

Mo then offered him a locket that he pulled out from under his armor (and which none of us had ever seen).

Mo: This was a gift from an admirer. I’ve worn it since I left my village and I would definitely come back for it.
Tallyxtillon: So you’d come back. What about them?
Taman: We’re a group.
Joybell: We’re the Wonderful Band.

The Green Lord thought for a moment.

Tallyxtillon: I will hold the river travel that concerns you so as your collateral. I will cease interfering with travel on the Hochor River, for the time being. If, after the Festival of Stars, Auriqua is still under the Tundra Queen’s protection, I will start destroying every ship that passes the sandbar that my wreck was on.

That was the final word in our conversation and the kobolds led us out past the U-trap.

Mo, as we walked away: That’s not an improvement.
Joybell: We have three months.

We ended as we walked through the tunnels following our kobold escort.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 36: In the Kobold Warren

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

7 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 98) (immediately after)

We were led away by the kobold escort/guards past the u-trap entrance. Our escort consisted of one of the human-sized, burly over-muscled (“Steroid kobolds”) kobolds, one human-sized kobold with a shield (“Shield kobolds”), one normal-sized kobold who looked perhaps a bit more on the ball than your average kobold (“Sorcerer kobolds”), and one entirely normal looking kobold. The hallway was worked stone and we could see some arrow slits, at kobold height, in the walls as we passed.

As we were walking down the corridor, Joybell, hoping to find a language in which we could talk freely, started cussing in Gnomish. She used all the curse words she’d heard Orryk use, insulted the kobold’s parentage, called them the dragon’s anal beads, all the worst things she could think of about kobolds in general and the one nearest to her in specific.

Orryk started laughing. Taman walked along just staring into the infinite distance. The Lizardman shaman, named Ssythrov, chuckled. (Yes, by special request, the Shaman has a name, since he’s apparently going to be with us for a while.)

The kobolds however, didn’t react.

Once she’d established that Gnomish was a language that at least part of the party could use to talk freely, she had no idea what to actually say and just sort of floundered. We got about 100’ down the hallway past the u-trap with Joybell swearing and then just stammering.

Thneed, in Elvish to Fiona: We don’t need to make a plan now. We can make it later.

Thneed then started talking to Ssythrov, telling him a joke about something.

While Thneed was talking to Ssythrov, Mo was watching for a good moment. When he saw that the corridor ahead of us widened out and our escort had entered the chamber, and we were past all but the last arrow slit, he used the wand of web to tie up the four escorting us.

As soon as the web hit, Thneed yelled out for people to get down and drew her bow, waiting for a clear shot. Mo started mocking one, leaving it looking deeply wounded by his insults.

Some of the kobolds were stuck in the web and struggled against it. The Sorcerer started firebolting the web he was stuck in, burning it and himself.

Orryk ran up and shivved the one that Mo had mocked, dropping it, then attacked the Shield kobold. Omnath breathed a cloud of dust on the Steroid and Shield guys and blinded them both. Fiona followed up with Toll the Dead.

The Steroid guy, blind, ripped himself out of the webbing in a burst of brute strength then ran right into the wall.

Joybell, confused: Wait? We’re attacking now?

Then she attacked the Shield guy and dropped it.

Taman cast ensnaring strike on the Sorcerer and caught it in his ensnaring vines, then he crouched down to get cover behind Orryk, and to get below the last arrow slit, because an arrow from it had narrowly missed him.

Ssythrov dropped to the ground, giving Thneed a clear shot, which she took at the Sorcerer, dropping him. Then she was able to fire again and took two shots at the Steroid guy. Mo then immediately mocked him.

Mo: Steroids are going to shrink your testicles.

Orryk pummeled the Steroid guy with fists of unbroken air, staying out of the webbed area. Fiona stepped over Ssythrov, prone on the ground, and Tolled the Steroid guy.

As soon as she did that, someone on the other side of the arrow slits cast a shatter spell, causing a clap of thunder that the dragon certainly heard back in his chamber that did damage to Fiona and less to Ssythrov.

Joybell peeked in the arrow slit -- there was an unarmed kobold running away sort of in the direction of the dragon cave (but at an angle that looked like it might be going around) and another, puzzled looking kobold with a shortbow. She fired magic missiles from her wand through the arrow slit, dropping the archer and hurting the sorcerer, but not killing it.

Taman killed the Steroid guy, the last kobold standing, with arrows. Mo immediately dropped the webbing and ran into the chamber.

Mo, yelling: Let’s teleport out of here.

Then he threw up a rope trick and we all climbed up, handing Scooby up into it as well. Mo used prestidigitation to to make a circle on the ground and Orryk used his power over the elements to reinforce the effect of us having teleported out of there.

Once we were all settled, and Fiona had been cured with the bead from Joybell’s necklace, we started talking.

Orryk: What’s your plan?
Mo: First, I apologize. This is at least 30% my fault.
Fiona: ::eyeroll::
Taman: We weren’t going to walk away to do this deal…

Before the conversation could go any further, a group of four kobolds (looked like 2 sorcerers and 2 shields) came running down the hall into the chamber. They saw the corpses and the fake teleportation circle on the floor. They looked a little puzzled at the circle and the two sorcerers started talking about it. Thneed reported that they’d never seen one that looked quite like this, but maybe it was possible. They couldn’t rule it out for sure.

Thneed: They don’t know we’re still here or where we are. That’s an advantage.

We asked Ssythrov if he knew of any other way to get to the dragon chamber, but the only other time he’d been taken to see Tallyxtillon, he’d been brought the same way.

Thneed: Once the coast is clear, we can try to get into the side tunnels.

The kobolds below us started brushing the circle out and as they did so, Orryk let his mold earth drop and Mo let his prestidigitation drop. The kobolds then went away down the tunnel.

After we’d rested for an hour, and were all feeling a bit better, we came out of the rope trick. Orryk had Omnath explore down one of the arrow slit tunnels to see if we could figure out how it connected. Omnath followed the tunnel that Joybell shot magic missiles into and found that it connected up with the passage we were in a ways ahead. Omnath also saw one shield kobold and one sorcerer kobold walking along, talking, and heading sort of in our direction. Orryk popped him back into his pocket dimension before he was spotted.

We all did our best to move into sneaky-type positions - Joybell failed terribly but Scooby nudged her into a better spot and covered for her. The two kobolds walked down the tunnel toward us, talking with one another. They were clearly expecting no trouble and their weapons weren’t out.

Orryk popped out of hiding, hit the Shield kobold with his fists of unbroken air, then popped back around the corner out of sight. While that kobold was looking around, very confused at having been punched by air out of nowhere, Thneed shot it twice and jumped back around her own corner. Joybell galloped up on Scooby, dropping the Shield guy and hitting the Sorcerer with a “glancing crit”. Other party members tried to hit the sorcerer, but missed, until Fiona cast acid splash on him and then Orryk punched it to death with his fists of unbroken air.

We put the bodies into Joybell’s bag of holding.

Joybell: ::sigh::
Mo: Before we go into this fight that I started, I have plenty of potions of healing.

We continued down the tunnel on the other side of the arrow slits from the corridor to the u-trap and the dragon chamber. Ssythrov the Shaman wild-shaped into a very large snake, which was pretty cool.

Thneed and Taman did ranger stuff to keep us from getting lost.

(Player: Mo’s subplot is to fight this dragon.)

We proceeded along the tunnel -- it only had one arrow slit onto the corridor to the dragon chamber, then it pulled away from that corridor and continued off at an angle and a slight incline. We proceeded along it for about 15 minutes, getting way past where it could possibly hook directly up with the dragon chamber.

We weren’t surprised when the 5’ tunnel we’d been moving along widened out into a large chamber with three other exits. A group of five miners (ordinary kobolds) were working on one side of the room and there were two clusters in the vicinity of the other three exits. Each of these clusters had a Sorcerer, a Steroid and a Shield. (The three other exits went off the irregularly roundish room roughly at 10 o’clock, 12 o’clock, and 2 o’clock. There was a Sorcerer- Steroid-Shield cluster at 11 o’clock and one at 1 o’clock. The miners were in an alcove at 7 o’clock. Our tunnel entered the room around 5 o’clock.) The Sorcerers and miners were completely unaware that we were coming down the hall, even with Joybell leading the way, but the Steroids and Shields did hear us approach.

Joybell ran into the room then jumped on Scooby and charged the nearest Steroid. Mo used the wand of web to catch the miners and the more distant Sorcerer-Steroid-Shield cluster then dropped to the ground so people behind him could see and shoot. Taman and Thneed waited for the party in front of them to clear a bit so they could dash into the room, but were bottled up in the hallway in a manner quite reminiscent of the staircases in the boarding house in Embernook.

The two Steroid guys attacked Joybell, but both of them missed -- then Orryk created a bonfire right underneath one of them. If that weren’t enough problems for him, Taman then stepped into the room and attacked him as the flames licked around him.

Thneed climbed over Mo and squeezed past Fiona and took two shots at the guy in the fire and the Shield Kobold next to him.

The two miners who were stuck in the web got free (three of them were trapped by the web into the alcove they’d been digging out) moved out of the web toward us. The other ran away down the hall away from us.

All of us were keenly aware of the problem of that one miner running away and getting the word out that we were still there, but there wasn’t much that Joybell could do except attack the guy in front of her. Mo had Checkers attack one of the Steroid guys and threw a fuzzy thing from his back of tricks into the web, just as he let the web drop. A baboon landed and looked around for a moment, before being killed by the Shield kobold that had been trapped in the web.

There was some fighting and combat, shuffling and scuffling. Orryk let the first bonfire drop then cast it again on one of the miners. We were all trying to get through the combat without using any spell slots or items that we needed to worry about recharging.

Taman chased after the running miner to keep it from getting away.

There was more combat -- Taman got hit, Joybell failed to drop someone. Mo cast another web, catching the miners, a Sorcerer and a Shield.

Fiona, fed up and realizing that we’d gotten into the realm of a false economy in prolonging this combat rather than using spells, cast fireball, getting almost the entire room and everyone in it. The miners and Sorcerers died instantly in the flame. One of the Steroid guys, who’d been taking a lot of blows, died. The other one survived, but looked hurt. One of the Shields died in the fire.

The other Shield got dropped by Orryk who then turned to the surviving Steroid and hit him as well. Thneed dropped the Steroid shortly after.

All that was left at that point was the fleeing miner, who Taman had caught up to at that point. After a shriek and another attempt to run, Taman dispatched him with his scimitar.

While FIona used her firebolt cantrip to reduce all the kobold bodies (including the two in Joybell’s bag of holding) to ash, Taman and Orryk sneaked down the hall the miner had fled down to see what they could see down there. The passage opened into a small, natural-looking chamber with two other exits. The chamber looked semi-abandoned -- it appeared that the miner had simply been running away, rather than running toward anything in particular.

The rest of the group headed down to the small chamber. Listening for noises at the two other exits, we heard lapping water and smelled fresh air at one of them. The other was quiet and smelled like nothing more than the air we’d been breathing (parfum de kobold cave). So we headed toward the lapping water and fresh air.

We came out at a small cavern open to the cenote above the lake. We saw a couple of humanoid skeletal remains in the cave with lime crusting the bones. One of the skeletons was wearing a bright green knit cap that was in good shape considering the condition of the bones.

Fiona spent 10 minutes casting detect magic (yes) and then ten more minutes casting identify. As soon as the spell gave her the information that this was a cap of water-breathing we all heard a voice.

Voice: Are you here to kill the dragon? Good. I was hoping someone would find me.

We realized that the cap was speaking to us. Mo put it on, to see what happened, but he was not possessed and nothing bad happened.

Cap: I’m hoping you have better luck than these guys. My name is Suutha. They tried fifteen years ago -- I cast water-breathing on all of them.
Fiona: How strong were they?
Mo: On a scale of one to twenty.
Suutha: They were proud that they’d just figured out how to polymorph into animals and such.

(Note: They were seventh level.)

Taman looked out the mouth of the cavern -- the water level in the cenote is about twenty feet below the ledge.

Mo, to Suutha: Weird question, why do you talk?
Suutha: Magical accident, I think. That’s how items get sentient.
Orryk: The people you came with had items of their own that are now in the dragon’s horde. Is there anything we should be running to grab and use in a fight?
Suutha: No. The dragon seemed to have a ring of fire resistance though -- they weren’t expecting not to be able to use fire against it. The dragon is also a druid, just so you know.

Through conversation with Suutha we realized that it wants to go to the Plane of Water. That made it sort of a kindred spirit for Orryk, so he got the cap. The further information from Fiona’s identify was that the cap would make a bubble of breathable air around the head of the wearer. Suutha can also cast the water-breathing spell, which will be enough to allow all of us to get to the dragon’s cave without having to worry about drowning.

Suutha reported that this was an abandoned cave that no one had come to before us in the 15 years it had been there. We decided to take a long rest and attack the dragon first thing in the morning.

We will wake the next morning at 9th level.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 37: We Killed a Freakin’ Dragon, Y’all!!

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

7 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 98) (immediately after)

While we were hanging out in the cavern, Fiona got contacted by Barnett via a sending spell. “The Gellyan got back to Auriqua. Captain says he dropped you off to fight a dragon. Are you okay?”

Fiona thought for a moment then responded: “Going to fight a dragon, yes. If you don’t hear from us in the next couple of days, assume the worst.”

Before we settled down to rest, we talked to Suutha, the cap of water breathing, about the fight that its previous party had with the dragon. Suutha gave a detailed after-action report that basically boiled down to -- they died quickly and horribly. The two that survived to escape swam through the cenote and found that the water had piranhas in it that were attracted to blood. And the dragon can cast something like an entangle spell, though it seemed more powerful than that and perhaps to be connected to it being his lair.

We decided to use a pass without trace spell to try and sneak into the cavern -- having some element of surprise seemed like it would serve us well.

We speculated a bit as to whether Tallyxtillon could see through the eyes of the piranhas in the cenote. Someone (maybe Fiona?) remembered some research done on dragons that said that as forest creatures, green dragons can see through the eyes of forest animals, mammals and birds, but not fish.

Joybell decided to dismiss Scooby, on the grounds that he would inevitably die to the first poison breath attack and why put him through that. To keep her from being locked down and unable to move, she borrowed Mo’s broom of flying.

Mo taught her the command word for the broom (the dwarven word for “dick”).

We decided to give Taman the potion of invulnerability, because he’s prone to rushing into things and a little fragile. (Note: Also because John arrived late and we were playing Taman by committee -- we didn’t want him dying on our watch.) We gave Orryk the potion of frost giant strength.

Joybell suggested that Mo’s polymorph could be a rescue option -- if anyone got really beat up and said the code word “Banana” Mo could turn them into a giant ape and they’d get a huge supply of hit points.

Ssythrov, the lizardman shaman we’d been traveling with for several days at this point, said that he could cast protection from poison on all of us -- some while we were sleeping and the rest as soon as we woke up.

Mo, to Ssythrov: When we take this dragon out, how long do you think it’ll take your people to get here to back us up against the kobolds?
Ssythrov, pointing into the cenote: We won’t be able to get here at all.

Thneed and Taman looked at where Ssythrov was pointing and saw that the high water mark on the inside of the cenote was quite a lot higher than the top of this cavern. He told us that the dragon kept the water level exactly where he wanted it to protect the entrance to his cave. If Tallyxtillon dies, the water level will begin to rise to its natural high water mark.


Then we rested for the night. We all took watches, with Joybell and Ssythrov taking the last watch so we could cast spells on people just before waking up and beginning the new day. Joybell cast Aid on everyone at the end of the last watch and then dismissed Scooby with a big hug and a promise that she’d see him again. Ssythrov got half the party with protection from poison.

8 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 99)

First thing in the morning, Ssythrov cast protection from poison on the other half of the party. Suutha cast waterbreathing on all of us. And Thneed cast pass without trace.

Ssythrov turned into a small lizard and scuttled up and away out the top of the cenote.

Then we jumped down into the water and began to swim toward Tallyxtillon’s lair, guided by Suutha’s memory of how to get there.

As we were swimming, just before we emerged into the cavern, Mo inspired all of us.

We sneaked up out of the water, grateful for the pass without trace, because it didn’t appear that any of them had seen us.

There was a ledge near the water that had two winged kobolds on it -- one with leather armor and some weapons at his belt, the other with a wand held lightly in one hand. Looking around the room, we saw another couple of winged kobolds off on the distant other side of the cavern, and a few of the Shield and Steroid kobolds on the ground between the raised “mesa” in the middle of the cavern and the ledge Tallyxtillon was on.

Thneed came up out of the water as sneakily as possible and shot one of the winged kobolds that was holding a wand, dropping it. Then she moved to a position near the wall of the cavern. Orryk shot the other winged kobold on the ledge near us - dropping it.

Joybell, on the broom of flying, flew out of the water and threw her javelin of lightning at the dragon. The lightning blasted one of the Shield kobolds along the way. Then she turned the broom around and flew back under the water.

Mo stepped out of the water and started playing 10 Little Indians on his flute -- as he did so, ten gems from the hoard animated and started flying in a cloud around Tallyxtillon. Then they dove in and attacked, getting many small hits that all added up. Then Mo lay back down in the water.

Taman walked out of the water and took a shot at the other wand-carrying winged kobold, far on the other side of the room, then he moved forward and hunkered down behind the “mesa” in the middle of the chamber.

They were all, including Tallyxtillon, surprised by our sudden arrrival and just gaped for a second or two.

Thneed moved her hunter’s mark to the Steroid kobold nearest us and shot him twice, then she went back into the water. Orryk went to the Shield kobold that had been hit by the lightning, and by an acid splash from Fiona, and hit it with the mace of smiting. He dropped the Shield with a follow up punch to the temple. Then Orryk moved into cover behind the mesa with Taman.

Joybell flew out of the water and unloaded the wand of magic missile, using all of its charges -- three on each of the two Steroid kobolds in the room.

Tallyxtillon flapped his mighty wings, buffeting most of the animated gemstones Mo had created to the ground, and flew into the air toward us.

Fiona, in the water, stood up and cast a storm sphere spell centered on Tallyxtillon. He was shaken up by the howling wind blowing within the sphere, then she called out a bolt of lightning that hit him for even more. Then she got back into the water.

Mo sent the animated objects after the Steroid kobolds, Tallyxtillon having gone too far for them to follow him immediately. Then he drew a fuzzy object out of his bag of tricks and threw it out into the cave -- a baboon appeared.

Taman, concerned about us being too concentrated in a dragon breath formation, shot an arrow through the winged kobold sorcerer on the other side of the room, then moved some distance away from Orryk around the base of the “mesa” -- to spread out and keep out of dragon breath formation. Doing so he noticed some of the Steroids going around the back of the “mesa” to get to us that way and avoid the storm.

Tallyxtillon moved right near Joybell and Orryk and breathed a cloud of poison gas that got almost everyone in the party, including those who were trying to hide in the water for safety. Only Taman was out of the area of the dragon breath -- everyone else, including Checkers and the baboon from the bag of tricks were caught in it. Fortunately, the protection from poison spell kept any of us (except Checkers and the baboon, who died horribly) from dropping to the poison gas, even those who were unable to save against the effect of the poison

Thneed got a critical hit against the Green Lord, which seemed like a victory.

The remaining Shield kobold moved up close to Orryk, which worked out well for us, because Orryk was able to proceed to punch it, doing a stunning strike, with the deathtouch (vampiric) gloves and healed himself up some. Then he moved away from the dragonshield.

Joybell, on the broom of flying, flew around to Tallyxtillon’s back and attacked him, trying to find a sensitive spot behind his ear or somewhere. Somewhere less armored than the rest of the dragon. She did her most powerful divine smites with both of her attacks, and getting a critical hit with one of them. (Which reminded her to save her strongest smites for critical hits.)

In response, Tallyxtillon smacked her with his tail, but she’d still done a lot more damage to him than he did to her.

Fiona sent another lightning bolt from the storm sphere into the dragon and hit him with that. Then Mo got out of the water and moved to a more spread out position before he cast shatter on the Shield and on Tallyxtillon. The Shield dropped. Tallyxtillon took some damage but did not drop.

Taman took a shot at the last winged kobold, which had been moving across the cavern toward us. He hit it slightly and it decided to bail out -- leaving the cavern through the U-trap entrance we’d entered and left through the day before.

The Green Lord moved away from Joybell, going to attack Fiona. Joybell hit him as he left but couldn’t stop him from biting Fiona and hurting her. But the storm sphere stayed up. Then he tried to claw at her, but both of the claws skittered off her shield spell.

Thneed climbed up onto one of the ledges and shot Tallyxtillon from that vantage point, hitting twice. Then she called him a “pot roast”.

Tallyxtillon took a tail swipe at Thneed in response but missed.

Orryk took on the Steroid kobolds circling around the mesa, hitting one of them twice before Omnath cast a sleep spell on them, knocking one of them out.

A puff of smoke came out of the wall of the cavern near Thneed and she became charmed by the dragon for a round -- unable to attack him, but still free to take other actions beneficial to the party.

Joybell circled around and got right up in Tallyxtillon’s face and attacked him twice, smiting him both times.

Tallyxtillon, in response, flapped his leathery wings, buffeting both Joybell and Fiona to the ground with them, and then flew over toward Mo. Fiona hit him with a lightning bolt from the storm sphere then she cured herself. Mo also healed Fiona, with a powerful healing word. Then he drew his rapier and stabbed the dragon in the face with it.

Taman moved and dashed to get into a position where he could shoot the dragon while its attention was on Mo, getting a really good hit.

Tallyxtillon bit Mo, not expecting that his Goliath heritage would give him special endurance to shake off the damage from the bite. The poison just woke him up. The two claw attacks both hit, but Mo was able to withstand the damage.

Thneed took out one of the Steroids that Orryk was fighting. Orryk punched the one that Omnath had put to sleep, waking him up, then dropped him with his second punch. He’d managed to heal most of the damage he suffered from the dragon breath by punching on the steroids with the deathtouch gloves. Then he moved up onto the mesa.

At about that moment, thick ropy vines emerged out of the ground, wrapping up Joybell and Taman. Fiona, fortunately, managed to stay out of the vines.

Joybell cast misty step, with the broom still active and between her legs, so she appeared at a point behind Tallyxtillon’s head and stabbed him in that sensitive place she’d found behind his jaw again.

Mo slapped himself on the cheeks, healing himself as he did so, then stabbed the dragon in the face again.

Taman put his hunters’ mark on the dragon then used the cape of the mountebank to get right up behind him, but was then unable to attack. As soon as Taman appeared, Tallyxtillon flapped his wings, knocking Joybell prone on the broom again, but didn’t fly away anywhere.

Tallyxtillon tried to cast a dimension door spell, but Fiona said “Stop that!” and cast counterspell at a high enough level to cancel to spell. When he tried to fly away, Mo, Joybell and Taman all got to take opportunity attacks against him. Only Taman hit, but that hit was enough to drop him!!

Orryk, Taman and Joybell immediately moved toward the horde. Mo turned into MOgilla Gorilla and began ripping the dragon’s head off. Omnath waited by the U-trap entrance for kobolds to come in.

Of course, any kobold coming in would see a group of people looting the treasure pile and a giant ape ripping the head off their god.

The hoard consisted of:

A set of dwarven splint armor with a shield and a hammer -- this belonged to one of the members of Suutha’s former party. Mo recognized some of the runes as connecting it to a clan in Tash.
A mithral chain shirt (+1) [elven chain]
Potion of Animal Friendship
Potion of Necrotic Resistance
Oil of Etherealness
A scroll of Sending
6 sheets of Dragon Paper
A Ring of Fire Resistance -- later identify spells would reveal this to actually be a ring of Fire Elemental Command (Orryk)

1096 pp
1936 gp
16 x 1000 gp gems (5 blue sapphires, 5 star sapphires, and 6 opals)

As Orryk, Taman, and Joybell were scooping coins into the bags of holding, Giant Ape Mo finished ripping the head off of Tallxtillon. Then he dragged the body over and shoved it into the U-trap entrance to the cavern as far as it would go. We took a couple of claws and scales off of it as trophies.

As this was happening, Taman noticed that the water level was rising, so we took that as our cue to leave. We all swam out through the cenote, with Mo in the lead with the dragon head.

The water level was 150 feet below the top of the cenote. Joybell flew up on the broom of flying to the top, then sent it back down to pick up someone else.

While the broom was shuttling people up out of the cenote, Joybell sat down on the edge of it and began casting find steed to bring Scooby back. The broom had gotten everyone up and out (except Mo, who, still a giant Ape, clambered up the side of the cenote cave with the head) well before the spell was done. No one was willing to wait for her to finish, so she abandoned the spell.

Thneed cast another pass without trace and we proceeded for a while away from the cenote. We hoped to see some lizardpeople so that we could tell them that the dragon was dead, but we saw none. We also didn’t see any kobolds, but that was expected, because kobolds don’t like to go out in the daytime. Also, with the water rising in the cenote, they were soon going to have other problems.

We stopped and made camp, with a Tiny Hut to keep us safe. Once safe in the hut, Fiona used sending to check in with Barnett.

Fiona: It wasn’t easy, but dragon is dead. We have stuff. We’re taking a rest.
Barnett: Well done.

Joybell put the dwarven armor and hammer into her bag of holding. We’ll return them to the family of the dwarf from Suutha’s former party when we’re in Tash at some point. Then she cast Find Scooby -- once she had Scooby back, they cuddled up together off on the side of the hut and she told him everything that had happened, including that Checkers had died.

Mo pulled himself another pet from the Bag of Tricks - getting a tiger. Cool!

We ended in the safety and comfort of the tiny hut, with the dragon head just outside of it.

Treasure division:

4 people get: Three 1000 gp gems
2 people get: Two 1000 gp gems and 100 pp

Everyone also gets:
149 pp, 3227 gp

Leftover for party funds: 2 pp, 5 gp


Scroll of Sending (Fiona)
Drift Globe
Potion of Necrotic Resistance
Potion of Animal Friendship (this feels like a Joybell thing)
Oil of Etherealness
Ring of Fire Elemental Command (Orryk would probably fight anyone/everyone for this)
Elven Chain (assuming a DEX of at least 2, this would give AC 16. What's Mo's AC right now?)
6 sheets of DragonPaper (added by GM in Meetups)(in the bag of holding for party use)


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 38: And Now We’re In the Icerasp Mountains

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)

Player Absent:
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

Note: Thneed's player was unable to attend this session, but she followed along with the party, cheerfully engaging in some minor mischief with the town guards while we were in Embernook and generally going where we went.

9 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 100)

The next morning, Mo quickly drew a teleportation circle on the ground where the hut had been and began to play something on his pipe. Then he stopped, fixed the circle a bit, played some more. Stopped again, redrew a whole section of it, played some more. After about a minute of refining his circle, smoke began to pour out of his pipe as he played filling the circle. We all entered it and teleported back to the library in Stately Kang Manor.

We also found some frogs and squirrels in the library -- test subjects Mo had sent through while he was on perfecting the spell.

Work is happening around the house, which is good. We found Chulty, with some friends and former party members, camping in tents in the dining room. We inquired about why the tents and they said the bedrooms were still works in progress and this was a comfortable way for them to sleep but not be in an actively under repair part of the house.

Joybell: Okey doke. Welcome, Chulty’s friends!

He said that most of Kalmarn has been razed because the village was sort of...well, haunted and parts of it blood-soaked. When we start having citizens in town, they can re-build what they need.

Chulty, looking at the dragon head on the floor: You’re not going to have that in the house, are you?
Joybell: Do you know if there’s a taxidermist in Embernook? Maybe we can mount it once it’s taxidermied.
Mo: It seems that this town is going to need a place for people to get drunk.

He gave Chulty rather a lot of money to fund the construction and stocking of a tavern by the waterfront and said that the dragon head could decorate the tavern.

Taman: We could call it the Dragon’s Head.
Joybell: No, the Green Lord.
Mo: Those are great suggestions, but I was thinking...Mo’s.
Joybell: Mo’s Green Lord?
Mo: Mo’s.

Chulty said that he would take care of getting the dragon head taxidermied. Excellent!

Joybell gave him some additional money so that his friends and their work would be paid for as well.

Joybell: Is there any sign of the Cracked Shield orcs showing up yet?
Chulty: No orcs yet, no.
Joybell: Okey doke. Well, they have a ways to travel, I expect.

Orryk and Taman started talking about how we’d destroyed the kobold civilization, despite the fact that they had done nothing to harm anyone. Joybell and Mo weren’t buying it -- they served the Green Lord and made it possible for him to have agents in Auriqua and Embernook trying to subvert the governments of the two cities.

Eventually, Joybell got upset and went to talk to the squirrels and frogs that Mo had test-teleported into the manor, helping them find their way outside and telling them about the forest.

Orryk took some of the dragon pages we’d given Chulty and used a couple to send a message to Irlua asking about breaches of creatures from the fire plane or fire elementals in the world. Also generally whether the balance had changed since we last spoke. We also took some of them for the bag of holding so we’d be able to send message when we need to.

Orryk took a moment to talk with Suutha (the cap of water breathing) about if it has any goals other than going to the Elemental Plane of Water.

Suutha: If I hear about any incursions from under the sea, like in Pelsoreen or somewhere, I’ll want to stop those.

We agreed that we need to talk to the Keeper of Secrets about Taman’s family’s deal with the Tundra Queen, the Tundra Queen’s deal with Auriqua. Orryk and Taman also want to know about Alighieri’s deal with whoever he made a deal with.

Fiona used a sending spell to ask Tulmor if we could get a pickup to Embernook. Tulmor said she’d be right up and, indeed, just a couple of minutes later she and Barnett both appeared in the library.

We filled them in on the fight with the dragon.

Barnett: Did you get a name?
Joybell: Tallyxtillon
Tulmor: He must have grown up some. When I met him his name was Tallyxtlon. They add syllables as they get older.
Joybell: Oh, you met him? He was kind of a naughty word.
Tulmor and Barnett: ::nods::
Orryk: How are things in Embernook?
Tulmor: The same.
Taman: There’s something north of Auriqua. The Machine.
Joybell: The Epiphany Machine...
Taman: It’s associated with the outer chaos.

Tulmor seemed upset that it’s there.

Joybell: Where should it be?
Barnett: I think it disassembles itself and reassembles itself elsewhere if it’s not being used.
Tulmor: I just don’t really like it up there.
Joybell: We understand that it’s possibly turned a giant.
Tulmor: Exactly.
Barnett: It’s something you walk into or through…
Joybell: If it’s turned a frost giant it must be pretty big. How do we destroy it?
Barnett: Don’t know.
Mo: Does someone use it on someone else, or on themselves?
Barnett: When it shows up, one person goes through it and gets changed. Then they can persuade or convince others to go through. Some of the madnesses it creates are quasi-contagious, people can be affected even if they don’t go through the machine. Some people go through the machine more than once.
Mo: This is all a trap by the Outer Chaos.
Barnett: Except that the Chaos is not sentient, so there’s no planning involved.
Mo: Like a Venus Flytrap.
Barnett: Not a bad simile.
Taman: Is this like the process where the book turned a person inside out?
Tulmor: You could run into all sorts of things coming out of the Machine.
Taman: Would it work on a book? Could you put a book through and have it come out a crazy book? (Note: They didn’t seem to know the answer to that.)
Mo: Have people tried to destroy it?
Barnett: It’s not uncommon for people to go to it with the intent of destroying it, but then find it hard to actually summon the will to do so.

We then teleported back to Embernook. Barnett taught Mo the sigils for the circle in their library and said that we were free to use it. They just requested that we send a message to them so they’re awake and dressed when we arrive.

Before we left their place in Embernook, Orryk asked if they knew any young wizards we could hire to scribe spell scrolls for us. They said they could certainly find someone who would appreciate the work. We ordered two Longstrider scrolls and 4 Protection from Evil and Good scrolls.

They said that they could teleport us up to the former Mask circle in the Icerasp Mountains whenever we were ready to go.

In Embernook, Orryk went to Trannell’s magic shop looking for information about elemental related items, particularly rings. Once again, he gave Trannell some money to keep his ear to the ground.

Joybell went to talk to Chief Truehammer. As she was telling him about the dragon and about his agents subverting the city, she realized that she should really be telling the Administrator about all of that.

Joybell: Oh!! Anyway, we killed the dragon and I have to go now. Thank you!

Then she hurried over to the Administrator’s office. She signed in on the sheet right next to Thalith’s office but before she could even walk away he was there and he immediately took her in.

She told him about Tallyxtillon and the agents he said he had working in Embernook to try and get a toe-hold into the government. Also about the extortion scheme on the river. Thalith said that he didn’t know anything about it, but perhaps the Administrator did.

Joybell: Well, he does now.

By the time all of our errands in Embernook were done, it was late in the afternoon. We went to tell Tulmor that we’d like to be teleported in the morning, please.

Orryk: Would it be possible for Barnett to do his Arcane Eye trick so we know what’s on the other side?
Tulmor: That’s not necessary. I’ve been. It’s in an abandoned mine in the southwest part of the Icerasp Mountains. It’s probably snowing and cold.

We then went to our respective lodgings in town -- Joybell and Orryk to Queena’s and the rest of the party to the Pewter Oar.

10 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 101)

We had breakfast at the Pewter Oar, then donned our winter clothes to teleport to the circle in the Icerasp Mountains. We were near the entrance of a clearly worked mine shaft and could see the light from outside. Going further into the mine, we didn’t have to travel far before we got to where the mine was collapsed.

This was one of the circles that Turnik Steeltear had as part of his network -- with the moveable tiles to dial out to different locations. We noticed that the tiles were gone -- not only was there no address set as the destination of the circle, the entire box of tiles was missing. One of the outstanding squads of Masks was active somewhere in the vicinity of this circle, though we didn’t know where, or what they would do when the orders they’d been under when we killed Steeltear were over.

Mo looked around for footprints -- it looked like there had been a lot of foot traffic around the cave, perhaps a squad of people, but we had no idea how long ago and didn’t have enough information about how tracks age in this cave for Taman and Thneed to make an educated guess about timing.

Orryk pulled out the Orrery -- it pointed to the north-northeast, so deeper into the mountain range. It looked like a strong signal and like we were significantly closer than we had been when we were just a few miles north of Auriqua.

Taman and Joybell looked outside the mine - it was not actively snowing at that moment, though there was snow on the ground. There were some footprints in the snow, but Taman couldn’t get much sense of them. It was possible that they were mostly Tulmor’s footprints as she went to investigate what was on the other side of that circle.

We headed out of the cave -- Orryk brought Omnath out as a magma mephit. Fortunately Tony the Tiger (from Mo’s Bag of Tricks) is an Amur tiger (formerly called Siberian Tigers) and was therefore fine. Mo kept everyone in the party warm by occasionally warming up their clothes with prestidigitation spells.

Taman took a moment to check for active planar portals in the area and found none of them. Then he and Thneed both checked for their favored enemies. Thneed didn’t find any of hers (soldiers, hobgoblins and Fiends). Taman’s check detected scores of Fey clustered together about 4 miles to the north-northeast, though not directly on the line that the Orrery was pointing to. Those could be unrelated to Ildna and his Outer Chaos fey group. Or it could be a cluster of the cultists.

Scores of them.

We went in the direction the Orrery was pointing -- within the limits of what travel is possible and feasible through a mountain range. (Straight line travel is very difficult unless the line happens to be pointing up a valley or over a saddle between peaks. Going up and over mountains, even over passes, involves a lot of switchbacks. That sort of thing).

We proceeded along through the mountains, with lots of mountains around us. We made camp when it started to get dark (and even colder). Because of the relief, we hadn’t made as much progress as we would have expected along the way toward the cluster of fey. We also assumed we hadn’t made a ton of progress toward the machine.

Fiona’s tiny hut is colored to match the surrounding terrain, but can’t match exactly (and always looks like a perfectly hemispherical dome). Inside it’s always climate controlled for our comfort, so we were able to relax in the warmth of the hut.

During second watch (Mo and Thneed) a bunch of tiny, winged, blue-white flying things that looked like heads with torsos trailing off into long tails flew into view. They began to throw themselves against the hut, repeatedly. Nothing bad happened, except a sound like gravel pounding on the hut.

The tiny winged things flew away after a few minutes.

Mo didn’t wake anyone up, but when Taman and Fiona took over for third watch he told them about it.

He and Fiona had both heard of these creatures -- they’re called Sluaghs and travel in swarms. Each of those tiny things is a fey creature. There appeared to be five of the swarms of the tiny creatures. Mo and Fiona also knew that they don’t like fire or daylight. Fiona thought that they probably would follow the orders of the Tundra Queen if she gave them any, but they’re not very bright at all so she’s undoubtedly got better servants.

The rest of the night passed without incident.

11 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 102)

Orryk pulled out the Orrery again to make sure we hadn’t gone off in a wrong direction at any point as we were following to some extent the lay of the landscape. It was still pointing in the same north-northeast direction.

We couldn’t see anything in that direction except mountains and snow.

Taman checked for favored enemies again and detected a lot of them less than a mile away -- consistent with the Sluagh swarms we’d seen overnight. They were sort of in the direction we were heading in.

We continued on our way, following the Orrery.

About an hour after we headed out, the track (possibly a game trail) we were following went through a deep and steep-sided valley. Almost a canyon. There were deep shadows at the bottom because the sun was still below the peaks of the mountains to the east.

Almost immediately when we entered the valley, Taman, Orryk, Mo and Tony the Tiger spotted the swarms of Sluagh approaching fast. The five swarms surrounded us looking like five swirling clouds of winged...things. Taman dashed to attack one of them getting in some good damage because the swarm wasn’t expecting him to approach and was surprised. In response to his attack, it swarmed over him, attacking him for a considerable amount of damage, some of which he was able to dodge, despite the swarm attacking from all sides.

Fiona and Tony the Tiger both got hit for a great deal of damage, but survived. Orryk was missed and Mo would have been hit but used his cutting words to stop the hit.

Mo: Get out of my face….

Orryk moved out of the swarm and threw two daggers into it, hitting some of the tiny creatures, then swung at it with his fists. Omnath did a fire breath -- they didn’t like the fire at all, but they dodged out of the way pretty well.

Taman disengaged from the swarm on him then moved to help Mo -- his sword swung through them, but it was hard to make solid contact with the swarm of tiny bodies.

Then all five swarms attacking people they had swarmed over and were surrounding missed with their attacks.

Joybell went to help Fiona, attacking and critting with her sword. She called down the divine energy in a second level smite, which helped a lot.

The fight continued with people hitting and trying to move away from them. Fiona misty stepped out of the swarm that surrounded her and firebolted it -- there was a chorus of tiny shrieks as the tiny winged bodies fell, smoking, to the ground.

Mo inspired Taman: Could you give me a hand?

Taman immediately used the inspiration to hit the one on Mo really solidly.

Then Mo tried to use cutting words to protect Tony the tiger, but the swarm wasn’t affected and Tony was killed.

Mo: NOoo!

Joybell, never a fan of people attacking animals, rode on Scooby over the swarm that had just killed Tony and attacked, but not very effectively.

Orryk and Omnath attacked the same one and dropped it -- Omnath’s fiery magma mephit claws doing the final blow.

At that point, Fiona decided it was time to just end this and cast fireball on the three remaining swarms, sculpting the fire around Mo, Taman, Joybell and Scooby. There was a piercing wail of cacophonous shrieking from the dying fey, leaving only one surviving. Joybell’s attack of opportunity dropped it when it went to attack Taman.

We continued on our way until we were out of the shadowy valley and into a more normally sunlit area, then we stopped for lunch. Fiona made a hut for us to rest in.

While we were resting, Mo pulled another animal out of the bag of tricks -- a baboon he named Clyde.

After lunch and a short rest, we resumed proceeding, encountering no further problems the rest of the day. At a break later in the day, Orryk pulled out the orrery and it snapped more quickly to point to the north-northeast, which we took to mean we were making progress.

When we stopped for the night, Taman sensed for fey and picked up one single fey about a mile away. It was not in the same direction that the orrery was pointing. Fiona made a hut and we made our usual preparations to rest.

While we were doing so, a dragon page arrived bearing a response from Irlua to Orryk’s question regarding incursions of fire planar beings. She said she didn’t know where there is an active breach of fire elementals, but there’s something related to fire brewing near Erlin-- perhaps something forming or an instability.

We settled into the tiny hut and began to rest. About an hour into first watch, Joybell and Orryk noticed that the weather started turning for the worse -- over about an hour it went from cold and windy with a ground fog to white-out blizzard with horizontally blowing snow. It seemed to us to be awfully early in the year for this kind of snow. All we could see outside the hut was white-out conditions.

At the end of their watch, they woke up Mo and Thneed. Mo cast clairvoyance, sending the sensor 1000 feet straight up above the hut. All the sensor could see was more blizzard. Mo, thinking that the blizzard might be providing cover for someone coming to attack us, cast plant growth, so anyone trying to come close would find their way slowed by the difficult terrain.

Mo and Thneed woke Taman and Fiona for third watch. Taman checked for fey and detected one maybe half a mile away. When we made camp it was a mile away.

The rest of the night passed with the blizzard raging around our snug, climate controlled hut.

12 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 103)

When the rest of the party woke, the blizzard was still raging outside.

We all held a rope between us so that no one could get lost or separated from the rest of the party, and continued on our way. Fiona cast some dancing lights to help provide beacons to keep us together. Clyde the baboon rode on Scooby to stay warm in his thick fur. Taman lead us in the direction the orrery is pointing, avoiding a couple of short falls that would have really sucked for us. Taman had the sense that this weather was not entirely natural -- at the very least Fiona knew that this weather was nuts. There hadn’t been enough moisture in the air the day before to make for this much snow. Her opinion was that there was almost certainly magic involved.

After a couple of hours of slow and difficult going through the blizzard, the weather started to abate and over the course of about an hour, the weather went back to the normal cold wind and small snow flurries we’d experienced the day before.

When we were out of the blizzard, Taman sensed for fey again -- there was one, still half a mile away, but now behind us.

None of us liked that at all.

Mo flew up on the broom to get a bird’s eye view. He could see a hard line making a large circle where the snow had been. It was definitely the radius (if a large one) of a spell effect. It was centered maybe a half mile from our camp last night. We apparently got to the edge of the effect about the same time the duration ended.

We turned and headed straight back toward the fey that Taman was picking up. We were none of us okay with having something that could make a blizzard in a few mile radius behind us and following us.

About a quarter mile on our walk toward the mystery fey, we got to the base of a sheer cliff a few hundred feet high.

Taman: If you’re out there, come talk to us. I hate all this sneaking around.

(GM: An odd perspective for a rogue…)

There was no response.

Taman touched the cliff to make sure it was real. Mo flew up the cliff -- when he crested the top of it he saw rock and broken ground. But he didn’t see anyone or anything alive or moving around.

We all got up to the top of the cliff using the broom -- Scooby had to put up with the indignity of riding in the hammock while Joybell rode. Up at the top we looked around.

Taman spotted a figure moving at an angle away from us -- it was pacing us, keeping up but not approaching. We cast some spells on Taman (Joybell cast Aid and Fiona cast Bless) and Mo gave him some inspiration, then he jumped on the broom and took off like a shot to talk to the thing following us, with the sending stone in his pocket.

As Taman approached the thing flew from one mountain peak to another one, sipping straight across. Taman flew after it, he saw a humanoid about the size of Mo with blue/white skin.

He recognized it as a Bheur Hag -- a hag of the cold and frozen places. They are big on making it difficult for travelers in cold places and love watching them flail and not be able to get through. They like to watch people starve and freeze to death.

Taman: Stay away from my group or you’ll be dead.

Then he used the cape of the mountebank to get back to the group.

Orryk: If it keeps following us, Rule 1.

We agreed to that.

We ferried back down to the base of the cliff on the broom, then took a short rest (it being lunch time).


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 39: The Hag and Some Frost Giants

Dramatis Personae:
Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

12 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 103) (immediately after)

We resumed following the orrery, which was still pointing in the same general direction it had been. The rest of the day passed. As we were making camp, Taman sensed for fey and found that there was one less than a mile away behind and to the left of us, so the hag was still presumably back there.

There were also two clusters of six -- one was one mile away to the left of us and the other about five miles ahead. We figured that we’d probably get to the ones ahead of us the next day.

We camped in a tiny hut and kept watches through the night, which passed without incident.

13 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 104)

The next morning, before the hut came down, Taman sensed for fey again and found that there was a cluster of six fey about half a mile ahead and to the left of us. The single fey (presumably the hag) was a couple of miles behind us.

We headed out, following the orrery and staying alert. Mo let Clyde the Baboon ride in the combat hammock, which he kept warm with prestidigitation.

Shortly after we headed out, the sword of warning alerted all of us (except Taman, who just spotted them) to the presence of small white figures with wings about 40’ up the sides of a rock-strewn gorge. They were standing on ledges part way up the sides of the gorge (the wall of which were 90’ high).

Taman took a shot at the nearest one to us.

Taman: Snipers!

Taman recognized that these are cold fey called Beli -- they have short bows and the shots have a chance of hastening death by exposure.

Mo cast hypnotic pattern on the three on the other side (that Taman hadn’t shot at), getting two of them caught up in the pretty lights. Then he inspired Joybell.

Mo: Go get ‘em!!

Thneed and Orryk worked together to take down the one that had saved against the hypnotic pattern. It fell off the cliff and landed with a thud. Thneed was confident it had been dropped because of the effect on her hunters’ mark spell, but the next second it stood up again.

Taman: They regenerate unless they take fire damage.

The Beli (other than the two hypnotized ones) began flying down towards us, shooting their arrows.

Joybell, noticing them moving into range: Bless them.

One of them got a critical hit on Mo, which left him weakened with exhaustion and caused the hypnotic pattern to drop. A couple missed. Orryk caught one of the arrows that would have hit him, dropping it to the ground at his feet. Taman also got hit.

Joybell cast searing smite and hit the one that had been dropped and regenerated, dropping it for real. Then she moved to where she could protect Mo from another attack.

Fiona cast a fireball on three of them, dropping two and leaving the third partially melted looking. Mo finished that one off, mocking it to death.

Mo: Your skin looks terrible…

Thneed moved her hunters mark to one of the remaining two, and did it a lot of damage with her two arrows.

Omnath finished that one off with his fire breath, getting his first kill! Orryk shot the last remaining one with his bow and in response it started to flee, flying away into the mountains. We all took shots at it and after a few hits by others, Thneed dropped it.

We wanted to examine the bodies, but they had melted away before we could look at them. When they were alive they’d looked like small, bat-winged, white-skinned humanoids with unpleasant mouths filled with many teeth.

We hadn’t been traveling for very long at all, so we continued on our way without a rest. Joybell used the restoration bead from the necklace of prayer beads on Mo, so he only had one level of exhaustion. Due to his exhaustion, he rode in the battle hammock.

At lunch, we stopped and Fiona made a tiny hut so we could have a nice, warm short rest. Taman checked for fey and found a single fey about half a mile ahead.

After our break, we continued proceeding. We’d gone about that half mile and found ourselves in another rocky gorge. In the gorge ahead of us, an unpleasant looking woman, Mo’s height, with blue-white scraggly hair, stood on a ledge about 50’ up on the side of the gorge.

Mo: Hello, young lady!

Orryk, to the rest of the party: I thought we were going for Rule 1?
Joybell: Maybe she’ll come down to us so we can fight her.

Hag: Top ‘o the afternoon!
Mo: Why are you following us?
Hag: For my own amusement. You’re a persistent lot…
Taman: Do you know a guy who looks like a dilyarli wearing a large hat? (Followed by a more precise description of Ildna.)
Hag: You’re looking for the broken dilyarli. I could make it easier for you to find him….if you do me a favor. There’s another hag in these mountains and I want you to kill her.

Orryk, to the rest of the party: She’s caused most of the problems we’ve run into. Is she just going to stop harassing us?

Taman How far away is this other…
Hag: You can call us hags. It’s about 10 miles that way.

She pointed off at an angle that would have taken us away from the route we were following.

Orryk: We can go and kill another hag so this one will leave us alone. Or we can just kill this one without traveling days out of our way and things will be easier.
Taman: You’re right!

Then Taman took a shot at her.

Joybell: Wait!? What? What’s going on?

Taman’s shot, unfortunately, missed. Joybell used the wand of magic missile, but the hag cast a shield spell and stopped them. Orryk moved, spreading out a bit, and shot at her, getting one through her shield spell.

The hag cackled at us then poured a vial of liquid over her head, disappearing as the liquid covered her body.

Mo tried to cast faerie fire on the area where she was, but she didn’t light up.

Taman took a moment to try and spot her -- after a second he saw a glitter of snow in the air in the middle of the gorge that he surmised was sparkling as it fell off of her broom of flying. He tried to shoot her, but missed. Joybell, seeing where he’d aimed, threw the javelin of lightning at her and hit with a great shock of lightning. Orryk followed up with an arrow shot.

After Fiona missed and we figured that she’d moved again. Mo held a faerie fire until someone pointed out her location to him and inspired Taman.

Mo: Find her.

Taman took another moment to look for her again and spotted her 120 feet down the valley, apparently flying away in the direction we were heading. She was out of range of Mo’s spell and none of the arrows we fired in her direction hit.

Joybell collected her javelin of lightning, Clyde was put back into the warmed battle hammock, and we resumed proceeding. The rest of the day passed without incident and we passed out of the narrow gorges and passes we’d been in and out into a large, open, relatively flat alpine meadow. Fiona created a tiny hut and we made camp for the evening.

Just before we rested, Mo created a teleportation circle to the library in Stately Kang Manor and sent Clyde through it with a note that said “From Mo.”

Chulty will take care of him.

During the first watch, Joybell and Orryk spotted two frost giants. They weren’t walking right toward us in a bee-line, but they weren’t just out on patrol passing by either. They appeared to be looking for us. They stopped about 200’ away and sat down, looking at the dome.

Joybell and Orryk woke up the rest of the party as soon as we spotted the giants.

Mo threw a card from the deck of illusions out through the dome -- an orc appeared outside the dome. Recognizing that an orc wasn’t an especially intimidating illusion, he threw another card -- an image of Mo himself appeared next to the orc.

As the second illusion appeared, the giants each threw a boulder, both of which hit the illusion of the orc. Because it was an illusion, it was still standing there, despite the boulders.

Orryk pointed out to Thneed that she could shoot out through the dome.

Taman, to the giants, in common: Hold your fire! We come in peace.

They didn’t respond, so he said it again in sylvan. They still didn’t respond.

At that, Orryk and Thneed started shooting arrows at them. After a couple of arrows hit, the giants moved back another couple hundred feet and sat down again, still looking at the dome.

We went back to our rest, Joybell and Orryk finishing out the first watch. They woke Mo and Thneed for second watch. Mo stepped outside the dome, thinking to polymorph himself into a giant ape and throw the rocks back at the giants, but they were too far away and he decided against and went back into the dome.

The second watch and third watches passed without incident. The giants were sitting comfortably and also getting a long rest.

14 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 105)

The next morning, just before the dome came down, Taman and Joybell left the dome first -- the giants didn’t react to that, so we continued on our way. As we proceeded, the giants stood up and stretched then they tried to sneak after us.

When we noticed that one of them had succeeded in sneaking off and we didn’t know where it was, Thneed cast pass without trace and we began sneaking ourselves.

We decided to set an ambush for them, but Joybell wanted a chance to talk to them first.

Orryk: No. Joybell messes up every ambush we’ve tried.
Joybell: Last time you fussed at me about this, I hid and Taman and Thneed stood in the road and you didn’t fuss at them!
Orryk: They do stupid things. I expect better of you.

We found a spot between a couple of boulders on the alpine meadow. Joybell and Scooby hid behind one (reasonably well for a change) and watched the giants (we had both of them in our sights again) cross the meadow. We saw 4 of the beli things with the giants.

Taman and Thneed took some shots, both at the giants and the beli. Fiona cast a fireball that caught one of the giants and two of the beli. The two beli looked pretty hurt by it, though the giant looked like he’d avoided most of the damage.

Mo cast hypnotic pattern on the larger giant and two of the beli, then he laid down to be a more difficult target for ranged attacks. Joybell moved out from behind the boulder she’d hidden behind and used the wand of magic missiles to shoot the two beli that had been in the fireball, dropping one of them.

Thneed stepped out from behind a different rook, took her shots, then moved back behind Fiona.

Taman and Orryk, each in turn, stepped out from behind rocks and took shots - focusing on the beli, because that ability to exhaust people is really dangerous.

The hag walked up at an angle from where the giants were. She looked at the situation and threw a snowball at the hypnotized frost giant, snapping him out of his fascination with the pretty lights.

The larger giant ran up on Taman, pulling out a huge great axe and swinging - it would have gotten a critical hit, but Taman got a lucky break and the swing instead was a mighty blow into the ground. Unfortunately, the giant’s second swing did hit him. The other giant moved up toward us, but wasn’t able to attack.

It was able to get into fireball formation with the other giant, though, and Fiona didn’t miss the opportunity. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very powerful fireball. Mo followed it up with a shatter spell that caught the two of them as well.

There were a number of attacks on the smaller giant - culminating with Taman dropping it with his scimitar before it ever got to attack.

Orryk moved so he could take a shot at the one un-hypnotized beli, then went into some cover. Omnath, waiting for an opportunity in the combat, moved next to Mo, who warmed his hands on the magma mephit.

The hag caught a glint of light with something in her hand and fired a bolt of cold light at Taman and Joybell. And Scooby, who dropped and went back to where celestial wolf-mounts are when they die here.

The big giant followed that up with a big hit on Joybell. His second attack only missed because of Mo’s cutting words.

Fiona cast scorching ray at the hag -- she protected herself with a shield of sparkling ice, but two of the bolts still got through. Joybell attacked the remaining giant, smiting it weakly, still upset about losing Scooby.

Taman turned away from the giant and charged the hag, casting zephyr strike on the way. He hit her for a lot of damage. Orryk spent a ki-point to dash over to the hag as well, hitting and stunning her with a stunning strike! (It worked!)

The frost giant, finding most of his opponents gone, hit Joybell two more times. Ouch!

Fiona dropped a fireball right onto the hag and a beli -- the hag was stunned and unable to dodge out of the way. The beli tried to dodge, but was killed anyway.

Thneed shot at the hag, then Taman moved into a position to flank her and dropped her with a sneak attack. Woot!

Orryk went back to the giant, making a couple of attempts to stun it, but neither of them worked.

Which was a pity, because the giant then hit Joybell and almost dropped her.

Joybell, remembering the code word from the fight with the dragon: Banana! Mo! Banana!

Mo didn’t cast a polymorph on her -- instead he cast a shatter spell on the giant and dropped it. Which worked out fine as well.

The two hypnotized beli were dispatched quickly.

And there we ended.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Session 40: We Found Ildna! Also: How A Hag Repays A Favor

Orryk - Forest Gnome Monk (Way of the Four Elements, variant)/Wizard
Mo - Goliath Bard (College of Lore)
Fiona - Half-Elf Wizard (Evoker)/Cleric (Knowledge)
Taman - Human (variant) Rogue (Inquisitive)/Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Joybell - Forest Gnome Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Thneed - Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter Conclave)

GM - Everyone Else

14 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 105) (immediately after)

Immediately after the fight with the hag and the stone giants and a few beli, we took a short rest. Joybell, Taman and Orryk rested, strengthened by Mo’s song of rest. The others spent the time looting the bodies of the hag and the giants.

They didn’t find much on the hag’s body. We’d been hoping for another broom of flying, but it turned out that the staff she was flying on wasn’t magical. Apparently that ability to fly was inherent to her, not the object. They did find a potion, which Mo picked up with his mage hand and passed on to Fiona. Fiona identified it as a weirdly variant potion of cloud giant strength -- she couldn’t tell exactly what would happen but there will be something weird that happens at the end of the effect.

Thneed: I’d love that…

So we gave it to her. Orryk took the hag’s staff as a walking stick.

Toward the end of the rest, Joybell cast Find Scooby Steed. Taman did his ranger-thing and sensed for fey within five miles -- he detected something right at the edge of his range, vaguely (but not exactly) in the direction the orrery was pointing.

(Note: We realized later that we forgot to burn the bodies of the hag and the giants.)

After resting, we got back on our way, following the orrery. The rest of the day passed without incident.

The night passed without incident as well, except that Mo and Thneed whiled away second watch making hand shadows. (“Do Deformed Rabbit. I love that one!”)

15 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 106)

The next morning, Taman checked for fey again and detected none within five miles. The orrery, when checked, snapped quickly to point in the same direction it has been pointing all along. Which was the behavior we’d gotten accustomed to.

Shortly after we got started in the morning, we spotted two large trolls a fair way ahead of us. As we got closer it became clear that these were weird looking trolls, maybe a bit decayed or something. Thneed, who’d spotted them first, put her hunters mark on one and took a couple of shots at it.

We then began to focus our attacks on that one -- Joybell charged at it and attacked, hitting it with a searing smite to do fire damage. Taman ran over and attacked it as well, having to use his bonus action to dash the last five feet. Orryk and Mo both shot at it.

Fiona, realizing that she hadn’t done so yet, cast mage armor on herself.

The other troll moved toward us but wasn’t able to get into combat with anyone. Which worked out well for us, because we were able to drop the first one with a couple of shots from Thneed, a couple of big hits from Joybell, and a great shot from Taman.

It smelled like rot and nastiness. Worse than a normal troll.

Orryk moved out of range of the other one and took a couple of shots at it.

Mo used the wand of web on the second troll, catching it the webbing. Seeing it ensnared he decided to “inspire” Orryk.

Mo: See how easy it is to web things…

Fiona used scorching ray on the troll in the webbing -- even the ray that missed helped, because it set the webbing on fire. So it took fire damage from the scorching ray and fire damage from the burning web. But the web hadn’t burned enough for it to free itself from the restraint.

Orryk, either inspired or irritated by Mo, put away his bow and got right up in the troll’s face and punched it. Omnath flew over his and Joybell’s heads and breathed fire on the troll.

Mo then viciously mocked the troll.

Mo: You’re on fire….

The troll took damage from the fire in the web, which burned away to the point that he wasn’t restrained any longer (doing him damage in the process). It missed with both of its clawed hands, waving wildly at Taman. It hit him with its nasty necrotic-rotting bite.

Thneed immediately turned around and killed it with her arrows.

Fiona and Omnath worked together to burn the bodies. These trolls looked like they’d been exposed to some sort of nasty magic -- they didn’t appear to regenerate like normal trolls, they just looked like they were decaying. It seemed like it could have been the work of the hag (or a hag). Or maybe the Epiphany Machine, except that seemed like it had different sorts of effects on people.

We continued on our way. That fight had been pretty early in the day, so we spent the whole rest of the day going up and down switchbacked mountain trails. Orryk took the opportunity presented by the switchbacks and the twisting mountain trails to use the orrery to triangulate the location of the Big Chaos it was picking up. From this he confirmed that we are getting closer.

The rest of the day passed without incident. So did the night.

16 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 107)

We hadn’t noticed the day before, but when we woke it dawned on us that we were in a less snowy area of the mountains than we had been. It had been notably colder and snowier than average when we were being shadowed by the Bheur Hag (an ice hag) but it was now a bit warmer and less snowy than expected for as far north and as high in the mountains as we were. The rangers felt that this was a magical effect.

Taman checked for fey and found none within five miles.

We stepped out of the hut and in the morning light spotted a stone giant wearing a mask (not like the Masks -- a scold’s bridle) sitting on a boulder outside of our camp. He was sitting with a piece of paper pinched between his forefinger and thumb, watching the hut carefully.

(Note: Scold’s bridles were historically made in many forms, some more painful and inherently tortuous than others. Some covered all or most of the face.)

Joybell saw him, smiled, and waved. He waved back.

Joybell, pointing at the paper: Is that for us?

He nodded and handed the paper to her. It was a note which read:

Thanks for killing that bitch Icenipple. I owe you for that, you did me a real favor.
-- N.A. Stoneshite

The note went on to say that she hated to be in debt so to repay us for the favor of killing the other hag, she was giving us the services of the stone giant. He could guide us to where we were going -- if he knew the way -- though he would not go into danger for us. She also said not to try to remove the bridle because it would hurt him.

We asked the giant if he could take us to Ildna, the broken dilyarli. He nodded and, with gestures (because the bridle made it impossible for him to speak) let us know that it was four mountains away and would take us two days to get there. He tried to convey something else to us but we couldn’t quite get it.

We agreed to that and let him lead us away from camp. He didn’t go in exactly the direction we could have gone, but it didn’t appear to be crazy either. After an hour or two we came to a cave entrance. He gestured in there and we finally understood that he was telling us we’d be going through the mountains in caves rather than over them.

Very good.

As we walked, we decided to call him Lurch, with his acquiescence. Joybell talked to him about the caverns and he communicated with signs and gestures. We noticed during the day that he was neither eating nor drinking, but appeared to be okay despite that.

The rest of the day passed without incident as we moved through the tunnels. The tunnels, which looked like dwarven mine tunnels, seemed to wander around a lot less than the switchback paths over the mountains. We made camp and a dome in the evening.

Fiona, with Lurch’s permission, cast detect magic (yes, very) and identify on the bridle. She identified it as a bridle of sustenance -- the wearer doesn’t need to eat, drink or sleep while wearing it. However, if it is taken off without uttering the command word (which the identify spell did not reveal) the wearer gains one level of exhaustion for each week they’d worn the bridle.

We asked Lurch if he’d been wearing it for more than six weeks and he nodded vigorously. So we asked if he wanted us to try and take it off and he shook his head with even more vigor.

The night passed without incident.

18 Harfastin 748 (Campaign day 108)

The next morning, Taman checked for fey and found none within five miles. He also tried to detect any planar portals and found none of those within a mile either.

We resumed proceeding through the tunnel. There were lots of branches we didn’t take and the path we took had some twists and turns, but Lurch lead us confidently through the tunnels (still looking like an abandoned dwarven mine) and the orrery, when consulted, indicated that he was at least not leading us astray.

Traveling with a giant had its advantages, because we had no trouble with anything all day.

Around dinner time, Lurch stopped at the entrance to a side tunnel or chamber and pointed in that direction. With gestures he made it clear that he would go no further but what we sought was that way.

Joybell thanked him for his assistance and wished him well in his association with the other hag. Orryk tied a note to the staff he’d taken from the Bheur Hag we killed (apparently named Icenipple) and handed it to Lurch.

Orryk: Can you deliver this to your hag?

Lurch nodded and took the staff.

Before we went through the entrance, Mo pulled an ape from the bag of holding, so he’d have a companion again. He used prestidigitation to color its fur purple and named it Grape Ape.

Orryk brought Omnath back from the pocket dimension as an ice mephit and sent him through the doorway and down the hall, watching through his eyes. The passage was dimly lit with patches of something, maybe fungi maybe something else with some bioluminescence, on the walls that gave off a greenish glow. This looked to be a natural cavern with large stalactites (which had merged with stalagmites to form natural stone columns) dotted about.

Omnath saw a number of round things with many maws and stick legs in the chamber. We recognized these as things we fought in Tumeleen with the Skinless One (just before we found the Crazy Book in Jorlas’ wagon). Omnath counted half a dozen of them.

We figured they probably were an early warning system (we remembered them as making noise when we fought them in Tumeleen) and expected that other things would come to fight with them.

In fact the beachball things, called Grues, began to chatter and gibber when they spotted Omnath in the room.

Thneed moved into the hall and spotted a giant, that looked to be about stone giant sized, but weird and lumpy looking and with mottled skin, just entering the back of the large chamber, obviously investigating the noise from the grues. She then took a shot at a grue, hitting it and killing it.

Thneed: There’s something else. Something big.

Joybell rode into the room, toward one of the two clusters of them, and dropped one with two blows. Three of them swarmed her and one moved toward Taman, but fortunately all of their attacks missed.

Orryk took a shot at one and dropped it. Mo moved up, with Grape Ape close behind him, so he could see what was going on better, but that left him unable to attack.

The weird giant, a fomorian, moved up and cast a spell that caught Mo and Joybell, Grape Ape and Scooby, doing a tremendous amount of psychic damage (synaptic static is the spell) and scrambled their minds up a bit. Scooby disappeared back to the celestial plane and Grape Ape dropped to the brain damage. Joybell fell prone to the ground as her mount disappeared from beneath her.

Fiona moved a little closer and cast storm sphere centered on the giant. It stood in the middle of a howling storm with lightning crackling around it.

Joybell was on the ground in the middle of the chamber, surrounded by grues and with the giant looming not too far away.

Orryk, to Thneed: Cover Joybell.

Thneed was able to take out two of the ones surrounding Joybell with two arrows. Taman dashed in, dropped the last one, then continued moving so we were spread out.

Joybell, pissed off, stood up and threw the lightning javelin at the fomorian, but missed because her brain was still sizzling from the synaptic static. She then moved to the very edge of the storm sphere and threw a regular javelin which also missed.

Orryk shot at it twice, then put away his bow to prepare for hand to hand combat. Mo used the wand of web to catch the giant, hoping to hold him in the storm sphere, but the giant misty stepped out of the storm sphere and the web and then attacked Taman with its great club twice. Fortunately he missed.

Fiona hit it with scorching rays and a lightning bolt then Thneed hit it with an arrow. Taman cast hunters mark on the fomorian and waited for someone in the party to get into combat with it.

Joybell immediately obliged and moved in to fight the giant. She missed with both of her attacks, but Taman hit with his held attack.

Orryk moved up and hit the fomorian then went into a defensive stance. Mo cast a vicious mockery on it.

Mo: We hit you in the balls. No. We hit your….I had it…

The fomorian cast a spell that had Taman, Orryk and Joybell resisting a force that felt like it would have moved or teleported them. We all saved, though, and the fomorian stayed in place.

Which might have been unfortunate for it, because Fiona promptly hit him with two searing rays and Thneed with two arrows.

As we were fighting the fomorian, some of us saw a dilyarli appear from further down the corridor, a patch of bioluminescent fungi reflecting off his white skin and blue hair.

Thneed, on seeing the dilyarli: Hey, there’s someone else back there!

Taman, to the dilyarli: Friend or foe?

The dilyarli answered his question by making a gesture and creating barely visible clouds of sounds, corrupting sussurations, that whispered at Taman, Orryk and Joybell and got into our brains doing rather a lot of damage. (This was neither an attack nor a spell.) Then he took a shot at Taman with a longbow, but Mo shouted some cutting words and the arrow missed its mark.

Orryk continued to focus on the fomorian. Mo tried to cast polymorph on the dilyarli, to turn it into a trout, but he saved.

Before anyone else could attack the fomorian, it cast thunderstep (damaging all three of the party members around it) and reappeared down the hall, then ran further away into the darkness.

So we turned our attention to the dilyarli. Fiona cast a guiding bolt on him, which let Thneed hit him with both of her attacks. Taman cast hunters mark on the dilyarli and took a shot at him.

Joybell almost cast misty step to get close, then Mo reminded her of the wand of magic missile, so she used that to shoot him instead.

The sussurating clouds, which looked like heat haze on a highway, moved to stay close to those they were afflicting, then the dilyarli took two shots at Orryk, which Orryk didn’t even bother deflecting. He just stood there like a badass and let the arrows come at him.

Orryk then closed his eyes and ran up to attack the dilyarli with his tremor sense to guide him. Mo cast a shatter spell, just missing Orryk, and hitting the dilyarli with a great crash of thunderous sound. Fiona hit him with scorching rays. The final blow was Thneed’s two arrows both hitting him and dropping him.

Looking at the body, this was not a dilyarli any of us recognized -- not Ildna and not the one who’d come to Embernook. He had some fancy clothes (somewhat bloodstained and tattered now), a rapier, a longbow, and 12 arrows, which were added to the hoard of arrows.

Joybell immediately sat down and started to cast Find Steed.

We’d noticed earlier that the fomorian was twisted and mottled, physically affected by something. As soon as we looked at the dilyarli, we could see that he was as well -- his bones and muscles becoming misshapen and asymmetrical. The blue-white of his skin was turning grey and black in patches.

We hoped to find papers or something like that on him, something to indicate what was going on, but we found nothing of that nature.

After a short rest, we began to track the fomorian based on the blood trail he left behind. As we did so, we noticed that we were also back-tracking the dilyarli. It had come from wherever the fomorian was going.

We were still in the abandoned, probably played out, dwarven mines and we passed several branching tunnels along the way, but we stayed on the fomorian’s blood trail. As we went Taman took a minute to check for fey and got two individuals, fairly close, in the direction we were heading. He took another moment to check for planar portals and detected a sealed portal to the Feywild -- one that was not merely closed or inactive/dormant, but positively sealed.

Taman explained as we went that the Fomorians used to be fey giants and were expelled from the Feywild because they tried to expose it to the Hunger Between Worlds. The Fey Nobles had cast them out.

Orryk checked the orrery -- it pointed in the direction we were heading but didn’t snap as quickly as expected for as close as Taman said we were to the two fey. So the Epiphany Machine was not with the fey.

After a bit of following the blood trail, we came to a natural arch where the mine opened into a large cavern. Inside there was a dead fomorian on the ground, which we recognized as the one we’d fought. It was not dead or even likely dying when it escaped from the combat so it might have been killed when it returned to the cavern. There were a couple of dead dwarves who looked like many cysts had burst open and things emerged from their bodies There were also two dilyarli -- Ildna and a woman, probably Allina (the dilyarli he’d broken according to the Ice Maiden we’d spoken to outside of Auriqua), a living fomorian, many of the grues (which had probably come out of the dead dwarves).

In the split second in which we took in what lay in front of us, we heard coming up behind us two manglers (the gribbly monster from Harl’s library) and a skinless thing (like we fought in Tumeleen with the grues).

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