Level Up (A5E) ENterplanetary DimENsions: Odd Objectio

Or wagon, or bed, or coins—in this realm they've all got something to say.

ENterplanetary DimENsions has one last plane that will leave your adventurers changed and it’s probably Mike’s favorite: Odd Objectio!

Objectio Level Up 5E DnD 5E BANNER shrunk.jpg

Said to be the realm of gods worshiped by objects, none know the origins of Objectio for certain. Some claim it serves an afterlife for objects destroyed long after their use ended, or the dimension was crafted by sentient magic items that attained mastery over spells, or that it is the work of a deranged deity long since forgotten. Curious as it is, this place bears similarities to other more mundane realms—the many provide excess for the few, though they do so with a unique appreciation for craftsmanship that is difficult for a typical person to truly understand.

Regardless of how it came to be Objectio is populated not by people in the usual sense: each person a walking and talking object. Tables stroll, instruments sing, wagons talk, and flagons drink. They live otherwise ordinary albeit celebrated lives, most embracing the purpose determined by their form and excelling—instruments play superlative music, shovels dig with peerless efficiency, carts almost never throw a wheel, and civilization chugs along with nary a wrench in its workings. Those that buck the trend can succeed at other tasks, though they are usually outcasts looked down upon for resisting the flow of society no matter how hard they try or the quality of what they can do.

Planar Traits. Objectio has the following planar traits and the Narrator should make use of any encounter elements appropriate for a given locale in this dimension. When it is possible to do so, noticing one of these encounter elements before it is too close to avoid requires a DC 15 Engineering check.​

Function Following Form

Aside from having limbs, facial features, and the other hallmarks of sentient peoples the majority of Objectio’s populace are unremarkable; a violin native to the dimension is Tiny-sized and likely to love music, but it is not a magical item or complex conjured figment. There’s no shortage of individuals of unusual proportions however, and travelers stranded on this plane long enough to fully undergo Objectification are easy to pick out from a crowd (still the same relative height as when they arrived).

Common Objectians. The statistics for a common NPC in Objectio is determined by its size (as the animate objects spell but with a Speed of 30 feet, regular vision, and an Intelligence score of 8 + 1d6, Wisdom score of 8 + 1d6, and Charisma score of 8 + 1d6) with any additional actions, attacks, or traits determined by the Narrator and the nature of the NPC’s form. For example, a rope might have a higher Maneuver DC or a wagon a higher Speed. Plants of appreciable growth (at least Small size) are also sentient although only barely (as awakened shrubs and awakened trees with Intelligence 5 and proficiency in Common), completely subservient to anyone that manages to meaningfully communicate with them.​

With a population predisposed to succeed with their given tasks civilization has achieved a staunch dependability. The rulers of the land—objects imbued with arcana or divinity—have cemented their authority over centuries of gradual progress, capitalizing on the impressive heights of the arts to distract the masses while quietly dismantling meaningful insurrections. Councils of bookseers (each a tome of spells or ancient history) guide the actions of sentient magic item royalty as kingdoms vie for resources, working to craft new denizens or bring destruction to the forces of their rivals. Those who are not destroyed in the wake of their sovereigns’ merciless ambitions become the only true objects in this strange dimension, passing away when the materials that make them up decay beyond cohesion and their features recede, their limbs shriveling into nothing.

Becoming Objectian. An object not native to Objectio that is left unattended for 7 (2d6) days gains sentience, grows limbs, and becomes a construct. Magical items take longer to be affected by Objectio, are not charmed afterwards, and gain a fly speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover, but otherwise follow the rules of Seeping Sentience (see Mergia).​

Artificial Nature

While there are some insects and critters that have managed to survive (or in the case of mice thrive), most of nature’s infrastructure in Objectio is aided or enacted by thorough farming, forestry, and pollination practices. In the spring wagons are laden with flowering plants and sent across routes that change each year, tended to in the summer by laborers not quite as effective as nature. Although autumn’s harvests are meager in comparison to the efforts expended upon them they are ample enough to sustain—while objectians require air, food, water, and rest like humans do, they only eat half as much.

Tricky Currency

Like every other object in Objectio, coins are living and thinking beings. Most of them respect their role and are happy to change hands when it makes sense, but anyone that harms others to take their wealth might find that some of their ill-gotten gains have slipped away, unwilling to be used by a brigand. Pickpockets on this plane are quick to muffle any objections their prizes might shout, and thieves’ guilds have a wide variety of techniques to enforce servitude from unruly currency.

Outrageous Objectification

Unfortunate souls drawn to Objectio rarely manage to escape before being changed in bizarre ways.

Object Transformation

After remaining in Objectio for a number of short or long rests equal to its hit dice, a humanoid undergoes the first phase of Objectification and gains the listed feat (or if it already has that feat it instead increases one ability score of its choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of its choice by 1). After a number of days equal to its hit dice a humanoid undergoes a second and then third phase of transformation. The benefits of the stages of transformation and the feats gained are listed on Table: Objectification.

The nature of a humanoid’s transformation is determined by its destiny, and how Objectification changes a humanoid’s appearance begins first with its head (transforming into the described object), followed by its torso, until finally its arms and legs shorten or lengthen (depending on the object) until they bear no resemblance to before. Objectification does not alter a humanoid’s size. The third phase of Objectification grants the Construct-Like trait.

Construct-Like. For the purposes of features, spells, and traits, the humanoid counts as both a construct and a humanoid. The humanoid gains immunity to disease and poison, and immunity to psychic damage. In addition, it gains an expertise die on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened, and its unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
These gifts are not without cost however as the humanoid’s altered form is both less able to perceive its surroundings and relate to others. It has disadvantage on Perception checks, and on Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion checks made against humanoids. In addition, when the humanoid becomes bloodied it also becomes rattled.​

At the Narrator’s discretion a different type of object can be chosen for a given destiny, and a humanoid may bear some distinguishing features (like a prominent scar or distinctive tattoo) that remain after transformation.

Regressing the Change

Once transformed by Objectio powerful magic is required to reverse a creature’s fate. A creature that has undergone Objectification can regress from the second phase to the first phase (or undo the transformation of the first phase) with a casting of greater restoration, but only the wish spell is able to remove the effects of the third phase Objectification from a humanoid. Any feat gained from Objectification remains after regressing the change.

Table: Objectification
DestinyObjectFeatSecond Phase
ChaosDieSurvivorWhen you see a creature within 30 feet make an attack roll or saving throw, you can use your reaction to throw yourself prone and force the creature to reroll.
Coming of AgeSimple toyAttentiveWhen you see a creature within 60 feet make an ability check or attack roll, you can use your reaction to throw yourself prone and force the creature to roll with disadvantage as you distract it.
DevotionShrineMystical TalentCosts are eliminated for the religious devotion downtime activity when you make sacred offerings using yourself as the receptacle.
DominionThroneHardy AdventurerYou gain a 1d12 expertise die on Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion checks made against a creature sitting on you.
ExcellenceMusical instrumentThespianYou gain a 1d6 expertise die on Charisma checks. In addition, you have advantage on ability checks made to play music with yourself.
KnowledgeBookcaseRite MasterYou gain a 1d6 expertise die on Intelligence checks. In addition, after storing a number of nonmagical books in your body equal to your Intelligence modifier, you know their contents when you finish a long rest.
MetamorphosisUmbrellaDestiny’s CallYou can use a bonus action to open or retract. While you are open your Speed is reduced by half, and on your turn you can orient yourself to grant three-quarters cover (+5 to AC, Dexterity saving throws, and ability checks made to hide) to creatures in a 15-foot cone behind you. Creatures lose this cover if you move, are knocked prone, retract, if a creature moves out of the area, or if it is targeted by an attacker that is not in front of you.
RevengeWeaponVendettaYou gain a slam natural weapon attack with which you are proficient. On a hit you deal 2d6 damage of a type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) determined by your shape.
UnderdogCrowbarNatural WarriorYou have advantage on Strength checks when you are able to lever yourself.
WealthCoinEmpathicYou gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand (or an expertise die if you are already proficient). In addition, you gain proficiency with the Mugging Hit and Painful Pickpocket maneuvers, and do not have to spend exertion to activate them.

objectio coin person basic.png

Portal Patterns

With the rapid and permanent changes Objectio forces on visitors it’s no surprise that most arrive entirely by accident. In dimensions like Corzcunath, Darakoa, the Dreaming, Inphasmada, Mergia, Ostium, or the Wheel its portals are easy to spot with shimmering borders that contain an unobstructed view of the lands below (and any objectians that happen to be wandering by). When these portals appear elsewhere (including the Material Plane) they can be as small as a child’s fist and are complete voids, hidden inside of objects that have been in proximity long enough to soak up arcana or divinity that connects it to this strange place. Spotting such a portal is difficult (DC 20 Investigation or Perception check, or found immediately with detect magic) and even then understanding what it is or where it goes requires 8 hours of study and a DC 20 Arcana check.

When a creature touches a portal to Objectio (even if it does so with a held object instead of its body) it is immediately sucked through to the other side, dragging along any creatures it is holding or being held by. Most of these portals exit 40 feet above the ground somewhere in the dimension but disappear after a short while, though each follows a pattern and eventually reappears at a predictable time (determined by the Narrator).

Quarry Quests

Only humanoids suffer transformation at the whims of this plane and the rulers of this place consider other trespassers unseemly, eager to see the order of society restored after a monster falls out of a portal to wreak havoc before fleeing into the wilderness. When this occurs close to sizable settlements nearby bookseers have plants in the area canvassed to locate where the intruding creature is, then dispatch scroll case couriers to known adventurers with contracts that have generous rewards for its capture or slaying—and if they are new arrivals the promise of help determining when a new portal is likely to appear.

Objectian bards have many a song telling of terrible dragons and liches that invade the dimension to capture their kin, breaking victims down into components for fell rituals and potent evil curses. Whether or not these are true or the propaganda of royalty is unknown but their effect is the same, and any such creature is in equal parts feared and persecuted by commoners and nobles alike. What is certainly true is the danger posed to the realm’s nobles—planar sages know of this place and that it is ruled by sentient magic items, and plenty of adventurers have ethics flexible enough to make kidnapping one a reasonable endeavor.

Death in Objectio

The death of an objectian is of somewhat less concern than in other realms because they know that save for a few grisly ways to die (such as being burned to ashes or corroded into nothing) that for them there is no true end. After they shuffle off their mortal coil their remains will be repurposed into something new, a part of them living on in perpetuity.

When a living creature that is not a construct dies while in Objectio however, its body becomes an object—and just like any other object it eventually gains sentience. Unlike a typical mundane object, when a non-construct creature’s corpse gains sentience it becomes a carrionette.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Mike Myler

My best work ⬇️ tinyurl.com/mists-of-akuma-2024
Yep. A friend of mine backed it's Kickstarter around the same time the books for Level Up were being shipped. :)

Btw, are the Warforged immune to the transformation effects of this dimension?
As far as I know they are not—warforged are humanoids so can undergo objectification like everybody else.

Why did 5e decide to make them Humanoid? curious I would have settled for them being Humanoid and Construct. Pathfinder 1st edition's Android race has a trait that allows them to be treated as both.


Mike Myler

My best work ⬇️ tinyurl.com/mists-of-akuma-2024
Why did 5e decide to make them Humanoid? curious I would have settled for them being Humanoid and Construct. Pathfinder 1st edition's Android race has a trait that allows them to be treated as both.

If I had to guess it'd be to avoid tableside rule arguments about mending and the like, but honestly I'm not sure. After a little while in Objectio they'll get a trait that does that though (with just a dash of humorous flavor at the very end ;) ).

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