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Eldeen reaches

“The Dragon Room”

Once awake, fed and healed up once more the group head out. They pass the room where they found a few items (missed the Harpies) and go to the next room. They still have not considered how lucky they have NOT been discovered by the gray dwarves. They have however, considered the fact that hallways with guardians and/or locked doors often have dangerous creatures (and treasure) while the hallways with no doors or guards are usually empty and boring (they are learning).

While discussing this they almost literally walk into a warforged guard whom attacks them from his hallway entrance.

This warforged (Cleave) is the toughest and most skilled one they have faced (Fit 5) and gives them a very hard time. Paw is killed by the living construct while Piik is chopped up quite a bit. Gilfer is also severely injured (nat 20 confirmed) but once more it is Leaffa and her summoned Natures Allies that save the day.

They RUN back to the healing room once more to find it doesn’t work until the morning. Leaffa has prayed for a new Animal Companion and a Dire Badger has burrowed into the room by morning.

They go back to the room where the warforged was and begin to wonder what he was guarding. Once more they must break into the room through a large locked door. This one was reinforced with iron. Leaffa is certain this means there is good stuff inside.

Just inside the door is a heavy-duty iron fence that Piik and Gilfer team up on to open. The noise is great but they figure no one heard it outside since they were careful to reclose the door to the main hallway.

There is an unlocked door after this. They carefully open it (fearing why it is NOT locked) and find the room is lit with dozens of torches. The long hallway is lined with draconic statues and ends with another doorway. To the left side are the five main chromatic dragons and on the right the five main Chromatic dragons. Before stepping in however they are attacked by two ½ Black Dragon Hobgoblins!

The battle goes well for a moment as Piik and the Summoned badger take down one black scaled hobgoblin very quickly however, the other one is avoiding Gilfer’s attacks well and Leaffa can’t seem to do much for damage against the scaled creature. Then it spits out acid that strikes Piik and the badger whom happened to be standing in a line as they rushed it from behind.

Poor Piik…. He has more hair burned off from fire, magma and acid than remaining on his blistered body.

With the four of them attacking the lone cross breed, it goes down quickly.

Now with time to search, they begin to look around. Several potions and Longsword+1 are found they share and trade. These include Detect Undead, Expeditious retreat, Nature’s Ally and even Energy Protection of Electric.

They go into the next door and find a very angry medium Black Dragon whom attacks anyone that dares to enter the room. It takes a lot of shared damage to defeat the dragon and a lot of summoned creatures to appear behind the dragon to defeat him. They look around this room and find a clay mug that seems to never empty of its drink and a potion that is marked at Dragon’s Draught. ( Dad weakness…. I told the kids what it was… normally I would allow players to drink to discover what it does.)

They camp here within this room that seems to pay homage to dragons.

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“The Prisoner”

After looking around a bit more and peering out into the hallway to see if the dwarves are looking for them they begin to go out again. They pass two rooms with no doors (figuring they are empty) and come to a hallway with a sign set up. No one can read it and decide to check it out.

The short hallway leads into a 20x20-foot room with an exit on the other side. Gilfer continues straight-ahead saying how he has become the team’s rogue. He is right. He finds a 30ft deep camouflaged pit trap in the center of this room all by himself. Embarrassed, he uses his ability to run up walls to leave the pit. Piik is smiling the whole time (while scratching at his exposed burn blisters)

They enter the exiting hallway with Gilfer leading though much more slowly and cautiously. They notice a glow coming from the next room and creep up. Inside is a huge room with nothing but a 20 x20 foot swirling mass of elderich energy holding 5 feet off the ground a big orc holding an Orcish blade. He doesn’t react to their presence at all. They circle the swirling mass of energy looking for a trap. Leaffa is very cautious. She fears this is a Living Spell of great power. Gilfer (using player knowledge that a Living spell of this size would be MUCH too high of level for them) walks up the energy. With some hesitation he reaches out to the mass.

Piik’s jaw hangs open in amazed stupidity as the shifter touches the energy. Nothing. He leans forward more and puts his arm in. “See…. It’s an illusion.” They he disappears!

“Crap!” yells Piik.

“Gilfer!” Yells Leaffa

“Snort.” Snorts Night, the animal companion of Leaffa’s.

Piik watches the Orc carefully. He expects the creature to attack at any moment but it doesn’t.

They circle the mass expecting something to happen. Nothing. Not even a sound.

Piik steps up the mass and reaches out as the SoulKnife had. Nothing. “Mumph!” He pushes his foot towards it to reach in further and find the floor gives way! “He was right… in a way. It is an illusion. But it’s not about the Orc… That is part of the illusion also. The floor doesn’t exit. That is the illusion.”

He sets down his bag and pulls out a piton and his hammer. He bangs in a cheap iron stake as Leaffa comes over. “What are you doing?”

“He fell in and may need our help. I’m not going to just jump in.” He then pulls out his rope and hopes the floor isn’t far down.

A few moments before….

“See… no problem. Ahhhhhh!” and Gilfer falls as if there was never a floor. He falls a short way then hits the floor…. Hard. It takes a few moments before he opens his eyes. The small he is in glows softly and has four exits leading away from it.

He looks around some more then gets up. He looks up and sees the swirling mass above and a hand scrapping through the illusion. Piik Gilfer figures.

He decides to adventure first and goes down the hallway he was facing. The walls are glowing a pale yellow and seem to be made of stone unlike any native to the Eldeen Reaches area. He comes to a room that has a large chest within it. He hears a soft thus from the entrance and figures the others are coming. He looks at the chest and sees nothing and goes to open it (not a rogue yet…never saw it coming) setting off the fire trap spell. Hurting a bit he opens it and finds several scrolls within it. There are also potions and Bracers of defensive nature.

“What did you find as party treasure?” asks Leaffa.

“Errr….. nothing its mine.” Answers Gilfer.

“Seems to be a lot of nothing.” Adds Piik trying to see what he has.

“Then I will not store anything other than party stuff in my bag of holding.” Answers Leaffa whom has grown tired of the shifter’s hidden greed.

Now with the druid walking very close to the shifter they go to the next room over. There is a statue of a large winged man here. He has wings and a slightly reptilian appearance to him. A plaque below says something that none of the three can read. Piik suggests returning later and breaking the statue to look for hidden areas and treasure. However, there are at least two more rooms to look at.

The next room has a large table within it. There is a map here of the Black Cap Mountains which Piik recognizes. It suggests there are portals within the mountains to Xen’drik. There is also a beautiful necklace with a winged eye. Gilfer and Leaffa both want it and agree that neither gets it until something of equal worth is found to share.

The next room stops everyone in their tracks.

Within this larger room is a very large glowing coffin. It is easily 15ft long. They look it over more carefully than usual. A swarm from something this size would be extremely dangerous. Finally they decide to open it and find a large skeleton within it that has dry leathery wings. There are a lot of coins including PLATINUM! There are rings and jewelry also. As Leaffa and Gilfer are grabbing at the treasure Piik can not stop looking at the weapon it holds. An eight-foot long over sized hammer. A Maul if you wish. Piik pulls the cobwebs off of it and finds it feels good in his hands. Really good. “If you get that then we get this.” Gilfer says while pointing at the treasure within the tomb. Piik absently agrees, as he looks it over.

(Yup- Maul of The Titans)

As Piik figures out a way to carry the over sized weapon they head back to the statue. After a lot of arguing, Leaffa finally uses a spell to read languages and discovers that this tomb belongs to Lord Butaral Gutterson Planeswalker. He is a ½ Blue Dragon / ½ Storm Giant sorcerer whom came to Khorvaire to hunt down undead in the Gloaming.

They move on to the next room.

“Storage room and Gray Dwarves”

Feeling confidant and ready for anything, they move on to the next room. The next room is a mere 250ft down. There is a door that has no lock on it. Shrugging, Gilfer pushes it open. 7 Duergar dwarves turn and look at them.

Even as they charge into the room the dwarves seem to disappear. They stop as they enter the room and look around in puzzlement. Suddenly LARGE gray dwarves begin to attack them from nowhere.

“They’re cheating! That’s no Fair” Yells Tim out of character. As a dad and the DM I remind them that it was just a matter of time before they were discovered then the dwarves would be ready for them.

They begin to attack and Leaffa summons up a Dire Wolf to both attack and use its sense of smell to locate any more invisible dwarves. The dwarves go down quickly despite their being ready for them.

Little is found on them but the storage rooms beyond their meeting table has food supplies that they were running out of including fresh water.

Now Leaffa realizes that they can not take it so easy anymore. They are expecting them and may be harming the animals (oh- and the farmers! ;) ) out of their anger and frustration. They take whatever they can and leave for the next room.


About 200 feet from the storage room Leaffa notices a lot of yellowish ash in the cracks of the floor and walls. She points it out and the others look at it. Piik sniffs it and nearly becomes ill. “Rotten eggs!” he says while sticking out his tongue. Gilfer is tempted to place some of the powder on his tongue but decides against it looking at his sharpened teeth and one tusk.

They go a bit further and notice a difference in the air temperature. It is slightly warmer. As they go further it is much warmer.

They come up to several large heavy doors made of stone and steel. They look burned. The three of them look at each other as if to ask what this is about but move on anyway.

The worked stone becomes more broken up and less worked. Then they see light! They move up and find there is a great deal of sun light ahead. They move up and stop at the archway.

Looking out they see a 300 x 250 feet wide naturally made room. The walls open up about 100 ft up to the open air. Looking across the room, they see an island with a man made bridge leading to it. The bridge crosses over broken steaming land to a large manmade balcony that enters into the opposite wall. Where the land is not broken up and steaming there chunks of broken rock and…. Magma! The island is actually within a pond of magma!

Everyone is stunned by this. They were not expecting this. They look for where to walk next. There are several smaller cavern exits to the left side of the pond or they can take a stone ramp that leads to the balcony from the right. They choice the left side.

As they leave the hallway that must be over two miles in length, they disturb a small anthill of red 2-inch long spiders. The spiders seem to sizzle and emit heat as they spread out across the base of their home. Luckily, the group climbed a few natural steps that have stymied the spiders from advancing. “We have to remember those spiders if we are forced to exit back through the tunnels.” Suggests Leaffa.

They are careful crossing the warm slabs of stone that emit hot and smelly gases from the cracks between and under them. Gilfer spots a natural cavern only big enough for him and the others except for Piik. Unnerved by the volcano, Piik agrees to wait outside to guard the cave (and watch the magma pool). They go inside the tight edges and walls and find next to nothing within. There are footprints of something in the ash that can not be identified by either Leaffa or Gilfer.

When they return to the entrance to the cave, Piik is holding the huge hammer instead of his battle-axe. He is staring at the head of the hammer as if it has grown a face or something else horribly unnatural. “What is it Piik?” Leaffa asks out of concern.

A brief pause and Piik blinks over and over then calmly answers. “Nothing…. I’m just…. I don’t like the molten rock.” Leaffa doesn’t think much more about remembering the various burns he has received in the past week including from magma.

They come to 3 deep holes in the ground. Footprints are here in the ash. They seem canine by they are not sure. Either way, nothing is here now. They move away from these three holes to a much bigger crack near the balcony. A strong smell of cooking meat can be smelled as they near the hole.

Gilfer carefully walks up the crack and looks over the edge. His face turns white as he looks away quickly. “What did you see?” asks Leaffa. Piik looks next and he closes his eyes and pinches his nose before turning away. Night, her summoned animal communicates the smell of cooking food. Curious now, Leaffa steps up. She nearly becomes ill.

The crack has several human bodies thrown into it. The heat of the magma is slowly burning / cooking them. She then spots movement. “They’re alive!”

They try to reach the closest body using the eight-foot long hammer that Piik now holds. As he disturbs the body something does move. Fiendish Centipedes! The nasty creatures rush up looking for raw meat to eat versus the cooked flesh.

The nasty smell and knowledge of the cause of smell makes it hard for them to attack without becoming ill. They contain the centipedes more than damage them. Leaffa summons up a Hippogriff to appear on the opposite side of the crack. Between the five of them, they beat back and destroy the vermin. Piik is disgusted since he has the creature’s icor on his bare skin on his legs. Ugh!

On the other side of the crack is a cave. Gilfer runs along the crater wall to move past the funeral pyre and looks inside. The tunnel twists in and out. He finds many tracks of the centipedes along with other creatures. He feels like he is missing something so begins to disturb the ash carefully. He doesn’t want to unearth a swarm or something worse.

He finds evidence of mining. Leaffa comes in and notes his discovery. “I think they are mining Dragon Shards.”

Gilfer bites his lip and shakes his head. Not good.

“Gilfer….. I have been thinking about two things. The most recent is how much Piik is acting different. He looked like the hammer was… well…. Telling him something. I have heard of intelligent magical stuff before. They sometimes try to possess you. I’m worried about him.”

Gilfer can’t help but think about his two magical daggers…. One glows white and the other blue.

“Also…. We have fought several constructs. I don’t think the dwarves built them. I fear they are hired by someone else. The possibility of mining strengthens this theory. [DM: It does] ? ”

Gilfer doesn’t answer beyond going further on.

They climb out and look at the Magma pool. Piik is staring at it along with his new hammer. Leaffa steps up to him and he grunts then slips the hammer into a strap that was meant to hold his battleaxe. He holds and the axe and sighs. “We’re going in still….” He says rather than questions.

Gilfer runs to and up one of the columns that hold up the bridge that connects the balcony to the island. They others walk across the volcano floor, under the bridge and near the ramp leading up. Gilfer is checking it out still when they come down to check on him.

“What did you find?” she asks him.

“Foot prints in the ash. A heavy-duty iron ring planted into the island. It reminds me of a mooring ring on the shipyards which makes no sense.”

“We saw oxen tracks going to the ramp. They came through here.”

“We should go.” Warns Piik as he looks back to the balcony and the dark doorway leading into the walls of the volcano.
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and if anyone is curious- I did map out this volcano room using underground and regular dungeon tiles with red construction paper for the Magma.

The looks on the kids faces said everything and made it worth the two hours it took just to put it together then another hour to "populate" it.

“Warforged Guards”

A mere 100 feet into the new passage they encounter two-armed Warforged that appear to be guarding another room. They say nothing as they attack the would be heroes. The battle is rough and the group takes several serious hits before they defeat the constructs.

There is a short hallway that leads to a 20 x 20 room with an exit. Gilfer is careful with this small room, as there have been many traps in similar rooms. He finds nothing and carefully crosses the room. Nothing happens so the others follow.

The exit leads to a ramp that goes down. They go down the ramp and discover another storage area. Within this room are pikes, shovels, crates and other things used for mining.

Deciding to be more careful, they rig some ropes to hold the defeated warforged up into a somewhat standing position and camp within the storage room. Tomorrow will be a hard day they suspect.

And this ends the gaming with them for a while. Between Cathy's basketball and the Holiday season I don't see playing until possibly X-mas but more like the following weekend of New Years. There are plenty more surprises for the kids to find and I am already working on the next two adventures for them.

and if anyone has a comments or thoughts feel free to post. The kids and I would love to read them. :D

“Warded Desk”

The three adventurers and the animal companion slowly walk down the dark hallway. As they reach the next branch from the main hallway they hear a loud banging of metal on metal. As Gilfer rushes up to find out what the noise is the others get ready for the oncoming attack. The cause of the noise is a warforged guard banging his hammer on his shield. The sound is loud and carries through the hallway. The alarm has been given!

Gilfer and Piik quickly stop the banging as they engage the warforged guard. Leaffa summons up a Hippogriff to distract the living construct. Gilfer (now a level 1 rogue) takes advantage of this and tries to strike a weak area on the guardian. Its armor plating however blocks the extra damage. Still, with everyone attacking it, it goes down.

Gilfer then picks the lock and goes inside. They enter a 40x40 room with only two things inside. There is a shelf on the backside of the room and a table with a chair. There are three tied up rolls of paper sitting on the desk. The trick is… there is a clearly visible ward surrounding the table. Gilfer gives it a try anyway and suddenly finds he can not move as he triggers the Hold Person spell. The Hippogriff walks into the warded area and as commanded by the druid moves the “frozen” shifter back. Piik smiles as he sees an opportunity. He goes over to the magically held soul knife / rogue looking to have some innocent fun.

Since the summoned creature is not a humanoid, it can freely walk within the ward. Leaffa asks for the ½ eagle ½ horse to bring the scrolls to her. In its attempt to do so, it knocks over the table (no hands). One scroll bounces to the druid. She picks it up and asks for the magical creature to nudge the other two scrolls to her or at least outside of the glowing square.

Meanwhile, Piik is gently pushing the shifter with one finger. He is teasing the shifter with the fact that he could knock him over at any moment and with no effort. He sticks his slightly greenish-gray tongue out at him next. Then he looks at the bag with the potions. To take them or not….? The shifter’s face becomes red in anger and frustration.

Leaffa finds nothing on the shelf worth taking. She then takes a look at the three scrolls even as her Hippogriff fades away. Opening them she finds a partial map of the rooms they have been to. She notes there are not many more rooms listed. There is a materials list of mining tools and finally a written letter. The letter is written to Sams ir’Verdantrae of Aundair. The writer is proud to announce they have found a new vein of dragon shards to mine.

Gilfer’s condition wears off and he yells to back off to the giggling Bugbear whom pantomimes “what…me?!?”

They leave the room and head to the next one.

Gilfer inventories his potions.

“Piik’s Revenge or Hammer Time”

The next room down has a door built of sturdy wood reinforced with strips of metal. Obviously it is an important room on the other side. Gilfer tries to pick the lock but can not.

Piik, very quiet, trades his Battle-Axe for the eight-foot long hammer. He looks at the over sized hammer and his lone canine tooth pops out as he smiles. “Move.”

“I can get it. Just give me a moment.” Replies the shifter without looking back.

“uh…. Piik…. What are you…. Oh. You better move Gilfer. NOW!!!!” Says Leaffa as she looks into the Bugbear’s eyes. There is a different look in his eyes. One of renewed determination and intensity.

Gilfer rolls out of the way as the bugbear’s shadow gives his intention away.

BA-WHOOM! Thunders the door as it explodes into the room and echoes throughout the hallway. Silence shattered as thoroughly and completely as the door.

Nothing remains of the door and Piik smiles as he looks with pride at the power of the maul (The maul having now gained possession of his goblinoid mind). Piik looks into the room and sees a familiar gray dwarf once more casting a familiar spell. He screams out and charges even as he briefly feels stiffening of his limbs from the oncoming Hold spell. He plants the hammer in the chest of the dwarven cleric whom is slammed into the wall. Large pieces of mortar breaking from the impact.

Gilfer rushes in to aid the fighter. His energy blade pierces the armored shoulder making the spell caster wail once more. Leaffa and Night, the animal companion Badger of hers, come in next. A Dire rat charges from the darkness of a joining room and attacks Gilfer. As Piik finishes off the cleric slaver whom weeks before tried to enslave him, Gilfer kills off the rat.

Gilfer looks at the rat and finds a collar with the name “Mike” on it. The cleric had a Dire Rat for a pet. Both dead bodies are left in the room. An impact crater remains in the wall where Piik slammed him earlier with the magical hammer.

Looting the body, Leaffa finds beautiful glasses within a velvet pouch. When she puts then on she spots things with greater ease. The glasses also turn invisible on her face. She takes them off and looks into something the others missed. A secret pouch in the cleric’s vest. Inside are keys. She takes these. They leave the jet-black warhammer behind.

They go into the next room and find little of value. A few pieces of gold and a chain leader for the pet Dire Rat.

They consider resting here but continue on. After all… the map suggested they are nearly done with the dungeon.

A few hundred feet down they reach another room. There are stairs leading up and a curtain for a door.

“Looks boring.” says Piik whom has yet to return to his preferred weapon of the battle-axe.

“Could be a good place to rest if we need too.” Answers Leaffa.

Gilfer sneaks up and sees very little within the room. There is a water fountain and several rugs on the floor. There is no light besides the light spell on his shield. “It’s okay.” He says as he enters the room. Leaffa and the others then hear Gilfer grunt several times with the sounds of fighting.

Three invisible and enlarged gray dwarves attack Gilfer and two others fire crossbows into his stunned body. More appear as they attack the others as they rush up the stairs and attack. Piik continues to enjoy using his Maul to attack. Leaffa calls up a Thoqqua. The Magma worm appears in the midst of the Duergar whom do not do well against it. Gilfer recovers and holds his own as they fight through them. Piik cleaves his way through the warriors. He doesn’t like the magma worm. Too many memories of being burned.

Soon the ten dwarves are defeated. They move to the next room and discover it is a barracks for them. They find nothing of use here and decide to camp out here.


They settle down and Piik goes on guard duty. About two hours into the rest period Piik hears something nearby. He debates alerting the others but does so as he moves down towards the main room. As he does many gray dwarves lose their invisibility as they attack him.

With a yell that leaves one uncertain if it was from pain or excitement, Piik unleashes himself on them.

Once more, the warriors prove to be of little challenge to the adventurers. Now they rest.

At the end of this battle, Leaffa makes the connection that the keys she has taken from the dead cleric may open the locks on the bugbear’s ankles and wrists.

“Moment of Heroism”

Piik is the first to know what is in the next room.


They peer in and see a few Oxen feeding. They are tethered to the wall and eating hay and oats. They look for anything else that could be dangerous and see nothing. They move in and enter the next room. The only light is Leaffa’s torch and Gilfer’s shield with the light spell on it.

Within the next room there are several cages with near dead farmers within them. Only one of the men can manage a groan as he rolls his head around to look at the light.

Leaffa is horrified at the condition of these men. There is blood on the floor suggesting various beatings and cruel activities of the past. “This has to end.” She swears. The others only give a grim nod of agreement. As they move to the next room they hear a faint sound of a song. They can not place it. Piik feels it is Aundaran in origin. A slave song of some sort.

[DM NOTE: Song is a cautionary song about evil in the darkness of the night that waits to prey on unsuspecting prey. Aka the PCs]

They enter the next room and find large prison cells with a dozen farmers held within. One man is held in a cell by himself. He is glaring at a space nearby while “singing” the song. He is clearly no bard.

Once everyone is in the room a dozen Duergar suddenly materialize as they fire cross bows into the would be heroes. Staggering from the ambush more dwarves appear as they move in to attack. They are enlarged and pummel Gilfer hard.

The battle is fast and fierce. Piik is destroying them with his over sized hammer as he kills two per swing. Leaffa is saved as the battle moves too closely to the cell with the solitary prisoner. He grabs at a cleric disrupting a spell saving her from its effects. Later, this prisoner tries to help Gilfer also by throwing his waste bucket at him (well- at least what was inside the bucket).

Gilfer is nearly down when the battle finally ends with the cleric going down. The farmers are still fearful of their saviors. The lone prisoner introduces himself. He is Phillip of Greenwood. He and his adventuring friends had heard of the kidnappings and tried to help. He is the only survivor of the effort. While Gilfer and Phillip try to open the rest of the cells Leaffa and Piik go into the next room. There is a huge jail here with a wide-open space leading to it. Leaffa crosses the room and activates a pit trap. She falls 40 feet down and is seriously injured from the fall. A howling sound that is nerve racking can be heard immediately as the trap is activated.

Piik runs over and looks down into the cell. He sees her being attacked by a large dog-like creature with quills on it. A “Dog-apine”. Seeing she can not survive another attack from it he jumps up and down into the pit. He drives the hammer into the creature’s head, which then slams the creature’s head into the stone floor. Piik howls in pain as several of the over-sized quills stab into him also. While dazed, he is quick to finish off the Howler.

Leaffa, not much of a medic in truth, looks over the quills and warns him this will hurt and yanks them out! Piik screams in pain then whimpers as he staggers to the corner leaving a trail of blood. Using rope, Gilfer and Phillip get them out of the pit. Phillip tells them of the remaining slaves within the mines.

“Time to go.” Says Gilfer.

“The Final Rescue”

They enter the mines with about 15 ex-slaves in tow and two oxen.

Not the stealthiest crew ever assembled. Fortunately, they is no one there except for a few dead farmers. Gilfer tries to cover the bodies so as not to freak out the survivors. They are subdued but also scared since they seem to be going back to mining duty but with different slavers. The three of them can’t seem to figure out why the farmers are still so fearful.

There is a large bonfire here used to give light for the human slaves that lack darkvision. There are two carved out exits from this room. One is a short dead end of little use or consequence. They begin to go down the main mine. Only Leaffa, Night and Piik go. The rest are too injured or too scared to go. Based off of Phillip’s description there should not be too many slaves or dwarves remaining.

Night tries to carve out new trails to enable them to sneak up on others. For his effort, Piik nearly clubs him as he comes out of the wall. So that won’t work. Lets just sneak up then they agree.

In a bit they spot them. Three slavers watching over four slaves. Leaffa tries to come up a plan of sneaking up on them. At the end of each idea Piik replies how he can sneak up on them if he wanted to. She fails noting his body language and suddenly- he charges down the hallway yelling. His charge kills one dwarf and startles the other two. Night charges at one and Leaffa with her bow luckily gets one. Piik finishes off Night’s bitten slaver.

The slaves are uncertain at what to do. They just follow orders as normal in the end.

The small army of wounded and subdued people work their way out of the complex. As they reach the volcano room however Gilfer spots something out of place. There is a rope tied to the iron imbedded ring that leads up! He runs to the edge of the balcony and spots a small elemental ship. They are pulling up the rope ladder to prepare to leave. A man in Cannith colors waves at them. A dozen warforged armed with cross bows and short bows train their weapons on them halting any further pursuit.

“It appears you have come just in time to bring the wretched farmers home. Well done. Better- I do not need to pay the gloomy dwarves because of you. For that I thankyou. Well Done! I hope in the future we met under better conditions. Good Bye and Travel well.” And he cuts the line and the ship slowly rises up and exits through the mouth of the volcano.

Gilfer swears an oath of vengeance.

Leaffa thinks about how she knows who he may be from the scrolls she has.

Piik wonders if maybe he should buy a longbow and do ranged attacks…….

Still subdued, they move on. It takes a week to get to the village. The farmers are lost however. Many of their family members have died. The farms in ruin. The livestock dead or in bad health. The guy in the airship has much to answer for.

And thus ends the second Story of the kid’s adventures. Next weekend I hope to pick up about a month into their lives as they face new threats.

Thankyou for reading and please feel free to comment.

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