Round 2, FIGHT!
Ashlyn 20 (+4) Throw Object
Kyle 18 (+4) Shoots and misses
Creature 18(+3) Hits hard!
Tara init 17(+1) Swing and miss.
Tsi 14 (+5) silent but not deadly
Kyle shoots at the creature, but the shot ricochets off the creatures hide.
The creature is far more lucky as it attacks the closest person again. creature attack: 1D20+8 = [17]+8 = 25
Damage creature damage: 1D6+1 = [2]+1 = 3
Tara attempts to hit hard, but misses slightly.
Tsi sneaks around, but misses wide. She's still hidden.
Round 3, FIGHT!
Ashlyn 20 (+4) MIND BOLT!
Kyle 18 (+4)
Creature 18(+3)
Tara init 17(+1)
Tsi 14 (+5)
Ashlyn shoots a mind bolt at the beast! The beast attempts to shake this off... Creature Will Save: 1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12
[FONT=verdana, tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Oh it does not and it drops to the floor[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]What would you like to do next as the creature collapses.[/FONT]
Ashlyn 20 (+4) Throw Object
Kyle 18 (+4) Shoots and misses
Creature 18(+3) Hits hard!
Tara init 17(+1) Swing and miss.
Tsi 14 (+5) silent but not deadly
Kyle shoots at the creature, but the shot ricochets off the creatures hide.
The creature is far more lucky as it attacks the closest person again. creature attack: 1D20+8 = [17]+8 = 25
Damage creature damage: 1D6+1 = [2]+1 = 3
Tara attempts to hit hard, but misses slightly.
Tsi sneaks around, but misses wide. She's still hidden.
Round 3, FIGHT!
Ashlyn 20 (+4) MIND BOLT!
Kyle 18 (+4)
Creature 18(+3)
Tara init 17(+1)
Tsi 14 (+5)
Ashlyn shoots a mind bolt at the beast! The beast attempts to shake this off... Creature Will Save: 1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12
[FONT=verdana, tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Oh it does not and it drops to the floor[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]What would you like to do next as the creature collapses.[/FONT]