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D&D 5E EB's Out of the Abyss RG


OOC: Buppido, male derro
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: Cooperative and accepting of his fate.
Ideal: unknown
Bond: unknown
Flaw: Talks to much.
Languages: Undercommon
Personality: A very talkative derro, Buppido doesn't like long silences and will just tell stories outloud to break the silence of the moment. He is calm and seems not to mind his captivity, so long as he has someone to talk to.
Background: Not much can be gleaned about the derro who only speaks undercommon. Finnan understands his stories and believes the derro to be a trader that was captured a long time ago.

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OOC: Prince Derendil, male quaggoth
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: Helpful and Pragmatic (now that other surface people are here)
Ideal: I was born to lead so must set the best example possible.
Bond: I need to break this curse and return to my people.
Flaw: Thinks he should lead because he is royalty.
Languages: Elvish
Personality: Derendil treats everyone as if they were a servant (or advisers in the PCs case), and he their prince. He isn't rude so much as stand-offish and thinking his way is the best way.
Background: Claiming to be a cursed elvish prince, Derendil talks about his homeland and former life with great detail. So far there is nothing to indicate he is lying.


OOC: Eldeth Feldrun, female dwarf
Attitude: Friendly
Trait: Willing to listen to everyone's say before she herself suggests a plan or ideal.
Ideal: Evil must not be allowed to fester and strengthen.
Bond: My father's warhammer was taken from me, and I must not let the drow keep it.
Flaw: Untorred bigotry towards all "corrupt dark dwellers" of the Underdark.
Languages: Dwarven and Common
Personality: Before her capture Eldeth had the same dwarven stubbornness as any other, but her treatment by the drow have beaten that out of her. A light returned to her eyes when Kildrak arrived, but faded when she found out he wasn't part of a search party to rescue her. She is quiet and submissive towards the drow, but you can tell she is only bidding her time till she can escape.
Background: A shield dwarf warrior from Gauntlgrym, Eldeth was captured along with others while escorting a caravan on the surface. There were eight others with her when she came to Velkynvelve, but most were taken away with the last slave shipment. She is eager to destroy the drow here, but is patient enough to wait.


OOC: JimJar, male deep gnome
Attitude: Friendly
Trait: To be free I'll risk everything. Well.. maybe not everything.
Ideal: Get rich quick - in case you die young.
Bond: Always pay back a bet, so others will pay you back.
Flaw: Heavy gambling problem. Bets on everything.
Languages: Common and Gnome
Personality: JimJar is everyone's friend and always seems to have a small smile as if he finds everything funny. Always ready with a funny quip, his wit has been known to cause him trouble.
Background: JimJar has been captured the longest and it shows. He tries to hide in the crowd when the drow are near, and does whatever task they ask without a word. Nothing of his past has come to be learned as he seems to change the subject rather well.


OOC: Ront, male orc
Attitude: Hostile
Trait: unknown
Ideal: unknown
Bond: unknown
Flaw: unknown
Languages: Orc and broken Common
Personality: A huge orc bully that pushes people aside when in line for meals or whenever someone is close enough to backhand. He doesn't talk to anyone and everyone avoids him.
Background: unknown
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OOC: Sarith Kzekarit, male drow
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: unknown
Ideal: unknown
Bond: unknown
Flaw: The best source for information about this place, and yet he talks to nobody.
Languages: Undercommon and Elvish
Personality: Sullen and always keeping to himself Sarith rebuffs any attempts made to talk to him.
Background: Not willing to speak leaves the drow a mystery to everyone, but JimJar. The deep gnome tells anyone who will stop and listen that he heard the guards say that Sarith is accused of murder and being sent to Menzoberranzan for execution.
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OOC: Shuushar the Awakened. male kuo-toa
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: I honor my gods through practices that are foreign to others.
Ideal: As someone new to these strange ways, I am cautious and respectful in my dealings with others.
Bond: I must help my people, and bring them into a new era of enlightenment.
Flaw: Pacifist. At least a flaw as far as the group is concerned.
Languages: Undercommon and Deep Speech
Personality: Shuushar is calm and peaceful. He takes things as they are and as they come saying, "That what is is, and what will be, will be."
Background: Shuushar left on a hermitage to find a way to better his people, who live near Darklake. His time alone brought wisdom and knowledge, but he was captured before he could return to his people with it.


OOC: Stool, myconid sprout
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: unknown
Ideal: unknown
Bond: unknown
Flaw: In a constant state of fear it makes sure no one gets to close.
Languages: none
Personality: The small (only about 2' tall) creature always stays away from the others. It looks to quiver in fear when the drow are about. It doesn't speak, cry, or make any other sort of sound.
Background: The odd creature the captives have named Stool (short for footstool) doesn't come close to anyone or allow anyone to get to close to him. You have overheard the drow talk about the little creature becoming a specimen for study once it is sold off. While others perform duties outside the slave pen it is Stool's job to clean up the pen where everyone is housed.
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OOC: Topsy, female deep gnome
Attitude: Indifferent
Trait: Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude, not even my dour brother.
Ideal: I have faith that my actions are guided by some higher power. And through keeping to my devotion things will work out in the end.
Bond: My brother is going through a rough patch, and it is up to me to see him through it.
Flaw: I hate the drow and not a one of them should be allowed to continue to harm us anymore.
Languages: Undercommon and Gnome
Personality: Carefree and friendly Topsy is the exact opposite of her twin brother Turvy.
Background: Hailing from Blingdenstone Topsy is a young druid who was captured while out gathering mushrooms. Her brother Turvy found out and immediately went out to get himself captured as well.


OOC: Turvy, male deep gnome
Attitude: Hostile
Trait: unknown
Ideal: unknown
Bond: My sister's safety comes before everything, even my own life.
Flaw: People should just leave me alone, I want only to be left alone.
Languages: Undercommon and Gnome
Personality: Dour and full of pessimism this young gnome is truly a sourpuss in need of a good laugh.
Background: After learning that his sister was captured by drow slavers Turvy wasted no time setting out after her. He knew he hadn't the ability to rescue her so instead he walked right into the slaver camp and asked to be captured as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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