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D&D 5E Dungeon Mapp 1.5 and Taboo Island Mapps


Hey All,

I've uploaded the first mapp of the D&D Next Playtest adventure "Taboo Island" to my website. You can download it for the Android and iPad versions of my app here:


If you have not checked out Dungeon Mapp yet, please feel free to have a look around the site, there's videos, screenshots, a fully fledged manual (also available as a PDF) and lots more.

I've had to alter the mapps a little bit in order to make it suit Dungeon Mapp, but it should not alter the play experience. The mapps are designed from a player's perspective, so it does not show any secret doors or hallways. If people would like me to create a DM specific one let me know!

All the best,


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