• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dreams of Erthe



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 9​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 3​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 4​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 3​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 9​

Game Session Date: 21 January 2023

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"Flamecleft, huh?" asked Thurloe. "That's...an interesting name for a town."

"It's a mining village," replied Alewyth, who grew up in an underground dwarven city very much like Flamecleft. "I'll bet you anything there's lava visible at the bottom of a big rent in the earth, and that's where the mine's located." Flamecleft was indeed primarily a dwarven village, and most of it seemed to be directly supporting the mining industry, but surprisingly the second most numerous race living in the city was stone giants. It seemed the miners were primarily made up of members of the two races.

And, being a relatively small village where everyone seemed to know everyone else, it was no trouble identifying the dreamer they'd come to rescue - upon asking, the dreamwalkers were not only told it was Dagda Ironforge they sought, but they were also given directions to her house. Knocking on the door, they saw another dwarven woman, Gemma Broadstone, answer. Gemma was Dagda's sister and was looking after her as she slept the weeks away.

Alewyth explained the reason for the dreamwalkers' visit and Gemma ushered them in, eager to see if these five could awaken her sister when all other attempts had failed. They lifted Dagda off of her stone bed (complete with stone pillow; these dwarves didn't really know a whole lot about comfort, Xandro decided) and set her on the floor in the middle of the room. Alewyth attached the leather headband around Dagda's brow and positioned the dreamstone so it was in place in the middle of the dwarven woman's forehead. Zander called forth his cooshee from its statue form, setting the elven dog in place as a protector while the dreamwalkers settled themselves to sleep in a circle around Dagda. And with that, their consciousnesses left their mortal bodies and traversed the planes into the dreamlands - no terribly difficult task, for everyone did the same thing each night when they went to bed.

Only usually, they woke up the next morning.

As always, the five moogle guides were there to meet the dreamwalkers and lead them to the Corridor of Dreams, a series of endless hallways filled with doors as far as the eye could see. Mogo was there, hovering before one particular door. "This is the dream, kupo!" he said, opening the door and allowing his five students to walk inside Dagda's dream.

However, this time they didn't just all show up next to each other in the dream. As each dreamwalker stepped through the door, he or she ended up in a separate part of the dwarf's dream, for Dagda was dreaming about a labyrinth, with stone walls reaching from floor to ceiling. The passageways twisted this way and that, and Dagda was doing her best trying to find her way out of the maze. One by one, each of the five dreamwalkers found themselves in the same predicament: alone in a section of maze without any idea about which way was which.

"DAGDA!" called Alewyth at the top of her lungs, hoping the other dwarven woman would be able to hear her. But the only answer was a brutish roar, which echoed up and down the twisting corridors. There was something in the maze with them.

Thurloe had been spending the last few days perusing several spells he'd collected in the spellbooks gathered from wizards he and his teammates had defeated over the months, and while he hadn't mastered any new spells in a few weeks, he was well aware there was a spell, locate person, that would be of incredible help in this dream. But although he knew he couldn't cast the spell in the Mortal World, he also knew this was just a dream and Mogo had been training them on how to manipulate dreams from the inside. Therefore, the spellsword decided, there was no reason why he couldn't cast a locate person spell inside this dream; going about the motions, he got a distinct sense that Dagda was currently located somewhere off to his front and right. Of course, even if the spell was correct, there was no way to know which particular passageway would lead him closer to her, so he arbitrarily chose one and decided to see where it would take him. As he moved, turning corners occasionally, he always had a sense of the direction Dagda was in with regards to his current location, so he could only assume the spell he had just dream-cast had worked.

Xandro likewise picked a direction and started exploring, but he soon found himself in a dead end. He cast a detect magic spell and wasn't particularly surprised to see the entire labyrinth giving off a magical aura. A sudden rumbling was felt throughout the maze, further indicating its magical nature: the minotaur prowling the maze was repositioning a slab of the maze, moving it sideways by a dozen or more feet so the tunnel he was currently traversing - which would normally have ended up in a dead end - instead now hooked up to a different passageway. Those lost in the maze had to wander the tunnels and hope for the best, but the minotaur could reconfigure the maze to his own advantage. Gripping his greataxe, he bellowed again and stomped forward, eager to catch up with these interlopers to his realm.

Because of the sudden shift of a full sixth of the labyrinth, Wakuren found himself in a section of passageway that dead-ended at each side. That was no good! But then, remembering Mogo's teachings, he decided this would be a good time to put what he had learned about altering dreamscapes to good practice. Lifting a hand and placing it on the stone wall before him, he imagined a doorway in the stone. While he couldn't make the stone vanish, he did see it wavering like a heat mirage and found he could no longer feel it under his hand; on a hunch, he stepped forward and passed completely through the wall. He found himself standing beside a rather surprised-looking Thurloe. "Oh, hey," the half-orc greeted the spellsword. Thurloe just nodded his greeting and concentrated on the direction in which Dagda lay.

Alewyth's explorations took her south, further away from the others - although she had no way of knowing that. She continued calling Dagda's name, hoping to hear an answer. Zander was off over to the west and found himself staring at a dead-end tunnel; taking advantage of the lack of immediate threat, he dream-cast a mage armor spell in place. Dagda, in the meantime, just continued her random wanderings, completely unaware of the five heroes now in her dream with her.

Thurloe cast a mage armor spell upon himself and felt his hand against a wall; he could sense Dagda was just on the other side of the wall, but had no way to get to her. He called her name, but there were no connections between the section of maze where he and Wakuren stood and the section containing Dagda - not under its current configuration, in any case. He tried using his lucid dreaming skills to open a hole in the wall like he'd seen Wakuren do, but his initial efforts were unsuccessful. Xandro, all alone by himself, had come up with the same idea but likewise failed to open a passageway. But then there was the rumbling sound again as the minotaur, having passed into the next section of maze, moved it to line up with the corridor he wanted to enter in the section north of it.

After Thurloe expressed his belief Dagda was just on the other side of the wall, Wakuren put his own mind to the task and was successful in passing through the mirage-like opening he'd conjured into being in this dreamscape. Sure enough, there was Dagda - he hadn't really paid attention before, but the entire maze was dimly lit by an unseen source - and she looked at the approaching half-orc with fear, imagining he might have been the creature stalking her through this maze. "It's all right," Wakuren reassured her. "I am a cleric of Cal, and I am here to help you escape this dream." Just to make himself appear even more harmless, he used his recent dream training to conjure up a copy of the headband he'd been forced to wear while traveling through the underground dwarven cities of Stonehold and Deepshaft, which bore the holy symbol of Aerik and designated the wearer as having been properly vetted by the dwarven leadership of the cities. Surprisingly, it did the trick; Dagda's worries about being alone in a tunnel with a half-orc vanished completely.

"This's just a dream?" Dagda asked, clearly pleased, no doubt thinking it would be a simple matter to wake herself up. Wakuren had to disabuse her of that notion, explaining that her sister Gemma had told Wakuren and his four companions that she'd been asleep now for three weeks. "Three weeks?" demanded the dwarf. "How c'n this be?"

"Time passes strangely in dreams," Wakuren told her. "As for how is your body still alive after three weeks without food or water, it's all part of the dream plague - the dreamer's body goes into a sort of stasis. We're not sure exactly how it works, but we've awakened people who have been asleep for much longer than you have."

"How do I wake up, then?"

"I imagine we need to kill the creature stalking you through this maze, or find the exit, or possibly even both." Wakuren took Dagda by the arm and started leading her down the twisting passageway to see if they could find the exit.

Alewyth, realizing rescuing Dagda was likely the way to free her from the dream, closed her eyes and imagined the woman traveling down a corridor. She willed herself by the dwarf's side, hoping her lucid dreaming training would allow her to teleport there. The effort failed, but she did get a better sense of the way of this maze: she could apparently walk through a wall if she concentrated hard enough, or even shift a section of the maze five feet in either direction. Zander Quilson walked through the solid wall before him, proving the concept to his own satisfaction. He still didn't know where he was, but at least he was no longer up against a dead end.

Dagda followed Wakuren's lead, while Thurloe hurried to catch up to the pair. He used his wand to cast a shield spell on himself, figuring if the bellowing monster ever caught up to them, he'd be glad he had done so. Xandro passed through another wall, figuring if he kept going in one direction he'd eventually find his way out of the maze. But the maze shifted once again, and what had once been a solid wall to the bard's right was now an open passageway, through which stepped a massive minotaur, greataxe held in one beefy hand. He hefted it up over his shoulder, bringing it crashing down at Xandro, who did his best to dodge the blow but ended up taking a hit in the leg, opening up a long gash that immediately filled his boot with his own blood.

Alewyth noticed this newest configuration change had undone a barrier that had been placed in her way earlier. She scrambled back north, unknowingly following part of a passageway the minotaur had taken earlier. Zander, in the meantime, ran forward because he could hear familiar voices up ahead; those of Thurloe and Wakuren, who were steadily making their way north with Dagda.

Xandro stabbed at the minotaur with his frost short sword, getting in a quick jab in the creature's belly before darting away, hoping to put a safe distance between them, for he wasn't sure he could fight off the bull-headed monstrosity by himself. But the minotaur allowed Xandro to flee from him, for with his perfect mastery of the maze, he knew by shifting the section he was in twenty feet to the right, he'd link up to the corridor currently being traversed by Thurloe Pulver, who certainly hadn't expected the minotaur's sudden arrival. Wakuren and Dagda were already around a corner and failed to notice the spellsword's predicament behind them.

Alewyth exited the corridor and found herself in a hallway facing the minotaur. She crept up on it as silently as she could, before sprinting the remaining distance and bringing Sjondra crashing down upon the bovine beast-man. Zander, however, found himself cut off from the others again by the maze's last shifting, but he found himself close to Alewyth and Thurloe, so he cast a haste spell upon the three of them. Thurloe's swing with his bastard sword was therefore much quicker than it would have been normally, and it got past the minotaur's defenses to cut a gash of pain across his furry chest. Xandro passed through another wall, getting himself farther away from the minotaur and inadvertently running into Wakuren and Dagda as they continued their meandering way northward.

The minotaur, bellowing loudly in rage and pain, brought his greataxe slicing into Thurloe, while Alewyth took advantage of his attention being focused upon the spellsword to bring Sjondra into play once again. Zander took the long way around and came up behind the minotaur, blasting at it with a lightning bolt spell that slew the beast, sending him crashing lifelessly to the stone floor of the maze. Any hopes that the dream would end with the minotaur's death were instantly crushed, but it was only a matter of everyone getting together (passing through the walls aided them greatly in this endeavor) and finding the doorway out of the labyrinth at the very northernmost wall before the dwarf's dream started dissolving around them, a sure sign she was waking up. As one, the five dreamwalkers snapped themselves awake, their consciousnesses returning to their bodies on the Mortal Plane in Dagda's bedroom.

"We thank ye fer wakin' Dagda," said Gemma. "But if we could ask ye fer another favor? Y'see, it's our husbands – they've not returned from th' mines in over a week. That's not normal, not at all. I've gone t' th' manager, Virgil Goldenglow, but 'e won't let none 'f us see 'em, nor will 'e let any o' 'em back up from th' mines. Got a special vein they unearthed, 'e says, an' the miners're supposed t' be all on overtime, but what good's th' money if'n ye're livin' down there in th' mine every hour 'f th' day? Plus, all we got's Goldenglow's promise o' overtime pay – none 'f us've seen a single coin yet. Will ye check it out for us? I dinnae trust that Goldenglow!"

"I take it staying down in the mines isn't a normal occurrence?" Wakuren asked.

"Nae, they normally go down fer a shift, 'n come on back up home fer th' night," Dagda replied. Wakuren promised the dwarven women they'd go check out the situation.

Heading over to the mines, they found Alewyth's guess about the reason for the mine's name to be entirely accurate: the openings to the mines were about thirty and sixty feet down a vertical chasm, at the bottom of which - another hundred or more so feet down - could be seen a pool of bubbling lava. Access to the mine openings was through a pair of metal elevators, each hanging by thick chains from a scaffolding that hung over the top of the near side of the chasm, and which were powered by the strength of ermalkankaris, or stone drakes: draconic creatures with thick, hard scales, stumpy wings, and a boulderlike club at the end of their tails. There was an ermalkankari chained to each of the elevators, and at the commands of their dwarven handlers they'd lower the cage to the appropriate level.

The dwarven handlers, however, wouldn't let the heroes talk to the mine manager. "Mr. Goldenglow, 'e said nobody's t' be let down t' th' mines an' nobody's t' be let up from th' mines until he says so," replied a sturdy-looking dwarf.

"And I suppose he's down there in the mines," guessed Thurloe. The dwarf nodded. "Then how are we supposed to get word to him that we wish to talk to him?"

"There'll be none 'f that, I'm afraid, 'til Mr. Goldenglow comes up from th' mines when he's good 'n ready," explained the dwarven drake handler.

"What if he's hurt or injured?" demanded Alewyth.

"Then one o' th' other miners'd send up word."

"But what if th' miners've all been attacked by some monster down there?" Alewyth pressed. Once again, when talking to her own people, her manner of speech started mirroring their own.

"Ye c'n hear them still at work," pointed out the handler. Sure enough, echoing back up from the chasm came the sounds of picks and hammers hitting stone. Wakuren, however, had stepped up to the edge of the cliffside and was looking down at the uppermost mine entrance, over on the far side of the chasm. A bald humanoid approached, who by his sheer size Wakuren assumed must be one of the stone giant miners. He started unloading a mine cart - which had been pulled by an ermalkankari - taking large crystals and laying them out onto one of the two iron "landing platforms" that jutted out from the cave opening; these were the stations where the elevator doors, which swung down from hinges at the bottom of the cage, would line up to form a sort of bridge when the elevator had been lowered to the appropriate depth.

"I thought this was a silver mine," Wakuren observed.

"Aye, it is."

"Then what's that miner down there doing with those crystals?" While the drake handlers came to the edge to see what the half-orc was talking about, Wakuren examined the aura of the stone giant miner. He was not of an evil bent. Wakuren then cast a detect magic spell and examined the stone giant's aura in further detail, sighing in satisfaction when he picked up the sign of enchantment magic at play. "He's under some sort of enchantment," he told the others. "Probably being dominated."

"What're those? demanded one of the handlers, as a crystalline scorpion skittered up the cliff wall and gathered up a pair of crystals in its claws, then scampered down the way if had come. Behind it, two more of the creatures did likewise. There was also a massive length of thick chain, of the type they used on the elevators, leading down from the lower level of the mines nearly to the top of the lava - that hadn't been there before, either! Then, looking at his partner in confusion, the drake handler came to a decision. "Okay, never mind. We'll lower ye t' th' upper mine level, so's ye c'n talk t' Mr. Goldenglow an' see what's what down there."

But by then, the heroes had come up with a different plan. "I'd rather not fight off a bunch of miners who are being mind-controlled against their will," Wakuren declared. "Odds are, they're not being harmed, just being forced to mine for those crystals instead of the veins of silver. That's not likely to cause them any harm, so let's go down to where those scorpion-things are headed. Maybe we can put a stop to the root cause of whatever's going on down there." As he spoke, the first of the crystalline arachnids made it to what was apparently a cave opening just above the lava pool, for it ducked into some sort of hole in the side of the cliff a mere dozen feet or so above the lava.

Thurloe and Zander cast mage armor and shield spells upon themselves and then entered the lamp. Xandro and Alewyth followed, leaving the lamp in the hands of Wakuren, who cast the spells air walk and gaseous form upon himself. His body now a loose gathering of fine mist, he floated over the edge of the chasm, sinking slowly down towards the bubbling lava. Inside the lamp, Alewyth kept watch on the misty half-orc's progress by scrying through the tiger's eye gem he wore on his forehead, using the items they had taken from Corbin Mallaxus's lab when they had rescued the gemcutter Iriadorrista some weeks back. She saw him enter a large cave, reassume solid form, and set the lamp down. "Let's go!" she called to the others, stepping onto the magical circle and calling out the command word that shunted them out of the extradimensional space and onto the stone floor of the cave. There was no illumination inside the cave save for the reddish light coming off the lava outside, which gave everything a hellish glow.

Thurloe, Zander, and the cooshee - still active since being put on guard duty back in Dagda's bedroom - wandered down a side tunnel heading diagonally deeper into the mountainside. There was a reddish light at the end of that tunnel, which turned out to be an open pit at the front of a side cavern, bit blocking it from side to side. Judging from the glow, the pit was filled with lava, and as a result none of the three wanted to get too close, for the heat it gave off was immense.

Wakuren bent down and picked up Hesperna's lamp, placing it back into his pack as Xandro and Alewyth looked around. The side passageway seemed to be the only exit from this central cavern, other than the front entrance leading out into the cliffside. But their error was made known to them almost immediately, when the crystal dragon came flying down from its ledge forty feet up the western wall, flew over to the exit, spun around in place, and spewed a cone of burning brilliance at the trio of trespassers.

All three cried out in pain as the light seemed to burn through their flesh and set their bones afire - that's certainly what it felt like, at least. Alewyth suffered even more, for she had been facing directly at the entrance when the dragon flew down, and as such the vision was temporarily burned from her eyes; she was completely blind, not in the sense that all she saw was blackness, but quite the opposite: the field of vision before her was nothing but an intensely-glowing white.

Wakuren staggered down the diagonal passageway and warned the others. Then he said the words to a summoning spell, calling forth an axiomatic giant wasp, which he sent into battle against the dragon on his behalf. The giant insect swung its stinger at the dragon's hardened hide, but the point slid off its crystalline scales, to no apparent effect.

Xandro pulled out his Dardolian lute and began the words to his song of inspirational courage, not wishing to rush into physical combat with the flying reptile, nearly twice the size of a horse. But even over his music he could hear the sounds of crystal striking rock coming from behind him, and rounding the corner of the tunnel just past the lava pit came the first of the three crystalline scorpions, creatures called crysmals from the Elemental Plane of Earth. They were each about the size of a small dog, but their pincers and the stinger at the ends of their tails seemed particularly sharp and could likely dish out quite a bit of damage.

Alewyth, blind and close to helpless, decided taking herself out of the combat was the best idea at the present moment, so she cast a sanctuary spell on herself and slowly backed up until she could feel the solid wall of the entry cavern at her back. Thurloe cautiously approached from the diagonal tunnel, casting a ray of enfeeblement at the crystal dragon. Big as it might be, the spellsword knew dragons could grow to be much, much larger as they aged, and he was glad to see this one was still apparently young enough not to have developed the natural resistance to spells that many older dragons possessed. His spell-ray struck true, leeching off some of the reptile's strength, diminishing its combat prowess by some unknown extent.

Zander ran back into the cave, placing himself protectively in front of Alewyth and casting a lightning bolt spell at the hovering dragon. The cooshee started to run up to the dragon but apparently thought better of trying to bite a creature whose scales looked to be the consistency of solid crystal. He just barked up at the dragon, voicing his displeasure.

With a mighty flap of its wings, the dragon soared forward and landed back on the cavern floor, snapping its teeth at Zander, then slashing at the elf with its claws as an afterthought. The claws both struck, sending the elf staggering first one way and then the other, the front of his robes now in tatters. Seeing that, Wakuren raced up and slammed his shield of Cal into the dragon's side, causing a chime as his metal shield struck the dragon's crystalline hide. Now behind the dragon, the giant wasp tried stinging it again, but once again its stinger just slid along the creature's hardened scales.

Back in the tunnel, Xandro spun around and faced the first approaching crysmal, blasting it with a sonic blast from his Dardolian lute. While the attack seemed to do some damage - fine cracks had appeared up and down the crystalline creature's body - it skittered forth and jabbed at the bard with the tip of its tail. Xandro felt the pain as the stinger pierced his thigh, but was surprised there was no follow-up poison, as one would expect from a terrestrial scorpion - and then he realized a creature made of living crystal would likely have no use for venom on its home plane, where most - if not all - of the denizens would be made of living stone and crystal.

Alewyth started scooting herself to her left, towards the diagonal tunnel she knew to be in that direction. Still unable to contribute much to the combat with the dragon in her blinded state, she cast a summoning spell of her own and brought forth an earth element giant praying mantis, a giant insect made from living stone. It sent its pincered forelimbs clawing at the dragon, to no definitive result.

Still deciding ranged spells was the way to go against a creature as powerful as a dragon, Thurloe cast a vampiric touch spell at the dragon and siphoned off some of its life energy, filling his own body with stolen vigor. Using similar logic, Zander cast his own ray of enfeeblement at the crystal dragon, weakening it even further, and then backed up against the wall to Alewyth's right. The cooshee tried clawing at the dragon and had no luck penetrating its thick, crystalline hide, so he backed over by his master, still barking loudly.

The dragon lurched over to its right and sent its head snaking out to Thurloe, biting the spellsword as punishment for that last spell he'd cast, which the dragon, Charirkethend, had apparently not appreciated at all. At that close-up range, Thurloe couldn't help but notice that the dragon had some sort of a red gemstone embedded in its forehead and idly wondered if that was a normal part of its body, an adornment of some sort, or perhaps some type of magic item. He was tempted to ask Wakuren to cast a detect magic spell on it, but the half-orc was busy slamming the side of his shield into the dragon's hide, cracking a few scales as he did so. Behind the dragon, the giant wasp continued its ineffectual attacks, and Wakuren wondered if a different animal might not have been a better choice for him to have summoned.

Xandro stabbed out with his frost short sword and pierced the head of the crysmal that had stabbed him, killing it. But now the other two came skittering up, rounding the corner and coming into view. One of them was upon the bard before he could put up much a defense, stabbing at him with its wickedly sharp tail-spike.

Not knowing what else to do while still blind, Alewyth cast a bless spell upon whatever members of her group were within range, which included the mantis she'd summoned from the Elemental Plane of Earth. It clawed at the dragon again, with little effect. However, now that the dragon had closed the distance with Thurloe, the spellsword decided a little hand-to-hand combat was in order, so he brought his bastard sword Spellslicer crashing across the front of the dragon's neck, activating a charge of his torc of the titans to put as much strength behind his blow as he could. The maneuver worked, and the dragon seemed genuinely surprised to be actively bleeding through his damaged scales. The astonishment didn't last long, however, for Zander finished the dragon off with another lightning bolt spell that went crashing through its crystalline body, causing it to crash to the floor in the middle of the entry cavern, quite dead. The cooshee continued barking at it.

Wakuren wasted no time rushing back into the diagonal tunnel to come to Xandro's aid. He brought his shield down upon one of the two crysmals lined up against the bard, cracking the top of its carapace. The giant wasp flew down the tunnel and tried stinging the crysmal as well, having just as much luck against it as it had with the dragon. Xandro managed to kill the one he had been fighting as the other one stabbed up at Wakuren, hitting the half-orc's hand with the tip of its stinger.

But back in the entry cavern, strange things were going on. There was a wavering of air above the dead crystal dragon's head, and then hovering in the air there was a floating brain, little crackles of electricity sparking off from it and flailing out in all directions. It focused its attention on Zander, and then an arc of electricity sprang between it and the startled sorcerer, sending the elf's hair sticking up as the blast of lightning burned his skin.

Alewyth still couldn't see what was going on, but she knew combat of a sort was continuing even though she was pretty sure the dragon had been slain. Unsure of what else to do, she cast a healing spell upon herself, restoring some of the damage she'd taken from the dragon's breath weapon. And she wasn't sure yet if she was just imagining it, but it seemed like her vision was starting to clear a bit along the periphery; while most of her field of vision was a brilliant white, she was starting to pick up other colors along the outer edges. She blinked rapidly to try to speed up the process.

The giant mantis lashed out at the floating brain with its claws, scoring a hit and drawing a few gashes along the side of the spongy material making up its body. At the same time, Thurloe was situated so he could see the massive chain dangling down from the lower mine level start to jostle and move; looking up, he could see one of the stone giants start to climb down. But then he brought Spellslicer crashing down from an overhead swing, cutting the brainstorm in two. It fell to the side of the dragon in two separate pieces.

"What the hell was that?" demanded Alewyth, whose vision had cleared enough to see Thurloe cut down some sort fo floating brain that certainly hadn't been there when the dwarven priestess had first lost her sight.

"Beats me," replied Thurloe, as Zander pried the red gemstone from the dragon's forehead with his dagger. To his surprise, it floated out of his hand and started orbiting his head. "It's an ioun stone!" he declared. "I've heard of these!"

Back in the side tunnel, Xandro and Wakuren finally killed the remaining crysmal and went back to check on the others. "We're about to have company," Thurloe informed them, looking up at the steadily-climbing stone giant making his way down the chain.

"No we aren't!" replied Alewyth, casting a wall of stone spell that sealed off the cave opening. It suddenly got a lot darker in the entry cave, as the illumination from the lava outside the cave was blocked, but there was still a reddish glow coming from the far end of the diagonal tunnel. She then gave her mantis a command and it earthglided through the solid rock to perch itself by the dangling chain, its arms spread out in an attack stance to hopefully ward off the approaching stone giant.

Via the light of an activated sunrod, Thurloe unpacked his coil of rope and his grappling hook, looking up at the top of the dragon's perch, forty feet above him. He made his windup and tossed the grappling hook up onto the ledge with his first try, then softly tugged on the rope until the hook caught on something sturdy up there. Giving the rope a few experimental tugs, Thurloe declared it safe to support his weight and started his ascent.

Zander and Alewyth, accompanied by a tail-wagging cooshee, went down the side tunnel instead. It got appreciably hotter the closer they got to the lava pit, but once they got close enough Alewyth was able to make out what she'd expected to be the case: the smaller cavern on the other side of the pit was the dragon's treasure hoard, filled with loose coins and gems and the occasional carved statuette. "We'll have to come back for it," she lamented. "Best we keep on exploring the place for now."

Rounding the corner, Alewyth led the trio into a much larger cavern, in the back of which the crysmals had apparently been crafting a humanoid body out of the crystals they'd been bringing down from the mines above. The statue seemed fully complete: it had a head, two arms and two legs extending from a thick, squat torso, and while it didn't seem to have much in the way of fancy facial features it looked to be perfectly serviceable if this was supposed to be some sort of golem or animated statue or something. But the crystal figure remained inert, lying on its back, face looking up to the cavern's ceiling some 50 or 60 feet above it.

Alewyth didn't like it. As Wakuren and Zander entered the cave behind her, she cast a prayer spell on the group, just in case. Zander followed with a stoneskin spell on himself, not trusting that the thing wouldn't activate all of a sudden and try to smash him into paste.

Outside the sealed cave, the mantis had noticed its offensive stance wasn't having any effect on the stone giant, who continued his cautious approach down the chain. So the mantis skittered over, grabbed the loose end of the chain in one of its pincers, and pulled it further away from the side of the cave. But that didn't seem to faze the stone giant any; by the time he noticed the shift in direction, he simply hung on the chain with his left hand supporting his weight, while he planted his feet against the cliff side for support, gathered up a section of chain in his right hand, and tugged. The chain was forced out of the mantis's claws, and the stone giant continued his descent. But when he was close enough, he could see the cave entrance had been sealed up and there was no longer any way for him to enter the dragon's lair by that method.

Thurloe hauled himself up to the crystal dragon's perch and was disappointed to see it was just an empty cavern, with no treasure. But there was a set of natural stone steps in the back, leading down to the large chamber with the inert crystal golem lying on its back. Thurloe stepped up to the edge and lowered himself down to the first "step." But as he did so, there were shimmerings along the ceiling of the golem cave as six brainstorms lowered themselves into the room, shifting in from the Ethereal Plane (from which they'd been able to glide through the solid stone separating the cavern from the mines above). A seventh floated in seemingly from the stone steps before Thurloe; this one had just exited the area on the Ethereal Plane linking it to the stone giant on the chain outside. The stone giant, now free of the brainstorm's domination, shook his head in surprise and started the long climb back up to the mines, ever aware of the lava below him if he lost his grasp.

Wakuren and Xandro fully entered the cave behind Alewyth, the bard starting his song of inspirational courage back up. Alewyth struck at a brainstorm with Sjondra, causing it to veer sideways in the air, fluid dripping from the side of its physical structure. Thurloe leaped down another natural stone step and cast a fireball spell in the back of the cavern below him, engulfing half a dozen of the gathered brainstorms and slaying three of them outright. Seeing that success, Zander did likewise with a fireball spell of his own, killing another three of the floating menaces. This left but a single brainstorm left alive from the original eight in the hivemind; it shifted to the Ethereal Plane and entered the inert crystal golem awaiting its presence.

Originally, the eight brainstorms were going to merge into one vast intellect and pilot the crystal golem together, giving the psionic entities a permanent physical body that would allow them to manipulate the world around them without depending upon dominated slaves. With just the one brainstorm remaining, the crystal golem wouldn't be as powerful as originally intended, but the brainstorm was much safer inside the crystalline humanoid than dealing with the five attackers in its own rather soft body.

With a silent lurch, the golem rose to its feet, towering above its enemies. Wakuren wasted no time in rushing the giant foe, slamming his shield into its knee, hoping to shatter it and render it incapable of further movement. Xandro aimed another sonic blast from his Dardolian lute at the crystal golem, hoping its crystalline structure would prove to be particularly vulnerable to the harmonics. But the golem swung out a massive fist much faster than the bard had anticipated, and even the glancing blow sent him reeling to the side, holding his lute protectively to his body so it wouldn't get damaged in the fall.

Alewyth cast a spiritual weapon spell and rushed at the crystal golem, striking it in the leg with Sjondra. Overhead, another dwarven warhammer took shape, this one made of solid force energy, and rushed over to strike the golem in its nearly featureless head.

Thurloe cast a magic missile spell at the crystal golem and the beams of energy from his fingers were reflected in random directions, the golem's crystal body acting like a prism. Fortunately, none of the missiles struck any of the other heroes; it was bad enough the spellsword's spell didn't have any effect upon its target, but it would be far worse if it hurt Thurloe's fighting companions.

Zander attempted a lightning bolt spell at the crystal golem and was glad to see it worked just fine. His cooshee stayed back, instinctive knowing his teeth, sharp as they might be, were useless against a creature made of solid crystal. Wakuren's summoned axiomatic giant wasp flew at the golem's head, ineffectually hitting it in a crystal eye with its stinger before the insect blinked back out of existence, returning to the Outer Plane from which it had been summoned in the first place.

Then the golem took a step forward and slammed Wakuren not once but twice, pinning him between its massive fists. The air from the half-orc's lungs exploded out of his mouth as his ribs were crushed, piercing the organs that were imprisoned within. With a final, gasping breath, the cleric-paladin of Cal, God of Healing and the Air, died and let his broken body collapse upon the stone floor of the cavern in which the golem had been brought into an unholy semblance of life.

Xandro's eyes grew wide as he saw Wakuren's body fall, and he fell back, well out of range of the golem's fists. Wakuren had worn much heavier armor than Xandro did, and if it could do that to him.... He continued his song of inspirational courage, hoping it would provide the boost to one of the others willing to take it on in hand-to-hand combat.

Alewyth was one of those perfectly willing to do so. She, too, had seen Wakuren fall, but she realized there was nothing to be done about it at the moment and the best thing she could do for Wakuren right now was to slay his killer, to ensure it never had the opportunity to kill anyone else. Later, when this threat was over, she would allow herself to grieve her fallen friend; for now, she channeled her anger into casting a shatter spell at the construct, while her spiritual warhammer continued to strike the golem in the head.

Thurloe dropped down another step and cast a lightning bolt spell up at the golem, who still towered above him although he was still several steps higher than the stone floor upon which the golem stood. Zander did likewise, striking up at the construct with a lightning bolt spell of his own. But the golem ignored both of these attacks to strike Alewyth; the second blow from its massive fists dropped her to the ground as well, although luckily she was just unconscious, not dead.

But that was enough for Xandro to find his courage - a courage inspired by outrage more than anything else. Setting down his Dardolian lute safely behind him, he charged the crystal golem and swung his frost short sword at the same knee Alewyth had been attacking, hoping she'd weakened it enough for him to be able to finish the job - and hopefully before its crystalline fists finished him! But as Alewyth lay bleeding on the stone floor, her spiritual weapon spell continued on with its last orders: striking the crystal golem in the head. This it continued to do, and would continue to do until either the golem was destroyed or the duration of the spell ran out.

Out of his really powerful spells, Thurloe activated his magic torc for the second time that day and charged at the golem, swinging his bastard sword for all he was worth, well aware that it had single-handedly dropped two of the five of them, one of them quite permanently. He hoped Alewyth wasn't about to join Wakuren in death.

Zander cast another lightning bolt at the golem, wisely sticking to a spell he knew worked (he'd seen how ineffectual magic missiles were against the thing). The golem was staggering a bit now, but it still managed to hit Xandro a glancing blow with one fist. But the bard managed to roll with the attack, staying on his feet and swinging his blade for all he was worth. The sword-strike hit the knee, causing the creature's entire leg to slough off at the damage point, whereupon it fell face forward onto the hard ground and shattered, psionic crystals flying in all directions.

"Thank the gods!" cried Thurloe, glad that they'd finally taken down the psionic construct. Of course, there was still the piloting brainstorm to deal with, but the spellsword had anticipated its return upon the golem's destruction and when it manifested in the Material Plane, Thurloe's bastard sword was there waiting for it. Burned as it was from the previous fireballs, one strike from Spellslicer was all it took to bring down this final threat.

Zander had run over to Alewyth's prone form, pulled her head up onto his lap, and forced a potion of cure light wounds down her throat. That at least stabilized her and dealt with the more serious of her wounds, but it took another such potion to rise her back to wakefulness. "Wakuren!" she cried upon waking up, recalling the damage that had been done to her half-orc friend.

"Um, guys," called Xandro. He had his sword drawn and its blade pointed at Wakuren, which the others found strange until they saw what was crawling out from the back of his neck. Phasing out of his body in a manner not entirely dissimilar from the way the brainstorms shifted between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane, the powerslug detached itself from the base of Wakuren's spinal cord and crawled out, seeking new prey. Its anesthetizing slime would make it such that its new potential host wouldn't even feel it crawl first upon his or her skin and then into their body, but the entire process hinged upon it not being noticed beforehand. Thurloe applied Spellslicer to the problem at hand, cutting the powerslug in half before it could get too far from Wakuren's body.

"What in the world was that?" demanded Zander.

"Not sure, don't care," replied Thurloe. "It's dead, whatever it was."

Now came the decision of what to do next. Alewyth insisted they bring Wakuren's body into Hesperna's lamp, and specifically into the chest the night hag had used to store her larvae, which shrunk them down so they could all fit inside. "Tomorrow, I'll pray for a gentle repose spell to cast upon ye," she promised her dead friend. Then, exiting the lamp, she handed it over to Thurloe, who used his anklet of translocation to dimension door over to the far side of the lava pit, where he could scoop up the dragon's accumulated treasure and transport it, bit by bit, inside the lamp for safekeeping. Once that was done - and it took a fair amount of time - he used his anklet to dimension door to the diagonal corridor again; the pit's edges were right up to the sides of the opening to the treasure cave, and trying to climb past it could easily become lethal with one wrong misstep.

When the four remaining heroes had made it back to the entry cavern, Alewyth used a stone shape spell to open a doorway in the wall of stone she'd erected earlier. "But now what?" asked Zander. "Wakuren had cast an air walk spell on himself so he'd be able to get the rest of us back to the surface while we were in the lamp!"

"Hold your horses," chided Thurloe, digging in his pack for one of the spellbooks he'd recovered from the wizards they had defeated in combat. Flipping through the pages, he found what he had been looking for. "Here we go: the fly spell. I don't know the spell well enough to cast it myself, but I have two copies of it in two different spellbooks. I'll use this copy like a scroll. The rest of you, into the lamp!"

Alewyth, Xandro, and Zander complied, while Thurloe concentrated on getting the words right for the fly spell; as he intoned each arcane syllable, it disappeared from the page of the spellbook upon which it had been transcribed. But once he had finished, he was under the full effects of the spell; picking up the lamp, he flew up to the lower level of the mine to check on everyone up there. Once there, the other heroes emerged from the lamp and they got the full story, about how they had unearthed a vein of psionic crystals, the coming of the first brainstorm (they were a little unsure of how it had come to be, none of them realizing this first brainstorm had been created from the psionic emanations of Charirkethend, whose psionic abilities were resonated in and amplified by the crystals), and how it not only could take over a person's will but also "download" a copy of itself into a living brain, which then exploded out of the victim's head as an identical clone of the first brainstorm, and how they had all been forced to continue to mine the vein of psionic crystals above all else. It had only been when the heroes slew the crystal dragon that the brainstorm that had been dominating the dragon alerted its brethren of the attack, causing them to abandon their hosts in the mines and fly to the rescue. Nobody knew where the "crystal scorpions" had come from; Charirkethend, under the brainstorm's sway, had brought them from the Elemental Plane of Earth, crystal dragons - even juvenile ones - having the ability to plane shift to the Elemental Planes at will. The crysmals had assembled the crystal golem using methods known only among themselves.

The miners were currently in the midst of shutting down the mine for the day, so they could bury the seven miners (all dwarves) who had been slain in the past week to create the seven follow-on brainstorms. Fortunately, a roll call determined that Dagda's and Gemma's husbands, Grigori Ironforge and Vlagdir Broadstone, respectively, were not among the miners who had been slain.

The fly spell still in effect, Thurloe flew his companions back up in Hesperna's lamp to the surface so they could deliver the news to the two dwarven sisters.

- - -

Well, this adventure turned out quite differently than I had anticipated, but I think for the most part it was for the best. I had been worried that this adventure was going to go a lot longer than my previous ones, but then the players had their PCs bypass both levels of the mines themselves and go right to the dragon's lair, avoiding a lot of unnecessary combat with the dominated miners (and their stone drake beasts of burden). I hadn't counted on Wakuren getting killed, either, but it brought to an end the powerslug infestation he'd picked up 16 adventures prior, when the powerslug infesting the slain orc leader in "Raiders of the Lost Orcs" found a new unwitting host when Wakuren was checking the body for loot. From that point on, every time the PCs leveled up I had Wakuren gain a +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Those bonuses were all at +6 when he was slain, and had been the cause of his irritability and lust for combat (including slapping Thurloe in the face a couple of adventures ago when the spellsword had been nagging him about detecting evil on everyone, and his recent penchant for smashing wizards' faces into unyielding stone walls until they were little more than mush). I mentioned to Dan at work the Monday after playing through this adventure that that had been why Wakuren had slapped his PC, and Dan understands completely - but he'd already devised his eventual payback and didn't see why he shouldn't go through with it anyway when the time comes.

Finally, I had put in over 23,000 gp worth of treasure in this adventure, thinking it would be a big payday for the PCs, but they opted to bring Wakuren back to life via a true resurrection spell (as the other options, raise dead and resurrection, would bring him back one level lower than the rest of them), so they decided to split the difference five ways and pay for the higher-level spell that way. So despite my intentions, this adventure actually had a negative amount of treasure. And I informed them they'll need to backtrack four days to get to Centraldale (where they went through the "Hog Wild" adventure) as it has a shrine of Delphyne, which will allow them to teleport to either Baron's Haven or Port Duralia, where there will be a cleric of Akari high enough to cast true resurrection on Wakuren; in either case it will be the Father Bones of that temple who'll do the ceremony. They at least have the advantage of having dealt with those cities' Father Bones before; the one from Baron's Haven even owes them a favor.

We also hit one other snag in this adventure - it became quite apparent that my 16-year-old nephew Harry, who runs Xandro, has come to a conclusion shared by many players: namely, that bards suck. So we talked about it over dinner, and decided Xandro will be adding rogue levels only from now on; at the end of the campaign, he should be a 6th-level bard/14th-level rogue. I also decided we'd be adding in a female NPC bard who could handle the "inspire courage" front for the PCs while Xandro was free to do something cool, preferably with a cool new weapon. I've decided that the weapon (a rapier, by Harry's choice) will add the +3d6 sneak attack damage he's missed out on by taking those six bard levels; he'll be behind on the other rogue stuff but I think that will help him feel more like he's pulling his own weight while still getting to do fun stuff. ("I continue to inspire courage" is not a particularly fun way to spend round after round, he's decided. We tried warning him at the beginning of the campaign that the bard is inherently a support character, but he wanted to try it out for himself.)

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T-shirt worn: My Einstein T-shirt, a good representation of someone associated with a "brainstorm."
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 9​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 3​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 4​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 3​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 9​

Game Session Date: 4 February 2023

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"Bring forth the prisoners!" commanded Father Bones, and a line of nine men in shackles were brought forth upon the platform. There was little hope of them trying to make a break for it, for not only were they hobbled by short chains around their ankles, but each wrist was manacled to a belt around the prisoners' waists, limiting the movement of their arms to a few scant inches, and each neck sported a metal collar, through which a thick chain attached the prisoner to the man immediately before him. The heavy chains did more than limit their movement, they also dampened their spirits - for each sinner knew his fate at this point in his miserable life was written in stone and immutable.

"My Lord Akari has made His stipulations known to me!" intoned the high priest, raising a sacrificial dagger high above his skull in a skeletal hand. "Nine lives for the return of the man upon the altar! Nine evil men to be brought to their everlasting doom, to return to life one good soul whose accomplishments upon the face of this world have yet to be completed!" With that, Father Bones - wearing only his black hooded robe, revealing his fleshless skull, hands, arms, and feet - plunged the blade into the heart of the first prisoner, then going down the line, stabbing each man in turn through the heart with a single blow. The chains separating the prisoners were long enough to allow the others yet to be slain to remain standing while their brothers in sin fell before them; finally, when all nine had been slain, Father Bones handed the bloody dagger to an associate - who wore similar black robes but was quite obviously still in the bloom of life - and finished his ceremonial speech. "Lord Akari, God of Death and Undeath, we beseech you to accept these foul murderers into your blackest Hell, and return to life the half-orc Wakuren, slain before his time while actively and selflessly saving the lives of others!"

The audience stirred in wonder as the half-orc's body stirred upon the stone altar, behind Father Bones and the nine dead men upon the sacrificial platform. He groaned and sat up, clearly confused about where he was, for his last memory had been of fighting the crystal golem in the cave of the dragon at the bottom of the Flameshaft mine crevice. But he recognized Father Bones, and in fact was able to determine that this was the Father Bones of Baron's Haven, the head priest of Akari in that city. For him to be here meant several things: he had died fighting the golem, and his dreamwalking friends had backtracked here to the nearest of two men capable of casting a true resurrection spell.

"You feeling okay?" Zander asked him once the assembly had departed, most of the members of the audience having shown up not to watch the miracle of life being restored to a dead man, but to watch the sacrifice of the nine murderers brought forth in chains. Wakuren not only looked tired and confused; he also looked to have been diminished in some undefinable way.

"Tired," Wakuren admitted. "A little weak."

"Yeah, no wonder," Thurloe replied, then proceeded to tell the half-orc about the powerslug that had phased out of the back of the half-orc's neck after his death at the crystalline fists of the golem.

"Father Bones said the wee beasties are often found in the Centralia Desert," Alewyth pointed out. "Chances are, you picked it up when we were fighting that band of orcs - or after, when we were examining their corpses." Wakuren shuddered at the thought of a slug-monster living inside his body, pumping him full of adrenaline and increasing his capability - and desire - for combat. He thought back at the two times in recent weeks when he'd pounded enemy wizards' faces against unyielding stone until they became unrecognizable piles of pulpy flesh. It almost seemed as if the memories belonged to someone else - certainly not to the half-orc who so worried about his bestial appearance that he refused to carry a weapon, trusting in his shield of Cal in the times when combat became necessary or unavoidable.

Xandro led the group back to the temple of Delphyne, where Alewyth opened the secret passage in the back wall and flipped the book kept there to the correct page. Then, deciphering the correct command phrase, she said the words that teleported the five heroes across the miles to a similar shrine of the Goddess of Magic in the city of Centraldale. Scarlie Besker was sitting in their wooden wagon, taking a swig from his wineskin, the other riding mounts tied in a line behind him. "Right on time," he said, putting his wineskin back in place on his belt. "You're looking a lot better than the last time I saw you," he said to his fellow half-orc.

"No doubt," Wakuren replied.

It was a four-day trek back towards the mining city of Flamecleft, but a day in Mogo alerted them to a slight change in plans. "There's a new dreamer stuck in his dreams, kupo!" he said through the dreamstones attached to the dreamwalkers' signature items. "Before you wake the dreamer in Drayleton, you need to head northeast toward the Shieldwall Mountains - I'll show you the specifics on a map when you show up in the Dreamlands tonight, kupo!" In the meantime, he gave them a general heading and allowed them to continue on their journey - this new dreamer wasn't too far out of the way from where they would have originally been heading. But Wakuren's death and need for resurrection would end up putting them a total of nine days behind their normal schedule: four days backtracking to Centraldale so they could teleport all the way back to Baron's Haven, then a day there to make the proper arrangements, and now four days to the next dreamer in line. Thurloe spent the travel time in the back of the wagon, poring over his captured spellbooks, figuring out how to cast a few new spells he had yet to master.

But the first night in the Dreamlands after Wakuren's return to life, they decided to "peek" at the dream they'd be entering when they arrived at the dreamer's site. The dreamer was a human, a bit on the stocky side, and wearing a trifold hat. Judging from the locale of the dream, he seemed to be inside a tomb of some sort: one of those tombs built by crazed wizards who filled their dungeons with puzzles and traps. The man was leaning over a grid of letters, each carved into a separate rectangle where it appeared some of the rectangles could be moved side to side or up and down. But although the five dreamwalkers were able to step right up beside the dreamer and examine his efforts, they could not interact with him or his dream, merely observe - they'd need to be at his side in the Mortal World for them to be able to impact his dream.

On their fourth day out from Centraldale, they entered a badlands: an extension of the Centralia Desert at the middle of the continent, this part resulting in high canyon walls and narrow passageways between them - fortunately none of them narrow enough to prevent the wagon from advancing, but narrow enough that the riders were forced to go single file.

Soon, though, they approached their sleeping victim, at the beginning of a virtual maze of high canyon walls, with an odd rock formation shaped like a witch's hat rising up from a slab of stone. They could see a few canvas tents in place within the canyon passageways and hear the sounds of picks hitting stone; to Alewyth's practiced ears, it sounded very much like a mining operation. But Thurloe could tell this was something a bit different than mining. "It's an archaeological dig," he observed.

Scarlie led the mules off to the side of a wide section of canyon, the last such place before the entrance to the canyon-maze where the tents were set up. Dismounting and approaching on foot, they saw the backs of three people facing the far canyon wall. One was a male elf, digging up a shovelful of sand and placing it in a sieve, then shaking it off to the side while a female elf looked on. Another woman, this one a human, strummed softly on a lute while looking on in curiosity.

"Excuse us," said Wakuren, causing the three figures to jump in startlement. The elf's eyes grew wide at seeing a half-orc standing before her, but Wakuren was used to such reactions. Holding out his hands to show they were empty, he said, "We have come to help you awaken someone who had been asleep for several days," he said.

"How-- how did you know about that?" sputtered Elystriana Ambervue. Xandro took up the explanations, telling the group in brief about their status as dreamwalkers, the Nightmare King's curse, and their successes thus far. During the explanations another human woman came over, introducing herself as Lizabet Russelton. She was a no-nonsense type, her dark hair tied back in a bun to keep it out of the way; she'd been examining the gnomish pottery shards they'd unearthed thus far in a tent off to the west. That set off a wave of introductions; the elf with the sieve was named Kaelbryn Scollock and the female bard Robin the Balladeer, who explained she wasn't officially part of the expedition, merely a wanderer who had run into the archaeologists and offered her assistance in cataloging what they'd found, for she had an interest in history.

"What is it you're looking for?" asked Zander.

"There are rumors of a hidden gnome community active thousands of years ago at the foot of Tallhat Canyon," replied Elystriana, pointing up at the rock formation giving the location its name. "We've been financed to check it out."

"Yeah, well, all very interesting and all," replied Thurloe, whose attitude indicated he didn't find the topic the least bit interesting, "but do you want to lead us to your dreaming cohort?"

"He's our expedition leader, actually," corrected Lizabet. "Percivane Weatherford. He's been asleep for three full days now, but he doesn't seem to be in the least bit of danger, and he'd be the first to insist the project continued on." She led them to the men's tent, a canvas structure just big enough to hold Percivane and the much thinner Kaelbryn; another tent further to the west was where Elystriana and Lizabet slept; Robin slept out in the open, near the mule enclosure - an open-air canvas roof providing shade for the expedition's two mules. At Xandro's suggestion, they dragged Percivane's sleeping form out into the canyon passageway, where they'd have more room to perform their ritual. Zander activated his jade cooshee, instructing the elven dog to watch over them as they slept; Robin immediately started petting the dog and rubbing him behind the ears, which if his wagging tail was any indication he did not mind in the least. Then, with a dreamstone held in place by the leather headband around Percivane's brow, and the five dreamalkers seated in a circle around him, each wearing their own dreamstone and headband, they began slowing their hearts, turning off their thoughts, and entering a dream state. Within minutes, each of the five was fast asleep, their dream-selves meeting up in the Dreamlands.

"Hey, kupo!" greeted Mogo as usual, opening a particular door in the Corridor of Dreams. Stepping through, they stood beside Percivane Weatherford, bent over his stone-letter puzzle. "Whatcha got there?" piped up Zander in a friendly manner.

If Percivane was surprised to see five strangers join him on his archaeological excursion into an ancient tomb, he didn't express it. "This puzzle, when solved, will open the doors to the vault before us," he said, indicating a pair of sealed stone doors in the wall ahead.

"What do we know so far?" asked Alewyth, looking down at the letters on the grid. They read as follows:


Along the top, bottom, and sides of the grid were grooves with slots into which a letter could be moved. "Only the letters on the outer edges can be moved," Percivane reported. "The ones in the middle don't move at all, but the ones in the corner can be moved either up and down or sideways." He demonstrated with the "R" in the upper left corner, first moving it into the slot above the letter and then returning it to its starting location, so he could demonstrate it moved to the left just as easily. In either case, when it moved off its starting space it left behind another "R" carved into the stone beneath it.

"Do you mind if we give it a go?" asked the dwarven priestess. As a follower of Aerik, God of Protection, Earth, and Stone, she found stone puzzles like this one quite fascinating. Simple experimentation showed her not all the letters that moved had identical letters beneath them; the "U" in the top row, for instance, when moved up, left behind a carved "O" beneath it. But trial and error soon resulted in the following configuration:

....U P
..R O O T
..L O W E R
..F U N G I
..G O I N G
..H E A D
..D O W N

"'Uproot lower fungi going length, except false trail - head down'," read Xandro. "Okay, neat, but how did you come up with that particular configuration?"

"Look at which letters got moved," replied Alewyth. "The letters spelling out 'UP' got moved up, the ones spelling 'LEFT' got moved to the left, and so on."

"So is that the answer?" asked Thurloe.

"Look!" cried out Percivane. "The vault doors are opening!" Sure enough, with a rumbling sound the stone doors started swinging open. But none of the heroes got a chance to see what treasures might have been stored within, for the entire dungeon started melting away - a sure sign that the dreamer was waking up. With a heavy sigh, Thurloe started the process to wake himself up from the dream as well, the other dreamwalkers following suit.

Waking up, they saw Kaelbryn had apparently gotten bored watching six people sleeping and returned to his sand-sifting chores. Upon the announcement that Percivane had been awakened, though, he helped the two female archaeologists catch their leader up on what all he'd missed over the past three days. Once Elystriana had shown their leader the pottery shards they'd unearthed, Kaelbryn topped it with the announcement, "Hey, I think there's an opening under here!"

The elf had been digging several feet down alongside a canyon wall and had discovered a pile of boulders just beneath the sand. "It looks like there was a rockfall at some point - and I can feel cool air coming from between some of these rocks! I'm willing to bet there's an opening in the rock here!"

At the archaeologists' request, the five heroes aided them in lugging excavated rocks out of the way, and after about 20 minutes of back-breaking labor they unearthed a horizontal crack in the canyon rock which had been covered by the small boulders. "This could very well be an entrance into a gnomish habitation!" enthused Percivane.

Zander was picking up a few small rocks from the pile remaining - the slender elf preferred leaving the larger stones for those a little better enhanced in the strength department - when a hairy paw came slashing out at him from the other side of the opening, scoring a few parallel lines of blood along the back of his hand. The sorcerer dropped the rocks he'd been carrying and scooted back, yelling, "There's something alive in there!" Scurrying back well out of range, he cast a mage armor spell upon himself and noting the four archaeologists had likewise stepped back away from any potential combat. His cooshee shook his fur (Robin had been petting him and scratching him behind the ears) and moved up to interpose himself between the creature on the other side of the opening and his master.

Thurloe, however, didn't back up quick enough from the potential danger and a furry foreleg reached out to scratch him as well. Alewyth was off to the side, crushing some of the larger rocks with Sjondra, and brought her dwarven warhammer crashing down upon the offending paw, eliciting a sharp bark of pain from the creature. But that allowed Thurloe to likewise back up out of immediate attack range and cast a mage armor spell upon himself.

Xandro stepped over to Wakuren and cast a heroism spell on the half-orc out of habit; of late, Wakuren had been taking on the role of "combat machine" due to his powerslug-enhanced physical attributes. And while he was no longer as powerful as he'd been under the machinations of the powerslug, he was still used to the role and fully intended to get in on the front lines. However, as he was no longer being injected with increased adrenaline from the inside, he was not in a rage-fueled combat mode and opted to try to handle this situation while dishing out the minimum amount of pain necessary; after all, for all he knew, there was still a gnome community living underground here and this creature could very well just be a watch-beast, serving in much the same way as Zander's cooshee. He used the flat of his shield to knock the dire wolverine on the head when it stuck its head and neck through the opening and tried to bite him. He not only managed to hit him, he knocked the creature out cold - and only then did he notice the strains of Xandro's song of inspiration courage, played not by his bardic companion but rather by Robin the Balladeer.

Zander wasn't taking any chances, however; he cast a haste spell on the entire group, half convinced where there was one dire wolvering there was likely to be another. He was wrong in the particulars, but absolutely correct that combat wasn't over because they'd managed to knock out the dire wolverine. This was made readily apparent when the ghost of a gnome came floating through the rock wall of the canyon, about 15 feet above the ground.

The gnome was an odd-looking fellow, with a flat-topped hat unlike anything any of the group had ever seen a gnome wear; He otherwise wore a standard spellcaster's robes, and had the typical facial hair associated with every male gnome the heroes had ever met up with - but there were bloodstains on his face, where streams of his blood had been seeping from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. The gnome's expression was one of determination, changing instantly to one of fear as he looked down at Thurloe. Immediately, the ghost rose his hands and made a frantic gesture, and a bolt of lightning came crashing down out of the cloudless sky to strike the spellsword in the chest.

"Aaagh!" cried Thurloe in surprise and pain. "Alewyth: magic circle!" The dwarven priestess frowned at the spellsword - she didn't particularly like other people telling her what spells to cast - but she bowed to the wisdom of his suggestion and cast a magic circle against evil spell, figuring the ghost was an undead creature and likely evil. She also knew she was standing close enough to Thurloe that he'd be protected by her spell, which was undoubtedly the reason for the spellsword's suggestion in the first place.

Glad to be under the spell's protection, Thurloe pulled his wand of magic missiles from his belt and pointed it up at the ghost. He well knew that most physical attacks were likely to pass through an incorporeal creature like the spirit hovering above him, but he also knew that force energy - like the kind making up a magic missile - was one of the few types of energy guaranteed to affect a creature without a physical body. Sure enough, the trio of missiles struck the ghost on the torso, causing him no small amount of pain, judging from his agonized expression.

Xandro made a similar attack in that the bard understood it to be particularly effective against ghosts: he ran up the side of the canyon wall high enough to leap up and out at the ghost, tagging his leg with a cure light wounds spell before falling back to the ground on his two feet. As an undead creature, the healing energy of the cure light wounds spell had the exact opposite effect it would have had on a living creature, hurting the ghost instead of healing him. Robin smiled in appreciation of the maneuver, but backed further away from the combat, continuing to play her inspirational tune but not wanting to get into range of any danger herself. After all, she was just a wandering bard with an interest in historical ballads, not one of these adventuring types.

Wakuren squinted up at the ghost as he cast a shield of faith spell upon himself, getting himself ready to jump into the fray with their incorporeal opponent. Zander cast a magic missile spell at the undead gnome, after having seen how effective Thurloe's blast from his wand had been, and the ghost made the immediate decision to retreat back into the solid rock of the canyon wall. This was the portion of rock that gave Tallhat Canyon its name, although Alewyth, the hero furthest east of the group, caught a glimpse of motion out of the corner of her eye and saw him dart out of the side of the canyon wall around the corner, fly towards the rock cliff on the other side, and disappear within that stone instead. "He's over here!" she called to her companions. Then, unsure of how they wanted to address the situation with the ghost, Alewyth decided she could at least help in their original task, finding a way into the empty space on the other side of the opening revealed by clearing out the boulders from the ancient rockfall. To that end, she summoned a four-foot-tall earth elemental and sent him earthgliding into the rock, where he started widening the opening with his powerful hands. Once the opening was wide enough, he earthglided his way back out, sunk up to his waist in the solid stone and dragging the unconscious dire wolverine behind him.

Thurloe had his bastard sword out and passed over to Alewyth's side of the canyon passageway, looking for where the ghost might have gone. He thought he saw a momentary patch of blue, but when he looked again there was nothing there; recalling the gnome ghost's robes had been a grayish-tan, he put it out of his mind. He pulled out his other wand and used it to give him the added protection of a shield spell while he contemplated his next move.

Xandro already knew his own next move, though; he scrambled down on hands and knees to crawl into the entrance the earth elemental had opened up. Once inside, he found himself inside a cramped tunnel, no higher than five feet tall for its entire length and about half that wide in most sections, and realized that would be plenty roomy to a three-foot-tall gnome. On the wall closest to the outside, he discovered - after activating a sunrod so he could see - a series of levers and projections that (after a moment of two of puzzlement) he decided could very well be a system to allow a cascade of rocks outside to collapse, sealing off the entrance. But if that had been indeed the case, that meant the gnome ghost had purposely sealed himself off from the outside world thousands of years ago. That certainly didn't sound promising, especially considering the bloodstains on the ghost's face! Hoping he wasn't about to walk into a plague site, the bard followed the narrow tunnel and saw it forked off into two different caves. The cave on the right contained blankets and wooden crates, all looking to be quite ancient but in remarkable condition. Peeking inside a crate, Xandro saw the remains of various foodstuffs, none of it having lasted through the centuries in any fashion even remotely edible. In the cave on the left, Xandro's worst fears were proven to be true, for stacked up in neat rows were several dozen dead gnomes, the dryness and cool temperatures inside this sealed-off tomb having preserved the corpses in a natural mummification process. Xandro was particularly unnerved to see they all had dried bloodstains on their faces in the same manner as the ghost had displayed; belatedly, he put his sleeve up to his nose and mouth and tried not to breath in any poison that might still be active inside the cave tomb.

While Xandro had been exploring inside the first gnome habitation complex, Wakuren was exploring what would prove to be the second. He put his hand up against the rock wall the ghost had apparently flown through (according to Alewyth), and while he moved further east his hand suddenly passed right through the wall. Correctly guessing he'd just pierced a permanent illusory wall spell cast over a cave opening in the canyon cliffside, the half-orc cleric-paladin stuck his head inside, figuring with his innate orcish darkvision he'd be able to see what was inside just fine without a light source.

In that he was absolutely correct, but that didn't mean he was going to like what he saw inside. The cave interior was shaped somewhat like a peanut, with the section on the left much smaller than the right side. The left side had apparently been the living quarters of whatever gnome had once lived here (based on the remains of the simple gnome-sized furniture he found there), whereas the rest of the cave had been made into a sort of workshop. And in that workshop stood three immobile statues of metal plates and struts, one obviously patterned after a falcon; one a spider as big around as a dinner plate, and one a wingless dragon slightly larger than a draft horse. But that wasn't all: drifting in the air in the back of the cave was the gnome ghost, bloody face and all, and scattered on the floor at the front of the cave were six blue-scaled lizards, each about the size and general build as an iguana. The lizards all seemed nervous at the intrusion into their lair by first a floating apparition and then by a half-orc in full plate armor; little arcs of electricity sparked off of their scales as they looked worriedly in Wakuren's direction.

Instinctively, the half-orc used his paladin training to focus his attention on the auras of the creatures within this cave, somewhat surprised to sense not even a bit of evil in any of them. But evil or not, this was a treasure trove of potential enemies, and Wakuren had no intentions of fighting them off by himself. "Guys?" ha called. "A little help here -- pronto!" Then he cast a spiritual weapon spell and sent it flying in the direction of the hovering ghost; when the heavy mace - formed of pure force energy - struck the undead spirit, it overcame his unearthly structure and he dissipated into nothingness. Wakuren realized that as a ghost he would likely remanifest in a matter of hours or days, but for now at least he was no longer a potential threat.

Zander and the cooshee, hearing Wakuren's cries for assistance, ran over towards him, just as the half dozen shocker lizards performed their deadliest defensive maneuver. Arcs of lightning erupted from each lizard, linking them all together in a momentary electrical spider-web before it exploded into a blast of electricity centered upon the lizard closest to the entrance to their lair. The blast struck Wakuren, and inside his full plate mail he was shocked to the point his teeth rattled. Arcs of electricity hit each of the three "statues" as well, but where the hit they seemed to do no damage whatsoever - quite the contrary, the jolt of electrical energy seemed to awaken them from their millennia-long slumber. Light started growing inside the gemstones marking where eyes would be in their terrestrial counterparts: a pair of large diamonds on the part of the clockwork dragon; two pieces of obsidian on the falcon construct; and eight black onyxes on the wicked-looking head of the spider construct. Activated by the lightning strike, gears started spinning and internal components started moving. Most disturbingly of all, a whining noise started building inside the dragon's throat, as if something were charging up.

With a sudden movement, the falcon construct spread its wings out wide, metal feathers splayed, and it launched itself from the rock shelf upon which it had been perched and crossed the distance to the cave opening in a mere moment. But Wakuren, senses wide open to any attack by this multitude of foes, brought his shield of Cal slamming down upon the metal bird's head, sending it crashing to the stone floor, where pieces of it broke off and scattered. Just that quickly, the half-orc had taken out yet another foe with one attack.

Alewyth had been over by the entrance to the first cave network - the one Xandro had scrambled into - and had just cast a soften earth and stone spell to help widen the passageway so the archaeologists could more easily make their way inside, when she heard Wakuren's cry for help and headed that way, sending her earth elemental ahead of her. Earthgliding through the solid stone wall and finding itself inside a cave with a metal spider construct before it, it lashed out with a stony fist and smashed several of the arachnid's legs on one side. The construct spun about awkwardly and tried biting the elemental creature, but its metal mandibles scratched their way along its stony hide without making much of an impact.

The clockwork dragon moved to the front of the cave opening and bit at Wakuren, the hum increasing in volume as it did so. Thurloe saw a bit of what looked like a metal head pop out of the seemingly solid stone wall and, guessing it was an illusion, stabbed his bastard sword into the gap. Sure enough, all it took was for Spellslicer to touch the illusory wall spell for the camouflaged covering over the cave entrance to blink out of existence, revealing the myriad enemies before the spellsword. "Oh, crap!" Thurloe muttered.

Xandro crawled back out of the gnome caverns and headed for Wakuren and Thurloe, Robin following, still playing the inspirational tune. Xandro found he was rather enjoying somebody else playing the song of inspirational courage for a change, as it allowed him to contribute towards combat in a more direct fashion. He drew his frost short sword from his scabbard as he approached the clockwork dragon's cave. Behind him, the archaeologists entered the cave network, now that they had some confirmation from the adventurers that any dangerous traps or creatures were not likely present. Percivane Weatherford led the group inside, eager to make up for three days' worth of lost time spent sleeping on this dig.

Wakuren took a step back and summoned an air element dire wolf before him, the creature taking form as a mass of swirling winds that gradually took on a lupine form. The half-orc's spiritual weapon spell was still in effect, and he sent it after the clockwork dragon, the impact creating a gonging sound when it struck the construct's partially hollow head. The wolf snapped at the dragon's legs, but its air-blast teeth couldn't seem to do much against legs of solid iron. Zander also approached and sent a scorching ray spell to strike the dragon, and while it seemed to do a bit of harm the construct seemed to have a lot of artificial life left in it. The cooshee tried biting at one of its legs, but found his teeth were no more effective than those of the air element dire wolf.

Then the shocker lizards, true to their name and nature, surprised everyone in the vicinity by sending out a burst of electricity arcing out in all directions for a second time. Wakuren took the worst of the blast, but Thurloe and the air element dire wolf were hit as well - as was the earth elemental, who was instantly slain by the electricity coursing through its body and was returned to the Elemental Plane of Earth from where it had been summoned. Unnoticed by the heroes - all of whom were more focused upon the clockwork dragon at the front of the cave opening - the unconscious dire wolverine suddenly vanished, the time limit on its summoning having expired from when the gnome ghost druid had cast a summon nature's ally spell to protect the hidden cave complex that four excited archaeologists were currently exploring to their hearts' content.

Alewyth ran up to the front of the cave but instead of leaping immediately into the fray, she cast a cure moderate wounds spell upon Wakuren, who by this time was looking quite frazzled. But then the background hum, which had been building up in intensity, stopped altogether as a mighty blast of electricity erupted from the metal dragon's open mouth and blasted Wakuren's summoned air element dire wolf into nothingness, before striking Wakuren as well and causing him to stagger back on his feet, losing unconsciousness and collapsing into a heap on the ground just outside the cave. Thurloe, seeing how much damage the dragon's electrical blast had done to the stalwart half-orc, blasted the construct with a scorching ray spell of his own before slinking off around the corner to the east, out of view of the clockwork monstrosity. He had no intentions of being the target of a second such blast, and if this metal lookalike was anything like a true dragon, the spellsword imagined it had plenty more follow-up blasts to come.

Xandro followed behind Alewyth and cast a cure light wounds spell on the bedraggled half-orc; he wasn't as powerful a healer as the dwarven priestess but he was willing to aid however he could. Wakuren was still unconscious, but the bard at least knew now that he was stable and wouldn't bleed out if they could prevent the dragon from dealing him any more damage. Fortunately, despite Wakuren's current lack of consciousness, his spiritual weapon continued on with its attacks, clanging against the clockwork dragon's metal head with its own focused force energy. Unnoticed, the spider construct started crawling along the wall, making its way toward the cave mouth, ready to follow its automatic programming: to drive off any non-gnomish intruders from the gnomish settlement. (It studiously ignored the shocker lizards, which it recognized as mere animals - and whose electrical blasts had done nothing but power up the construct in the first place.)

Fortunately for the elven sorcerer, he had been too far away from the cave opening when both electrical blasts had emanted from the shocker lizards. He did, however, recognize that they proved to be an ongoing danger and needed to be taken out, fast! A well-aimed fireball towards the back of the cave - far enough that it would encompass the clockwork dragon as well as the shocker lizards but not reach the prone Wakuren - killed all of the blue-scaled reptiles in one blast, and also had the bonus consequence of taking out the spider construct that Zander hadn't even known was there on the wall, for it was well out of his sight on the inside of the cave workshop. The cooshee, realizing it couldn't successfully bite the dragon construct and it was too big to try to trip, backed up by his master and put himself between the sorcerer and the dragon.

Alewyth cast a mass cure light wounds spell which healed up a small amount of damage to everyone within range, which was just enough to bring Wakuren to full wakefulness. However, the healing came at a cost, for the dragon's head darted forward at the end of its long, flexible neck and clamped its metal teeth down upon the priestess's shoulder. And worse yet, that humming sound which had presaged the electrical breath weapon was starting up again....

Thurloe ducked back around the corner long enough to fire off a charge from his wand of magic missiles at the dragon, then ducked back out of view. Xandro backed up, knowing his limited healing was of little use to the front-line combatants. Wakuren took a moment of self-preservation by casting a cure serious wounds spell upon himself, boosting the healing with a charge from his ring of mystic healing. He was then forced to move back as well, but only after seeing Alewyth free herself from the dragon's grasp. And his spiritual weapon spell still pressed on with its attacks.

Zander gathered up an appropriate amount of arcane energy and focused it into a spell he'd never cast before: Elobar's black tentacles. At once, the gnome workshop started growing writhing, black appendages from its stone floor, which wrapped themselves around the clockwork dragon's body and limbs, trying to hold it securely in place. The dragon fought back, loosening a few of the rubbery appendages' hold but failing to fully free itself. Alewyth felt confident enough to step up to the dragon - yet still well away from the radius of the writhing appendages - and clonk it in the head with Sjondra, the blow hopefully damaging some delicate inner workings in the gnome-crafted automaton. It bit at Alewyth again, but was still unable to escape the tentacles; Zander nodded to himself in satisfaction and vowed to put the spell to much more use in the future.

Thurloe stepped forward and blasted the dragon again with his wand of magic missiles, no longer feeling the need to duck around the corner now that the crushing tentacles were holding the dragon's head and neck in place. Xandro unpacked the Dardolian lute from his back, and in counterpoint to Robin's continued song of inspirational courage, sent a well-placed sound burst into the dragon's chest. Wakuren's spiritual weapon flew above the tentacles, swooping down to strike the dragon's head and then swinging back up out of range. And then Zander, seeing a fairly helpless target, cast another fireball spell into the workshop cave, the clockwork dragon his only target.

Alewyth swung Sjondra at the dragon again, but then received a surprise of her own, as the clockwork mechanism burst through the tentacles and exited the cave, nearly bowling her over in the process. Zander frowned, wishing there were some way to move the tentacles after the spell had been cast, but such a maneuver was outside the scope of the spell. Thurloe blasted the dragon with his wand again and then ducked back around the corner. With a dash across the cave opening, Xandro joined him.

Wakuren wasn't looking forward to fighting the clockwork dragon directly either if he could help it, so he summoned a celestial bison from the Heavenly Planes. It lowered its shaggy head and charged the dragon, striking him from behind, but even the creature's massive horns weren't powerful enough to do much damage to the construct's metal form. Zander cast another scorching ray at the dragon, fireball no longer being an option with too many allies too close to his target. But at least the repeated fire spells seemed to be doing some damage to the automaton.

Alewyth was once again standing directly in front of the clockwork dragon and the humming noise in its throat was powering up, indicating another imminent blast of its electrical breath. Casting a meld into stone spell, she walked into the solid rock of the cave wall, secure in the knowledge she was now safe from any lightning it might choose to send in her direction. But with Alewyth out of range, the dragon spun about and sent its lightning breath directly at the celestial bison, blasting it into oblivion. Wakuren found he didn't even mind, for the great beast would merely be returned to its Heavenly Plane and it had after all served its purpose: taking a bunch of damage that otherwise would likely have been focused onto one or more of the adventurers.

Thurloe ducked around the corner and sniped the dragon again with his wand, releasing an involuntary "Eep!" at the realization the clockwork mechanism was now facing in his direction. Xandro opted to stay hidden for the moment, while Robin, still playing her lute, backed slowly away from the action.

However, while Robin had wisely opted to turn the corner and back away from the action by taking a passageway leading north (the fight was occurring in a passageway aimed east and west), what she failed to notice was there was a pool of water a bit behind her that was no pool of water at all; the brine ooze, hearing the bard's music, gathered itself up and started slowly heading into her direction, eager for food....

Wakuren started backing away from the dragon, heading over to the first cave the archaeologists had unearthed and inside of which they were still undergoing their explorations. In doing so, he put enough distance between himself and his still-active spiritual weapon that the force-mace broke off its attack and retreated to hover beside him. But that was all for the best, for from the half-orc's new vantage point he could see a blob of protoplasm oozing its way towards an oblivious Robin. Calling out a warning, he pointed a finger at the new threat and sent his spiritual weapon charging into the brine ooze's central mass, causing it to ripple to its edges from the force of the blow.

Zander cast another scorching ray at the clockwork dragon, as Alewyth came back out of the solid rock wall and struck the automaton in its side with her dwarven warhammer. The dragon's long neck arched around and it bit her once again, but Alewyth didn't mind - she could see the damage they'd already done to it and it seemed considerable - she was willing to bet she'd outlast this metal beastie at the rate they were going, with her nearly fully healed up and it dripping internal bits of machinery with every movement. "We've nearly got it!" she called out, which prompted Thurloe to duck back around from the corner and give the clockwork dragon a final blast from his wand of magic missiles. True to the dwarven priestess's predictions, that was enough to take it out of action once and for all; it crashed to the ground with a melodious discordance.

But Wakuren was shouting about some blob monster attacking Robin, so Xandro sprinted forward, turned the corner, dashed past his bardic counterpart and sent a second sound burst directly at the brine ooze. Robin spun in place, saw the approaching danger, and once again backed away, and Xandro couldn't help but admire her composure, for she not once faltered in the words to her song of inspirational courage.

The brine ooze remained motionless for a moment, leading Xandro to guess he'd actually temporarily stunned it with his sound burst. Wakuren stepped up, right hand raised, and summoned a javelin of lightning into his gauntlet. Throwing it at the brine ooze, he saw the electricity scatter all across its amorphous body, shocking the blob from one end of its body to the other. His spiritual weapon got in one final hit before it disappeared, the time limit of the spell having expired. Zander blasted the brine ooze with another scorching ray spell, Thurloe tossed a magic missile spell at it from his wand, and Alewyth smashed her hammer down onto it, but it was Xandro that made the killing blow, striking cobra-fast with his frost short sword, causing the creature's amorphous body to lose all cohesion and spill out along the ground like a puddle, slowly seeping into the parched earth.

Thurloe gave the nearby canyon passageways a good scan before announcing, "It looks like that's it, guys. Good work." Then they went to go check up on the four archaeologists they'd left to their explorations.

"Look at this!" Percivane said excitedly, holding an ancient piece of parchment he'd managed to unfold without destroying it. "It was behind one of these crates." He read the gnomish characters on the page, something none of the adventurers could have done, for none of them were familiar with the Gnomish tongue. "It's a note written by the druidic leader of the gnome settlement, no doubt that ghost we saw fly out of here. It tells of a strange traveler, a 'large, round-eared elf' who staggered into their encampment, nearly dead from sunstroke. The gnomes tended to him as best they could, but he died and was buried nearby. Soon thereafter, the gnomes began bleeding from their facial orifices. This strange, new disease proved to be fatal within a few scant hours. None of the gnomes survived, the druid being the last of his group. The dead gnomes from the settlement were gathered up in next cave over, then the druid activated the rockfall trap that sealed this area off - he hoped to contain the disease in that manner and prevent it from spreading any further. The letter is signed, 'Bumblebuster Butterburp.'"

Thurloe just rolled his eyes. "Gnomes and their goofy names," he scoffed.

But Alewyth voiced a particular concern she had. "Are we safe?" she asked. "By opening the passageway, did we allow the disease to escape?"

"Certainly not," scoffed Percivane. "We've been exposed to the gnome bodies next door, with no ill effects. I'd imagine, given the two thousand years since these events occurred, the disease has likely burned itself out."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," replied Zander. He turned to his companions. "Remember, we saw that svirfneblin girl start bleeding from her eyes and nose, in the Underdark. What was it she said again, right before she died?"

Xandro gave it some thought, thinking back to when Streggin, their dwarven scout who spoke Gnomish, had translated what she had said as she died. It was one word..."Deathborn," he replied, the word popping back into his memory.

"Definitely odd," Wakuren mused. He turned to Percivane Weatherford. "With your permission, sir, I think we'd like to camp out here with you overnight. Tomorrow, I'd like to cast a speak with dead spell upon the body of this Bumblebuster, to see what we might learn of his experiences before they all died." The archaeologist agreed that would be a fine idea, and he set the others off to draw detailed diagrams of the three metal constructs the gnomes had built, likely as lair guardians. "Once we've documented their appearances, you are free to remove the gems as payment for your services here today, not only in awakening me from my dreams, but also in fighting off the creatures that would have killed us." That put a big grin on Thurloe's face, as he went off with all haste with the archaeologists back over to the downed constructs.

The next morning, Wakuren cast his speak with dead spell, after finding the corpse among the dead gnomes - all preserved by the cool air in the sealed-off cave network - wearing the same robes and hat as the ghost they'd fought the day before. Wakuren had already identified the ring the little gnome wore on his right hand as being magical, and Percivane allowed Zander to keep it (after it too had been fully diagrammed in detail in the notes the archaeologists were taking) after they had determined it was a ring of mystic lightning which powered the electricity-based spells of the wearer. They'd discussed their options earlier and come up with a list of questions they wanted answered, if at all possible.

After the spell ritual had been completed (followed by a tongues spell so the half-orc would be able to understand the responses in case the answers were all spoken in Gnomish, or even worse an ancient dialect of the language), Wakuren asked his first question of Bumblebuster Butterburp's mummified corpse. "Why did you not cast the cure disease spell to save yourself and your people?"

"We did, but it had no effect," came the reply. Wakuren translated for the benefit of the others, then mused aloud, "It's possible the disease was magical in nature, like lycanthropy or mummy rot."

Then he asked his second question. "Do you know the name of the man who stumbled into your community?" The corpse replied that they did not.

"Did the man die of sunstroke or the disease?"


"Did his face bleed, like what happened to you?"


"You manifested as a ghost. How might we put you to rest?"

"I sought only to contain the disease that killed my people. You yet live, so the disease appears to have been contained. I am already at rest; I will not remanifest."

"Where did you bury the 'round-eared elf'?" The corpse gave directions some distance away, with enough detail Wakuren was sure he could find the spot if he desired.

"Was he carrying anything with him?"


"Was he the first to die, before any of the gnomes?"


"How long was it before the gnomes started getting sick?"

"A matter of hours, but once it started, it spread quickly."

"Does the word 'deathborn' mean anything to you?"


"From which direction did the man come from?"

"From the south, apparently from the Centralia Desert."

"What time of day was it when the man entered your village?"

"Nearly noon."

"Is there anyone in particular who hated gnomes for any reason?" Wakuren asked this question because he was starting to feel like this disease, apparently curselike in nature, had been magically crafted specifically to affect gnomes. The corpse hesitated before answering, as if thinking it over and giving it plenty of thought. "The elves disliked the gnomish magical restrictions placed upon them," he finally said.

That caused Wakuren to modify his original last question, because this answer demanded further explanation. "What magical restrictions?" he demanded.

"Prohibitions against creating undead, which are an abomination upon the earth," replied the corpse.

Wakuren rubbed his chin in thought. Did the elves create a magical disease specifically targeting gnomes several thousand years ago? If so, why was the disease apparently not functioning on the surface world any more but still active in the Underdark? These were questions to be figured out later.

Following the directions given by the corpse of Bumblebuster Butterburp, Wakuren used his inherent paladin senses to try to detect any traces of evil in the area where the "round-eared elf" - likely the first and only human the gnome druid had ever seen - was said to be buried, and found nothing at all. He opted not to waste any time digging up the body, fairly certain that after a couple thousand years there would be hardly anything left off the man's remains. "I guess we've spent enough time on this," he finally decided. "Best we be on to the next dreamer."

They said their farewells to the archaeologists - and Percivane Weatherford promised to give them name credit in the report they'd eventually write up to give to the person responsible for funding the dig, a gnome by the name of Humdrum Thundersnore. "Hey, we know him!" piped up Zander. "He's one of the gnomes from the Hidden Market!"

"Small world," muttered Thurloe with a smile on his lips.

"Would you mind terribly if I traveled with you for a while?" asked Robin, addressing the question to Xandro. "I'd like to study some of your methods." Xandro was more than happy to have the pretty young bard join their group, glad that there would be someone else willing to play the song of inspirational courage for a change.

"Well then, off we go!" replied Alewyth, climbing into the saddle of her dire goat Pyrite.

- - -

I ordered a Robin mini since she'll be a permanent NPC addition to the party, but it didn't come in in time for this session so we made do with a pink generic playing piece I picked up (with about a dozen other colors) at a Gen Con some decades back. But she arrived the other day, so Logan's going to paint her in time for our next session.

Incidentally, Elobar's black tentacles is identical in all ways to Evard's black tentacles; I just thought since I was creating a "follow-on" universe for this campaign it would be weird for the main spells to carry the names of wizards from a previous universe. Thus, I renamed all of the spells which carried the names of their original creators, Evard becoming Elobar, Mordenkainen becoming Mandicortello, and so on.

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T-shirt worn: A "Duck Dynasty" T-shirt, as they're my go-to shirts when it comes to representing gnomes, given their long beards and all.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 9​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 3​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 4​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 3​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 9​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 2​

Game Session Date: 18 February 2023

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The town of Drayleton was overall somewhat shabby in appearance; if there was a "good part" of town where the nobility made their homes, they were doing an exceptional job of keeping the area well hidden from view. Everything, from the crumbling cobblestones on the streets to the numerous cracks in the sides of buildings and missing shingles on the roofs above spoke of a town where "good enough for now" seemed to be the rule of the day.

Still, the taverns were well populated, and asking about for anyone who'd been sleeping nonstop for any amount of time granted Xandro an almost immediate answer: he was not only told to go to the cottage of Chud Muckwader but given directions on how to get there. And so it was, after a quick meal of "good enough" tavern food as a "make friendly with the locals" lunch, the five dreamwalkers and their small entourage showed up at the Muckwader residence, where Chud's wife, a young peasant woman named Grelda, answered the door with a curious look at the group assembled before her. But once Alewyth explained their reason for coming, Grelda was more than happy to let them into the small cottage, for her husband had been asleep for weeks now and she'd been forced to replace him as a sewer worker if she wanted to make enough money to cover the rent of their meager dwelling. "I know this place isn't much," she said, "but it's all we have. And at least there's just been me to feed while Chud's been sleepin', so there's that."

Grelda allowed Wakuren and Thurloe to drag Chud's sleeping body out of bed and place him flat on the middle of the floor, where there was enough room for the five dreamwalkers to sit around him in a circle. Zander activated his jade cooshee and instructed the full-sized elven dog to stay on guard duty while they entered Chud's dream, and the canine thumped his tail in understanding. Grelda just sat on the edge of the bed, watching in confusion as the five strangers all closed their eyes and went to sleep.

"Hey, kupo!" replied Mogo when his five students approached him in the Corridor of Dreams. As always, he was hovering by one of the seemingly infinite doors in the twisting hallways, his little bat-wings holding him aloft at the level of the doorknob. Giving the knob a twist, he opened the door and ushered the five inside. "Good luck, kupo!" he said as they entered Chud's dream, one by one, through the doorway.

The dreamscape the five entered was not one they would have guessed to be occupied by a sewer worker. It was contained to a single room, some 15 feet by 20 feet with an ornate tub in the center; the walls and floor were of a rich marble, gleaming with condensation. Chud lay back against the slope of the tub, luxuriating in a bubble bath of warm water, a side table near his right hand holding a tray of assorted cheeses and a flute of an exotic champagne. "Ah, this is the life!" Chud sighed, taking a bite of cheese and following it with a sip of champagne. If he was at all disconcerted by the fact five strangers had entered the room during his soak, he gave no indication of it.

"Mr. Muckwader," began Alewyth, "we are here--"

"Please, by all means, call me Chud," interrupted the soaking sewer worker, blowing a clump of sudsy bubbles from his hand. "All my friends do."

"Chud, then," amended the dwarven priestess, "we are here in your dream because--" But she was once again interrupted, this time not by Chud but by dint of something falling into the tub with him with an audible plop. Another object hit the soapy waters with a splash, followed by another, and then a fourth struck the priestess on the top of her head, moving around in her hair. As if this were the signal for the start of the deluge, it began raining toads in earnest, half of them ending up in the tub with Chud and the others landing on the side of the tub where Alewyth was standing, despite the fact the bathing room had a solid ceiling overhead. The toads were all brightly colored in a variety of hues - bright red, flashy green, vibrant yellow and the darkest black, a brilliant magenta, and so on - and each was no bigger than the final joint of Alewyth's thumb. They scooted around and hopped in confusion, and Alewyth could tell by the dampness on their moist skin that they were likely coated in a natural poison, in the manner that many jungle toads were - it explained the bright coloration, as well, it being one of nature's ways of warning of a venomous creature.

Zander took the initiative to rid the room of the toads as best he could, by casting a scorching ray spell into the constant flow falling from the ceiling along the side of the tub. Xandro used his Dardolian Lute to send a sound burst into the swarm's midst as well, each adventurer realizing using combat weapons against a horde of tiny critters was certainly not the way to go. Their attacks killed dozens of the toads, but just as many came falling through the ceiling to replace them.

"Come on! Get out of the tub!" encouraged Alewyth, but Chud seemed more concerned about guarding his plate of cheeses from being contaminated by the falling toads, and he swore aloud when one of the tiny amphibians toppled his flute of champagne, spilling most of its contents onto the marble floor, where numerous toads slipped around in it as they scrabbled for purchase on the slick surface. Since Chud seemed unwilling to exit the tub of his own volition, Thurloe tried convincing him by using his lucid dreaming training to actively turn the tub's water from "warm and clean" to "foul like you'd expect to find in a sewer." He was somewhat successful, altering the water but the encompassing layer of bubbly suds hid the foul water from view and Chud was likely already rather desensitized to the smell of sewer water in any case. Unwilling to be deterred, Thurloe upped the ante by turning Chud's exotic cheeses into dead rats, and that got the sewer worker's notice all right, especially as he'd been biting down upon a cube of cheese when it suddenly became a dead rat - or half of one in any case, as the other half had already been bitten off and was filling Chud's mouth.

Wakuren decided to try to turn the flow of replacement poisonous toads off at the source by casting a gust of wind spell aimed from the floor all around the tub straight up. The poisonous toads on the marble floor were all thrown up into the air near the ceiling, and the new ones falling through the somehow intangible ceiling didn't get far before the air blasts sent them right back up near where they'd come from. With the toads all well away from Chud and the other dreamwalkers in the tall-ceilinged room, it was simplicity itself for Zander and Thurloe to bombard the levitating toads with a series of scorching ray spells, while Chud spat the half a dead rat from his mouth and begrudgingly climbed out of the tub, soap suds and sewer filth running down his legs. Alewyth spun around to spare herself the view and breathed a sigh of relief when the walls of the dreamscape started melting away, a sure sign that Chud Muckwader was waking from his dream.

Chud sat up from his reclining position and looked around in puzzlement at the strangers sitting around him in a circle; they seemed somewhat familiar, but the specifics of the dream which had held him in a sort of magical stasis were already starting to fade. But Grelda gave him a big hug and cried out, "You're awake!" before filling him in on what had happened these past few weeks. Chud had a hard time believing he'd actually been asleep for the better part of three weeks, and was aghast to find out Grelda had been doing his work in the sewers in the meantime. "But it's dangerous!" he exclaimed. "There have already been three sewer workers gone missing!"

"Three?" scoffed Grelda. "It's up to more like eight since you've been sleepin'!"

Together, the young couple were able to tell the adventurers what they knew about the sewers. A total of eight sewer workers had gone missing in the past month or so, with no particular pattern to their disappearances other than they had all been assigned to the northern section of the sewers. Grelda said she'd heard some of the other workers talking about having seen a frog as big as a man in the sewers, and Chud confirmed he'd heard such rumors himself but had assumed they were nothing more than tricks of the shadows. "You say you're adventurers, though?" Chud hazarded. "Would you be willing to go check out the situation in the sewers? I can't pay you or nothin', but there's tales of a hidden treasure trove somewhere in the sewers, the loot of a noted ganglord who died without revealing his stash of stolen goods." Alewyth, looking at Wakuren for confirmation, agreed on behalf of the group that they'd be more than willing to check out the sewers. Thurloe just frowned in irritation.

"Do you at least have some kind of a map or anything?" he asked the Muckwaders. Chud shrugged and told the spellsword that as far as he was aware no such map existed, and if it did it'd likely not be very accurate in any case, on account of various factions adding hidden rooms and digging secret tunnels in the sewer system beneath the city over the years. "There used to be several active thieves guilds in the city, all fightin' amongst themselves and all," he added. "All of 'em used the sewers as a means of movin' about the town unseen, and all of 'em probably made their own additions to the normal sewer tunnels, like." But he did offer to take the adventurers to the sewer entrance closest to the section of tunnels where the disappearances had occurred.

"Best cast whatever spells we want protecting us when we go down into the sewers," suggested Thurloe when they got in place. "No idea what we'll find down there." He cast a mage armor spell upon himself, with Zander following suit. The elf sorcerer also cast a bear's endurance spell on himself, hoping to increase his vitality enough he wasn't a drain upon the healers' resources. For the same reason, he cast a stoneskin spell upon himself, and upon asking how much the diamond dust cost to cast the spell and confirming Zander had enough dust for a second dose, Wakuren paid the sorcerer to cast a stoneskin spell upon him as well. The half-orc was still getting used to the idea he was no longer the combat machine he had once been when he had a powerslug living inside him. boosting his physical attributes to the limits of mortal existence. Wakuren also cast an air walk spell on himself, deciding it would likely be useful as Chud had warned them that while there were walkways throughout the sewers, not all passageways had them and it was sometimes necessary to walk knee-deep in the sewage-tainted waters. Upon Thurloe's suggestion, both Alewyth and Wakuren cast magic circle against evil spells upon themselves, and the dwarven priestess also cast a magic vestment spell over her armor. Finally, Xandro cast a heroism spell on Wakuren, hoping to boost his combat effectiveness to somewhere nearer the level where it had been before the powerslug left his body upon his death. Then, when all of the spellcasters had announced their readiness, Wakuren activated his ring of invisibility and started climbing down the ladder on the side of the narrow tunnel exposed when Chud pulled away the manhole cover he had led them to.

At the bottom of the shaft - it was about 15 feet down, Wakuren noted, and it looked like that was the normal ceiling height down here below the town - the half-orc stepped onto the solid walkway and then immediately stepped out over the flowing sewer water just beyond. Looking about the area with his orcish darkvision (for there was no light down here in the sewers but the feeble illumination drifting down from the open manhole above), he could see three east-to-west bridges crossing the 20 feet of the sewer waters that were slowly flowing from north to south. On the northernmost bridge, he saw a human sewer worker stumbling about, as if drunk or nearly unconscious. The man wore a helmet on his head, upon which had been affixed an unlit candle. Fearing he'd fall over the side of the bridge - for there were no railings to prevent such an occurrence - Wakuren called for the man to sit down on the steps while he made his way over to him, for each bridge had about four steps on either side, raising the central portion of the bridge about 8-10 feet higher than the walkways, no doubt to prevent floating branches or whatnot to get obstructed as they drifted by. The man, however, either didn't hear Wakuren's call or blatantly ignored it, for he continued on up the stairs and then staggered across the bridge, nearly falling on the first step down on the other side. With a sigh of exasperation, Wakuren started making his way towards the worker, running five feet or so above the slowly-flowing sewer waters.

Thurloe was the second one down the ladder, and he looked over to his left upon hitting the lower platform, noting an open shed of sorts where various tools were stored. He helped himself to a wooden pole with a hook on the end, likely used to fish objects out of the sewer waters without having to enter them directly. He cast a light spell upon the end of the hook, creating himself a temporary light source. Alewyth was down next, and her dwarven darkvision allowed her not to worry about illumination; she went north until the walkway turned into a bridge heading east, which she saw she'd need to take if she was to catch up to the staggering man on the northernmost bridge, the two bridges being connected by a north-south walkway along their eastern sides.

It was at that time the three adventurers who had clambered down into the sewers thus far each instinctively grabbed the sides of their heads, for there was a sudden pain in their temples which, only after the event had occurred, did they realize was caused by the act of one of their most powerful spells being ripped from their brains. They'd never experienced such a thing before, but they were well aware of the possibility, for Zander's cooshee had the magical ability to "fetch" spells from spellcasting foes in such a manner.

Xandro was the next to shimmy down the ladder, his Dardolian Lute on his back with his light crossbow; as soon as he hit the walkway he pulled out his frost short sword and by its feeble blue glow started following Alewyth. Robin was right behind him, but she grabbed her own lute instead of her weapon upon reaching the walkway, having been told her primary job on the team was to play her song of inspirational courage, freeing Xandro up for other actions. For now, though, she followed Xandro silently, feeling it a bit out of place to start her song in the middle of the sewers, where the only noise was the constant dripping of water from overhead and the lapping flow of the stream of sewage in the tunnels. Plus, it was taking her a bit of time to get used to the smell; playing and singing under these circumstances was going to be a lot different than playing in a packed tavern hall!

Zander scurried down the ladder next and followed the others across the middle bridge, pulling out his everburning torch as soon as he hit the walkway. Thurloe followed, holding his bastard sword in one hand and his glowing hook-pole in the other. By then, Alewyth had almost reached the northernmost bridge, where the staggering sewer worker was still looking as if likely to fall over at any moment. Then another psychic blast went through the sewers, and the spellcasters once again felt one of their most powerful spells being ripped from their minds.

However, by that time, Wakuren had advanced close enough to the staggering sewer worker that he could see all was not well with him. It had nothing to do with his wavering about or his seemingly drunken stance, but rather the fact that his helmet seemed to be melting into the side of his head, and there was a patch of his overcoat the exact same color as his skin, as if a giant paintbrush had blobbed its flesh-toned paint a little beyond where that particular color should have been. Wakuren was no longer sure of what exactly he was looking at, but he was now fairly certain it was no human.

The realization came a moment too late, for the reason stealer - a blob of amorphous jelly that had taken on the shape of the man it had killed the previous day, and had been walking around in his form until just recently, when his stolen shape started losing its cohesiveness - slammed at Wakuren with an arm and fist that morphed into a boneless pseudopod by the time it hit. As Xandro and Robin advanced closer, Zander cast a lightning bolt at the increasingly shapeless blob attacking the half-orc. The jolt of magical electricity burned off an outer layer of the creature's amorphous flesh and an entire section of its body turned black and crumbly. Wakuren gave the crispy form a solid blow with his shield of Cal and the reason stealer lost all cohesiveness, splashing into a thick, wet, puddle and draining off into the sewer waters below Wakuren's feet. But this was not some sneaky escape attempt; the shapeshifting jelly had been slain, once and for all.

Thurloe turned and went back the way he had come, passing the shed where he'd grabbed up the hook-pole and continuing on in a southernly direction, for there were passageways branching off from there as well. Zander, on a whim, followed. Alewyth continued towards the northernmost bridge, with Xandro and Robin following. And then there was another arcane pulse, after which the spellcasters had found more of their unused magical energy had been ripped from their minds - the reason stealer had not been the creature responsible, apparently! Wakuren had heard about a creature said to have the ability to rip away prepared spells (or potential spell energy), and called out, "Guys! I think we're dealing with an arcane ooze!" Still air walking, he crossed over to a diagonal platform leading southwest and continued hovering a few inches above the surface, not really noticing his feet weren't touching the floor. But then he saw, through the space beneath yet another bridge, an enormous blob of amorphous flesh pulsing with energy and assumed he'd found the spell-stealing culprit. Calling to his friends that he thought he'd found the arcane ooze, he cast a summoning spell that formed a hippogriff from a blast of swirling air.

The air element hippogriff went diving down towards the arcane ooze, which was holed up in a vast, circular bowl of sewer water at the end of a tunnel. It bit at the blobby creature, then pulled back its beak in surprise as the ooze's acid started eating away at what little physical form the air-based creature actually had. Alerted to the activity, Thurloe crept up along the tunnel with the bridge until he could see the arcane ooze's bright green coloration in the bowl just ahead. Alewyth, having crossed the northernmost bridge and advanced down the diagonal pathway beside Wakuren, spotted the blob-monster as well.

Another pulse of energy and the spellcasters all cried out in pain again as yet another batch of spells were ripped from their minds. At the same time, the ooze formed a pseudopod and slammed the air element hippogriff, slaying it instantly. As Xandro and Robin moved to catch up to Alewyth, Zander fired a lightning bolt spell at the ooze, surprised to see the electrical energy coruscate all across the ooze's amorphous body, powering it up in some way. Which particular way was made clear when it surged ahead down the channel, heading north towards Wakuren and Alewyth at a faster-than-normal speed.

Wakuren did not like the odds they were facing: up against a supercharged arcane ooze that was rapidly depleting their more powerful spells, the means by which they might be able to defeat it. "Fall back!" he cried, running over the sewer waters on his way back towards the ladder to the surface, grabbing up Alewyth and giving her a boost over to the southern passageway. Thurloe and Zander were already fairly close to the ladder and made it up without incident, but the now-speedy ooze was making a beeline towards Xandro and Robin, who had to backtrack east along the northernmost bridge in order to move south to go west along the next bridge in line. It didn't look like they were going to be able to outrace the ooze, but Wakuren, taking a shortcut directly across the wide flow of the sewer waters, got there before the ooze did and held out Hesperna's lamp, allowing the two bards to touch it and call out the command word that shunted them inside. Then, before the ooze could reach him, he cast a gaseous form spell on himself and dissipated into a fine mist, something to which the acidic ooze couldn't deal any damage. Drifting slowly and serenely towards the vertical shaft to the surface, Wakuren rose up beside the ladder and only regained his solid form once he was standing on the street and the manhole cover was back in place. The arcane ooze, a mindless scavenger, saw no prey before it and returned to its erstwhile lair, the bowl at the end of the side-channel of filthy water.

"We'll be wantin' t' warn the townsfolk not t' be entering the sewers before we can go back and kill that arcane ooze," Alewyth told the others.

"We'll put Chud on that task," Thurloe suggested. "In the meantime, what are our plans for dealing with that thing?"

"I have a few thoughts on that," Wakuren promised the spellsword. Sure enough, they found a room for the night (a single room, for Scarlie would be the only one sleeping there, the others spending the night in the magical lamp), and then Wakuren laid out his plans. "We'll all need protection from acid," he started. "Between us, Alewyth and I will be able to cast resist acid spells on all of us. But I think it might be a good idea to cast a planar ally spell as well, and bargain for a week's service from an extraplanar entity."

"What kind of extraplanar entity?" Zander asked, curious.

"I was thinking a lantern archon."

The next morning found the adventuring team back over at the manhole cover from which they'd exited the previous day, ready to make another go at it. But this time, the five dreamwalkers were all protected by a resist acid spell, with Thurloe and Zander having cast their traditional mage armor and shield spells upon themselves; Alewyth having boosted her effectiveness with magic vestment, air walk, and magic circle against evil spells (Wakuren having cast the latter two spells upon himself as well); Thurloe casting fly and false life spells upon himself and Zander casting stoneskin to keep himself safe from physical harm; and then there were a few additional spells cast upon others: Xandro cast heroism spells upon Alewyth, Thurloe, and Wakuren (the three most likely to run into melee combat), Alewyth cast an aid spell upon Zander (to help keep the elf safe from harm - Aerik knew he needed all the help he could get on that front!), and finally Zander cast a haste spell upon the assembled group.

"That it? We good?" asked Thurloe, looking around. Seeing that was the case, he lifted the manhole cover and was the first one down the ladder, grabbing up a hook-pole from the shed and casting a light spell on the end of it, the same way he'd done the day before. Zander was the next one down, using his everburning torch to guide his way as he headed across the middle bridge so he could cross the northern bridge in the opposite direction and make his way to the ooze's lair. The lantern archon, a ball of glowing light, hovered down the vertical tunnel and floated across the span of brackish sewer water, alert for danger. Robin unpacked her lute as soon as she got down the ladder and immediately began the words to her song of inspirational courage; there was no point in delaying the advantages the song provided. Xandro followed her, frost short sword out and ready for action. Wakuren was next down the ladder, air walking across the sewer waters by the lantern archon before veering to the west to go down the diagonal tunnel to the arcane ooze's lair. He had some new strategies for taking the ooze out quickly, before it had a chance to steal too many of their prepared spells. But by then the ooze had detected their presence and cast out with its spell-leeching field, grabbing a spell from each of the heroes save Alewyth, who was still topside and had yet to make her way down into the sewers. But she quickly entered the sewers, cast a quick prayer spell upon the group, and air walked over beside Wakuren, ready to mirror his stated strategies against their amorphous foe.

Thurloe headed south and west across the bridge until he could see the greenish blob in the illumination of his hook-pole. He fired off a magic missile spell at the ooze, initiating combat. But Zander, crossing the northernmost bridge, spotted a bit of movement beneath the sewer waters to the north of the bridge; looking over, he saw a mass of brownish sludge flowing across the bottom of the circular collection basin just north of the bridge, where channels to the north, east, and west converged before the waters all went south. It was entirely possible the movement was just normal detritus following the slow currents, but the elf didn't like the way it was veering diagonally right towards him.... "Guys?" he called out. "I think we have a different kind of ooze over this way!"

The lantern archon advanced north by Zander and fired off a beam of searing light at the corrupture that was just now raising a part of its amorphous body into a slimy appendage ready to slam the elf sorcerer. Robin saw the combat ahead and wisely decided to continue her song from right where she was, along a passageway connecting the eastern sides of the two northernmost bridges. Xandro slipped past her and headed north to Zander's aid.

But Wakuren was already engaged in taking out the arcane ooze, their original goal. He cast another summoning spell, bringing forth another air element hippogriff to the south of the arcane ooze's position. It dove and attacked, ripping apart a piece of acidic flesh with its beak and flinging it away onto the stone floor ringing the hemisphere of sewer waters in which the arcane ooze was floating. With another pulse of energy, the arcane ooze ripped a new round of spells from the spellcasters surrounding it, then slammed the wind-based hippogriff into nothingness with a mighty wall of amorphous flesh.

However, Alewyth was ready to add her own extraplanar minions to the fight. She summoned a man-sized earth elemental onto the bridge to the north of the arcane ooze, then almost immediately became intrigued with the stone wall to her right: for there, along the diagonal passageway, was a tiny crack indicating a potential secret door in the wall! Recalling Chud's warning about numerous hidden places in the sewers, she quickly found the release mechanism and a hidden door swung open, into a five-sided room: a square with one corner cut off. There were two barrels in the room and a door in the back, but as intrigued as the dwarven priestess might be, she decided she needed to focus upon the task at hand.

The corrupture formed a solid pseudopod above water and brought it crashing down at Zander; it lacked the intellect to realize its attacks were being hampered in some way by the lantern archon's mere presence. But the sudden attack was enough to send the elf's ray of enfeeblement spell veering off much higher than the sorcerer had intended, hitting nowhere near the muddy blob. The lantern archon shot it again with its beam of light, scoring a direct hit.

Thurloe, in the meantime, sent another magic missile barrage at the arcane ooze, after having proven to his own satisfaction that the spell was effective against the blob-thing; one of the things they'd learned from the lantern archon the day before was that while arcane oozes were immune to most spells, individual oozes could be affected by different groups of spells - it all depended upon how they had been created, either by splitting off (in which both oozes were identical) or through generation by another means, in which case different spells might be effective against them.

Xandro wasn't too sure he wanted to leap into melee combat with an amorphous blob of flesh, so he held his Dardolian Lute in place and fired off a sound burst at the corrupture. Then, cautiously, he advanced towards the northern bridge, ready to fall back if it sent a pseudopod crashing in his direction.

Wakuren wasn't in the least bit perturbed to have seen his air element hippogriff get slain so quickly by the arcane ooze; it had, after all, served its purpose, in getting in a good hit before it died and providing the ooze with a target other than the heroes upon which to direct its physical attacks. With that thought in mind, he had prayed for a whole series of summon monster spells that morning, and he fired off the next of them, calling forth a second air element hippogriff to strike the arcane ooze in the same fashion as its predecessor. The arcane ooze absorbed another batch of spells before striking at the hippogriff, and this time it missed - the airborne creature flew up away from its reach and pirouetted in the air to go attack it from another direction. In the meantime, Alewyth's earth elemental continued its attacks from the top of the bridge, leaning over to strike the ooze in its central mass with its rocky fists.

The corrupture slammed at Zander again, and while the protective spell prevented any of the creature's acid from doing any harm to the elf, the slam itself hurt (even if much of the blow was absorbed by the stoneskin spell the elf had cast upon himself for this very reason)! He took a step back, away from the bridge and over by the start of the diagonal passageway where Wakuren and Alewyth stood, and fired another ray of enfeeblement at the corrupture. This time the elf's aim was true, but he could tell by the way the ray fizzled away upon impact that the ooze had some sort of inherent defense against spells - bummer! But at least the lantern archon was there with him, firing away with its own beam of light energy. And Xandro used his lute to fire off a second sound burst at the corrupture.

Thurloe cast another magic missile spell at the arcane ooze, happy to have hit upon an effective spell so early in the fight. Wakuren summoned an air element wolf and set the flying lupine creature, made up of swirling winds from the Elemental Plane of Air, snapping at the arcane ooze's blobby flesh. And the hippogriff was still at it, slashing with claws and snapping with a beak made up of high-velocity winds. The arcane ooze slammed at the hippogriff and killed it, then for good measure snatched up another batch of latent spell energy from the spellcasters around it. But Alewyth summoned forth a celestial dire badger to nip at the ooze with its teeth and rip at it with its claws from the solid ground alongside the bowl-shaped container filled with sewer water. And her previously-summoned earth elemental continued on its attacks from the bridge.

The corrupture had continued drifting slowly south as it attacked and now it was within range of Thurloe, who had headed north to go help deal with it since the summoned creatures seemed to be taking their toll on the arcane ooze. It slammed the spellsword with a slimy appendage, but Thurloe activated his torc of the titans and brought his bastard sword Spellslicer down at the offending appendage, cutting deep into the slimy flesh. Zander cast a third ray of enfeeblement and was pleased to see the third time was apparently the charm, for the creature's entire pliable body visibly shuddered under the spell's effect. And the lantern archon continued on with its own attacks, continuing to send pulses of light from its own glowing body into the putrid mass of the corrupture's viscous form. Spurred on by Robin's continued song of inspirational courage, Xandro flung the Dardolian Lute back over his shoulder and leaned down over the open sewer waters, stabbing the tip of the blade of his frost short sword into the corrupture's acidic flesh.

Wakuren channeled some of Cal's divine power into his shield, making it a temporarily even more effective weapon than it already was, and then slammed it into the side of the arcane ooze's fleshy body. The air element wolf went rushing by over the ooze's form, taking a bite out of it on the way by. The ooze responded by siphoning off even more spell energy and slamming a new pseudopod at the wolf, missing the fast-moving creature by a significant distance. As it was starting to wander north along the channel paralleling the diagonal platform, Alewyth readied her dwarven warhammer Sjondra for a well-placed strike once the ooze got within range. But it never got that far, for the earth elemental leaped from the bridge and landed upon the arcane ooze's body, striking down with its rocky fists with everything it had. And that was enough to finally overpower the amorphous creature, whose fluid body finally burst, spilling the elemental into the sludge of the sewer water to its great distaste. It crawled back up onto the platform, dripping wet. Behind it, the celestial dire badger exited the room in which the ooze had laired, heading south out of the open doorway and they heading west to follow the passageway over to the diagonal walkway, upon which the earth elemental was now trudging, heading northeast towards Alewyth.

The corrupture, possibly triggered by Zander's ray of enfeeblement, exploded acid in all directions, catching Thurloe, Xandro, and the air element wolf in the blast (but of the three, only the wolf was not suitably protected against the ravages of acid). Thurloe continued his attacks with his bastard sword and quickly sliced the corrupture up enough that its fetid body ruptured, falling apart into clumps of vile matter floating away in the slow currents of the sewer waters. The lantern archon tracked their progress, ensuring the corrupture was well and truly dead.

Zander wasted no time in exploring the room Alewyth had unearthed. The five-sided room was apparently a security station, for there were dozens of crossbow bolts in the barrels and a pair of light crossbows hanging on the walls. Opening the door in the back, the elf found a meeting hall: nothing more than a long table and a dozen chairs all around. But in checking out the hall, he discovered another secret door in the northern wall, and when he pushed it open - with a stone-on-stone grinding sound - he was surprised at what he found on the other side, for in the light of his everburning torch he could see a much larger room with a dozen wooden chests lines up against three of the four walls. This, perhaps, was the hidden treasure chamber of the unnamed crime boss!

However, the elf had no time to worry about what might be in the chests, for in the middle of the room stood a mass of lumpy flesh balanced upon a trio of elephantine legs. The mass spun about in a circle, bringing the creature's tooth-filled maw facing the elf, while a trio of tentacles spun about in his direction as well; one of them, Zander noticed, held the creature's eyes on one side of its paddle-shaped end. Zander had heard of such creatures: otyughs, they were called, and they were often found in sewer systems, for they fed upon offal. But then the otyugh surprised the elf, for in a gravelly voice it called out, "Who're you?"

"I'm--my name is Zander," the elf replied, surprised to be having a conversation with a creature this ugly and fierce-looking - the otyugh looked like it could pop the elf's entire body into its massive mouth with a single tentacle, were it so inclined. Zander took heart in the fact that eating him did not appear to be on the creature's agenda.

"Careful out there in the sewers," warned the otyugh. "Blob monsters around - lots of them."

"Yes, I'm aware - my friends and I have slain two of them already today - and one yesterday."

That got the otyugh's attention. Pointing one of its grasping tentacles to the northeastern corner of the room, it asked, "Big brown blob monster in the catch-basin? You kill it?"

"Yes, that was one of the two we just killed now." A wide, toothy grin split the otyugh's rotund body. "Then it's safe to go back out!" it chortled, sliding open a pair of hidden, heavy stone doors from the northern wall and squeezing its massive bulk between them. It plopped itself into the slimy sewer waters without a second thought about the chests it was leaving behind; a quick glance showed the elf that however long the otyugh had been hiding in here, it hadn't even bothered trying to open any of the chests. But that tracked with what Zander had heard about otyughs: they were much more interested in eating dung than hoarding gold.

Over by the floating chunks of the slain corrupture, Robin paused in her song to open a door behind her. It led to a short corridor, with a closed door at the far end and a partially-open one to the north, about halfway down the tunnel's length. Xandro insisted upon entering the corridor first, his frost short sword at the ready and giving off just enough light for him to see by. He cautiously approached the side door and opened it, releasing a horrid stench - quite a feat in itself when one was already in the sewers, but this was the sickly-sweet smell of corrupted, dead flesh - and poked his head in enough to see what was in the room beyond. There was a pile of bodies, sewer workers by the looks of them, and standing among them were two human-sized masses of dripping slime, a bright pink in color. Partially visible through the slime covering were the human skeletons whose strands of remaining flesh and muscle were being slowly devoured by the pink slime zombies encompassing the human remains. "Guys!" Xandro called out to his companions. "Undead!"

That certainly got Wakuren's attention. The half-orc cleric-paladin went air walking across the sewer waters to the open doorway. His summoned air element wolf got there before him and ran into the room, clamping a pair of wind-formed lupine jaws around a pink slime zombie's arm. Alewyth entered the hallway as well but allowed curiosity to get the better of her, passing up the pink slime zombies to see what was in the room at the end of the short hallway. That proved to be a bunkroom, with beds for half a dozen people, each cot holding a wooden chest at its foot. Opening a few of the chests, the dwarf was surprised to see a small bag of coins in the corner of one, no doubt left behind by whoever had last used that bunk. And while the curious dwarf bent over to pocket the coin pouch, her two summoned creatures - the earth elemental and celestial dire badger - were laboriously making their way towards their summoner, having to take the long way around the sewers to get to where she was now. Zander, popping his head back out of the security station to see where his friends had gone, joined the summoned creatures in their trek over by Alewyth and the others.

But Alewyth soon found herself under attack. There had been another door out of the bunkroom that a quick examination had shown to be a set of empty cells, no doubt where the members of the thieves guild who had laired here kept their kidnapped victims and such. So, returning to the mausoleum of dead bodies, she helped Wakuren and Xandro fight off the pink slime zombies. Robin resumed her inspirational song, keeping well back from the corridor in case the battle spilled out of the small room with the dead bodies that had been feeding the pink slime zombies before the heroes' arrival. Xandro stabbed at one creature with his blade, slashing open a wide gash in the goopy substance coating the skeleton of the slime's current meal. Wakuren followed up with a slam from his shield of Cal, killing the pinkish ooze and causing the bones supporting it to collapse in a pile. The air element wolf snapped at the other zombie, no doubt thankful its wind-form did not include taste buds. But then the zombie struck the aerial wolf and slew it, the winds making up its form dissipating to nothingness upon its death.

Thurloe was still under the effects of the fly spell and crossed over to the southeastern section of the sewers, intrigued by a padlock on the walkway before a closed door. Alighting on the walkway, he picked up the metal padlock and gave it a cursory examination: it had been partially eaten away by acid, by the looks of things. Well, given the number of acidic oozes they'd encountered thus far, he wasn't particularly surprised. Opening the door, though, he did manage to surprise himself, for the room beyond was rather larger, with a stack of crates of various sizes piled up to make a sort of wall dividing the room in half, the crates making an "L" shape by blocking the western half of the front section of the room as well. But of greater surprise was the reddish, bloblike creature in the eastern half of the storeroom, a pulsing thing that looked like nothing so much as a massive heart - the heart from a creature that would have to be at least the size of a roc, if not even bigger!

With a pulsating shudder, the bloodheart squirted a fluid substance over at the spellsword; he flinched involuntarily, but the bloodlike fluid missed him, hitting the side of the wall by the door. Then the ooze started moving in his direction, undulating rather like a caterpillar. Then, all of a sudden, a good chunk of the northernmost line of crates - which were lined up about 10 feet tall in a room with a ceiling height of 15 feet - were covered in a darkness effect. Thurloe couldn't tell if the bloodheart had been responsible; as far as he knew most blob-monsters didn't cast spells, but he'd never seen anything like the bloodheart before and had no real idea about its capabilities. He brought Spellslicer crashing down upon the bloodheart's form, slicing it in deep - too deep, as he soon found out, for he was unable to extract it; the blade seemed to be coated in some interior substance of an extremely adhesive nature. (Belatedly, Thurloe surmised that was probably what the creature had spit at him earlier; it would be a distinct advantage for such a slow-moving creature to be able to "glue" its prey in place to give it a chance to catch up to it.)

Alewyth, seeing how quickly Xandro and Wakuren had dispatched the first of the pink slime zombies, decided to leave the other one in their care and wandered over to see what mischief Thurloe had gotten himself into. Air walking across the sewer stream separating them, she saw him in combat with the bloodheart. "Don't use you hammer against it!" Thurloe cautioned her when he saw her approach. "Damn thing's sticky!" By then, Zander had approached close enough to see their dilemma and sent a scorching ray across the sewer stream to strike the bloodheart. The lantern archon floated over as well and shot its beam of light at it. The bloodheart, in the manner of many of the oozes the group had fought the past two days, formed a pseudopod and slammed it into Thurloe, but the spellsword was lucky enough to wrench himself away before he could get stuck to the ooze.

Xandro finally slew the last of the pink slime zombies and Wakuren went over to aid the others in their own fight with the bloodheart. As Alewyth's summoned creatures continued plodding in her direction, Wakuren air walked across the stream of slow-drifting sewer waters to stand by Thurloe. And then he got a surprise as a mouth full of sharp teeth rose up from the sewer waters below him and almost engulfed his foot; he managed to "run" up the air enough at the last moment that the fiendish giant crocodile's wicked teeth just grazed the half-orc's boots. But inside the warehouse, hidden in the center of the darkness spell he'd cast on the other side of the "L-shaped" pile of crates, the bullywug oozemaster Pluglorgh grinned a froggy grin at the thought of his summoned creatures dealing with those intruders who survived the oozes he'd helped bring into being with his twisted magics.

Another crocodilian head rose up to attack Alewyth, but she gained altitude just like Wakuren had and avoided his horrid bite. Then, not liking the idea of simply retreating skyward to safety, she "ran" back down and brought Sjondra crashing down upon the giant reptile's head. The strike was spot on, killing the creature instantly and its immediate disappearance upon its death warned the others that this particular creature hadn't been a local sewer denizen, but something summoned here for the express purpose of fighting them off.

Rounding the corner of the northernmost bridge, the earth elemental stomped southward towards Alewyth, the celestial dire badger following behind on its stumpy little legs. By this time, each had spent more time on the Material Plane trying to catch up to their summoner than they had in combat, and the clock was ticking on their particular summon monster spells.

Thurloe pulled out his wand of magic missile and fired a blast off at the bloodheart, while Zander struck it with another scorching ray spell and the lantern archon sent another beam of energy shooting at the pulsating ooze. The bloodheart sent another squirt of its sticky "blood" at Thurloe, but he easily dodged it and came to no harm. From behind the spellsword, Xandro came running up, just in time to stab the blade of his frost short sword into the side of a fiendish giant crocodile's head as it popped back up in an attempt to bite Alewyth. Wakuren dropped back down and sent his shield of Cal slamming into the next crocodilian head to arise from the sewer waters, but now a pair of smaller reptiles had been brought into play, Pluglorgh having summoned a pair of fiendish crocodiles into the sewer waters to aid their giant brethren. The smaller pair snapped at Alewyth and Thurloe, neither with any success.

Realizing the crocodiles were little more than a distraction, Alewyth cast a spiritual weapon spell and sent it flying over at the bloodheart, whose pulsating body was blocking the entrance into the room beyond. Then she motioned for Zander to approach, saying she'd carry him over to the other side of the sewer stream, for the elf was one of the only heroes without any means of walking or flying.

Perhaps feeling their ties to the Material Plane slipping away, in a desperation move the earth elemental scooped the celestial dire badger in his rocky hands and tossed him across the sewer waters to land upon the bloodheart. The elemental faded away immediately thereafter; the badger raged and managed to claw its way deep into the bloodheart's body, getting itself inextricably glued to the ooze's interior before fading back to its own home plane seconds thereafter. Thurloe shot another magic missile barrage at the bloodheart, and then Zander finally killed the thing off with a well-placed lightning bolt. As Thurloe saw the bloodheart's body start to seep away and his bastard sword started tilting over, he flew over across the gap and grabbed it up by its hilt. As he had hoped, once the bloodheart died and started dissolving, its sticky blood lost its adhesive properties and he was able to extricate Spellslicer without any problems.

The lantern archon was the first to enter the warehouse, floating in through the open doorway over the melting corpse of the slain bloodheart. It cast a continual flame spell upon one of the crates, the light-based spell overcoming the power of the darkness spell's effect. With Robin's song inspiring him to greatness, Xandro readied his blade and struck out at a fiendish crocodile when it rose its head above the water's surface, slaying it in one blow.

Wakuren strode into the warehouse and rounded the corner. As such, he was the first to spot Pluglorgh and realize the bullywug was the "man-sized" frog the sewer workers had spotted several times in the weeks previous. He instinctively scanned the bullywug's aura and was not in the least bit surprised to detect the palpable evil emanating from the frog-man's life-energy. He was rather surprised to see the bullywug actively sweating, though - he hadn't been aware amphibians could do that. It didn't seem like it was just sewer water beading on its skin after a recent dip, either, for new beads of liquid were forming on the bullywug's hide as he watched. Staring back at the half-orc with its beady eyes, Pluglorgh casually cast a magic circle against good spell, even further indicating his evil nature.

Alewyth stomped into the warehouse, moved over by Wakuren, and sent her spiritual warhammer crashing into the startled bullywug's face. Thurloe followed into the warehouse, but flew over the wall of crates to land at Pluglorgh's side. Zander activated his magical headband and granted himself true seeing, making sure nothing was out of place and there were no invisible entities lurking about. The lantern archon flew over the front side of the crates and sent its light beam flashing down at the bullywug.

Over on the other side of the sewer stream, Robin noticed the level of light plummeting as most of the others all moved into the warehouse. Wary of errant crocodiles, she advanced closer to the dissolving bloodheart, playing her song of inspirational courage loud enough that her new friends would still be able to hear her. Xandro gave her a thumbs up and then leaped across the sewer "moat," landing safely on the warehouse side.

Inside, Wakuren had re-energized his shield of Cal with borrowed energy from his chosen deity and slammed it into Pluglorgh. Panicked, the bullywug oozemaster secreted some gray ooze acid from his pores and slammed his hand into Thurloe's face, surprised beyond belief when the acidic touch had no effect at all. He backed into the wall of crates, squeezing himself through an inch-wide crack between two stacks of wooden crates, his oozelike body fitting perfectly well through the narrow gap and reforming to its normal girth upon the other side. Alewyth ran around the crates the long way, her spiritual weapon spell trailing behind her, while Thurloe flew back over the wall of crates. Zander, standing near the doorway, managed to blast Pluglorgh with a scorching ray spell, the lantern archon got in one final beam, and then Xandro ran into the warehouse, stabbing the blade of his frost short sword into the bullywug's gut. With a final croak of surprise, Pluglorgh collapsed upon the floor of the warehouse he'd repurposed as his own lair.

"Well," sighed Thurloe, wiping the remaining goo off of his bastard sword's blade with a rag, "that takes care of that. Let's get out of here - this place stinks!"

"Oh, we're not done in the sewers just yet," warned Zander, explaining about the treasure chests he'd unearthed and filling them in on his encounter with the otyugh. Xandro examined each chest with care, disabling a fire trap spell from each, revealing thousands of coins. a dozen vials of black fluid, a mirror, a rapier, and a pair of goggles. A detect magic spell from Thurloe revealed the contents of the vials and the last three items were magical in nature, and although some quick experimentation revealed the eyewear to be goggles of night and the rapier to be enhanced to allow for particularly deadly strikes in the right hands, the mirror showed nothing but complete blackness. Thurloe surmised it was probably showing the image from another, similar mirror that was likewise stuck inside some chest, long since forgotten and hidden away from view. It wouldn't be until later that they found the vials of fluid to be bladeshimmer, a substance that rendered any item coated in it invisible until used to attack someone, much like the spell itself.

By unanimous decision, it was determined Xandro would take the goggles and the rapier for his own use, as he could make the best use of them. "You going to name this blade?" Thurloe asked him, for the bard had never bothered naming the frost short sword he'd been using as his primary weapon for the past several months.

"He won't need to," piped up Robin. "It's already got a name: Deathwhisper." Then, seeing the surprised looks she was getting from her new friends, she asked, "What? I'm a bard - we pick up stray bits of info like that. But it matches the description of the rapier used by a famous crime lord who used to work in this area - Drayleton and a few nearby cities."

"Deathwhisper," repeated Xandro, examining his new blade. "I like it."

- - -

Deathwhisper is a +2 rapier that adds +3d6 points of sneak attack damage to a wielder who already has the sneak attack class ability. It's my way of helping Xandro "catch up" to his appropriate level of roguishness if he hadn't spent 6 levels on being a bard, which he no longer likes.

The PCs made it to 10th level at the end of this adventure. Naturally, Harry had Xandro take a 4th level of rogue - his bard days are now behind him.

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T-shirt worn: Not having anything appropriate to represent the generic ooze monsters, I wore a white "Walking Dead" T-shirt to (sort of) represent the pink slime zombies.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 10​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 4​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 5​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 4​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 10​

NPC Roster:
Pendleton Azulio, elf sorcerer 10​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 2​

Game Session Date: 4 March 2023

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Scarlie Besker pulled back on the reins and brought the two mules to a halt. On either side of the wagon, Alewyth, Xandro, and Zander brought their own riding mounts up short as well, for blocking the road before them were seven elves, each mounted on a light warhorse. Six of the elves wore leather armor and carried a longbow over their shoulder, while the seventh wore a hooded robe and had no weapon more deadly than a dagger at his belt. Floating noiselessly beside the wagon, the lantern archon still in service to Wakuren also came to a halt.

"Excuse me," called the robed elf, pulling back the hood so the heroes could get a good look at his face. It was a handsome face, nearly impossible to narrow down into a likely age to within a century, but his hair was long and black, worn straight back in the manner so common among his people. "My name is Pendleton Azulio and I work directly for Queen Zarabelia of the elves of Sylvanholme Forest." At the mention of the Queen's name, Zander Quilson's eyebrows shot up - he, at least, apparently knew of the elven monarch by name! "Are you the group of 'dream-wakers' said to be traveling the continent, rescuing those trapped in their dreams?" asked Pendleton. "You certainly fit the description" - and here he gave Wakuren and Scarlie a hard look without changing the neutral expression on his face - "and if you are, we have need of your services."

"We're the ones you're looking for," Wakuren confirmed. "Who is it that's been trapped asleep?"

"There are two, actually: one of the Queen's councilors and a craftswoman, both asleep now for several weeks. Will you help us?"

Wakuren looked over at the others, mostly to see if they were okay with him speaking on their behalf. He hadn't missed Pendleton looking him over with suspicion, and the half-orc rather liked taking over the leadership role if only to reinforce to these elves that he was a respected member of the "dream-waker" team. "We will," he said. "How far away are the dreamers?"

"They're both back at the Sylvanholme Forest," Pendleton replied, confirming Wakuren's suspicions. "But we can teleport you directly there and then teleport you back here once you're done. There is one potential problem, however: while you can take your riding mounts, I'm afraid the wagon is too big to bring along with us. Will that be a problem?" After talking it over among themselves, the group jointly decided to send Scarlie ahead to the next town, where he'd stable the mules and wagon and rent a room for himself until their return. As Wakuren's mule, Perseverance, was one of the two hitched up to the wagon, the half-orc would ride behind Zander on his horse Eddy, while Robin - who had been riding in the back of the wagon - would double up with Xandro on his horse White. Once that was settled, and the heroes grabbed up anything from the back of the wagon they wanted to take with them, Thurloe nodded over to Pendleton. "We're ready," he said.

Pendleton had raised his hand to his mouth and was speaking into his ring. "We have located them, Your Majesty. They have agreed to help us. We're ready for teleportation at your convenience."

Scarlie gave the rest of the group a hearty wave, snapped the reins, and drove the wagon forward, the elven rangers parting to make room for him. But they kept their horses on the sides of the road, three to either side, and the heroes could see the backs of their saddles each had a strangle little "handle" on it, wrapped in leather. But then the rangers each gave a whistle, and soon, dropping from the skies, came a half-dozen eagles, each landing upon his own master's saddle-perch. Pendleton, in the meantime, rode back away from the group, following in Scarlie's wake for about 60 feet before turning back to face the heroes. Then a yellow circle of glowing light manifested immediately before him, and riding through that circle and alighting on the road came a pair of war horses ridden by female elven paladins, wearing suits of elven mail and each wielding a longsword, already out and ready for battle if this ended up being some sort of a trap. The reason for their caution was evident when following them through the upright teleportation circle came Queen Zarabelia herself, sitting astride a unicorn with a coat of brilliant white. Soon after the unicorn exited the circle it closed up, allowing the group to see Pendleton on his own warhorse once again. While the teleportation circle was up and operating, he had been hidden behind it and all that could be seen in its interior was the Sylvanholme Forest.

The paladins glared at the heroes, giving Wakuren a special look of distrust, but Queen Zarabelia seemed not the least bit concerned that one of the "dream-wakers" she sought was a half-orc. "Thank you for agreeing to help us," she said, smiling at the six heroes as a group. "We have tried everything to awaken our two citizens, and not even the Druidic Circle has been successful. Finally, we turned to divination magic to seek the path that would lead to them finally rising from their beds, and the divinations all led to you. I have sent my rangers out to find you, and I am glad to see that they were successful."

"Line up here, single-file," commanded one of the paladins, Queen Zarabelia's personal bodyguards and apparently quite used to being instantly obeyed. Under her direction, the six rangers lined up facing the direction Scarlie had taken the wagon, followed by the six heroes on their four mounts (along with the lantern archon), followed directly by the Queen, her paladins, and then Pendleton. Once everyone was lined up to the bodyguard's satisfaction, she turned to her Queen and said, "We are ready, Your Majesty."

Queen Zarabelia placed a hand on the side of her unicorn mount's neck and said simply, "Now, Starblaze." The unicorn began rotating his head in a circle, almost as if trying to relieve a sore neck, but a beam of energy shot out from the creature's spiraling horn and opened up the teleportation circle in front of the lead ranger. He sent his warhorse dashing through the open circle, and those behind him followed suit. As the heroes got closer to the circle, they could see a forest glade in the open portal's center. There was a brief moment of disorientation as they passed through the circle, but after having done so they found themselves on the far side of the continent, along its southern edge whereas before they had been skirting along its northern reaches, moving from town to town in a clockwise fashion.

However, once the group had passed through, there was a commotion from the rear of the line. "Where's the Queen?" demanded one of the paladins. "What have you done with her?"

Thurloe whipped his horse Horse around and faced the back of the line, and sure enough: the Queen and her unicorn were not present, although both paladins and Pendleton were there in the grove - and they had followed after the Queen on her unicorn. "Now hold on a blasted minute!" he fumed. "Are you seriously accusing us, who had no idea you were even going to even accost us out of the blue to help out two of your people, of having something to do with this?" It didn't make any sense to the spellsword, but he did notice the paladins had both pulled out their longswords again and were aiming them in the heroes' general direction. He reached over his shoulder and put a hand on the hilt of Spellslicer, pulling it out of its scabbard, since it looked as if they were going to have to fight their way out of this ridiculous situation - but fortunately, it didn't come to that.

"Hold up!" came a voice to Thurloe's right. Looking over, he saw an elderly elf standing at the top of a high pavilion; a throne sat perched at his side, and a pair of winding stairs led up to it, with three smaller seats on either side of the throne. This was likely where Queen Zarabelia held court, with space for her six advisers. At the bottom of the structure was a reflecting pool, and before that was a ring of stones reachable at the end of a stone-covered path which began directly underneath a wooden arch. The elf's hair was so blond it looked to be almost white. He stepped forward, then plopped onto the throne, causing the elves in the Queen's retinue to gasp at the outrageous effrontery. "These visitors have nothing to do with the Queen's disappearance," announced Councilor Vultros Kandalwine. "I know, for I am the one responsible. Now, before anyone gets any ideas, I'm the only one here who knows Her Majesty's current whereabouts, so think twice before trying to attack me. I guarantee I can teleport away from here faster than you can try to take me down." He turned and looked over at the rows of trees flanking the clearing. "And that goes for the treants, too," he added. With a snort, one of the trees turned and looked over at the councilor, a face suddenly becoming apparent in the wooden bark. On either side of the pavilion, the treants that made up a permanent part of Queen Zarabelia's court woke up to the situation transpiring before them and gave it their full attention.

"Just how did you manage to snatch the Queen out from under our noses?" asked Pendleton.

"Simplicity itself," scoffed Kandalwine. "I opened up a planar gate directly in front of the unicorn when I saw him appear, then shut it down as soon as he had passed through."

"And what do you want for the Queen's safe return?" demanded one of the paladins. It was obvious she was holding back a tremendous fury, for it was her responsibility to keep her Queen safe from harm.

If anything, the councilor's smirk grew even wider. "Why, only the sword of temptation," he replied. "Fetch it, and turn it over to me, and I'll return the good Queen to you. But you'd best hurry: I cannot guarantee the Queen's safety indefinitely, especially not in the place to which I've sent her. Talk it over among yourselves and give me your decision - I'll give you two minutes."

The line of horses and riders collapsed as the heroes and the Queen's retinue gathered together to discuss their options. "What's this sword of temptation?" Thurloe demanded.

"An imperial sword: very powerful, and very dangerous in the wrong hands - it can grant wishes," Pendleton replied. "We cannot allow Kandalwine to get his hands on it." He glared up at the turncoat councilor and spoke in a low voice. "I'm afraid I don't have any spells at hand that would prevent him from being able to teleport away like he threatened to do. However, I can teleport myself and three others up there - perhaps, if we strike fast enough, and don't give him enough time to react--"

"But you don't dare kill him," pointed out Alewyth in a whisper. "He's the only one who can tell you where the Queen is being held."

"We have the Druidic Circle, and several powerful clerics of Feron," replied Pendleton. "They can cast speak with dead...they also know a ritual that might be able to pry the planar gate back open, if only for a moment or two...."

"The six of us could all shoot up at him at once," suggested one of the rangers.

"He'd teleport away as soon as he saw you ready your longbows," reasoned Xandro.

"Teleporting up there's probably our best course of action," decided Thurloe, facing directly at Pendleton. "You, me, Alewyth, and Wakuren, one on each corner of the throne, if you can get it that precise. I can activate my ring of silence - that might stop him from being able to cast his teleport spell. Alewyth, you bonk him on the head with that hammer of yours. Wakuren, you got any spells on hand that can ruin his day?"

"A bestow curse spell," the cleric of Cal replied. "I can try to strike him mute."

"Good, good," Thurloe replied. He turned to Zander. "Once we're up there, cast one of those spells with all the wavy tentacles. It'll get us, too, but it's more important we get him as well. I'll hit him up with a vampiric touch," the spellsword added, casting the spell surreptitiously into his readied blade.

"What about me and Robin?" asked Xandro.

"I dunno - play that song of yours?"

"He'd better not just be some illusion or anything," Wakuren muttered, prompting Zander to activate his magic headband and grant himself a moment of true seeing. "Nope, he's the real deal," the elven sorcerer replied. "He's got several spells active on him, though - probably a lot of defenses."

"That's to be expected," grumbled Pendleton.

"We will not stand idly by," vowed one of the paladin bodyguards. "If nothing else, we will rush up the stairs to deal with him if your stratagems fail." Thurloe thought it unlikely that all of his stratagems would fail, but he merely said, "Fine" to appease her.

"What about that sword of temptation?" asked Zander. "Should you at least make a show of fetching it here?"

"Only the Queen and Sharnabet, the leader of the Druidic Circle, know the whereabouts of the sword," replied Pendleton.

"Well?" demanded Kandalwine from his perch on the Queen's throne. "Your time's about up - what have you decided?"

"Very well," sighed Pendleton, his voice one of weary resignation. "You give us no choice." But then he called out an arcane syllable and he disappeared, along with Alewyth, Thurloe, and Wakuren. The four of them surrounded the throne, although Pendleton had felt a strange resistance before they reappeared in their new positions; he had yet to realize it, but he had been forced to overcome Kandalwine's previously-cast repulsion spell, intended to keep everyone from getting close to him. But with everyone in place, they struck out as planned: Wakuren touched the Councilor on the shoulder and felt his bestow curse spell flow from his hand into its intended target, although the elf's instinctive reaction was to plunge a dagger of venom he clutched in one hand into the half-orc's side; fortunately, one of the advantages Wakuren's half-breed ancestry provided him was a healthy constitution and the venom had no effect. But at the same time, Sjondra came crashing down upon the side of Kandalwine's head, as Thurloe activated his ring and simultaneously stabbed forward with Spellslicer, sending the vampiric touch spell coursing into the elf's body. And from below the pavilion, Zander Quilson cast an Elobar's black tentacles spell that caused a ring of rubbery appendages to rise up all around the five figures on and around the throne; they waved about but failed to grab anyone.

The reason for this failure was simple: another of Kandalwine's spells, prepared while the heroes and elven retinue made their plans, was a globe of invulnerability. As a result of that protective spell, in a 10-foot radius all around the throne, those spells of a lower level of power were temporarily dampened. As a result, Thurloe's silence spell was in effect, but only in a 10-foot-wide ring around the throne, starting at 10 feet out; inside the area of effect of the globe of invulnerability, everyone could hear just fine. Likewise, while the elven Councilor had been successfully cursed into muteness, that particular effect wouldn't take hold until after Kandalwine exited the area around the throne. And there was a "bald spot" in the middle of Zander's Elobar's black tentacles spell that exactly corresponded with the area of effect of the globe of invulnerability.

In addition, Kandalwine's repulsion spell had been intended to keep everyone from being able to approach him, but Pendleton's successful overcoming the spell allowed him to continue his teleport spell as planned, and the other three he brought with him were fine in being brought this close to their target. However, Alewyth's mind wasn't powerful enough to overcome the spell's effects, and while she was able to bring Sjondra crashing into the elf's head, she realized if he stepped away she would be unable to give chase. Thurloe and Wakuren didn't suffer the same restrictions; perhaps fueled by a powerful hatred, they had been able to overcome the spell's prohibitions against approaching Kandalwine.

As soon as the paladins saw the four teleport up to their target, they raced up the steps as fast as they could go, swords out and eager to taste Kandalwine's blood. But their target was hidden from view by a row of black, waving appendages. From below them, they could hear the sounds of the song of inspirational courage being played - in stereo - by both Xandro and Robin, the two intertwining their chords to reinforce the other. And the rangers all set arrows to longbow and aimed up at the throne, but they too had no way to see their target behind the row of waving tentacles. And on either side of the pavilion, the treants looked on in concern but feared to intervene.

Ignoring the pain of his stab wound, Wakuren decided to try to grab hold of Kandalwine; he knew pinning his arms would be useless to try to prevent him from teleporting away, but if he could get his fingers in the elf's mouth, he could prevent him from saying the required arcane phrase to set off the spell. However, the councilor turned his head away at the last moment and Wakuren was left holding the side of the elf's cheek. A beam of light flashed down from above; the lantern archon had flown up and shot its only attack spell at the councilor in an attempt to help subdue him in time, before he could escape. But their various stratagems ended up being in vain after all, as Kandalwine called out a few arcane words and immediately vanished away, teleporting to some unknown place of safety. He took a few blows from the people surrounding him, but neither was enough to knock him out before he was able to cast his spell and escape.

"Damn!" cursed Thurloe, turning to Pendleton. "Where would he go?" But the elves were ignoring him; one of the paladins called down to the rangers and issued an order to summon Sharnabet and her Circle to the Queen's Court immediately, and one of the archers leapt back onto his horse and raced off to comply.

The Druidic Circle arrived mere minutes later, with an obviously elderly Sharnabet immediately taking control of the scene. She'd apparently been briefed on the recent happenings by the ranger who'd gone to fetch her, for her first question upon her arrival was "Where did the planar gate open?" When the rangers indicated the location, Sharnabet set her druids to task, starting the ritual that might - just might, she warned - be able to crack the passageway between planes open for a few scant seconds. "But then that will be it - there will be no reopening it once it closes the second time," she cautioned.

While the druids started their chants and performed their ritual, another cleric stepped up, an elf whose trappings showed she was a devotee to Feron, Goddess of Nature. She passed a scroll over to Alewyth. "A scroll of plane shift," she said. "I was told you might need it to return the Queen from wherever she was sent." Alewyth thanked the cleric and tucked the scroll into her pack for safekeeping.

"You've time for a few spells - two at the most," Sharnabet warned, supervising the ritual. Already sparks were manifesting in the air where Kandalwine's planar gate had been opened and closed so soon before. Alewyth responded by casting a magic vestment spell upon herself, following it with a magic circle against evil. Thurloe, wearing his breastplate for once, did without the mage armor and cast a shield spell from his wand and a protection from evil spell from the handful of spells he had prepared that morning. Wakuren boosted his combat prowess with a bear's endurance and a bull's strength spell, sighing at the thought that even with these two spells enhancing him he was still not as powerful as he had been before the powerslug had been removed from him after his recent death. Xandro chose to cast two heroism spells, but rather than using one of them on himself he opted to cast them upon Alewyth and Thurloe, two likely to be at the front of any combat with their unknown foes. Zander Quilson cast a mage armor spell on himself and then splurged for a stoneskin. Pendleton also cast two stoneskin spells, but he opted to grant them to the Queen's paladin bodyguards.

"Get ready!" Sharnabet warned as the sparks in the air started taking form into a circle. Then, once it was open, she called out, "Go!" in a voice that brooked no hesitation. The six heroes rushed through - for Robin was determined to go where Xandro did - as did Pendleton and the paladins, but before any of the rangers or druids could follow, the circle had closed back up.

Just as Starblaze's teleportation circle had opened up a portal from one side of the continent to the other, this planar gate spilled those who passed through it into another place altogether - although there was little doubt that the travelers were no longer on the Material Plane. While the terrain was recognizable enough - a barren, stone ground with a cliff off to the left, through which a cave opening could be seen several dozen feet ahead - it was the river of shooting flames to the right that spoke of this being another world altogether. The sheet of flames shot up for a good 20 feet or more, and didn't seem to be diminishing any despite there being no sign of any visible fuel.

Thurloe was the first one through the planar gate and he instinctively moved away from the flames, closer to the cliff as soon as he found himself in this strange, new world. He had Spellslicer out and ready, but so far there seemed like nobody against whom to wield it. The paladins were through the gate behind the spellsword, and they continued running straight, almost to the cave opening when they spun to the left -towards the cliff - and pointed up at something they could see from their vantage point. Thurloe looked up but could see nothing; he was too close to the cliff-side to be able to see what was at its top. But whatever it was, it set off a blast of fire that engulfed one of the two paladins. Thurloe had seen scorching ray spells before - he'd cast them several times himself - but while this had been but a single blast, it was much more powerful than the spell had ever been able to produce, even with all three rays combined together. The elf screamed in pain as her body blazed for a moment, sheathed in flames, but to her credit she did not fall.

However, after having shot the elf with its fire blast, the retriever crawled down over the face of the cliff and Thurloe got a good look at what it was they were facing: it was a spider bigger than a warhorse, seemingly made of gleaming metal with shining gemstones for eyes. Having reached the ground at the bottom of the cliff, it swung a blade-tipped leg at the spellsword and scored a line across his breastplate.

Robin exited the planar gate next, already playing the chords to her song of inspirational courage. Xandro was there at her side, his new magical sword out and ready for action. Zander stepped up behind him, saw the retriever, and cast a cone of cold at the arachnoid construct, careful not to catch Thurloe up in the blast. Alewyth was next through the portal, but she felt the burning heat coming off the river of flames to her right and cast a protection from fire spell upon herself - if this were the Elemental Plane of Fire, she knew she'd need the spell active simply to survive for very long.

Wakuren was the next one through the portal, and he cast a shield of faith spell upon himself; he'd have liked to have cast it back in the Queen's forest but there had simply not been enough time. Then the lantern archon darted in beside his head, took an immediate assessment of the surrounding area, and floated over to blast the retriever with its beam of light. Then Pendleton was through and he cast a magic missile spell at the eight-legged construct. But everyone save Alewyth could feel the heat burning them from the nearness of the blazing river, and knew they'd need to get closer to the cliff if they were to stop themselves from eventually being burned alive.

Thurloe mentally activated a charge from his torc of the titans and used his moment of increased strength to bring Spellslicer crashing down upon the retriever's head. Then the paladins charged it, one on either side of the spellsword, and their own longswords dented up its metallic body. However, the spider-fiend was smart enough to use its next eye-ray in turn - this one casting forth an arc of electricity - at the same elf upon which it had used its ray of fire, and the paladin screamed once in pain as her body crumpled to the ground, her skin charred and blistered from the dual attacks. It then tilted back on its four hindmost legs, allowing its four front legs - with their sharpened blades at the tips - to claw their way at Thurloe and the other paladin. Thurloe dodged both strikes, but then failed to prevent the retriever's massive mandibles from opening wide and catching him up in their serrated embrace.

Robin continued her inspirational song but edged away from the river of fire, until she was far enough away she could no longer feel the heat of its blast upon her back. Xandro, realizing his new sword was likely to be ineffective against a metallic body without known stress points, reverted to his frost short sword and stepped up to the retriever to strike it with his blade, for Zander's cone of cold spell had already shown it was not particularly protected against cold damage. In fact, the elven sorcerer, encouraged by the apparent success of his initial attack, moved over to the creature's back half so could attack it with another such spell without getting any of his allies in the field of the frigid blast.

Alewyth charged the retriever with Sjondra, the heavy head of the dwarven warhammer giving off a satisfying crashing sound as it beat against the construct's metal body. Wakuren spend a moment to check out the retriever's aura, expecting to see evil and not at all surprised to find it despite its mechanical nature, then channeled Cal's holy energy into his shield and smote it into the retriever's side. Behind him the lantern archon blasted away with its ray, well back from the retriever's reach with its spindly legs.

Pendleton blasted the retriever with another magic missile spell; like Zander, he had found something that worked and was sticking with it for as long as he could. But it was Thurloe, with another torc-powered strike of his bastard sword, that took the retriever down, fortunately before it could get another blast from one of its other two gem-eyes. The spellsword wasn't sure what powers the other two gem-eyes might have, but he was in no hurry to find out, either!

With the initial threat taken care of, the remaining paladin bent over the charred corpse of her fellow bodyguard, placing her hands over her chest, wielding her sword. "I will return for you once we have brought the Queen to safety," she promised her sword-sister. Robin looked sadly on, still continuing her song because she had no idea if combat was truly over for now or if there were any more of these spider-constructs about.

Xandro sheathed his frost short sword and brought Deathwhisper back out; it felt good in his hand. Then he nodded over to Robin, indicating they were going to check out the cave; it was the most obvious place to look for Queen Zarabelia in this forlorn place. Zander ran over to position himself in the middle of the group, casting a haste spell upon everyone. Then Alewyth stepped forward and took a few steps into the cave, since her natural dwarven darkvision would allow her to see fine, despite there seeming to be no illumination within other than what spilled in through the cave opening from the river of fire.

The entry cave was empty, save for a few natural flowing steps in the back that led downwards into darkness. Following the steps down, Alewyth soon found herself in a much larger cave about 20 feet lower in elevation that the cave behind her. There were two openings to other caves even lower down, with flowing natural steps leading the way, but up on this level there were two items of note: a closed door set into the back of the cave wall off to Alewyth's left, and in the left corner of this cavern, none other than Starblaze, Queen Zarabelia's trusty unicorn mount.

Starblaze, however, was much the worse for wear than the last time the dwarven priestess had seen him. Since coming to this horrid plane, the unicorn had apparently been slain and then raised to an unholy semblance of life as a zombie. It was as a zombie that it slowly started shuffling Alewyth's way, its hooves clomping along the stone floor of the cavern and its exposed, looping intestines making a wet noise as they dragged along the ground. It was with a look of disgust on her face that the dwarf raised her holy symbol of Aerik and sent a blast of holy radiance in the zombie's direction, causing the poor thing to cower in the corner, getting as far away from Alewyth as it could. The priestess realized if she were to approach the unicorn the effect would be broken, so she kept her distance and avoided checking out the closed door, for to do so would bring her too close to Starblaze's current position.

Wakuren, the only other member of the group with darkvision, entered the cave behind Alewyth, casting a divine power spell upon himself as he walked down the flowing steps. The lantern archon floated at his shoulder, a glowing ball of energy that provided a bit of light to those who entered the cave behind them. It reached Alewyth, saw the unicorn zombie, and sent a ray of light striking it; as it was not the cause of the turning effect its attack did nothing to free the zombie from its current place of relative immobility. Then Pendleton stepped up beside Alewyth, saw the sad state of Starblaze, and blasted the poor unicorn with a magic missile spell; it looked to have already been slain and there was no point in trying to revive it - best to try to put it out of its misery.

Thurloe entered the cave next and peered over at the cave off to the right once he got to the larger cavern where Starblaze stood, cowering from Alewyth's holy symbol. From the light of the lantern archon's glowing body, he could determine the side-cave was empty of inhabitants, but there was a statue of some sort in the back - and it smelled faintly of incense. He figured it was likely a shrine of some sort, dedicated to an evil god or demon lord, but since there was nobody in the cave to fight and it didn't look like there were any other exits from the room, he ignored it and moved on. The female paladin stepped beside him, searching in the dim light for where Queen Zarabelia had been taken. Robin continued playing her tune as she took several cautious steps down to the larger cavern.

Xandro entered the cave beside Alewyth and used the Dardolian Lute to send a sound burst blasting at Starblaze. Then Zander entered and went straight down the steps by Thurloe and the paladin, squinting in the dim light down the other set of natural steps before him, then pulled out his everburning torch from his pack - and saw, at the edge of the illumination it provided, a hunched-over, avian body of a general humanoid shape. It was reaching for something off to the side, blocked by the cavern wall, but the elven sorcerer was able to identify the creature as a vrock demon from pictures he had seen in old tomes. "Vrock!" he called to the others, and the outburst caused the demon to swivel its long neck up at the sorcerer, only now noticing there were intruders in its cavern network.

Alewyth knew she couldn't approach any closer to Starblaze and she had pretty much neutralized any threat it might have posed, so she moved over by Thurloe and Zander, warned by the call of a vrock demon nearby. She cast a spiritual weapon spell and sent the floating dwarven warhammer that manifested in the air by her head flying down to attack the vrock. Wakuren looked over at the statue in the side-cave and deduced the carving was that of Gareth, God of Betrayal; he also picked up the faint tang of recently-burned incense but thought nothing of it, focusing his attention on the vrock heading up the flowing stone steps to face Thurloe and Alewyth in combat. The half-orc cast a summoning spell and caused an air element dire wolf to manifest behind the vrock. The lupine creature snapped at the vulture-demon with its wind-gust jaws, but the beast failed to get a grasp on the fiend before it had moved up for some front-line combat with its sharp claws and wicked beak.

The lantern archon floated over, realizing a vrock demon was a much greater threat than an already-turned unicorn zombie, and it sent its ray of light shooting over at the vulture-demon. Pendleton had the same idea, making a final attack upon Starblaze's animated corpse and causing it to collapse in a limp pile of muscle and bone before going over to help deal with the greater threat. Thurloe stepped back from the advancing fiend and cast a ray of enfeeblement at it, striking the avian in the middle of its massive chest and siphoning away a portion of its strength. Then the paladin charged it, bringing her longsword crashing into the demon's side, before calling out, "My Queen!" - for in charging up to the fiend, she was able to see deeper into the lower cave, where Queen Zarabelia hung by her wrists from manacles attached to chains dangling from the cavern's ceiling, behind a set of floor-to-ceiling bars that set off the back corner of the cave as a makeshift cell.

Xandro placed the Dardolian Lute over his shoulder by its strap and pulled out Deathwhisper, eager to put it to use against a fiend from the lower depths. But as eager as the vrock was for physical combat, it moved past the paladin - giving her a shove to get her out of its path - and moved to where it could do the most potential harm with its unholy screech. The sounds emanating from its open beak were horrific, unlike anything the heroes had ever heard before, and several of the heroes (Wakuren, Thurloe, Zander, and Pendleton, but not Alewyth, the dire wolf, or the elven paladin, who managed to overcome the effect) froze up in momentary shock, stunned into temporary immobility. The others were far enough away to be out of range.

Alewyth was the first to react as the demon grinned over to see who all had been affected by its shriek, and she allowed Sjondra to prove to the vulture-thing that she was unimpressed with its initial combat salvo. The dwarven warhammer crashed into the side of the vrock's avian head, to be followed by an attack by her spiritual warhammer floating up from behind the demon as it caught up to its designated target. Zander and Wakuren just stood there, stunned, as the wind-wolf clamped its jaws around the demon and tried to pull it to the ground, with no success. The lantern archon moved up and shot the vrock again, as Pendleton blasted the fiend with another magic missile spell. The paladin, spurred on by the sight of her Queen still alive - for there would be no reasoin to chain her by her wrists if she'd already been slain and raised as a zombie, she reasoned - stabbed her blade into the fiend's chest, as Thurloe stood, still dazed by the shriek and unable to assist with his own, larger blade. But Robin's song helped those who had been stunned to stir themselves back into combat, and Xandro managed to sneak past the vrock so he could stab his blade deep into the demon's lower back, grinning at the amount of blood his sudden strike caused to flow from the fresh wound.

The vrock knew it was on its last legs and likely had only moments left to live. It could try to teleport away, but to do so would open itself up to attacks by all of those in the vicinity. Instead, it tried to summon forth allies - a group of dretches, individually not very powerful but at least bringing in a great number of other targets for the heroes to fight, hopefully giving the vrock time to slink away and teleport to safety - but the amount of time it took for the demon to even make telepathic contact with its potential allies was enough for it to be cut down by a number of weapons. It died, crumpling to the stone floor where it stood, for by slaying it on its home plane the creature's death was as permanent as it was irreversible.

Zander and the paladin raced down the steps to the cage bars. "It looks like her," the sorcerer said, ensuring it wasn't some illusion placed to direct their efforts on a wild goose chase. Alewyth and Wakuren moved to the cage as well, confirming with their darkvision that the figure hanging by her wrists was in fact the Queen - and, better yet, that she was still breathing. "Xandro!" called the dwarven priestess. "We need you over here!"

Xandro moved down the flowing stone steps, pulling out his lockpicking tools as he approached the Queen's cell. But the air element dire wolf, summoned to this dismal plane for a set amount of time and eager to get as much combat out of the deal as it could, ran up the steps past Xandro and over to the closed door over by Starblaze's lifeless corpse. As a creature from the Elemental Plane of Air, it was simplicity itself for the lupine form to collapse its body to a thin gust of wind that slipped underneath the door and remanifested to its full form on the other side, where it found itself facing a red-skinned spellcaster wearing a dark robe. He had thick, curving horms rising up from his temples and a pointed tail sticking out from the back of his robes, indicating a fiendish ancestry. This was Chesselwick, a tiefling cleric of Gareth and a scheming ally of Councilor Vultros Kandalwine, who, hearing the commotion outside his locked door, had taken the precautions of casting the spells divine power and protection from fire upon himself, in preparation for combat with the interlopers seeking to free Kandalwine's elven Queen hostage.

Chesselwick did not, however, expect to be confronted by a horse-sized dire wolf made entirely of gusting winds. Before he could react, the lupine form was upon him, ripping into his flesh with its barely-visible teeth and lugging him to the floor. As he lay there prone, the lantern archon flew over to the door as well, but it didn't have the ability to flow beneath it as the wolf had done, so it hovered in place and patiently waited for somebody to open the door so it could enter.

The others, however, were more concerned with Queen Zarabelia. As Xandro used his lockpicks to open the door to the cell, Thurloe decided the rest of the group had what they needed to free the Queen and went to go check out that closed door. "You will be free soon, Your Majesty," apprised the royal bodyguard, as they spilled into the cell and Alewyth helped to support the Queen, aiding her in standing so her weight wasn't all on her wrists. They could still hear the strains of Robin's song of inspirational courage; not knowing what all was going on, the bard continued on with her assigned role.

Chesselwick rolled away from the dire wolf, nearly bumping into his own simple cot in the process; this was merely a hideout, not the tiefling's main abode, so it had just the bare minimum in the way of furniture. But as the wolf leaped at him to resume its attacks, the tiefling cast a dismissal spell that instantly returned it to the Elemental Plane of Air. Sighing in relief, the cleric pulled himself to his feet and brushed off his robes.

But his reprieve from combat wasn't to last very long, for Zander Quilson blasted open the door to the tiefling's temporary lair and allowed the lantern archon to float in and send a beam of light striking the cleric. The sorcerer followed it up with a ray of enfeeblement spell of his own, which fortunately for Chesselwick went astray, striking the back wall above the tiefling's right shoulder. But then Thurloe and Wakuren came barging into the room, the spellsword making it further into the chamber by dint of his having started that way earlier. Chesselwick cast a slay living spell and channeled it into Thurloe with a touch of his hand, the spell having been maximized after the tiefling had spent the previous night chanting in front of the statue of his god and breathing in the fumes of a stick of incense of meditation. But the attack had nowhere near the effectiveness the tiefling had hoped for: not only did it fail to slay the human outright, but the maximized backup blast of energy hardly seemed to faze him; worse yet, Thurloe retaliated with a torc-enhanced swing of his bastard sword Spellslicer, nearly burying the width of the blade in the tiefling's side before yanking it back out again. Belatedly, Chesselwick realized he'd have been better off using his flame strike spell, but he'd hoped to save that for an attack against a whole group of people at once.... Zander made the whole point moot by blasting the tiefling with a cone of cold spell, careful not to catch Thurloe up in its range of effect (he was getting particularly good at that specifc skill), and the cleric died, his plans unfulfilled.

Back in the cell, Pendleton and the paladin supported the Queen so Xandro could pick open the manacles around her wrists; once free, she gave a brave smile and, looking around at the faces surrounding her, asked about her second bodyguard. At that, the paladin's face fell and she said simply, "She died in your service, Majesty. Her body awaits us outside."

Wakuren, too late to have participated in combat against the dark-robed cleric, gave the room a quick turnover, for he saw no other exits and it seemed this was the last room in the entire cavern complex. He discovered a magic spoon capable of producing a bland but sustaining gruel, a shroud of disintegration, two unused blocks of incense of meditation, and a small bag of oats (no doubt used to supplement the gruel). Then the two groups gathered back up and returned to the outside of the cave, where the body of the slain paladin had been placed in repose. Wakuren explained the working of Hesperna's lamp and, with the Queen's permission, shunted the monarch and her retinue, as well as the other heroes besides Alewyth, inside the lamp. Then Alewyth picked up the magic lamp and unrolled the scroll of plane shift she'd been given. She read the incantation inscribed therein, the words vanishing from the scroll as she read each one aloud, and when the parchment was once more blank the dwarven priestess of Aerik was gone from the plane of Abyssia, returned to the Material Plane of Erthe - where she found herself standing ankle-deep in a duck pond.

The ducks were not particularly impressed with the sudden interruption.

Alewyth trudged out of the water, set down Hesperna's lamp, and said the command word which brought her inside the extradimensional space within. After explaining they were back on Erthe but she had no idea where, Pendleton offered to teleport them back to the Queen's Grove. One teleport spell later, the group was once again back at the pavilion where Queen Zarabelia held court.

"It has been a trying day," the Queen announced. "I know you were brought here to awaken two of my loyal subjects, but I think a night of rest would be in order for all of us, and I am sure an extra night in their dreams will cause no further harm to my two dreamers. I will have you brought to suitable accommodations, if you have no objections to spending the night and engaging in your dream-waking rituals in the morning?" The five dreamwalkers all admitted that sounded like a fine idea, and were escorted to a series of rooms high in the treetops.

"I hope Scarlie won't be worried about us," Alewyth worried.

"Scarlie," Thurloe assured her, "will be more than happy at the opportunity to try to drink the nearest alehouse dry."

The next morning, after a refreshing night of sleep for their tired bodies (while their minds engaged in their nightly training session with Mogo, their moogle dreamwalking instructor), the heroes were brought to the first of the dream victims, an elder elven craftswoman named Anelva Bitterroot. The heroes set up their ritual as usual, placing a dreamstone upon Anelva's brow before sitting around her in a circle, each dreamwalker wearing his or her own dreamstone in place with the leather headbands created for just that purpose by Thurloe's Uncle Marten. Then, with Robin standing guard over their sleeping bodies, the five dreamwalkers all went to sleep and shunted their consciousnesses over to the Dreamlands.

Mogo, as usual, was in place in the Corridor of Dreams, hovering before a particular dream-door with his little bat-wings. "In you go, kupo!" he said, opening the door and ushering the heroes in with an extended kittenish paw.

Thurloe was the first to enter, and he was shocked to find himself completely submerged underwater with only his last mouthful of air. Instead of wasting energy cursing the little moogle for a lack of warning, Thurloe calmed his emotions, recalled this was just a dream and there was no way he could actually drown, and used his lucid dreaming training to alter his circumstances: whereas before the heavy boots he wore and his bastard sword were dragging him down, with a little imagination and an act of will he was soon "flying" through the water as carefree as an eel. Just in case, he cast a mage armor spell upon himself and looked around, trying to spot the elven woman trapped in this underwater dream.

Xandro entered the dream behind Thurloe and likewise instinctively altered the dream so he could fly through the water with ease. Zander was right behind him, and he was the first to spot Anelva, a dark shape in the water just ahead, swimming without a care in the world. But then another shape approached, and it had the unmistakable form of a shark - and a rather large one at that! Anelva, seeing the approaching dire shark, spun about and started heading in the opposite direction, towards the dreamwalkers coming to save her.

Alewyth and Wakuren entered the dream and took the lucid dreaming modifications to a new level: instead of merely making it as if they could fly effortlessly through the water, Alewyth reshaped herself into a dwarven mermaid; seeing that, Wakuren followed suit, merging his legs into the powerful tail of a fish. Together, they swam towards Anelva.

Thurloe positioned himself between the elven woman and the approaching dire shark, and as a result he became the shark's first target. But as it approached, Thurloe brought his bastard sword out from its scabbard upon his back and fired a ray of enfeeblement at the approaching shark. The ray hit and drained off some of the great aquatic beast's strength, but just how much was unknown. Xandro swam up to Anelva and pulled her to safety behind him, while Zander fired off a lightning bolt spell at the shark. But then the great beast was upon Thurloe, engulfing the spellsword with its massive jaws and imprisoning him inside its mouth. Alewyth was at the sharks' side with a flip of her mermaid's tail, swinging Sjondra into its side, while Wakuren tried casting a water walk spell upon the dire shark, hoping to force it to the top of the water, where they could all breathe easier - and maybe it would start to suffocate, with any luck. But luck was against the half-orc, for the spell failed to manifest as intended; the shark managed to shrug off the spell's effect and it fizzled away to nothingness.

Anelva took the opportunity to swim farther away from the shark, while Thurloe used his anklet of translocation to dimension door himself deeper into the shark's belly, thinking he'd have an easier time cutting his way through the fish from the inside than trying to escape through its jaws - and taking the chance of being pierced by its scores of razor-sharp teeth. Xandro, in the meantime, swam to the far side of the dire shark and stabbed it with Deathwhisper, slicing a long gash along its side and causing a trail of blood to come gushing out. He hoped the blood wouldn't draw any further sharks into the combat; with any luck they'd kill this one and awaken Anelva, for experience taught that the most likely way to awaken someone from a dream about being chased by a fearful creature was to slay that fearful creature in the dream.

Zander cast another lightning bolt at the dire shark, being careful to aim at its back half, close to the tail, hopefully so Thurloe wouldn't be affected inside its stomach. The shark, no longer feeling anyone inside its mouth, snapped its jaws at Wakuren and alleviated that problem, for the half-orc merman was now imprisoned within its impressive rows of teeth. Alewyth continued her attacks with Sjondra as Wakuren summoned forth a javelin of lightning into his gauntlet of Cal and hurled it at the roof of the shark's mouth. But it was Thurloe's dedicated attempts at cutting his way out of the shark's belly with his bastard sword that finally slew the aquatic terror; no sooner had the spellsword wriggled back out of its interior and into the surrounding water than the water about them started fading away; Anelva, as expected, was waking from her dream.

The craftswoman was very surprised to see a group of six strangers in her room, but as Alewyth explained the situation - and it was verified by a member of the Queen's elven retinue who had escorted the group to Anelva's home - she shrugged her shoulders and thanked them for their help. It would take a bit of time for the fact that she'd actually been asleep for nearly a month to sink in.

The group, in the meantime, was brought to the second dreamer - a member of Queen Zarabelia's group of advisors. "I hope this one isn't a treacherous backstabber," Thurloe muttered.

"I think you will find Councilor Chrysos Arkaurum is one of the most trusted members of the Queen's Council," the elven page replied.

"Yeah, well so was that Kandalwine creep who threw her into a Hell-Plane," remarked the spellsword.

"Any word on his whereabouts?" asked Xandro.

"He has not been found, but the community has been warned of his treachery, and if he is, as you say, cursed into a state of muteness, that will prevent him from casting any of his spells. We have people searching for him; he won't get very far."

Chrysos Arkaurum's dream was much different from that of Anelva Bitterroot, but they were similar in that neither dream showed the dreamer at first. The five heroes entered the dreamscape to find themselves in an underground grotto, filled with phosphorescent fungus that gave off a putrid light. The whole place smelled of death and decay. "I don't like this," Alewyth admitted - she'd spent her childhood in the Underdark city of her birth and preferred her subterranean surroundings to be a bit cleaner.

"Hello?" called out Zander. "Chrysos? Call out if you can hear us!"

The elf's cries did not garner a response from the dreamer they sought, but there was movement from off to the right as Zander's calls echoed throughout the caverns. A pile of mushrooms and fungi lurched and rippled, rising up from the cavern floor and taking on a vaguely humanoid form - but one that towered over the five heroes, easily ten times their own size. It seemed made of equal parts sludge and compost, with decaying vegetable matter and fungus interspersed throughout its foul body. The monster had a bulging head that throbbed and pulsed as it moved, and a pair of lopsided, vertical eyes opened up from what could only in a charitable sense be described as its face. A long tail dragged behind it, looking like it might fall off at any moment.

"Oh, crap," muttered Thurloe. "It's going to be one of those dreams!"

And sure enough, it was. They had encountered three such dreams in the past, where they fought a giant monster of some sort that towered above them and could not be defeated no matter how many times they returned to the dream after having been "slain" in the dreamscape and rudely shunted back to wakefulness. They gave it their best shot - several times, in fact - before throwing in the towel and admitting defeat. Chrysos Arkaurum would be the fourth dream victim they were unable to awaken during their first pass through, but they vowed they'd return when they had mastered a bit more of their lucid dreaming skills. Alewyth gave up another of their spare dreamstones, placing this one onto Chrysos's brow and fastening it in place with a band of cloth tied around his head. "According to the ones who have trained us in dream-waking," Alewyth said, using the term the elves had used when they'd first approached them on the road, "leaving the dreamstone in place on his forehead for a few months may aid us in waking him when we try again the next time. We're making our way across the continent, so maybe by the time we get to the Sylvanholme Forest on our travels we'll have better luck."

They returned to the pavilion, where Queen Zarabelia sat with her Councilors - four of the normal six, for the seats reserved for Councilors Kandalwine and Arkaurum were vacant. The heroes approached the foot of the pavilion, standing inside the circle of stones (which, Thurloe deduced, had a permanent zone of truth spell cast upon it), and gave their report to the Queen. Alewyth apologized for their failure to awaken Chrysos, but explained about the other three and how they hoped to be able to revive him in the not-too-distant future. And the elves' enhanced lifespan, she realized, worked in their favor, for what was a few extra months compared to the hundreds of years of an elven lifespan?

"It is no matter," replied Queen Zarabelia, rising from her throne and walking regally down the stairs to the left, a pair of paladins flanking her. (One was a female elf the heroes had never seen before, so apparently thr slain bodyguard had been allowed to go to her final rest in the celestial realms.) "I have nothing but gratitude for your efforts, not only in awakening Anelva Bitterroot and attempting to do the same to Chrysos Arkaurum, but also in rescuing me from my kidnapping. I have asked my retinue to gather appropriate gifts for you." She nodded off to the side, and a line of elves approached, each bearing an item in his or her hands.

"Alewyth Putterpie," Queen Zarabelia intoned, "in grateful appreciation for the services you have provided the elven kingdom of the Sylvanholme Forest, please accept this token." The aide handed over a small brooch to the Queen, who in turn gave it to Alewyth. "I hope you will forgive the wordplay involved in your gift, but given your last name, I could not resist. This is a butterfly brooch" - and indeed, it was a golden pin the size and shape of a butterfly, its surface covered in numerous gems - "and when activated, it will allow you to fly for a short distance, once per day. I hope you will find it useful in your adventuring career."

Alewyth took the pin and affixed it to her cloak. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she said, bowing her head. "It is beautiful."

Queen Zarabelia turned and took another item from the next aide in line; this was an elaborate scabbard sized for a bastard sword. "Thurloe Pulver." intoned the Queen, "in grateful appreciation for the services you have provided the elven kingdom of the Sylvanholme Forest, please accept this token. It will enhance the keenness of any sword stored within, allowing it to strike with an extra effectiveness three times a day." Thurloe accepted the scabbard with a deep bow and replied, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Xandro Silverstrings," intoned the Queen next, taking a small box, like that sized for a ring, and facing the bard. "In grateful appreciation for the services you have provided the elven kingdom of the Sylvanholme Forest, please accept this token." Xandro took the box and opened it; inside was no ring but a small piece of carved antler in the shape of an egg. "This is the dire elk pick, carved from the antler of a megaloceros. When used to strum a stringed instrument, it can summon a dire elk to serve you." Xandro bowed in gratitrude and thanked the Queen.

"Wakuren," the Queen intoned, with a slight pause as if unused to people only having a single name, "in grateful appreciation for the services you have provided the elven kingdom of the Sylvanholme Forest, please accept this token." She handed over a left-handed glove of fine workmanship. "I see that you wield a gauntlet of Cal upon your right hand; for your left hand, I hope you will find this glove of storing to be useful. As long as its extradimensional space is empty, it will allow you to snatch an arrow fired at you, which you can choose to toss away or have enter the interior space within. It will hold but a single item within, but you can bring it forth into your hand with the snap of a finger." Wakuren grinned widely at his gift, then quickly closed his mouth once he realized that in doing so he had exposed his fierce-looking orcish tusks. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he said, bowing deeply at the waist.

"Zander Quilson," the Queen called forward next, saying, "in grateful appreciation for the services you have provided the elven kingdom of the Sylvanholme Forest, please accept these tokens." An aide passed two items to the Queen, which she in turn passed over to the elven sorcerer: a metal bracelet and a dog's collar. "If you place the collar around your elven dog and wear the bracelet yourself," she explained, "you will be able to transfer vitality between the two of you as needed." Zander appreciated the thoughtfulness of his gift, for he was physically the weakest of the group of five and often relied upon one of the clerics to keep him hale and hearty during combat; this would go a long way to being able to do the same thing himslef without having to rely upon healing potions. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he replied, speaking in the Common tongue since that was the language the Queen had used, for the benefit of those who did not speak Elven.

"And now, before you leave, I have a boon to ask of you," Queen Zarabelia said, dismissing the other elves around her with a nod; the two paladin bodyguards looked worried and did not like stepping away out of earshot of the Queen, but they obeyed nonetheless. "You have heard that Councilor Kandalwine sought the sword of temptation," she said in a low voice, so none of her retinue could hear. "It is stored nearby, in a location known only to myself and Sharnabet of the Druidic Circle, and it is guarded by one who does not know what it is she guards. This guardian reports that someone had entered the place she guards and has yet to return; I fear it might be Coucilor Kandalwine or one in his employ. And while I cannot understand how he learned of its location, I would be greatly comforted knowing the sword is still in place and the intruder dealt with. Because of the sword's great power, I would prefer its location not be known to those of the Sylvanholme Forest; with your agreement, I would have Sharnabet take you to the place where the sword is kept without you actually knowing where that might be. Then you can enter, deal with the intruder, ensure the sword's safety, and exit the location; Sharnabet will then return you here to me. I believe your magic lamp would be a suitable means by which you could be brought there and back without knowing the sword's actual location. I will, of course, pay you for this service. What say you?"

The five heroes looked among themselves, and then Zander took it upon himself, as the only elf present among their number, to answer the Queen. "It will be our honor, Your Majesty," he replied.

- - -

This was a longer adventure; we started about ten until noon and finished up a bit after four o'clock. I used a Hedorah the Smog Monster figurine from my Godzilla collection as the sludge monster in Chrysos's dream, and then hinted to the players that since there are five of them, there's a good chance they'll meet up with one more "undefeatable" monster before learning to power themselves up into kaiju forms in the Dreamlands, whereupon we might send an entire session using the Giant Monster Rampage rules instead of the D&D ones....

The players enjoyed this one; I think the surprise of rushing off to Abyssia with such short notice got them all excited, and they absolutely hate Councilor Vultros Kandalwine. I'll be sure to have them find out what happened to him in our next adventure session.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My black "Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry" T-shirt, as it fit Councilor Vultros Kandalwine and the demons of Abyssia so well.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 10​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 4​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 5​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 4​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 10​

Game Session Date: 18 March 2023

- - -

"This was found in Councilor Kandalwine's study," Sharnabet stated, handing over a piece of paper. In hastily-written script, the following was written:

I can't make a sound! It had to have been one of those strangers the Queen brought back with her. I need a remove curse spell, or a break enchantment.​
Idiot! What good would that do me? I can't read the words to a scroll aloud any more than I can cast any of my own spells!​
A wish would do it. We'll have to hope the thief is successful and brings back the sword. You sent him to the right place, I trust?​
You'd better hope so.​
Well, then I guess you'll be making the first wish, then. And no funny business either if you know what's good for you.​
We can't stay here - they'll be looking for us soon. Let's go see if he got the sword yet.​

A smirk crossed Thurloe's face as he read over the parchment. "Sounds like Kandalwine's getting a bit frantic," he said. "This must be his half of a conversation he had with somebody after he realized he was struck mute by Wakuren's spell. It's someone he's very familiar with, too, the way he writes. Does he have a brother or something? Or a wife?"

"He'd better not have a wife, given he's calling whoever he's 'talking' to an idiot," observed Alewyth. "That wouldn't be a very smart thing to do."

"He has neither wife nor siblings," replied Sharnabet, adding after a moment's thought, "that we know of."

"Whoever it is, he's apparently not a wizard," Zander observed. "Otherwise, he'd be able to use a scroll of remove curse."

Wakuren snapped his fingers. "A familiar!" he cried. "He's talking to his familiar!" He turned to the elderly leader of the Druidic Circle. "Does Kandalwine have a familiar?"

"Not that is known to us, but there is much of his life he apparently kept hidden. It is possible he has a familiar he keeps hidden away. In any case, if you are ready, I am prepared to take you to the location of the item in question." Sharnabet pulled out a token from her pouch and passed it over. It was a cameo, ivory over obsidian, carved as a silhouette of Queen Zarabelia in profile. "You may present this to the Guardian to show you have been sent by the Queen," she informed them. Zander Quilson took it and placed it into one of the pockets of his robe.

"One more thing: I will need the command word to your lamp, that I may enter to inform you upon our arrival," Sharnabet announced. Wakuren told her the command phrase, then gathered everyone together and said it aloud to demonstrate it. Once the heroes were all within, the elven druid wildshaped into an eagle, picked the lamp up with her talons, and flew away.

Inside the lamp, Thurloe cast a vampiric touch spell into Spellslicer, his bastard sword. He'd already switched over to the new scabbard he'd been presented by Queen Zarabelia, which granted his blade the effects of a keen edge thrice a day. "We should have had her wear that gem Wakuren wears that let's Alewyth see what he sees when he's the only one outside."

"That would defeat the whole purpose of us not knowing where we're going," argued Alewyth.

"Yeah, I know, I'm just curious. Hey, Wakuren, you could always turn invisible and pop outside and walk behind her, see where we're going."

"I decline," replied the half-orc. "She's a high-ranking druid - she'd probably see right through any tricks like that we'd try. And I, for one, don't have any inclination to try anything stupid like that. We really don't need to know where the sword of temptation is kept, just that it's still there."

"Fine, whatever," grumbled Thurloe. Zander activated his jade cooshee, bringing the statuette to full life.

It was 30 or 40 minutes later when Sharnabet suddenly appeared inside Hesperna's lamp. "We are here," she said, with a slight smirk on her face. "Junipaerna is the one who guards the door to the area inside of which the sword of temptation is kept. I will remind you she knows not what it is she guards, so I caution you not to mention the sword in her presence. But there is someone else here I think you will be pleased to see." She looked expectantly at Zander, who gathered everyone together inside the circle and said the word that shunted everyone outside the extradimensional space inside Hesperna's lamp.

The group was in a large room made entirely of wood. Standing before them was an elven woman, looking rather as if she had been carved from wood herself. "This is Junipaerna," Sharnabet said by way of introduction. "...And I believe you have already met Councilor Kandalwine." The white-haired elf sat frowning in a wooden chair, to which he had been thoroughly and tightly bound by vines. He looked straight ahead, not making eye contact with anyone.

"I greet thee," said Junipaerna in an archaic manner. She was quite lovely, with skin like polished wood and a cascade of green ferns as hair. "I shall watch over your lamp whilst you embark upon your task; your way leads through this door." Here she waved her hand to indicate a large, wooden door in the wall behind her.

"How did you end up with him here?" asked Xandro, indicating her bound prisoner.

"I found him outside my home, trying to gain entry. He was subdued with an entangle spell and, after several attempts, finally fell sway to a charm person spell. Knowing that Sharnabet was soon to bring you here, I kept him bound until your arrival."

"We will take him off your hands upon our departure, Junipaerna," promised Sharnabet, making herself comfortable on a sofa.

"He have much to say?" asked Thurloe knowingly.

"Indeed not; he hath spoken no single word at all the whole time I have been with him," the dryad replied.

"What's the matter there, Vultros, old boy?" taunted the spellsword. "Cat got your tongue?" That at least got a reaction out of the traitorous councilor; he turned his head in disdain and scowled up at the human with the ridiculously large sword sheathed in a scabbard on his back.

Alewyth would usually be the one to ask Thurloe to tone it down, but she was frowning and looking about the room. "Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?" she asked.

"I know not," replied the dryad, "but I have detected the occasional hint of sulfur about since capturing yonder knave."

Zander activated his scout's headband and channeled its power to grant him the ability to see invisibility. "Ah, there's your problem," he said, pointing a finger at the top of a bookcase. "There's an invisible quasit right there!"

The quasit, not liking being able to be seen, skedaddled from his position atop the bookcase, scampering down it side. Robin took this as her cue to begin playing her song of inspirational courage, for it looked like combat was about to start - although how the heroes were planning on fighting a foe only one of them could see was beyond her. Still, she knew well her own role: she stepped to the back, against the wall where she'd be out of the way, and began her tune.

Zander cast a lightning bolt spell at the quasit, but it dodged the blast completely, leaving only a scorch mark on the wooden wall as any indication a spell had even been cast. The lantern archon, hovering over Wakuren's shoulder, cast out its senses and detected the presence of evil on the floor by the bookcase; it flashed out a beam of light at the spot where it believed the quasit to be, with no success; Kandalwine's demonic familiar was using its invisibility to its best advantage. Thurloe knew he'd have little luck trying to stab something he couldn't even see and opted instead to cast a mage armor spell upon himself, while Wakuren, focusing in on his own evil-detection abilities as a paladin in service to Cal, tried slamming his magic shield at the unseen quasit, but it too made no contact with the nimble (and panic stricken) quasit.

There was the pattering of frenzied feet on the floor by the half-orc and he slammed his shield down in an attempt to catch the quasit as he scampered by, but that too met with no success. Finally, a second lightning bolt spell from Zander brought the thing down, its body returning to visibility as it lost consciousness. "Do you want us to kill it?" Zander asked Sharnabet.

"Best we bring it before the Queen," the elderly druid replied. She turned to Junipaerna. "Do you have some sort of container we could seal it up into?" The dryad went to the kitchen and returned with a clay jar whose top clamped closed. The quasit was dumped unceremoniously into the jar, sealed up, and presented to Sharnabet. "Thank you," she said, placing the jar on the low table before her where she could keep an eye upon it. "Now then, with that out of the way, perhaps you would like to enter through the door an verify that all is well beyond?" Zander pulled out the token with the Queen's silhouette and showed it to Junipaerna, prompting Sharnabet to smile and say, "That is for the Guardian within. Junipaerna knows full well that anyone I bring to her can be trusted."

"I take mine orders from Queen Zarabelia and Sharnabet, in that order," confirmed the dryad.

"Prep spells before we head in," ordered Thurloe, casting a protection from evil spell upon himself. Alewyth cast a magic vestment spell upon her armor and a magic circle against chaos spell upon herself, while Wakuren boosted his own combat prowess with the spells shield of faith and bear's endurance. Xandro further boosted it with a heroism spell cast upon the half-orc, while Zander settled for a mage armor spell and a stoneskin. "Okay," replied the spellsword when the spellcasting was complete. "We're ready to go in."

"Remember, you seek two things," Sharnabet reminded the heroes. "The person who snuck through the door, and evidence that the item he sought is still in place."

"Yeah, about that," replied Thurloe. "How'd that guy get through here in the first place? I thought you were a permanent guard or something?"

"There was an attack upon my dwelling," Junipaerna replied.

"Your tree," Thurloe specified, to let her know she wasn't fooling him by using imprecise language.

"The very same," agreed the dryad. "I went outside and found a hatchet had been used to cut into my tree - three strikes, with the weapon left in the bark after the third blow. I can only imagine that the rogue doubled around behind me and gained entry into my dwelling in that manner, for I know when strangers enter my domain. As he is not there now, he can only have gone through the door I guard. I know this, verily: whilst he hath entered, he hath not yet returned. You will find him within, somewhere in the area into which I am forbidden to trespass."

"Well, let's get to it, then," decided Zander, pulling open the door. He was surprised to see nothing but a wall of inky blackness covering the doorway. "Step into the darkness," Junipaerna instructed him. "The way will part for thee. The darkness merely prevents those out here from getting a glimpse of the interior." Zander stepped forward into the darkness and was a bit surprised to see the way light up as soon as he had passed completely through the doorway. He could see he was in a short corridor, ten feet wide, an equal height, and 20 feet long, opening up into an octagonal room beyond. This room had a ceiling height of 20 feet, with a door on each of the other seven walls. At the top of each door was a carving of a specific animal, no two the same - but the most striking feature was the floor-to-ceiling column in the very middle of the room, around which had been carved a serpentine creature with a large dorsal fin rising up from its humanlike head. Illumination was provided by eight everburning torches, each hanging from an iron sconce at the junction of two adjacent walls.

The other heroes followed the elven sorcerer into the room and Junipaerna closed the door behind them, although none of them saw her do it, for looking from the dungeon complex back through the doorway from which they had just entered, there was nothing but blackness; apparently whoever had designed this place didn't want anyone seeing from one side to the other. (Either that, or the whole dungeon interior was yet a different extradimensional space withing the extradimensional space of the dryad's home tree, and that's just how the adjacent spaces worked.)

As soon as all six heroes were inside the octagonal chamber, the carved naga turned its head and began to speak, saying:

"Temptation had brought you here​
seeking that which is not yours;​
luck won't be enough, I fear,​
choose between the seven doors."​

Robin started playing her song of inspirational courage as soon as she saw the snake-thing's head move, thinking it might be about to animate and attack, but while she started strumming the strings of her lute, she opted not to begin the words to the song once the statue started to speak, thinking the heroes would want to hear whatever message it was giving them. Then, after having stated its piece, the guardian naga's head returned to its original position and the statue resumed its immobility.

"Probably a magic mouth spell," observed Thurloe.

"So we've got seven doors to choose from," mused Alewyth, looking at the animals carved on them and wondering at their significance. She wandered around the edge of the chamber, noting that in a clockwise direction they were a dragon, a pig, a goat, a snake, a peacock, a lion, and something she'd never seen before. "What's this one?" she asked.

Wakuren stepped beside her and gave it a puzzled frown. Some kind of...monkey-puppy?"

Zander looked at it and smiled. "That's a sloth!" he laughed. "They live in jungles, hang upside down from vines and tree limbs, and move very slowly." Alewyth and Wakuren just looked at each other and shrugged - they'd never heard of such a beast. "It's cute, though," the dwarven priestess admitted.

"Seven doors," repeated Thurloe, "or the column in the middle of the room! Remember, it said 'between the seven doors.' The column is in the middle of the seven doors."

"Is there a way into the column?" Alewyth asked, and after a brief examination Thurloe admitted he didn't see any. "So which door do we think the sword is behind?" the priestess asked.

"The snake," Thurloe said decisively. "It's the most like the naga." Robin pointed out that it was also the fourth of seven doors if you started by the nearest door to the entry corridor and continued trying doors while moving either clockwise or counterclockwise until you hit the right one. Alewyth and Zander searched the walls for secret passages and found nothing. Wakuren pondered aloud whether the animals on the doors might represent the seven deadly sins, but then he and his companions had a difficult time recalling which exactly they were and whether there was a good "animal representative" for each of the sins...which was admittedly made more difficult by the group only being able to conjure up six of the seven.

"Ah, screw it!" decided Alewyth finally. "Let's just start with the snake door!" She walked to the door, opened it, and saw that the doorway was also filled with impenetrable blackness. Poking her head forward through the doorway, she saw a short corridor leading into a larger room, all seemingly carved straight out of stone like the rest of the complex they'd seen thus far. She described what she saw to her companions, allowing them all to learn that sound passed just fine from one side of a doorway to the other. Then she stepped forward and, to the views of those behind her, was instantly lost in the darkness.

Alewyth looked up at the ceiling in the short corridor, but it was as featureless as the rest of the passageway. Stepping forward, though, she could see the square room just beyond had a ceiling height of 20 feet, and that furthermore the ceiling of the square room was a fully reflective surface, like a silver mirror. Stepping fully into the room, she looked up and saw an image of herself looking back down at her - which wasn't at all surprising until the mirror duplicate fell down from the ceiling on top of her, knocking her over.

The mirror-Alewyth regained her footing at once and stood over the original, an identical Sjondra raised in the opposite hand - for Alewyth was left-handed but this mirror image, understandably, favored her right. The duplicate warhammer came down and slammed into Alewyth's body, giving her a thorough understanding of exactly just how that felt. But then Thurloe entered the corridor and then the room behind her, bringing Spellslicer swinging into the Alewyth holding Sjondra in the "wrong" hand. (This also triggered the vampiric touch spell he'd stored into his blade earlier, which stole a bit of the mirror-duplicate's vitality and transferred it to Thurloe.) The spellsword was a little surprised that his weapon's touch didn't automatically cause the second Alewyth to disappear - it wasn't just an illusion, then. From the other side of the doorway, Alewyth could hear the strains of Robin's inspirational courage song starting back up.

Wakuren and the lantern archon entered the room next, Thurloe pointed out which one was the "fake" Alewyth, and the half-orc swung his shield of Cal into her face. That made it easier to tell the Alewyths apart: they were now trying to take down the one with the bloody nose. Zander entered the room and cast a haste spell on all those in close enough proximity, which meant all but Xandro and Robin, who were still outside in the octagonal chamber. The glowing sphere of light sent a beam of energy shooting at the fake Alewyth, but it was Alewyth herself who brought the killing blow with her own dwarven warhammer - at which point the fake duplicate's body shattered as if made of glass, each piece dissipating into nothingness before it hit the ground. "Weird," observed Thurloe, but as the room was otherwise completely empty the group opted to depart immediately. "It's not in here," Alewyth informed Xandro.

"We need a new approach," decided Thurloe. "Why don't was all stick our heads into a separate room, see what we can see, and then report back? We might save some time that way."

Zander adopted the plan immediately. "Dibs on the sloth room!" he cried, heading over that way, his cooshee trailing behind him. Wakuren decided he'd give the lion room a try; Alewyth chose the peacock; Xandro the goat; and Thurloe decided to check out the pig. "Do you want me to check out the dragon room?" Robin asked, but the general consensus was it would be best if she continued buoying up their combat prowess with her song. "We'll tackle the dragon room together if these others don't pan out," Alewyth promised the young bard.

"Stay here, boy," Zander instructed his cooshee, and the elven dog sat on his haunches and wagged his tail. Then the elf opened the sloth door and stepped into the corridor beyond. He expected to be able to see just fine once he was through the doorway, but while he could see a very dim source of light in the distance, the hallway was all foggy and dreary. Furthermore, he had a tough time pushing his way through it; eventually, he recalled there was a spell called solid fog and he was fairly sure he was caught up in the middle of it. But he pushed his way steadily through the thick cloud of shadow that seemed to be fighting his progress every step of the way. As he trudged slowly down the diagonal corridor, he mused that this fog being behind the door with the slow-moving sloth carved on it made perfect sense.

Alewyth opened the peacock door, saw only blackness, and stepped inside. The other side of the doorway was a diagonal corridor, but this one, instead of opening into a larger room like the others, ended in a closed wooden door. The dwarf stepped to the end and examined the door. It was locked, but it had a keyhole; peering through it, she saw the other side of the door had no corresponding keyhole, so she couldn't see into the room beyond. She briefly considered using Sjondra to batter it down, but then recalled Queen Zarabelia had asked them to verify the safety of the sword of temptation, not tear apart the complex in which it was housed. Instead, she opted to retreat and go fetch Xandro; of the whole group, he was the one adept at picking locks.

While the others were opening doors, the lantern archon hovered over to the guardian naga statue and gave it a quick examination. It sat in the same position in had been in since the group entered this dungeon, eyes unblinking, body unmoving.

Xandro had, by this time, entered the corridor on the other side of the goat door and was surprised to see the room beyond was fashioned in the shape of an eight-pointed asterisk, with the northwestern edge being the corridor he traversed. The oddly-shaped room was lit by a hanging chandelier of eight everburning torches, from whose illumination he could see the seven alcoves each contained a bed. And, once he exited the corridor and entered the room proper, he was astounded to find he was not alone: there was a voluptuous woman standing there before him, although he couldn't for the life of him seem to recollect how she had gotten there.

"Come here," the woman purred seductively, and Xandro found his feet were already obeying. During the short trip his roving eyes traveled all over her curvaceous form and was pleased by what he saw; only later would he realize this woman was somehow the physical embodiment of what he considered to be the pinnacle of feminine beauty...except for the batlike wings growing from her shoulders. But by that time, Xandro had been fully charmed by the succubus and his will was no longer his own.

When Thurloe opened the pig door and stepped through the doorway, he found the shortest corridor yet: it extended a mere five feet before opening into a vertical tunnel leading straight down, with a ladder on the near side. Temporarily sheathing his bastard sword, he climbed down enough to see the room below was a smaller octagon, empty but for the glowing sword hanging along the back wall and the distinct - and disturbing - smell of rotten meat wafting up from below. "Aha!" he cried in delight, clambering back up the ladder to go tell the others his findings.

Wakuren, directly across from the spellsword, opened the lion door and, once he'd passed through the doorway, saw a set of wide steps leading down to a lozenge-shaped room beyond. There were everburning torches along the walls of this oblong room, providing enough illumination for the half-orc to see the numerous bones and weapons strewn across the chamber's floor. The cleric-paladin spent a few moments trying to detect any evil in the chamber (of which he found none) and then, after having cast a detect magic spell, whether he could pinpoint any sources of magic. The whole chamber seemed at first to be magical, but once Wakuren had traced the magic specifically to the scattered bones and not any of the weapons - whose blades seemed to be universally dented and rusted - he deduced the bones would animate into some sort of swarm and attack anyone who entered. Figuring the sword of temptation was not to be found among the dinged and battered weapons, he turned and went back the way he had come without springing the magical trap.

Alewyth appeared at the goat door and called to Xandro inside. "There's a door here that needs your attention!" she yelled, and then when that got no answer, she stepped into the corridor herself. "Xandro? You in here?" Xandro was indeed inside the room, fully experiencing the kiss of a succubus for the first time. A part of the back of his mind was cognizant of the fact that this gorgeous woman was somehow draining the very life essence from him, but for some reason it didn't really seem that important. Not, that is, until Alewyth approached him from behind and engulfed him in her magic circle against chaos spell, at which time his mind cleared immediately and he recognized the extreme danger in which he was presently situated.

With a flash, Deathwhisper was out of Xandro's scabbard and swinging at the lithe and nimble demon, but she read his intended actions at the forefront of his mind as he was first thinking them and made sure she was out of the blade's arc as it swung to her side. But seeing the jig was up, she lashed out with her fingernails, somehow now having taken on the form of sharp, wicked claws. Parallel lines of blood welled up on the side of Xandro's cheek, but he'd suffered more damage at the hands of more powerful enemies than this she-demon.

Thurloe, seeing nobody but Robin in the octagonal room, stepped back into Junipaerna's room to check on matters out front. "How do things progress?" Sharnabet asked, sipping a cup of tea Junipaerna had made for them. The pot sat on the table before the two women.

"Oh, fine, fine," the spellsword answered. "Nobody's come out this way, I take it?"

"None save for thine own self," assured the dryad.

"Okay, just checking," replied Thurloe. "We've still got a couple rooms left to check."

"Best be back at it, then," advised the elderly druid. Thurloe took the hint and returned to the octagonal chamber.

Wakuren and the lantern archon were now in the goat corridor behind Alewyth, and the half-orc cast a spiritual weapon spell that sent a solid force in the shape of a heavy mace flying over at the succubus - where it unceremoniously struck up against the demon's inherent resistance to spells and shattered away to nothingness. The archon sent a beam of energy at the succubus, which did hit her, although she didn't seem particularly discomfited by the minor attack. But then Alewyth cast a dismissal spell at the demon and she howled in anger as she dissipated from view, cast back to whatever fiendish plane she'd been drawn from.

By this time, Zander Quilson had finally forced his way through the solid fog and burst into the room, which was square in shape save for the corner connecting to the corridor. Fortunately, the room was free of fog; unfortunately, that just made the symbol of sleep glowing on the middle of the floor that much easier to see. But luck was with the elven sorcerer, for he still had the see invisibility spell active from his scout's headband, and that allowed him to see the invisible figure laying in the corner, sprawled out in a noiseless slumber. By focusing his attention on the prone form, Zander was able to avoid looking at the magical symbol on the floor and activating it; he wasn't sure what it was but he was fairly certain he didn't want to trigger it. Stepping past it and moving over to the figure, he found it to be a male elf of roughly his own age, dressed in combat leathers and with a pair of wicked-looking daggers sheathed at a belt on his hip. This, no doubt, was the thief Councilor Kandalwine had hired to slip into this extradimensional complex and find the sword of temptation for him. Squatting down beside the thief, Zander lifted him up, got him propped up onto his shoulder, and started his way back through the solid fog.

Xandro, Wakuren, and the lantern archon exited the goat door, moving back into the octagonal chamber. But Alewyth, thinking the threat inside the goat chamber had been dealt with, stepped fully into the room - and was instantly met with the physical manifestation of her own views on the perfect male form: a broad-shouldered dwarf, his muscular chest covered in thick hair, perfect in every way save for the batlike wings growing out from his back. Fortunately, even though she felt her heart quicken at the sight of him and became uncharacteristically weak in the knees at the thought of rubbing her hands over his hairy chest, her magic circle spell prevented the incubus from being able to charm her - or, to his surprise, to even approach her any closer than 10 feet.

"Release your spell, and we can be together," he pleaded.

"GUYS!" Alewyth called at the top of her lungs. "WE'RE NOT DONE IN HERE AFTER ALL!"

Xandro re-entered the goat corridor and saw the incubus trying to coax Alewyth into dropping her magic circle against chaos spell and allow him to approach. Wakuren did likewise, only he was spurred to action, and raced up beside the dwarven priestess, swinging his shield of Cal into the demon's side. Only when another succubus appeared, the very epitome of what Wakuren visualized as the perfect woman (with the unfortunate but excusable addition of a pair of bat wings sprouting from her back), did the half-orc realize he had strayed too far into the chamber.

"Come with me to my bed," purred the succubus, and Wakuren had only the proximity to Alewyth's magic circle to thank for him not even considering that as a potential course of action. The lantern archon entered the corridor and sent a beam of light striking the incubus in the chest, causing a bit of smoke to arise as it set a few of his chest hairs on fire.

Alewyth just glared daggers at the incubus, knowing she couldn't advance toward him as she'd like (for combat, not romantic, purposes), and slowly backed up, ensuring she didn't get too far from Wakuren or Xandro, both of whom needed her to remain close enough for her magic circle to protect their minds from any charm effects. Xandro stabbed the incubus with Deathwhisper, causing him to snarl in pain and swear bloody retribution. The succubus continued trying to charm Wakuren until it became apparent he was fully shielded from her enticements. The incubus was having a similar lack of luck with Alewyth, and her spell kept either demon from being able to approach. Finally, Wakuren summoned an air element hippogriff to stand between the demons and the heroes, allowing the heroes to all dash out of the goat door and close it behind them. The sounds of combat coming from the other side of the door told them the hippogriff was doing just fine holding its own against the seductive pair.

Zander suddenly reappeared through the sloth doorway, dropping to his knees and allowing the unconscious figure he'd been carrying over his shoulder to drop to the stone floor. The elven rogue continued his slumber. "What's this?" Thurloe asked, for to him the whole act had been one of pantomime - the unconscious elf was still invisible.

"Caught the thief Kandalwine hired," Zander said proudly. "You got any rope I can tie him up with?" Thurloe passed over a coil of rope from his pack and watched as Zander continued his pantomime actions, but by the shape of the rope tied around the body it soon became apparent the elf was absolutely right: there was an invisible guy being bound there! Once Zander was finished - he was the only one able to see the invisible figure, so the binding of the prisoner fell to him - he and Thurloe made another trip out side to Junipaerna's sitting room, this time to drop off their next prisoner. "Halfway there!" Thurloe announced. "Now we just have to find the...item," he finished, recalling the dryad was not to be informed about what it was she guarded. The two heroes went back inside the doorway before either of the women could respond.

"He strikes me as a very unusual person," Junipaerna observed.

"He's a human," Sharnabet replied, as if that explained everything.

"Hey, you got that token on you?" Thurloe asked Zander, and the elf fished it out of his pocket. Holding the cameo up to the guardian naga statue, Thurloe announced, "Hey, naga! We're on orders from Queen Zarabelia to make sure the sword of temptation is still secure! Are you the guardian we're supposed to show this to?" But the naga statue gave no response and made no move, making the spellsword wonder if maybe the fool thing wasn't just a statue after all. "Lemme check out the dragon room," Thurloe said, dashing through the doorway and disappearing into the darkness within.

Inside the short corridor, Thurloe could see it spilled out into a five-sided room - and this one also had a glowing sword hanging on the back wall. Figuring one of the glowing swords - this one or the one in the pig chamber, that smelled of rotting meat - had to be a fake (if not both), he looked all around the odd-shaped room without actually entering it, a task made easier by the everburning torches lighting up the chamber. The room itself was empty save for the sword, but the ceiling, Thurloe noted, had suspicious-looking grooves all along it. That, he decided, had "trap" written all over it, so he exited the dragon corridor and returned to the octagon chamber.

By then, Alewyth had taken Xandro down the peacock corridor to show him the locked door. Wakuren and the lantern archon had followed along, and the dwarf had noticed something she hadn't before: "Hey! The floor doesn't line up with the wall! See? There's a crack here." She checked both sides of the floor, where they met up with the side walls of the corridor, and save for the first five feet or so closest to the peacock door, there was no connection between wall and floor. "You know what this means," Wakuren observed. "It's a trap: as soon as we mess with the door, the floor falls out from beneath us!" Just to be sure, he cast an air walk spell on Xandro and then he and Alewyth returned to the octagonal room, leaving Xandro and the lantern archon to test their theory. Sure enough, as soon as Xandro put a lockpick into the keyhole, the floor beneath him gave way, hinging down to dump them into a pit some 40 feet below them, where a bone golem awaited to crush them into pulp. But with Xandro buoyed by the air walk spell and the lantern archon able to hover at will, they merely returned to the octagonal rom the way they had come, and there wasn't much the bone golem below could do about it.

The group gathered back together and discussed what they'd seen in the various rooms. Thurloe and Wakuren opted to go down the ladder and check out the smelly chamber with the glowing sword, the half-orc going first so he could check the place out with a detect magic spell. After determining the entire room reeked not only of rotting flesh but also of magic, Wakuren asked Thurloe to pass him down his bastard sword. The half-orc touched the nearest wall with the point of Spellslicer's blade to no effect, but when he touched the floor with it, it cleaved through the illusion casting the contents of the room in an invisibility spell. Everything touching the room's floor had been invisible to anyone not touching the room's floor, but now the two adventurers could clearly see the hunks of rotting meat scattered all around the room, and the two hungry aurumvoraxes scurrying their way. They decided to climb back up the ladder before the multilimbed badger-things tried making a meal of them, for by then Wakuren had determined the only thing magical about the sword was the permanent light spell that had been cast upon it.

So now what?" asked Zander. "That's all seven doors."

Thurloe approached the main column in the center of the room again, looking at the guardian naga statue. "It's got to be this," he said. "'Choose between the seven doors,' it said. Well, this is between the seven doors! It's got to be where the sword is kept."

"Let me see," said Alewyth, examining the column and the naga. "You know," she pointed out, "the naga and the pillar aren't carved from a single piece of stone. The column is one piece, and the naga's a separate one." She ran her hands over the naga's cool scales. "I don't even think this is stone!" She cast a soften earth and stone spell and cast it upon the stone pillar, weakening it enough she was able to pull chunks of it away, revealing it to be hollow.

That proved to be too much for the guardian naga. "Very well," it said, animating and slithering higher up the column. "I have observed your progress and you do not seem like you are trying to steal the sword of temptation. Now that I have moved out of the way, there is a secret door along the bottom of the column, previously hidden by my coils. You may go below and speak with the Guardian. But know this: if this is a trick, I will slay each and every one of you upon your return."

"Fair enough," agreed Alewyth, finding the hidden panel and deducing how to open it. It led to a pair of winding stairs leading down. She led the group of six heroes, one cooshee, and a lantern archon down the stairs, which led to a small chamber. In the back of this chamber rested a regal figure, a creature with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and a beautiful female face that seemed vaguely familiar. It was only after a few moments into their conversation that Alewyth was able to place the familiarity: the gynosphinx's face, she realized, looked more than a little like that of Queen Zarabelia herself, although how an elf and a gynosphinx could possibly be related was beyond the dwarf's comprehension.

"I believe you have something to show me," the gynosphinx, Alciavanna, said. Zander hurriedly produced the silhouette token of Queen Zarabelia, explaining why they had been sent and what they had accomplished thus far. Thurloe felt an oddness in the air around them and realized the entire room was covered in a permanent zone of truth spell effect; Alciavanna would know at once if any of them were lying.

At the end of their tale, the gynosphinx smiled. "You may return to your Queen and assure her the sword of temptation remains here, by me, in this chamber, undisturbed. The thief you found upstairs has fallen victim to my symbol of sleep spell, after which he was rendered invisible and subjected to an involuntary stasis. The latter two effects will cease by the time he is returned to the Queen. But if you had not come for him, he would eventually have been slain and cast down with the aurumvoraxes in the chamber of the pig." The gynosphinx then bowed her head a fraction of an inch, which Alewyth took as a dismissal. She thanked the Guardian and led the group back upstairs. On the way up there was a moment of disorientation, and when they returned to the octagonal chamber, they saw the damage Alewyth's soften earth and stone spell had done had been repaired. Had they looked, they'd have found the corridor floor behind the peacock door had been returned to its upright configuration and the aurumvoraxes (and their rotting meals) returned to their own stasis.

The guardian naga was still high up enough around the pillar to allow the heroes to exit through the hidden door, but he was back to pretending to be a statue again himself. He turned his head towards the heroes and intoned the following farewell greeting:

"It's now the end of the line​
Return to your destination​
Report back that all is fine​
You have avoided temptation."​

"Yeah, you have a good time there," Thurloe waved, as Zander opened the door and the group returned to Junipaerna's sitting room, where she and Sharnabet were each finishing up another cup of tea.

"And have you succeeded in the second part of your mission?" asked Sharnabet.

"All is as it should be," replied Zander. The elderly druidess tapped Hesperna's lamp and said, "In you go, then. Don't forget to bring the prisoners." Wakuren hefted the still-invisible bound elven thief, while Junipaerna released Kandalwine's vines and Thurloe and Xandro took hold of him by the arms. Alewyth picked up the clay pot containing the quasit, and said farewell to the dryad. Then, with the command phrase, they all entered the extradimensional space inside the magic lamp.

"Until we meet again," said Junipaerna, opening the front door to her tree interior.

"Indeed," replied Junipaerna. "Thank you for the tea." Then she wildshaped into an eagle, gripped the lamp in both talons, and flew away.

Half an hour or more later, she wildshaped back into an elf, entered the lamp, and bade the heroes emerge. They did so, to find Queen Zarabelia there, along with several of her paladins, who took the prisoners into custody. A pair of attendants carried a chest with them and placed it at the heroes' feet. "Five thousand pieces of gold, with gratitude for the service you have provided us this day," the elven Queen proclaimed.

But Sharnabet had been in conference with a few of her druids, and after their conversation, she stepped over to the heroes once again. "I wonder if you might be willing to stay with us one more day," the leader of the Circle of Druids said. "There is a druid who reports back to us on a weekly basis. He is now two days overdue, and my Circle has cast divinations to learn the reason for his tardiness. It seems he has fallen asleep, and cannot awaken on his own. I wonder if you might...?"

Zander cut her off. "It will be our pleasure," he replied.

- - -

We did a lot of poor rolling during this adventure - for a while there, none of us had managed to roll double digits on a d20 for over an hour. (We all roll in the open.) So while Dan had pretty much figured out my "choose between the seven doors" trick (which I had been worried Logan would latch onto, given our mental "wavelength"), when they went to investigate, their poor Spot check results didn't give them much to work with.

We also had a time constraint on this one: Joe was with us, running his own PC for a change (he's in college now, so Dan has been running Thurloe and Zander in his absence), but this was during his Spring break and he had been back home all week. However, we game on Saturdays and he wanted to get back to his dorm by early Saturday evening, so we had a "hard stop" at 4 PM. I managed to get us finished under the deadline, but the PCs opting to spread out and check five rooms at once certainly helped on that front.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My blue TARDIS T-shirt, to represent the "bigger on the inside than on the outside" nature of not only the dryad's tree interior, but the entire "seven deadly sins" dungeon behind the door she guarded inside her home.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 10
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 4
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 5
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 4
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 10​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 2
Volamir Ram's-Brother, goliath barbarian 5/druid 4​

Game Session Date: 8 April 2023

- - -

The six heroes stood before Sharnabet, the elven leader of the Druidic Circle reporting directly to Queen Zarabelia. At the elderly elf's side was an imposing figure, a bald humanoid nearly seven feet tall with grayish, stonelike skin marked with stark slashes and stripes of white and black. "This is Volamir," Sharnabet explained to them. "He is a visitor from a neighboring tribe of goliaths, who dwell in the southern Shieldwall Mountains. He seeks a group of four of his people whom he believes have entered the cave network in the cliff upon which our missing druid lives, caught now in his dreams for several days."

"Your druid lives at the top of a cliff?" asked Xandro. "Doesn't that make reporting in every week rather difficult?"

"Not particularly," replied the druidess. "Skywatcher is an awakened giant eagle. He nests with an eagle animal companion, Shrieker." She turned back to Volamir, who wore leather armor and carried a greatclub seemingly too large for him to wield effectively. "Volamir can take you to the groundside cave opening, if you are willing to help him look for his missing people. We are not familiar with the interior of the cave network, save that the first chamber holds a large colony of bats. It is rumored, however, that there is a passageway leading all the way to the top of the cliff, where Skywatcher makes his nest."

"It is also rumored there is treasure to be found within the caverns," replied Volamir. "That is what led the four of my tribe seeking their fortune; now I am tasked with seeking their whereabouts, ensuring their safety if they are alive or seeking the return of a goliath greathammer one of them wielded if they have been slain by the denizens within."

"Any idea about what kind of denizens there might be within?" asked Thurloe.

"Bats, apparently - beyond that, I do not know."

"Great," grunted the spellsword, clearly having hoped to find out more about what they might find themselves up against if they went the long way through the caverns instead of simply having Wakuren air walk them up to the top of the cliff inside Hesperna's lamp.

"There's said to be treasure inside," Alewyth reminded him, which did actually make Thurloe feel a bit better about the prospect.

They made their way silently through the Sylvanholme Forest for the most part, the goliath as taciturn as most members of his race. But after several hours of trekking through the forest the broad cliffside came into view, and before long Volamir had led them to a cavern opening in the side of the mountainous rock. "There," he said, raising a massive hand and pointing at the tunnel. "That leads into the network my men would have entered."

"Well then, let's see what's inside," Thurloe suggested. "I'm for a few prep spells, myself." He cast a shield spell upon himself with his wand, then passed it over to Zander so the elf could do the same. Zander also cast a mage armor spell upon himself, something Thurloe did without as he was wearing his metal breastplate in an effort to get more comfortable casting arcane spells while so encumbered - practice, after all, made perfect. Wakuren enhanced his physical prowess with both a bull's strength and a bear's endurance spell, as well as a shield of faith and an air walk spell. "You're casting air walk?" Thurloe asked. "I thought we'd decided to go through the cave network, not jump in the lamp and have you walk us to the top."

"I'm well aware," Wakuren assured him with a smile. Alewyth cast a magic circle against chaos spell on herself and followed it up with a magic vestment spell, while Xandro cast a heroism spell on Wakuren, who grinned a tusk-filled grin and thanked the human bard. Finally, the lantern archon - in its last day of week-long service to Wakuren - cast an aid spell upon each member of the group, including the jade cooshee after Zander brought it to life.

"You got any spellcasting you want to tend to before we go in?" Thurloe asked Volamir. But the goliath only hefted his oversize greatclub and smiled. "This is all the preparation I require," he said, before walking boldly into the winding tunnel. The goliath's eyesight was no better than that of a human, but with the lantern archon hovering just over his shoulder he had plenty of illumination by which to see. As expected, there was the occasional bat hanging suspended from the ceiling overhead, and these invariably, disturbed by the unexpected light, flapped away deeper into the cavern ahead to find a more comfortable perch from which to sleep through the day. The cavern ahead proved to be taller than it was wide, with a ceiling height Wakuren and Alewyth - the only two with darkvision - estimated to be some 80 feet overhead. And there, hanging between the stalactites along the chamber's ceiling, were hundreds - if not thousands - of bats, some of them wriggling in place in annoyance at the light below. The floor of this cavern was covered in white guano; Thurloe looked over at Wakuren, who was smirking at him, and only then noticed the half-orc was air walking and inch or more above the ground. His boots, at least, weren't going to be covered in bat poop!

"Let's not disturb them if we can avoid it," Wakuren suggested, holding out Hesperna's lamp. "Everybody into the lamp." With a word, the others entered the extradimensional space inside the magic lamp, leaving Wakuren hovering there alone. Looking around the cavern (now in darkness, since the lantern archon had gone inside the lamp with the others), he was able to make out a tunnel leading back outside about 40 feet up - no doubt an additional exit by which the swarms of bats flew outside at night to hunt for their meals - but more to his liking a passageway off to the right which seemed to lead to a tunnel that angled upwards. As reaching higher up the cliffside was their main goal, he walked through the air as silently as his metal armor would allow, careful not to disturb any bat swarms on his way up.

The next cavern above (for that's where the tunnel led) was also a large one filled with bodies hanging from the ceiling, but these, Wakuren noticed with a frown, were much more dangerous than bats: they had batlike wings, but their long proboscises gave them away as blood-drinking stirges, many more than the half-orc cleric-paladin wished to deal with on his own. Fortunately, the stirges were also nocturnal and slept during the day, and there looked to be several other ways out of this chamber as well: a tunnel leading directly outside to the north (a likely access point for the stirges' nightly hunts), a large opening in the middle of the ceiling that went more or less straight up farther than Wakuren could make out, and another tunnel near the top of the western edge of the cavern. This latter approach was the one Wakuren chose, the air walk spell making the journey much easier (and quieter) than it would be had he been forced to climb up the near-vertical cavern wall.

"What's he doing out there?" groused Thurloe. "He's taking his sweet time about it!" Although it was typical griping for the oft-impatient spellsword, Alewyth was in a position to answer him, for she wore the amulet that allowed her to see through the gemstone Wakuren wore upon his brow - a means for those inside the lamp to see what was going on outside. "He's avoiding a butt-ton of stirges," she replied. "But you're more than welcome to head outside and try to speed him up, if you like." Thurloe just muttered under his breath and opted not to answer.

The tunnel Wakuren traversed from the stirge cavern opened up in the middle of another cavern overhead, and when the half-orc popped his head up into this next level, he was surprised by sudden movement on all sides. Coming at him were four hulking figures, each humanoid in build but covered in a glistening, waxy substance. They towered over the half-orc, arms swinging at him awkwardly; he blocked as best he could behind his shield of Cal but a few of the blows hit home, landing with a wet squelching noise.

"Wakuren's under attack!" Alewyth announced from inside Hesperna's lamp, tossing off the amulet and stepping into the circle on the floor from which one could return to the Material Plane upon utterance of the proper command word. Thurloe, eager for action, stepped beside her, as did Volamir and the hovering lantern archon. Alewyth called out the word and the four of them manifested around the beleaguered half-orc, in the spaces around him not already taken up by the four unknown attackers.

With the light from the lantern archon's glowing, spherical body, Thurloe and Volamir could see they were facing four enemies the size and general built of the goliath, but beings seemingly made of a greenish substance. Not only that, but Alewyth, upon teleporting out of the lamp, had ended up standing in a patch of slime the same coloration as the ooze covering the four humanoid attackers. She felt muzzy-headed almost at once as the olive slime patch drained away part of her intellect, but she knew enough to realize this effect had started as soon as she'd been in contact with the slime, so she stepped out of the patch and did her best to scrape the slime off of her with a dagger from her belt.

Thurloe brought his bastard sword slicing into the body of one of the olive slime zombies, as Volamir likewise sent his greatclub smashing into the side of another and Wakuren attacked another with his shield. None of the weapons-strikes seemed to have much of an effect, for the pliant bodies just oozed around the incoming weapons as they passed harmlessly through them.

The lantern archon blasted forth a ray of light at one of the olive slime zombies, dealing the first real amount of permanent damage thus far, right as the others were coming to the realization that their weapons were not going to help them here. But now with more potential enemies to fight, two of the zombies continued their attacks upon Wakuren while two others veered off to strike at Thurloe. Of these, only one struck true, but the spellsword was able to fight off the intellect-draining effects that had already forced Alewyth to look about her in confusion.

Realizing he needed room for spellcasting, Thurloe activated his anklet of translocation and dimension doored 10 feet away, out of range of immediate attack. Volamir cast a produce flame spell, causing a small ball of fire to manifest in his cupped hand. He threw this first flame-ball at one of the slime zombies, another forming in his hand as the first one struck and burned off some of the zombie's slime coating.

Alewyth was still not sure what was going on, but she knew the slime was bad and that it should be stopped. Randomly choosing a spell from those she had prayed for that morning, she cast a searing light spell down at the patch of olive slime she'd stepped in and clapped in glee as the slime burned away into nothingness as a result. "Yay!" she called aloud, pleased with her success.

Wakuren had noted the dwarf's strange behavior but also the effectiveness of fire against the slime, and summoned a small fire elemental by his side, pivoting in place as he did so to avoid the incoming attacks by the adjacent slime zombies who struck at him as he cast his spell. But then the little elemental burned off another patch of olive slime by the half-orc's feet (or slightly under them, as Wakuren was still air walking an inch or so above the surface of the cavern floor).

Inside the lamp, Zander cast a stoneskin spell on himself as Xandro dropped the amulet around his neck so he could see what was going on outside. "Blobby humanoids!" he called to the elven sorcerer, as he and Robin stepped into the circle on the floor. Zander and the cooshee joined them, and then with a word all four were teleported into the olive slime cavern, this time fortunately with none of them ending up standing in slime.

Zander immediately cast a scorching ray at one of the slime zombies, calling for his elven dog to hold back - he feared what might happen if his loyal cooshee tried biting a slime zombie. The lantern archon flashed another beam of light at the same zombie, burning it even further. The zombies seemed confused by the sudden appearance of all of these extra people, for they flailed around with their waxy fists to little avail. Thurloe cast a magic missile spell at one of the zombies, while Volamir tossed another ball of flame at another. Alewyth, her spellcasting power not diminished in the slightest by her reduced intellect, cast a flame strike spell that burned two of the zombies out of existence, then clapped in exuberance at her own success, jumping up and down and yelling, Yay!"

Xandro unpacked his Dardolian Lute and sent a sound burst spell blasting into another zombie, while Robin used her own lute to begin her song of inspirational courage. Wakuren summoned a javelin of lightning into his hand from his gauntlet of Cal and threw the bolt at one of the two remaining zombies, which Zander subsequently killed with a full-blown lightning bolt spell. The remaining zombie was taken out by a combination of another sound burst from Xandro, a light beam from the lantern archon, and a scorching ray spell from Thurloe.

"Yay! We did it!" yelled Alewyth.

"What's her problem?" asked Robin, finishing her song now that combat had ended. She'd never seen the dwarven priestess act in so childlike a fashion before.

"Her mind had been damaged by contact with the slime," Volamir informed her. "The effect is temporary, but I might be able to help speed up her recovery." He cast a lesser restoration spell on her, restoring a small bit of her lost intellectual capabilities; the rest would have to happen over time. "But these four, I fear, were the goliaths who came here seeking treasure."

"I don't see any weapons," Xandro pointed out, looking about the cavern. "Nor any other way out of here."

"Here," Wakuren called pointing to a wall. It looked like there had been a tunnel here, but it was blocked by a bunch of large rocks that filled the passageway. "Back into the lamp; I can get us through this obstruction with a gaseous form spell." Sure enough, once everyone else was back inside the lamp's extradimensional interior, the half-orc was able to pass his gaseous body between the gaps and tiny openings between the close-packed rocks. About 20 feet of upwards-sloping tunnel was so blocked; after that, the tunnel opened up into another large cavern, this one with rocks and boulders of all sizes scattered all around it. Smack dab in the center of the chamber's floor was a large hole, with a vertical tunnel leading straight down; sliding his gaseous body over the hole, Wakuren allowed himself to float down the shaft until he was convinced it was the one leading up from the stirge cavern. With that settled, he slowly floated back up into the boulder-strewn chamber.

But one of the boulders in the back had unfurled itself, revealing a draconic shape seemingly made of solid rock. It watched Wakuren's gaseous self glide throughout the chamber, and when the cleric tried floating past it to another passageway leading further up, it interposed itself, blocking the way with its squat body. But by this time Wakuren had noted a few items of interest among the scattered boulders, including a canvas backpack and a long-hafted weapon that could very well be the goliath greathammer Volamir had been sent to fetch. Deciding he'd best discuss their next move with the others, Wakuren backed away toward the blocked tunnel, where he resumed his solid form, set Hesperna's lamp on the ground beside him, and said the command word while still touching its side. In a flash, he was inside the extradimensional space with the others.

Unknown to any of those inside the lamp, the stone drake wasn't intent upon letting the unaccompanied lamp sit where it was. Waddling over and picking it up in its wide mouth, it took it over by its other treasures, along the edge of the cave wall near the vertical shaft leading down to the stirge cavern.

After describing to the others what he'd seen, Volamir declared it sounded like a stone drake, a reptilian beast often tamed by goliaths and used as beasts of burden. "Let me go out and talk to it," the goliath suggested. "Just the two of us at first, so we don't frighten it into combat." He cast the words to a druidic speak with animals spell, using a variant known to the goliaths that allowed them to also speak with stone drakes and other similar creatures. Then, nodding his readiness to the half-orc cleric-paladin, the two stepped into the circle and Wakuren said the word that sent them back outside.

It was only pure luck that of the two of them, it was Wakuren who manifested directly over the hole above the vertical shaft, and that his air walk spell was still in effect. Volamir ended up on solid ground, but just barely; he was able to stabilize himself by grabbing an outcropping of rock at his side. Belatedly realizing there was no illumination in the pitch-black cavern, Wakuren, guided by his darkvision, cast a light spell on the end of the goliath's greatclub.

Volamir, glancing nervously at the hole in the floor by his feet, stepped away and made eye contact with the stone drake, who was watching him suspiciously. "Hey there, buddy," he said in his most non-threatening manner, a matter requiring some doing, for a goliath's voice is quite deep and gruff.

"I don't know you," the stone drake announced.

"Not yet, you don't - my name is Volamir. I'd like us to be friends."

"You're a decider," the drake determined aloud. Volamir, recognizing the term as one domesticated stone drakes used to refer to their handlers, shook his head in agreement. "I had other deciders, but they got all blobby. I sealed them off in the cave down there so they couldn't make me all blobby, too. Now I'm just waiting for them to get better."

"I'm afraid they won't be getting better," Volamir told the stone drake. "They all died from their...blobbiness."

"I have their treasure," the stone drake announced. "It's mine now."

"Yes, I can see that," Volamir agreed. "But if you'd like me to be your next decider, I can help you carry your treasure." He stepped over to the goliath greathammer and hefted it; it was indeed the weapon he'd been set to fetch.

"That's mine!" the drake snarled, and Volamir was quick to agree. "I'll just carry it for you, so you don't have to. And this man here," he added, indicating Wakuren, who had no idea what all was being said, "he's a kind of littler decider who can help us carry the rest of your treasure. He has others like him inside the lamp that can carry things, too."

"That lamp's mine!" the drake insisted. "I found it!"

"Agreed, but we'll let him carry it, okay?" The stone drake begrudgingly agreed; while he'd had plenty of food available to him while he waited for the four other deciders to get better - any time he felt peckish he could scamper down the vertical shaft and snap up a stirge or two, whose sharp proboscises had a hard time penetrating his stone hide - life had been pretty boring of late. Volamir told Wakuren of the current agreement, and the half-orc picked up the lamp, carried it away from the hole in the floor, and popped inside to go fetch the others. They all returned shortly thereafter, with Volamir assuring the drake that they would only be carrying the drake's many treasures as a show of their great respect for him. There was a significant number of coins and gems inside the backpack, as well as a few magic items common among goliaths: a replenishing skin that provided a steady supply of cool, clear drinking water; a flask of rhino elixir that hardened the skin of the drinker even more than that of the average goliath; and a small sack of slashing sand, which could be tossed on the ground to summon up a stone spikes effect. But as the heroes were distributing these items among themselves for storage, the stone drake was distracted by Alewyth, who had instantly responded to the sight of the stone drake with a cry of "Pretty!" and an instant demand to hug it.

The sloping passageway led to another chamber above, this one apparently once having served as the lair of a carnivore in some past time, judging by the scattered bones of former meals. But there was sunlight streaming in from another passageway leading to the top of the mountain plateau, and Alewyth and her new best friend went running to go play in the sunlight while the others gave the place a more thorough checking out. They unearthed the remains of another adventurer, judging from the scraps of leather armor, the rusted dagger, and the pair of magic bracers scattered among the various bones. But then they all headed topside and got a look at the amazing vantage point being at the top of a 1,200-foot plateau afforded. The Sylvanholme Forest spread out below them in all directions, with dotted hills and streams breaking up the landscape.

"I don't see a nest," Zander pointed out. Volamir called out, still under the effects of his speak with animals spell, and soon found himself in conversation with Shrieker, sitting in the eagles' shared nest about 10 feet down from the top of the cliff, sheltered by an overhanging ledge of solid rock. Once again, getting to the nest involved everyone entering the magic lamp and having Wakuren ferry them over using his air walk spell.

However, it was immediately apparent to Wakuren there wasn't enough room in the nest for the five dreamwalkers to be able to sit around the dream victim and perform their ritual - not when the dream victim was 10 feet tall. So he had to pop into the lamp to fetch Volamir, so the goliath could explain to Shrieker what they were about to do. Then, touching both eagles while touching the lamp, Wakuren brought everyone inside the extradimensional space, only to exit the lamp himself and air walk it back to the top of the cliff, where he set it down, went back inside, and exited again with Volamir and the stone drake, who would stand guard over it while they performed their standard dreamwaking ritual.

Once that was all settled, the heroes attached a dreamstone around the giant eagle's head and sat in a circle around him, their own dreamstones attached in the leather headbands they wore. As one, they closed their eyes, slowed their breathing, and fell asleep, to cast their minds across the planes and into the Dreamlands.

"Hey, kupo!" came Mogo's traditional greeting when they met up with him in the Corridor of Dreams. "This is a new record - he's only been sleeping for a couple of days, kupo!" Then he opened the door and ushered the five dreamwalkers inside the avian druid's dream.

Zander was the first to step through the doorway; having done so, he found himself plummeting at terminal velocity through the air with the forested ground below him rising at an unnerving speed. Choking down his instinctive terror, he focused his mind and recalled the lucid dreaming tricks Mogo had been teaching them each night; slowing his breathing to help quench his panic, he decided that in this dream he had a perfectly functioning pair of wings of his own - and just that quickly, he did. He was flying through the air under his own efforts, and off to one side was Skywatcher, flying beside him. They exchanged greetings as if they were old friends.

Thurloe was the next to fall into the dream and he responded with a more wizardly approach, imagining himself under the effects of a fly spell. He too was now at a level beside Skywatcher and Zander, when Alewyth entered the dream. She merely activated her butterfly brooch, granting her a temporary set of butterfly wings with which she flitted about. Xandro followed Thurloe's course of action and was flying on his own without the benefit of any wings, while Wakuren just imagined himself still under the effects of an air walk spell and remained upright.

"Look!" cried Zander, pointing ahead of them. There were two birds flying their way, each with the head of a stag instead of a bird.

"Perytons!" cried Skywatcher in disgust. He flew forward, talons ready to tear into their bodies - he'd not have such vicious predators entering the area he was sworn to protect!

Zander tried another lucid dreaming trick, this time altering the dream such that one of the perytons suddenly manifested a bag over his head, which tangled in his antlers and prevented him from seeing where he was going. He shook his head vigorously, trying to dislodge the cloth sack, to no avail. His flight path went wobbly, and while the other flew straight at Skywatcher the one with impaired vision missed his mark by a long shot.

The two bodies crashed midair, the peryton getting in a couple of scratches with its claws but Skywatcher getting the better deal by far, for he was a much larger creature and his talons inflicted much more pain upon his attacker. Thurloe flew around behind the peryton and by concentrating on his own lucid dreaming, managed to drain off a bit of the creature's strength, as if having hit it with a ray of enfeeblement spell.

Alewyth, in the meantime, hit the blinded peryton with a flame strike spell, killing it instantly. Its burning body went plummeting to the ground far below.

Xandro pulled out his Dardolian Lute and started playing his song of inspirational courage; it was nice having Robin around to take care of such things in the real world, but in the Dreamlands such a task fell to him. Wakuren summoned a javelin of lightning into his gauntleted right hand and sent it hurtling at the remaining peryton, right as Zander copied his initial "bag-manifesting" lucid dreaming trick. Suddenly unable to see, the peryton lashed out frantically with its claws, but missed entirely.

Thurloe was now in a "let's see what all we can do" mood and manifested a saddle onto the peryton's back, then flew over and landed upon it, whooping and hollering. Alewyth, however, ever with her reduced intellect, recalled they were there to kill the peryton, not play with it, so she sent another flame strike down from the sky to strike the peryton in the wing, making sure not to catch the spellsword in the area of effect. That slew the beast, just as it had done the first one, and the dreamscape started fading all around them as the awakened giant eagle awoke from his dream.

Skywatcher was surprised to find himself inside the extradimensional pocket of the lamp's interior, but Wakuren quickly explained the circumstances that had led him here. "I had been dreaming of two perytons, because I had chased two of them away from this territory," he told the heroes, as Thurloe said the command word that shunted everyone back up at the top of the mountain plateau.

"Good timing," Volamir greeted them, pointing off in the distance. "We're about to have company." Looking at where the goliath was pointing, the group saw a series of six figures approaching from the north, one of them much larger than the others. It seemed as if the two perytons Skywatcher had driven away had decided to return with their much larger pack leader, eager to take out the giant eagle preventing them from making this territory their own.

Robin knew her role and started playing her song of inspirational courage. Thurloe took a step forward in front of the others, waited for the perytons to get into range, and then unleashed a fireball spell at them, centered on the leader. Alewyth cast a bless spell on everyone there at the top of the mountain plateau, sure they'd all be needing it. Skywatcher wasted no time, becoming airborne with a flap of his mighty wings and flying straight up at the peryton leader, a creature with a wingspan nearly as wide as his own. His claws and beak tore at the peryton's flesh, sending feathers and fur flying in all directions. Beneath him, Shrieker also took flight, but the eagle remained just above the surface of the mountaintop, flying underneath the incoming peryton formation so he could circle around and attack them from the rear.

The stone drake and the cooshee stepped forward beside their respective masters, ready to protect them against any perytons coming within reach, but there wasn't much they could do as long as the stag-headed avians remained airborne. Zander cast a cone of cold spell up at the incoming force, catching four of the smaller perytons and slaying two of them outright. As they fell to the ground below, the three remaining normal-sized perytons all advanced upon Skywatcher, apparently deciding taking out the druidic guardian first was their top priority. Volamir hefted his goliath greathammer and cast a bull's strength spell upon himself as he waited for his prey to come within reach.

Xandro pulled out his Dardolian Lute and, using his dire elk pick given to him by Queen Zarabelia herself, began the chords to a new tune. Immediately, a dire elk manifested at the top of the mountain, beside the bard. It grunted and swung its head back and forth, sending its massive antlers - equal in width to the perytons' wingspan - darting back and forth as well, threatening to catch up anything that flew within range.

Wakuren sent another javelin of lightning up into the air, piercing its way through one of the perytons and continuing its electrical arc into the pack leader. But the leader was also concentrating its attacks on Skywatcher, and its talons were much larger than that of the rest of its flock. Skywatcher cried out in pain, flapping furiously to keep himself airborne under such a concerted attack.

The lantern archon sent a ray of light flashing up at one of the smaller perytons, one who looked to have taken as much punishment as Skywatcher in the aerial assault. Thurloe cast a ray of enfeeblement spell up at the pack leader, siphoning off some of his strength. And then Alewyth cast another flame strike spell, killing two of the three remining normal-sized perytons, including the one that seemed about to perish on his own.

Skywatcher continued his attacks upon the pack leader, realizing if they could slay it the other peryton would probably flee and never come back. Zander sent a lightning bolt spell up at the pack leader as well, and Shrieker came in with his own set of talons, but the eagle's attacks didn't even seem to register upon the much larger stag-bird. Down on the mountaintop, Xandro cast an expeditious retreat spell upon himself and moved forward, trying to keep up with the ever-moving battle in the air above. Wakuren joined the aerial battle directly, using his air walk spell to charge in an "uphill" attack that ended with his shield of Cal swinging into the side of the pack leader's massive chest. But then the leader went all out on the giant eagle, causing Skywatcher to fall, unconscious, to the top of the mountain some 40 feet below him. He struck with a mighty thud, near where Xandro had stood moments before.

Volamir was beside his fallen fellow druid in a flash, casting a cure light wounds spell in an attempt to keep Skywatcher from death's full embrace. The lantern archon zapped the peryton pack leader with another flash of its light beam, but the damage it inflicted upon the great beast was minimal. Thurloe did a little better with a magic missile spell, and it became apparent their collected efforts were having an effect upon the peryton leader, who might finally be having some second thoughts about having ignored these pesky ground-pounders in an effort to deal with the giant eagle first and foremost, for even now the dwarven woman was casting another healing spell upon the great bird, awakening Skywatcher to full alertness, the worst of his wounds healed up.

While Alewyth remonstrated with Skywatcher to let the rest of them deal with the remaining threat, the giant eagle was having none of it. Pushing the priestess aside with a mighty wing, the avian druid launched himself skyward once again and bit at his opposing foe. His beak sank into the peryton leader's neck, and if it was truly Zander's follow-up lightning bolt attack that slew the beast, nobody made any claims to that effect. It crashed to the top of the mountain plateau and Xandro slit its throat with Deathwhisper as the giant eagle druid and his eagle companion landed beside them, each letting out a cry of victory. The remaining peryton opted to flee just as they thought it might, but Thurloe was having none of that - he brought it down with a magic missile barrage.

"Everybody okay?" Wakuren asked as he finally touched solid ground, having spent the whole time inside the cave network under the effects of an air walk spell. He and Alewyth provided healing spells to those who needed them.

"Next decision," Zander prompted. "Now that we've awakened Skywatcher and Volamir got his hammer, how are we planning on getting back down?" That was easy; everyone went back inside the lamp and Skywatcher grabbed it up in one set of talons; he was overdue reporting in to Sharnabet in any case, although his news about a pack of perytons moving into the area was now somewhat out of date. But once back at the Elven Court, and having briefed the Druidic Circle leader about what had transpired, Sharnabet rewarded the heroes with potions of cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, and remove disease, as well as a pouch containing magical flakes that could purify food and drink if sprinkled and mixed within the contaminated substances. She even had one of her druids restore Alewyth's scattered wits with a restoration spell.

"And now," said Pendleton, the Royal Sorcerer of the Elven Court, "if it please Your Majesty, I believe we have taken up enough of the dream-wakers' valuable time. With your leave, I will return them to the town to which their wagon driver was to meet them."

"By all means," agreed Queen Zarabelia from atop her throne. "Go forth with my blessing, and the thanks of the entire elven kingdom. Your names will be remembered and revered for all that you have done for us." The six heroes bowed, said their goodbyes to Volamir (who had convinced the stone drake that together they'd gather even more treasure, so it was okay to allow these smaller "not-quite-deciders" to have what they'd been carrying, including Hesperna's lamp), and Pendleton Azulio teleported the heroes of the elven kingdom back to meet up with Scarlie and their various mounts.

- - -

This adventure included the return of Dan and Vicki's adult son Jacob to our ranks; he was in town with his parents over Easter weekend and I had enough notice he'd be available for this session to whip up Volamir as a one-shot PC. The goliath also made a handy excuse for the PCs not to just have Wakuren air walk them in the lamp directly up to Skywatcher's nest, avoiding the majority of the adventure (although they did use that ploy to handily bypass my four bat swarms and two stirge swarms - oh well).

- - -

T-shirt worn: My white Red Cross T-shirt, with the only tie-in being the link between blood and the stirge swarms in the second cavern.



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 10​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 4​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 5​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 4​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 10​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 2​
Scarlie Besker, half-orc commoner 5​

Game Session Date: 22 April 2023

- - -

Having finally been reunited with Scarlie Besker after several days spent dealing with the elves of the Sylvanholme Forest, the group was headed down the road towards the next dreamer who needed their help in waking up, when they turned the corner and found a familiar gnomish face looking up at them.

"Hello," said Wangle Turdblossom. "Would any of you fine adventurers happen to be in need of any magic items, perchance?"

As it happened, several of the heroes decided they would be more than happy to spend a few coins in the gnomes' Hidden Market. Waving for them to follow him, Wangle walked over to the side of the road, where a traveler's waystation stood - a simple, open-air structure that provided a roof against the rain. Pulling his detachable doorknob from the satchel he wore over one shoulder, the little gnome attached it to the door of an outhouse standing beside the waystation, turned the knob, and opened the door - which, naturally, now led to his extradimensional Hidden Market rather than the outhouse interior. Scarlie parked the mule-driven wagon, saw to it that all of the riding mounts were tethered by their reins to either the wagon or one of the waystation's poles, and then followed the rest of the group inside the Hidden Market.

Alewyth, in chatting with the little gnome about what particular wares they had to offer at the moment - for the gnome consortium's stock was always in flux - opted to purchase a set of magical gauntlets which increased her physical strength, figuring she could always use a little more damage potential when wielding her dwarven warhammer Sjondra. Thurloe asked for a pair of simple potions: one of cure serious wounds and one of gaseous form, and was sent to Booger Nostrildropping's cubicle, where the spellsword was assured they had potions meeting his needs on hand, if he'd like to take a seat and wait for them to be fetched. Wakuren wanted more powerful armor than the plate mail he currently wore, which had a low-level enchantment cast upon it that helped deflect some of the weapon-blows directed at the wearer; when asking if they upgraded magical armor, Wangle scoffed and reminded the half-orc that they were dealers in magic items, not creators of such. "However," the gnome added, "I believe you do happen to be in luck. While we don't usually engage in barter, we do have a suit of magic plate male with a more powerful enchantment than the set you're currently wearing, and I imagine Mr. Rection could be persuaded to accept your current armor - plus the difference in cost between it and the one with the stronger dweomers, of course - to a recurring customer of good standing." He bent over his desk, pressed a gemstone (which lit up), and summoned Biggie to come deal with the half-orc's needs. Biggie Rection was there in a moment, gruff as ever (and still the largest gnome any of them had ever seen, standing nearly four feet tall), nodding for Wakuren to come with him to his office.

Eventually, with all purchases paid for and the goods turned over (neither Xandro, Robin, nor Zander Quilson opted to purchase anything at that time), Wangle gathered the rest of the ten-person gnomish consortium together and explained they had an offer to make the heroes. Then he turned it over to the group's leader, Humdrum Thundersnore.

"You are aware we have a teleportation circle that can be tuned to different locations," Humdrum began. Robin and Scarlie rose their eyebrows in surprise at this bit of information; neither of them had been with the group when they had first encountered the gnomish consortium before. "With this device, we are able to monitor many locations all over the world, and areas of particular interest to us are the treasure hoards of dragons. Now, far be it for us to be foolish enough to steal treasure from a living dragon, for there's no better way to ensure an enemy willing to hold a grudge of vengeance for many, many centuries. However, we have spied upon a nice bit of treasure belonging to a red dragon, sitting there in the back of his cave network, and the dragon itself is dead, over in the next cavern over - as are the four adventurers, like yourselves, who slew him; alas, they did not survive the encounter any better than did the dragon. This, however, means there is a dragon's treasure trove just lying there in the back of a cave, waiting for someone to go fetch it."

"And your teleportation circle can open a gate to the treasure?" asked Thurloe, liking where this was headed. "But then why don't you just hop in there and fetch it?"

"Because the dragon has taken magical precautions," replied Humdrum. "Apparently word of our...proclivities has started to spread among the dragon populace, for there is a magical trap embedded in the ceiling of the treasure cave, directly over the dragon's treasure, that would spell instant death for any gnome that stepped foot in the cavern."

"That's very unusual for a red dragon," piped up Biggie Rection. "Most reds prefer to allow their own reputations to deter theft, and disdain magic protection of the type encountered here, deeming it unnecessary. This one, apparently, thought otherwise."

"So you want us to gather the treasure for you?" Alewyth asked.

"Pretty much any non-gnome would do," Wangle confirmed. "But we'd prefer to deal with people we know, and have dealt with before."

"People we can trust," added Oral Hijinx, one of the two female gnomes in the consortium.

"I assume we'd be paid for our efforts. How would we split the take?" asked Zander.

"There are five of you, and ten of us," answered Humdrum, obviously not counting Robin or Scarlie as they'd had no dealings with either of them before. "You go in, gather the loot, bring it back here, and we split it fifteen ways, even shares for each of us."

"What about the stuff the four adventurers had on them?" asked Xandro. "If we're going in, we might as well see if they had anything of value while we're at it."

"And see to their proper burial!" added Alewyth, surprised that the roguish human bard was giving more consideration to looting the bodies of the heroes who died taking out a red dragon than seeing to their proper funereal needs.

"Yeah, of course!" added Xandro, not wanting to displease the testy dwarven priestess.

The ten gnomes had gathered in a circle and were conferring among themselves in low voices. After a minute or two, they broke back up and Humdrum announced their decision. "As we're getting two-thirds of the dragon's personal treasure hoard, we'll swap it around the other way for the adventurers' goods: you get two-thirds of their stuff, and we'll take the other third."

"We'll even let you guys decide which items among their gear you wish to keep, and which you'll pass on to us," added Koriander Vanderfoof, sweetening the pot.

The heroes talked it over amongst themselves and came to a ready agreement. "Okay, we're in," agreed Wakuren.

"Excellent!" enthused Biggie, in a rare moment of non-grumpiness. He led the heroes through the Hidden Market into a back room, where the gnomish teleportation circle was already up and running. It was an upright disk of glowing energy, in the middle of which could be seen the interior of a cave. The only light visible was that which spilled in from the Hidden Market itself, but that was enough to see a large scattering of coins, gold and silver and platinum, spread over the right-hand side of the cavern. Interspersed among the coins were the occasional gemstones, bits of jewelry, and the odd golden chalice or silver statue.

"Before you enter the cave, a few stipulations," apologized Humdrum. "First, we will provide you with a portable hole into which all of the dragon's treasure can be loaded. However, I must insist that this be the only extradimensional space that is carried over to the dragon's lair. It's not that we don't trust you..." the elderly gnome explained.

"Nah, that's it exactly," interrupted Biggie. "We trust you to an extent, but not enough not to take simple precautions."

"Perfectly understandable," replied Alewyth, passing over the candy dish of gnomish design that she carried with her; it served as a convenient way of carrying small items - like coins and gems - without eating up a lot of room. Wakuren wordlessly passed over Hesperna's lamp to his fellow half-orc, as they had already decided Scarlie would be staying in the Hidden Market with the gnomes while the heroes entered the dragon's lair. Then, looking among the group, he asked, "Is that everything?" The heroes patted themselves down, then replied in the affirmative. "That's everything, then."

Xandro took the proffered portable hole - a folded piece of silklike cloth as black as anything he'd ever seen - and passed it over to Robin. "We'll let you be in charge of the scooping," he told her.

"I'm coming with?"

"Sure, I'll pay you put of my share."

"Hang on, I want to cast a mage armor spell before we go in," said Zander, doing just that. Alewyth looked through the open gate and saw the cave where the slain dragon and those responsible for its death lay where they fell, the cave being lower than the level of the treasure cavern by some 30 feet or so. "We're absolutely sure the dragon's dead?" she asked, a slight note of worry in her voice.

"Absolutely," Wangle replied, grinning somewhat at the dwarf's reticence to enter the lair of a dragon, even one who was already dead. "Enter when you're ready."

Robin began playing the initial chords to her song of inspirational courage - even though everything on the other side of the teleportation circle was allegedly dead already, she had caught the vibe of worry that was running through the minds of the heroes about to enter the cave network, and figured there would be no objections if she treated it like any other "about to go into battle" situation. Thurloe looked into the cavern, realized there was no illumination in there, and tried casting a dancing lights spell to send a few globes of incandescent light into the cave, only to mess the spell up because he still wasn't entirely proficient in casting arcane spells while wearing armor. But while cursing under his breath at having flubbed the spell, he used it as an excuse to stay in place - let someone else be the first one to step through into the dragon's lair!

Alewyth chose to be that person. She cast a bless spell and stepped through the upright circle, causing a chorus of hisses as ten gnomes all voiced a sudden worried intake of breath all at once. The dwarf jumped at the noise, frantically looking all around her to see what had startled them, and when she saw nothing she glared back at them. "Sorry," apologized Wangle. "We just weren't sure whether the anti-theft magic item on the ceiling was going to be triggered when you stepped into the cave or not."

"I thought you said it was geared towards gnomes!" the priestess of Aerik accused.

"Well, there are ten of us and ten petals around that flower shape up there...." hedged Wangle, a more or less admission that they'd let the dwarf priestess be a guinea pig in their little experiment. Alewyth just glared at them, looked up at the ceiling (and saw what looked to be a ten-petaled sunflower looking down from the ceiling) and gave the treasure pile a wide berth. Instead, she walked over to the edge of the cavern and looked down at the corpses of the dragon and the four dead adventurers below. She stared at them long enough to prove to her satisfaction that none of them were breathing.

Xandro stepped into the cave next, dropping his goggles of night over his eyes as he did so to provide himself with the same level of darkvision as that enjoyed by Alewyth and Wakuren. He too gave the "sunflower" a quick look, noting the central portion of the structure seemed to be a dark stone - obsidian? - with some sort of arcane rune etched upon it.

Zander Quilson was the next one into the cave. He activated the true seeing aspect of his scout's headband and looked around at everything he could see, ensuring all was as it appeared to be. This included the four dead adventurers and the red dragon they had slain.

Wakuren was the next one in, and he cast a detect magic spell as he entered, then went straight for the treasure pile. Without touching so much as a single coin, he determined that the whole pile of amassed loot - coins, gems, jewelry, and assorted doodads - was covered in a magical aura. There was also an aura coming from the "sunflower" on the cavern ceiling, and scattered down below among the adventurers' corpses - apparently some of them had carried magic items with them, a not-unexpected ploy for a group going up against a red dragon in his own lair. Robin stepped into the cave behind the half-orc, and Wakuren warned her, "No touching - not yet, anyway. I want to examine these auras a bit more."

Finally, having seen the defensive 'sunflower" on the roof was not apparently attuned to humans (for Xandro and Robin had entered the cavern unscathed), Thurloe stepped through the upright portal and went to stand beside Alewyth. He pulled out his coil of rope from his pack, along with a piton and his small hammer, then devoted his attention to hammering in the spike a good 10 feet from the edge of the drop-off down to the cave below. Once convinced it was in tight enough, he attached one end of his rope to the piton and tossed the rest of the rope over the edge.

Alewyth didn't bother with the rope. Activating her butterfly brooch, she leapt over the side of the edge of the sloping rock and fluttered down to the lower level where the dragon's corpse rested, part of its massive body lying in a pool of water being slowly fed by the occasional drip of drops of water from the stalactites hanging overhead. Flying over to the dragon, she examined its wounds as best she could (without touching it, fearing against all reason that it was just faking and would spring back to life to attack her if she touched it) and determined it had been slain by a deep gash where a sword likely penetrated its heart. There were other open wounds where the slain heroes' weapons had struck it, including several arrows embedded deep into its scaly hide. The dwarven priestess estimated the fight had likely happened some two or three days ago. A cursory glance at the bodies of the slain adventurers showed they had been taken out primarily by the dragon's fiery breath weapon, although a few of them showed signs of having taken damage from the dragon's teeth and claws.

Xandro stepped over by Robin's side, standing by the scattered coins and awaiting the signal it was safe to gather it up into the portable hole; in the meantime, she continued playing her song of inspirational courage on her lute. But Wakuren was still examining the area, his detect magic spell revealing the coins were emanating an aura of transmutation magic. Looking up at the sunflower-shaped item on the ceiling, he picked up an even stronger magic aura, this one focused on the school of necromancy. The gnomes had been right: the treasure cavern was trapped with some kind of death magic - and fortunately for them, the trap was apparently triggered only when a gnome stepped into range. Xandro pointed out the rune carved into the black onyx center of the magic trap, and surmised it was likely utilizing a finger of death spell to slay offending gnomes.

Zander scampered down the rope and stepped foot into the lower cavern, casting a stoneskin spell on himself as soon as he landed. Thurloe climbed down the rope immediately thereafter. He walked around the dragon, looking at the various weapons held by the slain adventurers; some of them were of excellent make and were likely magical in nature. He started gathering them up, wanting not only to take them for their monetary value but also to ensure the corpses were unarmed in case they suddenly animated. From a heavily-armored man he took a longsword, and from another he suspected was a ranger he took a well-crafted longbow. Alewith, still hovering over the area, cast a detect magic spell of her own and saw a ring worn by the sole female adventurer was magical in nature, and when she bent down to fetch it she was surprised to see it was engraved with the holy symbol of Aerik, God of Protection.

Wakuren focused his attention back onto the treasure pile. He cast a dispel magic spell on the scattered coins and gems, smiling in appreciation of his spellwork as his detect magic spell saw the magical aura dissipate from the dragon's collected treasure. "They should be safe to gather up now," he told Robin and Xandro, and the two bards bent to the task, Robin stowing her lute and spreading the portable hole down flat upon the floor by the coins. It took form, looking like a hole in the cavern floor, and Xandro started brushing a small pile of coins into the hole. They fell over the edge and into the extradimensional interior of the magic hole, causing Robin to giggle in delight - she'd never seen such a thing! Together they started scooping the treasure into the hole, occasionally moving it over closer to the treasure remaining.

Alewyth had just removed the ring with the holy symbol of her god on it and slipped it on her own finger when the dragon shifted. Feeling guilty, as if her taking of the ring had been responsible for the dragon returning to life, she tried removing the ring from her finger as if that simple action would return the great reptile to its unliving state. But the dragon was oblivious to the slain adventurers at its feet and the living ones standing (and fluttering) around him, rearing itself up into a standing position. It looked about in confusion, as if unsure of its surroundings, and then its great mouth opened wide. Alewyth flinched, expecting a massive gout of flame to come exploding from its throat, but it merely darted its head down to its left forelimb and ripped a large hunk of its own flesh from its left front leg. Then, rearing its head back up toward the ceiling, the dragon let gravity help the hastily-chewed chunks of meat make their way down its throat.

Alewyth, Thurloe, and Zander stood motionless in shock for a moment before springing into action. The elf sorcerer cast a lightning bolt at the dragon, not knowing why the massive reptile had returned to life but sure it wasn't going to be too appreciative at the heroes who had entered its lair to steal its treasure. The dragon ignored the blast of electricity that hit it in the side, even though the scales where the spell hit blackened and charred, focusing its sole concentration on swallowing the flesh of its forelimb it had just bitten off and chewed. From the edge of the upper cavern, Wakuren saw the dragon's return to life and cast a summoning spell which brought forth a celestial bison to manifest beside the red-scaled reptile. It lowered its shaggy head and butted its horn into the dragon's side, the tip of its horn barely scratching the dragon's hide. Once again, the dragon didn't even seem to deign to notice the attack.

Thurloe was standing directly in front of the dragon and sidled over to the side, taking advantage of the fact it hadn't seemed to notice him yet to cast a quick shield spell upon himself with his wand. But then a flash of movement caught his eye - coming down from the sloped passageway before him came four more reptilian figures. These were the size of the spellsword, and their scales were various shades of green. In a practiced maneuver, the four running lizardfolk stopped, pulled back their right arms, and then each let loose with the javelin held in that clawed hand. Two javelins came flying towards the spellsword and another two had been aimed at Alewyth; three of the four found their marks but neither did much more than bounce off the heroes' armor.

Ignoring the approaching lizardfolk because she saw the red dragon as the more immediate threat, Alewyth cast a searing light spell at the looming dragon. The blast was even more effective than it would have been against a living foe, giving solid evidence of the dragon's undead nature. There was a hiss of anger coming from up the sloping passageway as the dwarf's spell burned up the dragon's hide, and a fifth lizardfolk approached behind his four warrior companions, this one wearing a large ruby around his neck and a feathered headdress on its reptilian head. It raised a hand wielding a wooden staff, intoned a few magical syllables, and a howler manifested beside Thurloe. The creature, a demonic-looking mastiff covered in sharp quills, turned its canine head at the spellsword and snapped its powerful jaws at him.

Xandro went over to the edge of the cliff and saw the battle going on below. Pulling out his Dardolian Lute and using the dire elk pick he'd been given by Queen Zarabelia, he played the special tune that summoned forth a wide-antlered dire elk. The megaloceros manifested beside the celestial bison, and it swung its pointed antlers into the red dragon's side. But the dragon ignored the attack - as it had all of the attacks made against it since its reanimation - and chewed a mouthful of flesh free from its own chest, gobbling up the decaying meat it had ripped free.

The dragon was close enough to the edge of the cliff leading up to the treasure cavern that Wakuren made a running jump off the ledge and landed upon the creature's red-scaled back. He converted one of the spells he had prepared that morning into a healing spell, knowing full well the positive energy that would close the wounds of a living body would be similar to acid against undead flesh. The dragon's scales bubbled and boiled where the half-orc's hand touched it, but the dragon ignored this attack as well, just as it paid no heed as the celestial bison tried stabbing it with a pair of curving horns.

Robin realized there was little she could do in the way of contributing in a battle against so powerful a foe, so she concentrated on her own task at hand: scooping as much of the treasure as she could into the portable hole as quickly as she could. Xandro, after stowing his lute onto his back once again, joined her, eager to see to the treasure-gathering with as much speed as possible.

Thurloe swung his bastard sword into the red dragon's leg, near the unbleeding wound in its left forelimb where it had ripped out a chunk of flesh, before turning to face the howler. But then another lightning bolt spell from Zander blasted through the dragon and also hit the howler, taking out the latter creature entirely. Then two of the lizardfolk fighters rushed the spellsword, swinging heavy clubs easily capable of bashing in his skull. (He couldn't see it from his vantage point, but the other two lizardfolk fighters were charging the celestial bison, their clubs crashing into its shaggy hide to little effect.)

Alewyth cast a wall of stone spell that almost completely sealed off the lizardfolk cleric; she'd been hoping to cut off all five of the lizardfolk but the fighters had rushed forward in a burst of speed as she was still casting her spell. The wall reached from side to side of the sloping cavern, but didn't reach all the way to the top; the spellcasting lizardfolk might be able to scamper up and over the wall, but at least it should slow it down for a while. And it did, although once the rival cleric had managed to poke his head over the wall, he was able to cast a spiritual weapon spell and send the manifesting club hurtling at Thurloe's head.

The dire elk attacked the dragon again, but it turned its reptilian head to focus upon the half-orc standing on its back, between its wings. The snakelike neck reached back and its massive head came crashing down, but Wakuren hadn't been its target after all; instead, it ripped out a chunk of flesh by the half-orc's feet and swallowed it down.

Zander had scampered back up the rope by then and from his higher vantage point was able to cast a fireball spell that managed to encompass the dragon's head and all four lizardfolk fighters without catching Wakuren, Alewyth, or Thurloe in its blast radius. The red dragon, not surprisingly, seemed impervious to the fire-based spell, but all four lizardfolk took some amount of damage from the flames, two of them burned much more than the others. Wakuren converted another spell into healing energy and burned away more of the undead dragon's flesh - also, surprisingly, without seemingly garnering any attention from the reptilian victim of the half-orc's attack. It was puzzling - and not a little insulting - that the undead dragon wasn't paying the least amount of attention to the heroes' various attacks, concentrating solely upon its own self-cannibalization efforts.

Thurloe brought his bastard sword swinging into the bodies of the two lizardfolk fighters trying to overcome him with their bludgeoning clubs, slicing through the scales of one and then continuing his strike into the side of the other. They retaliated against the spellsword as best they could, but it was obvious a lot of the fight had been taken out of them by their various wounds by this time. But the other two lizardfolk, in a surprising maneuver, discontinued their attacks upon the celestial bison and clambered up the body of the red dragon, climbing up its relatively undamaged right foreleg to pull themselves up onto its broad shoulder, where they each gripped their weapons and headed toward Wakuren, who had been continuing to damage the dragon's flesh with his healing spells. Whoever these lizardfolk were, they were not at all concerned with the dragon trying to stop them and were actively attempting to stop anyone from trying to damage it.

Alewyth converted a spell of her own to healing energy and touched the dragon at the base of its tail, watching the positive energy burn away at its skin. But by then the lizardfolk spellcaster had crawled his way over Alewyth's wall of stone and scampered down the other side, calling out something in Draconic. The red dragon responded by stretching out a massive wing, which the lizardfolk touched with his own clawed hands. Alewyth realized what was happening: just as she and Wakuren were hurting the undead dragon by use of their healing energy, the lizardfolk cleric was healing it back up by converting some of his own spell energy into negative energy!

The spiritual greatclub came smashing down at Thurloe again, causing him to divert his attention away from the lizardfolk to prevent himself from being crushed to the ground. The dire elk and celestial bison continued their attacks upon the dragon, but it merely grabbed up another mouthful of its own flesh and continued upon its task of trying to consume its own body, bite by bite, while Wakuren fought off two lizardfolk fighters upon its back.

Zander cast another lightning bolt down at the dragon, managing to include one of the two lizardfolk fighters in the line of attack, who crumpled over and fell to the cavern floor, the spell having slain him. The dragon seemed as uninterested in the electrical blast as any of the other attacks it had suffered thus far. Wakuren stepped back out of range of the other lizardfolk and brought his shield of Cal smashing down upon the red dragon's spine, imbuing the strike with the full power of Cal's smiting energy behind the blow. Down below him, Thurloe slew one of his own lizardfolk opponents with the blade of his sword, even while ducking and dodging the spiritual greatclub which still tracked his every move.

As the remaining lizardfolk fighter perched upon the dragon's back closed in to attack Wakuren, Alewyth summoned a celestial brown bear into the fray, sending it to attack the spellcasting reptile wearing the ruby around his neck. It swiped at the unsuspecting lizardfolk, catching him in the side with a set of sharp claws. The shaman stepped away and cast a slay living spell at the bruin and the spell hit its mark, but the great beast shook off the worst effects of the spell and studiously refused to fall over dead. Instead, it reared up on its hind legs and brought its claws striking out at the reptilian spellcaster; when he tried dodging away from them, the celestial bison gored him in the back with a massive horn.

Thurloe parried the spiritual greatclub's latest attack with his bastard sword when Xandro called down from above, "That's it - we've got all the treasure from up here!" Robin was folding up the portable hole as he called down to his friends, hoping they might just decide to bug out back to the gnomes now that they'd gotten what they had come here for. As far as Xandro was concerned, let these stupid lizardfolk hang out with an undead dragon if that was their thing. But his dire elk continued on with his attacks, despite the fact they weren't seeming to have much of an effect upon the reanimated red dragon. In fact, it just ripped off another chunk of its own flesh, this time from the other side of its massive chest. Bone could be seen through some of the holes it had made in its own body, but its dead flesh no longer had the capability to bleed.

From his perch at the top of the cliff, Zander looked down at the dragon and judged it had to be on its last legs by now. On a hunch, he cast a magic missile spell down upon it, and sure enough, that simple spell was enough to finally bring it down. It collapsed where it stood, causing Wakuren and the lizardfolk on its back to leap to the side and try not to get crushed by its outraised wings as gravity brought its bulk down. The dragon's death caused the lizardfolk shaman to cry out in pain, directing Zander's attention his way to see a strange effect: a ghostly image of the red dragon seemed to float out of the dragon's corpse and shrink in upon itself as it flew over to the red gem worn on a necklace around the lizardfolk's neck. And then, suddenly, everything fit into place for the elven sorcerer: the dragon had been dead all right when they first entered the lair, but the appearance of the lizardfolk forces allowed the spirit of a slain dracolich to enter the dragon's corpse once its phylactery - the ruby necklace - had been brought within range. That explained the dragon's aberrant behavior: trapped in a new body unfamiliar to it and temporarily flooded with that body's memories, it focused on the instinctive need to render the current corpse it wore more like its own, previous skeletal body - and once it had ripped off a sufficient amount of this body's flesh, it would truly manifest in the full power of its dracolich form. Fortunately, Zander recalled that once an undead body had been "slain" it could no longer be used to house an undead spirit, so they managed to foil the lizardfolks' plan to see their draconic master brought back to an unholy semblance of life in a new dragon's skeletal body.

Wakuren was the first of the two remaining "dragon riders" to regain his balance, and he brought his shield crashing down upon the head of the lizardfolk fighter just as he was rising to his feet. He fell to the cavern floor, the top of his skull crushed in.

With the dragon dead once again, the celestial bison turned its shaggy head towards the lizardfolk cleric and found him to be a much easier foe to which it could deal proper damage. Robin, once the portable hole had been folded and stashed in her belt, pulled out her lute and resumed her song of inspirational courage. The tune buoyed Thurloe's attacks, and he soon stood over the bodies of the lizardfolk fighters he'd been battling. That left only the spellcasting lizardfolk, and with Zander calling down to the others what all he'd been up to with the dracolich's phylactery, that made him a most desired target for the heroes assembled below. Alewyth, her butterfly wings flapping overtime, closed the distance between them and brought Sjondra crashing into the side of the lizardfolk's head. The celestial bison gored him in the back again, while the spellcaster went all savage, leaping at Alewyth and trying to rend her flesh with his claws and his teeth.

Seeing this, Xandro cast an expeditious retreat and hurried down the tethered rope, eager to help his friends if he could. He had Deathwhisper in his hand, ready to strike, but his dire elk got there first and stabbed the lizardfolk with his massive antlers. But it was once again one of Zander's magic missile spells, fired from above, which snuffed out the spellcaster's life. It's possible the lizardfolk took some solace in being slain in the same manner as his dracolich master's new red dragon body had been slain, but there was no way of knowing for sure.

With the battles done, the summoned creatures were returned to their home planes and the heroes gathered up what items they could recover from the fallen adventurers who had been slain by the red dragon some days past. Alewyth, to the annoyance of the gnomish consortium, insisted on dragging their bodies together and providing a stone burial, which consisted of placing them into a shallow pit brought about by a soften earth and stone spell and laying rocks upon their bodies until they were totally covered. Not knowing any of their names, she didn't carve anything upon their tombs like she would normally have done.

The slain lizardfolk fighters and shaman were left where they had been dropped, with a quick inspection of their corpses revealing they had nothing the heroes deemed worth taking. The sole exception was the ruby necklace the shaman wore; Alewyth removed it (noting the intricately carved runes on each facet as she did so), laid it carefully on the stone cavern floor, and then brought Sjondra crashing down upon it, smashing the phylactery into worthless shards. Only then did she deign to return to the gnomes with the others.

Once the portable hole's contents had been emptied onto the Hidden Market's floor, the gnomes made a very thorough tallying of each and every coin and piece of treasure. The 15-way split ended up coming to 1,723 pieces of gold (or the equivalent) per share. The heroes decided among themselves which items of the adventurers' gear to keep and which to turn over to the gnomish consortium, and then they returned back to the traveler's rest area where they had left their wagon and animals.

"A pleasure, as always!" said Wangle Turdblossom, removing his detachable doorknob from the outhouse door and returning it to his satchel without closing the door. Then he stepped back inside and closed the door behind him; the heroes all knew if they were to open the door now, it would reveal nothing more than an outhouse interior.

"He's a weird little guy," Robin observed.

"That he is," Xandro agreed.

- - -

Boy, were my players ever a paranoid bunch during the start of this adventure! From a metagame aspect, everybody knew the situation couldn't be as simple as the gnomes hoped it would be, and they were waiting for the dragon to come back to life some way or the other. I think they were actually a bit relieved when it did come back to unholy life, because then at least the waiting was over.

Incidentally, Logan had Wakuren try a dispel magic spell on the coins because he knew there had to be a catch, and sure enough if anyone would have touched any of the coins they would have all gathered together and taken on the form of a coin hydra, which would have a breath weapon in the form of coins shot out at a tremendous velocity. But when he rolled a natural 20 on his dispel check, that was the end of that.

At least nobody at the table had been aware of the requirement of a dracolich in a new host body having to spend 1d4+4 rounds of self-cannibalization before it could truly manifest into its full body. That at least kept the players guessing as to what was going on. And fortunately for them, I rolled a 4 so it was going to spend the first 8 full rounds chewing off its own flesh; it only lasted the first 5 rounds before they had managed to bring it down.

At the end of the adventure, they opted to go into the Dreamlands and take a peek at the dream of the next person stuck in their dreams. They weren't able to interact with the dream yet, but at least they know it's a seven-on-one fight between a bunch of humanoid animals: an owlkin being attacked by a weaselfolk, otterfolk, mouseling, squirrelfolk, rabbitfolk, ferretfolk, and hedgehogfolk, the seven attackers all armed with melee weapons against an unarmed humanoid owl in a brawl the players have dubbed, "Attack of the Furries." (That's not the actual title of the next adventure, however.)

- - -

T-shirt worn: My green dragon T-shirt. (I only have two dragon shirts, one with a green dragon and one with a blue dragon. It was a toss-up and green won.)



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 10​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 4​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 5​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 4​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 10​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 2​
Scarlie Besker, half-orc commoner 5​

Game Session Date: 6 May 2023

- - -

Alewyth lifted Sjondra up to her face and spoke into the dreamstone embedded on one side of the hammer's face. "How much further to the dreamer, Mogo?" she asked.

The moogle replied, his kittenish voice being broadcast across the planes through the dreamstones. "Less than half a mile. straight ahead, kupo!"

The dwarven priestess dismounted from her dire goat Pyrite and tied his reins to the side of the mule-driven wagon. "We'll have to leave the wagon and mounts here and continue on on foot," she told the others. "Our road has become little more than a deer path at this point, and the wagon's not going to make it through the rest of these trees." Sure enough, the mules had been brushing up against low branches in the Oakpine Woods and did not seem to particularly like it. The others climbed down out of their saddles and fastened reins to the wagon, with Scarlie once again volunteering to look after the animals while the dreamwalkers and Robin went about their business.

Thurloe led the way, his bastard sword Spellslicer out and ready, dodging around trees but trying to keep in a more-or-less northerly direction. And sure enough, eventually the woods opened into a clearing, inside of which was likely the house they had been seeking. However, it was not at all quite like they had expected.

For one thing, this was no backwoods cabin but a rather impressive single story wooden building with a two-story stone tower off to the west side, and a separate wooden structure - likely a stables or a cart shed - off to the right. But the buildings stood all alone in the middle of a circular clearing in the middle of the woods, surrounded at equal distances by six large stone structures, monolithic in style and structure. And these stone pillars were the boundary of the home's strangest feature: a bluish, solid hemisphere of force that completely enclosed the entire structure.

"If our dreamer's in there, I don't know how we're going to get in to wake him," the spellsword informed the others.

"There's somebody inside," Xandro pointed out. Sure enough, a blue-toned figure went from behind the main building into a door in the side of the stables. From their distant vantage point, he looked to be wearing ripped rags, and while his skin seemed to be blue that was likely an effect of the force shield through which they were viewing him.

"I'm going to go check it out," Wakuren announced, casting an air walk spell upon himself. Then, activating his ring of invisibility, he vanished from view as he strode into the clearing and began climbing his way up to the top of the hemispherical force shield. Standing at its very top, he looked down in all directions, noticing what looked to be an angel - white-feathered wings growing from her back and all - rounding the west side of the house and stepping into the front door. Before he lost sight of her, Wakuren sent his senses flowing her way, trying to detect any evil emanations she might be giving off, for he was well aware there was a species of devil called an erinyes that looked every bit the angel - he'd met up with several of them during the "wake" of the dead wizard Seamus Volossio. But while the figure gave off no aura of evil, Wakuren couldn't be sure if it were because she truly was a celestial being or if the force shield somehow blocked such senses.

However, something else caught the half-orc's attention from his 50-foot-high vantage point. Off to the northeast, alongside a lone oak tree inside the relatively circular clearing, was a lean-to structure seemingly made of intertwined branches, and beneath this rude dwelling stuck out a pair of human legs. Thinking he might have found their dreamer after all, Wakuren went back to the others and explained what he had seen.

The general consensus was not to alert anything inside the blue bubble if they could help it, so Thurloe led everyone in a wide arc through the forest, which allowed them to approach the man beside the oak tree from the forest side, with the tree hopefully blocking the sight of anyone looking from inside the bubble. The man stirred at the sound of their approach, rising quickly and then, seeing the approaching heroes, exploding with a heartfelt, "Oh, thank the gods! I've prayed for someone to come to my rescue!"

Well, this wasn't the dreamer they had been seeking, that was for sure. The man introduced himself as Hadrian Pascobelli and he looked every bit the hobo: he wore a bedraggled-looking robe of indiscriminate color, streaked as it was with mud and dirt; his hair and beard were in tangles; and his weathered face - surely that of a man in his late sixties - wore a put-upon expression, as if lately fate had been giving him the short end of the stick. If any of the dreamwalkers had been forced to hazard a guess as to his occupation, more than one of them would have found "hermit" to have topped their list.

"Look at me!" Hadrian said. "How old do you think I am?" Then, without waiting for a reply, he answered hi sown question. "I'm 27 years old! At the rate I'm aging, I'll be dead in a couple of days! You've got to help me!"

"What can we do?" asked Alewyth. "What's causing this unnatural aging?"

Taking a deep breath, Hadrian began his story. "Three weeks ago, I got hold of a well of many worlds - a circle of fabric which, when unrolled, opens up a planar gate to a random plane of existence. I was experimenting with it downstairs in my summoning chamber, when a devil popped out of it - it had apparently linked up with one of the levels of Hell. Almost immediately, several more started entering my basement through the well. I fought them off as best as I could and held my ground for a bit, but after using up my most powerful spells I started to lose ground. Getting to the well and rolling it back up was no longer possible, as I was forced to retreat back up the stairs to the ground level."

Hadrian was staring off into the distance as he told his tale. "I made it outside the house when I saw the six pillars I had erected around it. They were the cornerstones of a magical field of energy I was working on - that's the whole reason I built my home out here, in the middle of nowhere, where I wouldn't be disturbed. I knew the field was theoretically possible, but I had yet to finish it. So in the heat of my panic, knowing that I could potentially be responsible for opening a permanent portal between our world and Hell that would allow fiends to encompass the entire planet, I used up the last wish in my ring of three wishes to erect the shield which even now encompasses my home and keeps the devils imprisoned within."

"That was quick thinking," commended Alewyth.

"No, it was idiocy of the highest order!" countered Hadrian. "I could have wished that I hadn't activated the well of many worlds, or that it opened up into a celestial realm instead of Hell, but instead I wished to contain them inside an unfinished force shield whose design I had yet to work all of the bugs out of. So, as a result, the force shield was activated, but without any other power source to run it, it tied it in to my own life force, which has caused my rapid aging! And worse, the farther I step away from the field, the weaker it gets, so I can't even go too far away or the whole thing will shut off and I'll have released a potentially infinite horde of devils to ravage the planet! I've been trapped here, without any of my spellbooks - they're all inside - and I've been reduced to using my few remaining magic missile spells to bring down rabbits and squirrels as my meals!" The elderly-looking wizard wrung his hands over his face at his predicament. Zander looked over at the ashes of a nearby campfire, and sure enough there were the bones of a few of Hadrian's recent meals in with the burnt sticks. "And on top of it all," Hadrian added, "my owl familiar Lowell has been stuck up in his nest since around the time I opened the gate to the level of Hell! I don't know if the two events are related, but without Lowell I've had no means of communicating with the outside world!"

"Well, we can help you on that front," said Wakuren, reactivating his ring of invisibility and air walking up to the top of the tree by which Hadrian had built his lean-to shelter. He cradled the sleeping owl in his arms and returned to the ground level, to find Alewyth had already explained the reason for their presence and their ability to awaken creatures who had become trapped in their dreams.

"We'll wake Lowell up first," Alewyth promised, "and then we'll see what we can do about your devil problem."

Wakuren, returning to visibility, led the other four heroes back into the deeper forest, while Robin was sent back to the wagons, specifically to fetch Scarlie and have him bring Hadrian some food while she returned to watch over the dreamwalkers while they performed their ritual. By the time she got back, Zander's jade cooshee had been activated and the young bard found herself sharing guard duty with a life-sized, living and breathing elven dog. "One of these days," she told the cooshee while rubbing him under the chin, "that silly elf's going to have to come up with a name for you."

In the Dreamlands, each of the five dreamwalkers were met up with their individual moogle guides and led to the Corridor of Dreams, where once again Mogo fluttered by a particular door. "This is the dream you're looking for, kupo!" he told them, pulling to door open and ushering them inside the dreamscape.

Stepping into the dream, they found themselves on a forest path not too dissimilar to the one they'd been following before it faded into a mere deer path. But there was a clearing ahead, and inside the clearing was the dream as they had peeked at it the other day, when they were still too far away to successfully interact with the dreamer. A humanoid owl-man - whose avian features, they now realized, matched up remarkably well with Lowell the owl familiar - was being menaced by a group of seven animal-men hybrids: a squirrel, a rabbit, a hedgehog, an otter, a mouse, a ferret, and a weasel. Each stood roughly the size of a human, and on two legs, and each wielded some type of weapon, all pointed at Lowell, who in this dream sequence was unarmed save for the owlish talons on the ends of his fingers and the sharp beak at the front of his face.

"We've had enough of you and your kind eatin' us and our kind," sneered the rabbitfolk, hopping forward and bringing his halberd's blade down at Lowell. The owlkin tried to step aside at the last moment to avoid being cut but ended up with a deep slash along one arm. From the owl's other side, the squirrelkin darted in, stabbing Lowell in the side with his sharp spear.

Xandro was the first to react among the dreamwalkers, and although Robin now normally took care of playing the song of inspirational courage for the group in the real world, here in the Dreamlands the task fell to him. Wakuren reacted next, summoning forth an axiomatic giant wasp and sending it to attack the hulking, hunched-over hedgehog, who wielded a sharp-looking dagger dripping with some sort of venomous substance. The wasp's stinger struck true, but the burly mammal managed to resist the worst of the venom's effects.

Zander quickly judged distances and planted a fireball spell such that its expanding flames encompassed all of Lowell's attackers but the hedgehog. It was apparent when the flames finished their exploding expansion that all six critters had felt the effects of the spell to one extent or another.

The otter was the next to attack, hitting Lowell with his longspear. By this time, having taken three successful attacks, Lowell was feeling very much the worse for wear. Alewyth came to his rescue in an indirect fashion by casting her own summoning spell as she moved up to attack the animal-men; her spell caused a fiendish dire wolf to manifest by the otter before she could reach him herself. The dire wolf made short work of the otterfolk, clamping down upon a furry arm and pulling the lanky creature down to the ground.

Thurloe didn't have a whole lot of spells prepared in the real world that would be of particular help in this fight, but he perhaps best among the five realized that in the Dreamlands that was no impediment at all. Using the lucid dreaming training Mogo taught them each night as they slept, he imagined a different spell selection having been made that morning and cast an enlarge person spell upon Lowell, thinking the increase in size would bring about a healthier constitution and a more fearsome appearance. While the second effect was perhaps true, all the size increase had really done for Lowell was to make him that much of a bigger target to hit, and so far the animal-men had all but ignored the dreamwalkers and their summoned companions. As if to bring home the fact, the mouseling shot an arrow at Lowell's now towering figure, catching the owlkin in the chest (straight through the tweed vest he wore). At Wakuren's shouted advice, Lowell backed up away from at least physical combat range so one of the clerics could heal him.

But the hedgehogfolk was forced to direct his attention at the giant wasp trying to sting him. He stabbed out twice in rapid succession with his envenomed blade, and sure enough the poison had an effect upon the wasp more than just the wound it opened in the side of its thorax: it lost a bit of its fighting strength, as muscles weakened by the impact of the blade's magical venom.

With Lowell currently out of stabbing range and a fiendish dire wolf blocking the way to go get him, the weaselkin stabbed the point of his spear at the wolf, catching it in the side of his shaggy throat. The rabbit's halberd and the squirrel's spearhead likewise cut into the wolf's pelt, a necessary precursor to them being able to attack the owlkin as they truly desired. But Lowell wasn't entirely out of harm's way, as the weasel let fly with a longbow arrow that caught the giant owl-man in the shoulder.

Xandro moved up, pointing the Dardolian Lute at the hedgehog and letting loose with a sound burst effect that had the spiny critter cringing in momentary pain. Wakuren took the opportunity to pull the arrows from Lowell's body and apply the soothing effects of a cure serious wounds spell to the owl-man. The half-orc's summoned wasp pressed on the attack against the hedgehog, who by all appearances not only seemed to be the group's leader but also its potentially most deadly member with that dagger of venom he wielded.

Zander cast another spell, an Elobar's black tentacles that engulfed all foes but the otterfolk and the hedgehog in its crushing embrace. The humanoid otter crawled back to his feet, only to be attacked by the fiendish dire wolf again as he did so and end up flat on his face again on the forest floor, the lupine's great paw pinning him in place. And by then Alewyth had finished her approach, bringing Sjondra crashing down upon the hapless otterfolk. The wolf lowered his head and nipped at the back of the otter's furry neck while he was at it, killing him by the crushing power of his jaws.

Thurloe had likewise arrived within combat range by this time, and he brought his bastard sword slicing into the hedgehog's side, just as the stout fellow slew the giant hornet, causing the insect to vanish back to the plane from which he had been summoned. The hedgehog fell forward from Thurloe's blow, and after that it was a simple matter to take out the rest of the animal-men, for five of them were tightly squeezed by jet-black tentacles rising up from the forest floor and the hedgehog had been wounded beyond easy recovery. Once all seven humanoid animals had been slain, the trees in the dreamscape started vanishing, a sure sign that Lowell - the real owl familiar, not the half-human hybrid wearing a tweed vest in his dream - was waking up.

Hadrian was overjoyed when the five dreamwalkers and Robin returned to his lean-to with his owl back awake and perched on Wakuren's shoulder; once the familiar got within sight of his master he flew the distance and alit upon Hadrian's shoulder instead. But the bedraggled wizard was also focused upon scarfing down the trail rations Scarlie had brought him, as his own food sources had been rather scarce of late.

Once the wizard had finished his meager meal, the group got down to business: how to deal with the devils who had infiltrated Hadrian's home from the well of many worlds in his basement? He knew from past experience that the farther away from the force shield he strayed, the weaker it became, and this proved to be the cornerstone for their eventual plan: Hadrian would slowly start walking away from his home, while the five heroes and Robin would each station themselves equidistant around the blue globe, pushing against it at the midpoint between the two closest stone pillars. Eventually, the force shield would shut off, allowing the six heroes to enter the perimeter; at that point, Lowell - stationed back in his nest - would inform Hadrian of his success, and the wizard would return at best speed back to the tree, bringing the force shield back up to full strength again (only now with the heroes trapped inside the hemisphere with an unknown number of devils). Thurloe and Wakuren further enhanced the plan by having everyone reconnoiter at the back of Hadrian's house, so Zander could cast a haste spell on the whole group, then Wakuren would pick up Hesperna's lamp with the other five hidden inside, turn invisible, and make his way into the house and down to the basement, where they could hopefully grab the well of many worlds without encountering too much resistance.

"Okay, it's a plan," agreed Thurloe. "Prep spells, and then we go in." The spellsword cast a shield spell on himself from his wand, then passed it over to Zander so the elf could do the same. Zander also cast the spells mage armor and stoneskin on himself, while Alewyth cast the spells aid and shield of faith on herself and bless and prayer on the assembled group. Wakuren covered himself in entropic shield, shield of faith, bull's strength, and bear's endurance spells, then converted some of the positive energy he normally would channel into a chance to turn undead into a divine shield effect instead. Xandro, as per usual, cast three heroism spells on the heroes most likely to find themselves in the front lines of battle: Alewyth, Thurloe, and Wakuren. Then the half-orc activated his ring of invisibility again and the group surrounded the wizard's home, each stepping into an arc between two of the six support pillars. Robin was visibly nervous, not only because she wasn't used to be as close to impending battle as the five heroes with whom she traveled, but also because her lute remained on her back, as her normal combat role - providing a song of inspirational courage to help stir the others to greater combat exploits - was not to be this time, as the group hoped to avoid the attention of any devils in the vicinity until they could gather together behind Hadrian's house and enter Hesperna's lamp.

Hadrian began his retreat away from his home, heading in a straight line as far away as he could go; Scarlie, no trained combat specialist but able to hold his own in a fight, accompanied him as a bodyguard of sorts. After a minute or so, Hadrian felt a burst of excitement over the empathic link he shared with Lowell and realized the six heroes must have made it through his force shield. Explaining what he'd felt to Scarlie, the two reversed course and returned to the oak tree just inside the clearing where Hadrian had been living for the last three weeks. And sure enough, even though the blue tint of the force shield made it difficult to make out a whole lot of details, Hadrian and Scarlie could tell the heroes were now inside the circumference of the six stone pillars. "Here's hoping they can make it to the well of many worlds in time," Hadrian voiced aloud, a note of worry in his voice - for he knew the likely fate of the world if they failed in this mission.

Zander moved straight to the back of the house after breaching the force shield, for he'd been stationed in the back to start with. His still-active cooshee kept by his master's heels. Robin had been one arc away from the elf sorcerer, and she gratefully stepped up beside him, a fairly safe place to be in case of any trouble, for while the elf was not much of a physical combatant he had perhaps the most deadly arsenal of spells among the assembled group of heroes. Thurloe had been given the arc directly in front of the house, and he dashed between the main building and the smaller structure to the right, passing a door on the side of the wagon shed and hearing some sort of smashing noise coming from within. But he forced himself to ignore the distraction and head straight to the back yard. Reaching the back, he turned the corner to head over by Zander and Robin - and was immediately scratched along the front of his right thigh by a pair of unseen claws.

However, "unseen" was perhaps too strong of a word. As the spellsword turned to face the likely position of his invisible attacker, he saw a brief flash of the barest outline of a creature the same general size and build of an adult lion. "Hellcat!" he cried out aloud, causing Zander and Robin - and Xandro, whose starting arc was the closest to the feline devil and would have been its initial attacker had Thurloe not literally walked right up to it - to turn in his direction and squint at the barely-noticeable outline of the hellcat's shape. But Xandro was able to get enough of an idea of its physical location to be able to creep up behind it and sent Deathwhisper's blade sinking deep into its back flank. The hellcat roared aloud in pain, making it quite obvious to the heroes that their eyes were not in fact playing tricks on them - there was a nearly-invisible feline devil before them!

The hellcat spun about in place and brought both pairs of front claws and its wicked fangs reaching out for the impertinent human who had dared to attack it, but Xandro knew enough about hit-and-run tactics to back up out of immediate range; only one set of claws found any purchase at all against the rogue's armor, and the damage done was fortunately minimal.

Wakuren followed Thurloe's path between the house and the wagon shed as Alewyth, off to the west of the house, activated her butterfly brooch and flapped her wings to bring her up and over the house's single story roof, skirting her way around the two-story stone tower.

Zander cast a magic missile spell at the hellcat, a spell normally infallible but in this case fizzling out to nothing upon impact due to the feline's inherent resistance to spells. Robin, at his side, pulled the lute from her back and started the initial chords to the song of inspirational courage - from the hellcat's roars of pain and anger, it was already fairly obvious that there was a battle raging in the back yard and they might as well get whatever magical advantage her song could provide them.

Thurloe brought his bastard sword crashing into the hellcat's flank, personally glad it had turned its back on him to concentrate on attacking Xandro, who had caused it so much harm with his initial sword-strike. Of course, that likely meant the hellcat would now focus its attention on Thurloe, but the spellsword took comfort that he'd have five allies aiding him in taking this feline devil down. And with any luck, they could slay it in time to pull off their "hide in the lamp while Wakuren takes us invisibly to Hadrian's basement" plan before any of the hellcat's allies made an appearance....

On that front, Xandro provided all the firepower needed, feinting to the left to draw the hellcat's attention that way and then slashing its throat with a swing to the right. The fiendish lion-thing collapsed to the ground, giving further evidence that it had walked through an interplanar portal to get to the Material World instead of having been summoned here.

However, the battle was not over - there wasn't even time for a breather before the side door opened in front of the still-invisible Wakuren and a beetle-devil the size of a man stepped in front of him. His innate ability to detect the forces of good told him there was some sort of mortal meddler immediately before him, so he snapped at the unseen half-orc with an impressive set of mandibles, but Wakuren stepped back out of harm's way in time. However, through the now-open door to the wagon shed, Wakuren could see a blue-skinned chain devil swinging his chains at the wooden wagon, tearing it to splinters one blow at a time out of sheer boredom and a desire to smash something. There were also the animated remains of a horse skeleton standing at the front of the shed, before the closed set of wooden doors at the front of the structure; the kocrachon beetle-devil had just raised the poor beast, long after the devils had attacked it and started eating the flesh from its bones before it had actually died of its wounds.

Not one to pass up an opportunity dropped into his lap, Wakuren channeled positive energy into his shield of Cal and performed an expertly-executed smite evil attack using every last ounce of strength he could muster. The impact was powerful enough to crack the kocrachon's carapace, and the half-orc cleric-paladin deemed losing his invisibility was a small price to pay for having dealt the forces of evil so big of a blow.

Alewyth alit in the back yard next to the others, having arrived too late to see any of the combat with the hellcat. Zander ran up to the narrow lane between the two buildings - in which Wakuren and the kocrachon were battling - and, with everyone in his group of six heroes well within range, cast a haste spell on the group. Robin continued on with her song, although her face held a look of sheer terror at the sight of the barely-seen dead hellcat and the very obviously still alive beetle-demon from the depths of Hell.

Thurloe pushed his way past Zander and attacked the kocrachon from behind with his bastard sword. There wasn't any room for Xandro to fit in past the spellsword, so he held Deathwhisper at the ready in case the beetle-thing somehow made it past Thurloe. But the kocrachon was rightly focused upon the half-orc standing immediately before it, although Wakuren managed to deflect the beetle-devil's attacks with his shield. He finished the insectoid fiend off with a final blow from the bottom tip of his shield, which came smashing down upon the kocrachon's head. As it fell to the ground in a tangle of insectoid limbs, Wakuren stepped over it and slammed the door closed, holding the doorknob in one hand to prevent the chain devil from getting through before the others could enter Hesperna's lamp, which he wore in a strap from his belt.

Alewyth rose straight up into the air, butterfly wings flapping as hard as they could go, to ensure there weren't any other devils headed their way. There didn't seem to be, unless they were invisible like the hellcat.

Zander abandoned the "hide in the lamp" plan and ran around the wagon shed over to front of the house, deciding they needed to get to the well of many worlds as quickly as possible. The cooshee kept pace, with Robin following close behind, her fingers still strumming her inspirational tune. But inside the shed, the kyton opted to open the door in a different way than anticipated by Wakuren, by sending the animated chains he wore all along his body (and which had looked to be rags to the heroes when viewed from outside the blue-tinted force shield) smashing at the wooden door in rapid succession. The door shattered into splinters, leaving Wakuren holding a chunk of wood with a doorknob attached to it. "Uh oh," he said to himself.

Thurloe brought his bastard sword up by his shoulder, ready to send it swinging into the kyton as soon as the chain devil emerged from the wagon shed. Wakuren took a step back from the doorway, so he too could lash out at the kyton when he appeared, using his shield in a concentrated attack while Thurloe attacked with his blade. Xandro, not liking the close quarters in which this next battle was looking to take place, ran around the shed to catch up to Robin. But then Alewyth lowered herself down to the roof level, from where she had a good view of the kyton approaching the open doorway. She cast a dismissal spell and the blue-skinned chain devil looked up at her in surprise, making eye contact with the dwarven priestess before vanishing from view, the cleric's spell having returned him to Hell. She realized he could simply return through the same well of many worlds if he wished, but she also understood that Hell was infinitely large and it was unlikely he'd been returned close enough for him to take advantage of that temporary (hopefully temporary!) portal to the Material Plane.

With the chain devil gone, the animated skeletal horse wandered up to Wakuren, fitting its bony body - which still had chunks of flesh attached here and there, each bloody morsel showing bite marks from the numerous devils who had tormented it to death - between the partially-demolished wagon and the western wall. "Oh, you poor thing," Wakuren said to himself, before holding up his holy symbol of Cal and blasting the animated skeleton to smithereens with a burst of holy energy.

Over at the front door, Zander opted not to wait for Xandro to check it out for traps, rightly figuring the devils had no need for such measures. Pulling it open, the elf's sensitive ears noted the sounds of voices coming from the right - the kitchen, as Hadrian had told them before they set off around the force shield. (The stairs leading to the basement were immediately to the left upon entering the front door, the elf recalled.) But not wanting to be ambushed from behind if he went immediately down the stairs, the sorcerer crept quietly toward the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen there was quite a spectacle. The floor was covered in hacked-apart foodstuffs, as the two bearded devils standing therein had created a game for themselves to alleviate the boredom of waiting for the force shield to diminish away to nothingness after Hadrian's eventual death: one would toss an object - an apple, perhaps, or a potato - into the air and the other would try to chop it into two with his glaive before it hit the floor. So intent were they on their little game they failed to notice the entry of the first batch of heroes and likewise failed to realize the import of the chords of the song of inspirational courage drifting in from outside. (Robin remained pressed up against the outer wall of the house, just to the east of the front door, not wanting to make herself a target.)

Thurloe was the first one to enter the kitchen, pushing his way past Zander again in his haste to allow his blade to taste fiendish blood. Xandro was right behind him and their twin blades each struck the closest bearded devil, who shrieked in pain and outrage at these interlopers having spoiled their game. But then the realization hit that if these strangers had made their way into the ring of six stone pillars, the accursed force shield must finally be down, and his bearded face broke out into a wicked grin. Alewyth removed the grin from his face post-haste when she cast a flame strike spell into the kitchen, catching both barbazu in its area of effect, covering them with holy flames much different from the comfortable flames of Hell. Wakuren entered the house behind his fellow cleric, making his way towards the kitchen as well.

Zander focused upon the second bearded devil, the one farther away from Thurloe and Xandro, and sent a lightning bolt spell his way. He supposed these bearded devils also had some level of resistance against spells, but unlike his magic missile attack on the hellcat outside, this one struck true and seemed to deal a fair amount of damage to the surprised fiend. While the first devil focused its attention upon Thurloe (missing with its glaive strike at the spellsword), the other moved up beside his partner and used his weapon's greater reach to cut into the flesh on Alewyth's left arm. The wound began to fester almost immediately; to the dwarf, it seemed as if the gash had been filled with painful acid that continued eating away at her with each passing second.

Thurloe and Xandro continued their attacks upon the first bearded devil, while Alewyth dropped back and tried casting a healing spell upon her infernal wound. Surprisingly, the spell had no effect, which caused no small amount of panic in the dwarven priestess of Aerik. But Wakuren tried a healing spell of his own and managed to overcome the infernal wound's resistance to healing energy, causing Alewyth to breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

Zander cast another lightning bolt spell at the one he'd already hit, and it backed up in pain, obviously staggered from the electrical attack. The other bearded devil continued its attacks upon Thurloe, while the other one apparently decided it wanted nothing more to do with melee combat against these powerful mortals; it teleported one room away, to the library that formed the entire bottom floor of the stone tower, to warn the two barbed devils there of the intruders and their surprising level of spellpower.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Robin stepped into the house through the open front door. Her fingers continued playing her magical tune, while her eyes glanced across the room to seek out any potential dangers. The room was apparently a living room or a lounge area, with a sofa and a couple of chairs, but no active combatants - judging from the sounds of combat coming from her right, they were currently confined to the kitchen.

The sounds of battle from the kitchen came to an abrupt halt when Thurloe pierced the bearded devil's belly with the blade of his sword. He stepped further into the room and then ducked through the open fireplace that connected kitchen to living room - the last fire, fortunately, having long since been nothing more than cold ashes. He stared at the door in the curved stone wall of the living area, the likeliest place - other than the doorway leading downstairs, which was also in his field of view - for any devilish reinforcements to show up.

With a moment's combat reprieve, Xandro pulled the Dardolian Lute from his back and, using his dire elk pick, played the tune that summoned the megaloceros into being smack dab in the middle of the living area. That way, the bard-rogue figured, any devil reinforcements would have a target that was not him or any of his adventuring partners to have to deal with first. Alewyth, seeing the logic of that plan, followed suit by using a summon nature's ally spell to call forth a celestial brown bear to manifest beside Xandroi's dire elk.

The barbed devils in the library had been playing their own boredom-reducing game: as the center of the room held an enclosed spiral staircase leading up to the top floor of the tower, one barbed devil would take a book from the shelf and toss it either to the right or to the left, and it was up to the other one to hit it with a scorching ray before it fell to the floor. The ashes and smoldering books covering the floor of the lower level showed this game was about to come to a forced end by lack of new books to use, when the bearded devil had teleported in to warn its more powerful brethren of the dangerous foes in the kitchen. It gasped out its message before collapsing to the floor amid a cloud of book-dust, its every last ounce of vitality having been extinguished.

With a burst through the library door, the two barbed devils - each towering over the heroes, who stood at most nearly half their size - exploded into the living area. One went straight for the dire elk standing immediately before it, while the other skirted around its companion and went for Thurloe, rising to a standing position after having crawled into the living area through the fireplace. Zander, recalling the success he'd had with lightning bolt spells against the devils so far, cast another such spell at the barbed devil attacking Thurloe.

Robin, still playing the song of inspirational courage and wishing it could do more to slow the speed of her own frightened heart, slowly slid along the front wall and stepped into the kitchen, where her friends could still hear her music but there was no longer any combat taking place. She stepped carefully so as not to slip in the chopped up fruits and vegetables covering the majority of the kitchen floor.

Thurloe mentally activated his torc of the titans to boost his own strength and brought Spellslicer slamming into the barbed devil approaching him - and did quite a number on his hands gripping the weapon as he did so, for a great number of the devil's wicked spines pierced his flesh as he brought his blade to bear. He cried out in pain and Xandro, having just crawled through the fireplace behind the spellsword, cast a cure light wounds spell on him to take away the worst of the injuries. Meanwhile, the dire elk, heedless of his own safety, swung his massive rack of antlers at the other barb-covered hamatula, but it dodged the blow with ease.

From near the kitchen doorway, Wakuren tried casting a blindness/deafness spell at the hamatula fighting the dire elk, but he ran afoul of the fiend's innate spell resistance. Alewyth cast a spiritual weapon and sent a dwarven warhammer made of solid force energy flying over the celestial bruin's broad back to strike the barbed devil in combat with Thurloe. Fortunately, the devil's resistance to spells was unable to overcome this particular spell, and the force-hammer clonked it a good one in the side of his head. The bear swiped a pair of claws at the same devil at about the same time, but it was unsuccessful for the hammer-clonking had forced the barbed devil to step to the side at the last moment. Then it made a surprise maneuver, reaching over the celestial brown bear to grab at Wakuren, snatching him off his feet and dragging him in for a painful embrace that sent numerous sharp spines piercing the half-orc through his metal armor. The other one performed a similar maneuver against Thurloe, a great number of wicked spines stabbing into the spellsword's chest and thighs. Both front-line heroes were much the worse for wear after these brutal attacks, and the success of their joint venture brought wicked smiles to the barbed devils' spiny faces - these "heroes" might have fought their way through the bearded devils with relative ease, but the hamatulas were made of much more powerful stuff!

Zander crawled through the fireplace and sent a lightning bolt spell crashing over Thurloe's head and through the upper body of the hamatula he was fighting. The spellsword used his anklet of translocation to dimension door himself back to the relative safety of the kitchen, nearly slipping in a pile of squashed apple chunks when he landed. Xandro backed his way through the fireplace and cast another cure light wounds spell on Thurloe, who looked like he needed much more powerful healing, but that was all the bard-rogue could do for him, and he figured every little bit helped.

Wakuren extracted himself from the barbed devil's embrace and momentarily hid behind the body of the great celestial bruin, using him as a shield to cast a cure serious wounds spell on himself that he desperately needed. The dire elk tried getting the barbed fiend's attention with another swipe of its antlers, but the crafty devil had by this time realized the summoned animals were easily ignored; the real threats were these adventurers! But Alewyth added to the mix by summoning a fiendish dire wolf, thinking to fight fire with fire by sending fiend after fiend. It snapped its jaws at the nearest devil, with no success. Alewyth's spiritual warhammer fared better, clonking the same devil another time in the side of his barbed head, while her celestial bear swiped again in vain with a set of sharp claws.

The barbed devil that had grappled with Thurloe was by this time quite the worse for wear, and he backed off against the curved stone wall of the tower keep, casting forth an unholy blight that killed the celestial brown bear outright and put a serious hurt on all of the other heroes save Xandro, whose fortunate position in the kitchen just to the side of the open fireplace prevented him from being within range, and Robin, who likewise had a solid wall between her and the barbed devil making the unholy attack. The other devil, trying to intimidate the heroes with a show of superior strength, brought its spiny fists down upon the head of the fiendish dire wolf, crushing its skull and sending it vanishing into oblivion. "Who wants some of that?" it taunted the heroes. "Get out of here while you still can, while we go explore the world beyond the blue bubble!" None of the heroes gave the fiend a reply, but several of them picked up on the fact that the barbed devil apparently thought the force shield surrounding Hadrian's estate was permanently lowered.

Zander replied with another lightning bolt spell directed at the barbed devil that had cast the unholy blight spell, slaying it outright to the surprise and consternation of the other hamatula. Robin, seeing the vile fiend slain, started playing her song of inspirational courage with a little more fortitude behind it - the heroes just might be able to pull this off after all!

Thurloe, not willing to wait for one of the clerics to have a free moment to see to his wounds, drank down a potion of cure moderate wounds from his own private stash, while Xandro cast another cure light wounds spell upon him to help him regain his full fighting strength. Meanwhile, out in the living area, as the dire elk made another ineffectual attack against the remaining hamatula, Wakuren decided to go for it, leaping at the barbed devil with an overhead swing of his shield of Cal, after having channeled holy energy into the shield in an attempt to smite the evil fiend before him, and fully willing to take some damage if it meant dealing out even more damage to his foe. He screamed in pain as the fiend's spikes stabbed into his flesh, but Alewyth was right there behind him to cast a cure critical wounds spell on him after he disengaged.

But the half-orc's maneuver seemed to be the turning point in the fight. As Alewyth's spiritual warhammer was redirected to this second foe, it grabbed for Wakuren again, but this time failed to take purchase of the armored cleric-paladin. Zander cast an Elobar's black tentacles spell that caught the barbed devil in a myriad of writhing appendages, also catching up the dire elk but considering it a small price to pay for at least the temporary reprieve of a moment while the devil had to teleport away from the ebon tentacles if it couldn't rip its way through using brute force. The dire elk, however, continued pressing the attack against the barbed devil with his impressive rack of antlers and with the fiend unable to move out of the way, this time the attack was successful. The sorcerer failed to notice that the sphere of tentacles rising up from the living area floor also blocked the way to the stairs leading down to the lower level, where they needed to go.

Thurloe, still woozy from blood loss from his many wounds, drank down a second potion while Xandro pumped the last bit of healing energy into the spellsword via his final cure light wounds spell for the day. But Wakuren wanted to press the attack against the barbed devil while it was still an option, so he leaped at the edge of the grasping tentacles, bringing the pointed bottom edge of his shield of Cal down upon the barbed devil's head with all the strength he could muster, even though it meant more punishment from the fiend's many sharp spikes. Alewyth joined her fellow cleric in the attack, accepting the multiple piercings from the fiend's wicked spikes as the price to whack him a good one with Sjondra. And above her head, Alewyth's spiritual warhammer continued its own attacks.

That was enough for the barbed devil. He teleported into the kitchen, part of which he could see through the open fireplace. He ended up manifesting right next to Zander, which caused the poor sorcerer to bleat in terror and instinctively hurl a lightning bolt spell at the fiend, once again getting his spell past the devil's spell resistance. Robin saw the devil's presence in the kitchen and scooted back into the living room, never once missing a beat from her magical tune.

Thurloe had healed himself up to the point he was ready for some hand-to-hand combat again, and stepped to the devil's side, swinging Spellslicer for all he was worth. And Xandro blasted the fiend with a sound burst from his Dardolian Lute, none of which the barbed devil appreciated overly much - he'd come here to escape the kind of punishment he was taking in the living room!

About that time, the dire elk suddenly vanished - the duration of his summoning having expired - and the Elobar's black tentacles found nothing within their grasp. Wakuren scrambled through the fireplace, swatting the barbed devil with his shield, finding it a way in which he could avoid being stabbed with numerous spikes and barbed spines when attacking the fiend, as long as he was sure to strike with the shield's flat front face. But it was Alewyth casting a searing light spell at the devil and her spiritual warhammer flying through the open fireplace to continue its attacks that finally told the barbed devil that enough was enough - with another teleport, he was gone from the kitchen to parts unknown, although the group knew he had to be somewhere within Hadrian's life-force-powered force shield surrounding his home.

"Cancel your spell!" ordered Wakuren as he ran towards the stairs. Zander obediently dismissed the black tentacles as the half-orc crashed down the stairs, Alewyth hot on his heels. They were the first to make it to the bottom of the stairs, and thus the first to see the devils gathered together there.

Directly across from the bottom of the stairs was a closet of shelves, each containing various spell components, and perched upon one shelf was a little imp, gleefully mixing items together and chuckling madly whenever he caused the mixture to bubble or turn colors. But on the floor before him was a black, circular opening - surely the well of many worlds - and examining it was a large-headed devil in wizard's robes: an amnizu. Standing at his side was the harried barbed devil from upstairs, frantically describing to the amnizu the amount of permanent devil-death those mortal adventurers had been dealing upstairs.

Wakuren picked up the thread of the conversation, saying, "Above all else, we want to prevent a devil incursion through this portal. If it means slaying everyone who's come over thus far, then that's what we'll do. But if you return to Hell right now, we will allow you to live. You're potentially immortal - you decide whether fighting us and facing a permanent death on this plane is a chance you're willing to take!" Alewyth, who would much rather slay all of the devils she could, opted not to argue and followed Wakuren's lead - even she knew the five heroes had blown through a lot of their most powerful spells and wouldn't be able to hold off any new reinforcements indefinitely.

"They killed both bearded devils, plus the other barbed devil with me, and possibly the kyton and hellcat outside!" the wounded hamatula confirmed.

"Both of them, dead - and the undead horse the kocrachon raised, after we killed the kocrachon," Wakuren added, figuring banishing the chain devil back to Hell was close enough to a confirmed kill.

The amnizu thought it over for a total of about three seconds before readily agreeing. "Back in the portal!" he commanded the imp, but the barbed devil beat him to it, leaping through the well of many worlds before Wakuren could change his mind.

"There's an erinyes in here somewhere, too," Alewyth added. "Send her through or we'll kill her when we find her."

"Done," the amnizu replied after sending a telepathic summons to the erinyes, who was busy at the top floor of the tower looking through Hadrian's dresser drawers. She soon flew down to join the amnizu, pushing her way past the other heroes on the stairs (after Wakuren called to them to let her pass), and together the two devils leaped through the portal. The half-orc then rolled it up, closing the gateway to Hell.

"Now what?" Zander asked, joining the others downstairs.

"Got a scorching ray?" Wakuren asked him. He did, and soon the dangerous item was burning away.

The threat having been dealt with, the six heroes returned to the perimeter, motioning through the force shield for Hadrian to head far enough away to let them back out. He and Scarlie got the message and were off, and soon enough the two groups were reunited back by Hadrian's makeshift lean-to at the base of the tree in which Lowell had his nest.

"Now what will you do?" Alewyth asked, after they had regaled the wizard with the tale of what they had seen and done inside his home. "Can you even get back into your house with the force shield up?"

"If I move far enough back that it drops, and then stay away for 12 hours or more, that would probably break the connection," Hadrian mused. "Or...or you could just smash the six stone pillars. Without them in place, the force shield will lose its cohesiveness almost immediately."

"Do you want us to do that?" Xandro asked. "I'm sure you put a lot of effort into getting those built precisely to specifications."

The old man sighed. "And I'm too old now to be able to finish the job," he said, for the advanced aging caused by his life force powering his prototype force shield hadn't - and wasn't about to - be restored. "Go ahead and smash them - it's better than me getting stuck inside my own force shield without being able to get back out again, if anything were to cause it to snap back into place." Alewyth nodded her understanding and hefted Sjondra, eager to be about the business at hand.

"So what will you do now?" Zander asked Hadrian.

"I suppose I'll just live out whatever months or years are left me out here in the woods. Lowell's here to help catch fresh meat, and there are edible plants and mushrooms to be found in the woods...but my days of being a wizard are behind me, I fear, with all of my spellbooks burned to ashes."

"You poor man," Robin commiserated.

"Don't feel too bad for me. I'm the victim of my own folly." And Hadrian gazed wistfully into the distance, as if saying goodbye to to the life he had originally expected to live, experimenting on his force shield out in the woods where he was unlikely to be bothered.

Once Alewyth had smashed the pillars and the force shield dissipated as predicted, Hadrian led them into his home to assess the damage. At his insistence, he gave them a sack full of diamonds, a magical dagger, and seven potions he had created downstairs in his lab. "I'm sure these will be of more use to you than to me," he said. Thurloe shot Alewyth a look that said, "Don't even think about not accepting his payment."

And with a sad farewell, the heroes said goodbye to the elderly wizard they knew to be all of 27 years old, returning to their wagon and animals and heading back the way they had come, until the path became a road again and they could veer off in the direction of the next dreamer needing help awakening.

- - -

Vicki usually brings homemade brownies to our game sessions, but this time she switched to vanilla cupcakes, and for a good reason: it was Dan's birthday. The fact that he chose to spend four hours of his birthday playing in our every-other-Saturday game says a lot about how much we're enjoying our campaign.

Some of our more recent adventures have been fairly easy on the PCs, due to lucky die rolls, but this one was a lot more exciting - I had boith Wakuren and Thurloe down to 2 hp each during the course of our battles! Had they failed their grapple checks (to avoid being "bear hugged" by the barbed devils), I could easily have had two PC deaths on my hands during this session (which would have been a pretty poor birthday gift!). But it was admittedly nice to see them worried for their PCs for a change!

As this was adventure #50, the PCs all made it to 11th level and our campaign is now exactly halfway done.

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T-shirt worn: My TARDIS T-shirt, as I didn't have anything more appropriate, and with the well of many worlds in Hadrian's basement, his house was technically "bigger on the inside" (infinite, in fact) "than it was on the outside."
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 11​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 5​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 6​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 5​
Xena, human ranger 11​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 11​

NPC Roster:
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 3​
Scarlie Besker, half-orc commoner 5​

Game Session Date: 20 May 2023

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The group ambled into the city of Dalton Heights and immediately started hitting the taverns for information, with Xandro and Robin doing the best job at getting the locals to talk to these dusty strangers, for the city seemed to have more than the normal share of aristocrats about, and a significant number of the cityfolk turned their noses up at these common-looking travelers who went about in the company of not one, but two half-orcs. But rounds of drinks had a way of loosening tongues, and before too long the bards had gotten the location of the next dream victim and instructions on how to find his manor.

Pulling up to the mansion, the group dismounted from their various steeds and climbed down from the mule-driven wagon. Scarlie once again volunteered to stay with the animals, never feeling comfortable with those so obviously above his station. But when Alewyth knocked upon the front door and announced their intentions to awaken anyone who'd been sleeping for far past the normal time, they were ushered inside by excited servants who went to summon the mistress of the house. The master of the manor was one Lord Nobart Cutherton, and according to his worried wife he'd been sleeping now for three weeks, and the local clerics had been unable to awaken him with any of their spells and remedies. "It could be we're able to have Lord Nobart awake for tonight's dinner," advised Alewyth. Lady Bethany Cutherton was more than willing to allow the five dreamwalkers to pull her husband's bed out into the middle of the bedroom floor so they could sit around it in a circle. Robin and Zander's activated jade cooshee were placed on guard duty to watch over their sleeping bodies while they tried to rescue Lord Nobart from his dream, and then the five closed their eyes and entered the Dreamlands, one by one, as they each slowed their breathing and fell asleep.

They were each met by their individual moogle guides, who ushered them into the Corridor of Dreams where Mogo was waiting for them. "This is the current dream, kupo!" he said, hovering in place with his little wings while his kittenish paws opened the door for his five students. "Good luck, kupo!"

The dreamscape was a simple dinner party with twelve dignitaries sitting around a table while servants placed covered dishes in front of each. Lord Nobart was in the back of the room, looking around nervously as if afraid he'd make a social faux pas and embarrass himself in front of these other noblemen. As the five dreamwalkers lined up against the back wall to observe the progress of the dream - at this stage they had no real idea of how to usher the dream to its conclusion, so that Lord Nobart could be awakened - the eleven other noblemen all turned their heads as one to stare at the twelfth diner. Realizing they all had expressions of expectation on their faces, as if waiting for him to make the first move, Lord Nobart lifted his covered tray with a shaking hand and set it aside, careful not to knock over his fluted glass of sparkling white wine. Eleven faces grinned at him as he looked down upon his meal: a plate of writhing earthworms.

Lord Nobart let out a gasp of horror and looked up from his horrid meal to the other eleven aristocrats. As one, they were grinning madly at the scene of his consternation and discomfort, as if enjoying his inability to decide what he should do next. Their grins grew wider, then wider still, until the ends of their lips reached to their ears, and still they kept expanding, until the impossible width of their wicked smiles caused their entire faces to rip into twain and there, beneath the drooping flesh of their shattered visages were entirely different faces: hard, shiny with dripping fluids, these internal faces burst forth from the split heads of the noblemen diners and continued moving forward, propelled by dozens of legs in a centipedal form.

Lord Nobart bleated in terror at the sight of eleven face-centipedes bursting from the bodies of his hosts and fellow diners and leaped up from his chair, cowering in the back corner of the room, holding his spoon out before him as if brandishing a weapon. But fortunately, the dreamwalkers took this as their cue: apparently, if they were to slay these eleven face-centipedes there was a good chance the dream would end and Lord Nobart Cutherton would finally awaken from his dream coma.

Zander was the first to react. The lengthy table seated five diners on each of its long sides and one at each end; Lord Nobart had been the farthest away along the western edge of the table. The elven sorcerer took a step forward from the front of the room and lined himself up with the five face-centipedes originally seated across the table from Lord Nobart and sent a lightning bolt spell blasting through five horrid bodies. Three of the terrors were slain instantly, their bodies curling as they burned to ash; the other two survived this initial attack but were obviously singed by the blast of electricity.

Wakuren, a man of action when action was required, stepped up and slammed his shield of Cal into the face-centipede seated at the front end of the table. Beside him Thurloe, a man of caution when a means of ensuring to his own safety was at hand, opted not to attack but rather to cast a shield spell upon his dream-self, even knowing full well he could not actually be slain by these dream figments. Alewyth was in more of a Wakuren state of mind and slammed the closest face-centipede - one that had just been singed by Zander's spell - with Sjondra.

Xandro raced forward with Deathwhisper drawn and stabbed its blade deep into the chitinous side of one of the face-centipedes that had been sitting on Lord Nobart's side of the table and had made the mistake of facing towards the frightened noblemen when there were foes at hand. Xandro's sudden attack nearly split the creature into two segments, and as he pulled his blade back out from between a pair of legs, black ichor spilled from the wound onto the hardwood floor below.

"St-stay back!" stammered Lord Nobart, still threatening the monsters away with his raised spoon. The three face-centipedes closest to the nobleman all lurched at him, biting at him with wicked mandibles growing out from the sides of their horrid faces. Blood dripped from three insectoid faces as they pulled back from their attacks, looks of triumph evident in their burning eyes. And indeed, Lord Nobart looked very much the worse for wear, stumbling down onto one knee as his strength gave out.

The face-centipede Wakuren had struck with his shield whipped about and snapped at Thurloe, mistaking him as his attacker. Two more darted after Xandro, while another pair attacked Alewyth. The dreamwalkers had to give these horrid little monsters credit: once battle erupted, they were more than willing to engage whatever enemy stepped into range.

Zander stepped to the side and lined up a fireball spell such that its explosion engulfed four of the face-centipedes at the far end of the room, slaying one outright and burning the three that had been menacing Lord Nobart. The elf was glad to see he'd targeted his spell in such a manner as to avoid getting the nobleman within range of his expanding flames. Wakuren stepped forward (evading the attack of the face-centipede that had just snapped at Thurloe as he did so) and used the lucid dreaming training he'd received from Mogo to cast a healing spell at Lord Nobart from across the room. He could see the nobleman's wounds heal up, although the bloodstains on his garments were still in evidence.

Thurloe was now ready for combat himself and, seeing the success of the elf's fireball spell, mirrored the attack with another of the same spell cast in the same location. Another of the face-centipedes died in the attack, and the other two assaulting Lord Nobart were burned rather badly. Alewyth leaped up onto the table, ran across its length, and came leaping down at one of these two, swinging Sjondra in an overhand arc as she landed on the floor on the other side of the table. Her hammer-swing slew the multilegged beast, crushing in its chitinous head and causing it to collapse in a writhing pile of twitching limbs.

Xandro attacked another of the remaining face-centipedes with his magic short sword, while Lord Nobart took the opportunity to hide behind Alewyth - he may have been a nobleman, but he was more than willing to give up propriety for the sake of his own life! The bard found himself the target of two snapping, mandible-filled faces, while another tried biting at Thurloe. But the one in the corner opened its mouth wide and spewed forth a cone of acid, engulfing not only Alewyth and Lord Nobart but also catching Thurloe in the spray; none of them were particularly hurt by the attack, but the acid burned something fierce!

Another lightning bolt spell from Zander slew two more of the segmented menaces, while Wakuren bashed in another insectoid head with the pointed bottom of his shield. Thurloe slew another with his bastard sword, and when Alewyth's next hammer-strike finished off the final face-centipede, she saw the walls of the dreamscape starting to melt - a sure sign that the dream was finally over and the dream victim was waking up. The five dreamwalkers each forced themselves awake, and after some explanations from his wife about how long he'd been sleeping and how these five strangers had shown up at the door to rescue him, Lord Nobart insisted upon paying them for their services. Thurloe took custody of the 500 pieces of gold the nobleman insisted upon giving them, fearful that Alewyth or Wakuren would do something stupid along the lines of insisting that payment was unnecessary. With that, the group departed the Cutherton manor, returned to their wagon and mounts, and went to find Scarlie a room for the night.

Once their mounts had been stabled for the evening and Scarlie had a room to himself, he carried Hesperna's lamp into his bedroom and placed it on the dresser. Inside its extradimensional space, the others were bunking down for the night; if nothing else, the magic lamp saved them a lot of money over the months on room charges.

Robin, upon falling asleep, ended up in her own dreamscape and went about her own dreams all night; in the morning, she'd probably remember nothing of them. For the five dreamwalkers, however, it was back to their training. Mogo ushered them into the dreams of others, demonstrating the best methods of interrogating a sleeping suspect and getting them to answer truthfully. It was an interesting approach, and one they five would have loved to explore further were they not interrupted by a moogle they'd never seen before. "Come quickly, kupo!" the moogle cried out upon opening the door to this particular dreamscape. "The Queen of Dreams has something you need to see at once, kupo!" And with that the little moogle spun about in midair, flapping her wings as fast as she could and propelling herself at top speed down the Corridor of Dreams, confident the five dreamwalkers - and Mogo - would follow.

Follow they did, down one passageway after another, as the moogle led them through a maze of dream corridors to the specific room housing the dream in question. There, standing in the Corridor of Dreams with a frown on her beautiful face, stood the Queen of Dreams. "I believe you should see this for yourselves," she told them, opening the door wide for them to enter the dream and frowning in distaste.

Mogo led his students into the dreamscape. There were four figures within, all female, and all completely naked. Three were elderly, with sickly, sagging, bluish skin and curving horns growing up from their foreheads. One of these three sat astride the back of the fourth woman, this one quite human, who was struggling to get up off of her hands and knees.

"The night hags are not even trying to hide their actions," declared the Queen of Dreams with a frown. "Usually, they seal themselves off in a pocket dimension where they cannot be detected - not even by me. It's almost as if they wish to be discovered!"

Five mouths hung open in shock as the dreamwalkers got a better look at the human woman being ridden around like a pony by one of the night hags: it was none other than Charlotte Pulver, the woman who had raised Thurloe as his aunt all these years - but whom the group had recently discovered was actually his birth mother. She tried freeing herself from the hag, to no avail, and didn't even seem to notice her son and his friends as they observed her struggles - not surprisingly, for they were not by her side in the Mortal Plane and had not anchored themselves to her dream via the dreamstones they used in their ritual to free those stuck in their dreams. But then they got another shock as the three night hags proved they could see the dreamwalkers, for they turned and stared them right in the eyes. One raised a crooked finger at Thurloe and said, in a croaking voice, "You're the ones responsible for our dear sister Hesperna's death! Well, this is what comes of such an unforgivable sin." She pointed a wrinkled thumb in the direction of the night hag riding Charlotte. "There's nothing you can do about it now, dearie; if you want to save the woman, you'll need to come on home to where she lives - and where me and my two sisters will be waiting for you. Oh," she added as an afterthought, "don't forget to bring Hesperna's lamp - we'll be wanting that back." And then, with an evil cackle, the other hag clapped her hands together and the entire dreamscape vanished - sealed off, no doubt, in the way they normally avoided notice from the Queen of Dreams or any of her moogle aides. The group was now standing in an empty field of unending whiteness in all directions.

The Queen of Dreams was seething with suppressed anger. "They've sealed themselves off from us," she said. "There's nothing further to be done from here."

"We've got to get back to Shandoh Valley," Thurloe said. "As quickly as we can."

"You realize it's a trap," pointed out Zander.

"Yeah, obviously," snapped the spellsword. "But what else are we supposed to do?"

"I think Dalton Heights has a Shrine of Delphyne," Xandro pointed out. "We can use that to teleport to the closest shrine to your hometown."

"That would be...Baron's Haven," Thurloe decided. "And even then, it's a full day's ride to Shandoh Valley."

"I have a means of shortening that time," Wakuren promised. They all woke themselves and ended back inside the extradimensional space of Hesperna's lamp. Wakuren then exited the lamp and woke up Scarlie, explaining their need to leave immediately and leave him behind with the wagon and animals again. "We're not sure how long we'll be gone," the half-orc cleric told the group's hired wagon driver. "Probably only a day or two."

"Okay, good luck," Scarlie replied and rolled over to go back to bed.

Wakuren departed the inn and headed over to the temple district, stopping only when he arrived at the Shrine to Delphyne. By then Alewyth had retrieved the set of magic goggles that allowed her to see through the half-orc's gemstone he wore on his forehead, so she exited the lamp and appeared by Wakuren's side. Then the two clerics entered the shrine and Alewyth's keen dwarven senses allowed her to find the hidden room in the back with the teleport circle. Fortunately, they had teleported to Baron's Haven before, so solving the puzzle that gave the command word to attune the teleportation circle to that city was easy enough. But they were wanted criminals in the city - all but Robin, in any case - so Alewyth returned to the extradimensional lamp's interior and Wakuren activated his ring of invisibility before saying the command phrase and stepping into the Shrine of Delphyne in Baron's Haven.

And then the half-orc did something he'd never done before. Rising his arms above him, he called up into the night sky, "Almighty Cal, send to your servant a steed capable of flight to Shandoh Valley!" There was a crackle of thunder in the skies above, and then a form streaked down from the sky. It was white in color and fluffy like a cloud, but it took the shape of a heavy warhorse and, trusting in Cal's wisdom, Wakuren leaped up onto its back. Sure enough, despite seeming to have been made out of cloudstuff, the horse reared and took to the skies with the half orc cleric-paladin settled comfortably on his back. "I will call you Nimbus!" Wakuren told his bonded mount and the steed snorted cloudstuff in agreement.

Wakuren rode upon Nimbus's back all throughout the night and through the following sunrise, until he started to recognize the town below as that of Thurloe's birthplace. As tired as he'd ever been - for he had feared to doze off while riding through the skies - he brought Nimbus to a landing on the road that led to the Pulver residence. Behind them, Wakuren knew, was the farm of Thurloe's Uncle Claude. Dismissing his mount, he set Hesperna's lamp behind a bush off the side of the road and said the word that allowed him to enter the lamp, where he greeted the others, who had slept through the airborne flight to Shandoh Valley. "We're here," Wakuren told the others as he began taking off the pieces of his armor.

"What are you doing?" demanded Thurloe. "We need to go fight those hags!"

"We will," Wakuren promised the spellsword. "But I need some sleep if I'm going to be any help at all. It's a couple hours after sunrise - I'll sleep until this afternoon and then we'll go deal with the hags. They won't be bothering your mother again until she tries to sleep tonight in any case." Thurloe, never one known for his patience, didn't like it but couldn't deny the wisdom of the half-orc's words. (And, having been hag-ridden by Hesperna herself, he knew full well the typical night hag schedule, so he couldn't very well argue from that front.)

As a result, it was late afternoon when Wakuren got up from his slumber and started pulling his armor back into place. "I'm ready to cast a heroes' feast spell," Alewyth informed him, and after casting it the six heroes took another hour devouring the magical feast summoned by the priestess of Aerik. Then, with Thurloe practically champing at the bit, they exited the magical lamp. As usual, Wakuren picked it up and stashed it in one of his large pouches hanging from his belt. Then Thurloe led the group straight to the house of the two people who had raised him since birth.

"I'm going to keep calling Charlotte my aunt for the time being," Thurloe warned the others, having decided not to admit to her he knew she was really his birth mother, at least not quite yet. He'd see about freeing her from the night hags and then see where it went from there. Arriving at the front door, he told everyone to prepare for combat, just in case. He figured there was a pretty good chance the night hags were casing the area, and could easily already know the heroes had shown up as instructed. He cast a protection from evil spell upon himself and then used a charge from his wand of shield to further protect himself in that fashion. Zander also used a charge from the spellsword's wand on himself, then cast the spells mage armor and stoneskin upon himself. Alewyth cast the spells stoneskin on herself, align weapon upon Sjondra, and bless upon the assembled group. Wakuren cast shield of faith, entropic shield, and air walk spells upon himself. Xandro cast three heroism spells, one each upon Thurloe, Alewyth, and Wakuren, their most frequent front-line combatants. Finally, Zander activated his scout's headband and granted himself the ability to see invisibility. He then did a full circuit around the house, seeing if there were any invisible - or ethereal - night hags visible outside Thurloe's parents' house.

"All clean," he reported back to the others.

"Okay, then," said Thurloe as he commenced knocking on the front door. After a moment, the door opened and there standing in the hallway was Thurloe's Uncle Marten. There was a strange woman standing beside him, and next to her was a timber wolf, but as Marten didn't seem fazed by their presence Thurloe decided they must be friends.

"Thurloe, my boy!" beamed Marten. "I didn't know you were in town! How are things?"

"Fine, fine," replied Thurloe. "Say, how's Aunt Charlotte?"

"Well, she had a rough night of it - tossed and turned something fierce all night long, she did, poor thing. She's upstairs resting now. But come on in, all of you! This here is Xena, she's staying upstairs in the guest room and I'm working on making a replacement leather strap for her quiver."

"How do you do?" asked Xena, a young human woman looking to be in her early twenties. She indicated her wolf animal companion. "This is Runt - he's fully domesticated, as safe as a dog."

"We'd like to go check on Aunt Charlotte," Thurloe said, heading up the stairs. The others followed, Marten, Xena and Runt in the rear of the formation; Marten twigged to the fact that he'd never met Robin before, so he made a point of introducing herself to her, not sure why Thurloe and his other friends were readying their weapons as they made their way to the bedroom he shared with his wife. Thurloe opened the door and stepped into the room, walking over to his mother, who was resting in bed as Marten had said. Outside in the hallway, Robin began the traditional song of inspirational courage: better to start playing it now and magically enhancing the heroes' combined combat abilities even if it turned out not to be needed quite yet; that certainly beat not having them into play if combat did in fact break out immediately. But she took up station past the open doorway to the master bedroom, knowing her place was not on the front lines.

Alewyth followed Thurloe into the bedroom, Sjondra out and ready for action. And then Zander entered, and with his scout's headband still active he was able to see what none of the others could: the trio of night hags stood at the head of the bed in which Charlotte Pulver was sleeping - they were ethereal, so their bodies were actually intersected by the bed as they were on the Ethereal Plane looking into the Material Plane - and across the other side of the room stood three ethereal nightmares, jet-black steeds with flames erupting from their manes and hooves. Acting on instinct, the elven sorcerer cast a magic missile spell at one of the night hags, realizing the missiles he shot her way were made of solid force energy and could pierce all the way through to the Ethereal Plane. The hag's look of pain upon the missiles' impact told him his instincts had been correct.

Zander had activated his jade cooshee before entering the Pulver residence, and the elven dog trotted up by his master's side; he couldn't see any of the ethereal beings but he knew his master wouldn't have fired off a magic missile spell at nothing. Wakuren entered the open doorway next, looking around for enemies and seeing none.

But then the three nightmares manifested into the Material Plane, the two closest to Zander attacking the elf and the other going for Wakuren, who stood immediately before the flaming equine beast. Xena stepped up and shot an arrow at the nightmare attacking Wakuren, hitting it right in the throat and causing it to vomit up blood as it snorted flames. Her wolf darted into the room beside her and bit at the nightmare's legs, high up enough to avoid the flames erupting from its hooves. Thurloe attacked one of the two nightmares targeting Zander, catching it in the side with his bastard sword Spellslicer and activating the vampiric touch spell he had stored into the blade the previous day.

Then the three night hags manifested into the room, stepping up into the air before doing so so they ended up standing on the bed instead of sharing the same space as it. As one, they pointed crooked fingers at Zander Quilson and channeled rays of enfeeblement at him. All three rays struck true and the elf found himself barely strong enough to remain standing; he staggered on weak knees and fell against the door to the balcony off the master bedroom.

The hags knew they couldn't siphon off all of the elf's strength with their rays of enfeeblement, but they weren't concerned for they knew they had a secret ally capable of finishing the job. With his scout's headband still active, Zander saw a spider nearly as large as he was scuttle across the ceiling, headed his way. As weak as he was, he was unable to evade it when it dropped from the ceiling and popped back into visibility, but fortunately for the elf his frantic fumbling at the balcony door was successful and he spilled outside into the open air, causing the arachnid's mandibles to miss his neck by mere happenstance. As a result, the spider's strength-sapping venom was not able to reduce the elf to an immobile foe too weak to even move a muscle, as had been the intention.

Charlotte sat up in bed, screamed, and crawled to the foot of the bed, totally confused as to why her bedroom was now filled with flaming-maned horses and ugly, blue-skinned hags - not to mention her son Thurloe and a bunch of his friends. Marten's concerned voice called up from the stairs, "What's going on up there?"

Xandro entered the room and stabbed at Wakuren's nightmare foe with Deathwhisper, slaying it. Thurloe continued his attacks upon the second nightmare, while Robin continued her song from out in the corridor. Alewyth swung Sjondra into the same nightmare Thurloe was fighting, causing a crunching sound that the priestess of Aerik sincerely hoped was a rib or two breaking.

Zander barely had enough strength to lift his hands up at aim them at the spider, but he managed to do so and fired off another magic missile spell at it. The missiles immediately slew the arachnid, which upon death reverted to its true form, that of a little winged imp. (One of the three hags, Ukrezhia, cried out "Filthfang! No!" upon the death of her familiar.)

The cooshee joined Thurloe and Alewyth in attacking the second nightmare, while Wakuren swung his shield of Cal in a lateral arc and caught one of the night hags, Khonstanzia, in the neck with its edge, crushing her windpipe instantly and causing her to fall lifelessly upon Marten and Charlotte's bed. Charlotte screamed again and scrambled further to the foot of the bed, not wanting to step off the bed for fear of getting caught up in a fight with one of the black horses at the other side of the bedroom.

The only nightmare not yet hit in battle followed Zander out onto the balcony, snapping at the weakened elf with its teeth. The other one, the one closest to the open doorway to the hallway - from which Robin's magical tune could still be heard - attacked Xena. The young ranger managed to duck away from its bite at the last possible moment, grabbing for another arrow from her damaged quiver (the strap was currently being held in place with a piece of string) to feed into her longbow. Runt snapped at the nightmare's legs to no avail.

As if in response to a sudden signal between them, the two remaining night hags both disappeared; Zander, out on the balcony, was unable to verify they had merely shifted from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane, but that's exactly what they had done. They arrived in the special combat arena they had crafted as their nightly torment lair, cursing the heroes who had turned out to be much more powerful than they had anticipated. No wonder Hesperna had been overcome by these mortals!

Xandro, Alewyth, and Thurloe continued their weapon attacks upon the same nightmare, weakening it considerably until Zander took it out with a lightning bolt spell he blasted at both equine fiends. It crashed to the ground and Xena got off another arrow at the sole remaining nightmare before it too vanished, fleeing to the relative safety of the Ethereal Plane and the hags' combat arena.

"Are you okay?" Thurloe asked Charlotte as Marten entered the room, confused to see the bodies of two large horses and one blue-skinned hag in his bedroom.

"I--I think so," Charlotte replied, shaking in fright. The group vowed to stick by her and not let her out of their sight, in case the hags got a notion to attack again. After several minutes, the effects fo the rays of enfeeblement wore off and Zander was able to rise again and stand on his two legs.

"What are you going to do now?" Marten wanted to know.

"There's no point in waiting for them to press the attack," Thurloe decided. "We're going to hunt them down."

"How?" asked Zander. "They're in the Ethereal Plane, and we have no way to get there." He knew none of the adventurers knew the plane shift spell, nor the spells ethereal jaunt or etherealness, any one of which could at least get them to the Ethereal Plane, of not to a specific location on that plane.

"Sure we do," Thurloe replied. "They've got it rigged so they snag Aunt Charlotte every time she goes to sleep. So we send her to sleep wearing a dreamstone, and we follow her into her dreams like normal."

"Will that work?" asked Alewyth. "Normally our moogle guides take us to the Corridor of Dreams. The night hags will have sealed Charlotte's dreamscape away from the Corridor of Dreams."

"It's worth a shot," the spellsword insisted. "At the very least, we'll have Charlotte's dreaming mind as a beacon to guide us - and since she's not in a dream coma, the signal might be easier to follow."

With that thought in mind, they dragged Konstanzia's corpse off of the bed and dropped it over by the bodies of the two slain nightmares - which Marten was examining with a practiced eye; the leatherworker was already figuring out how best to skin the nightmares and what all he might be able to fashion from nightmare hide. Then they dragged the bed away from the wall, got Charlotte to agree to try to fall asleep (aided by a healthy dose of "medicinal brandy" Marten provided to his wife) wearing a dreamstone on her forehead, and the five dreamwalkers all took up position in a circle around the bed. Robin, Marten, Xena, Runt, and the cooshee would stand guard over their bodies as they slept.

Xandro was the first to appear in Charlotte's dream - the ritual had worked, allowing him to "home in" on the night hags' combat arena. Charlotte was once again naked on all fours with one of the hags, Esperella, riding her like a pony. He ran up and attacked the other hag, Ukrezhia, with Deathwhisper's deadly blade. Thurloe was the next to appear and he went straight for the night hag riding his mother, slicing into her sagging flesh with Spellslicer. Then, suddenly, Alewyth was standing there beside him and Sjondra crushed Esperella's head in, causing her to fall off Charlotte's back in a lifeless heap.

Zander was the next to appear in the combat arena, and he cast a lightning bolt spell at the sole remaining nightmare, knowing how well his previous such spell had done against the fiendish equines. This one was no less deadly, and the nightmare was slain at once.

Wakuren then appeared in the middle of the arena and started sprinting towards Ukrezhia. The hag backed up, holding her hands out before her and frantically calling out, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, we can make a deal!"

"Nope!" replied Wakuren, slamming his shield of Cal into her side. But then he found himself alone on the back of the arena, Ukrezhia having hurriedly passing over to the Material Plane to avoid the half-orc cleric's attacks.

Runt snapped his lupine jaws at Ukrezhia when she suddenly manifested by the side of the bed, between the sleeping forms of Thurloe and Xandro. He caught her ankle between his teeth and brought her crashing to the bedroom floor.

Back in the ethereal mini-dreamscape, Xandro approached a massive, metal chest - the size of a footlocker - he saw at the rear end of the circular arena. It didn't look to be locked or trapped, so he popped open the top, hoping to discover it filled with coins and gems from throughout the Outer Planes. Instead, he saw the faces of five wriggling larvae looking up at him, each human head connected to the body of a writhing, giant maggot. With an unexpected squeal of terror, he slammed the lid back down before any of the larvae could crawl out of the chest.

Thurloe, however, had forced himself awake and his consciousness ended up back in his body as Ukrezhia was trying to regain her footing after having been tripped by Xena's pet wolf. Robin had immediately started her song of inspirational courage when she saw the dreamwalkers starting to awaken; now Alewyth was stirring, and Zander was blinking his eyes as he too woke back up. His cooshee bit the night hag in the arm, drawing blood.

Back in the combat arena, Wakuren decided some of them had best remain in place in case the night hag returned. He used his lucid dreaming training to cover Charlotte Pulver in her normal clothes, embarrassed at having the woman remain naked when there was something he could do about the situation.

Xena loosed an arrow at Ukrezhia three times in rapid succession, only hitting with the first one but it sinking in to the feathers at the end of the shaft. Runt continued chewing on the hag's ankle, preventing her from rising. Outnumbered here, the night hag once again shifted planes, returning to her ethereal combat arena where she and her two sisters had hoped to convert Charlotte Pulver into a sixth larvae, at which point it would be time to return to the Lower Planes to sell them off to interested buyers among the fiendish races.

Xandro was surprised to see the night hag return to the arena so soon after having left it, but he wasted no time in pressing the attack, slashing at her with Deathwhisper. Wakuren then finished her off with a final blow from his shield, channeling Cal's smiting energy through it. When the combat arena started fading around them, Xandro and Wakuren knew it was time to wake up. They did so, to see Thurloe checking to see if his mother was okay. Marten held his wife's hand, assuring her Thurloe and his friends had taken care of the "blue witches" who had been plaguing her sleep. Then, with Thurloe promising to sit by her to make sure everything remained safe, Charlotte fell back into an exhausted slumber, catching up on some solid sleep after having been tormented in her dreams for the last several times she'd tried to sleep.

Marten went back to his workshop and finished the replacement strap for Xena's quiver, refusing all payment - not only for the quiver strap but also the previous night's lodging in their spare bedroom. "I figure you've paid more than enough for both, putting your life on the line to help save my wife from those witches," he told her.

That night, the heroes camped out in Hesperna's lamp inside Thurloe's old bedroom. "Are you going to tell your parents you know that Charlotte's your mother?" Alewyth wanted to know.

"Nah," the spellsword answered. "If they had wanted me to know, they'd have mentioned something by now. We'll leave things like they are - I figure it's easier on her that way."

The next morning, Xena went her own way with Runt, while Wakuren bundled everyone else back into the magic lamp - they'd exited only long enough to say their farewells to the Pulvers - and summoned Nimbus back to the Material Plane. Then it was an all-day flight through the skies towards Baron's Haven, where they used the teleportation circle in the hidden room behind the Shrine of Delphyne to return to Dalton Heights. (This required the figuring out of a new command phrase, which Wakuren and Alewyth puzzled out by following arrows - pointing either left or right beneath the letters in the alphabet - to shift each letter in a string of unpronounceable words to the correct letters to form the command phrase, "TELEPORT LEY LINE TWO SEVEN.") Then they met back up with Scarlie and were back on the road in a more standard fashion, riding their horses and Alewyth's dire goat while Scarlie, Wakuren, and Robin sat in their customary seats in the mule-driven wagon.

- - -

My granddaughter Samantha was visiting us during this game session, so knowing she'd want to play with us I had her create a one-shot PC, a human ranger she named Xena. And then, as luck would have it, Joe stayed in college that Saturday (although his finals had ended several days earlier, he was a bit slow in packing up his goods and returning to his parents' house for the summer) and as a result Sami ran not only Xena and Runt but also Zander Quilson. (Had I known for sure Joe would have been a no-show, I wouldn't have worried about creating a "just-in-case" ranger PC for Sami.) But we all had a good time, so that's what matters.

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T-shirt worn: My "Oxford Comma Preservation Society" T-shirt, to represent the nightmare landscape in which the night hags were torturing their victims - for what better depiction of a horrendous nightmare than a world in which the Oxford comma is not regularly used?
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 11​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 5​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 5/paladin 6​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 5​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 11​

NPC Roster:
Princess Caroline, female human aristocrat 1​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 3​
Scarlie Besker, half-orc commoner 5​
Wartimer J. Toad, awakened giant toad​

Game Session Date: 3 June 2023

- - -

"Uh, guys," said Thurloe from the back of his horse Horse, "we're being watched."

Robin looked at him from the back of the mule-driven wagon, where the two half-orcs were up in the front, Scarlie steering the mules and Wakuren just enjoying the scenery. She looked around her, at both sides of the road, which had a few trees here and there but hardly enough for much in the way of hiding places. "By whom?" she asked.

"By whoever's at the other end of that scrying sensor," the spellsword replied, jerking a thumb back over his shoulder.

Alewyth turned around from the saddle of her dire goat and looked up at where Thurloe had been pointing, squinting to try to see anything. She didn't see anything. She let him know this by stating, "I don't see anything."

But Xandro had spotted the sensor, now that he knew what he was looking for, and Zander Quilson chimed in that he saw it, too. "Maybe it's the gnomes," Xandro suggested. "They say they like to keep an eye on their regular customers."

"Or maybe it's someone ready to ambush us," countered Thurloe.

"Maybe we should just ask," suggested Wakuren, turning around in the wagon and facing the spot everyone was now looking at, although he personally couldn't see anything. "Hey!" he called up to the spot. "We know you're watching us!" Maybe, he thought, the spies would disappear if they knew they had been spotted.

"If it's you gnomes, let us know it's you!" Thurloe called up behind him. There was no response; the sensor kept pace just above and behind him as the group and their mounts and wagon continued on down the road.

"Well, I for one don't like being spied upon," replied Alewyth. She turned around in her saddle and cast a dispel magic spell at the offending scrying spell effect. Xandro confirmed that the dwarf's spell had done the trick, for he saw it wink out. "Well, that's that," the priestess said, content that her spell had done the trick.

And that was indeed that - for about an hour or so. Then, as the group continued on down the road, a force of four riders approached them from the opposite direction. They were all hobgoblins, dressed in matching armor and wearing tabards that showed they worked for the self-appointed King of Armaturia himself. "Halt!" one commanded, riding his heavy warhorse out in front of the others and holding up a hand before him. "Halt in the name of King Eovard Devlin."

"What's this all about?" demanded Thurloe, grumpy as always - but still bringing Horse to a halt beside the wagon, as the others did likewise.

"Are you the ones capable of waking those who have been asleep for weeks at a time?" demanded the lead hobgoblin. Wakuren replied that they were indeed those whom the hobgoblins sought. "Then you will come with us," the armored leader commanded. "The king has immediate need of your services."

"Where are you taking us?" asked Alewyth, as the leader spun his horse about and got ready to lead the procession onward in the direction they'd already been heading. The other three hobgoblins, Thurloe couldn't help but notice, moved their steeds to the side of the road so the procession could pass them by, taking up positions in the rear so they could see if anyone tried to break free of the convoy.

"We're heading for Mount Resplendia, the location of Castle Devlin," replied the hobgoblin leader. "You'll get all of the details once we get there." And "once we get there," the heroes learned, was a further three days down the road, passing by the next dreamers in line that they had intended to wake up next. The hobgoblins insisted they not take any time dealing with "secondary concerns," and even though Thurloe was pretty sure the heroes could take the four hobgoblins in a fight, even he didn't want to end up on the wrong side of the King of Armaturia - even if the king's claims to ruling the entire continent conveniently left off the elves of the Sylvanholme Forest, where they were left to their own self-rule, and the dwarves living below the Shieldwall Mountains, who likewise had their own local dwarven kings.

Not wanting to let the hobgoblins know of the capabilities of Hesperna's lamp, everyone opted to sleep on the ground or in the wagon when they stopped that night, curled up with blankets. (Thurloe was the only one with a one-man tent, which he pitched pretty much just so he could be envied by the others.) The hobgoblins kept a guard rotation throughout the night; feeling they were fairly safe with the king's own men guarding them, the heroes opted not to follow suit.

On the second day of travel, they met up with another band of four hobgoblins, bringing the number of escorts up to eight. The hobgoblins were a fairly stoic lot, talking among themselves just to deliver orders and more of less ignoring their charges, as long as they stayed in formation. With those numbers, nobody bothered them during the trip to Mount Resplendia, and on the third day the procession pulled up to the castle gates. There, Scarlie, Robin, and the animals were taken away to be sheltered, while the five dreamwalkers - the hobgoblins seemed to know exactly which members of the team were the ones capable of waking up trapped dreamers - were brought to a room inside the castle, where they were stripped of their weapons before being brought in to meet with King Eovard. Thurloe was not at all pleased at having to leave his weapons behind, but he recognized it was not an unreasonable demand. He did talk to the moogles in the Dreamlands, though, using the dreamstone embedded in his bastard sword Spellslicer, to confirm that there was actually a trapped dreamer here in the castle - he wasn't going to take the chance that this was all some sort of ruse, for Wakuren had determined on first meeting up with the hobgoblins that they all had auras emanating the taint of evil.

Five hobgoblins escorted the five heroes into a room, into which shortly thereafter strode the king with his own procession: his adviser, Judlin Bellweather; his court wizard, Chaspertaine; and the royal jester, Knobgobble. All but the gnomish jester were human, like the king.

"Good afternoon," began King Eovard. "I understand you are the ones capable of waking those caught up in their dreams. My little sister, Princess Caroline, has been asleep now for a week and a half. My court wizard's divinations have shown you to be the ones capable of waking her up. I would have you do so at once. What do you need to be able to awaken her?"

"We'll need to be brought by her side, Your Majesty," replied Wakuren, causing some shocked looks that the half-orc not only could speak the Common tongue, but rather fluently. "We'll need to attach a dreamstone to her forehead, then sit around her in a circle and wrest her from the Dreamlands. And Zander here has a jade cooshee that will look over our sleeping bodies as we do so."

"No cooshee," replied the king. "My men will provide adequate protection." Here he indicated his armed and armored hobgoblins, each of which wore a longsword at his belt. Wakuren looked suspiciously at the hobgoblins, not liking being watched over by evil hobgoblins, but they were giving him the same look right back, obviously not liking the idea of a half-orc mongrel being allowed inside the princess's bedroom. But nothing was said of either suspicion, and the five dreamwalkers were led into Princess Caroline's bedroom. The sleeping princess proved to be all of six years old, a good two decades younger than her regal brother. She slept in a room filled with garish pink everywhere: the walls, the draperies, her bedding. A stuffed frog held tightly under one arm provided a welcome bit of green into the room.

Alewyth positioned the dreamstone around Princess Caroline's head, positioning the stone just right in the middle of her forehead and tying it into place with the leather thongs on either end of the headband. The bed was pulled into the middle of the floor, and the five dreamwalkers took their positions in a five-pointed star around her bed, each one wearing his or her own dreamstone in a leather band upon the forehead. They noticed the five hobgoblins each positioned themselves around the dreamwalkers, each one close enough to cut off their heads if they tried anything. That was not a particularly comforting thought, but if the King - whose aura, Wakuren had surreptitiously determined at a signal from Thurloe as they had approached the princess's bedroom, was devoid of evil - trusted the hobgoblins, then who were they to do less? Still, it took them a bit longer than normal to slow their heartbeats enough to be able to fall into a sleep that sent their dream-selves into the Dreamlands....

Once in the Dreamlands, they were each met by their individual moogle dream guides and ushered over to Mogo, who was not in a pleasant mood. He opened a particular door in the Corridor of Dreams and indicated for the five to enter. "Here's the dream that's so important it has to be taken care of before any of the others, kupo!" he grumbled. "Silly mortal king thinks he gets a say in what's clearly the province of the Queen of Dream, kupo!" Not wanting a prolonged conversation with the peeved moogle dream instructor, the five heroes each dashed inside the door.

The dreamscape beyond the door was one of tranquility: gently rolling hills of fields and meadows, dotted with flowers and with a slow-moving river just ahead. Princess Caroline stood there by the edge of a river, a step away from the beginning of a wooden pier that extended out over the water. She wore a frilly dress - pink, of course - with white stockings and black shoes and a large pink bow in her hair; incongruously, she held a simple stick in her hand. And, even more incongruously, squatting beside her was an enormous toad. Upon his head was an even-more-incongruous-than-that black top hat.

"Are you the security escort?" demanded Princess Caroline. Then, not waiting for an answer, she added, "Good. We need to get going, or Mr. Toad will be late to his own wedding!" Then spinning around, she headed down the dock and carefully stepped onto a wooden raft moored at its end. Mr. Toad followed dutifully; the heroes, looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders, ran to catch up.

Wakuren and Alewyth were the first heroes to step onto the raft, and saw a pair of long poles lying diagonally across the floating wooden vehicle. "You two can use the poles," she decided, pointing to where they should each stand, at the front corners of the raft. "We'll let the river propel us - just use the poles to scoot us away from any rocks. The river's too deep in the middle for the poles to reach to the bottom, in any case." Xandro, Thurloe, and Zander stepped onto the raft, making sure Princess Caroline was in the middle, protected on all sides by Mr. Toad and their "security escort."

"So, a wedding, huh?" asked Alewyth as Zander released the rope keeping the raft by the pier and the current started whisking them away. "Big day for a big frog."

"He's a toad!" corrected Princess Caroline. "His name's Wartimer J. Toad" - she pronounced the toad's first name to rhyme with "Mortimer" - but you can call him 'Mr. Toad.'"

"The 'J' stands for 'Jumpy'," announced Mr. Toad, surprising the heroes who hadn't suspected he could talk.

"Who's the lucky bride?" asked Xandro, getting into the swing of this dream - it was nice having a somewhat pleasant diversion for once.

At that, Princess Caroline giggled. "Her name's Darling Darlene Dumpling," she said, leaning forward and laughing. "She's really nice."

"Uh-oh," interrupted Xandro, sorry to see this dream wasn't going to be just them placidly poling on down the river after all. He pointed to the shore ahead, where a humanoid frog was approaching the shore and then stepping into - no, actually onto - the river. A few yards further down the shore, another stepped up as well. Each was armed with a shortspear. "Bullywugs!"

"Frowny frogs!" corrected Princess Caroline. "They want to prevent Mr. Toad from getting to his wedding!" How the six-year-old could possibly know their intentions wasn't a real point of conjecture; this was her dream, after all. She pointed to the opposite shore. "There's more of them over there!"

It became apparent the dream's goal was to get Mr. Toad to his wedding, and the six bullywugs - or "frowny frogs" - were an obstacle needing to be overcome in order to wake up Princess Caroline from her dream. But the amphibians all sprinted forward, running on top of the surface of the river, menacing those on the raft with their halfspears as they approached from either bank.

Xandro decided he'd beat them at their own game and, using his lucid dream training, gave himself the dream-ability to walk on water himself. But before he could step off the raft, a spear-tip stabbed him in the chest as he was pulling Deathwhisper from its scabbard. Zander was likewise hit, as, tragically, was Mr. Toad. Fortunately, he wore nothing but his black top hat so there was no wedding garb to be stained by the blood dripping down his side.

Wakuren called out to the heavens and Nimbus appeared on the water to the side of the raft, a cloud materializing into the shape of a horse. The frowny frog standing immediately before the cleric-paladin of Cal stabbed at him with his shortspear, but it slid harmlessly off the half-orc's armor. Nimbus struck out at the bullywug attacking Mr. Toad, causing him at least to redirect his attention from the future groom to deal with the horse-shaped cloud hovering just over the slow-moving river. Mr. Toad then showed the frowny frog that turning his back on him wasn't that great of an idea either, biting at the bullywug with a mouth only slightly larger than the bullywug's entire head.

Thurloe swung his bastard sword at a bullywug at his side, hitting the spear-wielding amphibian and triggering the vampiric touch spell he'd had loaded into his blade. Zander cast a cone of cold spell at the two bullywugs at the left front of the raft, accidentally catching Alewyth in its area of effect as well. "Sorry!" he called to the priestess of Aerik.

"I'll live!" promised Alewyth, swinging Sjondra into the bullywug just in front of her corner of the raft.

"Leave Mr. Toad alone!" demanded Princess Caroline, waving her stick in the general direction of the frowny frog who had stabbed her truest companion - and right before his wedding, no less!

Xandro tried dodging an incoming spear-stab as he summoned his dire elk at the back of the raft, but the spear-tip found its mark. Fortunately, the megaloceros manifested just behind the raft, and a swing of his massive rack of antlers caught the offending frowny frog who had stabbed Mr. Toad. But then the bullywugs, throats warbling a combat grunt in unison, all stabbed out with their spears, more striking true than missing. "Hey!" cried Princess Caroline, shielded from the spears by the bodies of her security escort and her best friend ever, as she saw Mr. Toad take another hit from the frowny frog attacking him.

Even though this was just a dream, Wakuren's instincts had him detect evil on the auras of the frowny frogs, and when he saw its presence he channeled Cal's smiting energy into his shield, bringing it smashing into the face of the bullywug before him. Nimbus attacked the one focused thus far on Mr. Toad, then positioned himself in such a way as to provide aid to Xandro, who among the heroes had taken the most damage. Mr. Toad bravely bit at his attacker again, determined to fight him off and not let him get to the princess, whom he'd known for her whole six years of life. Thurloe's blade slew the first of the bullywugs, whose body proved not to be able to remain atop the surface of the river once it was dead; with a plop, it sunk below the water, never to be seen again.

Zander ignored his own safety and cast a displacement spell on the princess; she might be shielded for now but just in case these frowny frogs made it onto the raft.... He took another hit from a thrusting spear for his efforts, grunting in pain. Beside him, Alewyth struck her own amphibious foe with Sjondra again.

Deathwhisper suddenly thrust straight out ahead of Xandro's outstretched arm and the bullywug he'd just stabbed between the eyes dropped below the river's surface, dead. At the rear of the raft, his dire elk swung his antlers at the bullywug pressing the attack against Mr. Toad. The giant toad gave it his best, but another stab of the spear by the frowny frog and he fell over on his side, blood staining the wood of the raft. His top hat fell off his head, only to land upon one of the many points on the dire elk's massive rack of antlers.

"Mr. Toad! No!" cried Princess Caroline, rushing to her friend's side and whacking the offending frowny frog with her stick, to no great effect. Nimbus attacked the same bullywug with a much greater level of success, slamming a hoof into its back as he bit down upon a shoulder. At the front of the raft, Wakuren continued his attacks with his shield against the bullywug before him, and across the other side of the raft, at its left rear, Thurloe suddenly leaped off to his left and, before he hit the water, sent a lightning bolt spell crashing through the two bullywugs on that side. Both died instantly from the attack, leaving the left side of the raft clear of attackers. Thurloe then cast a fly spell upon himself and flew back to the raft.

Zander scrambled over to Mr. Toad, pulling a potion flask from his belt as he did so. He unstoppered it and poured the contents down the giant toad's throat, the healing potion going to work almost immediately. As Mr. Toad pulled himself back upright, his first question was, "Is the princess okay?" and his second was, "Where's my top hat?"

Alewyth slew another bullywug with Sjondra, right at about the same time Xandro took out another with Deathwhisper. The dire elk swam to stay close to the raft, swimming over to the right side as there was currently no foe within range of his antlers, the sole remaining bullywug fighter being currently engaged with Wakuren at the front of the raft. It attacked Wakuren again and missed, and then the half-orc polished it off with a final blow from his shield of Cal. And with that, the frowny frog attack was over, although Alewyth noted the dream continued on. Mr. Toad retrieved his top hat, the heroes cast their standard combat spells upon each other and healing spells upon those who needed them, and the raft continued its way on down the river. The dire elk soon blinked out, the time of its summoning having expired, and then Wakuren called Nimbus over to the front of the raft. Tying a length of rope around his flying mount's broad neck at one end and the raft at the other, he soon had his air element warhorse pulling the raft at a greater speed than that of the sluggish current. "We'll make sure the wedding occurs on time," the half-orc informed Princess Caroline, glad to see that she at least gave his orcish appearance not a lick of concern.

Eventually, the princess pointed to a spot on the other side of the river and told Wakuren to have Nimbus pull the raft up there. There was a gulch not far from the shore, extending as far as the eye could see in both directions parallel to the river, but a well-placed log made a handy bridge by which to cross. On the other side of the gulch, just past the log, stood four hollow tree trunks, each about 10 feet in diameter and nearly that tall.

Xandro stepped off of the raft first, pulling the Dardolian Lute from his back and starting his song of inspirational courage, which Princess Caroline and Mr. Toad seemed to enjoy quite a lot, having never heard it before but liking the way it boosted their courage. "Those frowny frogs better not bother us again, if they know what's good for them!" declared Mr. Toad, his fighting spirit buoyed by the song.

"Perhaps you'd like to ride on Nimbus's back, princess?" asked Wakuren, and the little girl clapped her hands at the thought. The half-orc stayed behind to help her onto the back of his cloud-steed while the other heroes advanced toward the gulch. Thurloe, fly spell still active, flew over the gulch, noting as he crossed it that it was about 40 feet deep and covered in gloppy mud at the bottom.

Then, before anyone else could cross, a strange-looking head popped up from one of the hollow tree trunks. It was easily the size of a hill giant's head, but it was covered in white greasepaint and had red all over its nose and around its lips - this hill giant, it seemed, for whatever reason was wearing clown makeup. It giggled and chuckled as it popped its head back down the tree trunk, only to pop up from another tree trunk, cackling gleefully. Then it ducked down again, only to pop up from a still different tree trunk. The clown seemed to think this was a hilarious game, but Princess Caroline had frozen up as soon as the clown's laughter began. Her face held a terrified expression, despite the effects of the bardic song Xandro was still playing. He advanced cautiously towards the gulch, eager to see what the giant clown would do next.

Zander approached the gulch as well, ready to pop a magic missile spell at the clown if it tried anything threatening. Alewyth activated her butterfly brooch and took to the air, fluttering over the gulch and casting a summoning spell that caused a celestial brown bear to manifest in the space between the four tree trunks. If the clown tried anything, she'd let it contend with a grizzly bear from the Celestial Planes and see how it liked that.

"Stay here, princess," commanded Wakuren, indicating for Mr. Toad and Nimbus to watch over her, for she was still standing frozen in place, terrified by the clown's evil laughter. Then the half-orc air walked up and over the gulch. He had just hit the far side of the gulch - remaining a few inches above the surface of the ground - when the "hill giant clown" finally struck.

Four massive spiders each scrambled out of a hollow tree truck, their clown-face abdomens each rising up behind them and the horrible laughter continuing as they attacked. Two went for Wakuren, but they had a hard time penetrating his heavy armor with their mandibles. The other two went for the celestial bruin and they found it much easier to sink their fangs past the bear's shaggy coat and into its flesh, but they were disappointed to see it shrug off the venom's effects. Zander's readied magic missile spell came shrieking in to strike the clown spider closest to him.

"We'll stay back here until it's safe," promised Mr. Toad, stepping to shield the princess from seeing the clown spiders with his own massive, warty body. But Princess Caroline had started shrieking herself, a high-pitched scream of terror fully mastered by frightened six-year-old girls. Nimbus stamped in frustration, not sure how he could help the princess, but it was fairly obvious she wouldn't be climbing up onto his back any time soon.

With a flash of magic in its eight arachnid eyes, one of the clown spiders cast a grease spell on the log crossing the chasm. Another one cast a sticky web over Wakuren, pinning him in place just over the ground where he floated. The other two pressed their attacks upon the celestial brown bear.

Thurloe gained altitude and looked down at the situation below, frowning. Wakuren, looking up, saw the spellsword's look of concern and guessed his dilemma. "Do it!" Wakuren called up to his companion. "I can take it!"

Having been given permission, Thurloe cast a fireball spell down below him, which engulfed all four clown spiders and, regrettably, also Wakuren and the bear - although the spell had the added benefit of burning off the webbing that had ensnared the half-orc. All six survived, but Wakuren and the celestial bear could be healed up, whereas the clown spiders likely had no way to provide healing other than by scampering to safety and letting time heal them up - and the heroes were determined not to give them that option.

Zander cast a lightning bolt spell across the chasm and blasted two of the clown spiders, damaging them even further. Alewyth landed on the side of the gulch with the clown spiders and blasted one with a searing light spell, killing it instantly. The celestial grizzly slashed at one of its attackers with a claw-tipped paw, ripping through its carapace and causing it to drip black ichor from the wound. Wakuren, no longer bound by webbing, slew another clown spider by bringing the bottom edge of his shield of Cal crashing down upon its head.

The two remaining clown spiders were the ones in the back attacking the celestial bruin, but their venom was still not having the effect they had anticipated. Thurloe blasted one with a magic missile spell, killing it, and then the sole remaining arachnid was slain by a combined attack consisting of a magic missile spell cast by Zander, a hammer-strike by Alewyth, and followed up by a set of ripping claws by the celestial brown bear before it returned to the heavens. Only after the clown spiders were all dead could they get Princess Caroline to settle down and take her place upon Nimbus's broad back. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm just really afraid of clown spiders."

Nimbus flew the princess across the gulch, wisely opting not to land until they had passed the carcasses of the four dead clown spiders, their legs still twitching spasmodically. Mr. Toad hopped the gulch easily, and Thurloe flew Zander and Xandro over, one at a time. Then they continued on, entering a forest. "The wedding is this way," Princess Caroline said, back to her old self now that they had passed the freaky arachnids.

As a precaution - for none of the dreamwalkers had any idea how many more dangers might beset them in getting Mr. Toad to his wedding ceremony - Zander cast a stoneskin spell upon each of the heroes; after all, this was just a dream and he wasn't really using up any of the expensive diamond dust that casting the spell in the real world required. Thurloe used his lucid dream training to change the appearance of his armor to appropriate wedding garb - if need be, he now had the look of a groomsman, should the need for a last-minute best man arise.

The forest path split off into a Y, and although Princess Caroline indicated they needed to go right, Xandro opted to peek down the left path to make sure there were no ambushers waiting to strike from behind after they had passed. He continued playing his song of inspirational courage, which had boosted the princess's spirits considerably. Wakuren took the lead, striding out in front of the rest of the party, and as a result it was he who was struck by the cone of spores spit out of the mouth of a humanoid mushroom that suddenly stepped out from between two trees.

"A mucky mushroom!" declared Princess Caroline from the back of Nimbus, and Mr. Toad leaped protectively in front of the cloud-steed to keep the princess out of danger. Wakuren instinctively held his breath at the attack and raised his shield before him, but the mushroom man did nothing but stand expectantly, watching the half-orc who towered above him. Then, laughing at his forgetfulness, Wakuren lowered his shield and removed the headband of Cal he wore, which provided him with an ever-replenishing bubble of air around his head - and which had blocked the spores from reaching him, spores which the half-orc now recalled were a myconid's means of communicating. "Go ahead, try again," he coaxed the little mushroom man.

With the headband no longer in place, the myconid's second cloud of rapport spores allowed him to communicate telepathically with the cleric-paladin. <Be careful,> the myconid guard warned, <for the Nightmare King has set a guardian in place to prevent you from getting to the wedding on time. His name is Older-Boulder. That's all I know.> And with that, the little mushroom man turned about and went back between the trees into the deeper forest.

Wakuren passed the "mucky mushroom's" message to the others, finding it surprising that the Nightmare King was known by those here in little Caroline Devlin's dream. But it was decided that Nimbus, Mr. Toad, and the princess would hang back and allow the security escort to go deal with this Older-Boulder fellow, whoever he might be.

Thurloe advanced, flying just above the treetops. From that vantage point, he could see Older-Boulder some way away, lurking along a side path off to the left. Not surprisingly given his name, the guardian was an earth titan, one of the largest and more powerful of the earth elementals. He carried an enormous boulder in one massive hand. The spellsword rose higher and cast a ray of enfeeblement spell at the earth titan, causing him to weaken a little. Zander approached to where he could see Older-Boulder between the trees and cast an enervation spell at him, weakening him even further. Alewyth fired off her ray of frost at the titan, covering a little patch of the stone comprising his massive body in frost.

Then Older-Boulder retaliated, tossing his boulder in Thurloe's direction. It completely missed the flying spellsword, but then as it landed Thurloe saw it had arrived directly on target, for the massive stone now blocked the middle of the path the group would be taking to get to Mr. Toad's wedding site.

Xandro approached and changed the tune he was playing on his Dardolian Lute, sending a sound burst spell reverberating towards the earth titan. Wakuren tried a new tactic, casting a bestow curse spell on the earth titan. Older-Boulder jerked as the spell went off, indicating it had had some sort of effect. "What did you do?" Thurloe called down to Wakuren, who stood by the earth titan's right ankle.

"Cursed him with indecision," Wakuren replied. "There's only a 50/50 chance he'll actually complete any action he thinks about doing!" Thurloe laughed at the curse and backed off, firing a magic missile spell at the weakened and confused earth titan.

Zander cast a lightning bolt spell at the massive elemental, and then Alewyth ran up to it, smirking fiercely. She slapped a hand upon its ankle, just as Wakuren had done, and cast her own bestow curse upon it. "Same deal," she announced to the others. "Now, if it actually manages to try to do anything after avoiding Wakuren's curse, there's a 50/50 chance it will still end up not doing a thing as it faces mine!"

Sure enough, Older-Boulder looked down at its many attackers in confusion and did absolutely nothing. Xandro struck it with another sound burst, Wakuren threw a javelin of lightning at it from his gauntlet of Cal, Zander cast another lightning bolt spell, and Alewyth sent a spiritual warhammer flying at its face, and still it stood there, stunned into mobility. Only once did Older-Boulder manage to shrug off the effects of both curses and bring his fists smashing down at Wakuren and Alewyth (both of whom were fortunately protected by Zander's stoneskin spells), but for the rest of the combat it stood there in confusion as the heroes slowly whittled it down. Finally, it fell over backwards and crashed against several trees, bringing them down as the earth titan collapsed, now no longer any more mobile than a statue.

"The wedding's supposed to take place in the forest clearing ahead!" announced Princess Caroline eagerly from the back of Wakuren's cloud-steed. Nimbus trotted forward, moving deftly past Older-Boulder's obstruction. The others followed and sure enough, in a clearing ahead stood a slightly smaller giant toad, this one wearing a white wedding veil. But Darling Darlene Dumpling called out for them to flee and save themselves - and it was then Wakuren spotted the massive serpent's head poking out from between a pair of trees behind Mr. Toad's intended bride. Worse, he identified it as a hypnalis viper, a creature in the employ of the Nightmare King - they'd fought one before in the timeless heart of the Dreamlands. Wakuren knew full well a bite from a hypnalis viper in a dreamscape could put the living body of the dreamer into a dream coma, and he drank down a neutralize poison potion as he advanced.

Princess Caroline had spotted the viper as well, calling out her term for it: "Sneaky Snake!" Xandro played his inspirational courage song on his magic lute while the half-orc cleric-paladin raced forward to face the hypnalis viper. Thurloe drank down his own potion of neutralize poison and flew behind Wakuren, Spellslicer out and ready to strike.

Zander managed to cast a haste spell on the assembled group before Wakuren and Thurloe got out of range, and then the hypnalis viper struck at Wakuren - as did two others who crawled out from between the trees, while a fourth slithered out from off to the side of the clearing and attacked Xandro. Two of the vipers bit Wakuren, but their venom was ineffective against him, as its magic was defeated by the potion he'd just consumed. Xandro had no such protection but gutted it out, ignoring the worst of the venom's effects after the viper attacking him managed to plunge its fangs into his arm.

Casting another summoning spell, Alewyth brought forth a fiendish dire wolf behind the serpent attacking Xandro, catching its muscular body in its jaws. This allowed Xandro to whip out Deathwhisper and cleave the head right off the serpent's body as it spun to face the wolf.

Wakuren summoned an air element creature behind the three vipers attacking him, the wind-borne beast also taking on the shape of a dire wolf. It bit at a serpent, while Thurloe flew overhead out of range of serpent-strikes and cast a magic missile spell down at one of Wakuren's slithering attackers. Zander caught another two in a lightning bolt spell as they bit at Wakuren again, their fangs pumping in venom that had no effect.

Alewyth brought Sjondra down onto the head of a hypnalis viper that crushed its skull and killed it instantly. Alewyth's fiendish dire wolf continued its attacks upon the one it had bitten, and Wakuren slew that one with his shield of Cal when it unwisely directed its attention to the wolf instead of the dreamwalker. Xandro went back to playing his song of inspirational courage, encouraging his friends' follow-on attacks through his tune. While the air element dire wolf snapped at the remaining viper, Thurloe's magic missile spell and Zander's final lightning bolt spell slew it.

"Wartimer, my love!" cried Darling Darlene Dumpling, hopping toward her future husband once the four sneaky snakes had been slain. The heroes dragged the serpentine bodies off into the woods and kicked dirt over the bloodstains, making the forest clearing once again presentable for the toad wedding.

Princess Caroline presided over the marriage ceremony herself. "Dearly beloved," she began, "we are gathered here to witness the marriage of my bestest friend Wartimer J. Toad to his beloved, Darling Darlene Dumpling." She giggled again over the future Mrs. Toad's name. But as she continued on with the ceremony, the heroes noted she still carried the stick she'd had with her when they'd first met her at the pier, and she made use of it during the ceremony, having the two toads hold hands and then placing the stick - whose end had begun to glow with the unmistakable effect of a spontaneously-cast light spell - over their joined digits like her brother the king beknighting one of his men. "I now pronounce you husband toad and bride toad," Princess Caroline announced at the end, then added, "You guys can kiss now if you want to."

They wanted to. And as the two toads kissed passionately in the forest clearing, the trees began to melt away as the dreamscape blurred into nothingness.

The heroes stirred from their slumber as Princess Caroline sat up in bed holding her stuffed toad. "We had a wedding!" she boldly announced to her brother.

"Astonishing! They did it!" exclaimed Judlin Bellweather.

"You know, Your Majesty," began Chaspertaine, stroking his chin thoughtfully, "it might not be a bad idea to have these five dreamwalkers, and their retinue, remain here in the castle on a permanent basis in case they are ever needed again."

"But there are others trapped in their dreams!" argued Alewyth. "We're the only ones we know of who can awaken them!"

"And we serve the Queen of Dreams," pointed out Thurloe with his usual level of tact.

This comment brought a scowl upon King Eovard's face, after having been so glad to see his little sister awake and excitedly regaling him with details about their dream exploits. "Do you mean to say you are beholden to two different sovereigns?" he demanded. As the hereditary leader of what he considered to be the entire continent of Armaturia (the elven and dwarven areas notwithstanding), he found the concept troubling. He, after all, was a true king, not some figment dreamed up in a dream, as this "Queen of Dreams" must surely be.

Thurloe caused all four of his companions to gasp aloud when he responded, off the cuff, with, "Actually, Your Majesty, you're beholden to us." Xandro's eyes goggled in amazement at the audacity of the idiot spellsword, while Zander wondered if he could somehow manage to make it back to the Sylvanholme Forest to avoid being hunted by the Devlin family forces forevermore. Alewyth looked as if she wanted to kill him personally, preferably with her hands around his throat until he choked, as that would prevent him from making things even worse with any other poorly-thought-out comments.

Fortunately, King Eovard was not one to make decisions rashly, nor in the heat of anger. "I think, " he declared, "you will remain here in the castle overnight. I will take your arguments into consideration and give you my answer in the morning." Then, turning back to Princess Caroline and scooping her up into his arms, he said, "Frowny frogs, you say? How many of them?"

"Six!" exclaimed Princess Caroline, intent upon her tale.

"This way, if you please," announced Judlin Bellweather, taking the heroes down a different corridor from the one the king and princess had taken.

- - -

This was a kind of adventure I had wanted to do at least once in this campaign, realizing there was no reason why a dream couldn't encompass the majority of a gaming session. (Also, I realized I'd be tying up the "dream plague" storyline by around adventure #60, which was fast approaching.) Logan twigged pretty quickly on what the light spell on the end of Princess Caroline's stick meant: she's like they are, with a full recollection of her dreams upon awakening and the ability to spontaneously cast one particular 0-level spell once per day. Given the proper training by a team of dedicated moogles, she could easily become a dreamwalker herself.

Everyone was pretty much wanting to kill Dan over Thurloe's last comment to King Eovard, though, which was even stupider than some of the other things he'd had his PC say. (Harry even denoted the move as "Day Fifty of 'Why Do We Even Let Him Hang Around With Us?'") But I told the players not to try to come up with elaborate "escape from the castle" plans just yet, as the next adventure was going to take place that very night, and would start off with them still in the castle. I'll let them decide their next move during the next adventure session.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My "Evil Clown School - Graduate With Honors" T-shirt with an evilly-grinning clown on it; the PCs at first thought it represented the gnome court jester, but it was really a stand-in for the clown spiders.
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