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Pathfinder 1E Drake mounts?


So I came across an odd issue the other day...

My party encountered some river drakes (Alignment NE) and the ranger began to wonder "Hey...can I convince this thing to be my mount?" this concept caught me off guard which leads me to a few questions for the forum.

1. What kind of check does this LG Ranger need to make in order to obtain a NE Drake as a mount?

2. The party knows of a Blue dragon in this area. According to the description of drakes in the bestiary they are "The degenerate cousins of Dragons". A 3.5 player that I know claims that all true dragons will kill drakes on sight...is this true?

If you guys could please sight your book source or leave a link I would really appreciate it!


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You can use Wild Empathy on a magical beast with a penalty, but IMO you cannot convince a creature intelligent enough to have an alignment* to let you humiliate it by riding it.

An intelligent mount must be your friend, and it doesn't seem at all likely that the drake will ever be friends with the ranger.


Rules as Written say no:

A ranger can elect to form a bond with a "generally possible to exist in the real world" animal or giant animal as per the Druid's Animal Companion ability, save the ranger uses his level minus three (L - 3) to determine the level of the creature he can attract.

A ranger probably wouldn't want an intelligent creature as a mount with an alignment who opposes his own (ie. more than one step away from the ranger's; in your ranger's case, LG would prefer a LG, NG, or LN-aligned mount).

Rule of Cool says yes, but:

I wouldn't allow him to snap up the NE drake in front of him. Given that he's expressed an interest, though, I would certainly set up a situation where he may be able to come into possession of a dragon mount. Practically all of the drakes are either True Neutral or something-evil, but there is a creature called a Dragonkin which might be perfect for him.

You can either let him learn of one and story it to him, or you could suggest that buying the Leadership feat might allow him one as a cohort.
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1. To accomplish turning a River Drake into a mount, there are a few obstacles to overcome. Many of these obstacles could be accomplished through roleplay, as apposed to mechanical class abilities or skill checks.

First and most simple, the River Drake is a medium sized creature. If your Ranger is a medium sized character, riding will not be possible unless the Ranger is Reduced, or the Dragon is Enlarged. If your Ranger is a small sized race, pass this obstacle and consider the others.

Secondly, you have the INT of 8 and the description of their character/nature. Lines in the creature description such as, "Preying upon fish and fishermen with equal ease", "river drakes are cruel hunters", "...such a bribe is unlikely to stave off a particularly hungry individual" all suggest that the idea of a River Drake doing anything other than eating a humanoid is unlikely. Even the suggestion of treasure bribe only serves to momentarily distract the Drake, not influence it positively. Also, the Drake's natural tendencies are to retreat strategically and prefer it's lair near water. It appears territorial. Leaving such comfort, it's storehouse of "aged meat" and treasure is not something this creature would be likely to do.

To directly answer your question, what you would need with the above creature, as described, would be a very high level Diplomacy check. Likely repeated Diplomacy checks with an ever increasing DC as the Drake continues to be convinced to resist it's natural values. Since it seems to value eating/hunting/collecting, perhaps the promise of ongoing, successful food opportunities and treasure could be used as a roleplaying enticement. The Ranger would need to make good on such an offer and accept that the Drake would be cruel in it's hunting methods. I don't know how likely this will go over with the Ranger or the rest of the party.

Thirdly, if the Ranger possesses an Animal Companion, I'd imagine inevitable conflict that would result in the Ranger quickly ending up with one or the other. Cruel intelligent hunter vs. loyal animal is likely to result in distrust/dislike on both sides. I'd expect a fight, likely to death or fleeing of one side.

All this sounds unlikely to be possible, however it could add some fun roleplaying tension for a while. Ultimately, even if he did convince it to stick around for a short time, I don't see such a creature cooperating for the long term.

2. While I can't recall reading anything that would say ALL true dragons would kill lesser dragons on sight, since the different dragon types vary widely on their basic character and inherent personalities, Blue Dragons specifically aren't known for warm, fuzzy feelings. They're character make them seem more likely to scheme to make minions than instantly attempt to slay another creature on sight.

You're the DM, you get the final say on all decisions on the nature and responses of these creatures.
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There is the Genius Guide to Dragonriders supplement by Rogue Genius Games, which offers some balancing factors (especially at low level) for PCs riding dragons and the like - its only $2.99. It even offers logical reasons why an evil dragon would serve a good rider, or rider of an evil mount.


Time for another reply to myself...

Hello again!
Its you from the future, three years in the future to be exact! This is YOUR game... screw what other people think! If you feel its valid, then its valid! You are the DM after all. As for the Drake being NE, that doesn't mean that its going to run around causing utter havoc! With my experience I say we take a look at the lore and make the final call...

"Preying upon fish and fishermen with equal ease, river drakes are scourges of freshwater expanses. They are thought to be related to black dragons, as evidenced by their acidic spit, water affinity, viciousness, and preference for rotten meat. Like other drakes, river drakes are cruel hunters, using a play-and-prey hunting style. When not hungry, they amuse themselves by stalking and harassing other creatures and travelers. An offering of treasure thrown into the water can distract a river drake, but such a bribe is unlikely to stave off a particularly hungry individual. River drakes often slay more than they can immediately eat because they favor aged meat, keeping underwater larders stuffed with kills in various stages of decay.

A river drake is a crafty, careful hunter that uses its watery home to provide concealment from creatures on the shore. If caught unawares while on land, it retreats to the water, or takes to flight if its enemies are prepared for aquatic combat, making constant use of its caustic mucus and great speed.

River drakes are much more likely to hunt in groups than most other drakes, threatening river traffic or assaulting lakefront or riverside towns if their numbers are large enough. However, these disorganized raids are quick to retreat from any hint of significant resistance. River drakes are 8 feet long and look much like small sea drakes. An adult river drake weighs about 700 pounds."

Fist of all a Drake is only a Medium creature, so a medium Humanoid is going to be a heave load to carry. Seeing as they can weigh up to 700lbs I say it is possible, but not likely, that they could be used as a mount.

As for their alignment and behavior, these are some nasty little creatures! They can speak Draconic and they hunt like Raptors from JP! That is a nasty combo! I'd personally say that the odds of them serving a good rider are slim to none! Not unless that rider was a very skilled and high level ranger!

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