OSR Dragonslayer RPG truly delivers.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Now, if it was actually well made... despite already owning just about every OSR title, I think I would be willing to drop the money. There is just too much here I like. Clerics not allowed to prepare a spell more than once (forcing diversity),
I actually dig this rule. Original Edition Delta has done this for many years.

One fan reviewer spoke at length how revolutionary it was to have "ready-made equipment packs" for quick character creation, so I guess you've got that. (Provided you didn't want to use 5e or Castles and Crusades, or other games that have been doing that for a decade or more.)
Was it B4, The Lost City, that first did this in 1982? Obviously 5E in 2014 is a more well-known example now.

I like the company name "OSR Publishing."
That's not presumptuous at all.
Didn't Justin Lanasa claim that? Are they working together? I'm already disinclined to give Gillespie money, but that'd be ANOTHER serious mark against him.

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Was it B4, The Lost City, that first did this in 1982? Obviously 5E in 2014 is a more well-known example now.
Yeah, there were pre-generated equipment packs going way back. I think Tome of Horrors also had them. I was just saying that even in modern game design - even in the core rulebooks - this is been an ongoing thing.

Didn't Justin Lanasa claim that? Are they working together? I'm already disinclined to give Gillespie money, but that'd be ANOTHER serious mark against him.
I haven't read anything about them working together.


Can I just say this sounds like a paid advertisement? I don't trust reviews (or posts) where someone calls an author of an non-academic publication, "Dr".
That is like, not to bring politics into it, saying Dr. Jill Biden shouldn't be called Doctor. They put in the work for their doctorates, they earned them and just because you disagree with their political stance doesn't mean you can erase their earned titles. It's not like, and I am one so I am qualified to say this, they are Houngans calling themselves "doctor" because they can perform miraculous healings. The title is Houngan.


B/X Known World
Not exactly, but it's related. It seems Gillespie has added his voice to the chorus of grognards who seem to think that old white guys are the real victims of persecution (for the record, I'm an old white guy). His review of the D&D movie was bizarrely built around the idea that it was designed to denigrate straight white men. His logic was so tortured that it likely violated the Geneva Convention. I just can't with that guy.
So yet another OSR grognard to add to the auto-skip pile. Got it.


Depends on the political stance. If someone's being a pile of crap, there's no need to respect them or their accomplishments.
I wouldn't consider him a pile of crap, he's not a twitter junkie attacking LGBT etc on twitter for think female space marines would be cool and calling John Blanche a tourist. I won't support him or Milo's boy who does ACKS but ya know that's a different grade too.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I actually dig this rule. Original Edition Delta has done this for many years.

Never heard of this. I'll have to read through it, thanks!
It's a neat set of OD&D house rules and refinements. Dan's blog, Delta's D&D Hotspot, is one of the OGs of the OSR blog movement (bearing in mind that the movement started on message forums a few years earlier), dating back to 2007. He's slowed down his pace of posting because he does more stuff on the Wandering DMs Youtube channel nowadays, but the blog is still active. :)

Didn't Justin Lanasa claim that? Are they working together? I'm already disinclined to give Gillespie money, but that'd be ANOTHER serious mark against him.
I thought his whole thing was trying to use TSR?
Primarily, but he created OSR Games, LLC as an apparent legal dodge to hide assets in when he filed bankruptcy as TSR, LLC, and I remember he had a few other flimsy names as "sponsors" for his ridiculous little proposed convention at the Horticultural Hall in Lake Geneva during GaryCon. I thought I remembered OSR Publishing being one of the names on his convention ad/poster, but I did a little digging through the nuTSR thread yesterday and haven't found it yet.
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Are there any changes to MUs? Cantrips or concentration type rules?

Do fighters get multiple attacks at higher levels?

Are demihumans level capped?

You mentioned thieves being better success on their skills, are they still basically crappy combatants or dextrous strikers?

Any Master set weapon mastery type rules?

What is its take on skills?

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