Dragonlance Dragonlance comes to DMsGuild


On the left side I select edition, and then Dragonlance, and I get this:
View attachment 269061
I noticed my first DL product is in this picture!

Trinkets of Krynn is 100 trinkets drawn from the text of DL1 - DL14. They can be easily dropped into SotDQ or any other DL game.


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Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
Seeing how Weis has mentioned the WotC stuff vs the fan-made stuff is night and day.

Pic taken from Splinterverse's post of the pic on Twitter


Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Seeing how Weis has mentioned the WotC stuff vs the fan-made stuff is night and day.

Pic taken from Splinterverse's post of the pic on Twitter

View attachment 269136
Yeah, she clearly has lower regard for 1st party than 3rd at this point. I can understand that. Both this book and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are miles better IMO than WotC's offering, even if SotDQ looks to be more or less ok to me.


Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
Yeah, she clearly has lower regard for 1st party than 3rd at this point. I can understand that. Both this book and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are miles better IMO than WotC's offering, even if SotDQ looks to be more or less ok to me.
Yeah I see nothing wrong with the 1st party book. They divorced it from the core story as much as they could without making it a whole new continent.

Yeah, she clearly has lower regard for 1st party than 3rd at this point. I can understand that. Both this book and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are miles better IMO than WotC's offering, even if SotDQ looks to be more or less ok to me.
Yeah I see nothing wrong with the 1st party book. They divorced it from the core story as much as they could without making it a whole new continent.
The 3rd party settings are definitely miles better at being campaign settings, but that's by design. If you were new to Dragonlance and didn't know anything about the setting, I think most DMs would be at a complete loss if they wanted to continue SotDQ using the bread crumb left at the end.

The heroes receive a letter sealed with blue wax in the shape of the symbol of Takhisis, implying possibly Kitiara could be observing them.

You could certainly use the info in Dragonlance Companion and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything to put together a follow-up adventure to keep things going.


I crit!
I did a YouTube video talking about Dragonlance Companion. I thought it would be fun to share since I do give some insight into our design thoughts in some spots. If anyone has any questions about the book or the process, I'd be happy to answer. Hope you are all having a great time preparing your Krynn adventures!
FYI the actual link embedded behind the youtube URL is broken in some fashion.



Yeah, she clearly has lower regard for 1st party than 3rd at this point. I can understand that. Both this book and Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything are miles better IMO than WotC's offering, even if SotDQ looks to be more or less ok to me.
Yeah, I'm... I'm not on board with Weis on this.

To be blunt, if DragonLance is going to survive and for us to see new game products? It needs to move past some of the decisions that Weis and Hickman have made in the past.

Yes, there are novel fans who worship them -- but those fans aren't the main audience for SotDQ. And if you take a stroll through the Dragonlance subreddit, it doesn't take too long to determine why that is. Most of those posters are novel fans first, gamers a distant second (if at all).

The game is the horse, the novels are the cart. Once you get confused about that? It's time to step aside.
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The game is the horse, the novels are the cart. Once you get confused about that? It's time to step aside.
Well, it's not quite that cut and dried.

I do have some sympathy about where Weis and the long-term DL fans are coming from here. Remember that for a very long time, going back to TSR days, the novels were the horse and the game was the cart. Millions of people who never picked up the game read the novels, and together with Salvatore, Weis and Hickman basically kept TSR solvent while they could churn out creatively brilliant but financially loss-making game material through the 90s, from Planescape to Dark Sun. Just because the game came first, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the big kid on the block, commercially or creatively. I suppose there's a similar situation with Marvel right now. The comics are where things started and have a very long legacy - but the overwhelming majority of the money comes from the MCU, which has a take on the comics material which is not always consistent or adherent to canon. Are the movies/TV shows still the cart and the comics the horse, or have things changed now?

And then there's the fact that if the game is the horse, there's been no horse for ages. Since WotC took over D&D in 1998ish, they've done nothing with the Dragonlance game line other than licence it out to Sovereign Stone. that's 20 years of zip on the game front, but they've still been releasing novels in that time (the Lost Chronicles series which I'm currently reading, probably most notably). If the horse spends 20 years dead, while the cart keeps merrily trundling along, maybe the conventional wisdom of the drivers of the setting have to be rethought?

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