Devro - Windswept Wastes (d20 Amalgam)


First Post
This thread will house material necessary for running an upcoming PbP. A wise man (Brother Shatterstone) told me to take all the time I needed in starting a game... that was several months ago... and during that time, I've made several core changes to the ideas I originally had.

My first posting will be a brief history, then followed by races, new advanced classes, a list of changes to some of the present advanced classes and prestige classes, a list of all available AdC and PrC, (slowly increasing) information on geography, and then finally political climates and trade.

Note -- this material has not yet been playtested together, and games run in this setting will initially be playtests (and thus subject to mid-game changes). I would never go as far as to say my idea is immaculate in conception... we'll have to see how it does as it sees play. :D

Devro: Windswept Wastes uses a variety of rules primarily from two different systems -- d20 Star Wars and d20 Modern. The class core of the setting comes directly from d20 Modern, using the base classes outlined in that book. Advanced classes from Urban Arcana also make the cut, as well as advanced classes developed as condensations of rules from d20 Star Wars, Urban Arcana, and an entirely new advanced class to allow for the usage of Jedi powers, divine magic, and arcane magic as a set of mystical powers that collide in this world.

Devro: Windswept Wastes uses the Vitality and Wound Points system as originally outlined in d20 Star Wars, the Force Points system, and a modification of the Action Points system from d20 Modern. At present, the Wealth system from d20 Modern will be used in lieu of a monetary system.

Devro: Windswept Wastes is set in a post-apocalyptic setting, where magic has failed to function as it once did for many thousands of years. Jedi have access to a different mystical tradition that still functions properly. There is a mix of science and mysticism, traditionalism and progressive thinking, as this world slowly attempts to integrate magic and tradition with the blossoming field of science and more empirical thinking.

I hope everyone enjoys!
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The creation and history of Devro, as told by Faen, an Ulath sage:

“Ours is a spoken history, handed down from father to son, through over a thousand generations. Man writes his history in books, because his life is so short; he has not the breadth of life that we Ulath possess. Our experience of history is interrupted only by the outside ravages of Nature, and since long before the Fire rained from the sky and scarred the face of Devro, sage had told apprentice this account, and such will be the pattern for many generations to come. Our record begins long ago, before Owl gave birth to the Ulath, before the great lizards ruled us all, before even time as we know it began. We know of this time from what the eldest of the great lizards could remember, and would recount to assembled court with a touch of melancholy. The greatest of the wyrms spoke of ages long past; in that time, they say, there was nothing. Nothing existed except Ul, the complete one, the creator of all. Ul knew only loneliness; he longed for something, anything, to accompany him in this nothing. Thus, in his solitude, he looked upon the nothing, took it in his hands, and with tenderness worked the nothing into substance.

“Ul worked the nothing into an orb made of stone, and then set the orb aloft, floating in the nothing. Yet, as any wise man knows, creation creates more than the object created – it also creates the possibility of that object’s destruction. Ul, having completed the act of creation, was no longer complete, and no longer alone. The act of Creation created Lu, the mirror of Ul… the destroyer.

“Creation pleased Ul; the presence of the orb, and to a lesser degree Lu, eased the pain of Ul’s isolation. This new pleasure quickly soured, however, as Ul became again displeased. To his dismay, the orb was desolate and cold. Creation became obsession; Ul wished to create more – he wished that life would team, cavort, and be fruitful and happy as it bounded across the surface of his orb. Lu, however, the opposite of creation, was not pleased that the orb even hung in the nothing. He was not happy that Ul existed, he was not happy that he existed. Creation, even existence itself, was an affront to the nature roiling within Lu.

“And so was borne war. Brother Ul fought his mirror Lu. Both were equal, both were powerful… and both were destroyed. Brother slew brother, leaving nothing but a hanging cloud of miasma to float around the orb of stone. Such was the way things went for time unmeasured – the lifeless orb surrounded by a cloud of the remnants of both Ul and Lu.

“But then, something changed again. Something happened, and streams of miasma mingled. They changed from separate clouds of creation and destruction into something different and unequal from the original clouds, and this new cloud began to invade the orb. It penetrated deep into the surface of the orb, and completely suffused the orb. This whirling mass then began to change and flourish – the commingled miasma, which we call the Essence, bought life to the orb of stone – Devro. Thus, as we Ulath know, Life is part Creation and Destruction, as is the Essence.

“For many years, lesser creatures ruled the surface of Devro. Such beasts included creeping things, fishes, birds, snakes, lizards, and other lower animals. Nature ruled – the strong preyed on the weak, but in the grand scheme, all possessed equal potential in their niche. Yet, not even these low things were impenetrable to the Essence. Lizards so altered and empowered, or so we believe, became the great flying monstrosities of legend… dragons. Now Nature was no longer equal, and the great lizards ruled the surface of Devro for many, many years, until the Essence had completed its work with other lesser animals and plants, giving birth to the elder races.

“We Ulath were the first; borne are we of the owl, who is wise, possessed of great intellect, and strong of character. The ferret is the Essence-instilled womb from which the Quith did crawl – small, crafty, unassuming, and yet potentially vicious. From the willowy trees of the forest did the Essence form the Elves, and their bodies show this resilience, as they live nearly as long as we do. Lastly, from the very earth itself did the Essence hew the Dwarf, and he is just as short, hardy, and hardheaded as his ancestor. We Ulath ponder whether others rose from the lesser beasts, but if they did, they no longer exist.

“Yet, these were not enough to supplant the great lizards – we four could not overcome the dragons, and fell into slavery. Some faired better than others, mind you; the wiser and longer lived Ulath and Elves were more respected and better treated than the lower, craftier, and more stubborn Quith and Dwarves. We, speaking of the Elves and ourselves, found our labors light and closer to the masters, while the Quith and Dwarves slaved in the pits of the earth, mining for gems and gold to appease the master’s desires. Regardless, all chafed under the yoke of the great lizards, but it would take the Others, and the children of the primates to free us all. From the grasslands, from the sparse interior of Devro, which spanned for many miles before the Fire, came the ape who walked upright… Man. His advantages were clear – quick adaptation, rapid reproduction, and understanding that did not correlate with his years. Man quickly learned the secret ways, mostly through trial and error; he learned to forge weapons from bronze, iron, and steel, he learned to tame the beasts of Devro for use as mounts, and he learned to mend his fellow’s broken body. He learned to string and fletch bows and arrows, he learned to build and farm. He learned to manipulate both simple arcane energies that our wizards and the great lizards used, and he learned to weave the Essence itself. However, even though Man possessed such potential, it was his ally, the alien Tulaire, which finally broke the stranglehold of the dragons.

“While men became capable channellers, the Tulaire wielded the Essence like second-nature. They also possessed the mentality for conquest and leadership, and forged the elder races, with the help of their human allies, into an efficient resistance against the dragons, and finally into an army to fight the elder wyrms. The Tulaire’s leadership, the sheer numbers of humanity, and the tenacity of all under the alliance finally broke the dragon’s control over us all.

“The great lizards withdrew to the high mountains and the low valleys, to the hidden places of Devro, but they did not retaliate. The alliance had spared them – they did not hunt the dragons down, and the dragons knew that our alliance could kill them, as many of their fellows had been killed, if the lizards attacked again. Peace ruled Devro… or perhaps it would be better to say that Nature ruled Devro, as the natural order returned. Elves returned to their forests, Dwarves to their mountains and quarries, and the Quith to their mingling among all. We, however, remained among the humans, who now looked to build villages, farm, and better their lot in life.

“It would not be without struggles, however. Long distant and removed, Devro was not prepared for some of the denizens of the Nothing who would come to our land and attempt to assert their control on an unassuming people. From the bowels of the Earth came a plague of vermin the size of men – we called them, quite simply, the Ratmen. In the jungles and deserts were located bizarre snake-peoples whose very gaze could turn others to stone. Some heretics suggested that these beings naturally evolved as we had, borne of the Essence as we had been. Of course, we met their considerations with naught but scoff, ridicule, shunning – we were civilized, while these creatures were monsters bent on destruction. Other monstrosities followed in those days – large bulls that walked as men, bovines that turned others to stone, and other horrible creatures rarely seen today, thanks to both our prudence.

“With these horrors, the Tulaire and the humans redoubled their efforts. Under the direction of the Tulaire, the humans came together into the nations for protection, and thus the Seven Kingdoms of Man were borne. Even the Elves and Dwarves thought this to be an advantageous arrangement, and thus the three Elven Nations and the Dwarven Commonwealth were borne. The Seven Kingdoms and the Commonwealth bound themselves together under the Tulaire, and thus was the Tulaire Empire born. These alliances brought about a new peace, as the nations protected each other, and the monsters found themselves hunted down and destroyed. This was also a time of great advancement, as the Empire discovered new means of mastering the Essence, developing beforehand unfathomable forms of technology – devices that could heal the sick with a touch, or obliterate the enemies of the Empire from afar. Also, this is the days when the Empire discovered the secrets of the kajh, which in and of themselves greatly increased the power of reach of the Empire.

“Perhaps the heretics were right, because now we found Nature's order replaced by politics. The power of these nations grew rapidly as they become increasingly insular and less threatened; after a thousand years, the previous friendship between the races became forgotten, as only the Ulath could remember such a time. Questions of land, title, and suspicions drove race against race, nation against nation, and former friend against friend. Those who suffered the worst were the Ulath and the children of both Elf and Man; we Ulath could remember when all had banded together, and the Half-Elven could not choose between their parentages.

“However, it would not be Man, nor Elf, nor Dwarf that would destroy us – it would that which we had forgotten so long ago, the Old Ones – that which had given us life would finally rise up to destroy us. For what we did not know, that the great Old Ones were not destroyed, but imprisoned, imprisoned by the mightiest of the wyrms before time was numbered – these would be our doom. Men would find these ancient relics, and war began over who could control their power – but no one could control their power; all who tried were consumed by them, made hands for the Old Ones, to open the Gate and bring about oblivion.

“These wars saw the human creation of the Ratan, the perfect warrior. Originally of unknown origins it was captured by the human nations; their progenitor became a plaything, subjected to the ministrations of the Tulaire and Drak weavers. The perfect soldiers, they were unleashed on the growing armies of darkness in hopes that they could destroy or hold back the oncoming might of the Old Ones. However, there were complications – the channellers had not taken into account the ability to control such large numbers of Ratan, nor their creation’s lust for blood and combat. The Ratan would soon turn on their masters, killing everything in sight. And so did all come to fear the power of the Essence… yet the end was not yet come.

“Destruction followed the followers of the Old Ones – our world was nearly torn in two. No power could stop the avatar of Destruction – U, the Original, the embodiment of Entropy. Terrible was its wrath, fueled by that which gave us life – the Essence. Not even the Tulaire, although not originally of this world, could stop it; they went before it like the reed before the storm. Only one hope remained – and it was grave indeed. U went unchecked, destroying cities with its will alone, sending its minions to raze the kingdoms of Man to the ground. Its power scorched the earth itself, leaving nothing behind but ashen soil, bereft of life. Clouds of acid rained down where it trod, unmoving – as if Nature itself was perverted in U’s wake. It cut a path into the heartlands, killing Man, Elf, Dwarf… anything in its path, as its minions razed east and west. The Tulaire made one final stand against it, at Magehold, in hopes of stopping it by normal means… but they failed – failed miserably, and were left with only one option. They would cut off that which gave it power – they would sever all ties to the Essence.

“It worked… at least in theory. In practice, even this was not enough to destroy U. Cut off from its power, U was dramatically weakened… but not destroyed. But, in cutting off the Essence, all magic was destroyed – all that which had made the Tulaire great was done, for their channelers now had no power. The final battle against U was fought by hand, not by spell, and it was as bloody as all that came before it… but it was won.

“What was the cost, however? The world has remained tainted for the past three thousand years; the damage has not healed. The plains and mountains that once dominated the center of Devro still lie desolate, many still ashen or drenched in acrid rain – we call these lands the Great Wastes. Only three of the original Seven Kingdoms of Man remained, nestled in their fertile lands along the eastern seaboard. Now, only Callandor remains, having absorbed most of Drakenmoore and Cauldor. The Elven Kingdom remains as it has for many thousands of years – isolated, nestled in the forests and jungles of the western seaboard. The Dwarven Commonwealth has regained much of its strength, and now inhabits many of the arable mountains and hills bordering the Great Wastes. The Quith, wanderlust still intact, yet travel the width and breadth of Devro. Fortunately for them, the Ratan, free of their masters, their senses cleared by fear, have moved to roam the deserts east of the Great Wastes.”
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First Post

Stout survivors, born of the very earth itself, the Dwarves are the masters of stone and gem, and control vast aboveground and belowground holdings throughout the mountains rimming the Great Wastes.

Personality: Gruff, callous, and curt are all words that describe the average dwarf. They have a hard time relating to surface dwellers, who seem far too flighty, too hurried, and normally unconcerned with the important things in life, as far as dwarves are concerned. Important things to a dwarf normally include gems, gold, other precious minerals, a decent, productive day’s labor, a good warm fire, and a nice meal. Surface dweller humor, leisure, and priorities make little sense to dwarves; the two groups just enjoy different things. Still, they are not dim-witted or boorish; they enjoy their simple pleasures, and enjoy sharing those pleasures with good friends, regardless of from where those friends hail. Dwarves in general value honesty, loyalty, and order above most other ideals, and those who live by these simple qualities can find a friend in a dwarf.

Physical Description: A dwarf ranges in height from just under four feet tall to just a hair under four and a half feet tall, and weighing around 165 pounds. Males tend to be taller and heavy than females. The skin color of a dwarf generally ranges between a light tan to deep browns, copper, and occasionally a dusky gray, while their hair is generally dark. Dwarves, both men and women, tend to have facial hair, but while males grow thick beards, females usually only have light whiskers.

Relations: The Dwarven Commonwealth is generally difficult to reach, as most entrances to their cities are deep in the mountains, but they are open to any who make the journey. Dwarves hold no real prejudice against any of the other inhabitants of Devro; they normally judge individuals, not entire races. Dwarves expect order and fairness from those who travel in their lands, however – the best way to upset the dwarves is to break their laws.

The humans of Neth have a good trade relation with the Dwarves of the Southern Artax, but little else; the people of Neth, with their greedy tendencies and their downright brutal way of life, offer little to dwarves other than a market for their wares. Occasionally, some of the Ratan tribes will make a trek to the foothills where the Desert of Fire meets the Southern Crater Mountains to trade news and wares; Dwarves have a far better relationship with these Ratan tribes than they ever will with the Nethars.

As the empire of New Callandor has grown, there has been increased trade with cities farther from the Great Wastes; with the advent of the rails, the Commonwealth has seen fit to open trading depots in many of the larger towns and cities on the Callandorian-Nethar Line (CNL). The CNL continues past Neth to the small Dwarven stronghold of Fral’Thaxas at the base of the Southern Artax, and from it flows the goods of the Commonwealth into the heart of New Callandor.

Government: The Dwarven Commonwealth is the overarching body that sets laws for all dwarves. This legislative body is comprised of the thanes of the twelve great Dwarven houses. The Dwarven Houses control areas of the Great Crater Mountains; population, tradition, and the decisions of the Commonwealth set the boundaries of each House’ spheres of control. However, there is no declared separation of Dwarves by House – just of the control of an area; Dwarven Houses intermingle more or less freely throughout the Commonwealth.

Religion: The vast majority of Dwarves revere Graven Firehammer, the Master of All Beneath the Surface, but most Dwarven temples also host worship of Imdek, God of Justice, and Galvon, God of the Forge, two other prominent Dwarven deities. Occasionally, temples to the Dracolaithian Gods can be found beneath the surface, and some Dwarves go so far as to worship human gods.

Dwarven worship is normally very a solemn affair; there is much low chanting, somber prayer, all in the light of low hearth fires. Such is also the Dwarven view of the afterlife – service to the gods in their everlasting forges beneath the earth, or eternal torture in the low fires of their anger. Many strive to please the gods and live a good, clean life on Devro, so that they may enjoy the fruits of a good labor in the hereafter.

Alignment: With their respect for order, most dwarves are lawful, and most tend towards good. Those few who stray from this norm are often exiled from the Commonwealth, so even those with such contrary tendencies normally keep them hidden.

Dwarven Lands: The Dwarven Commonwealth controls much of the mountain ranges bordering the Great Wastes. Much of these mountains are honeycombed with caverns and tunnels, some natural, others carved by the Dwarves over the last three thousand years.

Language: Dwarves speak Dwarven, which is a derived from Terran, the language of earth spirits. Dwarves show an affinity for the languages of many other subterranean creatures.

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Dwarves are stout and tough, but their manner is generally gruff and reserved.
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Dwarven base speed is 20 feet.
  • Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Stonecunning: Stonecunning grants dwarves a +2 racial bonus on checks on notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework, traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes with 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. Dwarves have a sixth sense about stonework, an innate ability that they get plenty of opportunity to practice and hone in their underground homes.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poisons: Dwarves are hardy and resistant to toxins.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids; these monsters infest the grottos and dark tunnels underground that are the dwarves’ home.
  • +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to rare or exotic items.
  • +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
  • Automatic Languages: Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Goblin, Draconic, Terran, Undercommon.
  • Level Adjustment: +0

Living as long as the forests they inhabit, the Faenari nations are at the same time the most stable and most insular of the nations of Devro. Faenari are rare outside their holdings; some humans have never seen one. While all suffered during the wars surrounding the fall of the Tularian empire, the elves faired the best of all; they remained neutral and removed while the rest of the world fought the Old Ones.

Personality: Most outsiders often describe Faenari as flighty, aloof, and reclusive; the Faenari would describe themselves as contemplative, selective in their company, and respectful of nature and her creatures. With their long lives, closeness to nature, and their mastery of many arcane secrets, the Elves have many reasons to be aloof, and most do consider themselves separate from the other races. Most elves are very happy to live, love, die in their forests without setting foot outside their ancestral lands, and treat all of Nature’s flora and fauna with respect.

Physical Description: The Faenari tend to fall within the same general height guidelines as humans, but usually are much thinner than a human of equal stature. The Faenari possess very angular features; their ears come to a sharp, high point, their jaw lines are sharp, and their eyes are usually quite large and almond-shaped. The Faenari usually wear clothing that match their natural forest surroundings, hence earth tones, as well as rich autumn colors. As masters of weaving and other textile arts, these clothes tend to be of the highest quality.

Relations: While the humans have nearly forgotten the wars of nearly three millennia ago, the atrocities of these age-old battles are fresher in Elven minds. The Faenari live to the west of the Great Wastes. The Elven nations of Devro maintain neutral dealings with the Dwarven Commonwealth as well. Quith and Ulath, without their own holdings or government structure to deal with formally, normally meet cool aloofness when dealing with Faenari.

Government: Two separate courts of Faernari influence exist in the forests and jungles – the Northern Court and the Southern Court. The Northern Court controls much of the western portions of the Devrian mainland – their forests begin far in the northwest of the continent, and spreads down the western seaboard until it contacts the northern edge of the Callandorian Empire. The Southern Court stretches from its boundary with the lands of the Northern Court down into the jungles of the Devrian mainland. Each court is completely autonomous – they are two completely separate nations, with their own laws, their own aristocracy, and each even maintains diplomatic envoys in the other Faenari court. There do exist difference in the laws and customs between the two courts; one cannot visit the Southern Court and expect to know what is proper decorum in the Northern Court.

The major differences between the Northern and Southern Courts in practice lies in the policies on non-Elves. The Northern Court is far more isolationist than the Southern Court; many non-Faenari fail to realize that two Courts exist – most do not realize that Elves maintain holdings as far north as the Northern Court. The Northern Faelun focus more on Elven advancement of the mystical arts, Elven self-sufficiency, and peaceful co-existence with nature, while the Southern Faelun are more accepting of the advancements by non-Elves, as well as limited trade with their neighbors, including the Dwarven Commonwealth.

Religion: Faenari normally maintain multi-spect shrines to three of the major Elven deities – Arrdhu, Camulos, and Brenthal. Some temples maintain worship of Cerridwen, but these temples are normally isolated. Much of the Elven religion intertwines with their respect for nature and their firm belief in the afterlife.

Alignment: Faenari, with their closeness to nature and their love for and understanding of life and the way of things, tend towards the gentler aspects of chaos. Also, their respect for all living things means they are more often good than not.

Elven Lands: The Faenari rule two forest nations on the western seaboard of Devro; these lands are thick, ancient forests nestled in between the mighty rivers of Devro. “Nations” is a very loose term, as the largest of their forest settlements number usually no more than 200 elves, other than the capitals of the two nations. They hunt game, gather food, and grow vegetables, their skill and magic allowing them to support themselves without the need for clearing and plowing land. These settlements are usually very isolated, and most wish to remain so.

Language: The Faenari speak Faenari, a smooth, flowing language, much like the wind in the woods. The Faenari are learned and many can speak several other languages.

  • -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence: Faenari are graceful and intelligent, but physically unimposing and frail. Therefore, The Faenari spend much of their time traversing their forests in quiet contemplation of its mysteries, and not in physical combat.
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, the Faenari have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Faelun Elven base speed is 30 feet.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spell and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-light Vision: The Faenari can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Mystical Senses: Faenari may use detect magic, 1/day at a caster level equal to their character level.
  • Spell Resistance: 5 + Character Level: Faenari are innately magical, and this nature imparts a resistance to mystical effects.
  • Automatic Languages: Faenari. Bonus Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan, Draconic.

While some small lizards evolved into the dragons, the Essence worked its wiles on another reptile – the snake. The Ophids evolved far south, mostly out of the notice of the other elder races, so much so that most do not recognize the Ophids as native to Devro. This does not bother the Ophids in the least; they prefer to remain mostly secluded in the warm jungles of their secluded island to the south of the Devrian mainland.

Personality: To many outsiders, the Ophids seem almost as standoffish as the elves. Their mannerisms tell of their ancestry, as they move with a serpentine grace and purpose. Matched with this purposeful attitude is a calm, unassuming, quiet nature. Ophids are normally docile and friendly, but when roused strike with deadly speed and accuracy. The calm of their jungles allows many of their species to embrace solitude and inner reflection, which adds to their wise and quiet demeanor.

Physical Description: Ophids stand between five and six feet tall and normally weigh around 95 lbs. Male Ophids are usually taller and heavier than females. Their skin possesses a slight green tint, and is thin and stretched tight over their lithe frames. Their bodies are devoid of hair, save for the rich dark hair that grows from their heads. Their faces and heads bear very snake-like qualities. These include the lack of external ears (they have small, protected holes on either side of their head), flat noses, and reptilian eyes. Ophids also have a forked tongue. Dress is functional; as they spend much of their lives in very hot jungles, their clothes tend to match the surroundings, while remaining both loose and light.

Relations: The Ophids’ calm and quietness causes many to believe they are simply elitist, not deigning to mix with the lesser races. Adding this misconception with the remoteness of their homelands normally results in a skewed perception of the Ophids by the other races. Many treat an Ophidian with cool caution. The Ophids, however, hold no ill will towards any of the other nations. Unfortunately, no one hosts permanent envoys from their lands, nor do any of the other nations send envoys to the Ophidian lands. Ophids traveling abroad normally adopt a cautious approach.

Government: Five familial houses control Ophidian government; each elects a representative to a grand council, which sets the policies and laws of for the ‘nation’ as it were. Each house represents a division of labor – there is a house that sees to the conduct of religion, a house that produces capable law enforcement, a house that sees to the conduct of science and research, a house of historians, and monastic house, which concerns itself with balance of mind and body.

Religion: The Ophids revere the Great Serpent, a great and terrible god. Embodying the true nature of the jungle, the Great Serpent is both the giver and taker of all things, provider to the Ophids, master of life and death, and the epitome of what it is to be Ophid. House Nigala sees to the conduct of religious ceremonies and the protection of the secrets of the Great Serpents. Non-Ophids are not permitted to enter the temples of the Great Serpent, nor know his secrets.

Alignment: Ophidian culture consists of much regimentation and calm reflection. Most Ophids are lawful, and tend towards neutral. The only problems in Ophidian lands arise when outsiders fail to understand the customs that govern the Ophids.

Ophidian Lands: The Ophids control much of an island south of the mainland jungles. Thick, hot jungles cover much of the island, which are inhospitable to most outsiders. The vast majority of Ophidians gather together in small groups of like-housed families, establishes small villages. The central government is housed in Qu’tla, the largest Ophid city, which is supported by a districted collection of family groups.

Language: The Ophids speak Ophidian, which is a language of hisses and body language. It is incredibly difficult for non-Ophids to learn to speak this language, and it is incredibly rare for those who do learn the spoken aspect to fully master the nuances of the body component.

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma; The Ophids’ snake-like body is less hearty than many other humanoids, but they what they lose in power and toughness they make up for in suppleness. In addition, their history of inner calm and reflection has lent to them a breadth of wisdom and force of personality.
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Ophids have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Darkvision: Ophids can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight and Ophids can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Ophid base speed is 40 feet.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poisons: Ophids are hardy and resistant to toxins.
  • Keen Scent: Some Ophids slowly develop the ability to utilize their amazing sense of smell, a holdover from their serpentine ancestors, while others are simply born with this ability. Ophids with a Wisdom score of 14 or higher can select the Scent feat.
  • Ophids retain one other serpentine advantage – a mildly poisonous bite. Their bite deals a 1d3 points of damage, and delivers a mild poison. Victims must roll a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the Ophid’s hit dice + the Ophid’s Constitution Modifier); Initial damage 1d3 Con, secondary damage nausea.
  • Automatic Languages: Ophidian. Bonus Languages: Common, Goblin, Kobold. Ophids speak the languages of their closest neutral neighbors and of their most common enemies.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Hardy, tall, lean, and the undisputed masters of the deserts, the Ratan are a tragic people relegated to their barren wastelands for past atrocities and their dark beginnings. Regardless of their progress, their bodies are undeniably built for war, and their minds still bear the scars of years of rage and battle.

Personality: Ratan are overall quiet; when they do speak, however, they are direct and honest. They carry themselves with pride and are quick to defend their honor. Years of control by Tulaire channellers and Drak necromancers (as they were originally created by the Tulaire Empire from a captured progenitor specimen) have left the Ratan with a rash nature, or a tendency to go off half-cocked. Their habits are marked by stubborn persistence and resolute tenacity, even to death.

Physical Description: Ratan males stand usually no less than six feet tall and females are rarely less than a hair shorter. Both are solidly built, with muscular arms (useful for melee combat) and thick, powerful legs (for long runs). Both males and females are entirely devoid of body hair. From their forearms, Ratan sport a set of bone spurs; these grow over the course of childhood (Ratan are not born with them already fully extended) to their full size, which is usually to about the shoulder (around 20 inches long). The faces of both males and females are twisted and feral – angular chins and pointed ears, but paired with sharp teeth and red eyes.

Relations: Humans do not normally associate with the erstwhile creations of the fallen Empire; when the Ratan tendency to attack uncontrollably became clear, their human masters abandoned them to the deserts.

Ratan hold only one true ongoing dispute with any of the other races or peoples nearby – Drakenmoore. As one of the only remaining human kingdoms or city-states that continued to uphold the role they originally held during the time of the Empire, the necromancers hold little love for their erstwhile creations, and the Ratan loath their use of the deserts as a dumping ground for other failed experiments. When New Callandor annexed of much of southern Drakenmoore, it turned over the northern most sections of the original territory to the Ratan as a concession to avert hostilities against the fledgling empire. Still, Draks are normally met with direct hostility if they are found in the deserts or in their former territories, and most Ratan refuse to associate with any obvious Draks or Drak sympathizers. Otherwise, no real stereotypical feelings towards the other races exist among the Ratan – people can usually expect to be judged individually by a Ratan.

Government/Organization: There is no overarching government that holds the Ratan together. Twelve nomadic tribes roam across the deserts and hills of the eastern portions of their territory, and each has little interaction with the others unless necessary. A chieftain, who is normally counseled by one or more shaman, or tribal lore-keepers and medicine men, oversees each tribe. Only adults may hold these positions of leadership – those who have proven themselves worthy, are at least 16 years of age, and have received their scars of passage.

Religion: The histories, as handed down, tell of the enslavement of a vibrant people, who lost their histories and their language during the years of enslavement. These stories differ from many of the histories of the other Elder Races, who say that the Ratan were a construct, a tool for war – nothing more. However, the Ratan feel that, as an existing race, they have as much right to live as any other race, and to realize their full potential in the territories where they were born. It was the environment in which they were born that made them strong and fierce, the perfect warriors. The deserts were where they first came into being, it is their domain, and the other races travel the deserts only with their leave. These beliefs give the Ratan a sense of purpose and pride. History and family is very important to Ratan, to the point that such filial piety can be considered religious. Shaman oversee the rites of communion and reverence for Ratan past within their tribe.

Alignment: Ratan have a strong tendency towards complete neutrality. This neutrality may stem from their creation (a hopeful fallback to keep them docile, which unfortunately did not work) or it may be due to the harshness of their environment.

Ratan Lands: The Ratan control much of the desert north of Drakenmoore, as well as the lands that originally made up the northern portions of Drakenmoore. These deserts are incredibly dry and barren, and possess little in the way of useful resources. With the inclusion of this new territory, the semi-permanent settlement of Ra’ul Talmahi was established as a trading post and way station for grand moots for the several Ratan tribes.

Language: Ratan speak a pidgin language with elements of Common and Faenari called Crae; to the untrained ear, it sounds like nothing more than a collection of snarls, grunts, and growls. The pidgin has diverged enough from its parent languages that one cannot make out enough of Crae just simply by speaking the original languages. There is no written form of Crae, however – it is purely a spoken language.

  • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma: Ratan were created for war, and hence they are incredibly strong and hardy. However, their creators warped their minds to make them more easily controllable, and warped their faces, marking them as predatory and feral.
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Ratan have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Ratan base speed is 30 feet.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and similar effects: the ministrations of their creators originally maintained their soldiers without sleep; present-day Ratan do sleep – over the years, this complete non-requirement has lapsed into a general immunity to unnatural sleep.
  • Low-light Vision: Ratan can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Bone Blades: Long bone spurs sprout from a Ratan’s forearms, growing up along the length of the Ratan’s arm to about the shoulder (a length of approximately 20 inches). Most Ratan sharpen the outer edges and points of these spurs, making them into effective weapons, which was their original purpose. A Ratan with sharpened bone blades gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat when using them as a weapon. A sharpened bone spur is effectively a short sword, except that it deals slashing damage.
  • -2 racial saving throw penalty versus Enchantment spells and effects: Ratan were made to serve, and their creators made them more susceptible to controlling magics.
  • Imposing: Intimidate is always a class skill for Ratan, and they substitute the higher of Strength, Constitution, or Charisma as their ability modifier for Intimidate checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Crae. Bonus Languages: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Kobold.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

They are the ancient people of Devro, nearly extinct. Never a populous race, the Ulath suffered greatly along with the Tulaire; many Ulath found employment as advisors to the Empire because of their great years, and were present when war came to claim the Tulaire. Now, their numbers dwindling, it is only a matter of time before the eldest of the Elder Races dies out completely.

Personality: Of the Ulath alive today, most are at least 300 years old. Many Ulath remain hidden away from the rest of the world, maintaining their vast stores of lost lore, and just trying to survive a few years longer as they try to find someone who is worthy of receiving the knowledge they have hoarded. The youngest Ulath make some of the most ferocious treasure and lore hunters in Devro today.

Physical Description: Ulath stand at least six and a half feet tall, and many are well over 7 foot tall. Even though they are incredibly tall, they are also very thin, usually between 240 and 300 pounds. Their facial features are very hawkish, sharper than even the Faenari. Their eyes are dark in color and very large, and their skin is often very pale. Their hair color is usually very startling, with bluish and violet hues common. Ulath often wear long, flowing clothing that match the terrain; thicker clothes in the north, thinner robes in the south.

Relations: Many people accept and welcome the Ulath wherever they appear; their numbers make these appearances rare, but most know that if the Ulath feel it necessary to appear, then something important is about to happen. As the Ulath have never held any territory of their own, and have never been a war-like people, there has never been a reason to dislike them as a whole. Obviously, with their incredible life-span, they have years to master the forbidden secrets of wizardry, which has spawned one or two incredibly evil and immensely powerful Ulath spellcasters; hence, all Ulath displaying arcane prowess are given the respect due a master wizard and the berth due a rampaging lator.

Government: The Ulath have no lands, and have no overarching assembly to speak for their race. They are generally beholden to whatever laws are prevalent in their homeland.

Religion: The Ulath still hold true to the Dracolaithian gods, the dual aspects of creation and destruction, as handed down by the eldest of the wyrms before time began. This faith is the original foundation of the human Church of the Light, as well. Many Ulath hold their religion as private, yet important -- however, few are willing to discuss the true nature of the Creator with non-Ulaths.

Alignment: The Ulath, as a whole, have been neutral since the beginning of time. Their only instinct is self-preservation and the pursuit of knowledge. They teach any who deserve learning and can pay their fees, and some even serve as even-handed, albeit erratic advisors to the human nations.

Ulath Lands: The Ulath have no lands of their own of which to speak, and never have possessed any territory of their own. Throughout the ages, the Ulath have served as advisors and lore masters to the other races: first the great wyrms, then the Tulaire, and now to whomever they deem worthy.

Languages: The Ulath speak Laith, a high-pitched language spoken at incredibly high speeds; to the untrained, it resembles a series of clicks or squawks. However, the Ulath know of, and many speak, most every other language that does exist or has ever existed on Devro.

  • -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Ulath have tall, lanky, spindly bodies, but what the Ulath lack in physical prowess they more than make up for mentally.
  • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Ulath have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Ulath base speed is 30 feet.
  • Low-light Vision: Ulath can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • +4 Skills Points to the Knowledge Skill of the Ulath’s choice at character creation; henceforth, that skill is always considered a class skill for that Ulath.
  • Ageless: Ulath age visibly until they reach old age, and then cease aging. There is no maximum age for the Ulath. Every 200 years past old age, the Ulath gains a +1 to each social attribute as a bonus for his incredible age. Consult your with your DM before creating Ulath of incredible age, as such increases to mental stats might involve a further increase in level adjustment.
  • Automatic Languages: Laith. Bonus Languages: Any non-secret language.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Still to post --
ECL +0 Races:

ECL +1 Races:

ECL +2 Races:

ECL +3 Races:

ECL +4 Races:
Touched Ophid

ECL +8 Races:
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First Post
New Advanced Classes

Since before fall of the Tularian Empire, the tradition now known as the Jedi Council was primarily a secretive order, with the vast majority of its adherent given over to the Dark Side; only a few scattered true Jedi existed, living mostly in fear of the powerful dark Akadan Society. Now, the Jedi Council is the premier law enforcement agency of the New Callandorian Empire.
The Jedi is not only a police organization – it is a mystical tradition, as well as a religion. Padawan, the initiates in this order, study how to master their emotions to remain in tune with the Force and thus master themselves and their environment. They accomplish this through rigorous physical and mental training, mixing armed combat with mastery of mystic teachings and talents.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to become a regimented, competent swordsman with an array of mystical talents to supplement their prowess.

BAB +2
Diplomacy 4, Intimidate 4, Sense Motive 4, Tumble 4
Feat: Force Sensitive, Archaic Weapon Proficiency

Vitality: d8
Action Points: ½(6 + ½ character level), rounded down.

Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Profession, Sense Motive, Tumble
Skills Points at each level: 6 + Int Modifier

Class Features
Personal Weapon: At the beginning of their training, young Jedi receive a special blade, called a jathi, which is similar in design to a longsword. Jathi are specially treated blades, designed and hand-crafted by Jedi artisans; these blades allow a Jedi to utilize many of this special abilities because they take easily to a trained Jedi and his ministrations in the Force.

Force Training: The Padawan gains a Force feat at 1st, 3rd and 5th level. This bonus feat is selected from the following list: Alter, Control, Sense.
Once one of these Force feats is selected, its associated Force skills become class skills for the character.

Deflect (Defense): See d20 Star Wars for the definition of this power.

Deflect (Attack): See d20 Star Wars for the definition of this power.

Bonus Feat List: At 5th, 8th, and 10th level, the Padawan gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Padawan must meet any prerequisites.
Acrobatic, Alertness, Athletic, Attuned, Aware, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Compassion, Mind Trick, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus (jathi).

Force Precision: As a Padawan gains levels, the amount of damage he can deal with his jathi increases. Each time the Jedi gains Force precision, the weapon’s damage increases by +1d6. So, at 5th level her jathi deals 3d6, and at 10th level it deals 4d6. Jedi PrC that grant Force precision stack with those provided by the Padawan AdC.

Deflect (extend attack and defense): See d20 Star Wars for the definition of this ability.

Defense (Block): See d20 Star Wars for the definition of this ability.

Jedi Knight: See d20 Star Wars for the definition of this ability.

Hidden in shadows, shrouded in myth, there resounds one truth – magic is real. It is a tangible, malleable force, and there are those who devote themselves to understanding its mysteries and furthering its advancement. Stepping out of the fearful masses, Witches and Warlocks move beyond simple rituals and slowly master spells of their own design, forging magic into a formidable tool… and possibly even a deadly weapon. It is not a weapon without risks, though; witches and warlocks constantly push their minds and bodies in search of more powerful incantations, and there is always the peril that an untested spell will go awry.

Witches and Warlocks spend many hours in study and contemplation, researching new means by which to use raw mystical energy, and hunting for rare ingredients for truly powerful rituals. As they progress, even the bonds of time and death can be tested. However, many witches and warlocks maintain passive neutrality, refusing to use their skills to manipulate the natural order of time, life, love, and death, or to effect personal gain; these individuals are known as white witches and warlocks. Opposed to them are those who see magic as the means to any end, who manipulate the unsuspecting masses to further their own selfish goals; these decadent individuals are known as black witches and warlocks.

Even in modern times, these separate mystical traditions wage a secretive battle, but the rules have changed over time. No longer can one spot a practitioner of the Art by the clothes they wear – robes and pointy hats are passé relics. Magic is on the cutting edge, part of fringe culture, and generally is an expensive lifestyle to maintain. To join the coven, one must be able to foot the costs, so generally witches and warlocks are fairly affluent.

Select this advanced class if you want your character to master the arcane arts and become a spellcaster. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Smart hero basic class, though other paths are possible.

From hence, Witch stands for both witch and warlock.
To qualify to become a Witch, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Abilities: Intelligence 15+
Skills: Craft (chemical) 6 ranks, Decipher Script 6 ranks, Knowledge (arcane lore) 6 ranks, Research 6 ranks
Wealth Bonus: +5
Special: Must have attempted at least one ritual of moderate difficulty or greater.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Witch advanced class.

Vitality: d6
Action Points: ½(6 + ½ character level), rounded down.

Class Skills: Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (chemical) (Int), Craft (pharmaceutical) (Int), Craft (writing) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (arcane lore, art, current events, earth and life sciences, physical sciences, popular culture, technology) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int), Speak Language (none), Spellcraft (Int)
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int Modifier

Class Features
Spells: Beginning at 1st level, a witch gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells. To cast a spell, the witch must have an Intelligence score of at least 13 + spell level, as a witch with an Intelligence of 13 or lower cannot cast spells. Saving throws against these spell have a DC of 10 + spell level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.
Every level, a witch selects 3 spells, which are considered workbook spells. These spells are viable, yet incomplete and untested magicks that the witch/warlock can use. Every time a witch uses a workbook spell, they must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to properly cast the spell. Failure by four or less means the spell simply fizzles, and the spell slot is used for the day. Failures of between five and nine indicate a minor mishap. Failures of ten or more indicate major mishap has occurred. When the character attains a new level in the Witch class, the previous level’s workbook spells become standard spells, and three new workbook spells are selected. All of a witch’s spells are maintained in spellbooks.

Ritual Caster Level Bonus: A witch uses her class level as caster level for a ritual instead of the standard level. Hence, trained witches receive greater effects than novices when using rituals.

Ritual Spell Slots: Beginning at 4th level, a witch receives a slot that can be used to prepare the majority of a ritual ahead of time, so that it can be used with a minimum of casting time. Minor rituals prepared in this fashion require one full round to complete, moderate rituals require two full rounds to complete, and major rituals require four full rounds to complete. Great rituals cannot be prepared using a ritual spell slot.
At 8th level, the witch receives a second ritual spell slot.

Eldritch Feat: Beginning at 3rd level, a witch receives a bonus eldritch feat. This feat may be applied to one spell per day. The witch receives another eldritch feat at 6th level, and a third such feat at 9th level. Each of these feats may be applied to one spell once per day, or the same feat can be selected more than once, so that it can be used an additional time per day.

Spell-like and Supernatural Abilities: Beginning at 2nd level, a witch gains access to a minor spell-like ability. This ability must be approved by the GM, and is usually usable only once per day. At 5th level, the witch gains access to a moderate spell-like ability usable once per day, or can increase the number of uses of her minor spell-like ability to three times per day. Again, at 7th level, the witch gains access to a major spell like ability usable once per day, or she can increase her moderate spell-like ability uses to three times per day, or she can increase her minor spell-like ability uses to six times per day. Finally, at 10th level, the witch gains a supernatural ability.

Paladin -- Using the Paladin AdC found here. It was developed by 'mroberon1972' here on the boards, and I take no credit for the creation of this, IMO, marvelous AdC.

Force Adept


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First Post
Open Advanced Classes

Archaic Weaponsmaster
Shadow Slayer
Martial Artist
Field Scientist
Field Medic


First Post
Open Prestige Classes

Mistress/Maester (Archmage)
Force Warrior
Jedi Healer
Jedi Instructor
Jedi Scholar
Jedi Weapon Master
Bounty Hunter
Jedi Investigator
Jedi Master


First Post
Politics in the Callandorian Empire

The following organizations or individuals control the majority of the political power in New Callandor, the captial of the Callandorian Empire.

  • The Lord-Protector of Callandor
  • Parliament
  • The Guild of Mysteries -- Witches and Warlocks
  • The Church of the Light -- Mystics and Paladins
  • The Jedi Council
  • The Chamber of Commerce


First Post
The Nature of the Dark Side

Devro: Windswept Wastes will use the Allegiance system from d20 Modern, with Dark Side Points having some effects on allegiance not previously outlined.

Jedi and Akadans (Dark Jedi) are intimately in tune with the Force, and thus follow all rules from d20 Star Wars and the Dark Side Sourcebook in regards to how Dark Side Points affect their Force skills.

Jedi characters who become Tainted lose any allegiance to Good they possessed, but do not necessarily gain an allegiance to Evil. Characters who fall to the Dark Side immediately lose any allegiance to Good, as well as gain an allegiance to Evil.

Devro: Winswept Wastes also has spellcasters in the form of Mystics, Witches, and Warlocks. Some spells drawn on negative energy, such as the inflict spells, or specifically work towards base or evil ends, such as the cause fear spell, and other enchantments that rob people of their free will.

Spellcasters are also affected by Dark Side Points. Characters who fulfill the requirements for Tainted receive a +1 Caster Level bonus on all spells marked as Dark Magic, but a -2 Caster Level penalty on all spells that are marked as Light Magic. Characters that fall to the Dark Side gain a +2 Caster Level bonus on all spells marked as Dark Magic, but a -3 Caster Level penalty on all spells marked as Light Magic. Spellcasters are also affected by the allegiance altering aspects of the Dark Side.

Non-spellcasting, non-Force using characters can still gain Dark Side Points, but are not mechanically affected by the Dark Side. Actions that garner Dark Side Points tend to be brutal or otherwise 'evil', however, and may garner the individual notoriety, depending on the nature of the action and number of people who know about or discover the action in question.

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