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Defending the Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook

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5 out of 5 rating for Defending the Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook

The UNIT Sourcebook offers players the opportunity to play soldier in a game universe that often derides them. If you are a fan of the Third Doctor's UNIT era or want to add more fighting to your Doctor Who experience, then this sourcebook will be invaluable to you. The books is chock full of information, ranging from a history of UNIT, new talents and gadgets, to a couple of new adventures to use in your game. The layout mimics the look of a military dossier, laying out the information efficiently and orderly. It's not as pretty as the sourcebooks for the individual Doctors, but it has a very polished, professional look. While the game itself makes fighting deadly, this book has an expanded section on combat rules and more firearms for players to choose from. UNIT squarely places the focus off finding non-combative conflict resolution of the main game and gives players more options if they want to stab, shoot, or explode the problems the face. One of the biggest issues with the primary game is that if a group is playing using the Doctor, one PC has a huge advantage over everyone else. I feel as if this book encourages players to go Doctor-less and forge their own path. While stats are provided for the Third Doctor, the rest of the characters provided for are all UNIT characters. The classic characters from the Third Doctor are here along with some of the modern favorites like Martha Jones. There is a sourcebook for the Third Doctor that is highly recommended along with this purchase if you want to recreate adventures from that era.

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