• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Deeper Education


Naveion. A small, largely unliveable binary star system, ignored except by a handful of xenoarcheologists. Naveion's scourged planets are littered with thousands of pre-Republic Jedi artifacts. The currently accepted theory is that the Naveion system was home to a very early Jedi academy, founded before the formation of the Jedi Council and lost many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

What happened to that academy? What force destroyed the 13 planets of the Naveion system and poisioned the Naveion suns? And what unique Jedi teachings were lost forever when the Naveion academy vanished?

The concept: A Star Wars play-by-post set in the pre-Republic era. Each of the players will take on the role of a Jedi professor living, working, and teaching at the ancient Naveion Academy, each responsible for several students, each striving to pass on their own unique style. When Naveion comes under attack, the professors will have to work together to save their students and their work.

The Academy's main buildings are located on Blue, an ocean planet fifth from the sun. The majority of the facilities are located underwater. The Academy also makes use of Sieda, a small moon orbiting Blue, and Masu, a blistering-hot planet second from the sun. The other planets in the system have been catalogued and (lightly) explored, but are considered irrelevant to the Academy's interests (none support any significant life).

As the story opens, the Academy has been around for roughly two hundred years. Some of the older professors ("Codists") believe that the Academy should focus on standarizing its teachings and focus on a rigid core of techniques. They are often at odds with the younger professors ("Experimentalists") who want the Academy to stress a curriculum more focused on a student's unique abilities and talents.

The system: Star Wars d20 (Revised Core Rulebook, published 2002).

The characters: All Jedi characters, each 10th level, with 30 points for attributes. More details on character creation will become available when we move into phase two.

Special Rules: In the pre-council days, the Jedi were much less codified and more willing to experiment with different styles and techniques. To reflect this, each character will have his or her own unique Force skill (players can either create their own new Force powers [subject to the GM's approval] or work with the GM's suggestions).

In addition to their main character, players will each create four or five one-paragraph descriptions of their students. These students will be used as non-player characters to flesh out the population of the academy. (This part of character creation will take place during phase two, so those just submitting concepts don't need to worry about this for the moment).

Other Notes: I'd like to find players who are willing to post at least three to four times per week, and who enjoy a game heavy with mystery and role-playing. For dice rolling, we'll use Invisible Castle--players are free to handle their own rolling. I'll update this post as needed to reflect any updated information.

Interested? Then give me a character concept. On December 8th, I'll pick six of those concepts and we'll move on to phase two: fulling statting out the characters, setting up a rogue's gallery, and preparing for the game. If all goes according to plan, we'll have this game up and running by December 14th.
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Just posting my interest here. I've never made a Jedi PC for d20 Star Wars, so this will be a new experience. It will probably be this weekend before I can get any kind of caharacter concept posted.


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Sylara Musashi

Sylara is the man at arms at the academy. He is responsible for training the many young recruits in the various arts of the jedi martial arts. However, Sylara fancies himself to be more of a diplomat and will always attempt to "talk" his way out of a bad situation before resorting to violence. Unfortunately for all involved Sylara's diplomatic abilities are severely subpar, and he is totally unaware of it. The academy has placed Sylara in the role of man at arms, which has left him feeling rather resentful a lot of the time.

When Sylara uses his force abilities to attempt to assist in his diplomatic negotiations his powers only confuse, muddle, and infuriate the other person that he is using his powers on. However when using the force in combat Sylara is a force to be reckoned with. Sylara cannot fully make use of his combat skills however unless he feels that he has done everything possible from a non-violent standpoint to resolve the issue.


Rhun - No rush, really--those deadlines aren't set in stone. I'm going to play it by ear, gauge the interest levels, and go from there. So take your time.

Bob - I think that's a neat concept, and I'd like to see it fleshed out a bit more. In particular, I'm interested in what Sylara's position is in the Codist/Experimentalist debate. If he's a Codist, perhaps he favors teaching only one sort of weapon or one or two given styles. If he's more of an Experimentalist, perhaps he dabbles in dozens of different weapons, or even weapons that Jedi don't often bother with (such as blasters or other ranged weapons). Also, what's Sylara's motivation? I mean, why does he consider the diplomatic approach so important?


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Tolark Baylinbari

Tolak researches areas that he considers "dangerously concentrated" in either the light side or the dark side of the force. Often leading him into dangerous areas of the worlds he ventures into, he is rarely willing to take anything but the most proven students into the field with him. To this end, Tolak has developed a particular sinsitivity to high concentrations of the extremities of the force. He uses it to guid his way to areas of interest, and alert himself and those closest to him of distant dangers.

Tolark is something of a loner among the Jedi. He doesn't entirely trust either the jedi code, nor the sith, and seeks a third, middle path. He disguises this quest as a search for ancient Sith and Jedi sites of power, and meanwhile tries to teach his students moderation as an important aspect of the Jedi philospophy.

Tolark habitually wears grey robes when teaching at the academy, but favors loose commoners clothing (with an abundance of pockets) when in the field. He is not a master of the Lightsaber, nor an overly powerful user of the force, but does manage to have one of the more encyclopedic minds at the university, and always manages to astonish his students with the broad range of obscurely useless knowledge at his command.

Tolark is surprisingly Codist. When one routinely traverses horrible, death trap filled dungeons, one learns that "winging it" simply will not do. One needs a plan, and one needs to stick to it. Improvisation is only for when things have spiraled too far beyong the standard applications of your code for it to be of any use. While he doesn't agree personally with many of the existing codes, he recognizes their value as learning and enlightenment tools. Thus he seeks to create his own.
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Jodan Korlaac

Jodan is a human male in his late 20's, and has been at the academy for as long as he can remember. He has no memory of his parents, or even where he came from originally. All he has ever known is the academy. He had an affinity for fighting, and he got himself into trouble often. His quick wit got him out of more serious punishments more times than he wishes to count.
Jodan fell in love with the double-bladed lightsaber ever since he saw one in a picture from an ancient text. His instructors dissaproved of this, but Jodan practiced in his free time to master this difficult weapon. He excelled in his other studies, hoping to one day leave the academy and explore the galaxy. His hope is to find out where he came from, and why he ended up at the academy. No one there seems to want to talk about it.
Jodan has fallen behind the Experimentalists as he has aged, as he feels that each Jedi should have a say in his or her path. He respects the Codists for their discipline, but a Jedi can achieve his or her potential if they can focus more on the skills that they exceell at.

Drowned Hero

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Xual Qert - Jedi

Im stating my interest.

Xual is the quiet type that does blend into the crowd. He dont like to be picked on, he dont like bragging or laughing, he dont like the show off's and he dont like to express his feelings, he retains those feelings to express his powers instead.

Xual had a caotic meet with his powers. At his home planet there where myths about Jedis but no one had actually seen one as their planet was far from any known system of the universe.
He did what others did as a child, playing around and running away from the thugs, who was the older boys and girls of his community. One day he was caught my 3 elder boys and was abused verbally and physically, just one of them survived as Xual when into a state of rage as he has never been able to match again and killed them with his pure force. He fled the planet in fear making it to sneak up on a trading vessel.

He was discovered by a master Jedi when he still was quiet young. He was taken to the Naveion Academy ans started his training as any of the students there. He someday become a teacher himself.

To be one of his sutdents you had to be disciplined, silent, concentrated and have a huge amount of patient and focus.


I want Xual to have some kind of frenzy thing. He would be the sometime crazy but disciplined fighter amongst his pairs. I must think more about what i want him to be.
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Master Tyren

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Master Malon Tyren

Master Goshen Nii was an expert with a lightsaber and passed his skills onto Malon Tyren. After years of training and application Master Tyren is now ready to pass on his knowledge at the Naveion Academy.

Tyren spent many hours watching Sylara drill every new student and hand picked the ones he thought would have the best chance at mastering the very style specific skills that he has to pass on. Master Tyren is very much an Experimentalist, though he believes in teaching the basic traditions, he spends no more time with them than he must.

Because Tryen does not feel that his art is for just anyone, he takes his students off the standard areas of the academy. This not only helps his teachings stay more secretive, it also keeps him and his students out of the spotlight of administrators. Tyren does not believe that he, or his students, are better in any way, he simply doesn't believe that everyone is suited to what he has to teach. He simply would rather not distract others, or have his students distracted. As a result of this, Tyren's students are not very social with many other groups of students; they tend to keep each other as company during thier free time.

Tyren is a human man, with average height and build and keeps his brown hair tied back in a tight knot. He is not particularly muscular, but is very graceful. Though he is quiet, he is easy to approach and to get along with. As a teacher he is stern, direct, and commands respect; which, once recieved, is returned. Tyren's specialty weapon is his lightsaber, though he has mastered many other weapons as well. His lightsaber color is silver.

OOG - Master Malon Tyren is a Jedi Guardian 5 and a Jedi Weapon Master 5
I've completed his character sheet, but I can easily make adjustments, should it be needed. This will be my first play by post, but it seems very fun and intresting to me. If I start acting like a n00b just lemme know, I'll try to shape up, hehe.


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Tersh Nebuar: Echani Weapon Master.

Tersh Nebuar is a young Echani man in his mid-twenties. He came to the academy at the age of four, brought to the academy by his frearful mother. She was afraid of what her militant husband might do to her force-sensitive son, and had fled the planet. Unfortunately, she had been rather poor, and was unable to buy enough food for the both of them after paying the rather extensive sum to book passage on a freight liner. She gave most of her food to her son, leaving mere scraps for her. She died shortly after giving her son to the Jedi.

Tersh Nebuar grew quickly in the Jedi arts. He did well in his teachings of the force, but where he really excelled was in the art of combat. He was always faster and stronger than most of the other students, and, despite the fact he rarely used any of the training sabers, preferring to rely on his martial arts, he easily defeated his fellow students.

He graduated from the academy a full year before the rest of his class mates, and quickly went out into the world on the most dangerous missions he could take. All the while he had his eye on the man-at-arms position. An experimentalist at heart, Tersh found the general reliance on lightsabers rather annoying. "There are times when you don't have a lightsaber in your hands." He would often say. He even went so far as leaving his lightsaber with the council, stating "I don't need it! give it to one of the other students!"

When he returned to the council, ready to sign on as a teacher, he was mortified to find the position of Man-At-Arms already taken by Sylar, a fellow student he had beaten in combat several times as a youth! Due to his competency, and intense love of history, he was positioned as a teacher of Galactic History.

Tersh has developed almost a hatred for Sylar, though he keeps himself civil around Sylar and his students. What if the council found out their star-pupil-turned-teacher suffered form dark thoughts? It wouldn't end well for Tersh.

Despite not being able to teach the younger students how to defend themselves without the vaunted lightsabers, Tersh has elected to teach several promising students the art of martial arts.

Tersh has mastered a rare force tecnique somewhat akin to Burst of Speed. However, instead of accelerrating movement speed, it allows the user to fight much more quickly. (In essence, a Haste Effect)

*Note: Tersh is a Jedi Guardian/Force Warrior.
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First Post
I think I'm going to bow out of this one...it looks like you have plenty of interest in your game as it is. Thanks!

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